View Full Version : Pathfinder Rate this Wizard Build Please

2018-12-27, 01:34 PM
Just looking for some input here. Let me know what you think Playgrounders!

Human, Neutral Good, Wizard (Spirit Whisperer Archetype)
STR. 9
DEX. 15
CON. 15
INT. 19
WIS. 14
CHA. 11
HP: 15
AC: 12 T12 FF10

Appraise +8, Knowledges: (Arcana, History, Nature, Planes, Religion) +8, Perception +8, Spellcraft +8, Profession: Cook +6 (I was granted a skill point specifically for this by the DM).

Feats: Alertness, Scribe Scroll, Fast Learner, Toughness

Traits: Guiding Spirit and Enduring Spellcraft

Familiar: Toad (I took the Life spirit ability, and can channel energy as a positive channeling cleric of my level)

1. Burning Hands
2. Mage Armor
3. Magic Missile
4. Color Spray
5. Enlarge Person
6. Grease
7. Shield

I was aiming for a more shamanic flavor character, but one that brought all the versatility of the wizard to the table. What do you guys think? This is a 1st level character BTW.

2018-12-27, 04:09 PM
Just looking for some input here. Let me know what you think Playgrounders!

Human, Neutral Good, Wizard (Spirit Whisperer Archetype)
STR. 9
DEX. 15
CON. 15
INT. 19
WIS. 14
CHA. 11
HP: 15
AC: 12 T12 FF10

Appraise +8, Knowledges: (Arcana, History, Nature, Planes, Religion) +8, Perception +8, Spellcraft +8, Profession: Cook +6 (I was granted a skill point specifically for this by the DM).

Feats: Alertness, Scribe Scroll, Fast Learner, Toughness

Traits: Guiding Spirit and Enduring Spellcraft

Familiar: Toad (I took the Life spirit ability, and can channel energy as a positive channeling cleric of my level)

1. Burning Hands
2. Mage Armor
3. Magic Missile
4. Color Spray
5. Enlarge Person
6. Grease
7. Shield

I was aiming for a more shamanic flavor character, but one that brought all the versatility of the wizard to the table. What do you guys think? This is a 1st level character BTW.

Are scores rolled and not picked on point buy, right?
You got a lot of survivability for a wizard, anyway, depending on your DMs style, all these hit points would be wasted if you won't often be the target.
Your spell selection is not that "shamanic", but i know there are not so many first level spells that would fit the concept; your spells are instead a selection of the must powerful available at level one (i think just silent image is missing among the strongest).
Even if you are playing a hardcore adventure with these stats you should not have troubles surviving the first levels.

2018-12-27, 05:18 PM
The main question is not, how does it look at 1st level, but should you survive, how does it loot at 1st, 5th, 10th?

At the moment, there's nothing really to rate there, expect a rather tough Wizard with a bit of healing ability and more or less standard load-out.

2018-12-27, 06:25 PM
I question fast learner as a feat. Humans have a great favored class ability and you are pretty durable with your toughness, familiar HP, high con and channeling ability. Wizards are also never hurting for skill points being int based. You will eventually have a single rank in all the class skills for the +3 and then can max the key skills.

What gear are you getting? A haramaki is armor you can wear for a cheap ac boost.

Guiding spirit and the familiar being your spell book adds shaman feel, but the life mystery is more cleric feel than shaman. The life link trick is cool though if that is what you are building for.

2018-12-28, 08:40 AM
What spells would you guys swap to have a more shaman feel? Would summon monster be better? Is there a better feat tree for me?

I went with life ability because our cleric channels negative energy. Still preps cure spells though.

Edit: these stats were rolled. 4d6, drop the lowest. The DM says this game is gonna be a bit brutal but not impossible.

2018-12-28, 09:37 AM
I'd consider the Druid class for a shamanic caster as well, but Wizard also works. Maybe you want a Divination spell like Heightened Awareness or Discern Next of Kin for the whole deal with communing with ancestor spirits. Wave Shield, Gentle Breeze and Thunderstomp are other options next to Burning Hands for the whole four elements flair. Don't worry about missing out on good spells, scrolls you encounter/buy will expand your spell repertoire permanently and they're dirt cheap as well.

2018-12-28, 10:02 AM
Looks good mostly.

I don't think you need fast learner unless you really need that 8th skill, which I doubt. You'll manage without appraise or one of your knowledges. Find out what knowledges your allies already have for example.

Spells: I'd scroll enlarge person but not prepare it, and I'd only get 2-3 scrolls for the entire campaign. So you may as well buy those later. In Pathfinder it's especially weak because size bonuses to CMB aren't as great. So you end up mostly with a 40% damage bonus to the melee and a 20% damage bonus to your enemy attacks against him at levels when sudden random death is scary. And it cost you an action that could often be better spent elsewhere, except during a rare buff round. So actually I'd scroll protection from evil instead for roughly -25% damage to your enemy, and I'd only use it during rare buff rounds. Shield is likewise hard to find a good opportunity to use, though much better AC than protection from evil. Except it's self only and you shouldn't be going in front anyway, so you don't get nearly as much mileage out of it. So in the end it's almost the same as pro from E, or slightly worse. I'd likewise scroll it. Other spells look good at your level. Mage armor and magic missile won't be as useful until a little later, and of course burning hands and color spray will go obsolete later. Burning hands is actually much better at levels 2-4 than 1, when the damage is enough to 1 shot many foes or come close. Grease I'd save for tight hallways. Prepare indoors only. And especially at level 1 the duration isn't good so it likewise needs to wait a couple levels to be semi-useful. If you want something more useful right at level 1 you might get sleep. It's slower than color spray but safer due to range.

Another thing you could do in place of scrolls is charge your familiar with a buff ahead of time like protection from evil. Then hand him off to the party front liner and have him pop it round 1 right before you cast. That way you can both buff and cast something more useful in round 1.

Ability scores are good though I might swap dex and int depending on future spell selection. If you want more rays you might want more dex and precise shot. Not to mention initiative, AC and reflex saves. Enervation and ray of exhaustion (prepare 2 copies) are nice. Scorching ray is so-so. If you want more spells with saves you may want int, but OTOH save negates spells tend to not be that great. No save or save partial spells are better. And if that was really important then where's your greater spell focus or persistent spell or some such? Together those 3 feats are about as good as a +6 to int for saves. I'd say higher like +10 but the feats have drawbacks, so I fudge it as +6 equivalent. And these 3 feats are still not necessarily the best option, but point is a super high int isn't necessarily critical either. And if you get neither many spells with saves (especially the inferior saves negates) nor rays than you may as well put the 19 in con, though that's unlikely.

These are small things and otherwise the build looks decent.