View Full Version : Grant other tool proficiencies for multiclass just like backgrounds?

Dark Schneider
2018-12-21, 01:46 PM
The question is simple, if a character already have a tool proficiency, like thieves' tools, and gets a Rogue level, do you see appropriate to let him to get another related, or the most possible related, tool? Something just like with backgrounds for repeated ones.

An example, a character trains thieves' tools, and get one Rogue level, allow him to get other tools proficiency like disguise or falsification.

A character is a Rogue, and gets disguise tools by background, then gets Assasin archetype, do you allow him to get something like falsification tools instead?

There are others than can overlap, like weapons and armors, but OK it is not the same, you can't just say "hey you already have light armor, get another FEAT", as those can only be acquired by class or feat, in this case you already have it and it's OK. But tools by training.

2018-12-21, 01:53 PM
As I DM I'd typically let a player retrain in a valid skill or tool at level up if they really wanted to. It's not going to break anything...

2018-12-21, 01:54 PM
The question is simple, if a character already have a tool proficiency, like thieves' tools, and gets a Rogue level, do you see appropriate to let him to get another related, or the most possible related, tool? Something just like with backgrounds for repeated ones.

An example, a character trains thieves' tools, and get one Rogue level, allow him to get other tools proficiency like disguise or falsification.

A character is a Rogue, and gets disguise tools by background, then gets Assasin archetype, do you allow him to get something like falsification tools instead?

There are others than can overlap, like weapons and armors, but OK it is not the same, you can't just say "hey you already have light armor, get another FEAT", as those can only be acquired by class or feat, in this case you already have it and it's OK. But tools by training.

I think an easier fix, and one that fits within the valid rules, is just modifying the Criminal background to suit your needs. The PHB has official rules (that are Adventure League legal) which allow you to customize your background. You can keep all of it the same except swap out Thieves' Tools for another language/tool proficiency (Forgery Kit, for instance).

If there was some kind of odd overlap, I'd just let you swap one of your choices for another valid choice. If both features providing you the skill don't have any other valid options, then I'd allow you to pick another skill that used the same default attribute.

Dark Schneider
2018-12-21, 02:19 PM
So allow flexibility is usually a good choice. I was thinking even more, if you are a Bard, and get 1 level of Rogue, use the Expertise for another tool, like musical instrument, instead thieves' tools.

I also think that allowing those things does not break anything and let the players to choice more freely instead always planning at long term what he is going to get from class. If someone wants to be Assasin, but get disguise tools at lvl 1 (by background), why not?, get disguise at lvl 1 and the other one at level 3, instead the forced way of strict classes "as is".

2018-12-21, 10:59 PM
I don't allow an alternate choice except at character creation with Backgrounds (only). The game rules specify when to make such an exception, and this is the only place I've found it.

Dark Schneider
2018-12-22, 02:51 AM
I don't allow an alternate choice except at character creation with Backgrounds (only). The game rules specify when to make such an exception, and this is the only place I've found it.
Yes that are the text rules. But can be some annoying for players to be always planing about skills, classes, backgrounds...

1) Starts with Ranger, trains disguise tools, and get Rogue at lvl 6.
2) Starts with Ranger, trains thieves' tools, and get Rogue at lvl 6.

2 has less having done the same. Getting a class level it is supposed to come from training, you improve your skills, so if you already had thieves' tools when you started with your Rogue learning, you could had focus on learning some other tool in the same time. As long as tools are adquired by training.

Weapons and armors are different, as are considered more like your martial ability, because that can't be acquired by normal ways. So if your martial ability is already equal or better than what that class grants, then is over.

For skills, in this case is rare already having all the skills from the list, but if it was the case, well you could also allow to get another one, as extra skills can only be acquired by feats, so you could not have all the ones from the class list in another way, wasting part of the feat could be annoying too.

This would be mainly to avoid players the need to plan their characters all the 20 levels from the start, and simply they advance their characters just like they see appropriate at the moment, instead at a specific and closed order.

2018-12-22, 09:51 AM
Yes that are the text rules. But can be some annoying for players to be always planing about skills, classes, backgrounds...

1) Starts with Ranger, trains disguise tools, and get Rogue at lvl 6.
2) Starts with Ranger, trains thieves' tools, and get Rogue at lvl 6.

2 has less having done the same. Getting a class level it is supposed to come from training, you improve your skills, so if you already had thieves' tools when you started with your Rogue learning, you could had focus on learning some other tool in the same time. As long as tools are adquired by training.

Weapons and armors are different, as are considered more like your martial ability, because that can't be acquired by normal ways. So if your martial ability is already equal or better than what that class grants, then is over.

For skills, in this case is rare already having all the skills from the list, but if it was the case, well you could also allow to get another one, as extra skills can only be acquired by feats, so you could not have all the ones from the class list in another way, wasting part of the feat could be annoying too.

This would be mainly to avoid players the need to plan their characters all the 20 levels from the start, and simply they advance their characters just like they see appropriate at the moment, instead at a specific and closed order.

Unlike skills, armor, and (rarely) weapons, I've never seen anyone stress at "planning their build" around a tool proficiency (or a language, for that matter), so I think it's rather irrelevant.

Dark Schneider
2018-12-22, 10:05 AM
Maybe that could be on campaings with low role-playing or utility (using tools for jobs, etc.), but we usually play with a good deal of role-playing and in a more sandboxed environment behavior. In our games the tools can be even important.
It is true that on rules itself is written like that.