View Full Version : Mount & rider at low level

2018-12-20, 03:30 AM
I have a concept in my head for a warg (base creature: 4hd) paired with a goblin rider (probably scout/rogue/ranger type) of similar or lower level. It looks like the game for this might go E6. How can this be done RAW or mostly within RAW?
I know that Wargs are Magical Beasts & not Animals, but that's pretty easy to overcome as there are other animal companion/familiars that aren't strictly Animals.

Leadership is probably not going to be accessible.
I don't mind spending a couple of feats. I'm going to end up with two sets of actions per round (although the goblin's move action is probably "hold on," depending on how their personalities develop), so a feat tax is probably in order.

So far route #1 looks best to me.

Animal Companion route 1
Wild Cohort gets an animal companion, but at -3 druid level. Natural Bond adds +3 back, allowing me to pick off the 4th-level Druid list at 4th level. That includes mostly 3HD animals in core, although it does include the mis-assigned Fleshraker. A Warg is probably within the acceptable power level.
Result: At 4th level, we have a 4HD Goblin and a 4HD warg who gets no Animal COmpanion benefits (due to the -3 EDL malus for being an advanced companion). At 6th level, we have a 6HD goblin and a 6HD Warg who gets +2 NA/+1str/+1 Dex and Evasion.

Familiar route
Take Obtain Familiar somehow (DM Waiver due to no arcane caster level?)
Familiars have 1/2 the master's HD and HP for most purposes.
Get a Goblin familiar for the warg, and forget about the goblin ever getting class features like Sneak Attack, Rapid Shot, etc.
Resut: 4HD Warg, 2HD goblin with no class features ever.

Animal Companion route 2
Assume we start at 4th level. The Warg takes Wild Cohort and Natural Bond, and now counts as a 4th level druid for animal companion purposes.
He gets a Goblin animal companion, which has the base 1HD (racial) +2HD (racial), +2 NA, +1 str/dex, Evasion, and some spellcasting sharing that won't be used. Ask the DM for the ability to trade in the "bonus tricks" (unused) and "share spells" (unused) for those HD coming from class levels instead.
Result: 4HD Warg, 3HD goblin with class features. At 6th level, the Goblin will have 5HD, plus bonuses to NA, STR, and Dex. This might be a bit too powerful, although the Warg will only have one feat not devoted to this.

The other route
Buy a Warg with starting gold. Pay weekly upkeep.


2018-12-20, 05:20 AM
I don't know what that silliness with the goblin familiar is about, but worgs are available as Improved Familiars if you have +3 BAB. Alternatively, the Beast Heart Adept prestige class could get you a worg companion at ECL 6.

2018-12-20, 08:11 AM
Dragon magazine #326 have WoW-themed article with Monstrous Animal Companion feat, which allow Worg from the 4th level; required Savage Empathy feat (which required Wild Empathy CF)

Arms and Equipment Guide gives prices for Worg:
Young Price: 1,000 gp; Training Cost: 1,500 gp.

Neogi slave rules:
Cost = (CR, minimum 1)2 × 100 gp
Unusual or marketable qualities in a slave, such as great strength, great beauty, valuable skill, or exotic origin, can multiply the price by two, three, or four.

Overall, it should be doable - Snig, after all, is a Worg Rider while being Fighter 6 (and Worg is listed among his possessions):


2018-12-20, 08:58 AM
I don't know what that silliness with the goblin familiar is about, but worgs are available as Improved Familiars if you have +3 BAB.
I'm not sure whether the goblin or the warg is going to be the main character.
I am not seeing the warg on the list:

2018-12-20, 10:39 AM
Worg Improved Familiar appears in Complete Warrior. Also, the Extra Familiar feat has no prerequisites so you can snag a familiar that way. AFB at the moment so can’t recall if it scales properly, but it was in the same Dragon Magazine as Construct Familiar, Undead Familiar, and Token Familiar feats as well as the Familiar Form Spell if that helps in searching for it.

2018-12-20, 01:06 PM
Yep, I am not going to link it here but you can search on d&d tools at improved familiar for the entire list of all possible choices from every 3.0&3.5 source. If you are going that route hexblade might be a good class choice. Either going straight up or grabbing dark companion then two feat tax to get your worg familiar.

Oddly it might be cheaper for the Worg to buy a goblin looking at ShurikVch's info...

2018-12-20, 02:28 PM
Urban Companion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) ACF and Improved Familiar?

Bit of argument there, both whether you can take Improved Familiar at all, and whether you meet the "CL3" requirement for the Worg, but I'd let it slide at my table. It's surely not overpowered at all.

2018-12-21, 01:55 PM
If you're gonna go with A Goblin Worg rider, a good magic item to have will be the Fingerbone Necklace in Savage Species.

"A goblin wearing this necklace gains a +2 competence bonus on Handle Animal and Ride (worg) checks, if the goblin does not have the Mounted Combat feat, it may fight as if it does while wearing the fingerbone necklace."

Also, Wild Cohort is specifically not an Animal Companion. It works differently than Animal Companions and scales slower. It mentions a few times in the feat description the few ways they are similar. The feat specifically calls them out as being different. This means that feats and features that affect animal companions will not affect your animal cohort. Your effective Druid level has nothing to do with your animal cohort, it's based entirely on your Character Level.

With the said, it's fine to base your Worg around Wild Cohort and treat it like an animal companion for certain feats/abilities. But every bit of it will be Homebrew, and will need direct DM permission.
If you want it to be at all rules legal, your best bet is as an Improved Familiar, or using Beast Heart Adept.

Worgs are Intelligent creatures. They think and reason and have their own plans. They often speak Common and Goblin, as well as their own language. If you are to treat like an animal, it will turn on you quick.

2018-12-21, 05:05 PM
I read your post, but I'm still going to say:

Goblin Scout 6, leadership (worg)
get your DM to ignore the scout errata so you can make full attack rapid-shot mounted archery skirmish attacks
you don't need handle animal to get it to do anything, as it's just another person who ought to get their own turns