View Full Version : Ideal feats for an EK?

2018-12-18, 07:14 PM
I have a level 3 EK right now and I was considering taking a feat at 4th instead of doing ability points. What would be the best feats beside war caster? I was trying to find a feat similar to diehard from 3.5 or something that helps stop my guy from dropping past 1 hp from a killing blow. I''m free to use any books and feats from D&D beyond.


2018-12-18, 08:23 PM
There are some race-specific feats. What is your character?

In terms of making it harder to die, Tough is classic. Instead of increasing your con ASI, you get +2 hp for every level. So double the hp one ASI would give you at the cost of no +1 to your con mod.

Alert is good for pre-emptive. You can't be surprised if you're awake, people hiding don't get advantage on their attacks on you, and you get +5 to initiative to try and deal the first blow.

Lucky gives you room to re-roll bad saves or checks that should leave you on the floor. Death saves included, I believe.

Heavy Armor Master can help you tank a lot of non-magical weapon attacks. This one is stronger at earlier levels, so if you know the campaign is going very high level, it's something to keep in mind. -3 damage means more when you've got 40 hp than when you've got 140 and more magical claws are slashing at you.

Those are all less EK-specific and more "harder to kill" recommendations. War Caster definitely still deserves to be on the list due to letting you use a shield and weapon while casting about. And for the fun of magically smacking those who would flee your presence.

2018-12-18, 08:49 PM
If sword and shield or two weapon fighting, warcaster.

If archer or using a two hander:

Resilient wisdom at some point
Tough is basic and dull but gets the job done.
Personally I have never cared for heavy armor master I like my feats either constantly working or under my control, not just if the dm decides to hit you with something that it works on.

Depends on your race but some of them are very nice.

Revenant blade and a double scimitar is so crazy good I don’t know how it got through playtest. Even if you are not a finesse build it is still just as amazing.

Just an orc in general is amazing.

If you are melee mobile can be nice but I would prioritize stats first.