View Full Version : We Be Heistin’: The Bear’s WDH Game [IC]

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The Big Bear
2018-12-21, 06:21 PM
Link to OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576791-We-Be-Heistin%92-The-Bear%92s-WDH-Game-OOC)

It is autumn in Waterdeep, the City of Splendors. Cold, howling sea winds blow in the streets. Wagonloads of food arrive from outlying farms throughout the season as the city prepares for the coming winter.

It is a crowded night inside the Yawning Portal, as hearths roar and tankards are drained by those seeking respite from the cold. The sounds of gamblers yelling and drunken crowds singing drown out the off-key strumming of a young bard. The owner and proprietor, Durnan, cracks a slight smile from behind the bar as he serves food and ale to the citizens and would-be adventurers that fill the establishment.

The ground floor is taken up by the titular Yawning Portal, a 40 foot wide open well that descends into the first level of Undermountain, the sprawling dungeon under Waterdeep. A rope and pulley mechanism used to lower adventurers into the well hangs above.

Some of the stools that are scattered around the bar at the back are empty, inviting tired Waterdavians to sit and relax with an ale. The crowd roaring on the far left is currently singing “The Ballad of the Maid Bilberry,” and are reaching the good part. A crowd gathers by the hearth on the right to intently listen to the story of a well-kept looking minstrel and gamblers gather around the tables on the second floor, shouting their bets to the nearest bookie. It is certainly a busy night at the Yawning Portal.

What do you do?

Introduce your characters as they walk into the tavern. Describe what they look like and what they’re doing.

2018-12-21, 06:53 PM
Dengar enters the establishment and Mosley’s to the bar, his armor making small clacks as he moves. He stood 6’2” weighing in just over 200 lbs. with chain mail armor and his Greatsword strapped to his back. He Keeps his hair short for combat purposes since he does not wear a helmet.
He takes a seat at the bar orders a drink.
“Barkeep... have you got any of that rum with the captain fellow on it? Rocks, please. Thank you.”
He turns around on the stool, leaning back on the bar and listens to what he can hear of the story being told nearby. Sips his drink as scans the crowd keeping an eye out.
”Can’t be too vigilant”

The Big Bear
2018-12-21, 07:13 PM
Durnan looks over to the new arrival. “Aye” he says as he pulls a bottle from under the counter and readies the drink. He slides it down the bar to Dengar’s spot and says “6 copper, sir.”

Dengar attempts to listen in on the minstrel’s story. He can see the man’s exxagerated gestures but can’t make out any of the tale due to the distance and crowd noise in the tavern.

As he scans the room Dengar sees a few figures that catch his eye. A tall half-orc woman is arm-wrestling a surly dwarf near the entrance to the establishment. A woman in what appears to be priestly garb is standing next to the winch that lowers the rope into the Yawning Portal and talking to a man wearing a green cloak over plate mail. A bard farther up the bar appears to be tuning a lute with three strings while at times making conversation with Durnan. Seems like a normal night at the Yawning Portal.

2018-12-21, 07:32 PM
Squig’s second try at the large tavern door was successful. Next time she would scoot in behind someone else. You’re not in Gwendylheim anymore, she thought.

Squig is very small but sturdy with a quick gate which seems more like a skip than a walk. Her brilliant blue traveling cape billowed behind her as she entered the room, revealing pale skin with a shimmery roughness. Her hair and eyes are piercing silver. She wears brown traveling boots, brown gloves, and a leather belt holding several secured pouches and two daggers.

Her eyes met an ocean of stools. She turned right and headed toward what she assumed to be the back of the room. She listened as she moved quietly. One man was shouting, “my money’s on the woman!” Another was chanting “Take the plunge!” - whatever that meant. She was in the right place.

As she jumped up onto an empty stool in the back, she looked left to see one of the largest men she’d ever seen in her life! Could he be a giant? Don’t stare; it’s rude. Try to act normally.

”Mr. Barkeep, I’ll have some water please.”

2018-12-21, 08:07 PM
Dengar has been too busy scanning the corners that he barely notices the movement next to him.
What the hell? with some surprise trying not to betray his control. He peeks left trying not to be too obvious.
!?$#& snuck up on me. Who is this? What is ? Looks like a short, uh, halfling? I dunno. Try not to make fool of yourself, Dengar
”Kinda short for a Halfling, eh? idiot

The Big Bear
2018-12-21, 10:21 PM
Durnan looks at the newly seated gnome and sets a water in front of her with a nod before moving back down toward the other end of the bar.

2018-12-22, 12:21 AM
Hans swings open the tavern door gleefully, no idea just how far off he was from home or his destination. After over a week of traveling in strange wilderness, he's relieved to find himself in a city, surrounded by shops and civilians once again. He stands tall and firm like a statue in the doorway, donning his heavy chain mail. His blonde flat top was becoming uneven after weeks of neglect, and a full beard was forming around his square jawline. He takes off his leather gloves and stuffs them inside his belt.

Longsword and shield sheathed, Hans scans the room for a worker of sorts, somebody who could point him toward the destination of his mission, not realizing the unlikelihood that any person in Waterdeep knew of the small, far-off town of Wind Cliff. He spots an open seat near a bartender and a bard preparing for his set towards the back and swiftly takes stride. Noticing a gleeful-looking gnome and a tall, brooding man as he approaches, he chooses his seat next to the gleeful-looking gnome. He gives a quick nod to Squig.

"Good day miss!" He turns to Durnan. "One ale please, my friend!"

The Big Bear
2018-12-22, 07:51 AM
“Aye, 6 copper for a mug of Shadowdark” Durnan responds as he fills a mug behind the bar and places it in front of Hans.

Everyone sees what was described to Dengar earlier when he entered.

2018-12-22, 01:55 PM
"Thank you sir!" Hans hands Durnan six pieces for the drink and one for him. "Do you know the village of Wind Cliff? I'm on my way there with a message. I've been traveling fortnights, I must be close now."

The Big Bear
2018-12-22, 03:44 PM
"Thank you sir!" Hans hands Durnan six pieces for the drink and one for him. "Do you know the village of Wind Cliff? I'm on my way there with a message. I've been traveling fortnights, I must be close now."

“Hmmm...Wind Cliff you say?” Durnan replies to Hans. “Now, I’ve been all around, and I don’t recall a place called Windcliff...perhaps the Surveyors’, Map-, and Chart-makers’ Guild could help you find it. Good luck to you.”

2018-12-22, 07:36 PM
"My thanks, sir."

Why can't I find one person who knows their way around outside the city? And this 'Waterdeep' is a large place, how have I never heard of it before? This is getting irritating, I'll come back to this later.

Hans observes the man in the green cloak being lowered in amusement. He turns and looks down at the miniature gnome to his side.

"Perhaps you could lower me in?" Hans playfully elbows her in the shoulder, possibly a little hard for someone so small.

2018-12-23, 09:50 AM
Carric opens the door to the tavern and tries to enter without drawing attention to himself. His plan does not go smoothly as he sits down on a stool and confidently asked Durnan ”One please, beer! With shame Carric drank his beer quietly and avoided eye contact with everyone in the tavern

The Big Bear
2018-12-23, 10:01 AM
Carric opens the door to the tavern and tries to enter without drawing attention to himself. His plan does not go smoothly as he sits down on a stool and confidently asked Durnan ”One please, beer! With shame Carric drank his beer quietly and avoided eye contact with everyone in the tavern

“Aye... that’s 6 copper sir.” Durnan replies, seeming somewhat confused by this one. He sets a mug of Shadowdark ale in front of Carric. It wasn’t unusual to receive a strangely worded request, but the patron was usually drunk at this point and this elf seemed sober.

"Perhaps you could lower me in?" Hans playfully elbows her in the shoulder, possibly a little hard for someone so small.

Durnan hears this, and before Squig can reply to Hans’ request he says to you “that isn’t a good idea...” with a smirk on his face.

2018-12-23, 11:03 AM
Squig beamed at the large man to her left. ”Actually, I’m a gnome!” She could have said more, but the sound of the water mug on the bar stole her attention. She grabbed it by two hands and drank. It was so refreshing after her journey.

Through the side of the mug she noticed another large man kindly nod, “Good day, miss!” He seems nice. And also giant. And his hairstyle is so cool!

She put the mug down as the man asked if she’d lower him in. He threw an elbo hard into her side, shifting her a bit. She shrugged it off and narrowed her eyes.

”Where does it go?”

The Big Bear
2018-12-23, 11:24 AM
She put the mug down as the man asked if she’d lower him in. He threw an elbo hard into her side, shifting her a bit. She shrugged it off and narrowed her eyes.

”Where does it go?”

Durnan let’s out a chuckle as he hears the exchange behind him. She might have a strange shimmer about her, but what fool couldn’t tell that was a gnome? He finishes filling a mug and slides it down the bar to another patron before turning his eyes on the gnome, a serious, stern look on his face.

“The Yawning Portal goes down to the first level of Undermountain, a giant labyrinth that runs under Waterdeep. Made my fortune journeying down there and bringing back wonders, trinkets, and treasures. That was before I retired and built this tavern. But don’t fool around, it’s likely too much for you to handle, you’ll get yourself killed. If that doesn’t convince you...it’s a gold to be lowered and another to be pulled back up.”

He looks at all of the new arrivals at the bar. “Anything to eat with your drinks? A dish of quipper and chips, perhaps?”

2018-12-23, 10:44 PM
Good job😅
”I’m sorry,” as Dengar looks down at Squig, ”Smallest folk I’ve ever seen was Halfling. My home doesn’t have any Gnomes. I, uh, didn’t know, and I haven’t eaten much before this drink.”
Dengar looks over at the barkeep
”I’ll take up that offer, sir.”
Returning his gaze to Squig ”I’m Dengar, what’s your name?”

2018-12-24, 11:27 AM
After hearing all that, Squig knew she didn’t want to go down that hole. “No way I’m going in there! she exclaimed to the barkeep. Also, I would LOVE some quipper and chips!”

She turned as Dengar spoke. ”That’s okay - there aren’t many as tall as you in my town either.” Squig then squared her shoulders and proudly stated, ”My name is Squigwiggle Quigglethwip! Most call me Squig. I am from Gwendylheim. It’s nice to meet you Dengar.” She beamed a smile, her piercing eyes flashing a bit.

She turned and asked the man with the cool hair, “What’s your name?”

The Big Bear
2018-12-24, 11:53 AM
Dengar looks over at the barkeep
”I’ll take up that offer, sir.”

“No way I’m going in there!” she exclaimed to the barkeep. ”Also, I would LOVE some quipper and chips!”

Durnan looks to the gnome and nods. “Good, maybe someday you’ll be ready. I’ll put your orders in.” He then turns behind the bar and rings a bell on the wall twice.

A few minutes later a woman comes through a door on one side of the back of the bar with two trays and sets them down in front of you. “Here you go, enjoy!” She says before turning away and going back to the kitchen. Before she leaves, Durnan says to her “Thanks Bonnie.” On the trays are a few pieces of fried quipper and some fried potatoes, steam still rising from the food. Durnan says to you “That’ll be three silver each.”

2018-12-24, 12:04 PM
Squig fumbled inside her cape, pulled out three silver and stacked them neatly into the bar.

In her gleeful voice, she asked,”Mr. Durnan, I hear there are many guilds in Waterdeep. I am an artisan and am curious how one might join a guild.”

I wonder if they would take someone like me.

The Big Bear
2018-12-24, 12:16 PM
Squig fumbled inside her cape, pulled out three silver and stacked them neatly into the bar.

In her gleeful voice, she asked,”Mr. Durnan, I hear there are many guilds in Waterdeep. I am an artisan and am curious how one might join a guild.”

Durnan takes the silver from the bar and puts it in his pocket. “Please, just Durnan. Well, I’m not quite familiar with all of the guilds, mostly working with the Fellowship of Innkeepers.” He looks at the gnome curiously. “I haven’t seen you around before...if you plan to be part of a guild you’d better register with a magister first. Bastards will tax you every chance they get, but if you’re caught living in Waterdeep or working in a guild without registering you’ll face heavy fines...or worse. A magister could point you in the direction of a guild, I’m sure.”

Eventually we’ll get to the point where you can register for guilds and register to live in Waterdeep.

2018-12-24, 02:17 PM
How dare this good sir mis-underestimate me? Surely he just hasn't looked closely at my raw power beneath these vestments.

Without facing her Hans turns to Squiggle and says, a little curtly, "I'm Hans Mahlman, and I need to examine that well."
He then turns to Dengar. "You, my confrontational friend, you are of a burly stature. Belay me in and I will share with you the plunders! You needn't compromise your own welfare."

Hans then approaches Durnan. "No dish for me, sir. I filled up on squirrel and rat meat on the road. Your concern for your patrons is admirable, but I'll take one rope please!" He offers out his hand with a gold piece.

The Big Bear
2018-12-24, 03:00 PM
Hans then approaches Durnan. "No dish for me, sir. I filled up on squirrel and rat meat on the road. Your concern for your patrons is admirable, but I'll take one rope please!" He offers out his hand with a gold piece.

Durnan looks Hans up and down. “You really don’t know what you’re getting in to. If that still doesn’t stop you, leave your gold on the bar and your friend here and can lower you in.” He says pointing to Dengar. He then turns to Dengar and says “And if you don’t want this one’s death on your conscience...Obaya can lower him in.” Durnan points across the Yawning Portal to the winch and pulley system that lowers adventurers in to Undermountain, by which stands a robed woman.

“This is your last warning. You don’t know what you’re messing with.” Durnan sternly warns. You get the feeling he isn’t messing around; Undermountain is a dangerous place.

2018-12-24, 08:54 PM
”thank you for food, good sir”
Dengar says to the barkeep and nods, laying 3s on the bar
Turning towards Hans what the hell
”Wanna go in? I’ll lower you. Belay the rope when you land and I’ll join you. No one should go alone.” turns to Squig”thank you for understanding. Care to lift us up when we find something? cracking a smile
Dengar looks around ”Anyone else wanna join? I have no where else to go. Better prospects, maybe?”

Durnan looks Hans up and down. “You really don’t know what you’re getting in to. If that still doesn’t stop you, leave your gold on the bar and your friend here and can lower you in.” He says pointing to Dengar. He then turns to Dengar and says “And if you don’t want this one’s death on your conscience...Obaya can lower him in.” Durnan points across the Yawning Portal to the winch and pulley system that lowers adventurers in to Undermountain, by which stands a robed woman.

“This is your last warning. You don’t know what you’re messing with.” Durnan sternly warns. You get the feeling he isn’t messing around; Undermountain is a dangerous place.

2018-12-24, 09:19 PM
Squig eyed the two men up and down, half bewildered at the thought of hoisting even one on a rope, let alone two. The barkeep seemed a seasoned adventurer, sure of himself. Squig would heed his warning.

”I’m afraid I could not, despite my best effort.” Squig shrugged and glanced around the room as she spoke, and deduced she must be the smallest being in this tavern. She felt small too. ”It does seem dangerous.”

Who were these men that they would so eagerly descend into this unknown, and clearly dangerous, place? Squig pondered curiously to herself.

The Big Bear
2018-12-24, 10:00 PM
“Bah! Damn fools, if you ask me.” Durnan says before walking over to the other end of the bar, perhaps to talk to customers not so interested in meeting an early death.

2018-12-25, 10:21 AM
"Why rush to certain death my friends?" A drunken wood elf suddenly appears in the midst of their group. Everyone is surprised as the elf had been passed out in a pool of (what we assume) is his own vomit just moments ago. He wipes some of the spittle and puke from his face as he approaches the bar and grabs a seat. As he is holding his head in clear pain he groans "with all of this clamoring, how is a fella supposed to get any sleep around here?"

The Big Bear
2018-12-25, 10:51 AM
"Why rush to certain death my friends?" A drunken wood elf suddenly appears in the midst of their group. Everyone is surprised as the elf had been passed out in a pool of (what we assume) is his own vomit just moments ago. He wipes some of the spittle and puke from his face as he approaches the bar and grabs a seat. As he is holding his head in clear pain he groans "with all of this clamoring, how is a fella supposed to get any sleep around here?"

Seeing the drunk wood elf at the bar, Durnan moves back over and puts a mug of ale in front of the elf. “Morning, Erdan.” He says before moving to the door at the back of the bar, leaning in, and yelling “Durazil! Get a mop, Erdan’s awake!”

A minute later you see the door in the back open and the top of a mop handle moves out of it. As he walks around the end of the bar a black haired halfling man comes into view, holding the mop in one hand and a bucket in the other. “Mornin’ Erdan.” He dryly says before moving to clean the pool of filth where Erdan had been sleeping.

Ok everyone’s here. I’ll advance stuff tomorrow since it’s pretty busy today.

2018-12-25, 11:19 AM
Hans, still feeling slightly insulted but now also nervous, nods respectfully and decides he's reaching for sour grapes to save face. He was on a mission, after all.

"I have a message to deliver anyway, best not to play on ropes and cliffs. Thank you good sir." He pats Dengar on the shoulder. "Another time."

Hans faces this small groups of elves, humans, and a gnome. They didn't seem to share any relation, but they were some of the more amiable travelers he'd met in months, and he's happy to share their company.

"Well, I'm Hans, to-be Paladin of the nearby village of Helmstaad," he declares proudly as he forcefully bows from the waist. "It's my pleasure to meet you all, and if there's anything you require I am here to help. How did you all find yourselves here?"

The Big Bear
2018-12-25, 11:59 PM
Suddenly, the noise in the tavern is eclipsed by a shout: ”Ya pig! Like killin’ me mates, does ya?” Then, a seven-foot-tall half-orc is hit by a wild, swinging punch from a male human whose shaved head is covered with eye-shaped tattoos. Four other humans stand behind him, ready to jump into the fray. The half-orc cracks her knuckles, roars, and leaps at the tattooed figure - but before you can see if blood is drawn, a crowd of spectators clusters around the brawl.

What do you do?

2018-12-26, 08:23 AM
These idiots could seriously hurt somebody.

Hans panics as he stares his first genuine threat down in the face, but he knew his welfare was menial compared to that of the entire bar. He beckons over the larger one, Dengar, for backup with a tilt of his head and without waiting, shoulders his way to the front of the cluster until he's just inside the center. Trying not to let his trepidation betray him he stands stalwart and said barks, "Hey! Outside you cretins. You can't do this in here."

2018-12-26, 11:31 AM
These idiots could seriously hurt somebody.

Hans panics as he stares his first genuine threat down in the face, but he knew his welfare was menial compared to that of the entire bar. He beckons over the larger one, Dengar, for backup with a tilt of his head and without waiting, shoulders his way to the front of the cluster until he's just inside the center. Trying not to let his trepidation betray him he stands stalwart and said barks, "Hey! Outside you cretins. You can't do this in here."

Dengar turns to follow Hans but quick looks down at Squig before moving "Watch my drink?" he then moves to follow Hans without waiting for an answer.
now where did he go? Ah, at the front
Dengar moves through the crowd to right next to Hans keeping an eye on the Brawl about to enter full swing "When do you want to intervene? Wait for a clear victor?"

2018-12-26, 05:25 PM
Squig jumped at the billowing voice behind her. She was excited and frightened at the prospect of witnessing her first bar brawl, and this one seemed quite dangerous.

She nodded to Durnan, agreeing to watch his drink, as he moved toward the brawl. I need to find a good hiding spot, where I can still see the action!

Squig grabs Durnan’s mug with both hands and looks around the tavern for something to hide behind or under.

Hide roll:[roll0]

The Big Bear
2018-12-26, 05:57 PM
Those of you that run to the fight manage to eventually push your way through the crowd. When you get to the edge of the crowd you see the half orc on top of the man with the eye-shaped tattoos on his head, who is looking rather rough. The other four men with him are trying to circle around the half orc and look ready to tackle her.

Trying not to let his trepidation betray him he stands stalwart and said barks, "Hey! Outside you cretins. You can't do this in here."

Two of the thugs turn toward Hans and Dengar. One of them says “Yeah? And wot you gonna do ‘bout it? Shove off!”

Squig grabs Durnan’s mug with both hands and looks around the tavern for something to hide behind or under.

Hide roll:[roll0]

Squig runs to the side of the bar and peeks behind. She sees all the glasses and bottles Durnan uses, but what catches her eye is a step stool use by the halfling when he tends the bar. She’s walks up to it and peers over the bar, well hidden from the thugs. Durnan turns to her, but seeing the expression on her face he just shrugs and turns to watch the fight to ensure it doesn’t get out of hand.

Let Erdan and Carric post before going ahead. Then we’ll get into initiative.

2018-12-27, 08:50 AM
Erdan gleans over at the commotion but is in no hurry to get into a brawl without cause (having no concept of time he assumed it was early in the morning and he it was too early for this ****. Plus he was nursing a wicked hang over). None the less, his interests were peaked. Erdan nonchlantly slides down the bar to get a better view of the action, but stays out of sight by hiding behind one of the larger patrons.


The Big Bear
2018-12-27, 09:11 AM
Erdan gleans over at the commotion but is in no hurry to get into a brawl without cause (having no concept of time he assumed it was early in the morning and he it was too early for this ****. Plus he was nursing a wicked hang over). None the less, his interests were peaked. Erdan nonchlantly slides down the bar to get a better view of the action, but stays out of sight by hiding behind one of the larger patrons.


Erdan sees a large half-orc man sitting at the end of the bar, watching the brawl break out with a smile on his face, with an empty stool next to him. Erdan moves over to occupy the stool, putting this large man in between Erdan and the fight, with Erdan able to see over the man's shoulder to observe the kerfuffle.

2018-12-27, 01:31 PM
Two of the thugs turn toward Hans and Dengar. One of them says “Yeah? And wot you gonna do ‘bout it? Shove off!”

Why won't anyone heed my demands like they do father's?

Hans, frustrated at being challenged yet again, regains some control of his nerves. "I'll drag you outside by your nostrils, you underwhelming thugling, where you can bludgeon each other to your liking. But nobody here needs this." He extends his arms and steps lightly backwards, so to push patrons directly behind him away from the fray.

The Big Bear
2018-12-27, 02:32 PM
The two thugs confronting Hans and Dengar look at one another and then back to Hans. Seeing their friend bloody on the ground and now this man threatening them has taken the wind out of their sails. They don't appear to be itching for a fight as much as they were a moment ago.

"Bah! Then drag 'er off me mate and we'll go! But I ain't 'bout to try and move 'em outside!" He says to Hans and Dengar.

The other two standing thugs look poised to tackle the half-orc off of their friend.

The two intimidated thugs will not attack you guys unless you enter the fight against them. If you try and move the half-orc they will let you. But if you try to injure their friend they will retaliate.

2018-12-27, 02:54 PM
over from the bar Erdan loudly calls out "baaaaaaawk bawk bawk bawk!!" but before anyone can pin point where the sound came from, Erdan has resumed drinking his ale as if nothing happened.

The Big Bear
2018-12-27, 03:24 PM
Everyone in the tavern hears the sounds of Erdan trying to further provoke the brawl with chicken noises. Durnan just shakes his head at Erdan and pours himself a shot. Those at the bar can tell where the noise come from. The people around the brawl hear the chicken sounds, but since it doesn’t appear to be coming from the immediate area the thugs don’t seem to care.

2018-12-27, 07:38 PM
Carric having no desire to get involved with these strangers resumes his drink but does move closer to the crowds to try and catch a few glimpses of any action.

The Big Bear
2018-12-27, 08:27 PM
The two thugs charge at the half-orc and manage to pull her off of their friend with the eye-shaped tattoos. She looks angry and not ready to give up; the man on the ground is bloody and hurt, but not out. From the ground he yells “Make ye pay fer that I will!”

Lets go by initiative now:


Hans you’re up.

2018-12-28, 09:34 AM
Hans quickly positions himself between the infuriated half-orc and the bloodied thug on the ground. He turns to the scoundrel and hisses, "Don't be a fool, you look dreadful." He turns to the half-orc next. "Ma'am, he'll meet you outside shortly."

Hans stands tall, head swiveling back and forth, wary of an advance from one of the two combatants.

The Big Bear
2018-12-28, 10:37 AM
Hans quickly positions himself between the infuriated half-orc and the bloodied thug on the ground. He turns to the scoundrel and hisses, "Don't be a fool, you look dreadful." He turns to the half-orc next. "Ma'am, he'll meet you outside shortly."

Hans stands tall, head swiveling back and forth, wary of an advance from one of the two combatants.

Hans walks past the two thugs standing near him and approaches the scuffle; the thugs allow him to pass but look ready to intervene should Hans make a threatening move. The man on the ground snarls at what Hans says, but does heed his words.

"Bah! Fine, then!" he says as he stands up. He looks past Hans and points at the half-orc and says "Better watch yer back, Yagra..." His gaze moves back to Hans and he points his finger in Hans face "And YOU...we dont forget our enemies..." he says as he spits blood at your feet. He addresses his men "Let's go, we're leaving this one alive today..." The two thugs near Yagra step away and begin to move over to the other thugs, then the group walks out of the tavern, keeping an eye on the half-orc and Hans as they leave. You get the feeling he is not interested in a fight now that he is bloodied and sees that the half-orc may have some help should the fight continue.

The half-orc says back to the man with the eye tattoos "Had enough, Krentz?! Not interested in settlin' this in the alley, then? Afraid, o' me? Hahahaha!" He sneers back at her but doesn't respond.

The crowd surrounding the brawl begins to quiet down and dissipate as patrons move back to their seats and order another ale. The retreating thugs hear a faint "Bawk bawk bawk!" from the back, but ignore it.

After the thugs leave the Yawning Portal Yagra turns to Hans and says while offering out a hand "I had him, too...If ye want to help next time, throw a damn punch! Heh. Really, though, thanks fer the help. Name's Yagra." Her face and tone get more serious as she continues "You, uh, you should probably watch out for Krentz and the Xanathar's Guild..."

Before she is able to continue, shouts of alarm suddenly ring out throughout the tavern as a hulking creature climbs up out of the shaft in the middle of the taproom - a monster with warty green skin, a tangled nest of wiry black hair, a long, corrot-shaped nose, and bloodshot eyes. As it bears its yellow teeth and howls, you can see that a half-dozen bat-like creatures are attached to its body, with three more circling above it like flies.Everyone in the tavern reacts in fear except for Durnan, who shouts, "Troll!"


Squig is up.

Current positions:
The troll climbed out of the Yawning Portal on the bar side (back of tavern)
Durnan, Squig, Carric, and Erdan are around the bar, no more than 30 feet from the troll.
Hans, Dengar, and Yagra are on the other side of the Yawning Portal where the fight broke out. The portal is 40' wide, so you'd need probably 60 feet to approach the troll going around.

2018-12-28, 12:42 PM
Squig was about to leave the stepladder and return to her stool when the troll came bashing in. “Troll!” yelled Durnan, and she turned in shock to see the green monster just 30 feet from her.

Durnan was right about the hole. If we don’t stop this thing, it’ll destroy the whole tavern! Perhaps this wasn’t the best place to stop for a drink.

She reached into her cloak with her left hand and found the silver key. She held it tight and stretched her right hand toward the troll. She felt the familiar chill emanate from the key, through right shoulder and down her arm. She planted her feet and glared at the troll, finding courage in her practiced technique.

Attack roll: [roll0]

You cause a numbing frost to form on one creature that you can see within range (60ft). The target must make a Con save (against 12 spell DC). On a failed save, target takes 1d6 cold damage and it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

The Big Bear
2018-12-28, 12:52 PM
The air around the troll begins to grow cold and frost builds on its skin. It howls out and the flailing of its arms begins to slow from the buildup of cold on its body.


Dengar up next.

2018-12-28, 02:01 PM
Probably good Hans didn't go in
Dengar takes off running around yawning portal towards the side with the bar, pulling a handaxe off his waist and rearing to throw it. As he approaches the bar he notes it is a tad colder over here.
Dengar let's fly the handaxe in the troll's direction.

The Big Bear
2018-12-28, 02:11 PM
Dengar’s axe goes flying through the air end-over-end toward the troll. Unfortunately, while running toward the troll Dengar didn’t get his feet set and his throw goes wide to the right, embedding itself on the bar. Screaming patrons continue to scramble away from the troll.

Erdan’s up.

2018-12-31, 07:51 AM
In the midst of the chaos created by the emergence of the troll, Erdan slowly slinks down behind the bar, leaving the troll's line of sight. He takes his flagon of ale with him.


The Big Bear
2018-12-31, 10:28 AM
Erdan slinks behind the bar, the troll and strirges none the wiser to his presence.

2018-12-31, 11:32 AM
Hans sprints towards the troll, aiming himself towards the opposite side of the beast as Dengar, as he unfastens one of his javelins. He unleashes a mighty "Bllaaagghraaarrll!" in an effort to draw its ire, as he launches a javelin towards the troll.


The Big Bear
2018-12-31, 12:31 PM
Hans’ javelin sails through the air and embeds itself in the troll. The troll roars in anger as it rips the javelin out of its side and turns to sneer at Hans.

Yagra sees the troll and striges and pulls a heavy crossbow from her back and let’s a bolt fly at a stirge. After releasing the shot she drops the crossbow and charges toward the troll behind Hans.

Yagra Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Roll damage with attacks in the future. I rolled for Hans damar in the OOC thread.

Carric up next.

Yagra’s bolt goes hopelessly wide.

2019-01-01, 02:33 PM
Carric having put down his frosty beverage quickly moves towards the troll. He grabbed the rose stem from his pocket and looked fiercely at his target.

Attack Roll
If successful target takes 1d6 piercing damage and I can pull the creature up to 10 ft closer to me.

The Big Bear
2019-01-01, 04:45 PM
Carric’s thorn whip lashes at the troll, but it fails to grab hold. The troll roars fiercely and turns toward Carric.

Durnan grabs a greatsword from underneath the bar and yells to everyone else “Get the stirges! If the troll drops, grab a lamp and set it on fire!” He jumps over the bar and charges at the troll, violently swinging and reducing the troll to a messy paste as he yells “I’M. NOT. EVEN. SUPPOSED. TO. BE. HERE. TODAY!” The scuffle causes the striges attached to the troll to detach and begin flying back down the Yawning Portal.

Just as he finishes, the troll rises from the ground and attacks Durnan. It manages to bite him in the shoulder and swipe across his chest with one of its claws, causing blood to start showing on Durnan. The trolls other claw swipes across but just tears away Durnan’s shirt, revealing a light ring mail underneath. “Argh! It’ll take more than that to fell me!” Durnan yells back.

The stirges circiling over the troll move away after Durnan’s flurry. Two move toward Carric and the last toward Hans. One dives at Carric and manages to get through his armor, attaching itself to feed. The other stirge dives at Carric, but it’s erratic flight causes it to miss. The last stirge dives at Hans and gets under his arm, grabbing on and sticking its needle like nose into his side.

5 damage to Carric; 4 to Hans.

The stirges are attached to you. It takes an action to fight one off yourself or detach from someone else.

Squig is up.

2019-01-01, 07:23 PM
Durnan’s command causes Squig to nervously glance across the room at the bat-like creatures. ”Stirges! Gross!”

She ducks underneath the bar and grabs a glass in her right hand, and steps up onto the top of the stepstool. She finds the flying stirge while aiming with her left hand, and launches the glass.

Object flies in a straight line 90 ft. Target makes Dex save. On failed save, target takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage.

Damage roll: [roll0]

After launching the glass, she drops to her knees so she is just peeking over the bar.

The Big Bear
2019-01-01, 07:39 PM
The stirge deftly moves out of the way of the oncoming glass, which sails by and drops into the Yawning Portal. Durnan turns to Squig and yells to her “hope you got some better ideas! Throw a lantern at the troll like that!” while motioning at one of the lanterns that adorns the tables in the tavern.

Next turns

2019-01-02, 08:39 AM
Continuing his charge towards the Troll after missing horribly with his thrown handaxe, Dengar lifts his greatsword for an angled blow at the Troll's right leg.

The Big Bear
2019-01-02, 09:03 AM
As the troll rises from the ground and attacks Durnan, Dengar comes running from the side, swiping with his greatsword. The sword catches on the trolls leg, but fails to cut open the rough troll flesh. The trolls hand bats Dengar’s weapon to the side and it glares menacingly at him.

2019-01-02, 11:07 AM
Erdan grumbles to himself as he takes out his short bow. He peers over the bar, and takes aim at the troll. (in his current state he is clearly one-eyeing it). As soon as all the trolls align, he lets the arrow loose.

Attack - [roll0]

Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

The Big Bear
2019-01-02, 11:32 AM
Erdan’s arrow sails toward the troll and embeds itself in the chest. The troll shrieks in pain and falls to the ground. “Now! Set it on fire!” Durnan yells to everyone around him. He sighs in relief as he notices that the patrons of the bar have fled away from the troll by this point.

2019-01-02, 12:10 PM
Hans couldn't decide whether he should rip the stirge away and preserve his strength, or help his new friend on the front line with the troll.

This is hard. But I think the large one can bear a little more.

"Hold steady, friend! I won't let it fall you," Hans yells to Dengar. He winces tears the stirge away from his side, and stops his stride a safe 10 feet away from the troll, where he prepares to wield his sword and shield.

The Big Bear
2019-01-02, 12:53 PM
Hans tears the stirge off of his body, eliciting a loud “squee!” as it’s meal is ended early, as he moves toward the fallen troll. Yagra follows Hans as he approaches the troll and pulls her mace from her belt. As the stirge is ripped off of Hans she takes a swipe at it. The mace connects with the stirge, which falls to the ground in a bloody mess. “Got yer back!” She says to Hans as they turn to face the trolls body.

Carric up next.
1 stirge attached to Carric
1 stirge flying around Carric
Troll is down.

2019-01-03, 12:39 PM
Carric seeing the troll fall and now having this damn bug attached to him really agitates him.

Gotta get this blood sucking thing off me

Using all his strength he attempts to remove this stirges from himself.

The Big Bear
2019-01-03, 01:40 PM
Carric grabs at the stirge and pulls it off of his body. He feels the needle like nose slip out of his side as he pulls away, drops of his blood falling to the floor. Seeing his blood on the floor, Carric knew he was in bad shape with two stirges still flying around his head.

Durnan runs from the trolls mangled body to a nearby table and grabs the lantern sitting on top. He runs back to the trolls body and throws the lantern down onto the corpse, causing it to burst open and cover the troll in oil and engulf it in flames. The troll, not yet dead, screams in agony as the flames char and blister its body before it finally succumbs to its injuries.

The two remaining stirges fly around Carric’s head. One dives toward his side and it’s nose pierces his armor before digging into his side. Carric’s vision goes blurry and eventually dark as he collapses from the blood loss. The second stirge attempts to dive at his neck, but Carric’s fall causes it to harmlessly pass over his head. The stirge on Carric’s body finishes feeding and begins to move back toward the Yawning Portal while the stirge that missed floats down to lightly land on Carric’s body, poised to feed.

Troll is burning.
1 stirge moving toward the Yawning Portal.
1 stirge landed on Carric’s body to feed.

Note: Taking an attack while unconscious is an automatic fail for a death save. 3 fails on this save means death.

Squig is up.

2019-01-03, 05:57 PM
Squig watched in horror as the troll suffers his agonizing fate. This fight seemed to be going in their favor, but that didn’t help the sick feeling in her stomach. “Maybe leaving home was a bad idea,” and in that moment, she wanted nothing more than to return to her family’s workshop. Her gaze is broken as the male elf in front of her goes down with a stirge attached to his body.

”Maybe I can help him from over here.”

Still behind the bar, she reaches inside her cloak for the familiar key and summons another burst of tingling chill through her right hand. She targets the stirge on the elf’s back.

Target makes Con save against 12 DC. On failed save target takes 1d6 damage.

Damage roll: [roll0]

After launching the attack, Squig ducks behind the bar again, ready to run out the back door if needed. She would have left right away, if not for her curiosity to see how this plays out.

The Big Bear
2019-01-03, 06:06 PM
A light frost begins to build on the stirge sitting on top of Carric’s body. It twists its body and moves its wings, breaking off the frost as it continues looking for an opening in Carric’s armor through which it can feed.

Reposting here for reference so I can stop looking back.

2019-01-04, 10:08 AM
Dengar sees the Troll fall to the ground and catch fire. He looks to his side and sees a Stirge grappled onto one of the fighters assisting with the sudden rise of monsters from the hole in the ground.
“Why not put a door over it or something?”
Dengar swings his greatsword aiming to chop the Stirge in half that’s attempting to feed on Carric

The Big Bear
2019-01-04, 10:32 AM
Dengar swings his blade down onto the stirge, cutting at an angle to avoid slicing into the downed elf. His blade strikes true, and the stirge is bifurcated into two nearly-identical halves.

The last remaining stirge approaches the Yawning Portal, intent on retreating to digest its meal.

Dengar’s question provokes a sarcastic response from Durnan, “I’d have to rename it to the Dammed Portal at that point. Let’s finish this up.” He breathes heavily as he hoists his greatsword onto his shoulder and eyes the remaining stirge.

2019-01-04, 11:07 AM
Hans turns to the incapacitated elf, paling in color from the lack of blood.

This fight is won, but Helm knows how long this one has.

He turns away from the fleeing stirge and swiftly paces over to Carric, places a hand on his shoulder and mutters, "My Lord, award another chance to this one who fought so selflessly."

Hans casts Lay on Hands and heals Carric for 5 hit points.

Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your paladin level × 5.
As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.

The Big Bear
2019-01-04, 11:18 AM
Hans’ hand begins to glow with a faint energy that seeps into Carric and begins to bind his wounds. Carric’s eyes open slightly as he begins to regain consciousness; he feels pain still plaguing his side but at least he was safe now.

Erdan’s turn now, then Yagra and Carric.

2019-01-04, 01:24 PM
" No ya don't, ya blood sucking bastard" Erdan loads up another arrow and launches it at the last remaining stirge.



The Big Bear
2019-01-04, 01:51 PM
Erdan's arrow slams into the fleeing stirge, which explodes in a cloud of red haze as its body falls into the portal.

Durnan looks over to Erdan and appreciatively says "Nice shot!" He pokes the body of the troll, now a pile of smoldering ashes on the floor. "Well, that could have gone worse. You all fought well, have a drink on me before you go; you too, Yagra." he says to you before easily vaulting back over the bar. He goes to the door in the back and you hear him yell something about needing a shovel and bucket to clean this mess up.

The crowd of spectators in the tavern, having previously moved as far from the troll as possible, begin to cheer for Durnan and those who helped him and move back to their tables. As the cheers dissipate and people begin to return to their card games and drinking songs, a man with a thick but trimmed brown beard in white and black clothes with golden accents breaks through the front of the crowd and moves over to Hans and Carric.

The figure who approached you strokes his mustache, adjusts his floppy hat, and tightens his scarf as he introduces himself. "A fantastic display a martial prowess! Volothamp Geddarm, chronicler, wizard, and celebrity, at your service!" he exclaims with a sweeping bow. "You be adventurers, am I right? I could use your help. Let's find a table to talk, shall we?" he says as his gaze moves over Dengar, Squig, and Erdan to make it clear he is addressing all of you. He motions to a table in the corner that is vacant following the troll's incursion into the tavern.

Fight is over, so not going by initiative anymore.

2019-01-04, 02:06 PM
Erdan, who now has a mug of ale in each hand, shrugs non-nonchalantly and follows the oddly dressed fellow to his table.

2019-01-04, 02:15 PM
Aye. All I've been doing for some time.
Dengar says as he receives his fresh mug from Durnan and takes a sip
"What can I help, err we, help you with?"

2019-01-04, 03:59 PM
Hans beams with delight over his and his new friends' victory, and at this stranger's barrage of praise. Of course he was happy to hear more of what he had to say. Hans collects his free drink from Durnan with an overly-excited "Thank you!!" and hops over to the table, all thoughts of finding home completely wiped from his mind.

2019-01-04, 06:09 PM
Squig steps down from the stool and heads over to meet Volothamp and the others, still a little shell-shocked by all that has happened. I’m glad that’s over.”

She nods to Volothamp with a smile and takes a seat at the table, keeping the hole in her peripheral vision. She leans in to listen to his request.

2019-01-06, 08:15 PM
Carric sits up after having been knocked unconscious and slowly makes his way to his feet.

what the hell happened?

The Big Bear
2019-01-07, 01:08 PM
Durnan walks over to Carric and offers a hand to help him up. “You went down durning the fight, fellow over there patched you up.” Durnan says, pointing over to Hans. Then, indicating Volo, he says “And the guy he’s sitting with wanted to talk to you.” After helping Carric up he walks him over to an empty chair at Volo’s table.

”Ah, I see you’ve made it, my friend. Now, as I was about to explain to the others, I need help locating a friend and thought you lot look more than capable!” Volo says as Carric takes his seat. He then turns to address everyone at the table.

”I trust you’ve noticed the violence in our fair city these past tendays. I haven’t seen so much blood since my last time in Baldur’s Gate! But now I fear I have misplaced a friend amid this odious malevolence.” he says with an air of charm and mystery.

”My friend’s name is Floon Blagmar. He’s got more beauty than brains, and I worry he took a bad way home a couple nights ago and was kidnapped - or worse. If you agree to track him down with all due haste, I can offer you each ten dragons now, and I can give you each ten times that when you find Floon. May I prevail upon you in my hour of need?” Volo finishes his request, his voice now full of tearful sincerity. He fishes into his pack and places ten gold coins in front of each of you.

A dragon is a gold piece.

2019-01-07, 01:26 PM
Squig leaned in to face Volo at the table, bouncing slightly in her chair from excitement and nerves. "It is an honor to meet you Mr. Volothamp, my father has a few of your works in his study. I can't wait to tell him I've met you in person! I am Squigwiggle Quigglethwip, of the Quigglethwip Family in Gwendylheim. Most people just call me 'Squig'." She beamed a smile, which then soured to a frown as she said, "You care deeply for your friend Floon, he is lucky to know you. I'm happy to help find him, and I hope he has not come to any great harm."

"I can't believe I'm really talking to Volo!" Squig mused to herself. She thought of the stories her father would read before bed. "Please Papa, just one more," she and her siblings would beg. Stories of adventurers and great monsters and crazed wizards. Seeing Volo in real life, seeing a troll in real life, made those stories seem unattainable. Would anyone write stories about her? Did she even deserve to be here at this table?

She hardened her resolve and resumed her eager smile. Life was for living, for adventure! She wasn't going to waste a minute. Maybe this adventure would lead to another, and another! Hopefully with less trolls.

2019-01-07, 05:13 PM
Even though Hans was from a small agricultural community, everyone knew Volo.

I really need to deliver these materials to Wind Cliff ... but I'm so close-by, anyway. Father would surely have me help such a celebrated figure if he knew I was asked. There's a reason this man is talking to us tonight. I would be foolish to ignore a message from the heavens. This is my first real divine quest!

Hans was able to convince himself that helping Volothamp had become his new top priority. He turned to Volo. "It would be my pleasure to help," he proclaimed.

2019-01-08, 06:08 AM
"This is the Volo?" Erdan thought to himself. It had been months since Erdan had shown up to the Yawning Portal hoping to drink his sorrows away, the guilt of what happened at the orphanage weighing heavily upon him. But maybe this was the opportunity he needed to kick him into gear and get him moving towards his ultimate goal? After all, 110 gold dragons is a damn good start... Erdan is intrigued.

"Can you tell us anymore about where your friend might be? Do you know of anyone who might be after him?"

The Big Bear
2019-01-08, 06:40 PM
"It is an honor to meet you Mr. Volothamp, my father has a few of your works in his study. I can't wait to tell him I've met you in person! I am Squigwiggle Quigglethwip, of the Quigglethwip Family in Gwendylheim. Most people just call me 'Squig'." She beamed a smile, which then soured to a frown as she said, "You care deeply for your friend Floon, he is lucky to know you. I'm happy to help find him, and I hope he has not come to any great harm."

Squig’s words brought the smile back to Volo’s face. “The pleasure is mine! Your father sounds like a learned and smart man! I have not been to Gwendylheim in ages, such a fine city it is. I do so appreciate your help with finding Floon, I am worried sick about him.”

Hans was able to convince himself that helping Volothamp had become his new top priority. He turned to Volo. "It would be my pleasure to help," he proclaimed.

”Thank you, fine sir!” Volo replies happily.

After all, 110 gold dragons is a damn good start... Erdan is intrigued.

"Can you tell us anymore about where your friend might be? Do you know of anyone who might be after him?"

Volo’s visage turns to one of internal thought as he looks at the table and rubs his mustache. He looks up and says ”Well, last I saw of him was two nights ago. We were drinking at the Skewered Dragon in the Dock Ward.” He looks slightly embarrassed as he continued, “I couldn’t keep up with his drinking and eventually left. He probably stayed there for a bit, you should start your search there.”

Volo continues by describing Floon as a handsome human male in his early thirties with wavy red-blond hair and dressed in princely garb.

Characters scoring 10+ on an insight check can tell Volo is being honest, but may be stretching the truth on how much he can pay.

2019-01-10, 08:47 AM
Squig contemplated Volo's description of his friend. "What occupation is Floon in? Perhaps his disappearance is related to his line of work."

The Big Bear
2019-01-10, 07:00 PM
The look on Volo’s face turns to one of embarrassment as his cheeks redden. ”Well, that’s quite a personal matter, but I suppose the circumstances are dire” he says sheepishly.

“Floon’s know for, uh, using his looks to his advantage, so to say. He doesn’t exactly have a job, or really work at all! He occasionally...er...” Volo lowers his voice and leans in as he continues. “Most of Floon’s friends are wealthy, er...women, and...well...he rarely spent the night in the same place twice in one tenday...”

2019-01-10, 07:09 PM
Hans remained anxious to get moving, however he appreciated that he was accompanied by this forward-thinking elf and gnome. He was keen to leave upon the first direction, and realized it might be useful to gather more information before wantonly running off to accomplish his mission. As someone who didn't often take notice of one's qualities beyond their physical prowess, he felt guilty for not acknowledging them as he did the larger one, Dengar, for example.

2019-01-10, 07:13 PM
”I’m sure the wealthy will have no problem engaging us.”
Dengar says sarcastically as he takes a sip from his drink.
”But, the walls around their homes won’t stop us, either.”

The Big Bear
2019-01-10, 10:57 PM
”I’m sure the wealthy will have no problem engaging us.”
Dengar says sarcastically as he takes a sip from his drink.
”But, the walls around their homes won’t stop us, either.”

Volo’s expression turns to one of worry. ”Oh, good sir, please do track down Floon before you...erm...break into an estate. You should start your search at the Skewerd Dragon.”

2019-01-11, 06:51 AM
"What a man does for money is not for me to judge..." says Erdan (half wishing he could also get in on it) "...but i think we have enough to go off of. Let us make haste as any more time wasted here puts Floon in further danger." Erdan chugs the last bit of ale from his remaining flagons as he arises from the table, and looks to Durnan "one last ale for the road?"

The Big Bear
2019-01-11, 08:45 AM
"What a man does for money is not for me to judge..." says Erdan (half wishing he could also get in on it) "...but i think we have enough to go off of. Let us make haste as any more time wasted here puts Floon in further danger." Erdan chugs the last bit of ale from his remaining flagons as he arises from the table, and looks to Durnan "one last ale for the road?"

Durnan hears the request and he begins to fill several mugs before bringing them over to the table. He places the mugs down before sarcastically saying to Volo "I'll just put this on your tab, Mr. Geddarm" and walking back to the bar. Volo happily nods to Durnan and begins to pass the mugs around the table as he says "Oh, don't mind him. He's still upset about the ogre incident..." When everyone has a drink Volo lifts his mug up and toasts "to finding Floon, may he be safe and unharmed!"

You guys can take this time to ask Volo any questions, introduce your characters to one another, or interact in the Yawning Portal Tavern.

When everyone is ready, indicate so by making a spoiler box or posting in the OOC thread and indicating so; or just making it obvious in your post. Something like "Dain is ready to head to the Skewerd Dragon" works well. Or just "ready for timeskip" works too. If enough time has passed and someone hasn't answered, it is assumed they will travel with the party.

2019-01-11, 09:59 AM
"To finding Floon!", Squig chimed. "It seems there are plenty in Waterdeep who love him. Perhaps at the Skeward Dragon we'll find someone who doesn't."

"Could be the husband of one of his lovers. Could be completely unrelated to his work. I suppose the only way to find out is to get going."

Squig made a mental note to ask Volo about the "ogre incident" another time. What a treat it would be to hear another Volo story from the man himself.

2019-01-11, 11:59 AM
Hans quickly one-gulps his ale and stands from his chair. He looks at Erdan and then back at the rest of the group. "I agree with the small child. The longer we wait, the less fresh our trail becomes. I'm sure we can befriend someone at the Skeward Dragon who will help us along."

Hans then gets on one knee and faces Erdan and asks softly, "I'm sorry boy, what is your name?"

2019-01-11, 01:56 PM
Hans quickly one-gulps his ale and stands from his chair. He looks at Erdan and then back at the rest of the group. "I agree with the small child. The longer we wait, the less fresh our trail becomes. I'm sure we can befriend someone at the Skeward Dragon who will help us along."

Hans then gets on one knee and faces Erdan and asks softly, "I'm sorry boy, what is your name?"

Erdan (who stands at about 5'9") begins to slowly unzip his pants... "The name is Erdan and I thought we were in a bit of a hurry, but if you insist..."

2019-01-12, 12:31 PM
Dengar, noticing the uhh exchange that appears to go down
Things get interesting the further North you go
”Sure you want to do that here, now, Hans? We gotta go.”
Dengar finishes his drink then looks at Squig ”You still got that mug from earlier?”

2019-01-12, 07:40 PM
Dengar finishes his drink then looks at Squig ”You still got that mug from earlier?”

”I kept it safe for you behind the bar.” She pointed toward the bar. “You may have time to finish it,” she smirked and nodded toward Hans and Erdan.

2019-01-14, 09:14 AM
Why does everyone anticipate me having sexual relations with this wood elf? Keep a sharp head, Hans. These are strange people.

Hans stood quickly, blank-faced. "I'm ready for the Skewered Dragon, then."

The Big Bear
2019-01-14, 09:29 AM
Why does everyone anticipate me having sexual relations with this wood elf? Keep a sharp head, Hans. These are strange people.

Hans stood quickly, blank-faced. "I'm ready, then."

Volo let the strange scene play out, amused at what was happening. Once Hans is back on his feet Volo responds to him ”Aye, I do so hope that Floon is unharmed when you find him. Please make great haste!”

Everyone ready to go to the Skewered Dragon or elsewhere?

2019-01-14, 10:08 AM
Squig turns to the group, "Yes, let's be on our way."

2019-01-14, 10:53 AM
Erdan shrugs in slight disappointment. "...yes, off to the skewered dragon..." He tips his head to Durnan in appreciation "Until the next time my friend" and makes his way towards the door.

The Big Bear
2019-01-14, 06:34 PM
The group finishes their drinks and begin to head to the Skewered Dragon, with Volo bidding you good luck on the way out of The Yawning Portal. ”Do be careful not to get caught up in the fued between the local gangs; in a tavern it’s just fisticuffs, but in the street it could get dangerous.”

Once outside you are greeted by the cool air of the early evening and by the distant sight of The God Catcher, one of Waterdeep’s 90-foot tall living statues. While you are familiar with this sight, it never fails to amaze. The God Catcher is sculpted as a well-muscled male human. From here you see it’s right arm is raised toward the sky and above its open palm floats a sphere of stone. His gaze looks toward the sphere, and bird droppings around its eyes make it appear to be weeping. A series of shacks and ladders has been built up around the statue.

History check DC7
Get a 7 or more on a history check and you know that the living statues were dormant until an event years ago known as the Slellplague, an event that caused magic to act erradically. During the Spellplague the statues suddenly began to rampage through the city until they stopped as suddenly as they awoke. They have been dormant for well over a decade.

As you work your way through the Dock Ward you realize that none of you are familiar with the location of the Skewered Dragon and forgot to ask Volo for directions. Making your way through the Dock Ward takes some time as you are unfamiliar with the area.

As you turn a corner, you find yourselves on a street that has been cordoned off by the City Watch. Lying on the cobblestones are a half-dozen corpses, seemingly the victims of some terrible skirmish. Watch officers have disarmed and arrested three blood-drenched humans and are in the midst of questioning witnesses. One of the officers sees you. “Get on,” she says. “Nothing to see here.”

2019-01-14, 07:49 PM
As they pass the cordoned scene Dengar is trying to get a look without being too overt.
Fights, fights everywhere. This one took a pretty bad turn
Dengar hears the Watch Officer and looks in her direction, "Busy morning, Officer? Could you spare a second and point me towards the Skewered Dragon?"

The Big Bear
2019-01-14, 08:57 PM
As Dengar is looking at the aftermath of the skirmish his gaze eventually makes its way to the prisoners. One of them sees you looking and gives you a cold stare. The guard hears your question and points you up the way you were already walking while she wryly says “that ****holes down between Net Street and Filet Lane.”

2019-01-15, 12:47 PM
Hans was apprehensive about the wanton violence in this part of town. He didn't want to attract attention here, and he especially didn't want trouble with these officers.

"Not our monkeys, not our circus," he muttered to himself. He slowed pace to keep with Dengar, but stayed facing in the direction the guard had pointed.

The Big Bear
2019-01-15, 06:29 PM
After quickly surveying the scene, the group continues on their way to the Skewered Dragon in the direction the guard had indicated.

Tall, densely packed tenements leave most of the neighborhood in shadow at ground level. Most of the street lamps have had their glass smashed and their candles stolen. The smells of salt air and excrement linger as you pass by rows of run-down buildings.

One nearby shop stands out from the others. It has a deep purple facade, and in its window hangs a stuffed beholder. Above the door hangs a sign whose elaborate letters spell out “Old Xoblob Shop.”

2019-01-15, 09:04 PM
Squig tilts her head at the giant statue outside the Yawning Portal. ”Pretty impressive, anyone know what it’s for?”

As the group approaches the officers, Squig winces at the dead men on the ground. The violence here is rampant. I wonder why they were fighting. Must’ve been something important to kill a dozen men. Probably best not to get involved.

Wandering further into Waterdeep, Squig notes how much worse the scenery has gotten. This Skewerd Dragon place must be a real dump if it’s over here.

Squig jumps a bit as she sees the stuffed beholder in the window. She looks up and sees the “Old Xoblob Shop”.

”Oh WOW! This place looks amazing! Can we go in? Pleeeeease? I wanna see that beholder!” The excitement was welling up inside, causing her to speak with rapid pace. “Just for a minute!”

2019-01-16, 07:34 AM
Taking note of his surroundings, Erdan can't help but be on high alert. Bad things happen in the ghetto and he was not in any mood to be shanked.

"Sure Squig, but lets not be too long, its starting to get dark..."

Erdan holds the door open for his comrades, carefully keeping an eye on everything behind them as they walk into the store.

Assuming everyone is ok with going into the store

2019-01-16, 11:27 AM
"Oh YES thank you Erdan!" Squig claps her hands together and skips inside the shop. She looks around with wide eyes.

2019-01-16, 03:17 PM
Hans, already shirking one mission, was uneasy to deviate from this new task from Volo. He didn't want to fall into a trap of "task paralysis".

Perhaps while we're here I can find a map. I still need to find my way home from this place after this anyway.

Hans peers around from the shop's entrance for a clerk.

The Big Bear
2019-01-16, 06:01 PM
A trail of lavender-scented purple smoke trails out of the shops door as Erdan opens it. Stepping in, you see that every wall is painted purple, and every dusty knickknack on the shelves is dyed a deep violet. The hairless old gnome sitting cross-legged on the counter wears plum-colored robes. His cheeks are decorated with nine purple face-painted eyes.

The gnome lowers a pipe and exhales a cloud of lavender smoke before raising a hand. “Hail and well met! Come browse the shelves of the most curious curiosity shop in the world! Some may call this junk, but me, I call them treasures!”

Gazing through the shop a number of trinkets, all a deep purple, catch your eye. Among them are a purple pirate flag adorned with a dragons skull and crossbones, a set of bone pipes, a rabbits foot, a sequined glove (sized for a human), a badge in the shape of a five-pointed star, and an old chess piece made of purple glass.

2019-01-17, 09:33 AM
Squig smiled at the shop owner. "Thank you, sir." She carefully browsed the shelves, trying to take it all in. A purple paradise! It reminded her of her father's shop. She felt comfortable among the cluttered shelves and relaxed for the first time since she left home.

Squig moved toward the stuffed beholder, examining it closely. "This beholder is quite amazing," she exclaimed to the shop owner. "We noticed it in the window. Please tell me more about it. Did you slay it?"

The Big Bear
2019-01-17, 09:45 AM
"Hahaha, yes, it is quite a sight, isn't it?" the old gnome replies to Squig. As everything else in the shop, the stuffed beholder is a rich purple color, it's eye stalks bent in all manner of ways around it. The gnome reaches his pipe to his lips and inhales, before continuing "But no, it is simply a stuffed toy; I'd hate to come upon a real one!"

2019-01-17, 10:05 AM
"As would I!" Squig laughed as she moved around the beholder to examine it, bending to see it from different angles. "It looks SO real... I mean, real from what I've heard. I've never seen a beholder and hope to not ever see one. Just heard stories and drawings. This is great work."

She turned and moved toward the rabbit's foot. "And this rabbit's foot, tell me about this - is it lucky?"

2019-01-17, 10:44 AM
Hans sees the gnome and holds up his hand.

"Sir! Do you have a selection of maps by chance?"

The Big Bear
2019-01-17, 12:04 PM
"As would I!" Squig laughed as she moved around the beholder to examine it, bending to see it from different angles. "It looks SO real... I mean, real from what I've heard. I've never seen a beholder and hope to not ever see one. Just heard stories and drawings. This is great work."

She turned and moved toward the rabbit's foot. "And this rabbit's foot, tell me about this - is it lucky?"

"Yes! The quality is quite impeccable, I would say." The old gnome replies. "And that," he says, indicating the rabbit's foot, "is indeed lucky. But even better, its purple too! I could let that go for, lets see...2 gold dragons!"

Hans sees the gnome and holds up his hand.

"Sir! Do you have a selection of maps by chance?"

"Unfortunately, the Surveyors’, Map-, and Chart-makers’ Guild would run me out of town if I tried to sell a map! I do apologize that I cannot help you." the old gnome replies as he takes another breath from his pipe.

2019-01-18, 12:37 PM
Carric points to the badge and asks
Pardon but what can you tell me about this badge?

The Big Bear
2019-01-18, 01:19 PM
"Of course!" The old gnome replies, lavender-colored smoke escaping his mouth as he speaks. "That, well, that is the badge of one of Cormyr's famed Purple Dragon Knights, some of the most honorable warriors ever known! This belonged to the great Morgreer, a distinguished knight-captain. It's worth 2 gold dragons, if you'd like it."

The badge glistens as you look at it. As fine as it seems, and as fine as many of his wares seem, it does not radiate any magical energy and you get the impression that these trinkets are largely non-magical knickknacks.

2019-01-18, 03:35 PM
Squig inspected the rabbit's foot. She liked it, mostly because it was purple, but also because it was soft and fuzzy. "You know, I will purchase this rabbit's foot as a token to remember your magnificent shop. It reminds me of my father's. And I could always use a little luck!" She winked and reached her hand inside her cloak to pull out 2 gold coins, stacking them neatly on the desk in front of the gnome.

"My name is Squigwiggle Quigglethwip, but you may call me Squig," she smiled and extended a hand toward the gnome. "We are on our way to the Skeward Dragon, is that close by? I would like to know a bit about the place, what it's like, who owns it."

When Squig introduces herself, she will wait to see if the shop owner will introduce himself. Then she will ask about the Skeward Dragon. I also want to see if Squig has established some rapport with the gnome, that he might give her useful information.

The Big Bear
2019-01-18, 04:14 PM
“Ah, thank you miss! A fine purchase! You know what they say: ‘a little luck goes a long way!’” The old gnome replies while returning the wink with one of his real eyes. He picks up the gold pieces and places them in a pocket.

After Squig introduces herself the old gnome replies while reaching out his hand “Well met, Squig. I’m Xoblob, owner of this curiosity shop!”

When she asks about the Skewered Dragon he looks a little worried and says “I try and stay away from such places, even if it’s only up the alley. Ruffians are all around the Dock Ward and the Dragon is a neighborhood favorite. I’m not sure who owns it. Why, are you looking to invest?”

2019-01-18, 04:37 PM
"A pleasure to meet you Xoblob, and thank you for the information." Squig nods her head and smiles. "I'm afraid I'm a long way from being an investor, just a traveling gnome seeking adventure. My grandpappy Wrankwiggle used to say, 'A gnome without a tale is like a tavern without ale!'. He was a drinker. Anyway, you see, we're meeting someone there but we've never been. I wanted to know what to expect, considering the...umm...area."

The Big Bear
2019-01-18, 04:53 PM
“So true!” Xoblob replies when Squig brings up her grandfather’s saying.

When Squig asks about the Skewered Dragon, Xoblob leans in and motions for Squig to do the same. In a slightly hushed tone he says “Don’t know what kind of friends you have, meeting in a place like that. Best be careful, I saw two guys get jumped after leaving there the other night, not twenty steps from the door! Poor sods. A group big as yours should be alright so long as you’re not the ones causing the trouble!”

2019-01-21, 03:14 PM
I'll make a note to visit this guild later. It seems to be my only shot at finding home.

When Squig asks about the Skewered Dragon, Xoblob leans in and motions for Squig to do the same. In a slightly hushed tone he says “Don’t know what kind of friends you have, meeting in a place like that. Best be careful, I saw two guys get jumped after leaving there the other night, not twenty steps from the door! Poor sods. A group big as yours should be alright so long as you’re not the ones causing the trouble!”

"Best we just get in, find out what we need, and leave," Hans chimed in, as he walked towards the shop's entrance and eyed the shop.

Hans is ready to depart.

2019-01-22, 06:11 PM
“So true!” Xoblob replies when Squig brings up her grandfather’s saying.

When Squig asks about the Skewered Dragon, Xoblob leans in and motions for Squig to do the same. In a slightly hushed tone he says “Don’t know what kind of friends you have, meeting in a place like that. Best be careful, I saw two guys get jumped after leaving there the other night, not twenty steps from the door! Poor sods. A group big as yours should be alright so long as you’re not the ones causing the trouble!”

”Oh my! Well thank you for the head’s up Xoblob. I hope our business there will be short. Would you happen to know the men who were jumped? We’re looking for someone named Floon.”

The Big Bear
2019-01-22, 11:13 PM
Xoblob turns to Squig with a sad look on his face. “I’m sorry but I don’t know who those men were and don’t know a Floon. The men who were attacked were dragged off, so if one of them is your friend I hope he is safe.”

2019-01-23, 07:47 AM
"We best be going then, before any more harm comes to him..." Erdan thanks the shop keeper for his time and heads for the door.

2019-01-23, 08:37 AM
Xoblob turns to Squig with a sad look on his face. “I’m sorry but I don’t know who those men were and don’t know a Floon. The men who were attacked were dragged off, so if one of them is your friend I hope he is safe.”

"Perhaps if I described him. He is a human male, handsome, in his early thirties with wavy red-blond hair and dressed in princely garb. Did one of the men dragged off look like this? I'm sorry to trouble you with so many questions, but he may be in danger."

The Big Bear
2019-01-23, 09:01 AM
"Funny you mention that, both of the guys looked just like you described, almost like twins!" Xoblob replies to Squig. "And I've never known a gnome that wasn't full of questions, so no need to apologize; you are trying to find your friend, after all."

The old gnome scratches his chin for a moment and appears to be in deep thought. "There is...one more thing I saw that may help you." The gnome says, pointing to one of the many eyes on his face. "In the scuffle, I saw that one of the attackers had a tattoo on his neck of a flying snake...the mark of the Zhentarim, if you didn't know. Not sure what the Zhents would want with a pair of courtesans..." He says, trailing off into murmuring before looking up and finishing with "That's about all I saw, I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I wish you good luck in finding your friend."

The Big Bear
2019-01-23, 07:28 PM
"We best be going then, before any more harm comes to him..." Erdan thanks the shop keeper for his time and heads for the door.

The group leaves the Old Xoblob Shop, the old gnome bidding you good luck in the search for Floon as you leave. You continue up the street a short way and find the Skewered Dragon.

The Skewered Dragon looks like a ruin. Both of its front-facing windows are smashed, and a ship’s anchor is lodged in the roof. Through the windows, you can see a group of haggard patrons drinking from huge tankards.

Entering the run down establishment, you see a large bar to the left and several ragged tables scattered haphazardly throughout. The bartender is a dwarf man with a thick black beard and a gnarled scar where one eye used to be; he walks with an uneven gait, accompanied by a heavy thump with each step of his left leg.

The scattered patrons appear to be sailors and deckhands, mostly humans and dwarves. A halfling in the back is running a game of Three-Dragon Ante, drawing a small crowd.

2019-01-24, 11:12 AM
Erdan is intrigued by the crowd playing cards and wanders over to them. He's careful not to draw any attention as he looks on.

2019-01-24, 11:46 AM
Hans enters the Dragon and looks around at the shoddy restaurant. He yearned for his small, quaint bar back home, where everybody knew his name. But he couldn't appear weak or unsure.

Just act like you belong and you'll fit right in.

Without breaking stride or looking behind him for his companions, Hans walks right up to the bar towards a chair near the hobbling dwarf. He takes a seat and holds up one finger.

"Hey buddy. One ale when you can, please. Also, you have any idea where Floon is? I've been searching for him awhile."

The Big Bear
2019-01-25, 09:14 AM
Erdan walks over to the crowd that has gathered around a group playing cards. The dealer, a halfling, is running the game for two humans and a dwarf. The players ante-up, are dealt two cards, and play their flights, with the dwarf claiming the pot and the two humans looking stupidly toward each other before laughing and agreeing to another game. Nobody leaves the table as the halfling collects and shuffles the cards before looking to the crowd and pointing at the last empty chair at the table while saying "last call before next game."

Anybody that watched the card game can make a perception roll for the following:
DC13 - You notice that the halfling is dealing from the bottom of the deck for the dwarf.
DC18 - You notice that the halfling is manipulating the cards as he shuffles for the next game.

Hans walks up to the bar and implores the dwarf for an ale. The dwarf lets out a gruff snicker as he is asked about Floon and fills up a mug of ale. "Two silvers..." He says as he puts down the ale, then continues "Ye lookin' fer Floon? Bwahaha! Didn't realize that one had clients of your type." The dwarf shouts to a crowd of regulars at a nearby table "Hear that, boys? The walking anchor here is lookin' fer the pretty boy!" Causing the patrons of the Skewered Dragon to burst out laughing.

After the crowd has settled, the dwarf, a smile still on his cracked and scarred face, says to Hans "I don't see much 'round here" while pointing to the scar where his eye used to be. "Got me a **** memory too...not that there aren't ways to help me remember..."

2019-01-25, 01:32 PM
Carric, who is still salty after getting knocked down by the stirgis, walks to the bar after hearing the laughter and stares right into the dwarfs good eye and says
”listen up depth perception, I want to know if you’ve seen Floon recently or not... “

2019-01-25, 01:45 PM
He says as he puts down the ale, then continues "Ye lookin' fer Floon? Bwahaha! Didn't realize that one had clients of your type." The dwarf shouts to a crowd of regulars at a nearby table "Hear that, boys? The walking anchor here is lookin' fer the pretty boy!" Causing the patrons of the Skewered Dragon to burst out laughing.

Hans takes this jest poorly and fails to produce an adequate comeback in time, making him even angrier. He looks at Carric, then back at the dwarf and exclaims, "Yeah!"

Can Hans do an insight check on the dwarf?

The Big Bear
2019-01-25, 03:26 PM
Carric, who is still salty after getting knocked down by the stirgis, walks to the bar after hearing the laughter and stares right into the dwarfs good eye and says
”listen up depth perception, I want to know if you’ve seen Floon recently or not... “

Hans takes this jest poorly and fails to produce an adequate comeback in time, making him even angrier. He looks at Carric, then back at the dwarf and exclaims, "Yeah!"

Can Hans do an insight check on the dwarf?

No check needed, you get the feeling the dwarf is playing up his lack of sight and memory to persuade you to exchange coin for information.

The dwarf scowls at these apparent lead-up to threats, but you get the feeling he's used to being treated like this and has a thick skin as his face turns to a smile. He looks back over to the table he yelled at before and yells "Bwahaha! Looks like both the anchor and this elf want to party with Floon! Gonna charge ye more fer that, he is!" as the denizens of the tavern erupt in laughter.

The dwarf turns back to you with a mean look on his face. "Now, just as I told yer friend here, I got a **** memory and need some...inspiration...to help me remember. If ye ain't gon' help me memory then ye can shove off!"

2019-01-26, 10:01 PM
”I’m going to guess you didn’t lose the eye or get that limp because of your friendly disposition”
Carric slams a couple silver down on the bar and dreams about taking the dwarfs remaining eye.

2019-01-27, 01:47 PM
Squig enters the bar and pauses to watch how her new companions separate. She decides to follow Erdan to the group playing cards and takes a seat at an open table nearby. She watches carefully, trying to learn the game.


The Big Bear
2019-01-27, 01:50 PM
“An’ I’m guessin’ ye didn’t get so pale servin’ on a ship! Bwahaha!” The gruff dwarf spits back, noting the ghostly complexion of Carric from his recent blood loss.

He looks down at the silver on the bar top, grabs it, and places it in his pocket. “Now ye helpin’ me memory! Last I saw Floon was...two nights ago, drinkin’ with that hack Volo. Played some dice an’ cards ‘fore Volo left. Floon stuck around a bit after that.”

The surly dwarf moves up the bar to serve another sailor before coming back to Hans and Carric. “Might’ve seen Floon leave, but it was busy that night...an’ I’m too thirsty to...properly remember.” He says to you, raising the eyebrow over his good eye. It’s obvious he’s asking for something in return for more information.

Insight check: DC10
Passing this check, you get the feeling he does indeed have more useful information on Floon and isn’t just pulling your leg.


Squig takes a seat near the card players and watches the game. She sees that the halfling is cheating to help the dwarf win; they appear to be working together to hustle the humans at the table.

2019-01-29, 07:06 AM
Erdan walks over to the crowd that has gathered around a group playing cards. The dealer, a halfling, is running the game for two humans and a dwarf. The players ante-up, are dealt two cards, and play their flights, with the dwarf claiming the pot and the two humans looking stupidly toward each other before laughing and agreeing to another game. Nobody leaves the table as the halfling collects and shuffles the cards before looking to the crowd and pointing at the last empty chair at the table while saying "last call before next game."

Anybody that watched the card game can make a perception roll for the following:
DC13 - You notice that the halfling is dealing from the bottom of the deck for the dwarf.
DC18 - You notice that the halfling is manipulating the cards as he shuffles for the next game.

Erdan focuses on the dealer's hands...


The Big Bear
2019-01-29, 08:42 AM
Erdan notices that the halfling is dealing favorably to the dwarf, but not his subtle manipulation while shuffling. You get the feeling they are working together.

2019-01-29, 11:23 AM
The surly dwarf moves up the bar to serve another sailor before coming back to Hans and Carric. “Might’ve seen Floon leave, but it was busy that night...an’ I’m too thirsty to...properly remember.” He says to you, raising the eyebrow over his good eye. It’s obvious he’s asking for something in return for more information.

"Fine," Hans spits, as he places two silver on the table. He turns to Carric and whispers, "Dumb bastard, isn't he?"

2019-01-29, 12:25 PM
Being lost in his thoughts Dengar has barely noticed what's going on around him. He had been following the group with his mind more on past thoughts that resurfaced after seeing the bodies in the street.
Just left there. like... *snap out of it man*
Dengar leans on the bar "Ale, please, sir?" and drops a couple silver on the bar, resting his head in his hands. He takes a seat next to Hans

The Big Bear
2019-01-29, 01:34 PM
"Fine," Hans spits, as he places two silver on the table. He turns to Carric and whispers, "Dumb bastard, isn't he?"

Hans' whisper is not quite as quiet as he had planned and the dwarf seems to bristle a bit at the insult. "It be me eye that missin', not me ears, ye heavily-clad oaf! Who be the dumb bastard now? Bwahaha!" He picks up the silver from the bar, bites it, and places it in the same pocket as before. "Floon met-up with another pretty boy after Volo left. He's, uh, the son of Lord Neverember...dont quite recall his name... Anyway, they played cards fer a bit before leaving together. Some nasty folk followed them out. Looked to be Zhents, haven't been back here since. Those fellas have a warehouse up on Candlestick Drive. Got a sign of a winged snake on the door; can't miss it."

Being lost in his thoughts Dengar has barely noticed what's going on around him. He had been following the group with his mind more on past thoughts that resurfaced after seeing the bodies in the street.
Just left there. like... *snap out of it man*
Dengar leans on the bar "Ale, please, sir?" and drops a couple silver on the bar, resting his head in his hands. He takes a seat next to Hans

"Aye." the dwarf replies, taking the silver before pouring an ale for Dengar.

2019-01-30, 09:33 AM
Nobody leaves the table as the halfling collects and shuffles the cards before looking to the crowd and pointing at the last empty chair at the table while saying "last call before next game."

The halfling is manipulating the deck, and he seems to be working with the dwarf. Perhaps this could be useful.

"I'll play!" Squig piped up, plopping down from her seat at the nearby table to take the open seat in the game. She climbs up onto the chair and folds her hands together on the table. She smiles at the players. "My name is Squig, nice to meet ya!" She then turns to the halfling, "Let us know when you're ready and I'll cut the deck."

The Big Bear
2019-01-30, 10:12 AM
The halfling greets Squig back with a gruff "Pleasure, I'm Barnabus." The two male humans smell strongly of alcohol and nod to Squig; the dwarf nods and, despite having several drained flagons near him, appears to have his wits about him. At the suggestion of cutting the deck, the halfling finishes shuffling and says "Of course" before placing the deck in front of Squig to cut.

After cutting the deck, the halfling picks it up and deals two cards to each player, including himself. Squig looks at her hand and sees two aces, a very favorable hand. The dwarf scoffs and immediately throws his hand into the middle, folding his arms over his chest with a scowl on his face. The two humans and halfling each look at their hand and ante-up by placing a silver in the middle of the table. They look to Squig to see if she will buy-in.

DC14 - As the halfling is dealing the cards, you see that he occasionally looks down at his lap. You also notice that he is dealing from the bottom of the deck every now and then, with the first bottom card going to the dwarf, the second to Squig, the third to a human, the fourth to the other human, the fifth to a the dwarf, and the sixth to Squig.

For simplicity, Three-Dragon Ante is basically texas hold-em here, but with only 3 cards drawn face up, best hand wins. Make your perception roll in the OOC and then make your post here.

2019-01-30, 11:52 AM
Dengar takes his ale "Thank you, sir. Don't let this guy bug you too much." He says patting Hans on the heavily armored shoulder, producing a low thud.
He spies Squig at the card table with Erdan nearby. This looks interesting. I'm sure Hans and Carric have the Bartender handled, but this... this may get ugly and wanders over to stand silently next to Erdan.

2019-01-30, 11:58 AM
Squig considers her hand for a moment as the players make their moves. What luck! Must be my new rabbit's foot. She places a silver in the middle of the table.

The Big Bear
2019-01-30, 12:09 PM
After Squig places the silver on the table the halfling places the deck on the table and deals three cards face-up; a king, a 9, and a 4. The halfling then throws his cards into the middle, folding from the game. The humans look at the table and over to Squig and place 5 silver each in the pot. Squig looks at her hand and places 6 silver in the pot. The humans each look at their hand and place 1 silver each in the pot.

Everyone reveals their hands. The first human, a sun baked sailor, reveals a 2 and king; the second, seemingly a dockhand, reveals a 7 and a 9. Squig reveals the two aces and wins the pot.

“Bah, beginners luck!” The dwarf grumbles.

“Another hand?” The halfling asks, and everyone agrees to another game.

2019-01-30, 12:15 PM
Squig reaches her arms over to collect the pot and winks at the dwarf. "Perhaps it is. Let's play again."

The Big Bear
2019-01-30, 12:43 PM
The next several games continue much as the first, with the halfling and dwarf dropping out early in most hands and the humans stupidly betting their money away, winning only a handful of rounds each through the course of play. Squig wins the majority of hands, much to the chagrin of the humans. After many rounds the humans cut their losses and leave the table, remarking "cant contest that gnome luck, huh?"

Same DC 14 check as before, made with advantage due to ample opportunity to observe.
Pass this check and you see that the halfling is still cheating, but is now giving Squig the best hands in most, but not all, games.

Squigs total winnings in silver are in OOC

After the humans leave the dwarf leans over to Squig and says "That's about enough, eh? Won a good share today, should be happy with yer winnin's...Now go, I don't want ye at me table anymore, yer bad luck to me!"

2019-01-30, 02:00 PM
Squig smiles at the dwarf and the halfling, and leans in and whispers to them. "I have been lucky, yes, but it hasn't all been luck. I understand what has been going on here."

"Now I could tell those drunken humans, or you could give me some information. I'm looking for Floon. I need to know where to find him and who you last saw him with. In exchange, not only will I leave and keep quiet about your game, but I'll give you half my winnings."

Squig's facial expression becomes serious, "You have my word."

Her heart starts to race as she awaits their response. I hope I didn't just make two enemies.

2019-01-30, 02:20 PM
Dengar can see the dwarf dealer talking to Squig but can't quite understand beyond him telling her to leave
lemme just move myself a little closer as he does so he folds his arms over his chest and stands stalwart near Squig, ready to react to anything.

The Big Bear
2019-01-30, 02:39 PM
Squig smiles at the dwarf and the halfling, and leans in and whispers to them. "I have been lucky, yes, but it hasn't all been luck. I understand what has been going on here."

"Now I could tell those drunken humans, or you could give me some information. I'm looking for Floon. I need to know where to find him and who you last saw him with. In exchange, not only will I leave and keep quiet about your game, but I'll give you half my winnings."

Squig's facial expression becomes serious, "You have my word."

Her heart starts to race as she awaits their response. I hope I didn't just make two enemies.

Of the two, the dwarf takes the lead in talking. "Ye think they'd believe ye? HA!" he spits at Squig and eyes Dengar standing nearby. "Yer lucky I like silver and like this spot" he says, before leaning back in his chair and rubbing his beard.

"We saw Floon the other night; played cards with him in fact. Got a big wallet that one. The guy he was with, not so much. Once that pissant ran outta coin he left, and Floon met with Lord Renaer whats-his-face. They played some and left after midnight, five Zhents followin' 'em out. Beat the crap outta 'em and dragged 'em off; those pretty boys sure can't fight worth a damn." He pauses for a long minute and eyes the pile of silver in front of Squig. "Can find them Zhents on Candlestick Drive, got a warehouse down there with a snake symbol on the door."

He leans in before continuing "Now, if I ever see ye at me table again...ye keep to yerself and ye'll be dealt well, and we'll take half yer winnin's each night. But ye better keep yer mouth shut otherwise." As he finishes he gives you a smile and a wink.

2019-01-30, 06:20 PM
Squig returned the dwarf's smile, "Thank you, this is very helpful. As promised, my lips are sealed." She slides 18 silver over to him.

In a normal speaking voice, she says, "Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure." She hops down from the chair and leaves the table. She turns to Dengar and Erdan. "Should we find a table? Your next round is on me. I wonder if Hans and Carric had any luck at the bar."

2019-01-31, 08:59 AM
Squig returned the dwarf's smile, "Thank you, this is very helpful. As promised, my lips are sealed." She slides 18 silver over to him.

In a normal speaking voice, she says, "Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure." She hops down from the chair and leaves the table. She turns to Dengar and Erdan. "Should we find a table? Your next round is on me. I wonder if Hans and Carric had any luck at the bar."

"I couldn't help but overhear...these Zhents sound like some tough hombres...but i like where your head is at Squig. Nothing like some ale to get your ready to rumble!" Erdan begins to lead the way towards an empty table. "Lets gather the group, see what everyone has learned, and get ready to head towards the warehouse."

2019-01-31, 09:28 AM
Squig giggles to Erdan, "Yes from what I've heard! I don't normally drink but I feel like I need one now. My heart is racing! I need to calm my nerves."

As they make their way to the table, Squig looks around to see if there's a waitress or if ale is ordered from the bar.

2019-01-31, 10:05 AM
Squig giggles to Erdan, "Yes from what I've heard! I don't normally drink but I feel like I need one now. My heart is racing! I need to calm my nerves."

As they make their way to the table, Squig looks around to see if there's a waitress or if ale is ordered from the bar.

"Last I heard they were insulting the bartender." letting out a chuckle and taking another sip of his drink.
"Lets go while he's still willing to serve us, I could use a refill."

The Big Bear
2019-01-31, 10:59 AM
Erdan, Dengar, and Squig move to an empty table, where they are brought fresh ales by a female half-elf server with long silver hair.

Ales are 2s each, but come in very large mugs.

Once everyone is ready to move on I will make a post about the group sharing the info they have gathered and heading to the warehouse.

Since you are now a bit more familiar with Waterdeep I suggest rereading the primer on the second post of the OOC thread so that you know about the Zhents and such. Your character knows the info in this primer.

2019-01-31, 11:10 AM
Hans, feeling generally out-witted, and seeing the rest of his group gathering nearby, abandons his display of bravado.

"Very well, my thanks sir, you've been helpful. Here's for your trouble on my friend's and my behalf." He places two silver in front of the dwarf, then holds out another three separately. "Could I ask you to have another ale sent to my table if these 'Zhents' return? That'd be a big trick to score for a working man like me," he jokes sheepishly.

The Big Bear
2019-01-31, 06:48 PM
“I doubt they’ll be back” the dwarf says, not getting the joke. Hans and Carric take their drinks and head to the table where the others are seated.

The group discusses the information gleaned from the bars inhabitants. They decide to head to the warehouse they heard about in their search for Floon.

You follow the directions given to you, working your way through the Dock Ward to a section of warehouses close to the docks. Gloom envelopes a narrow alley as dark as a dungeon - and as odorous as one, too. Nearly all the street lamps have been smashed. The only light that pierces the darkness is a faint flickering from down the lane, like a distant candle.

Across from this lone light source is a dilapidated warehouse standing at the back of an outer yard behind a high fence whose gate appears slightly ajar. Past the fence you see a large loading door with a regular door next to it on the right side, a winged snake painted above the handle. To the left you see a painted-over window.

2019-01-31, 08:01 PM
”That’s the Zhent warehouse!” Squig exclaimed in a hushed voice. “Just like the dwarf described. How do you guys think we should approach this? Floon might be in there.”

2019-01-31, 09:14 PM
Hans replies, "I believe some reconnaissance is in order. We know five Zhents grabbed him but there could be more." Hans squints and looks for any sort of small windows or see-throughs around the doors and mutters half to himself, "Perhaps a better glimpse from the back."

The Big Bear
2019-02-01, 09:40 AM
It is easy enough to circle around the warehouse. Walking past the fenced-in yard on the western side, a set of steps leads up to a well-lit street one story above the yard level. Turning to the right, you see a set of offices on the north side of the warehouse, you pass two grime-covered windows with curtains blocking the view from the inside, and the front-door to the offices. Past the offices and turning to the right, you see a set of steps leading back down to another mostly-dark alley on the eastern side of the warehouse, this side lacking any points of entry. As you continue around the last corner and back to the fenced area you see that the south side also lacks windows and doors. You occasionally hear the sound of ravens calling from inside the warehouse, but otherwise it is eerily silent.

2019-02-01, 10:31 AM
Seeing only one point of entry, Squig suggests, "I guess we go in through the offices? Those curtains on the windows make me wonder what they're hiding. It's pretty quite too, we might find no one inside. We best be ready for anything."

2019-02-01, 10:32 AM
"Can't seem to get a look inside," Hans muses, "but I'm not keen on breaking the doors down if we don't know what's inside. We can check that the doors are unlocked, and perhaps if one of us can draw their attention from the front, the rest can make a quiet entrance into the offices?"

2019-02-01, 12:42 PM
"Can't seem to get a look inside," Hans muses, "but I'm not keen on breaking the doors down if we don't know what's inside. We can check that the doors are unlocked, and perhaps if one of us can draw their attention from the front, the rest can make a quiet entrance into the offices?"

I agree we shouldn't just burst in. But chances are they already know of our presence. Maybe there's a way in on the roof. Who's most nimble?

2019-02-01, 01:42 PM
"Yes agreed, we should try to figure out what we're dealing with first. I'm not very nimble, or strong, but I am small!" Squig puffed her chest out at the statement, proud of her small stature.

2019-02-01, 01:45 PM
I agree we shouldn't just burst in. But chances are they already know of our presence. Maybe there's a way in on the roof. Who's most nimble?

"I wish we could find out more before anyone goes to a position they can't escape." Hans turns to the small she-gnome. "Squig, maybe you can press against the office door and try to listen for something? I would, but ..." he slowly holds his arms out to demonstrate the soft tinkling of his chain armor.

2019-02-03, 01:28 PM
"Yes agreed, we should try to figure out what we're dealing with first. I'm not very nimble, or strong, but I am small!" Squig puffed her chest out at the statement, proud of her small stature.

”There might be a small hole somewhere you can’t fit through, Swuig.” Dengar takes a look at their surroundings. “I’d make too much noise as well.”

2019-02-03, 01:53 PM
Im somewhat dexterous, I can give you a hand finding out what’s going on in there Squig.

2019-02-04, 08:12 AM
"come now, let the thief do his thing" Erdan stretches lightly and cracks his knuckles. "Muscles, give me a boost up on to the roof, but lets keep it quiet."

2019-02-04, 09:00 AM
Hans slowly works his way forward to the southeast corner of the warehouse and readies himself to hoist Erdan towards the roof.

2019-02-04, 09:28 AM
Squig anxiously clasped her hands together as Hans hoisted Erdan up onto the roof. Though she had only spent one day with her new companions, she found herself caring deeply about their welfare as if they were old friends. "Be careful!" she muttered quietly.

She whispered to Carric and Dengar, "I can try to listen at the door or find a small hole, depending on what Erdan finds up there."

The Big Bear
2019-02-04, 10:37 AM
"come now, let the thief do his thing" Erdan stretches lightly and cracks his knuckles. "Muscles, give me a boost up on to the roof, but lets keep it quiet."

Hans slowly works his way forward to the southeast corner of the warehouse and readies himself to hoist Erdan towards the roof.

The party makes their way to the southeast corner of the warehouse, away from any windows or doors. Hans leans down and puts his hands together, which Erdan steps onto. The warehouse roof is two stories above them, but they coordinate their effort and Hans launches Erdan into the air as Erdan jumps. Hans armor lightly clinks as he does so, but it doesn't appear to draw any attention. The effort is just enough for Erdan to grab the edge of the roof and pull himself up, making almost no noise in the process.

Once on the roof, Erdan sees three glass skylights, each a few feet from the ledges. The closest one, a few feet from Erdan and spaced evenly between the east and west sides of the building, is held open with a stick. From this opening, Erdan hears the sound of a ravens cry followed by thin, nasally voice saying "let's clean up and head back to the boss." The other two are farther down near the northern side of the roof; the one on the east side is in line with the open hatch and the other in the northwest portion of the building.

2019-02-04, 05:09 PM
Erdan, being as quiet as he can, whisper's down to the others "They're about to walk out, lets hide and follow them"

The Big Bear
2019-02-04, 05:55 PM
Shortly after Erdan whispers to the group he hears more voices from the skylight. “Kill any Zhents that show up!” says a scratchy voice, followed by another with an orcish accent replying “search the crates!”

Despite sounding like people talking, Erdan notices that the speech patterns sound off.

2019-02-06, 12:32 PM
Erdan, being as quiet as he can, whisper's down to the others "They're about to walk out, lets hide and follow them"

Hans shuffles around the corner and backs up against the south side wall. He wasn't sure where to expect them, but he didn't want to whisper back to Erdan and risk being heard. He peers around the corner to look down the east side wall, keeping an eye out for any Zents exiting the office towards the east-side dark alley. He looks at the group and mouths quietly, "I'll cover this side."

Recap: He's on the south side of the southeast corner, back against the wall, peering across the eastern wall. He's trying to catch them if they exit the north side and head east down the alley.

2019-02-06, 01:56 PM
Shortly after Erdan whispers to the group he hears more voices from the skylight. “Kill any Zhents that show up!” says a scratchy voice, followed by another with an orcish accent replying “search the crates!”

Despite sounding like people talking, Erdan notices that the speech patterns sound off.

In a whisper, Erdan relays what he hears to the others. "I dont think these are zhents...maybe a rival gang?"

2019-02-07, 09:33 AM
Erdan, being as quiet as he can, whisper's down to the others "They're about to walk out, lets hide and follow them"

Squig hides behind one of the crates in the alley, peeking her head over the top to maintain view of her companions. Hmm.. not Zhents. Could be a rival gang. Or the city guard. She waits to see what the group does.

2019-02-07, 09:54 AM
Hans shuffles around the corner and backs up against the south side wall. He wasn't sure where to expect them, but he didn't want to whisper back to Erdan and risk being heard. He peers around the corner to look down the east side wall, keeping an eye out for any Zents exiting the office towards the east-side dark alley. He looks at the group and mouths quietly, "I'll cover this side."

Recap: He's on the south side of the southeast corner, back against the wall, peering across the eastern wall. He's trying to catch them if they exit the north side and head east down the alley.

Dengar takes a position next to Hans up against the building, watching to their right as Hans looks to the left around the corner to the East.
"Do we know which door to expect them out of?" Dengar whispers.
No more thugs as embers inside him burn into an anger born from experiences he'd rather not revisit.

The Big Bear
2019-02-07, 10:16 AM
Squig, Hans, and Dengar take up positions in the alley on the south side of the warehouse; Squig conceals herself behind a crate while Denger and Hans each peer around separate corners. This alley is dark and dingy, the only light coming from across the warehouse's fenced in area to the west side of the alley. The alley to the east of the warehouse is nearly completely dark, the only light coming from the street to the north. The alley to the west contains the solitary light source that is across from the warehouse's fenced in area.

Erdan holds his position on the roof of the warehouse.

The alley Hans is looking down is mostly dark. He would be able to see someone coming around the far corner towards the offices. The alley Dengar is looking down is dimly lit. Your stealth checks cover someone seeing/not seeing you as you are peering around the corners or if they pass the alley; if something walks up the alley only Squig is really hiding at that point.
Stealth: Dengar=18, Squig=21; Hans=13; Erdan=27

2019-02-07, 08:46 PM
"Do we know which door to expect them out of?" Dengar whispers.

"Can't make out much from here," Hans replied. "And I don't like that we have company on the roof. Let's stay behind this wall and stake out a moment, listen for something."

The Big Bear
2019-02-08, 08:30 AM
The group stays in the alley, with Erdan maintaining his position on the roof, waiting for the occupants of the warehouse to leave. About fifteen minutes pass before Erdan hears what sounds like a barrel falling over and an orcish voice yell “Someone’s in the back! Break the door down!” Followed by the sound of ravens screeching.

2019-02-08, 08:47 AM
The group stays in the alley, with Erdan maintaining his position on the roof, waiting for the occupants of the warehouse to leave. About fifteen minutes pass before Erdan hears what sounds like a barrel falling over and an orcish voice yell “Someone’s in the back! Break the door down!” Followed by the sound of ravens screeching.

Erdan would like to get a better view of the action. He sneaks up to the open skylight and peers in, trying not to expose himself.


The Big Bear
2019-02-08, 09:13 AM
Erdan lightly walks over and peers into the nearby open skylight. Inside he sees the large open room of the warehouse, with a balcony on the second story overlooking the room on the north and east sides; stairs on the far side of the warehouse lead between the floors. Four cloaked figures stand with their backs to Erdan, seemingly crowding around a storage closet under the stairwell.

One of the figures shoves against the door but rebounds off before setting his feet to try again. As it gets ready to shove the door again, Erdan notices a long black beak poking out of the hood of the cloak, and that it has strange bird-like feet.

By the description, everyone recognizes the creatures as Kenku. Kenku are raven people without wings. Some Kenku work as dockhands and sailors. You know that Kenku mimic the voices of others.

2019-02-08, 10:58 AM
The group stays in the alley, with Erdan maintaining his position on the roof, waiting for the occupants of the warehouse to leave. About fifteen minutes pass before Erdan hears what sounds like a barrel falling over and an orcish voice yell “Someone’s in the back! Break the door down!” Followed by the sound of ravens screeching.

Hans turns to the others and whispers, "Hold here, they don't need to know there's four of us." Without waiting for a reply, he quickly but briskly turns the corner and strides along the east wall, Dunning-Kruger effect in full force, trying to appear as if he knew exactly what he was doing.

2019-02-08, 03:55 PM
Squig silently watches Hans disappear around the corner. She lets out a short sigh, growing more curious and anxious with each passing second. Hopefully Hans and Erdan return soon. She fiddles with the silver key inside her cloak as she listens for their voices.

2019-02-12, 07:19 AM
Erdan backs away slowly from the open window and lightly walks back over to the edge. "We got bird people" he says in a tone that conveys his obvious distrust in the avian type. He goes on to explain what he saw inside. "You wanna go in through the door while i keep an eye from above?" he suggests

2019-02-12, 08:55 AM
What the f...? As Hans just turns the corner and walks away.
"Hans" Dengar Whispers "Where the hell are you going?"
Dengar moves to the corner Hans previously occupied and peeks around., trying to keep an eye on him in case this goes awry.

Dengar hears Erdan about the bird people and doesn't know to expect. New experiences everyday around here

2019-02-12, 10:51 AM
Erdan backs away slowly from the open window and lightly walks back over to the edge. "We got bird people" he says in a tone that conveys his obvious distrust in the avian type. He goes on to explain what he saw inside. "You wanna go in through the door while i keep an eye from above?" he suggests

Bird people?! Maybe they’re Kenku... Squig wonders. She whispers back to Erdan, Dengar and Carric. ”We could follow them and see where they go... ambushing them might be dangerous.”

2019-02-12, 12:07 PM
Hans turns back to Dengar and whispers, "They're already onto us. Get ready." He inches his way up the wall, working his way toward the northeast corner, where he can get a glimpse of the front doors.

The Big Bear
2019-02-13, 08:24 AM
Hans approaches the northeast corner of the warehouse and checks around the corner toward the office door. The street is well-lit, with the occasional stumbling drunk and guard patrol the only signs of activity at this hour. Hans realizes that, should it be locked, forcing the door open may cause enough noise to draw attention.

On the roof, Erdan hears more ruckus coming from the first floor of the warehouse. He hears a heavy pounding as the inhabitants of the warehouse continue to try to break down a door in the back.

2019-02-13, 05:29 PM
Hearing the continuous banging on the back door, Hans quickly abandons his advance to the north side. He unsheathes his longsword as he makes his way back to the southern wall, where he positions himself with his back against the east side of the southeast corner.

2019-02-14, 10:39 AM
Hans approaches the northeast corner of the warehouse and checks around the corner toward the office door. The street is well-lit, with the occasional stumbling drunk and guard patrol the only signs of activity at this hour. Hans realizes that, should it be locked, forcing the door open may cause enough noise to draw attention.

On the roof, Erdan hears more ruckus coming from the first floor of the warehouse. He hears a heavy pounding as the inhabitants of the warehouse continue to try to break down a door in the back.

"Hans, what's up with that door? Think we can get in and surprise them?"
Dengar mimes like he's lock-picking but being completely un-knowledgeable on how to do so he ends up making just a key turning motion.

2019-02-14, 11:17 AM
"Hans, what's up with that door? Think we can get in and surprise them?"

Hans groans. "Let me check. Holler if you need me." Hans whips around and scurries back to the north wall from where he came. He approaches the office door and gives it a jiggle, examining whether or not it's locked.

The Big Bear
2019-02-14, 12:37 PM
Hans groans. "Let me check. Holler if you need me." Hans whips around and scurries back to the north wall from where he came. He approaches the office door and gives it a jiggle, examining whether or not it's locked.

With his free hand Hans grasps the door handle and lightly jiggles it. The handle refuses to budge and is clearly locked. The paint on the door is peeling in some places, indicating that it has seen better days.

2019-02-14, 01:17 PM
Squig rolls her eyes. So much for following them. She moves to the southeast corner and peeks around to keep an eye on Dengar.

2019-02-14, 01:53 PM
We need a plan, quick.

Hans scurries back south. He plants himself next to Squig and whispers, "We're sitting ducks here. We can hide over there," nodding his head toward the north side of the building. "Door's locked, we'd hear them coming."

2019-02-15, 03:42 PM
We need a plan, quick.

Hans scurries back south. He plants himself next to Squig and whispers, "We're sitting ducks here. We can hide over there," nodding his head toward the north side of the building. "Door's locked, we'd hear them coming."

"Then we should probably move now" Dengar readies himself to make a move motioning for the others to go as well

The Big Bear
2019-02-21, 08:12 AM
Erdan sees one of the kenku slam against the door, but again fails to break it open, bouncing to the side from the recoil. "Surrender now and maybe we'll spare ye!" one of the kenku yells at the door in a thick dwarven accent. One of the other kenku rummages through a nearby crate and pulls out a crowbar.

2019-02-21, 08:19 AM
Erdan sees one of the kenku slam against the door, but again fails to break it open, bouncing to the side from the recoil. "Surrender now and maybe we'll spare ye!" one of the kenku yells at the door in a thick dwarven accent. One of the other kenku rummages through a nearby crate and pulls out a crowbar.

Dengar whispers to Squig and Hans nearby "I'm hearing a lot of noise in there. We might want to get moving. Hans, let's bust this door down. Squig, get whatever you wanna throw in there ready." Looking up towards the roof "Erdan, rain hell when we bust in."

2019-02-21, 10:27 AM
Hans nods. "I pity us if we can't handle a few birds." He takes a few steps back, waiting to shoulder the door with Dengar.

2019-02-21, 10:50 AM
"I'm right behind ya! Let's do this!" Squig says to Dengar and Hans. Squig moves to stand 5 feet behind the two with the door in sight. Reaching for the key with her left hand, she stretches out her right hand and feels the familiar chill build up through her arm.

Squig readies a Frostbite attack at the nearest Kenku once the door is opened.

2019-02-21, 11:44 AM
Hans takes a deep breath and sprints forward with Dengar, shoulders aimed at the door, aiming to blow right through it.


The Big Bear
2019-02-21, 01:55 PM
Together, Hans and Dengar charge at the warehouse door, impacting it with such tremendous force that the hinges break free from the frame. They stand atop the broken door in a small dark reception room, the only light coming from the street behind them. Rats skitter about from the sudden disturbance.

The walls are covered with a peeling green and yellow wallpaper with flower designs; a few shelves adorn the walls, holding nothing but a thick layer of dust. An empty desk and various chairs are strewn about. To their right is a door that leads to the offices, a silver bell sits above the door, a string leading from it into the wall. In front of them is a closed door, a sign hanging above that says "Warehouse - 2nd Floor."


On the rooftop, through the skylight Erdan sees the kenku with a crowbar step towards the door. It raises the bar, places one end in the doorjamb near the knob and pushes, causing the door and jamb to splinter apart, allowing the door to swing open and pushing back the man that was attempting to hold it shut. At nearly the same time, Erdan hears a loud impact coming from the northern side of the warehouse. The kenku do not seem to notice the noise of his companions breaking into the second floor; the sound of the kenku breaking in the door appearing to have covered their trespass.

Once the door is open, Erdan hears the voice of a human man challenging "have at you!" at the kenku, and he sees the tip of a rapier pierce past the opening. The kenku that forced the door open narrowly avoids the thrust to its chest and in an orcish voice replies "He's the one, take him alive!" and they all draw short swords.

The Big Bear
2019-02-21, 02:03 PM
The human man yells "you'll never take me alive!" and assumes a defensive posture, almost daring the kenku in front of him to challenge him. Erdan sees that he is using the doorway defensively, to prevent himself from being harried from multiple angles.

Human Man

2019-02-21, 02:13 PM
Erdan stays hidden, holding his position until Hans or Dengar make an attack.

2019-02-21, 02:40 PM
Hans rushes towards the eastern balcony so to look over the first floor.

"Good evening fellows and feathered fellows! Sorry to break in. We're here to collect the man-harlot called Floon and we'll be right on our way. Which of you is Floon?" He asks as he wags his finger in a circle around the cohort of people below.

The Big Bear
2019-02-21, 03:30 PM
Hans bursts through the (luckily unlocked) door in front of him and approaches the balcony to announce himself. On the first floor he sees the four kenku below him, one standing in front of a broken door right below Hans and the others fanned out around the door, weapons drawn.

At the base of the southern and eastern walls of the first floor of the warehouse, under the second floor balcony, Hans sees the bodies of various humans, kenku, and elves.

At Hans' announcement, three of the kenku look up, one of them shrieking "Damn Zhents! Kill 'em!" in a female elven voice. The kenku closest to the stairs runs to the base of the stairs and assumes a defensive posture. Two of the others drop their swords and pull shortbows off of their backs and each let an arrow fly at Hans. The smallest of the kenku appears to be unprepared, and in it's haste to fire at Hans it terribly misses the mark. The other kenku is more prepared and takes a second to line up his shot. The shot appears true, but lodges into one of the wooden posts of the balcony in front of Hans.

The last kenku attempts to slash at the human man with it's short sword. The human man appears cocky and steps back as he lifts his sword to intercept the kenku's blade. He hears Floon's name and it breaks his focus; not watching where he is stepping, his foot lands on a tapestry hanging over a crate and gets caught as he tries to maneuver, leaving enough of an opening for the kenku to slash across with its blade, cutting easily through the mans red tunic and leaving a gash across the mans chest. He lets out an "Arrgh!" but remains standing.

4 to Hans.
5 to human man.

Squig up next.

2019-02-21, 04:09 PM
Squig rushes to the balcony door and slides through the threshold on her belly, arriving close enough to the edge to peek over. That man might be Floon! She clutches the silver key with her left hand and opens her right palm to focus a freezing chill on the Kenku closest to the human man.

A bitterly cold frost covers a creature you can see, forcing them to make a Constitution save. On failure, it takes 1d6 cold damage and has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

The Big Bear
2019-02-21, 04:16 PM
Peeking over the edge, Squig is able to see the four kenku one the first floor. After slashing at the man, the kenku begins to feel a cold chill surround it's body, but it is hardy enough that it is able to shake off the cold without much effect.

Human Man

2019-02-21, 06:25 PM
Dengar steadies himself on the wood post just as it's hit with an arrow. He spots the Kenku who took up defense at the base of the stairs.
He uses the post at the end of the railing to make the corner quickly. Raising his greatsword above his head he brings it down from above towards the kenku at the base of the stairs, using his rush off the top stair for more forward momentum.

The Big Bear
2019-02-21, 06:54 PM
The kenku’s eyes go wide at the sight of a large human with a greatsword leaping toward it from the top of the stairs with a downward strike. It raises its sword feebly to deflect the blow, but the force of Dengar’s greatsword easily pushes it away and connects with the kenku’s neck, driving down diagonally into the middle of its torso, leaving a gaping tear in its body as blood gushes out. It screeches horribly before the life fades from its eyes as Dengar lands atop it, the kenku’s lifeless body softening his landing.

2019-02-22, 08:14 AM
Upon seeing Dengar crush a Kenku with a single blow, Erdan spots one of the other bird people looking Dengar's way and lets an arrow fly towards them.

Attack roll with advantage since stealth on roof



Damage + sneak attack damage since hidden and first attack.


The Big Bear
2019-02-22, 08:32 AM
Erdan crouches near the hatch on the window and readies his bow. As Dengar crashes on top of the kenku at the bottom of the stairs, the two others that had fired on Hans turn towards him and ready their bows. As the one closest to Dengar knocks an arrow, Erdan lets his arrow fly, sailing across the warehouse and right into the side of the kenku closest to Dengar. A gasping shriek is released as dark blood begins to flow from it's side. You see that it's legs nearly give out but it remains standing.

The other kenku with a shortbow looks towards the roof and yells "They got one on the roof! Take cover!" in an angry dwarven voice.

Turns and Damage:

Human Man

The kenku nearest Dengar (#1) is in very bad shape. The other with the shortbow out (#2) and the one attacking the man (#3) have not been hit. #4 is a bloody mess on the ground.

2019-02-24, 12:24 AM
Carric moves into the warehouse and attempts to thorn whip the Kenku closest to Dengar.


The Big Bear
2019-02-24, 10:29 AM
Carric appraches the rail of the balcony and lashes forward, a thorny vine extending from his hand and reaching down at the Kenku. The vines entangle the kenku, digging past its feathers and tearing into flesh, blood now running along the vines. It drops its bow and furiously tries to pull itself free; it shrieks horribly as it further cuts itself on the thorns in the process. Carric grasps the vine in his hand and pulls back, pulling the kenku to forcefully slam into a support beam holding up the second floor. As soon as it impacts the beam its wail ceases. The vines wilt away and its body crumples to the floor.

Having heard the call for Floon and the shrieks of his attackers, the human man shouts “they took him! Leave one alive!” The man lunges forward at the kenku, thrusting his rapier at the kenku’s chest. As the kenku moves its sword to intercept the thrust, the man pulls back as he sidesteps and thrusts forward. The kenku is too slow to adjust to the feint and the rapier digs into the shoulder, piercing out the back. The sword falls from its hand as it falls to the ground, still alive but unable to fight.

The man steps forward and looks at the two dead kenku and the last one standing. He says “your turn now!” as he readies his sword.

2019-02-26, 03:46 PM
Erdan spots the last of the kenku and lets another arrow fly

[/roll] 20d +5[/roll]

[/roll] 20d +5[/roll]

[/roll] 1d6 +3 +1d6[/roll]

The Big Bear
2019-02-26, 04:54 PM
The last kenku readies itself to face the human man when an arrow streaks across the warehouse and strikes it in the back. The kenku lets our a horrific cry as it falls to one knee, grasping its bow with both hands and pushing the end into the floor to steady itself and get back on its feet. Blood runs down its back and forms a dark trail that runs down the length of its cloak to the floor.

Hans is up next followed by the Kenku. The one Erdan shot is the last one standing and it is in bad shape. The one the human man downed is still alive but is out of the fight.

2019-02-26, 05:34 PM
Hans unsheaths his sword as he flies down the staircase. He charges at the kenku with the arrow in its back and smacks him across the head with his sword's pommel, in an attempt to merely maim him.


The Big Bear
2019-02-26, 07:18 PM
The kenku sees Hans approach and ducks to avoid the blow. It pushes Hans toward the human man, who grabs Hans by the shoulder to steady him. The kenku runs toward the warehouse door and opens the lock, then grasps the handle at it looks over its shoulder, a look of terror clear on its face.

Kenku took the Disengage action. Squig up next. Then Dengar.

2019-02-27, 10:45 AM
Hmm, the human man is not Floon. But he knows Floon and can probably help us. 'Leave one alive', he said. But there's only one left and he's escaping!

Squig yells to her companions, "The last one is running away!" Still on her belly, she takes out her crossbow and aims for the Kenku's leg, hoping to prevent it from bolting out the door without killing it.

Damage: [roll1]

The Big Bear
2019-02-27, 07:38 PM
Squig’s arrow flys toward the kenku and strikes just above the ankle. It falls over, howling in pain before falling unconscious.

Seeing the fleeing kenku fall, the human turns towards the one he had wounded earlier. “Stay put, or else” he says to it threateningly, then turns to Dengar and smiles. “You have impeccable timing. Another minute and they would have gotten to me!”

“Renaer Neverember. And you are sir...?” He says as he offers a handshake to Dengar, who notices that the man is marred in grime and smells of sour fish and vinegar. Getting a better look at him, he does appear to closely match the description of Floon.

The warehouse is full of crates and debris. Twelve bodies line the southern and eastern walls under the second floor, all clad in leather armor with weapons laying around them. Streaks of blood adorn the floor, signs of an earlier skirmish.

2019-03-01, 08:51 AM
Squig’s arrow flys toward the kenku and strikes just above the ankle. It falls over, howling in pain before falling unconscious.

Seeing the fleeing kenku fall, the human turns towards the one he had wounded earlier. “Stay put, or else” he says to it threateningly, then turns to Dengar and smiles. “You have impeccable timing. Another minute and they would have gotten to me!”

“Renaer Neverember. And you are sir...?” He says as he offers a handshake to Dengar, who notices that the man is marred in grime and smells of sour fish and vinegar. Getting a better look at him, he does appear to closely match the description of Floon.

The warehouse is full of crates and debris. Twelve bodies line the southern and eastern walls under the second floor, all clad in leather armor with weapons laying around them. Streaks of blood adorn the floor, signs of an earlier skirmish.

"Dengar" he says as he shakes the man's hand.
Neverember... this could get interesting "You've seen better days, eh? We were looking for someone. The trail lead here. How'd you end up in the broom closet surrounded by parrots?"

The Big Bear
2019-03-01, 10:21 AM
"Well met, sir Dengar" the man replies. "And yes, I could use a drink...and a shower" he says as he moves to sit atop a nearby crate. He pushes his long red hair out of his face and you see his strong, square jaw covered with short stubble. Even covered in grime, Renaer is strikingly handsome.

"I heard someone calling for Floon as you entered. Unfortunately, he is no longer here. Floon and I were drinking and gambling the other night, when we were attacked on our way home by a group of Zhents, who then brought us here."

A sad, guilty look washes over Renaer's face. "They were questioning us...well, me...when the Xanathar's guild swarmed the place. I'm lucky I was in the back and able to free myself and hide, but Floon was out here. They must have mistaken him for me and taken him somewhere after the fight. I've been trying to escape for...it feels like more than a day...but I couldn't get past the ones that stuck around. I heard them saying they were going to look around and kill any more Zhents that show up; I was hoping to use such an event to escape, but alas they found me first. Luckily, you all showed up." A slight smile spreads across his face, you get the feeling he is relieved to be out of the storage closet.

He looks over to one of the two wounded kenku and says "Perhaps they can tell us where Floon was taken..."

2019-03-01, 11:29 AM
Hans overhears Dengar's and Renaer's conversation.

I wonder, is he referring to the same night Floon was out with Volothamp? Volo never mentioned anyone else.

Hans trots over to the kenku near the man, with the arrow in its back. Far from a sadist, Hans wasn't looking forward to interrogating their captives.

I just may get sick. But these things are raised from pure evil. Pain and fear is what they know.

Hans lays his foot on the lower spine of the kenku and lightly grabs the arrow protruding from his back.

"Listen, it's not in my person to strike down a powerless thing like yourself. But my friend over there, who split your comrade like a wishbone," he says as he nods towards Dengar, "It seems that he quite likes it."

At this, Hans wiggles the arrow in slight circles as he puts his mouth inches from the kenku's head. He whispers through gritted teeth, "So, what can I tell him about Floon's whereabouts, before he gets really, really angry?"


The Big Bear
2019-03-01, 12:21 PM
The kenku with the arrow in its back hazily comes to as the heavy thud of Hans' boots announce his arrival. It appears to be obviously scared out of its wits, and Hans' threat registers as the kenku looks past to Dengar, who is wiping his bloody blade on the clothes of the kenku he nearly split in two. As Hans twists the arrow the kenku lets out a yelp of pain, nearly falling unconscious.

In a thin, nasally voice the kenku quickly responds "Follow the yellow signs in the sewers." It holds up the palm of its right hand, upon which is a black tattoo of a circle with ten spokes extending from the edges. Then, in the voice of a human child it says "Please don't hurt us!"

2019-03-01, 12:45 PM
I don't trust a word this thing says. He could be leading us into a trap.

Hans removes his hand from the arrow and takes a seat in front of the kenku. His tone gets playfully lighter as he replies, "I wish I could promise that, friend, I really do. But see, you are thieves, and murderers, and well, you tried to shoot me too. You're a hazard to the world, and if I let you live I'm sure innocent people will suffer later because of my choice, and I just can't allow that. You see how tough this is on me, as well."

"BUT, if you can lead us down this tunnel, help us find Floon even, perhaps you can prove to me that I can, in good conscience, give you a second chance. I'd say that's reasonable, don't you agree?"


The Big Bear
2019-03-01, 01:29 PM
The kenku looks severely conflicted. In an orcish voice it says "Now you've seen what the Xanathar does to traitors...any questions?" while shaking its head. It holds its head it its hands for a few seconds before saying in a stern female elven voice "we do not appear to have a choice" followed by a human female voice "these sound like terms we can agree to."

It pulls the arrow from its leg with a yelp, then points to the wound and in a rough male tiefling voice says "He will only slow us down..."

The kenku appears to be extremely scared and very aware that its life hangs in the balance. You do not get the feeling it is lying to you, too scared to do so.

2019-03-01, 04:32 PM
Dengar looks over towards Hans and can hear the parrot on the floor saying something. He sees Hans twisting the arrow in it’ back.
I like the way you operate
Dengar lifts his Greatsword and motions to Ranaer ”it appears my friend has gotten one to talk. Let’s see what it has to say”

Dengar leans down and rips a new piece of cloth from the cleaved parrot and turns towards Hans to join him.

”what it saying?” as he continues shining his greatsword.

2019-03-01, 04:56 PM
Dengar looks over towards Hans and can hear the parrot on the floor saying something. He sees Hans twisting the arrow in it’ back.
I like the way you operate
Dengar lifts his Greatsword and motions to Ranaer ”it appears my friend has gotten one to talk. Let’s see what it has to say”

Dengar leans down and rips a new piece of cloth from the cleaved parrot and turns towards Hans to join him.

”what it saying?” as he continues shining his greatsword.

Hans looks up to Dengar and smiles. "Good news, he's very sorry, and he agreed to help us find Floon!" He faces the kenku and says, "I'd be very proud if I were you. You have earned a chance to cleanse yourself of your past. But, I'm afraid we only need one of you."

Hans stands up and walks over to the other, unconscious kenku. He remarks in a somber tone, "I do apologize, but you're too malicious for this world." He positions his sword vertically along its spine and thrusts downward hastily, in an attempt to sever the kenku's spine and swiftly, and humanely, end its life.

2019-03-03, 02:18 PM
Squig triumphantly hops down the steps to join Hans and Dengar. This fight was pretty easy! They were no match for us! She comes to an abrupt halt at the bottom stair as she sees Hans thrust his sword into the unconscious Kenku.

”What are you doing?!” she yelps with shock. “He is unconscious and of no threat to us. Why are you killing him?” she narrows her eyes accusingly at Hans and Dengar.

2019-03-05, 08:28 AM
Squig triumphantly hops down the steps to join Hans and Dengar. This fight was pretty easy! They were no match for us! She comes to an abrupt halt at the bottom stair as she sees Hans thrust his sword into the unconscious Kenku.

”What are you doing?!” she yelps with shock. “He is unconscious and of no threat to us. Why are you killing him?” she narrows her eyes accusingly at Hans and Dengar.

"He would be eventually. I'm not down for just killing but these were bad birds."

2019-03-05, 11:15 AM
"He would be eventually. I'm not down for just killing but these were bad birds."

"Yes," Hans remarks. "This was no vandal or petty thief. He was a villain, who will never hurt anyone again." He pulls his sword out from the dead kenku's spine, as his face wretches in disgust.

"More merciful than he could hope for from a rival gang, anyway."

2019-03-05, 07:30 PM
Erdan enters the room after finding his way down from the skylight. "Whats goin' on, what did i miss..oh..." His eyes fixed on the bloody mess for a moment before his head shoots up to meet everyone else's gaze. "Welp. Whats done is done, lets have a quick look around, but we should try and high tail it out of here before the fuzz show up." Erdan begins to search the room in a quick but thorough pace that indicates he's done this before.

The Big Bear
2019-03-07, 06:40 PM
The wounded kenku watches, it’s expression turning to one of terror, as Hans approaches its fallen comrade and ends its life.

Renaer watches as the group discusses Hans’ slaying of the kenku. He looks to Hans and says “I do agree with the little one,” he looks over to Squig and nods. “He could fight no longer...but I suppose they were trying to kill us” Renaer says as he shrugs. You get the feeling he is somewhat offended that Hans killed an unconscious opponent.

When Erdan mentions that they should leave before the city watch shows up he agrees “that is a good idea. We should leave before more Zhent or Xanathar agents show up. If you’re going to look around make it quick.”

Erdan hastily looks around the warehouse. Tables and chairs are scattered about on the northern end of the main room. Crates are haphazardly stacked around in no particular order. Most of the crates contain discarded ropes and tarps. Others have moth-eaten bolts of cloth, spoiled bottles of olive oil, and hundreds of pairs of wooden-soled sandals that were all the rage last summer but are now out of style. Searching the offices, Erdan finds a paper bird.

The bodies on the first floor have weapons scattered around them. Erdan finds 12 daggers and 10 shortswords among them, but nothing else of value.

2019-03-09, 11:50 AM
No. Surely we can't take a chance with these things ... right?

Hans tries to shrug off the gravity of his first kill, and the ensuing moral dilemma, as he walks back to the trembling Kenku.

Well, this one's had enough. But he's not leading us anywhere like this.

Hans kneels next to the kenku as he procures his healer's kit. "Alright friend, let's see what we can do about those legs there," he says, as he tries his best to fashion a splint to support the fallen beast.


The Big Bear
2019-03-09, 02:22 PM
The kenku’s expression doesn’t seem to change much from outright terror as Hans fixes a splint to its lower leg. He helps it to its feet and it now seems to be able to walk at a normal pace. It gives Hans a nod but still has a look of fear in its eyes.

“Shall we go, then?” Renaer asks after the kenku is up and walking.

2019-03-10, 09:57 PM
Squig folds her arms and huffs in dissatisfaction. ”We do not know their motives nor their background. It was a senseless killing. But what is done is done, as Erdan said. Perhaps this one will earn your mercy.” she nods to the remaining Kenku.

Guilt pains Squig’s heart. She didn’t like seeing death, despite understanding the necessity of it in certain situations. But what could be gained from this? Especially without knowing what other information the dead one held. In a way she envies Hans’ apparent conviction, his confidence. She was not so certain and expected to lose some sleep over this whole event.

”Let us leave as soon as possible. Lord Renaer, please tell us on the way more of the Zhents who captured you and Floon. What did they want? What questions did they ask?”

2019-03-11, 10:12 AM
Though he still felt strongly, Hans didn't feel like defending himself, as he still felt particularly brutish.

Dad and his friends would always talk about their triumphs over evil with such excitement and praise. I never thought vanquishing evil would feel so dirty.

He hadn't looked much further into these kenku past the kidnapping, and the firing of the arrow at himself just earlier. These weren't demons or malicious ghouls, after all.

Perhaps that one deserved at least some sort of trial ...

He shakes his head, as if to physically clear the thoughts from his mind. He faces Squig and Renaer, bravado re-engaged.

"Either way, the area is secure, a hostage has been rescued, and we have some help finding Floon. So long as he doesn't cross us, you have my word he'll be fine. Now, let's get going."

Hans faces their new companion. "Can we get to Floon easily? What kind of opposition do we face in these sewers?"

2019-03-12, 06:57 AM
"Well, I wasn't gonna carry him." Dengar says as he replaces his greatsword on his back and ties his new blue cloth to his belt.
"Alright then. Time to move. Hans, get your friend."

The Big Bear
2019-03-12, 05:58 PM
”Let us leave as soon as possible. Lord Renaer, please tell us on the way more of the Zhents who captured you and Floon. What did they want? What questions did they ask?”

“Yes, let us be on our way. We can talk as we go” Renaer replies. “But first, I believe I have only been introduced to sir Dengar.” He bows low “I am Renaer Neverember.”

"Either way, the area is secure, a hostage has been rescued, and we have some help finding Floon. So long as he doesn't cross us, you have my word he'll be fine. Now, let's get going."

Hans faces their new companion. "Can we get to Floon easily? What kind of opposition do we face in these sewers?"

“Yes, and thank you for the rescue, friend. And...please try not to kill this one.” Renaer says, indicating the kenku.

The kenku looks worried at Renaer’s comment, but turns to Hans and says with a nod in a female dwarven voice “Xanathar Guild” followed by a human male voice “in the sewers.” It then shrugs it’s shoulders and says in Hans’ voice “Floon” and then shrugs again. It looks to Hans hopefully, having provided the information requested.

"Alright then. Time to move. Hans, get your friend."

“Agreed. Let’s head to the sewers” says Renaer as he slips his rapier in a loop on his belt. “And be careful, put those away” he says, pointing to your weapons. “You do not want to get caught brandishing a weapon on the street, as the law can be very tough in Waterdeep.”

The group of adventurers and Renaer follow the kenku out of the back door of the warehouse to the fenced-in yard, where it turns around, looks at Hans, and points to itself. “Scratchy” he says in a dwarven male voice. He then turns around and begins leading you to the sewer entrance.

On the way, Renaer walks next to Squig and says with a guilty look on his face “you were asking earlier about why the Zhents had kidnapped me and Floon, and I find it only fair to tell you the truth since you all saved me back there.”

His visage grows more serious. “When the zhents were questioning me, they were asking about my father. They think my father embezzled a large amount of gold while he was Open Lord, and that he hid the dragons somewhere in the city. They think they can find it by using an artifact called the Stone of Golorr, which was in the hands of the Xanathar Guild until recently. Apparently, someone stole it. The Zhents thought I knew something about all of this, but I don’t. My father and I haven’t spoken in years.”

After a short pause he says “I feel terrible that Floon was taken, as they likely mistook him for me.”

2019-03-13, 11:33 AM
Embezzled gold. THAT's what Scratchy meant about 'traitors' to the guild. Wow, between Volo, Floon, and now this, there's too much going on here for me.

"Thank you Scratchy. I'm Hans, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you. Now Scratchy, we think your compatriots took someone who looks just like this man," he says as he motions to Renaer. "We believe they think he stole something from you. Do you know where such a man might be held?"

After a short pause he says “I feel terrible that Floon was taken, as they likely mistook him for me.”

Hans eyes Renaer after his kenku comment. Quite judgmental for a man who let his look-alike go away in his place, he thought of saying.

No Hans, it's over. Don't make things worse. He instead chuckles heartily and answers, "No worries, Scratchy and I are quite good friends now. I promise to look after him while he's with us. I'm Hans, from the neighboring town of Helmstaad. I'm meant to be on a mission, but I'm here to help until we safely recover Floon."

Now let's see how well this stranger's story aligns with Volo's.

"Renaer, was anyone else with you two that night?"

2019-03-14, 07:42 AM
...quite good friends now...
pfft "Prisoner" Dengar says as he rolls his eyes a bit "I wouldn't get too hopeful for a blossoming relationship." He then pats Hans on the shoulder with a smirk and a quick HA

"Renaer, was anyone else with you two that night?"
Dengar turns his attention to Renaer
"can you give a run down of what exactly happened, and why you were in this seemingly bad part of town?"

The Big Bear
2019-03-14, 07:49 AM
"Thank you Scratchy. I'm Hans, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you. Now Scratchy, we think your compatriots took someone who looks just like this man," he says as he motions to Renaer. "We believe they think he stole something from you. Do you know where such a man might be held?"

Scratchy's demeanor is improving quickly. He nods many times as Hans addresses him. In response to Hans' question he repeats what he had said earlier, "Follow the yellow signs in the sewers." He happily looks at Hans and nods his head excitedly. You get the feeling he is genuinely trying to be helpful.

Now let's see how well this stranger's story aligns with Volo's.

"Renaer, was anyone else with you two that night?"

Renear looks to Hans and uses one hand to scratch his chin. "No, when I got to the Dragon that night Floon was drinking and gambling alone. He did mention that he had been drinking with that fool Volo, but he had left before I arrived." He looks at you curiously, you can see contemplation swirling in his eyes. "Is...is that who sent you? Volo?"

The Big Bear
2019-03-14, 07:56 AM
Dengar turns his attention to Renaer
"can you give a run down of what exactly happened, and why you were in this seemingly bad part of town?"

Scratchy looks quite uncomfortable at Dengar's comment and moves to stand on the other side of Hans.

Renaer looks to Dengar curiously. "My friend, if you know anything about enjoying yourself in Waterdeep, then you know that the finer establishments serve the same dreck for extravagant prices and offer much less exciting company. The nobles in this city are quite stale and boring...as are the various establishments they tend to enjoy."

"Of course, I had not planned on staying in the storage closet of a warehouse these past few nights. The Zhents took us here after roughing us up in the alley outside of the Dragon."

2019-03-14, 09:49 AM
“Yes, let us be on our way. We can talk as we go” Renaer replies. “But first, I believe I have only been introduced to sir Dengar.” He bows low “I am Renaer Neverember.”

"Ahh yes, I'm sorry. I was a little...taken by the moment." With visible effort, Squig smiles wide at Renaer. "My name is Squigwiggle Quigglethwip. You may call me Squig."

Renaer looks to Dengar curiously. "My friend, if you know anything about enjoying yourself in Waterdeep, then you know that the finer establishments serve the same dreck for extravagant prices and offer much less exciting company. The nobles in this city are quite stale and boring...as are the various establishments they tend to enjoy."

Squig's happy demeanor starts to return as she skips alongside the group listening. "My favorite place so far has been Mr. Xoblob's purple palace!" The thought of Xoblob's cheers Squig up completely.

Squig contemplates the connections between the Zhents, Xanathar's Guild, Renaer and his father, and Volo and Floon. This hidden treasure - how many know of its existence? How many seek it? I wonder if Volo knew about the treasure, knew that Floon hung out with Renaer, knew that if we found Floon we may find other clues as well. Or maybe Floon himself knew about the treasure and got mixed up with the Zhents. Oh gosh Squig, there you go again down the rabbit hole. Let's see what the evidence provides.

"We did hear of Floon's disappearance from Volo. What do you know of him? And your father's stolen gold, how many would believe it existed?" she asks Renaer, carefully watching his response.

The Big Bear
2019-03-14, 10:05 AM
Squig's happy demeanor starts to return as she skips alongside the group listening. [COLOR="#800080"]"My favorite place so far has been Mr. Xoblob's purple palace!" The thought of Xoblob's cheers Squig up completely.

"We did hear of Floon's disappearance from Volo. What do you know of him? And your father's stolen gold, how many would believe it existed?" she asks Renaer, carefully watching his response.

"Well met, Squig. I have passed by Xoblob's before on the way to the Dragon, but never bothered to go inside" Renaer replies to Squig.

"I suppose I should thank Volo the next time I see him. Had he not sent you to look for Floon I would likely be in the hands of the Xanathar Guild right now." Renaer's expression turns from one of hope to slight annoyance.

"Volo...is a real blowhard. Always talking about how much he knows and how much he has studied the 'various creatures of the realms!'" Renaer says, imitating Volo's voice. "A real braggart, that one" he says, before moving on to other topics.

"As for the gold my father allegedly embezzled, I have no idea if it is true or not, as my father and I have not spoken in years. With all of the violence between the Zhentarim and the Xanathar Guild, somebody certainly seems to believe the stories. For all I know, the Stone of Golorr might not even exist." Squig watches intently as he speaks. He seems to be trustworthy and to be telling the truth; there are no signs he is lying or withholding information from you.

2019-03-14, 10:18 PM
pfft "Prisoner" Dengar says as he rolls his eyes a bit "I wouldn't get too hopeful for a blossoming relationship." He then pats Hans on the shoulder with a smirk and a quick HA

"Hey, easy," Hans says sternly to Dengar. He turns to Scratchy and rolls his eyes flippantly. "Don't worry about him."

"As for the gold my father allegedly embezzled, I have no idea if it is true or not, as my father and I have not spoken in years. With all of the violence between the Zhentarim and the Xanathar Guild, somebody certainly seems to believe the stories. For all I know, the Stone of Golorr might not even exist."

Hans turns to Renaer. "Well as we speak, an innocent man remains under the watch of dangerous people under false allegations. Perhaps you can look to set up counsel with a 'Zentarim' or a 'Xanathar' to find out more about this stone and this gold you speak of, but it sounds like Floon could be in serious danger right now. Maybe we can find more answers in these sewers, even."

2019-03-15, 07:27 AM
Squig giggles at Renaer's impression of Volo. She could see how Volo might seem that way, but she also didn't blame him considering how much he really did know and the significant contributions of his guides.

Hans had a good point. The goal was to find Floon, and hopefully they were headed in the right direction. Curiosity baited her to continue to Renaer, "So the Zhentarim and Xanathar Guild have been fighting a lot, huh? When did it all start?"

2019-03-15, 11:35 AM
"Hey, easy," Hans says sternly to Dengar. He turns to Scratchy and rolls his eyes flippantly. "Don't worry about him."
"Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm not going to hurt your feathered friend. I already got the other for trying to skewer us first. And i got a new polishing cloth from it. Good day, today."

Renaer looks to Dengar curiously. "My friend, if you know anything about enjoying yourself in Waterdeep, then you know that the finer establishments serve the same dreck for extravagant prices and offer much less exciting company. The nobles in this city are quite stale and boring...as are the various establishments they tend to enjoy."
"Ah, good to know where to save money, but no i do not know much about this place. I have not been here very long and only just met up with this band after a troll interrupted our bar fight. Volo then appeared and and asked us to find Floon. No mention of you however. Could Volo have something to do with any of this? It is quite convenient as soon as we dispatch a troll that Volo appears and needs a group that are a capable of just that

The Big Bear
2019-03-16, 12:49 PM
"Hey, easy," Hans says sternly to Dengar. He turns to Scratchy and rolls his eyes flippantly. "Don't worry about him."

Hans turns to Renaer. "Well as we speak, an innocent man remains under the watch of dangerous people under false allegations. Perhaps you can look to set up counsel with a 'Zentarim' or a 'Xanathar' to find out more about this stone and this gold you speak of, but it sounds like Floon could be in serious danger right now. Maybe we can find more answers in these sewers, even."

Scratchy looks genuinely relieved when Hans shields him from Dengar.

“Set up counsel with one of those gangs?” Renaer replies incredulously. “I don’t know anything about this stone or the stolen gold. I’d prefer to stay out of such ludicrous affairs concerning my father. My utmost concern is helping Floon; that’s the only reason I’m going into the sewers.”

Squig giggles at Renaer's impression of Volo. She could see how Volo might seem that way, but she also didn't blame him considering how much he really did know and the significant contributions of his guides.

Hans had a good point. The goal was to find Floon, and hopefully they were headed in the right direction. Curiosity baited her to continue to Renaer, "So the Zhentarim and Xanathar Guild have been fighting a lot, huh? When did it all start?"

“The Xanathar Guild has been an underground operation in Waterdeep for as long as anyone can remember. Of course, they’re not recognized by the city as a guild.” Renaer replies to Squig.

“The Zhentarim are quite different. Mostly a network of mercenaries that help each other from what I’ve seen, but they’re more organized than you would think. They’ve never had much of a presence in Waterdeep until a few months ago. The Xanathar Guild seem to have taken offense, perhaps concerned that the Zhents are encroaching on their turf. Their scuffles were mostly kept to back alleys at first, but it definitely seems to be escalating.”

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm not going to hurt your feathered friend. I already got the other for trying to skewer us first. And i got a new polishing cloth from it. Good day, today."

"Ah, good to know where to save money, but no i do not know much about this place. I have not been here very long and only just met up with this band after a troll interrupted our bar fight. Volo then appeared and and asked us to find Floon. No mention of you however. Could Volo have something to do with any of this? It is quite convenient as soon as we dispatch a troll that Volo appears and needs a group that are a capable of just that

“Volo can barely negotiate publishing deals; I doubt that flub has anything to do with this.” Renaer says, with a small chuckle. “An opportunist, that one. It makes sense that he would approach you for help, if you did indeed kill a troll.”

2019-03-18, 10:48 AM
”Hmm, I wonder what brought the Zhentarim to Waterdeep in the first place? Where were they from before?” Squig wondered if the rumors of the former Lord’s gold had traveled beyond the city walls. Perhaps this is what brought the Zhents, a group of mercenaries would certainly have interest in hidden treasure.

She shook her head, dismissing the thoughts for now. “Maybe we will discover more once we find Floon. But for now I agree that we should move along quickly, hopefully we reach him in time!”

Squig pulls her cloak around tight and takes a few deep breaths of fresh air. Enjoy this. It’s gonna stink down there!

Squig is ready to enter the sewers.

2019-03-18, 11:30 AM
"Something has these groups stepping up operations. If the Zhents only recently came in then there's more to this."
Dengar, upon noticing Squig taking deep breaths assesses that might not be a bad idea and takes a few himself. He picks up his new cleaning cloth and gives a test but reels back realizing it has a tinge of the sewer the Kenku must've come from.
At least it's not gonna be a surprise...
*coughing* "Here, * take a whiff of this,* * prepare yourselves *" Deep breaths, even this side of town smells better now.