View Full Version : Which console game characters would you least like having as a neighbor and why ?

2007-09-23, 07:07 AM
What console game characters - obviously ones you most dislike, or even any whom you greatly admire, would you least like (seriously or humorously) having as a next door neighbor to you and please say WHY, for each ones named.

2007-09-23, 07:36 AM
Kratos. I don't feel this needs explaining.

2007-09-23, 07:41 AM
Oh I'm sure he's a lovely gardener outside of work.

On that point though, how about every single one. After all, people near main characters tend to die.
A lot.

2007-09-23, 07:55 AM
Arbiter - because he worships a freaky alien religion.

Personally I would like Sephiroth or Ganon to live next door. That way when the drunks made loads of noise they would be killed within 2 minutes.

Yuki Akuma
2007-09-23, 08:00 AM
Link. He'd constantly be breaking my china in search of loose change.

2007-09-23, 08:17 AM
Mario. The guy eats magic mushrooms and stomps turtles.

2007-09-23, 08:18 AM
Well, lots of video games character would just kill their neighbor for fun...but I think the one I would least like to have as a neighbor would be Saddler from Resident Evil 4. Being killed is bad but being turned into a nest for big insect who actually keep you alive but control everything you do is a lot worse.

2007-09-23, 09:35 AM
The Master Chief. He'd tear up my lawn with his warthog and then use the machine gun in back to write stuff on the pavement outside.

Either that or Kerrigan. I just know one of her pet zerglings would eat me. Plus she probably has really wierd decor.

2007-09-23, 09:40 AM
Kefka would be so annoying, waking me up laughing, going to sleep with him laughing, all of the monsters he'd keep in his basement, Terra and Locke constantly going over there and making noise trying to thwart him.....just not a good environment.

2007-09-23, 12:51 PM
Any RPG protagonist. The whole town would be up in flames or taken over by the evil empire five minutes after he'd moved in.

2007-09-23, 12:58 PM
The Prince of the Universe from Katamari.

I don't want to be rolled up into a ball.

2007-09-23, 01:20 PM
Kratos. I don't feel this needs explaining.

Well, I have no idea who he is, so feel free to explain away!

I vote Fallout 2's Frank Horrigan, since he'd no doubt take to punching holes in my pets. Or either of Legacy of Kain's protagonists since they'd doubtless take to trying to eat me whenever they got a bit hungry or tired.

2007-09-23, 06:20 PM
I'm gonna second Kefka.

2007-09-23, 06:32 PM
Revolver Ocelot. Sure there'd not be any maniacal laughter, but I'm pretty sure I'd walk outside and either have a giant mech asking me for my identification, or see a box moving towards the garage. Not something I'd like before work, that or the torture screams at night there's another turn off.

2007-09-23, 06:39 PM
The Prince of the Universe from Katamari.

I don't want to be rolled up into a ball.
Well, to each his own I guess...

2007-09-23, 06:46 PM
I'm gonna go with Tony Hawk, cos it might actually happen! Ya never know he is a real person as well as a computer game character and after readin this thread, that would just totally freak me out!!

2007-09-23, 06:56 PM
Well, I have no idea who he is, so feel free to explain away!

He kills everyone.

The Orange Zergling
2007-09-23, 07:05 PM
He kills everyone.

By beating them with the door they were guarding.

Can't really think of a character that I would want to have as a neighbor...

2007-09-23, 07:08 PM
Can't really think of a character that I would want to have as a neighbor...Oh, right now, I wouldn't mind Mario.
...though that's only because I have slight problems with my kitchen sink right now.

2007-09-23, 07:09 PM
Bowser. I don't think Bowser himself would be that bad a neighbor, but Mario would always be coming around asking about the princess, and I'd be like, "Geez, sorry Mario, the princess is in another house," and that would just get annoying week after week.

Plus if my mother ever came to visit she'd never be able to get past any goombas on the sidewalk.

Edit: That was kind of a wierd simu.

2007-09-23, 07:11 PM
Now thinking about it, the neighbour I would really hate to have would be Dr.Wily.
Because houses he inhabits have a nasty tendency to blow up spectacularly, so I'd hate the house in question to be the same as I live in!

2007-09-23, 07:26 PM
Alma from F.E.A.R. last thing i need are a bunch of bloody steaming skeletons lying around. And her sons, sheesh with them shooting up the neighborhood I could never get to sleep. Not that the constant bloody flaming nightmares would be preferable to sound or replica solders stomping around at all hours of the day.

2007-09-23, 07:26 PM
Bowser, ecause I just know he'd always be kidnapping my girlfriend and using my trampoline. Well... my trampoline anyway.

2007-09-23, 10:19 PM
Bowser. I don't think Bowser himself would be that bad a neighbor, but Mario would always be coming around asking about the princess, and I'd be like, "Geez, sorry Mario, the princess is in another house," and that would just get annoying week after week.

Plus if my mother ever came to visit she'd never be able to get past any goombas on the sidewalk.

Edit: That was kind of a wierd simu.

Plus, lava really drives down property values in the neighborhood.

2007-09-24, 12:20 AM
Yeah, I'll go with Kratos here as well.

My god, the horror! THE HORROR!

2007-09-24, 11:57 PM
Megaman, he'd always be jumping around and blowing stuff up, and if I complained about it, he'd kill me and gain my web surfing ability.

2007-09-25, 12:32 AM
Megaman, he'd always be jumping around and blowing stuff up, and if I complained about it, he'd kill me and gain my web surfing ability.

Who would be a good neighbor, indeed? Heroes and villains all tend to make property values plummet. Hmm...

Ah, I've got it. Luigi. Nothing interesting ever happens to him.

Archonic Energy
2007-09-25, 04:12 AM

Who would be a good neighbor, indeed? Heroes and villains all tend to make property values plummet. Hmm...

Ah, I've got it. Luigi. Nothing interesting ever happens to him.

erm... Luigi's mansion...

as for property prices, that gives me an idea...

*Evil laugh*

Frank Fontain: would be spliced up to the hilt
Sarvok: would try to kill Bhall Spawn not a problem for me
Minsc: his hampster is smarter than him
King of Shadows: wants to kill all life
Master Li: his town gets blown up
Julian Brennon: will use lots of parking spaces for his fleet
the marked one: lives in a raidoactive wasteland, lets hope he doesn't do the decorating
The Nameless one: have to wach out for shadows
Kane: I would prefer a Tiberium free lawn thanks
Sarah K: as has been noted pet Zerglings rarely end well
Razputin: i'm not living next to someone who enjoys invading people's minds

2007-09-25, 07:22 AM
Hey, nothing wrong with having The Marked One. Good in-case of war, being a survivor and all. As long as he leaves the glowy rocks in the cabinet. Nothing wrong.

Archonic Energy
2007-09-25, 07:45 AM
Hey, nothing wrong with having The Marked One. Good in-case of war, being a survivor and all. As long as he leaves the glowy rocks in the cabinet. Nothing wrong.

i'd hate to be around if he tried his hand at landscape archetechure though. :smalltongue:

"needs more Rads"
*swigs vodka*

2007-09-25, 08:07 AM
I don't think I'll have to explain my vote: Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2.

2007-09-25, 09:05 AM
Space pirates of Metroid... One of those little jellyfish buggers are either going to get loose and suck my life out or the mantis men are going to keep 'borrowing' my stuff.

Or Leon Kennedy.... in Raccon City...

2007-09-25, 12:07 PM
erm... Luigi's mansion...
Like I said, nothing interesting.

2007-09-25, 02:44 PM
Vic Fontain: woud be spliced up to the hilt

I think you mean Frank Fontaine.

2007-09-25, 11:37 PM
Well, Flame traps would be nice at barbeques :P

Archonic Energy
2007-09-26, 06:59 AM
I think you mean Frank Fontaine.

that's what i said... :smalltongue:

(where did i get Vic from?)

Like I said, nothing interesting.
but living next to a haunted mansion has gotta' effect your property value!

2007-09-26, 07:26 AM
Any character from a RPG game would be hell to live next door to. Every day after work I would come home and all my doors would be open and all by crap rifled through. Then when the police search him my belongings and all my money would be in his "backpack".

Police: "You're under arrest!"
RPG 'Kid' Next Door: "But sir! I need all this stuff to find my evil twin and accost him for killing my father! Oh wait, I did that last night... Ah, I need it to rescue my close friend who happens to be a girl that you might think is my girlfriend (but I have no idea what dating is...) from the evil clutches of an nameless super villian!"
Police: "Ahh, the insanity approach. Tell it to your laywer."

2007-09-26, 09:26 AM
OBJECTION! The standard line is "tell it to the judge".

Speaking of which, I don't know if I'd like to live next to Phoenix Wright (might get murdered), but having him as a friend would have the benefit that I would never be wrongfully convicted of anything. Ever.

Alex Kidd
2007-09-26, 09:50 AM
OBJECTION! The standard line is "tell it to the judge".

Speaking of which, I don't know if I'd like to live next to Phoenix Wright (might get murdered), but having him as a friend would have the benefit that I would never be wrongfully convicted of anything. Ever.

You might get cops asking about all those 14 year old girls he hangs around with though.:smalltongue:

Anyway I'm gonna go with Wesker or the Space Pirate's just cause being used as a bioweapons experiment is not my idea of being neighbourly.

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-09-26, 12:05 PM
The Black Whirlwind. Having a drunk for a neighbor is bad enough, but a drunk with homicidal tendencies and a brain smaller than an egg roll is suicide.

2007-09-26, 12:18 PM
The Black Whirlwind. Having a drunk for a neighbor is bad enough, but a drunk with homicidal tendencies and a brain smaller than an egg roll is suicide.

And, on that note, Dawn Star.

"I was born over a bad omen.... I was resented for it..."

"Yes, Dawn Star. I understand. Now get the hell off my lawn, it's midnight."

2007-10-03, 03:28 PM
Andrew Ryan would be a bit of a bummer to have next door. Not only would you have to deal with the constant clunking of the big daddys, every time you asked him to turn his classical music down or move his car out of the way of your drive, he would start one of his "Am I not entitled to..." speeches that never. Fecking. End!

Also, Astaroth. I doubt he'd keep his lawn in good condition.

2007-10-03, 03:40 PM
Oh, also..

Black Mage

2007-10-03, 03:56 PM
Oh, also..

Black Mage

Isnt that more which webcomic character would you least like to have as a neighbor? Because the real Black Mage was one of the good guys and, like many other RPG character, coudnt even talk.

2007-10-03, 06:34 PM
The Midgardian cast of Final Fantasy VII; their homes, and every house within miles of it, have a nasty habit of being crushed by millions of tons of steel every now and then.

Also, they're all three of them just sort of... creepy. A man who's got alien cells in him (that give him a propensity for mind-control by a supervillain), a man with feet the size of truck tires and a gun for an arm, and... A supermodel? Bah, she's up to no good! I just know it!

2007-10-04, 02:43 AM
Isnt that more which webcomic character would you least like to have as a neighbor? Because the real Black Mage was one of the good guys and, like many other RPG character, coudnt even talk.
Well I like to roleplay any characters in RPGs that don't talk so..

Let's just say when I roleplay Black Mage he's almost as bad as the comic version.

Note that White Mage aside, none of the other characters play at all like the comic versions.

Ghal Marak
2007-10-04, 09:39 AM
The Gravemind.

I would live in fear of the day I woke up Flood. :smalleek:

2007-10-04, 12:31 PM
The worst would be a Big Daddy with his Little sister. All you would here every day and night would be "Come on Mr. Bubbles" *Thud Thud*....."AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" man that would get old real fast...And if you called the cops on him he would just put a drill through their chests. It's a no win situation really..

2007-10-06, 06:54 PM
Lezard Valeth. Dangerous magical experiments and visits from angry gods just aren't the sort of things I want happening next door.

2007-10-23, 02:54 PM
Arthas from warcraft i think this is also self explanitory

2007-10-26, 06:51 AM
Can't really think of a character that I would want to have as a neighbor...

Agent 47. he's immaculately dressed, an avid gardener, and always polite.