View Full Version : Looking for feedback on Oracle/Cav build (PF)

2018-12-22, 12:31 PM
Hello! It's been a long time since I've been here, but I'm finally starting up a new campaign and I decided to stop by and pick your brains about a character I've been building.

We are just starting Serpents Skull AP and I thought I'd like to try out mounted combat a little (mostly so the Warpriest player and I aren't doing the same shtick).

We are playing with the Feat Tax homebrew rules here (http://michaeliantorno.com/feat-taxes-in-pathfinder/)

The build looks like this (so far);
Half Orc (Shamans Apprentice, Sacred Tattoo)
Rolled for stats -
14 Str
10 Dex
13 Con (level 4 point to hit 14)
12 Int
12 Wis
16 Cha (+2 from half orc)
1: Spirit Guide Oracle - Lunar Mystery.
- Prophetic Armor, Wolf Primal companion (extra revelation feat)
2: Oracle
3: Beast Rider Cavalier - Order of the Beast
- Undersized Mount (will retrain at 7th)
4: Oracle
5: Cavalier
- Mounted Combat, Improved Spell Sharing teamwork feat
6: Oracle
7: Cavalier
- Spirited Charge (retrain Mounted Combat to 3rd, and Ride by Attack to 5th)
The rest would probably all be Oracle unless there is another cool option I have!

As for the Wolf companion, it has the Charger archetype, but other than the teamwork feat I'm not sure what to add. Never really played with an Animal Companion focused build.

So my questions are -
Is this combat style of Mounted combat, divine spells, and sharing buffs viable? Am I missing some obvious feats I need for my mostly oracle levels? Is there a different or better way to build this? Are there any big spells i should be grabbing for helping pump up my animal?

The flavor of the character is supposed to be like a champion of the natural and spirit world. Maybe chosen a bit by Erastil to gird the balance. Basically a druid/paladin but without the RP restrictions of either. I just really love the picture of this kind of shamanistic warrior riding on back of a huge wolf, Longspear in hand. I'm set on keeping the Oracle levels, but I'm mutable on the rest.

Thanks for reading!

2018-12-22, 03:55 PM
Seems like a solid build as is.
As far as the idea, ask any hunter that uses their companion as a mount, and the answer is yes. Hunters make for generally stronger cavaliers outright due to sharing spells. Interesting dipping cav, you get the formal mount which is nice, but I’m not sure you need it. You can make a mounted oracle just as strong.

Another option would be the blood rider blood rager, giving you rage in addition to divine buffs. If you hit level 4 you get cha based arcane spells, and the class still has full bab, martial weapons and all that jazz.

2018-12-22, 06:58 PM
Appreciate the feedback. I picked the Cav dip mostly for flavor reasons as the group is pretty low on the min/max scale. Figured I could get some decent HP plus proficiencies, not to mention Cavaliers charge.

Blood rider might be cool, as originally I was considering barb dip and rage prophet. Kind of a neat mix to both ideas I had. That being said, since it doesnt get aa mount till 5th, I would have to take Boon Companion right? That might make feats a little tight.

2018-12-23, 07:19 PM
Ooh yeah you are probably right. Blood rider would need five levels before boon companion would even matter. Cavalier charge is incredibly good as you said, meaning you would be 5levels in bloodrager with boon companion and it is feat starved as you said.

At tenth level you might want to dip into mammoth rider to get an even larger and stronger wolf. If you hit high enough levels you want improved share spells, trick riding and mounted skirmisher feats. Improved share spells is probably better than the teamwork version.

For your further revelations, moonlit script is probably the third best. if You are going to channel negative energy then touch of the moon is bonkers, but I’m guessing your build is not going down that road and using positive energy. Moonlit bridge is a decent ability for wall of force sla. Nature is another mystery to get a companion and DEX replaced by CHA. It also has revelations to get summoning spells and give CHA to saves for your mount and nearby animals.