View Full Version : Celestia's Finest: Don't Forget to Smile!

2018-12-30, 11:49 AM
"Oh no," the changeling guard says, "No, no, no. We're not falling for this dog-and-pony show again. Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused us last time?"

His partner studies Rose's disguise with a scrutinizing glare. "...Ichor, hush. She might actually be one of the new arrivals. I mean, we haven't met them all, right?"

They both glower at Rose, one suspicious but hopeful, the other dead certain in his convictions that Rose is not, in fact, a fellow changeling but actually a pony trying to start trouble.

2018-12-30, 01:22 PM
Rose wrinkles her disguised-changeling nose. Seems some of the guards are half-way decently paranoid to do their job right. "Are, are you just going to throw me out? I heard so much about the return of our queen and I came all this way! Do I need to prove my changeling-ness?" Rose flaps her insect wings, attempting to look nervous but determined to join ranks with the hive.

2018-12-30, 02:47 PM
"No, of course not," the second says with a glare at the first, "Just stay there, we'll call it in, and the Queen will be with you momentarily."

The first grumbles under his breath and keeps his rifle pointed vaguely in Rose's direction. Not enough to be immediately threatening, but enough to make it clear that he's willing and able to shoot her if she starts causing trouble. So typical guard behavior.

The second takes a step back and lets her expression go blank.

2018-12-30, 03:12 PM
Rose stands there, pouty-faced, waiting for the call. Hmm, she better think of something when the inevitable questions about not being called via hive-mind start up. That seemed like something that just connects automagically? Maybe she can say the EDF pointed her this way from above? Maybe...

"So, are those ponies up stairs food or staff? Both?"

2018-12-30, 03:54 PM
"Allies," the first growls, "We got in trouble for taking a few of them for food."

"Not that they had much love in them to begin with," the second mutters. She shivers. "Tried a raider boss. Couldn't get anything. No love whatsoever."

They tilt their heads to the side and both their rifles snap up. "Right. Drop the act. Who are you really?"

2018-12-30, 04:39 PM
Uh oh, the fun's over. Better get serious and confess.

Rose makes the attempt to engulf herself in green flame and transform into a reformed blue-green changeling in EDF uniform (Spellcasting [roll0] vs. 15). She immediately puts her hooves up in the air to surrender.

"Okay! Okay! Please don't shoot. Never let it be said the queen's guard are less than the best," Rose applauds. She holds the submissive surrendering pose. "Name's Ladybug, EDF scout, Helios Squad. Commander Wildcat brought me in from Canterlot to help patch relations between Hornet Squad and your hive since they're screwing things up. I wasn't sure about taking the job because I look different, but... well here I am at your service."

2018-12-30, 04:46 PM
The rifles stay pointed at Rose. "Mm-hmm," the first one says. He doesn't sound skeptical, just very, very unhappy that he doesn't have a good excuse to fill someone with holes. Well, more than they already have.

"Well," the second says, "You're here now."

"Stating the obvious?"

"Shut up, soup-for-brains."

"Make me!"

Their eyes meet with fiery rage that melts into something...else entirely. But they straighten up and clear their throats. "Right. We're escorting you to the Queen," the first says.

2018-12-30, 05:07 PM
The odd argument turned not is... a little curious. Rose just does as she's told though and locks in step with the guards. "As you command. Lead on."

2018-12-30, 05:12 PM
In no time at all, Rose finds herself standing before Queen Chrysalis in her bedchambers. The queen takes one good look at Rose and sees right through her disguise. Her hoof connects with her forehead loudly enough to make a few heads poke in from the hallway. "Back to your duties," she mutters to the guards, who make themselves very scarce.

Chrysalis taps a hoof against the arm of her crudely made throne. "Hello, Rose. Will you take tea?"

2018-12-30, 05:32 PM
If it's safe, Rose will drop the disguise and take a bow. "Thank you, your Majesty. I would love some tea. I hope my unconventional entrance is not too distressing on you. I just... wanted to get more practice in on my disguises and your guards are the challenge I seek. I'll stop if it's too distracting."

2018-12-30, 06:04 PM
"No," Chrysalis says with a light growl, "They need the practice. They're not used to being tricked. They've been the tricksters for far too long."

The door opens and a summoned changeling comes in pushing a rickety tea cart. She leaves it behind and Chrysalis swoops in to brew the tea. "Any particular kind?" she asks with a weary voice.

2018-12-30, 10:56 PM
Rose looks at the tea tray. "Do you have Chamomile? It would be nice to calm what's left of my shot nerves. Haven't slept well since coming to this sandy wasteland."

2018-12-31, 01:11 AM
"Yes, I have chamomile," Chrysalis says pleasantly, which immediately lends Rose to think she's annoyed about something. Call it 'survivor's insight' or something. "I could...sweeten it a little, if you wanted. A little soporific to help you sleep some."

2018-12-31, 06:37 AM
'survivor's insight'

"That would be lovely, thank you," Rose answers with a gentle smile and a nod. "How have you been? I imagine you've not had the greatest time sleeping either, what with training this new hive and dealing with the salt-of-the-earth kind of ponies here. You know, morons." She barely stifles a little giggle, but it's there if one looks.

2018-12-31, 01:26 PM
Chrysalis smirks. "Blazing Saddles? I didn't take you for the type."

She puts the teabag in the kettle to steep for a bit and leans against the cart heavily. "I am tired," she says, "But I only have to keep going for one more day." She chuckles grimly. "You know you DID deprive us of our only nearby food source, right? There aren't exactly many ponies left around that we can sneak a snack from."

2018-12-31, 01:45 PM
"I blame my sister for my fondness of cheesy comedies," Rose confesses openly.

She watches Chrysalis prepare the tea. Rose's ears do lower slightly at her food comment. "You mean the gang leaders? Cause... yeah, I do regret everything about that plan. Especially my poor treatment of your feelings just to get an agreement. That was just so... heartless. Like, if I were in your position, I would have come to myself in pony and slap my self so hard my name would be swollen. Sniper, Love... all they did was annoy you. I genuinely kicked you where it hurt. That's just... by the hive why was I so angry when you had me trapped? It's my own fault I got killed...""

Rose lets out a tired sigh and looks simply defeated (https://derpicdn.net/img/2017/4/19/1415955/full.png) at her actions this past week.

2018-12-31, 11:36 PM
Chrysalis' eyes narrow. She releases the tray and stalks towards Rose. "You don't look like Laser Us," she says, looking Rose over critically, "So what do you mean by 'died'. Oh, and stop looking so pathetic. Really, if you got ANYTHING from my lessons, I would at least hope it was a sense of self-respect."

2019-01-01, 12:36 AM
Rose rubs her face around her eyes. "You're right. You're right... I'm being foolish. Sleep is for the weak. As a doctor I eat 12-hour shifts for breakfast." She takes in a deep breath. Her metal hoof runs through the top of her mane and straightens several loose clusters of hair. Rose pulls herself together.

"Died. Yes, I've... well, they're not real deaths. Hope not in any case. Dreams. Specters. I'm haunted by visions that are not... pleasant. Here, let me show you a few."

She stands up and focuses her horn at the ground around Chrysalis and herself. Illusion magic swirls around them and forms the scene of a hanger of some kind. Rose is facing down CPI soldiers with rifles trained on her. She's out of ammo. Cornered. The soldiers silently command her to get down on her face. There's an explosion, the hanger is engulfed in mute flames. The flash of red and orange swirl around and fade to darkness. A spotlight slowly glows from above. Rose is trapped in a changeling cocoon. Chrysalis saunters up to her, silently taunting Rose. Poor, pathetic little Rose. So weak, abandoned. Rose's eyes fill with tears as she tries to be defiant. She's angry at Chrysalis. No. she's angry at herself. The queen's maw opens wide as razor sharp teeth come down and snap Rose's neck.

The light goes out.

Another light comes on. A surgical table's flood light from above. Rose is secured to the table with iron-wrought chains. A bat pony in a long blood-soaked lab coat glides over to her. He hooks several IV lines to Rose. Something is injected into her. Rose' heart races. She grits her teeth as her body burns with pain. Cancerous growths bubble up where her bones meet metal. Rose writhes in the agony as her body is forced to regrow her meat legs through her cybernetic ones. Bones crack and re-mend in place. Nerves sever and regrow. Her body rejects her cybernetics, fighting to regrow her body whole. Her cybernetic eyes bulge out of her socks as ichor leak through from real eyes growing behind them. Shescreams out in death, though the illusions are silent.

Rose ends the illusions. She stares off into nothing. Void. She looks numb now.

"Every. Damn. Night. You're the second I've told this. The first to actually see them. Luna was of no help. I'm kinda getting used to them. Not sure that's a good thing."

2019-01-01, 01:35 AM
Chrysalis studies the projected dreams carefully. When Rose is done, she closes her eyes and sighs. "Your image of me is not...entirely inaccurate," she says in a low voice, "Though not towards you."

She turns away, eyes hard and boring into the wall. "Love," she snarls, "She...infuriates me. She's all the worst traits of ponykind wrapped up into one pony. When she came down here..." She licks her fangs and swallows, mouth watering. "Oh, I could just taste the love in her. Love for everything in this whole world. Love for you, for Equestria, even for me! I wanted it. I wanted to hold her down, drain her dry, and silence her forever. I'd be full and rid of her mewling forever."

She crouches down a little, almost as if to pounce. "Right there! In front of me. Weak, yet full of love and daring to come before me. I...I wanted to..." She suddenly straightens and clears her throat. "But I didn't."

2019-01-01, 09:30 AM
Rose gradually refocuses her attention on Chrysalis once she can push her visions back into a corner within her head. She studies the posture and posing. When the queen straightens up, Rose tilts her head slightly. "We seem to have a common trait in our insatiable hunger for something. We want it. Yet when tempted, we fight it because we are in control, not our desires. We have strength in willpower." Confidence slowly flows back into Rose's face, but then a smirk cracks across her lips.

"Although, you could tie me to a chair and put a four-course meal in front of me, just out of reach, and probably get some satisfaction out of that. More if you get a drone to pose as a sexy pony waiting to feed me like... *ahem* Nevermind. I'm fantasizing a bit much on my hunger." Rather than feel a little embarrassed, Rose has a cheeky grin, thinking of RT or another EDF friend in the mentioned role.

She turns to the side, tail swishing high. Rose walks three paces adjacent to the queen. "The infuriation with Love is mutual. There are times I want to..." Rose's forehooves come up and around an imaginary neck. They soon drop down, as she isn't really angry at Love right now. It's more of an accepted situation. "But, we need her skills. She's the best damned techie we got to fight the CPI's advanced toys. So, thank you for not sucking her dry. I'll keep Love on a leash so she doesn't pester you again. You've got enough on your plate."

2019-01-01, 12:39 PM
A smile crosses Chrysalis' face as well. "Don't tempt me," she says, "I am quite hungry right now and I might just do it."

"She's useful," the queen admits, "But she should learn to fear the day she outlives her usefulness. That would be the beginning of a much-needed sense of self-preservation. Otherwise..." She too makes a brief strangling motion. "So, keep her safe and far away from me and everything should turn out alright."

"Oh. The tea's ready."

2019-01-01, 02:32 PM
A smile crosses Chrysalis' face as well. "Don't tempt me," she says, "I am quite hungry right now and I might just do it."

"She's useful," the queen admits, "But she should learn to fear the day she outlives her usefulness. That would be the beginning of a much-needed sense of self-preservation. Otherwise..." She too makes a brief strangling motion. "So, keep her safe and far away from me and everything should turn out alright."

"Oh. The tea's ready."

Rose nods knowingly. She takes in a deep breath when a voice in the back of her mind reminds her what happened the last time she let Chrysalis feed on her. 'Oooooh, yeah. Bad idea. I want it, but... can't... have...' The life of a recovering alcoholic. But with changeling venom. Maybe another way to feed the queen will come to light later. "Heh, yeah, Wildcat would have my butt if I break my probation. Well, you can probably sneak to our side late tonight for food after we're all bunked. Can't fight a siege on an empty stomach, right?" She smiles through the urges and keeps herself in check.

"Love's lack of self-preservation can be a problem. She doesn't seem to fear since she's remotely using a body double, but for the rest of us with her... well, you know. We'll keep he on our side. No worries."

With the tea ready, Rose approaches the tray.

"The hive is looking better, by the way. I hope the injured are recovering quickly."

2019-01-01, 05:03 PM
Chrysalis pours the tea. "He wouldn't have to know," she mutters under her breath. Her back is turned, so Rose almost misses hearing it. Almost.

She turns and gives Rose her tea, taking a cup for herself. "I will probably have to do that. Feed off some ambient love from some couple bound in a night of passion." She says that with a remarkable lack of passion herself.

"Ahhh, body doubles. I have some experience with those myself. Mine always tried to betray me. Imagine that!" She chuckles, but it turns to a frown. "Come to think of it, I don't know exactly what happened to them. Or their remains, really."

"Everything will be ready for the battle," Chrysalis assures Rose.

2019-01-01, 06:22 PM
Rose's ears twitch hearing Chrysalis' muttering words. She doesn't respond to them, however. She wondered how shocking it might be if RT and her were having such a night before the battle, and Chryssi happened to pick their room? Heh, Rose certainly would find it flattering. Hey, if the queen found it satisfying, that means it's good love, right?

"I hope your luck is better than ours," Rose says as an encouraging statement. "If it were me, one of those body doubles would be waiting for us in Ashtown. As it is, we have one grumpy colt named Blank, who's apparently genetically grown from Love's DNA. I bet they scrounged bits of powered armor to throw on some chipped stallion to take on Brazen. Maybe we'll luck out and the double of Sniper is gonna be a mopey angsty teen." Rose snerks at her little joke.

2019-01-01, 08:07 PM
"Oh, they weren't doubles of me," Chrysalis says with a prim sip of her tea, "They were doubles of Twilight Sparkle and her little gang of goody-goody two-shoes. I made them out of trees and stolen strands of mane. And they turned back into logs after I defeated them when they betrayed me. I just don't know where those logs went."

She pulls a wry face. "Oh good. More of her. Well, if he's grumpy, I might find his presence less insufferable."

2019-01-01, 08:53 PM
As Rose waited on tea she pondered the implication of using magic to morph logs into duplicates. "Too bad they weren't more controllable. Can you imagine another pair of us on the Ashtown streets? That city couldn't handle the booty." Rose reflexively wiggled her rear.

"Ah well. Guess my magic will have to be enough. Still working on copying voices."

Rose sits down. "Blank is... he's certainly not Love's personality. He hates us and Love in particular. Blank really believes in Polaris and his endgame. I've gotten him to pause in his faulty logic, but he'll just dismiss it as 'beyond our understanding' or something like that."

2019-01-01, 11:28 PM
"Then he's a fool and not worth treating with," Chrysalis says with a shrug.

Chrysalis erupts in green flame and Rose finds herself staring into her own face. Not-Rose smirks smugly and walks a slow circle, peering behind her. "Mmm. What say we walk around and see what pops up?"

She shifts back to her own form. "After tea of course."

2019-01-01, 11:40 PM
Rose noncommittally shrugs along about Blank, but seeing Chrysalis take Rose's form has her break into a grin. "Mmm, that would be a divine idea. Something to take our minds off these boring duties for a bit."

In her mind, she is thinking to help Chrysalis score a little snack. Or at least to have some fun. It's nice to actually have a chat with her where business isn't being discussed. This needs to happen more.

Rose sits up proper, awaiting a cup of tea.

2019-01-02, 03:18 PM
Once tea is properly distributed once again, Chrysalis returns to her 'throne' and ponders the proposal. At last, she smiles. "Well then, I believe we shall finish our tea and then go cause some mischief. I'll make some...subtle alterations and we'll see just how well your friends know you, shall we?"

2019-01-02, 03:28 PM
Rose slowly sips her second cup. The cup hovers with a slight up-and-down bob to it; gentle and slow. It is quite relaxing to sip and then study the remaining liquid. Ha, to think she isn't normally a tea kind of pony! Maybe she could get into it more often.

"Hmm, yes that would be an interesting endeavor to see. I can be more complex than they think; masks and all that. Things out there have gotten too serious. I mean, yes there is a siege coming on the morrow, but one shouldn't lose their sense of enjoyment. Within reason of course."

2019-01-02, 05:45 PM
Chrysalis chuckles. "Then there is one question remaining. Rose Croix, do you find the proposed 'mischief' within the bounds of what's reasonable or no?"

2019-01-02, 06:19 PM
Rose is mid-sip when the question is proposed. A curious eyebrow rises to the occasion. She puts the cup down, smirk on her lips.

"No, the proposition is more than simply reasonable. I feel it is... necessary. I've been patching up ponies and changelings for days, trying to take care and please as many patients as I can; doing whatever it is Commander Wildcat and Captain Red Tape ask of me. I've been a good little soldier and tried my damnedest to work with my squad, dysfunctional as we are at times," Rose explains with no anger at all, but instead an air of reciting some factual research paper she made up. Maybe she's mocking her day? Maybe she's just tired and starting to feel some goofiness push forward? Maybe both?

"I need a break from them. No, even more than that--we need a break. You're hungry and have needs of your own that are not being met. Can't let you go hungry when we have the food to share. Well, relatively speaking. Teal deer, we earned our mischief. It'll be fine. Fun even."

2019-01-03, 02:29 PM
Chrysalis laughs and pulls Rose in under one foreleg for a brief side-hug. "Oh Rose," she says with a wicked grin, "I like you more and more every time we meet."

She begins packing away the tea service. "Hmm. How do you want to play this? Should I do my best to imitate you? Or should we both act out of character and see how far that gets us?"

She shifts back into Rose's form and smirks at her. "Good thing you're the medic because a scanner would pick up that my legs are not actually metal. That level of imitation is beyond even me."

2019-01-03, 03:52 PM
Rose happily accepts the hug. It feels friendly, like, actual friendship? A taste of it anyway, and that pleases Rose inside. Finally, she's doing things right with Chrysalis. Rose can help levitate the tea service away with her own empty cup.

"Hmm, let's start with you imitating me, then work towards the latter. Build a false sense in everyone that nothing's wrong at first." She taps her scanner twice. "The beauty of knowing how to use this so well is I can fake results if anyone wants to see 'proof' of who you are."

2019-01-03, 04:31 PM
Chrysalis' eyes narrow as she studies the glow of Rose's telekinesis. Her horn lights up and it's close, but not exact. She tries again and not even Rose could tell the difference. She nods, satisfied.

"I suppose we'll be splitting up for a bit, then?" she asks, "I to one area, you to another?" She clears her throat. "The first to head towards the kitchens will probably receive a good boost in their authenticity score."

2019-01-03, 04:40 PM
Rose nods in agreement. "Yes, that seems about right. Everyone knows Rose enjoys a meal as much as she flirts." Her tail flicks to the other side as Rose glances at her shapely back end.

She stretches and gets up, making her back muscles limber. Her legs, of course, don't stretch. "I'm ready when you are."

2019-01-03, 05:06 PM
"On that note," Chrysalis says with a grin, "I see my lessons took hold. Still, I suggest that you do the flirting and I head to the kitchen. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble now, would I?" Her tone makes the underlying intent a little unclear.

She nods. "After you, my dear."

2019-01-03, 05:37 PM
Rose bows in thanks and with a confident strut makes her way out and towards the casino floor. She doesn't go full vamp, not at the start. She works her way around being friendly with a smile and greeting others, swaying a little of that confidence around (but not too much, thanks to the RNG working with her; 12 of 12 on Carousing). Rose can save the sparks for RT if he happens by.

Hmm, Rose hopes her swagger doesn't scare him off. She better keep the dial down at this level just in case. No breaking poor RT.


2019-01-03, 06:01 PM
As Rose moves through the facility, she finds a few ponies she knows by name or know her by reputation that are very eager to talk with her and receptive to the show she's putting on right now. It is a fun time, all told. And then, she spots RT.

The faithful captain is currently sipping a (only slightly irradiated, probably) cider at the bar and going over some notes from the day. He looks up and sees Rose saunter in. A smile comes to his face and he waves.

2019-01-03, 06:40 PM
The faithful captain is currently sipping a (only slightly irradiated, probably) cider at the bar and going over some notes from the day. He looks up and sees Rose saunter in. A smile comes to his face and he waves.

Rose struts over to the captain and leans against his table a little. She flicks her tail. "Hey there, cutie. Can I entice you to by a pretty mare a drink?" she asks.

2019-01-04, 01:46 PM
Rose is flicking that tail around a lot and it's drawing a few eyes, including Red Tape's. He smiles at her, cheeks a little flushed. "Sure thing," he says, "What'll you be having?"

2019-01-04, 02:47 PM
"How about a nice cold one? Not too hard; I don't want to burden you with dragging this butt to a bed in order to sleep it off." She giggles and sits down by Red. Rose takes an interest in the paperwork.

"What are you working on?"

2019-01-04, 03:11 PM
"Coming right up," Red Tape says to Rose. He calls over to the bartender, not Sandy at the moment, "One cold one please!"

Soon, Rose has her drink in her telekinetic grip and Red Tape is explaining that he is balancing the budget. The amounts on the page look ludicrous to Rose, more than she makes in a year, but he explains that they are actually coming close to the end of their funds and will have to either request more or cut down on the missions they accept until the next quarter.

2019-01-04, 03:36 PM
Rose sips her beer, listening to RT's explanations. She's not the mind for accounting, but she can understand what happens when there's too much month at the end of your money.

"So... should we hold a bake sale?" Rose asks, not being serious with her question. Her next one is serious-- "Is there something the squad can do to keep costs down? Or maybe encourage the government to fund us more?"

2019-01-04, 07:11 PM
Red Tape sighs. "It's the requisitions," he says, "The standard stuff is no problem, but we're paying premium for all the specialty items you all use. Even with Lt. Charge paying for a lot of it, the required forms and permissions to take it out to the battlefield cost bits too."

He smirks. "The solution is to give you all a long vacation to keep costs down. A few months, at least. I'll present our budget to the, for lack of a better term, spending committees and see if I can get a bump for us too, but a vacation will help."

2019-01-04, 08:03 PM
"I'll switch to generic bandages if that helps." Rose leans a little into Red Tape. She scratches the back of his head playfully as a means to help him relax. She's probably going to lose the race with Chryssi, but considering the consolation prize, who really loses here?

"I know you'll be able to balance our budget like a pro. And if you're getting stressed, I can help with that."

2019-01-05, 12:58 AM
Red Tape chuckles. "I don't think that'd make TOO much of a difference. We go through explosives very fast, though." He leans back and sighs. The touch on his head makes him stiffen a little in surprise, but he relaxes into it. Relaxes into Rose. "You're already helping," he mutters, very happy right now.

Rose sees another one of her glance out from behind the door and grin. The other Rose disappears for a moment and a serving mare walks out to begin cleaning tables nearby.

2019-01-05, 01:24 AM
'Oh, guess I lost the race. oh darn, whatever shall I do?'

Well, Red Tape is hers and Rose isn't going to share. With the stalling beside her Rose takes a deep swig of her beer and coos softly. She kisses him on top of his head.

"Well, maybe we can raid CPI artillery tomorrow or something. Not sure what's good, my knowledge on explosives is limited to how to pull pins and which side of a claymore faces the tank." She's now playing gently with RT's ear, just letting the moment be organic. Let the feelings be genuine. "A long vacation would be nice. I can look into that realistic fur skin for my legs. Oh, and if you really want help relaxing, we should go camping. Nothing hard core. There's a nice park outside Seaddle we could go to, spend a weekend just us to talk about everything not work related. A friend been up those hills and says the light pollution is so low you can see the sky filled with stars. Just you, me, and that night sky. Close together to keep warm with some hot cocoa."

Rose hopes this isn't the alcohol talking, but she would really like that camping weekend with RT right now.

2019-01-05, 10:20 PM
Red Tape's cheeks are flushed and cherry red. "I think I'd like that," he says, "I could...use some time away from the office. Not that I don't like my job, but it's good to expand your horizons. Besides, there can't be as much sand there as there is around here, so we should be good."

He lowers his voice a little and says, "Rose are you...trying to hint at something with all this, er, PDA?"

That serving mare has been cleaning the same spot for about twenty seconds now.

2019-01-05, 10:57 PM
That serving mare has been cleaning the same spot for about twenty seconds now.

'Hmm, if that's her, she must be giggle like a school filly over this.'

Rose finishes the last couple gulps of beer and puts it down. She carefully gathers RT's papers in a neat stack. "Yeah, 15 minute break. Doctor's orders." She magically levitates his work, keeping it in order, and then tugs him (not forcefully, but enough that this isn't a question) along away from the tables.

"Come, let's find a room and talk about nothing."

2019-01-05, 11:24 PM
Red Tape raises an eyebrow. His cheeks grow redder but he's still smiling. "Well, I guess if it's official then, what choice do I have?" He slides out from behind the table and falls in step behind her. "I trust you have somewhere in mind?"

2019-01-05, 11:43 PM
"You trust me to have a well-thought out plan when it comes to fun? Well, you might be putting too much faith in me, heh." Rose will see if either of the rooms Love had previously debugged are available.

"I just think everyone is working hard for tomorrow, which we should. Don't get me wrong, but I also believe we shouldn't get all wound up with stress about it. Hope that makes some sense."

2019-01-06, 08:29 PM
The bedroom they had when they first arrived is currently available, though no maids have come in to clean up and replace the towels since the day Wire was offed. Good times, good times.

A different maid follows along, though, sweeping the floor. Red Tape doesn't notice. He has eyes only for Rose right now. "Oh yes. Makes sense," he agrees and steps inside. He looks around and heads for the couch. "Oh! I should have brought something like cards. Shoot."

2019-01-06, 08:40 PM
"No no," Rose speaks out. She trots faster than RT does and seizes him around the waist when he gets to the couch. With a heft lift, she pulls him back so that he's laying (https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/2/28/563183/large.png) on her on the couch. "Forget cards. I want you to do something that would really help you relax."

Rose runs a hoof through his mane. "Let's start with what's on the forefront of your mind. What's the most stressful thing in your head?"

2019-01-06, 08:56 PM
Red Tape chokes a little in surprise when he is cut off and put in a position so near and intimate with Rose. He is a bit stiff, but her hoof through his mane relaxes him a bit. He's still a little wary (and not really leaning back against her), but he doesn't try to leave either. "W-well," he says, trying to hold up his end of the conversation, "I'm...worried about Wildcat. It sounds silly, but there it is."

2019-01-06, 09:07 PM
"There is no judgement here, RT. Consider this an open forum to air out your grievances. I'm not a shrink here. I'm your friend. Your ear. Anything said on this couch does not leave it," Rose explains. She forms a hug around him, but she's not going to force him back if he's not willing. She wants him to make that decision. "So, let's get it off your chest. What about Wildcat is worrying you?"

2019-01-06, 09:15 PM
Slowly, he leans back and puts a bit of his weight against her. Not all of it, but enough that their bodies are pressed together. "He wasn't always...like this. He used to be really passionate about the EDF. He wanted to make sure Equestria was protected. Even when ponies said no, he kept on trying. But one day, Judge Doom visited and they talked in private. Ever since he's seemed...bitter. And it's getting worse."

2019-01-06, 09:34 PM
"Hmm. Doom is a thorn in our side," Rose says, playing with his mane a bit. She kisses the top of her head. "Well, you have me. You have Sniper, Love, Brazen, Star... we'll figure out what's souring the commander after this mission. But you definitely have me. I believe in the EDF, and you are the Tape that holds us together behind the scenes."

Rose gently boops his nose.

2019-01-06, 09:47 PM
"Thanks..." he says with a sigh. He leans further back, into her. He's starting to enjoy this, but something keeps him from fully relaxing. "Rose," he says slowly, "you've been very...affectionate tonight. And I, er, haven't. Not because I don't want to or don't appreciate it, I just...don't know what you want me to do. Do you want anything? Is holding me like this enough? I don't know." He looks at her, a look of a little helplessness in his eyes.

2019-01-06, 10:35 PM
Rose looks him in the eyes, holding him close. Her cheeks are looking slightly flushed. "I wanted to spend some time with you before the night is over. Not as captain and lieutenant; just as RT and Rose. A few minutes to just step away from all this stress and responsibility. It's not that I'm worried I'm going to die tomorrow. Celestia knows I've met death personally several times in my life. If it's my time, then it is... but what are we even fighting for if we don't take care of our own wants too? We give our all to protect Equestria. I think we've earned a moment to enjoy it."

She lets out a soft sigh, and tugs at a stray hair of his mane. "Would you indulge a mare her selfish desires to enjoy the stallion she has here?"

2019-01-06, 10:43 PM
That eases whatever fear was still in Red Tape. He leans back onto Rose's shoulder and nuzzles her neck. "In that case..." he says, "I think I can do that. Should we, uh, send for room service? I think...I think I could do with a drink to loosen me up a little. I'm not, er, that is to say...cuddling is easier when I'm slightly tipsy."

2019-01-06, 11:46 PM
"Heh, alright, I'll order us some drinks and we can loosen those gears of yours." Rose uses her horn's magic to push the intercom. "Hello, room service? I'd like to have a bottle of wine sent to our room, please. And, I tip healthy."

Rose moves RT's paperwork carefully to a table so it doesn't get knocked around.

2019-01-07, 07:49 PM
The intercom takes a moment to reply. "Oh, hi! Uh, sure thing. We weren't expecting anyone to be in the guest rooms. Er, we'll send someone right away!" Not the most encouraging reply, but the guests are all gone except the EDF and their tagalongs.

Paperwork set neatly aside and in order, Red Tape's heart can be at ease. They chat amicably before a knock comes at the door. A mare with bright green eyes has a bottle for them. She smirks and sets it down. "Room service," she says and saunters out.

Red Tape's eyes narrow. "Do I know that mare from somewhere...?"

2019-01-07, 07:58 PM
She gently elbows Rt. "Why, you think she's cute?" Rose giggles, showing she's just poking a little fun. "Maybe being stuck down here you're seeing the same mares too often."

She will pop open the bottle and pour a healthy amount into a pair of glasses for RT and herself. "Here we go, better than any medicine behind the pharmacy counter. A toast to us, for taking a moment to enjoy life." Rose holds her glass up to clink.

2019-01-07, 08:11 PM
Red Tape's cheeks flush. "Well, er, now that you mention it yes, but that's not why..." He sighs and takes his glass. "You're probably right. I'd bet we've seen everyone down here several times now."

He smiles and raises his now-filled glass. "To...just relaxing. Together." And he drinks. Not all at once, but he downs it pretty quick all things considered.

2019-01-07, 09:29 PM
Rose sips her drink. She stops short of drinking because she just realized that she reached her limit something like two sips ago. Rose leans into RT with a big smile. "Before the alcohol really starts talking, I want to say that I find nerds sexy. Muscles and bicepst? Nah. I want the brains. Nerds are loyal and won't break a heart."

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a roll of red and white striped socks. "This'll keep my legs soft and warm for you." She slowly works them on, one at a time, giving RT a little bit of a show.

2019-01-07, 09:41 PM
Red Tape blushes and rubs his mane a little, embarrassed. "Thanks," he says, "I...I am up to military minimums, though. Barely..." He sighs. "I hate cardio."

His eyes are glued to every movement, every little twitch of Rose's legs. Quietly, he clears his throat. "Rose," he says softly, "I don't think I want to wait till we're back in Equestria anymore."

2019-01-07, 09:51 PM
"Rose," he says softly, "I don't think I want to wait till we're back in Equestria anymore."

Rose slowly nods, her cheeks rosy as the alcohol takes over. "Honestly, I don't either. You set the speed and have what you want. I'm all yours."

2019-01-07, 09:59 PM
It starts with a kiss, slow and uncertain as Red Tape finds his measure, and goes from there into a pleasant, intimate evening. The two unicorns get to know each other very, very well. It is not the high-energy affair that it was with Chrysalis, but it isn't Ersatz bumbling either. At the end of the hour, which is honestly more than Rose expected from Red Tape, she can say that she genuinely had a good time and came away satisfied. What he lacks in strength he makes up for in tenderness and an eye for making sure Rose is getting exactly what she enjoys.

Wrapped in each others limbs, they lay panting. And for once, Rose's metal legs do not feel cold.

2019-01-07, 10:34 PM
Rose basks in the afterglow. "So all we need now is the hot cocoa and a starry night sky. Heh heh. Cause that stain on the ceiling is... lacking."

She giggles a little and studies RT's face. She doesn't want to let go, but at the same time the squad is gonna start looking for them...

2019-01-07, 11:29 PM
Red Tape gives Rose a nuzzle and sighs contentedly. He looks up the stain and studies it with way more seriousness than is necessary. "Hmm. You're right," he says, "It's just...not...bleh. Words hard. Brain mush."

2019-01-07, 11:56 PM
"Heh heh, it's okay. We got maybe another two minutes before Love sends her bots on a rescue mission. I don't wanna move, but... might wanna consider straightening ourselves out before anyone takes notice."

2019-01-08, 03:48 PM
Red Tape clears his throat. “Yes. Of course. We wouldn’t want that. Wildcat...doesn’t need more problems right now.” He begins extracting himself from Rose’s grip and looking around for his uniform. Gotta be somewhere, right? Couldn't have thrown it that far.

2019-01-08, 03:55 PM
Rose will (not eagerly) sit up and help RT find his clothes as she looks for hers too. She will look for a towel while she's at it to quickly wash up and straighten her mane in a bit.

"Clothes clothes clothes... dang, if only I had one of those grooming spray bottles Love invented to freshen them up. Um..." Maybe something fell under the couch?

2019-01-08, 06:13 PM
Red Tape looks under the couch. "Found your jacket!" he calls and pulls it out, "Where's my hat? Oh, there it is. Um, what else? I..." He sniffs. "I should take a shower. We should both take showers."

2019-01-08, 06:24 PM
Rose sniffs her armpit. "Ah... yeah, we should."

She pulls RT over to the bathroom and draws up a shower. "You cannot imagine how nice showering is ever since I got these replacement limbs. you wanna go first? I mean, we could go together, but I have a funny feeling we might not do much showering."

She winks.

2019-01-09, 08:15 PM
"I can't imagine, you're right," Red Tape says and runs a hoof through her mane, straightening it a little, "but I can empathize." He smiles. "I'll go first. You wait, I suppose, and I'll be back in a jiffy."

2019-01-09, 08:22 PM
"Alright," Rose says, acting a bit filly-like at getting her mane played with. She goes to get her gear together and air out her clothes. She's still feeling the high of earlier and is in a totally good mood right now.

2019-01-10, 05:57 PM
Red Tape is not long in the shower. Soon he steps out, mane freshly dried and using a quick spell to whisk the last of the water off him. He sighs contentedly. "Your turn."

2019-01-10, 06:38 PM
"Thank you." Rose flicks the tail gently as she passes him and gets into the shower. She cleans herself up quickly, ignoring the usual minor warning message in her eyeball HUD about water hazard. She probably needs that checked. It's like a darn 'check engine light' today with that.

It doesn't take Rose long to finish up and get out of the shower, drying herself off slower than RT as her magic isn't as useful for drying. Maybe she can learn one of those from Trixie.

2019-01-11, 11:39 PM
When Rose gets out of the shower, Red Tape is talking on his comm. "Yes sir. I'll be there right away." He ends the call and turns. "That was the commander. I...need to go." He smiles. "This has been a good evening, though. I'd...like to do it again sometime."

2019-01-12, 07:41 AM
Rose leans into him, nuzzling his neck. "Mmm, I'd like to do it again too. After tomorrow tho."

She kisses his neck and pulls back so that Red Tape could actually leave and do his work. She levitates her clothes over to herself and begins getting dressed and suited up.

2019-01-12, 12:47 PM
Red Tape leaves as Rose gets dressed. Right as she's about to head out, the door opens and very happy looking made greets her. "Hello," she says in Chrysalis' voice, "If I could hazard a guess, I'd say you had a very good time." She pats her stomach and grins.

2019-01-12, 01:11 PM
Rose smirks and, after a moment of hesitation, she nods in affirmation. "I did, and I don't doubt you tasted the sincerity of little room romp."

She could feel a slight awkwardness about the room. A lingering hint of passion and sweat that occurred here. However, there was no regret. Only a sense of contentment and good moods. "Well, since I marked him as mine, I hope I don't see anyone from your hive trying to steal him from me, 'cause I am a very jealous kind of mare." She says this in a friendly tone.

2019-01-12, 01:15 PM
Chrysalis waves her hoof dismissively. "No, no. None of mine will try to take him." She sighs contentedly. "Thank you, by the way. This will ensure that I am at full strength for the coming battle." She draws herself up a bit. "I am sure you will be impressed by what you see tomorrow."

2019-01-12, 01:24 PM
Rose is happy with that answer. Last thing she needs is to get in a 'catfight' with a changeling over RT and Brazen standing there with an eyebrow waggle while everyone else sighs with a face-hoof.

"Heh, I look forward to what you have in store. I'm sure I'll be very impressed." Rose lifts up all her gear and stands up tall. She feels relaxed and ready to finish this day.

2019-01-12, 01:25 PM
Chrysalis winks. "See you tomorrow, then?"

2019-01-12, 01:28 PM
"Bright and early to conquer our enemies," Rose replies with a grin.

2019-01-12, 01:30 PM
And so the two of them part, happy and satisfied in two different ways, ready for a showdown with the CPI and Dr. Hyper Thought.


2019-01-12, 02:34 PM
Cool, cool.

Anything else to add or this is the stopping point? i'm pretty good here i think.

2019-01-12, 02:35 PM
I'm good here. Gonna start working up for the first Side-quest thread.