View Full Version : Give these people alignments please

2018-12-26, 05:43 PM
By using the nine-alingment system (CE to LG), give these of people (including the aliens) alignments according to your personal preference. You may use each alignment once. There are nine options for nine alignments.

NB that the question is not how these alignments are IRL but rather how you would like them to be.

Please explain your choices.

1. You.
2. Your parents (they share the same alignment).
3. Your spouse.
4. One of your kids.
5. One of your kids' first boyfriend/girlfriend.
6. Your boss (It's your dream job and it pays well).
7. The person who will make the most important scientific discovery of this century (the person will love his or her discovery and it will be his or her dream come true).
8. World's most powerful and influential person.
9. The aliens that discover planet Earth next year.

2018-12-26, 06:03 PM
Per E. Gary Gygax when he added "good" and "evil" to the "Alignment System" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?559645-D-amp-D-Alignment-a-history):

Lawful Neutral as the most likely Alignment for humans.

For the Aliens?

Beats me, I'll just guess LN as well.

EDIT: I missed:
...the question is not how these alignments are IRL but rather how you would like them to be...

Neutral Good, most everybody, with a few Lawful's and Chaotic's for flavor.

2018-12-26, 07:54 PM
Ideally? I would like their alignments to point due (https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2018-09-29) "Caerulea." In the D&D case, I guess neutral good for everyone (except maybe TN for me. I don't want my viewpoint changed). That would probably improve humanity the most, and lead to a better society. Maybe lawful good? I think neutral good would be better still.
Missed the "you can only use each alignment once clause."

1. True Neutral
2. Lawful Neutral
3. Chaotic Neutral
4. Neutral Evil
5. Chaotic Evil
6. Lawful Evil
7. Lawful Good.
8. Chaotic Good
9. Definitely Neutral Good, specifically the good of humanity. Otherwise, we're screwed.

There is too much variance in alignments though. Is the neutral evil "I only look after myself" or is it "I try to cause as much suffering as possible?" I assumed the former, if the latter it would look very different.

Insane Jeenyus
2018-12-26, 08:14 PM
I know you said not real life, but I am doing IRL just for the fun of it.
1. You.

Me? well, I am good, but sometimes lawful, sometimes chaotic. just to do an act of good any way possible, so Neutral good

2. Your parents (they share the same alignment).

chaotic neutral -they are quite free spirited

3. Your spouse.

chaotic good - roguish, like Haley

4. One of your kids.

neutral not free spirited, but not a stick in the mud, and still shapeable to my berliefs of goodness. She is normal as a rebelious child, but that steals her goodness for now.

5. One of your kids' first boyfriend/girlfriend.

lawful good - a boy who has been taught to be a gentleman, kind, considerate, benevolent and not planning on taking advantage of my precious little girl.

6. Your boss (It's your dream job and it pays well).

lawful neutral: I would be a samurai

7. The person who will make the most important scientific discovery of this century (the person will love his or her discovery and it will be his or her dream come true).

two words: mad scientist .. .. .. chaotic evil

8. World's most powerful and influential person.

neutral evil - they usually are this alignment anyway being narcissistic egomaniacs

9. The aliens that discover planet Earth next year.

lawful evil - they are here to take over the world, but the earthlings band together and defeat them!


Missed the "you can only use each alignment once clause."

edit: aw crud, I missed that too. This is gunna take some thought.

edit edit: done!

2018-12-27, 01:29 AM
There's 362880 versions of this. I have no preference between them, and could make a set of characters/organizations to fit any of them.

2018-12-27, 01:53 AM
1. Lawful neutral. I guess I'm already that.
2. Lawful evil. Since we are all lawful, we should get along fine, and I wouldn't have to see my parents that often, since I have my own family. My parents would be relatively trustworthy.
3. Chaotic good. Her chaotic ways would most likely bug me, but at least she would be a good person.
4. Lawful good. We would get along fine.
5. Neutral good. At least there won't be any drugs, crimes and misdemeanor.
6. Chaotic evil. I guess it would be fairly easy to complain about him or her if I'm mistreated. I should be able to protect myself and I would have my colleagues there too.
7. Neutral evil. Hopefully, I will not be around to see this.
8. Chaotic neutral. Well, at least it's not an evil person, and that is enough for me, and the person's ability to partake in global conspiracies would be very poor.
9. Neutral. If good aliens saw how evil we are, we would be in trouble. Evil aliens would cause trouble as well. Their chaotic or lawful ways might be significantly different from us, so no.

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-12-28, 09:15 AM
Okay, so this is really "who can I work around the best", let's see...

1. You.
Neutral Evil. I don't want to interact with the evil people, so I'll be one. At least I'm a nice and stable steady neutral evil...

2. Your parents (they share the same alignment).
Neutral good. You're kind of stuck with your parents for a good chunk of your formation as a person, you want them to be decent. And since I'm evil I can probably use a bit of raising, not too much freedom, so neutral good it is.

3. Your spouse.
True Neutral. This one was going to be neutral evil, I'd ditch her as soon as possible in this timeline. But I actually don't need any more evils. I'm almost sorry for her having to marry my evilness.

4. One of your kids.
Lawful Good. Because I filled all the others before I got to this one and I actually have the knight in shining armor left. Plus I would think about my kid as a little angel who can't do anything wrong anyway, because all parents do that, so this way I get to actually know what my kid is like, through no fault of my own.

5. One of your kids' first boyfriend/girlfriend.
Lawful Evil. I was going to make this one not evil at all until I saw this was just their first boy-/girlfriend. That's not going to last long anyway, and just imagine how funny the angry little goblin is going to look ranting all about how "our race needs discipline to win this war" or whatever crap they're into this week at the dinner table. Sooooo cute. Little Lucifer I'll nickname the kid.

6. Your boss (It's your dream job and it pays well).
Chaotic Evil. I was going to make this one the Hitler, because dream job or not, this is the easiest one to ditch and never work with again, but this way I get to use the Hitler in a funnier way, and I will be able to tell at my next job interview that I left the job because the boss was sinking the company, which the psychotic bastard will no doubt do.

7. The person who will make the most important scientific discovery of this century (the person will love his or her discovery and it will be his or her dream come true).
Chaotic Good. Alfred Nobel saw his dream come true when he invented dynamite, because it would prevent people from waging war ever again. If we're going to have a do-gooder inventor accomplish their dreams and actually help the world, we need someone creative enough to cover all of the important angles, hence chaotic.

8. World's most powerful and influental person.
Chaotic Neutral. That should keep them out of my hair. Just make them like super powerful, they already have everything they could ever want except for even more bubble baths full of playboy bunnies (or playgirl hares?) and illegal substances. They won't even need to enter politics for the sake of their own wealth and ego.

9. The aliens that discover planet Earth next year.
Lawful Neutral. Best case they'll have a sense of justice, worst case at least they're somewhat predictable. Them not cuddling up to us is fine, them torturing us sadistically would be pretty bad.

2018-12-28, 09:53 AM
At first I thought "this is stupid", but then I kind of got hooked. It's an interesting thought exercise.

Me. I left this one for last; I can't accurately judge my real life alignment, so it's fairer that way. NG
Parents. My real life parents are pretty neutral, and I fell like that's worked out well for me. TN
Spouse. I don't really do spouses, but I tend find myself attracted to... darker sorts. NE. hmm, gonna be some tension in this house, I guess. At least me and the kid'll have 'em outnumbered.
Kid. You'd want your kid to be a good person, right. Right? CG
Kid's first love. So, my thinking here is I'd want their first love to be a free spirit who opens them up to a new aspect of life. CN
Boss. I couldn't work for someone evil or chaotic, but otherwise this seems like a free pick. LN
Scientist. I really don't see how this person's alignment matters at all. LE
Powerful person. This one really matters though. Just look at redacted. LG
Aliens. Yes! Destroy the world, alien invaders! I never liked humans much anyways. CE

2018-12-28, 03:58 PM
By using the nine-alingment system (CE to LG), give these of people (including the aliens) alignments according to your personal preference. You may use each alignment once. There are nine options for nine alignments.

NB that the question is not how these alignments are IRL but rather how you would like them to be.

Please explain your choices.

1. You.
2. Your parents (they share the same alignment).
3. Your spouse.
4. One of your kids.
5. One of your kids' first boyfriend/girlfriend.
6. Your boss (It's your dream job and it pays well).
7. The person who will make the most important scientific discovery of this century (the person will love his or her discovery and it will be his or her dream come true).
8. World's most powerful and influental person.
9. The aliens that discover planet Earth next year.

1. How I am: Somewhere between N and CN. How I'd like to be: CG. I should really be a bit nicer to people.
2. How they are: LN. How I'd like them to be: NG. So uptight, loosen up!
3. How she is: LN. How I'd like her to be: LN. I like her as she is.
4. How she is: CN. How I'd like her to be: CN. Same.
5. How he/she is: Doesn't exist yet. How I'd like him/her to be: NG. Be kind, that's all I'd ask.
6. How they are: NG. How I'd like them to be: NG. They treat me decently well.
7. How they are: CE. (I work at a science journal, from 9-5 and for purposes of submitting papers to us, they all have this alignment). How I'd like them to be: LG. Please, just read the &%*() submission instructions and make my life easier.
8. How they are: LE. How I'd like them to be: LG. (Can't elaborate per forum rules).
9. How they are: Orange. How I'd like them to be: NG. None of this Prime Directive stuff, help us out here.

2019-01-02, 10:56 AM
There are IRL-ish alignments, and I am ignoring the "use only once" rule.

1. You.
CG, trending towards TN.
2. Your parents (they share the same alignment).
3. Your spouse.
I'll use my most recent gf, as I am not married. NE (she dumped me over a "misunderstanding" over Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes).
4. One of your kids.
I'll use my sister, as I have no children. CN, although she was nicer when she was younger.
5. One of your kids' first boyfriend/girlfriend.
Not applicable.
6. Your boss (It's your dream job and it pays well).
7. The person who will make the most important scientific discovery of this century (the person will love his or her discovery and it will be his or her dream come true).
8. World's most powerful and influential person.
CN (I'm assuming we're talking Donald Trump here
9. The aliens that discover planet Earth next year.
Neutral Good, hopefully.

2019-01-18, 06:57 AM
NB that the question is not how these alignments are IRL but rather how you would like them to be.

Hmm, neatly avoiding the political element here. :smalltongue:

Please explain your choices.

So, my immediate thought process is that I need to "Waste" the three evil alignments on the least influential people possible to me and mine, and also to the world at large. That means by contrast, I need to re-order these in order from most to least influential: 897132465 seems reasonable. I'm definitely happy to waste CE on 5, because my kid can learn a valuable lesson and then move on. I really don't want an LE boss, but an LE kid sounds like they'd actually be a fairly controllable evil (Lawful+your kid is a good combination for reining in evil), and then I can take NE for myself, partly because I know I'd be a controlled enough type of evil that I'm comfortable shouldering one of the evil alignments for myself.

Next, let's handle the good alignments: I definitely think that out of leader, scientist and visitor, I'd want to have them be L, C, and N respectively.

Finally, my parents, my spouse, and my boss: I feel that I would want a chaotic boss but also chaotic parents. But I don't want either of them to be evil, and I don't want to use up one of my good alignments on someone with limited global influence either! So one of them has to be true neutral. I think I'll take the CN boss and the TN parents. This leaves an... LN spouse? Well, okay, I can handle that for the good of humanity I guess.

1. You.
2. Your parents (they share the same alignment).
3. Your spouse.
4. One of your kids.
5. One of your kids' first boyfriend/girlfriend.
6. Your boss (It's your dream job and it pays well).
7. The person who will make the most important scientific discovery of this century (the person will love his or her discovery and it will be his or her dream come true).
8. World's most powerful and influential person.
9. The aliens that discover planet Earth next year.

So 1 NE, 2 TN, 3 LN, 4 LE, 5 CE, 6 CN, 7 CG, 8 LG, 9 NG.

...Damn, making decisions for the good of the world at large gets you a depressing result in this case. :smalltongue:

2019-01-19, 02:03 PM
1. NE.
2. LE (they share the same alignment).
3. CE -- neutral and chaotic should get along well enough
4. TN -- no one wants evil kids
5. CN
6. CG
7. LN - science is neutral, isn't it?
8. LG, for the sake of the planet
9. NG, for the sake of the planet

Lord Haart
2019-01-19, 08:18 PM
By using the nine-alingment system (CE to LG), give these of people (including the aliens) alignments according to your personal preference. You may use each alignment once.
1. Me: LE, i'm pretty happy with having that alignment already.
2. My parents: CE. Better leave this the way it is, not gonna risk the ripple effects and all.
3. My spouse: again, i'm absolutely not gonna mess with the way she is, which is, by my closest guess, analogous to D&D's CN.
9. I'd prefer CN, so they involve themselves with Earth not out of any kind of obligation or moral agenda but because we've got videogames and speculative fiction. CN is already taken by №3, however, so CG is the closest approximation; there's a chance they'll decide our society is awful and needs fixing, but at least they'll decide it out of honest compassion (or whatever), not because the procedure said so. And there's still a decent chance they'll respect our ways while also not deciding to forgo any contact (like NN aliens probably could).
4. One of my kids: NE. We'll get along well.
5. His/her boyfriend/girlfriend: LG, so there won't be too much dirty play or irresponsible consequences involved.
6. My dream job's boss: LN, my favourite kind of boss.
7. The Scientist: don't care as long as it's not a movie supervillain. Let's see, i've got NN and NG remaining. Let's put NG here.
8. The Most Influental Person: don't care, i don't think even a CE one would have much impact. I've got NN left unused, though, which is definitely the safest option.

2019-02-20, 01:10 AM
Who has been able to pick out the best product among those listed on this site?

2019-02-20, 08:35 AM
By using the nine-alingment system (CE to LG), give these of people (including the aliens) alignments according to your personal preference. You may use each alignment once. There are nine options for nine alignments.

NB that the question is not how these alignments are IRL but rather how you would like them to be.

Please explain your choices.

1. You.
2. Your parents (they share the same alignment).
3. Your spouse.
4. One of your kids.
5. One of your kids' first boyfriend/girlfriend.
6. Your boss (It's your dream job and it pays well).
7. The person who will make the most important scientific discovery of this century (the person will love his or her discovery and it will be his or her dream come true).
8. World's most powerful and influential person.
9. The aliens that discover planet Earth next year.


1. CE. I don't necessarily want to be Chaotic, and certainly not Evil, but if anybody on the list is, I guess it would be best for me if it actually is me.

2. LN. I want to clearly know what the rules are, even if I want to break them, but I don't want anyone that has that much direct power over me to be Evil, and I have LG assigned to another person.

3. NE. Would probably be the other alignment most compatible with mine.

4. LE. Want them to follow my rules, but I can't complain if they're Evil when both parents are.

5. CG. Would be likely to treat my child well, but would likely also be spontaneous and fun to be around.

6. TN. If it's my dream job and it pays well, I'd be willing to put up with a lot of crap.

7. CN. Don't really care all that much about this one; it's the alignment left over after I've assigned the other 8.

8. LG. Would try to do what's best for everyone, and everyone would know where they stand.

9. NG. Would be the most likely to treat us well and care about our well-being without laying down a bunch of rules for us to follow.