View Full Version : Ways of bypassing SR/Magic Immunity

2018-12-20, 01:26 AM
Trying to find all things useful for bypassing SR/Magic immunity with spells that are SR yes. Any contribution helps.

These are all I could find:
-Spell penetration line of feats
-True casting
-Assay Spell Resistance
-Supernatural Spell from Dweomerkeeper
-Boosting CL in general
-Soul in a receptacle (Optional material component from BoVD)

Any more that anyone can think of? Something that is just a straight up “No” like Supernatural Spell would be ideal but anything works. Thanks in advance.

2018-12-20, 01:55 AM
Innate spell-like abilities can be turned into SR-NO!!! via Supernatural Transformation. Unless it's psionics, in which case people have conniptions.

2018-12-20, 02:42 AM
Spell Vulnerability lowers the target's SR by 1/CL(minimum 0). Does that count?

2018-12-20, 02:49 AM
Factotum 11 can overcome any spell resistance, which is another reason it's amazing in Gestalt

Cunning Breach (Su): Starting at 11th level, your broad knowledge allows you to study an opponent and gain a brief flash of insight to breach her defenses. By spending 2 inspiration points as a free action, you can ignore a single target’s spell resistance and damage reduction for 1 round. The target automatically fails any spell resistance check that she attempts to avoid your spell.

May also overcome a golem's magic immunity which notes to treat it as infinitely high SR.

2018-12-20, 03:13 AM
For the sake of completion, Spellthief has Steal Spell Resistance at level 15. Unless you are making a dedicated Spellthief, that ability would be unlikely to come up.

2018-12-20, 03:24 AM
The Shattermantle weapon enhancement from City of Splendors: Waterdeep is a +1 ability that reduces the target's SR by 2 when struck by the weapon for one round, and it stacks if you manage to land multiple hits.

Illithid Slayers get Breach Power Resistance at 8th level. While you're psionically focused, "each successful melee attack (or ranged attack if the target is within 30 feet) she makes with her weapon against a creature with power resistance temporarily reduces its power resistance by 1" for 12 hours.

2018-12-20, 04:57 AM
Beguilers can ignore the SR of flat footed foes at I think 20th level

2018-12-20, 05:01 AM
Certain spells that are SR: Yes can be used in some situations indirectly against magic-immune foes.

Like, for instance, using dominate person on an orc fighter to attack a golem. Or using silence on a copper piece and gluing it to that same golem instead of casting it on the thing directly.

2018-12-20, 05:13 AM
Certain spells that are SR: Yes can be used in some situations indirectly against magic-immune foes.

Like, for instance, using dominate person on an orc fighter to attack a golem. Or using silence on a copper piece and gluing it to that same golem instead of casting it on the thing directly.

...And what benefit is there to Silencing a golem?

2018-12-20, 05:17 AM
...And what benefit is there to Silencing a golem?Does it have sonic attacks? Silence it so it can't use them. Does it have a weakness or a benefit to sonic attacks? Silence it so it isn't exposed to them.

A silenced golem also can't hear verbal commands to change its tactics. Say the creator left a minion in charge of his robot army. Said minion can't exactly control them if he can't communicate with them.

It also makes "allied" golems much sneakier.

2018-12-20, 06:49 AM
The Shattermantle weapon enhancement from City of Splendors: Waterdeep is a +1 ability that reduces the target's SR by 2 when struck by the weapon for one round, and it stacks if you manage to land multiple hits.Even better, it's also printed in MIC so its usage isn't normally settings specific and it might get acceptance from stingy DMs.

2018-12-20, 10:39 AM
Tactics and Tips - Spell Resistance (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/tt/20050711a):
SR? What SR?: Sometimes the best way to overcome spell resistance is to ignore it. A number of useful spells bypass spell resistance entirely, and many "Spell Resistance: No" spells are useful even against creatures that don't have SR. In general, conjuration spells typically bypass spell resistance. Damaging spells such as Melf's acid arrow, and the various energy orb spells (orb of acid, orb of fire, and so on) from Complete Arcane, are perfect choices for baseline offense. Additionally, many crowd-control spells, such as grease, stinking cloud, Evard's black tentacles, and solid fog, also bypass SR. Complete Arcane helps boost the number of anti-SR spells, with a number of conjurations such as bands of steel, an immobilizing spell that is much like a hold person that uses a Reflex save instead of a Will save, and arc of lightning, which a clever druid or wizard could use to greater effect than the higher-level and resistible chainlighting. Many of these spells are ideal choices for a sorcerer, granting more utility in more situations for each spell. Psionic characters can turn to metacreativity powers, such as crystal shard or energy wall.

Say Hello to My Little Friend. In addition to the crowd-control and offensive options for overcoming SR, don't overlook the power of a summoned creature (again, a strength of the conjuration school). Druids are especially useful in this regard, since you can swap any of a druid's prepared spells for a spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spell. There's nothing like having something else do your dirty work for you.

Or Maybe My Slightly Larger Friend: Speaking of using pawns -- you could also try using your own party members. If the +2 bonus on attacks and damage from a bull's strength spell on the party's fighter results in even just one or two more successful hits, combined with the bonus damage it deals on hits that would have been successful anyway, then the spell easily can deal as much damage as a Melf's acid arrow. Likewise, the extra attacks your party might get from a haste spell can quickly outstrip what damage you may have dealt with a fireball. The key is that the target of the magic isn't the spell resistant creature, but instead the damage from the spell is dealt indirectly.

2018-12-20, 08:53 PM
Even better, it's also printed in MIC so its usage isn't normally settings specific and it might get acceptance from stingy DMs.

To be fair, I've had a DM who refused to allow changelings because they were an eberron thing, even though they were published in mm3.

2018-12-20, 09:15 PM
To be fair, I've had a DM who refused to allow changelings because they were an eberron thing, even though they were published in mm3.

There doesn't seem anything about Shattermantle that's really setting-specific, though. It'd probably be easier to convince a DM to use that than getting a Changeling allowed, especially since the latter requires the DM to make room for them in his campaign setting and Shattermantle... doesn't really.