View Full Version : Plant Fey Cohort 3.P

2018-12-30, 10:36 AM
A friend is taking Leadership at 6, and due to them playing an Unseelie Fey Druid, they're looking to gather a cohort that matches their Fey and Plant themes.
The cohort will be a Mystic from PoW, and ideally come with a level or two. Unfortunately our findings throughout the books have garnered only the Dryad, Woodling, and Thorn creatures.
Dryad's fine, but at 4HD, it won't have any levels.
Thorn's solid but can't be taken until ECL 10.
Woodling.. just wasn't great and is +3 LA.
Are there any other decent Plant Fey out there, or at least creatures similar enough that the fluff can be altered?

2018-12-30, 11:11 AM
Vine Leshies (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/race-points-unknown/vine-leshy/). Leshies in general are good for the plant theme. You can also refluff the Volodni though that's +2 LA. Could also do anything with 2 spare feats and shove it into an animated object(like a bush) for the cost of 2 third level potions. Then there's also the Awakened Animal option with the Woodling template. This is getting progressively cheesier, but Awaken sets your ECL directly and with something like a fully advanced monkey it is set to 0, same for cat, toad, rat, and lizard. Can presumably add any number of other templates that don't change type, but minimal for thematic is probably best when in cheese territory.

2018-12-30, 11:12 AM
Well if 3rd Party Content is allowed, the Player's Guide to Skybourne includes the Alraun race (which is pretty much poison ivy).