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2018-12-30, 11:10 PM
Secret Cove, Tenshukaku

Donovan reaches the ramp in a massive cove. Nearby are the winch-controls of the gate; the rope disappears into stone. Above him, two tiers of railing trail a massive and well-lit treasure cove. Large magical fire brackets provide light, and there's even a steady flow of wind from further down the area, but beyond Donovan's ability to see. The cove has treasure organized by displays, and many of them are exotic weapons he wouldn't even guess the name of. There's magical armours, rods and swords, bows, sets of fantastic arrows in quivers, and even wardrobes that tell of magnificent clothing. However though he remains unnoticed at this time, he notes three guards.

Each of the three guards wear pale green chain and cloth armour with helmets that have forward-curving horns. Their demeanours are tough and hardened, and though each has a set of wicked kama at their hips, they also hold compound bows with the ease of experience. None of them seem perturbed by the rainy night and neither do they seem particularly strained by the time of evening. Two of the men are on the upper balconies; one is on the first. They all manage to rotate between the areas, even relieving each other of the upper and lower parts on occasion. Worst, there is little pattern to their movements; they will about-face at random times, or complete only 3/4 of a circuit before turning back. Without a doubt, Donovan has found a particularly well-hidden storeroom of the Mantis.

2019-01-01, 04:19 PM

Seeing nothing to gain here that wouldn't be better gained another night, Donovan silently sinks back into the water at the base of the ramp. His caution as he'd intruded was his caution as he left, though this time he committed to memory the location of those deadly barriers as best he could determine them. He leaves the door as he'd found it, and ventures back to the surface to inform his tentative allies of his findings...

2019-01-10, 08:48 PM


Though he's not sure what he'd really expected, it seemed worth a try. Now he is left with the task of gaining such an item despite first needing one to do so. Likely this would need to wait until the others returned from the castle.

In his time among a ship's crew, and on the night he'd disembarked, the drowned had at least had the flimsy excuse of being drenched by the constant rain. But facing the prospect of venturing out into broad daylight, it seems prudent to verify that this disguise the Voice provided would pass muster. He finds an Eta and requests hot tea, noting carefully the servant's demeanor and searching for any sign that they find him peculiar or frightening.

No such signs...

While waiting for the tea, he changes into the clean clothing left for him. When the Eta returns he presents the ragged, sea-worn, and quite old garments he had just been wearing to them, and then rapidly downs the hot tea with an inhuman disregard for pain in plain view of the Eta, again looking for any telltale sign of confusion or realization. It would be best to learn the limits of the deception here, where it might reasonably be explained away.

Failing that, he asks that the old clothing be disposed of and proceeds out into the city. The gates should be open now, and it would be best to learn what he may of the rest of the city...

2019-01-13, 03:52 PM
A few of the Eta start at seeing Donovan down the tea and they, too, take a furtive interest in how he handles it, but their attention comes as momentary and can be forgotten quickly. A few of them strike up subdued conversation about relatives that enjoy their tea, too, only if it's piping hot. As Donovan observes them, they, too, realize that he's more interested in them, and they almost seem to relax at this. The Eta look at the abused clothing and agree with Donovan that, indeed, his worn-down clothes would be more useful as fertilizer. Several of them laugh, and they carry on outside of Donovan's room, in the hallway between his room and the next. There, they join others in a spare room that's being used to stage and fold clothes. After a quick exchange, several Eta join in discussing the local merchants.

They first discuss Donovan whom is widely regarded by the other Eta that have seen him as distinctively modest. "He manages to convey the idea that he's not important, but he arrived with two Emerald Magistrates, one an accomplished Shugenja who managed to disappear--no charter or anything--and a Legionaire!" Many make sounds of admiration but the conversation quickly steers away.

Hamara, a cloth merchant, makes excellent clothes and for high-stationed dignitaries, and is also (apparently) hiring others for work.
Kobugo, a steel forger, is the only weapon-smith on the island, and constantly busy.
There are several restaurants, and the one closest to the docks is very popular with the Mantis samurai (that are also seamen), popular with sailors and those who entertain them all; There's another two further in the city, and a third, Kumakogon, is very high-class and apparently the food there is just as appealing as its looks.
There are fletchers, there's even another Dojo--something about wasps-- for archers...
There's a few tanneries that exist on the city outskirts, but apparently they do exceptional work.

The city is Donovan's to explore.

2019-01-15, 09:44 AM
Donovan's concerns are eased somewhat, though he is still not entirely trusting that this Voice won't withdraw its blessing on a whim. So it is with some reservation that he ventures out into the daylight. After a brief moment admiring the sun's glint upon the harbor waters, his first order of business is to explore the city beyond the gate.

2019-01-15, 11:58 PM
There's a gate that--now understandably--he had missed the previous wet evening. It has been pulled back, and as he looks to examine it, the gate has a rectangle shaped lattice that fits right in to the brick-and-mortar wall, and a sailcloth, still pinned to its front, makes it obvious why he may not have registered it the previous blustery evening.

The city here sports many well-dressed people: Merchants, off-duty Bushi and servants all wear comfortable-looking clothes in greens, blues, purples, and yellows. The nobles are easy to spot, and there's quite a lot of them: They're either Samurai or they wear gold-and-silver lined silk garments, and they go about their business with determination.

To Donovan's left, he notices a great number of store fronts, all selling goods from imported farm foods, to fishing shops for the nobles's servants to buy, there's even an armoursmith, and also a leatherworker's (although it doesn't smell foul, as many tanneries do). At the end is a ramp that leads to a striking and extremely large building, rivaling even that of Tenshukaku, and it sports the name

(Heaven's Bank)
Its gleaming white structure looks exactly like a mountain from far away, and perhaps it's designed to, as it's clearly a structure made with exacting precision. Its marble walls are seamlessly put together to form enormous panels; it slopes and curves gradually with shifting colors. It leaves little doubt in his mind: only a a team of the greatest stonemason and artisans in the world could have made a feat of architecture this magnificent yet natural-looking.

The bank has its own security guards, and what seemed to be (nicely-dressed) servants are actually couriers. If Donovan approaches the bank or even dares explore inside, he'll be confronted with a wall of noise and activity, with people crowding around various tables, where people buy and sell commodities in such rapid fashion he even has trouble understanding what many are saying. Still, the activity is clear: People are buying what seems to be "representations" of items, for lords or ladies across the kingdoms, and there's even a few tables for what's likely contraband items around.

Let me know specific places Donovan goes to visit and I'll flesh them out more.

To the right, there's an area of parade grounds that's closed off, and further NW from that area, there's a second harbour where a massive fleet of merchant and military vessels make their safe anchorage in a second bay. This is likely where the under-water passage led.

2019-01-16, 10:18 AM
The secret cove he'd found was far and away the most unusual thing Donovan had seen thus far on the island, and so the most worth investigating by his estimation. He moves towards the second harbor, trying to remain inconspicuous while more precisely determining where the other entrance might be, as well as any other peculiarities in the area.

2019-01-20, 05:53 PM

heads to the temple of fire and thunder, believing he can make it. He has many things to do and would have like to have someone familiar with the area to assist him but that will have to wait.

2019-01-20, 10:58 PM
Kyuden Gotei - North
Donovan makes his way to the harbour, and he spots the underflow almost immediately. It has easy access from the harbor, but with the clothes he wears would bog any creature down for the means of underwater travel.

He notices, too, what promises to be a series of coves along the edge of the coast, perhaps a mile Eastwards from the harbor. There are a number of fisheries set-up on this end of the harbour, and each of them has their own signs denoting their expertise, whether crab-pots or "school" of fishing, and people going in and out of them,

Finally, he notices Kyorlin, too, has exited the walls of the city and is proceeding on the precarious path that leads above the docks to the shrine he'd seen upon his arrival. The rocks are

Kyuden Gotei - Path of Thunder

Kyorlin sets off through the city. Citizens give him berth, and it's not a tough walk to exit the city or get to the North-Eastern harbour; however, once there, the path West is readily difficult. First, as the harbour ends it turns into rocks worn by use over the years, but at least reasonably flat. As he's larger, this part of the journey isn't too difficult, but he does slip on his way there. His way back up isn't actually too difficult, and soon he manages to find his way past the obstacles he'd been facing.

he Path of Thunder is actually a long jetty, but it's tiered and the sheer faces of its switchbacks render climbing it impractical. As he reaches the top of the second switchback, a gust of wind slams him into the ground.[roll0]
The wind here is vicious and as cold as it is cutting. Every step he takes is an effort, now, as the wind that whips about him blows him away from the shrine. As he walks forth, the wind gets more and more forceful, making it hard to see. Still, he trudges forward and it fades somewhat as he reaches the Shrine's walls. He manages to find a door, and as he opens it, the wind picks up and makes it nearly impossible to close. With a surge of strength, he's able to wrest it closed again.

Three concerned faces approach him and ask him his purpose for being here. The area is bigger than one might imagine, and it has a large courtyard, full of simply-dressed meditating humans. The area brings about a very powerful sense of peace and contentment. He notices his wooden beads begin emitting a faint hum. They look with silent interest, but otherwise wait for his answer.

2019-01-21, 12:21 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Secret Areas
Yrashnal, unimpeded by the constraints of physical barriers, soon finds the scents of what he's looking for.

The dignitary quarters themselves are prone to visit by a great deal of people, and a few rooms on the ground floor have odd markings to them. One such room has a false-bottomed marble floor panel and what would be tough to move is immaterial to the wolf. Its small passageway is easy to lope along too, and as he travels, the air soon chills. Eventually he reaches a wall of rough stone, but as he passes through it he finds himself in a room underneath the great Bank of Heaven, itself worked into the hill-slope of the mountains nearby.

The room he enters is looks like a storage closet full of equipment; however, upon close inspection, there's very little dust on anything in there. Tables, chairs, wooden boxes...it has many things. All normal. The underground area of the Bank of Heaven proves to be a massive maze of rooms and corridors and takes him more than an hour to explore. It does, however, have a plethora of items out of place.

He comes across several rooms for employees accounding for goods with ledgers and balance sheets, but one of these rooms feels ripe and tense as opposed to the businesslike calm that he finds in the others. The workers here are quiet and quick, and the guards here are grim and stoic. Paper stacks do not go upstairs, but instead they go by corridors to a centralized office; If Yrashnal hadn't had the means to pass through walls, he would have been so lucky to find them. The vast majority of the halls down here lead to storage areas of various kinds, and many of these have either stairs going up or pulley-systems for heavy items. The central areas of the bank's maze begin to feel as if he's intruding in on important people of the serious kind; he glimpses the piercing gaze of a magic-user, who looks right at him with wide eyes, and he flees before anyone else can see.

Yrashnal's journey of escape leads him to a room where they make the fine parchment in a factory-like office in the back corner of the bank. Here, he spots many pipes that let fluids escape and such, but his scent for concealment is well-honed, so he follows the pipes and finds an adjoining cellar, which also has pipes leading up and outwards, and it cleverly links pipes into the walls--likely to mix with the other escaping fumes anyways--but this time, he finds the scents of magics and concealment about him. This room is a chemistry room, and they not only mix chemicals that can be used for making paper--which are brought upstairs by fit-looking servants--but they are making poisons of many kinds. He observes that these cellars are under the ocean, and have many crates, even, marked by strange symbols, from which they'll gather various fangs or glands, all preserved, and extract them through various means.

He can continue searching or perhaps find another of his companions to continue the hunt.

2019-01-21, 03:01 AM

Notices the reaction of his necklace. I'm here looking for a comrade, Jade. I was told she may have come this way by a palace eta, also looking for power, magic, and items.

For strengthening Rokugan of course. he decides to only wave around his ring hand as he talks as he doesn't wish to use the signet ring as a crutch but an last opportunity.

2019-01-21, 08:10 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Shrine to Osano-Wo

The monk looks curiously at both the beads and the ring, and says, "Please, come in Magistrate. It's...rare we have anyone of your station here. We have not had anyone of such an unusual name visit us recently, but you are welcome, as always."

There are perhaps a hundred people meditating or performing precise motions in the grass areas nearby, and some of them have orbs of light or darkness about them. Each of them wears their own color of robe from with many varying shades and tones. The area curves and he sees others sparring with each other. They do not look up, but Kyorlin recognizes many of the complex moves they make as ones with which he's familiar. The other difference to normal combat seems to be that the weapons they wield bruise instead of cut.

At the final curve of the area, he sees the thick-walled stone temple. Kyorlin can see what would be normal patterned rocks actually are several incredible cuts of stone that fuse together; the grouting in between forms incredible dragon-shapes and clouds. "Of course, you are welcome to familiarize yourself with whatever you desire while you're here. Is there anything else we could help you with?"

2019-01-22, 06:20 AM
Would you have any one here that would be able to tell me what magic my items have?

2019-01-23, 09:02 PM

The discovery of an alchemical laboratory hidden within the bank is an exceptional success; more so than he expected, even considering that he has allowed a mage to spot him. Although he does not have much experience with these tools surely one of the other Voice Called would be able to make good use of them should he decide to redistribute the resources here.

That, however, is a matter for another time. The laboratory will not go anywhere if he takes his eyes off it for a short while, but the people who operate it might make his work slightly interesting if he does not attend to them correctly. Yhrashnal takes a few moments to torment himself with some of the most potent, foul smelling substances within the laboratory before taking time of sniff things that give off a more subtle odor. Each smell is explored delicately and slowly; without knowledge of alchemy or a chance to identify each of these substances in their natural form The Hound is not willing to risk his life bringing his nose too close to substances that might be more toxic to him than they are to mortals until he has slowly teased his way over to each substance. Only after a considerable amount of time has passed, with lengthy periods of time devoted to savoring and remembering every scent, does he depart looking for more; be that a mortal who carries these scents or another location where these smell exist.

His caution towards nobility and their mages is still considerable, but he is willing to stray into a problematic domain should the trail offer no other leads.

Mostly a repeat of the previous OoC.
Wolf Form: +3 to hide checks, Pass without Traits, movement speed of 50.
Passive/Continuously reapplied/applied as necessary:
* Hecatoncheires: Nondetection (vs Divination spells)
*Invisibility: 1 minute duration (Savage Traits)
*Ghostly (Savage trait) to pass through people/objects as needed
*Search check: [roll0]
*Survival check: [roll1]
*Hide check: [roll2] with a +20 bonus from being invisible, and a +3 bonus from wolf form. Somehow I forgot it last time, despite listing it first among the passive bonuses in OoC.
*Move Silently: [roll3] moving at an unhurried pace for the most part.
The target has now shifted to finding the Alchemist and/or their assistants, OR finding other locations that have those particular scents. Should he get a choice he'll lock on to those with a less varied bouquet of chemicals first, but he's not especially picky.

2019-01-24, 05:22 PM
Shrine to Osano-Wo

Would you have any one here that would be able to tell me what magic my items have?

"Certainly! We would be honored to help!" The attendant calls over a monk whom is resting between combat bouts. He nods to Kyorlin's request and replies, "It will take me several minutes to understand each item. Your patience is welcomed."

Yrashnal - Hidden Areas
The Beast manages to track a few of the couriers of the poison, but as they proceed into the streets, the mix and jumble of many scents causes him to lose all but one trail. He follows the courier into a back-alley that leads to one kitchen (closer to the docks where he'd entered). The courier goes into a stockroom and uses a false door. Their furtive entrance leads to a cellar with more than 30 large barrels of alcohols. There, other servants attend the barrels and place and make orders, fill smaller barrels, and yet others take items from other couriers and hide them in secret compartments adjacent to the barrels themselves. The courier goes to a servant and whispers of the order; the servant in turn stashes the poison kit (disguised in an innocent-looking box) among many other crates tucked into a sudden corner. This cleverly-designed place looks more-intended to keep its alcohol in a stable, dry environment where there's little sound. Few would think to check the place thoroughly, and it's this aura of secrecy that lends itself to a particularly delicious scent of non-belonging.

The other many kitchens and dining halls service a great number of both soldiers and sailors, and he runs the course of them, exploring their edges. With the one exception, he finds no other scents out of place at this time. Even the gambling done in a few of the dining halls is deemed okay, and is done in full view of everyone. While it's not accompanied by a sense of perfect ease, it is accompanied by a sense of alcohol-fueled release and relaxation.

2019-01-24, 08:06 PM
Donovan first sets to the task of obtaining more utilitarian clothing, preferring the practicality and relative discretion of a sailor's garb. It seemed Kyorlin at least had finished with his business at the castle, and it would be best to stay appraised of any new threats learnt of there. But he was off at the shrine now, and there was no saying how long that might be the case.

Once he'd returned to the dignitary quarters to change, the undead instead focuses on humanizing himself. Though it was hardly something he missed, the entertainer he'd long ago been had known the value of words. Years of solitude and opportunistic murder had worn away at those skills, and the past month had made him aware that he'd become a poor conversationalist.

He returns to the area near the parade grounds, making small talk with the vendors and passing citizenry as seemed prudent. It was helpful to remember what things were important to the living. All the while he keeps an eye out for Kyorlin or Yrashnal. If they were too long absent it may be that he would need to journey to the shrine himself.

2019-01-25, 12:10 AM
Kyuden Gotei - City Grounds

One of the merchants of a clothing shop, upon realizing Donovan was stationed at the dignitary quarters, directs him there. "There's a tailor there for anyone who's a visitor." When he returns and requests simpler clothes, they provide it but look at him as if he's even more impressively modest than before. When he even rejects monk's robes, instead insisting on a simple sailor's outfit, they comply, and within ten minutes' time, he has the gear: tight-fitting sail-cloth-like material, good if one goes overboard, and enduring.

People of the city are congenial and kind, if not a little bemused that a sailor could speak so well, and walked with only a slight sway instead of a severe one. Yrashnal, it seems, is nowhere, and when he asks about the other visiting person, Kyorlin, they tell him that the giant of a man was seen traveling to the Path of Thunder, and his intent was unknown.

Is there anything in particular Donovan wants to find out?

2019-01-25, 07:30 PM

Having found where poison is made, where it is stored, and some of the people who attend to or transport it, Yhrashnal considers his work here complete for the moment and finally loses interest in finishing the excursion. The loot he has located is of no value to him, the tools around it are just the same, and the place all of these things are hidden in has mages he is not completely certain he can overpower on his own should he end up facing them in a pitched battle. If necessary he knows hwere to find a sample of the finished product and by dint of his abilities he has the means to locate those who created and mobilized that product. All of this is very interested, and certainly worthy of being reported to the lesser Void Called for their use, but something far more interesting calls to the monster: the barracks for this domain are only a short job away.

Following the scent of sweat and metal, Yhrashnal takes on the form of the the Monk and allows the Invisibility trick he has been using thus far to fall along the way. Perhaps he could challenge a mortal to battle. Perhaps he can challenge all of the mortals to battle. Or he might get a chance to eat his fill of warriors that won't be missed, or to taste defeat in honorable combat, or...

All in all this should be a rare opportunity to test his techniques and gauge the strength of these mortal warriors before he and the other Void Called must fight for their lives.

2019-01-26, 02:57 PM

Observing the monk in his bouts, he takes off his voided ally's gloves and Cape, and the jewelry that Tun had provided (the signet ring and wood bead necklace). Having folded the larger items and carefully placing the ring and beads beside them, he waits.

2019-01-30, 09:22 PM
Kyuden gotei - Barracks

The buildings' outside is of cherry wood, and its craftsmanship looks unrivaled. There are many muffled sounds of training inside, and if the wind shifts just right, he can even scent delicious ones from what must be their upstairs and personal kitchen; tea, fresh rice, excellent fish, and vegetables to boot. Mostly, however, the high windows let out the characteristic scents of sweat and focus.

There are several guards at the south entrance of the barracks. There's an intensity of their focus, as if it's both on remaining dispassionately attached to what's in front of them, and paying just enough attention to the world that they can detect threats coming their way. For the time being, they ignore Yrashnal, although they size him up and determine that he is, at least, not a threat at this current time.

Finally, after roughly a half hour of waiting, a soldier walks through the nearby city gate. "Greetings citizen. This dojo is reserved for the elite of the Mantis Guard of the city. Why do you linger here?"

Kuyden Gotei - Shrine Grounds
"These gloves are very interesting. They allow the wielder to activate ofuda and scrolls as if they're a spellcaster of that type.

"This is a very nice cape. The fabric is a fine-spun wool. It will be a little more comfortable in the cold, but will not be oppressively warm in the heat either, as the layers will expand and allow more space. It may even keep you warm when wet, as the layers will compact but will contain heat better than other fabrics.

"These beads contain a most unusual light. It's likely enchanted with a permanent Light spell, and the Light was altered to be a soft golden color.... huh...." the monk pauses to rotate the item again. "No, on second thought, it couldn't be. There's only a hint of magic about it. Hmm..."

The monk excuses himself to a "library" and returns a few minutes later. "Ah, there we go. If I understand these descriptions correctly, these beads contain light captured in the Divine Realm. They seem capable of other binding feats...it resonates of Conjuration and Necromancy, but it isn't evil...hm. What exactly it can do is beyond me.

The monk accepts the items and looks over the signet ring last.
"This signet ring is an ancient symbol of the Crab Clan. It describes a clan that's believed deceased, nearly four hundred years ago. The clan Azsuma were Mountain Spirit Folk, allies of the Crab Clan, and they even have historians and advisors in many areas of our capitol. There are a few alive there, but the clan closed off their grounds from passage in or out of their domain, for fear of invasion from the Shadowlands. Before then, they had the only safe passage into the northern Shadowlands." The monk looks up. "I had believed you were from the Crab clan, but..." he looks askance at Kyorlin. "And it's said that you're a Magistrate? I never thought that anyone from the lost Azsuma clan was a Magistrate, but the capitol is quite different, isn't it?

...Well, you have very interesting items. I'm sure the story of how you've had them is interesting. Do you care to recount it?"

Gloves of Use Magic Devices - These gloves allow the wielder to use the skill Use Magic Device as if they had 4 ranks in the skill.

Masterwork cloak.

Signet Ring of the Aszuma Clan - This ring has serious in-game and political powers. It will open doors and if seen by the shrewd observer, may lead to questions asked.

Beads of Angel Radiance - contains the light of a Divine Creature. Can produce light, if desired, as strong as a torch. Potentially has other "binding" powers, but beyond the scope of the Monk's identification.

2019-01-30, 10:53 PM
I will do the best I can, the gloves and cape are from the remains of a fallen ally, the beads were bestowed from a seemly immortal being of great mystery even to me. The ring is a more complicated story.

I have heard the beads could be used to bind Oni as guardians of sort, do you know anyone with knowledge of dealing with Oni? Seems all my experience with them leaves them dead. sneers.

With that he places his items back on.

Would you have anyone here that can enchant items or has enchanted items for sale?

2019-01-31, 08:10 PM

Yhrashnal lets his hands come together before himself as he approaches the soldier. "This one seeks to improve himself." The line is delivered with a flat tone and a grating voice, spoken softly and slowly besides. In the form of the Monk he locks the mortal in his gaze and, once within range, he strikes with power beyond the understanding of mortal men and power beyond magic and, finally, power befitting Yhrashnal.

"Bring me to inside and arrange for a sparring match. This will bring benefits to all involved."

Yhrashnal puts his hands together in front of himself and approaches the soldier. Once the soldier is 5 feet away Yhrashnal applies his Aura of Despair. Will save DC 16, or the soldier takes a -2 to basically all rolls/checks as per the spell Crushing Despair.

Yhrashnal follows this with a Hexblade Curse as a Swift action. Will save DC 15 or the soldier suffers -2 to all dice rolls and those targeting the soldier gain +2 to all dice rolls. If the soldier saves successfully then the Curse use is not expended.

That is, in turn, followed by Yhrashnal using his Charm Person SLA as a Standard action. Will save DC 14 negates becoming friendly to Yhrashnal.

Finally, Yhrashnal attempts to Bluff/Lie to the soldier; if a Bluff check is allowed I put the roll below. If a Charisma check is needed, as per the suggestion in Charm Person if this sounds particularly sketchy, that's below too.
Bluff check: [roll0]
Charisma check: [roll1]

2019-02-05, 01:39 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Shrine to Osano-wo

The monk looks askance at Kyorlin. "We...we do, but it's a very expensive process!" He looks down and sweat beads on his skin. He speaks in a low voice: "If you have the items in mind, and the desired effects, of course, we can have the enchantments arranged for...for you...but wouldn't the Imerial City be a better place to do that?"

Kyuden Gotei - Barracks

It seems that the guard is neither moved nor upset by Yrashnal's magical maladies, but he nods his head to the proposal. "I would never have thought an Emerald Legionaire would seek improvement from the Mantis elite guardsmen, but shall talk with our head of Dojo and see what we can do. He disappears inside, and for a moment it seems like he's forgotten to lock the door in his haste, but the partner to the guard near the door levels a spear at Yrashnal.

"I mean you respect, legionaire, so please understand that many incidents about the Empire make our security a top priority. If you will be patient..."

Twenty-seven minutes pass with nothing but the background bustle of every-day life at the capitol Mantis city. A set of other dignitaries, from both the Crane clan and the Phoenix clan, arrive, dressed in fine and colorful silks, pass by the barracks. With the phoenix dignitaries, a man dressed in emerald-green silks and high-ranking shoulder markings stops momentarily to look at Yrashnal but shakes his head and continues along with the rest of the group. Finally, the guard emerges again with a samurai who bows to Yrashnal, to the guard, and then to Yrashnal again.

"Your eminence, we managed to arrange a surprise practice tournament in your honor for today! We will conduct this instead of future practices today for those that expressed interest in participating. Please meet us by the Parade Grounds."


The parade grounds have been swept and cleared of others. Many people have stopped to watch, and haven't been pushed away by the soldiers. Bank staff taking a break from their duties, fishermen resting after their day's catch, courtiers, and a few of the dignitaries have gathered around for this small tournament.

Yrashnal is ushered into the area, and the rules are given as follows:

It's a 32-person win/loss bracket.
(32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 --> losers' bracket have 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. At end, match between losers' top & winners' top for prize)
The area will be Sanctified so all damage is nonlethal only (so no one dies)
Weapons are to be Masterwork only.
300-GP buy-in (covers costs of the Sactifications and allows for some prize money)
Substitutes allowed only if a person can't be revived in time for their match.
3 minutes for each match; 10 minutes' recovery time allowed between each bout.
Hits given will be tallied and judged for the score of each match.

One of the bankers jokingly offers to put up the money for any travelers that wish to participate but don't have the funds. A murmer of laughs pass through the crowd and the man looks down and drags his foot through the ground as he looks down. He still looks sincere, but none of the Samurai take him up on his offer; they all prefer to save face and pay from their own pockets.

2019-02-05, 04:11 AM

You are correct of course, just wanted to get some items and wanted to know if this was a possible option.

So this is the temple of fire and thunder how did it come to earn such a name? Was also wondering if you knew where the entrance to the underground secure treasure tower is?

2019-02-05, 04:00 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Shrine to Osano-wo

The two monks near you--the one that did the appraisal and the one who led you to him--laugh at the question of a secret underground tunnel with treasures. They are hearty laughs, and plentiful, and finally one of them splutters, "There is... There is a tunnel but the only treasures are blessed earth and oni bones, long rotted away three centuries ago. It was made by Oni to tunnel to here, and we filled it in with a blessing from Osano-wo, a huge torrent of molten lava that filled in the tunnel and sealed it away from the Shadowlands."

When Kyorlin asks about the path and the shrine, however, the monk looks a little more serious. "Ah, I see. You are asking about the island's founding. Han, please fetch The Echoes of Thunder from our archives."

The monk who'd let you in goes into the shrine and down a ladder and returns a few minutes later with the scroll

It is a long tale, indeed. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oVPd6iP5uIj7EI31DiYAxKXm-aWaYR4h/view?usp=sharing)

2019-02-05, 07:35 PM

"I will accept your offer, benefactor. At this point I possess no material wealth. I have no need for it either. Should I win you may do as you wish with the money. My prize is to hone my strength in the wake of great indignity." It is a small matter, but Yhrashnal still studies the face of the banker who made this offer; although Yhrashnal is a horrid, soul eating fiend even he prefers to honor debts and distinguish friend from foe. This mortal has made an annoying matter much simpler and for that the man has earned himself a small favor later.

With this matter settled the Monk exhales slowly and deliberately, exercising patience with the mortals as they work out the details of the situation; that they cannot even enjoy a battle without jostling for social status or material wealth is simply infuriating. Even before the battles start the fires of rage are enkindled within his eyes.

2019-02-06, 07:42 PM
Donovan had taken his time wandering here and there, observing and memorizing the friendly islanders' mannerisms. He is surprised when a few of his own old habits surface here or there. In the time since encountering the other Voice-called he had been hesitant in his deceptions and indifferent in his statements. But the trick, he now recalled, was always in confidence. Whether speaking truly or not, there could be no room for doubt in the mind of the audience; which meant that first there must be no doubt in your own.

While taking his time reminiscing, bandying words, and telling lies to the locals - small lies; only practice - Donovan could not help but notice a peculiar gathering near the barracks. Some event was transpiring, and it seemed to do with his fellow Voice-called.

His step ever in time with the ocean, Donovan Grolier nears the growing crowd of warriors and spectators.

2019-02-06, 11:19 PM

After finishing his reading of the scroll. Hmm so this is the temple of fire and thunder because the Mantis is thunder or because their spellcasters cast thunder & Lightning and fire because the Mantis isles burned down? saying unsure of his assessment.

Humans write the grandest tales even when the story is how they fell from their greatest heights. Is a common event in human stories. How long ago were these events? Are these sea spiders something one can still encounter?

2019-02-09, 11:31 PM
Kyuden gotei - Parade Grounds

The tournament is a long one, with a great deal of exciting warriors. At least half of the warriors there are kama-users either in medium armor or light armor. Several wield katana-and-Wakizashi, and one even sports a great-katana! There are a few Crab-clan warriors with Tetsubo, and a few with exotic-looking spears. One smokes a pipe, and otherwise appears unarmed, but looks none the less deadly.

Yrashnal faces the greatsword wielder first, and knocks the man out after several impressive flurries of attacks. The first round of matches are busy, and there's very much to watch, but they are soon over, and they are all given a little time to recover.

His second match, Yrashnal faces a Kama wielder, and though she manages to catch him off-guard for her first attack, but as she follows through with a second barrage of blows, he escapes it by vanishing into the air. The crowd makes its appreciation known at seeing this, and he just barely avoids a nasty flurry of blows. They exchange a few more hits, but after she misses what is likely to be an impressive second barrage of attacks, she takes a knee. Both she and Yrashnal give each other respect, and there's respectful clapping.

In Yrashnal's third match, he faces one of the men with exotic spears. He has an impressive breastplate and a buckler, and as the match enters, the Monk uses his powers to become ethereal, rendering him tough to detect. The man had entered the match in a powerful stance, but as his opponent vanishes, he changes his approach. The man steps away and does what can only be said as spreading out his senses. His skin shimmers with radiating heat and as Yrashnal continues to remain insisible, the man turns to face his still-invisible aggressor.

Yrashnal's actions: Remain invisible
Move Silently (23)
approach the man up to 15' away

(warrior 24)
Listen (32)
Swift: Sudden Leap [roll0] & Skill Focus [roll1]
-->needs 20 minimum to move 15 feet
--> no AoO
Full-round attack (flurry)
Attack 1: [roll2] & [roll3] & [roll4] if missed
Damage: [roll5]

Attack 2: [roll6] & [roll7] & [roll8] if missed
Damage: [roll9]

Attack 3: [roll10] & [roll11] & [roll12] if missed
Damage: [roll13]

AC: 21 & Imp. uncanny Dodge & Blind Fight

Although the man only hits with his first attack, that he hit Yrashnal, invisible as he was at all, is a feat unto its own.

2019-02-10, 01:40 AM

Unbeknownst to the audience Yhrashnal applies the magic of friendship rage to himself with a quick burst of his inner power before springing forward, reappearing to the naked eye midway through his first punch out of a heated barrage of attacks. This mortal has successfully landed the first and the second attacks of this fight; it would best to end this battle before the warrior can press his advantage.

HP: 100/110 (110-25+5 Fast Healing +5 Hardness on first attack+5 Hardness on second attack)
Swift Action: Mad Hunger (1st round)- +20 Movement speed, +2 attacks on full attack, Take additional 30% damage.
Free action: Quickened Rage SLA. Grants +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. AC penalty is offset by con bonus to a total of -1 AC. Lasts 6 rounds
New Current HP: 106/116
Current AC: 22 (-2 Rage, +1 Rage)
Full Attack
Attack 1: [roll0] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage : [roll1] (+1 rage)

Attack 2: [roll2] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage 2: [roll3] (+1 rage)

Attack 3: [roll4] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage 3: [roll5] (+1 rage)

Attack 4: [roll6] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage 4: [roll7] (+1 rage)
---Yhrashnal heals 20% of all damage dealt.

2019-02-10, 02:17 AM
The warrior breathes steady, and takes the hits and lets the monk's own attacks work against him--at least for now. He breathes in and shouts as Yrashnal ends his strikes, this time bringing the spear low and cuts up from the hip in a brutal sweep.

Swift action: Burning Blade, adding [roll0] to his hits.

Standard: Overwhelming Mountain Strike (DC 19 Fort or lose Move Action; Yrashnal saves with 30)
Attack: [roll1] --> See Lightning Recovery
Damage: [roll2] & [roll3] & Burning Blade
Move: Downgrade to Swift for Lightning Recovery (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23697234&postcount=38) & result: 32

2019-02-10, 03:01 AM

Thankfully this warrior does not seem to have the sheer staying power Yhrashnal possesses; his attacks are already slowing, even this early into the battle. Yhrashnal spares the man of only his newest, and most vicious, attack as he lays palm strike upon palm strike into this unfortunate man.

The attack hits dealing 22->17 (hardness 5) damage. Burning Blade deals an additional 11->6 (hardness 5) damage for a total of [23*1.3=30 damage]
Current HP: 90 (106 +9 Mad Hunger -30 total damage +5FH)
AC: 22
Rage duration remaining: 5 rounds.
Ghostly CD remaining: 3 rounds
*Mad Hunger Duration remaining: 2 rounds
Swift action: Hexblade Curse. Will save DC 15 negates -2 to all rolls, and opponents gain +2 to all rolls vs this target. Does not count as used on opponent making successful save.
Aura of Despair: will save DC 16 negates -2 penalty to all rolls (as per crushing despair)
Full Attack
Attack 1: [roll0] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage : [roll1] (+1 rage)

Attack 2: [roll2] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage : [roll3] (+1 rage)

Attack 3: [roll4] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage : [roll5] (+1 rage)

Attack 4: [roll6] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage : [roll7] (+1 rage)

2019-02-10, 03:46 AM
The warrior feels some of his confidence slip away; something with a sense of unluck invades his mind. Still, he reacts accordingly. With a meditative calm, he lets go his spear with one hand and almost in the same movement, jabs his spear jab into his opponent with several quick thrusts that could produce painful wounds if they hit.

Move: Iron Heart Surge (remove Hexblade Curse, attack gets a +2)
Standard: Flesh Ripper (applies attack/AC penalty)
Attack1: [roll0]
Damage1: [roll1]

His attack misses, perhaps due to the rather substantial unluck forced against him--who knows?

2019-02-10, 04:00 AM
The Monk continues his steady assault with a wild abandon upon seeing his opponent losing himself, even momentarily, to the unnatural hex of the magic Yhrashnal has lost. The steady palm thursts and accurate finger strikes are a thing of the past; Yhrashnal stance cannot even be called pugilistic as the 'Monk' swings with his entire body and seeks to bring his opponent to the ground with each sting of his fists. The rage burns brighter and brighter within him and his face is forced into the facsimile of a smile by the excitement he tries to express in this human form.

Current HP: 104/116 (90 +5FH +9 Mad Hunger)
AC: 22
Rage duration remaining: 4 rounds.
Ghostly CD remaining: 2 rounds
*Mad Hunger Duration remaining: 1 rounds
Swift action: Hexblade Curse. Will save DC 15 negates -2 to all rolls, and opponents gain +2 to all rolls vs this target. Does not count as used on opponent making successful save.
Aura of Despair: will save DC 16 negates -2 penalty to all rolls (as per crushing despair)
Full Attack & Power attacking for 5
Attack 1: [roll0] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage, -5 Power attack)
Damage : [roll1] (+1 rage, +5 PA)

Attack 2: [roll2] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage, -5 PA)
Damage : [roll3] (+1 rage, +5 PA)

Attack 3: [roll4] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage, -5PA)
Damage : [roll5] (+1 rage, +5 PA)

Attack 4: [roll6] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage, -5PA)
Damage : [roll7] (+1 rage, +5 PA)

2019-02-10, 04:13 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Parade Grounds

The warrior parries the first attack, but he grunts as the other powerful blows break through his guard. He mis-steps, and forced to change his stance, he shakes his head as he unleashes his own flurry of attacks.

Swift action: Changes to Punishing Stance (AC now 20; attacks deal +1d6 damage)

FRA: Attacks!

Attack1: [roll0] (-2 to hit)
Damage1: [roll1] + [roll2] (-2 to dmg)

Attack2: [roll3] (-2 to hit)
Damage 2: [roll4] + [roll5] (-2 to dmg)

Attack3: [roll6] (-2 to hit)
Damage3: [roll7] + [roll8] (-2 to dmg)

AC: 20 (19 +1 buckler)

2019-02-10, 04:29 AM

Seeing his opponent take a more defensive approach to their fight somewhat soothes the fury that threatens to overwhelm Yhrashnal and he relaxes the pace of his attacks; there will be time to crush the foe later, but there is no need to court humiliation against someone on their last legs
Previous HP: 116/116 (104 +16 Mad Hunger)
Current HP: 99/116 (116-15 damage+5 Hardness-17 damage +5 hardness+5FH
AC: 22
Rage duration remaining: 3 rounds.
Ghostly CD remaining: 1 rounds
*Mad Hunger ends. (although Yama still heals upon damaging an enemy.
Aura of Despair: will save DC 16 negates -2 penalty to all rolls (as per crushing despair). Failure refreshes the 1 round duration.
Full Attack
Attack 1: [roll0] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage : [roll1] (+1 rage)

Attack 2: [roll2] (-2 TWF, +1 Rage)
Damage : [roll3] (+1 rage)

2019-02-10, 04:55 AM
The warrior roars in defiance over the end facing him. He steps to the side, each foot following the next, and he whirls the spear about. Instead of connecting with the spear's head, as he swings it about, he uses his other hand to lever a powerful blow with the butt of the spear against the monk's chest.

Swift: Moment of Perfect Mind vs. DC 16 Aura [roll0]
Move action: 5' step backwards & gain 5' reach
Standard: Bonesplitting Strike, adding Int to damage
Attack: [roll1] & reroll here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23697385&postcount=42)
2 +4 = 6 Constitution damage!

Free action: let go 2-H grip, return to 1-H style.

AC: 21

2019-02-10, 12:20 PM

The potency of this attack, and the extend to which it damages his internal 'organs', catches Yhrashnal by surprise more than nearly anything else has thus far; this fight has abruptly become one Yhrashnal cannot allow to continue, something that is immediately reflected in his viciousness with which he attacks. Earlier the Monk decided to forgo the use of his newest weapon, but an opponent who has dared to harm Yhrashnal's core strength can not be allowed to walk away without proper punishment.

"Slaughter." Yhrashnal whispers as he draws his new sword and attacks like a man possessed.

Previous HP: 110/116 (99 +5FH +6Hunger)
Current HP: 92/98 (CUrrent and Max HP reduced by 18 by the 6 con damage Yhrashnal has taken) *This is not accounting for the base damage dealt by the enemy's attack that I think you forgot to include in your post. I'll update once we get those rolls up.*
Current HP: 78/98 (92-19 Damage +5 Hardness). *Hunger from the damage dealt this round will apply going into Next round.
AC: 19 (-1 from Rage, -3 from Con damage)
Rage duration remaining: 2 rounds.
Ghostly CD is ready again.
Swift action(?) to activate the poison feature of Uncrowned Slaughter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23562630&postcount=58). Poison save DC 15, weapon is envenomed for 10 rounds.
Aura of Despair: will save DC 16 negates -2 penalty to all rolls (as per crushing despair). Failure refreshes the 1 round duration.
Full attack: Yhrashnal full attacks with Slaughter.

Slaughter Attack 1: [roll0] (+1 Rage)
Slaughter damage 1: [roll1] (+1 rage) & Poison Effect. Fortitude save DC 15 or suffer initial effect of [roll2] Strength damage, secondary effect with another save 1 minute later of [roll3] strength damage.

Slaughter Attack 2: [roll4] (+1 Rage) & Poison Effect. Fortitude save DC 15 or suffer initial effect of [roll5] Strength damage, secondary effect with another save 1 minute later of [roll6] strength damage.
Slaughter Damage 2: [roll7]

2019-02-10, 05:50 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Shrine to Osano-Wo


Hmm so this is the temple of fire and thunder because the Mantis is thunder or because their spellcasters cast thunder & Lightning and fire because the Mantis isles burned down?

Humans write the grandest tales even when the story is how they fell from their greatest heights. Is a common event in human stories. How long ago were these events? Are these sea spiders something one can still encounter?

"The shrine is dedicated to Osano-Wo, who was moved by the spirit of these mortals and descended from Tengoku, the divine realm, to bless these islands and our people. He gave life to the winds that ease our travels among these islands, and the Path of Thunder is so-named after his divine powers over wind, rain and thunder.

The exact time of the events are uncertain, but it's well known to us now that these events occurred. As for the spiders, I believe they are more of a sailor's embellishment on giant Octopus."

Kyuden Gotei - Parade grounds
The man looks incredulous that Yrashnal slipped past his guard, and even so as he feels his strength waning. For a few moments after the last flurry of attacks lands, he looks like he's unfit to wear any of his equipment. He breathes calmly, and circles the monk, and stakes his spear into the ground.
"Your endurance is incredible! I am not quite prepared enough to face you."

The judges frown at Yrashnal; something at how the man appears weakened from the sword's strike seems to have worried them. They don't talk with him, however, and the matches continue.

The "second" bracket is for those that have only lost once (As two losses count for an exit from the match), and the ones with a fresh loss are rotated into the bracket. In this way, anyone who has a singular loss actually has an extra round of bouts to fight in. Several people fight there, including the woman who had lost the previous round to Yrashnal. She, too, falls a few bouts later to another kama-wielder who seems just a bit more skilled.

It's not too long until Yrashnal's opponent is ready. This one wields a Kusarigama, or a kama with a long chain and a ball at its end. He's had little time to observe this monk, but looks with interest at a monk with a sword.

He grins as they bow to each other, and he soon has the ball-and-chain in motion.

Enters the match in "Thicket of Blades" stance - all movement in his threatened area provokes, even 5' steps.
Initiative: best of [roll0] & [roll1]

2019-02-11, 12:27 AM

SighsHumans and their embellishments, it calls into question the whole scroll, also since the temple wasn't named of fire and thunder because of that but Osano-Wo which wasn't mentioned in the scroll... then why did you bring me that scroll and not the scroll that talks of Osano-Wo? So you don't have any trials here that involve fire or thunder?

2019-02-11, 01:01 AM
Shrine to Osano-Wo

The monk sighs, "You asked of the history of our clan and of why it's here! I would have given you another few scrolls, but an Inkyo is actually copying it at this time

Ah, you've been to Heaven's Wisdom temple, in Anshin Province?"

This is an ancient temple of the Crane Clan, blessed by the Fortunes themselves at the dawn of the Empire. The Libraries here are respositories for both Astral records and Prophecies

"The Inkyo are here to make sure records are accurate. Actually...if you wouldn't mind, I'll have a word with her about this one..."
He takes the scroll back into the small library they have, and can be seen descending down the stairs.

The other monk shakes his head, smiling. "Many people that follow history will avoid saying anything they don't know is solid fact. Please understand."

2019-02-11, 03:00 AM

Prehaps I will be back when when the copy is done. I will take my leave then, thank you for time. bowing he takes his leave, lingering on the monks bouts. But he has a mission to do and would rather not make these people his victims.

2019-02-11, 03:11 PM
Donovan watches the spectacle with interest, careful to applaud or gasp as appropriate. With each of Yhrashnal's matches that he observes he grows more certain that he is nowhere near the creature's equal in this sort of combat. That they would presumably be working together seemed either very promising or very dangerous...

But of no less interest are the matches between the mortal warriors. Donovan had ever needed to be cautious in these lands, where one might frequently encounter those far more adept in combat, and in strange and unexpected ways, than what he'd known from his past life. It seemed wise to take the opportunity to test himself here where, if he was cautious not to give away his nature, there would be few consequences for failure.

After a brief inquiry about the rules between rounds, it seems that Yhrashnal's latest bout may have left him an opening to participate as well. He seeks out the defeated spear-wielder during the following match in order to make his proposal.

2019-02-12, 11:14 AM
Kyoden Gotei - Shrine to Osano-wo

The monk bows to Kyorlin and lets him go. As he leaves, he feels...lighter. More buoyant. Almost.

Kyoden Gotei - Parade Grounds

By the time Donovan finds the warrior, the man is in a fit of stupor. Barely able to move, his breathing is laboured and a monk and a Shugenja attend him. "Poison," the shugenja spits. "And a nasty kind. What dirty tricks!" The warrior almost manages a smile, showing that he does have some lights on. It's not too much effort for Donovan to convince them that he'll champion the spear-warrior. The attending monk says he's a friend, and offers Donovan the breastplate to borrow, seeing as he lacks one of his own.

+1 Breastplate of Resistance (All Elements 5/-)

It's not long until Donovan, too, is offered a match. This one is a Kama-wielder, and looks just as fierce--if a little less experienced--than the Admiral, and a bit younger to boot. He wears hard leather armor, which blends into his outfit with his boots.

Initiative matters here! We first roll for initiative, then whomever wins initiates combat as they will.

(#8) Kama's Initiative: [roll0]


The man with Whirling chain sees little advantage to moving further from his spot. Yrashnal feels the air near him warm up and before he knows it, he feels a searing heat headed towards him!

Move: none
Standard: Fan the Flames!
Ranged TOUCH: [roll1]
[roll2] Fire
Swift: saved

Current AC: 25

2019-02-12, 01:02 PM
"Beautiful though it is, I fear I am unaccustomed to such armor. This and my ardor will need to suffice."
Donovan taps the chain shirt worn beneath his clothing, such that it clinks tellingly.
"I will, however, be wary of that one's tricks."

The flowery words are somewhat stilted. For they were not Donovan's, but those of a scoundrel who'd long ago drowned. They do not match his unassuming attire, but are meant to inspire confidence that he is more than he appears and may indeed do justice to the incapacitated warrior's skill.

half a minute prior to the match, he focuses in on the serenity's presence within him and releases it into real and tangible effect, protecting his body and sharpening his offensive awareness.

As the sea-bound undead then enters the arena and squares off against his foe, he notes to his fortune that his opponent's style is the same one he'd been so curious about. He locks eyes with the human warrior, expressionless and motionless save for a slow, even sway...

Manifest Force Screen with 1 pp and Offensive Precognition with 2 pp and a wild surge. Using concentration to suppress their displays (surge roll and Concentration roll in OOC, since this is an edit)

2019-02-12, 08:57 PM

The short break between fights does little to help Yhrashnal shake off the insidious nature of the warrior's final attack and he enters his fourth battle while still suffering the side effects. Even if his 'magic' allows him to partially alleviate the symptoms he is not willing to waste that last bit of power. Not yet. Not so easily. Not before he faces an opponent he cannot defeat without it.

Yhrashnal walks through the gout of flames without hesitation and he suffers greatly because of it...but that does little but encourage him to try something new.

There are no words or incantations. No grand movements or elaborate hand seals. There is only the focus in Yhrashnal's mind and the hatred send to wash over his opponent to make him less for daring to stand before Yhrashnal.

Current HP: 66/92 (-36 fire damage +5 Hardness +5 Fast Healing).
AC: 20 (-3 from Con damage)
Swift action: Hexblade Curse. Will save DC 15 or subject takes -2 to most rolls and grants +2 to enemies rolling against him. Does not count as expended if enemy makes his save.
Standard Action: Yhrashnal uses his Aura of Despair's active effect, a Crushing Despair SLA. Will save DC 16 Negates taking -2 to rolls and checks as per the spell.

2019-02-12, 09:55 PM

With his extreme amount of dexterity and a lightened feeling he goes back they way he came.

He heads back to the palace and begins brewing his poisons from scraps of this and that, adding in the poisonous flower he got earliar that day.balance check[roll0]

2019-02-13, 04:21 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Path of Thunder
Kyorlin makes it across half of the stones without difficulty. The wind picks up, adding another measure of peril to his attempts at finishing his return trip.

Kyuden Gotei - Parade Grounds

Donovan faces down the man, ready to manifest powers. His opponent enters a strong stance, one useful for powerful maneuver, and he rushes forward so quickly he leaves no room to attack him back.
Free Action: Shifting: +2 Str, +1d4 on melee attacks with Tiger Claw wpns; Dur: 4 rounds
Swift: Enters [stance]
Full-round Action: [maneuver] & No AoO for movement, or for Bull Rush (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#bullRush) attempt.
(opposed) Strength check! [roll0]
If successful, Damage & push (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23705723&postcount=47)

AC: 18 (20-2 Charge)


The chain-wielder, seeing no attempts made to attack him, advances 5 feet towards Yrashnal. He adjusts his weapon, and deliberately cuts into his forearm with the kama-part of the weapon, although he seems to draw no blood--at least not yet--and in the same motion launches the ballp-end of the chain towards his opponent. It does not reach Yrashnal--the chain resumes its threatening orbit around the armored man--but the shadow cast by his oncoming chain diverges from its trajectory, and the chain's shadow itself tries to attack the monk.

Saves against effects (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23705678&postcount=46)
Free Action: Activate weapon to take 10 damage & gain a +2 to attack this turn.
(class feature) Steely Resolve - Delay 10 damage until end of next turn.
(class feature) Furious Counterstrike: with 10 in Delayed Damage pool, gain +2 atk & damage
Move: 5-foot step towards Yrashnal
Standard: Shadow Garrote - RANGED TOUCH [roll1]
If hit: [roll2] damage (untyped) & Fort save DC 18 or Flat-footed until end of next turn.

2019-02-14, 04:50 AM

Attempts to cross the rest of the waybalance check[roll0]

If he falls he make a reflex save to catch himself(in OOC)if he succeeds he will travel into town. upon returning he heads to the village. He heads back to the palace and begins brewing his poisons from scraps of this and that, adding in the poisonous flower he got earliar that day. poisons will be listed in OOC

After completing that Kyorlin heads towards popular locations for the upper class to socialize, drink and let their guard down. He has a mission to accomplish after all.

2019-02-14, 09:49 AM
Profoundly patient, the sea's dance presses against stone.

The rush catches Donovan off-guard, though it is relatively ineffectual given the arena's sanctification. But the drowned man did not want to betray his nature and, as this was a training exercise of sorts, he notes the blow as a light hit.

He retaliates by circling around for a jab into the warrior's side. As he does so he allows the disorienting psychic presence of the serenity to bleed out into the air - or at least, the barest semblance of its truth he is able to muster. To the mantis warrior it would seem that the world around him begins to stagger and sway, ever in time with Donovan and with the harbor's waves.

80 hp, 9 'damage' over 1 turn
AC 25/25f/13t

5' around the warrior, in whichever direction the local ocean currents rotate.

Standard: Slam attack; [roll0] to-hit for [roll1] damage
On hit, DC 16 Fort save or sickened for [roll2] rounds.

Swift: activate Chilling Aura; enemies-only (presumably not the crowd) within 30' must make a DC 16 Will save at the start of each turn (even if they succeed an earlier save)
On failure, shaken for [roll3] rounds.

2019-02-14, 10:10 PM

The Monk weathers this attack just as he has all of the others, enduring the pain without a single sign of fear as the mystical attack brings him a step closer to defeat and a step closer to humiliation. He can tolerate much more than a mortal, but this cannot be allowed to continue much longer. It is time to test another ability.

The Monk visibly centers himself; worded slightly more accurately it could be said that he aligns his body bringing about a great shift of his meridians, musculature, skeleton, and flesh as best he can with his inner organs bruised and his life force weakened. Two eyes close as he focuses to transform a human body from what he understands it to be into what he knows will work for this purpose...and three eyes open as he takes on a more powerful form: two additional arms ooze from his preexisting ones and immediately jostle for position upon the socket of the shoulder, four hands flex their fingers as he finds the rhythm of controlling this specific specific combination of body parts while his inner ki is so badly damaged. The new eye wanders and blinks just slightly out of pace with his other ones and beneath his skin many bizarre compromises are made to allow his body to function at all.

After a moment the Monk's face, stretched tight over a skull just ever so different from what it had been a moment before, glares with three eyes as he focuses his gaze focuses on the warrior who has granted Yhrashnal charred skin that is still cracking and weeping even in this new form. The fight is on.

Current HP: 56/92 (66 - 15 Damage +5 Fast Healing)
AC: 20 (-3 from Con damage)
Full Round Action: Yhrashnal takes on his third form: Open ajna 4 armed Monk. This form uses the base appearance of the Monk with the addition of two arms, which slightly slightly in position as they jostle for his shoulder socket, and an extra eye, which is positioned sideways just slightly above the glabella, from the False Swordsman. This as as per Pinned Message about Hecatoncheires in Discord and the Hecatoncheires monster class. The added eye grants +1 to spot and listen checks and the added arms are fully functional.

This provokes an Attack of Opportunity, but Yhrashnal has a solution for that.
(Prepared) Swift/Immediate action: Should the enemy attempt to attack Yhrashnal during or after the transformation Yhrashnal will immediately use Ghostly. Should the opponent attack normally on his own turn Yhrashnal will not use Ghostly.

Ghostly Cooldown if used: the ability will be usable after [roll0] rounds if this ability is used to prevent an attack.

2019-02-18, 02:39 PM
Path of Thunder -> The Maiden's Tickle
Kyorlin manages to make his way across the perilous stone pillars, and soon finds himself back at the harbor. He makes good use of the citizens around him, and without much effort at all, he finds himself directed to The Maiden's Tickle, a place for geisha to...well, to put it another way, it's a place for the men to enjoy themselves with drink, food, and women. A woman at the front attempts to grope him--or at least ask for money--but she can do little against his considerable bulk. He settles in for observation, as it were.

A few women dressed in robes lead a song to which many other men, dressed in casual attire, drink and sing along to in the comon area. Other men grope and touch the women as if they are frequent lovers, and some women rebuff their advances, while other women solicit money before allowing their ministrations. Few seem entierly content to jsut sit, and will drag them off to rooms or get up, fix their clothes, and get more drinks for those in the common room.

Kyorlin can see a similarity in his former plight as a Drow house-noble with the women grown into this lifestyle. They seem to enjoy the attention; they seem to enjoy being passed around into various rooms with other men, and a few women seem to be genuinely satisfied with their lifestyle....But that is until Kyorlin watches one noble whose ego has been trod upon by one of the women there.

She is a geisha of what seems to be good reputation, by the way others have interacted with her...until now. "Stubborn wench! I told you, if you refused to do-- he raises a hand to smack her and she steps into his face and yells, "I won't be treated like this by you again!! I have--"
Whatever she was about to say vanishes as he backhands her full force. "I have status! I have money, and you won't take it?!? You know nothing! You are a common tramp, and if you know what's good for you, you'll take it! She spits on him, and the man goes from frustrated to angry. The music in the common room stops, as many others watch what unfolds next.

The man grabs a torch from the wall and swings it at her head; she blocks the blow with her forearms and falls the the ground. He starts kicking her chest, her torso, and when he has the chance, beats at her face with the smoldering torch. None of the men go to help, but they certainly watch, all frozen and tense. Some of the women go to help, to pull the man off of her, and by the time they wrestle him away from the geisha, she clutches her side, is sobbing and bleeding profusely from a battered face.

Some of the men continue to stare at him until he challenges them, What?!? You saw her! She disrespected me! Kota, you did the same last week! Why are you staring?!

"I didn't beat her with a torch, Uga-san."

"The nerve! All of you know that they have to be shown their place or they won't pleasure us. I'm doing you all a favor, and you know it!

One of the geisha--Yukiashi--ushers "Uga" out of the place, insisting that he cool his head and returns tomorrow, and she tells several lewd and bawdy jokes. Soon, many of the men are laughing again and she goes over to the geisha, and speaks with them in hushed tones just soft enough to be heard by the intent listener. "Heiba will be fine. We've given her poultices and sent for the healer." A few women complain about Heiba:
"I don't know why she tries so hard to stand up to him!"
"Every time she takes a beating, it comes out of our pockets...."
"Yes, exactly! If she gives us a reputation for being a hard-ass, we won't get paid!"
"I just wish she'd enjoy them more..."

Uga, for his part, putters around outside and gives the call-women outside a "lost puppy" look but receives little sympathy. Soon he wanders off, muttering about the Kabuki, or the local theatre.

Soon the atmosphere is bustling once again, and the maidens coyly steer men into paying for whatever entertainment they desire. It seems a fairly profitable business, if a touchy one to manage. As Kyorlin studies it, he realizes that each man has a different ego-point, a different way of being handled, and Yukiashi interfaces between the younger geisha and the men where she sees need.

2019-02-18, 02:59 PM
Parade Grounds - Tournament

Donovan's opponent takes the hits and shrugs off the effects of the conditions (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23717049&postcount=49) with a bit of concentration. His tactic works, it seems, to reduce his opponent's efficiency if not dull his blade, so to speak. The man hops backwards in a flash of motion and changes his stance, adopting what looks to be like an insightful one. The man relaxes just a bit, and breathes deeply.

Swift: Spent on Concentration vs. Sickened (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23717049&postcount=49).
Move: Jump check (auto-success) to move, no AoO.
Standard: downgrade to swift; stance-change.
Move: Sudden Leap (Tiger Claw); move as Swift-Action Jump (aided by his current stance, it seems)
Standard: Switches to Hunter's Sense stance (Tiger Claw), gains Scent.


The warrior facing Yrashnal feels the situation for himself change slightly for the worse, at least for a few moments. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23717049&postcount=49). Uncertain of how to act, he instead re-focuses his mind and body, taking advantage of the opening he has.

Unlucky this round (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23717049&postcount=49).
Full-Round-Action: Use Adaptive Style, change & re-ready all maneuvers.
Swift: saved

2019-02-18, 03:58 PM
centripetal, this dread wave.
Woe to its cargo.

Though the warrior had backed away, the disorienting presence extends some distance from Donovan. It seems to swirl and gather erratically as he manifests the serenity's presence into something more tangible. The resulting attack is a pale ray, accompanied by the sound of ice upon ice as it glides swiftly through the air.

It is a conservative assault rather than a powerful one. Its intent is to prod his opponent closer; there was no safety in distance.

80 hp, 9 'damage' over 2 turns
AC 25/25f/13t

Wild Surge for 2 pp; enervation on 10 or less: [roll0]
Manifest Energy Ray for 3 pp total
Ray attack: [roll1] for [roll2] cold damage

DC 16 Will at the start of his next turn or shaken for [roll3] rounds.

2019-02-18, 08:44 PM
The Maiden's Tickle

Walks up to the bar, putting 2 gold pieces on the counter one drink, I have business to discuss with Uga where may I find him now that he has left?

2019-02-18, 10:33 PM
The Maiden's Tickle

The Geisha running the bar looks at Kyorlin with half-interest and accepts the coin. She hands him a drink--a half-pint of beer--and says, "Buy me a drink and I'll let you know. Five gold for a stiff pint."

When or if he does, she'll tell him:

"He's a patron of the local Kabuki; it's in the downstairs of the launderer; they're next to the Parade Grounds.

2019-02-18, 11:01 PM
The Maiden's tickle

Downs his beer, wipes his mouth with his sleave, and pushes 10 gold pieces across One for me as well. drinks the stiff drink with more respect then his last.Any chance you know an unused, private, and secluded room between here and there that has similar lighting to this fine establishment gesturing to the torches.

2019-02-18, 11:01 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Taking advantage of the momentary lull in the fight the Monk springs forward with one hand outstretched. Mid lunge he forms a claw with the raised hand and...abruptly draws his Ruined Sword, slashing out with two hands upon the haft; in a quick maneuver like this he doesn't have time to remind himself of the proper form and stances h

Current HP: 61/92 (56 +5 Fast Healing)
AC: 18 (-3 from Con damage, -2 Charge)
Swift action: Yhrashnal Hexes the mortal foe. Will save DC 15 Negates; on a failed save enemy suffers -2 penalty to rolls and those targeting hex'd being gain +2 to rolls.
Full round: Yhrashnal charges the opponent and grants this mortal a valuable lesson about friendship violence.

Attack: [roll0] (+2 Charge)

Damage: [roll1]

2019-02-19, 12:28 PM
The Maiden's Tickle
The geisha girl pockets the money quickly and promptly serves him a full pint of strong-smelling sake. It is both sweet, dry and smooth; well-balanced, it goes down without any lingering harshness. "You're a sweet one, unlike most of the men here. Okay." She leans in, giving Kyorlin a generous view of her not-so-modest chest and speaks softly. "There's a gambling den in the Cleaner's right next to the Kabuki; if you pause on the landing halway down to the Kamubi, there's a false door on the left side; they have torches there....But you didn't hear it from me, okay hun? Come back some time, hmm?" She gives Kyorlin a swift kiss on the cheek, gingerly takes his glass, and turns to another man to quench his thirst for alcohol and tease him about his other thirsts.

She giggles as he blushes at her comments and serves him a beer, and leans over to whisper into his ear, careful to cover her chest with a hand. They both laugh, and she turns to another man.


Parade Grounds

Donovan's opponent sees him hesitate slightly at the pause in his manifesting--something went wrong, it seems--and the kama-wielder whoops in triumph. He changes stances, his blades shimmer with heat, and he charges at the manifestor.

Swift: adds 1d6+5 fire to his attacks this round.
Attack: [roll0] (+2 charge)
[roll]1d6+9/roll] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23719299&postcount=54)14 Slash & [roll1] Fire

-2 AC (19) this round due to Charge


Yrashnal's opponent commits his body into a full-force attack against Yrashnal as he charges in. The first opportune attack misses, so he whips the chain around himself and it speed up, double-time, and he jerks the chain as it strikes true. He yanks, tripping the monk before he can make his--likely painful--attack.

Saves vs. Hex (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576304-Rolls-for-anyone&p=23719221#post23719060)

[Swift](not Std; that was typo) has been used up for the Immediate-action Lightning Recovery (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576304-Rolls-for-anyone&p=23719221#post23719060) (reroll missed attack @ +2)
25 on post 51 for a hit

Trip of 31(post 50) beats 25 from Yrashnal
AoO Damage: [roll2]

Move: 5-foot step to Yrashnal

Standard: Comet Throw (ToB 71)
Melee Touch @+2 vs. Prone (already tripped): [roll3]

On hit, Trip @+4 & +2 vs. Prone (already tripped): [roll4]
Throws base 10' & for every 5 this trip succeeds over Yrashnal's opposed Str, Yara is thrown +5 feet further.
He will take [roll5] damage (Ref DC 18 for half) & falls prone (again)

2019-02-19, 04:46 PM
The Maiden's tickle

A little disappointed in her not keeping her end of the deal but decides to stay and finish his sake, after finishing it he leaves a gold piece under the cup and takes his leave for the secret gambling Den to see if it currently unoccupied.

2019-02-19, 10:28 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Monk takes both hits without complaint, rolling from the powerful blows a good twenty-some feet before coming to a stop at the edge of the ring; the damage dealt is not particularly significant, but the pace this enemy has set is quite difficult to overcome for a melee warrior like Yhrashnal. This is truly elucidating discovery of a weakness Yhrashnal's speed and raw power has disguised thus far.

Looking over the two arms he crosses in front of his chest the Monk uses his free hand to bring himself to his feet. This battle proves that he must rethink how he fights. Perhaps he even needs to change what he uses to fight, if this match is anything to go by. Strength is not enough. Overwhelming strength might not be sufficient either. Unfortunately the Monk is still contemplating the new insights into physiques and physical bodies; let alone discovering or innovating a new fighting style, it would be good to make the slightest bit of progress on what he is already using...

Current HP: 55/92 (61 +5 Fast Healing -12 Damage +5 Hardness -9 damage +5 hardness)
AC: 21(-3 from Con damage, +1 Total Defense)
Standard Action: Total Defense: Yhrashnal adds 10 to normal and touch Armor Class. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23720896&postcount=56)
Adds 1 to AC .
Move action: Stand from Prone.

2019-02-19, 11:22 PM
The splendorous gyre!
It... it...

Donovan loses himself in the serenity - loses track of time altogether. For a blissful instant there is only its presence, nothing more.

That is not to say the mantis warrior's task is simple. The drowned man still sways erratically - lost in his revelation, the air still roils with psychic disturbance, and a field of force still hovers just beyond his tough skin. But the blazing attack strikes true. In a real battle the technique would have badly damaged Donovan. In this sanctified zone where blows are lessened the undead shows no sign of injury, and is unable even to feign it.

80 hp, 54 'damage' over 3 turns
AC 25/25f/13t

DAZED :smallfrown:

I would try a bluff check to act like the attack did damage, but I don't know that I am able.

2019-02-22, 07:09 PM
Gambler's Den - Kabuki Hallway

Kyorlin makes his way past the shops and traffic, although it's slow going through the main street; the city's bustle is full of busy people. He makes it to the cleaner's wide-framed causeway and efficiently-stored equipment; he then heads down the steps towards the Kabuki. No one stops him, and it seems the attendant was already expecting him and waves him down to the production that's already started. He pauses at the appropriate landing, and the false door only needs a sharp upwards push before he hears a click.

He swings the door open and enters a wide, slightly-curved hallway that stretches towards the Kabuki. It smells faintly of tobacco and sake, but otherwise it looks like a storage shed for alcohol, bottles, tables, chairs, cards, odd decorations and so forth--all likely for the theatre--and there's a trap-door that blocks ladder that leads downwards still to somewhere else. Still, there are several torch-brackets with torches there, although they are currently unlit.

He can hear muted laughter coming from the Kabuki. Otherwise, the den here is quiet.


Parade Grounds

Donovan's opponent sees his state of stupor. Siezing a chance, the man slips a vicious-looking dagger of green metal from the sleeves in his coat. He draws the dagger across Donovan's throat, not pressing it down, but making the idea complete: in a state of stupor, he would slit his opponent's throat. The two judges watching the match each clap twice, confer quickly, and one intones: "Flawed form. Opponent aware. Ten points; No kill."

The kama-wielder looks disappointed and pockets the dagger, then backs up.

Full-round-action: Opponent mimics Coup-de-grace with "adamant dagger" but is not granted the honorary kill.

He backs up 5 feet.


The soldier advances slowly towards Yrashnal, smiling at his good fortune so far. He stays cautious, and in his opponent's defensive state, he again takes it upon himself to meditate yet again.

5' step forward
Full-round action: Changes & re-prepares maneuvers.

2019-02-23, 06:42 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

With every passing second the cracked and bruised skin of the Monk recovers significantly; the naked eye can detect charred skin softening back to its original texture and the color draining from each bruise. If this were merely a battle of attrition Yhrashnal has no reason to doubt that he would claim victory. As things are now, he must double down on the use of his claw-ful of tricks and body filled with raw power.

He says nothing, does nothing, before vanishing from sight. It's time to test the depths of this enemy's ability.

Current HP: 60/92 (55 +5 Fast Healing)
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage)
Standard Action: Invisibility SLA
Move Action: Yhrashnal approaches the opponent's dominant side, strafing diagonally across the arena to a position ~ 10 feet away.
Swift action: Yhrashnal uses the Ghostly Ability from that position. Cool down: [roll0] rounds

2019-02-23, 06:48 PM
Gambler's Den - Kabuki Hallway

Kyorlin is disappointed that the torches aren't lit, so he heads to the Kabuki theater.

2019-02-23, 07:39 PM
... It inters the misguided,
beneath whorls and foam.

Freed from his revelations, Donovan manages to stagger away from the dagger. For a moment he believes himself to have been too late, but the judges rule otherwise. Donovan nods his understanding and with new insight prepares himself for his foe's next advance.

80 hp, 54 'damage' over 4 turns
AC 25/25f/13t

Ready an action to grapple immediately if he moves within melee reach.

Grapple Touch: [roll0]
Grapple Check: [roll1]

Grod improved maneuver attack (on grapple success): [roll2] for [roll3] damage
(attack should be 22, since we discussed that the -4 penalty for attacking in a grapple does not apply.)
ON HIT: DC 16 Fort save or sickened for [roll4] rounds.

DC 16 Will at the start of his next turn or shaken for 1d4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23729961) (3) rounds.

2019-02-26, 01:25 AM
Kabuki Theatre

Kyorlin descends into the theatre; It is poorly-lit except for the stage, and the steps widen at the bottom to give him a at this point in the play, three samurai have been thrown into a jail cell, and, currently pantsless, are using their voluminous shirts to try to cover up their legs, adding to the audience's laughter that's been fairly steady. They attempt to bargain their way out of the prison, which involves increasingly ridiculous promises to the gaoler.

Uga perches on a stool in the back, laughing gratuitously, and sways back and forth. Several people around him, also drunk, carry on with his loud enjoyment. There's an area near the back of the theatre to store weapons, which is likely where he's stored his weapons


The Mantis Warrior looks ready for this win. He jumps in and with his weapons, rakes them across Donovan's body, trying to cause lasting damage for the remainder of the fight. However, his attack, in the fading strength of his initial rush of the battle, hardly cuts into the hardy man's undead skin, and leaves little more than surface-scratches into his opponent. His confidence wanes; Shaken, he also fails to resist the drowned man's grapple, and is now at his opponent's mercy. To top it all off, as he falls over, he curls over and empties the small contents of his stomach onto his aggressor.


The warrior remains calm as Yrashnal disappears. He steps quickly and calmly into the center of the ring and lets the air around him shimmer, his chain to begin to trail flames, and he continues the orbit of his weapon.

Shifting ends; loses Str & corresponding values.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
On hit, Mantis 2-hander will force Donovan to take a Fortitude save (DC 17) or take a -4 penalty to attacks and AC.



Warrior expends a maneuver, causing his weapons to ignite.
He saves a Standard Action as a Readied Action.

2019-02-26, 04:10 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

By dint of his unnatural abilities Yhrashnal is entirely unfazed by the warrior's attack as he moves to his opponent's back, reforming just as he grasps outward with all four hands. Technique has been left by the wayside as Yhrashnal leans on his inherited advantages to bridge the gap of experience; as monster born only a few weeks ago, Yhrashnal simply has not lived through enough battles to be the match of this warrior without using almost everything at his disposal.

Just as the attacks near the warrior Yhrashnal's invisibility trick is shattered by the focused aggression pouring from the fiend's body, revealing a mostly uninjured body and robes that have been knitted together as if by magic.

Current HP: 65/92 (60 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23729877&postcount=64)+5 Fast Healing)
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage)
Ghostly Etherealness Ends.
Ghostly Cool Down: 2 rounds
Move action to silently approach the enemy warrior, possibly provoking AoOs from its stance; I'm not entirely sure since Yhrashnal would be invisible up until he attacks.

Move Silently Check [roll0]
Standard Action: Yhrashnal attacks once with all four of his arms as per Grod's Two Weapon Fighting (expanded to Multi Weapon Fighting) rules for attacking once with each TWF weapon as a Standard Action.

Top Lefty
Attack: [roll1] (+2, Invisibility) vs Touch AC to start a grapple. This part does not provoke AoOs as per Grod's rules.
Grapple: [roll2] As per Corvus rules this is opposed by half the damage of any AoO Yhrashnal endures this round.
If successful this deals damage as if it were an unarmed strike: [roll3]

Top Righty
Attack*: [roll4] vs Touch AC to start a grapple. This part does not provoke AoOs as per Grod's rules.
Grapple*: [roll5] As per Corvus rules this is opposed by half the damage of any AoO Yhrashnal endures this round.
Successful Grapple unarmed strike Damage: [roll6]

Bottom Lefty
Attack*: [roll7] vs Touch AC to start a grapple. This part does not provoke AoOs as per Grod's rules.
Grapple*: [roll8] As per Corvus rules this is opposed by half the damage of any AoO Yhrashnal endures this round.
Successful Grapple unarmed strike Damage: [roll9]

Bottom Righty
Attack*: [roll10] vs Touch AC to start a grapple. This part does not provoke AoOs as per Grod's rules.
Grapple*: [roll11] As per Corvus rules this is opposed by half the damage of any AoO Yhrashnal endures this round.
Successful Grapple unarmed strike Damage: [roll12]

2019-02-26, 11:33 PM
The thrashing current!
It parts mouth from horizon
For seconds, minutes...

Donovan lurches inside of the effective arc of the warrior's blades, leveraging his inhuman strength to gain a solid hold. His foe seems more... pliant than before, his will to fight beginning to erode under the disorienting psychic presence. The undead calls upon one of the powers etched into his lifeless flesh. One especially fitting for these close quarters.

80 hp, 54 'damage' over 5 turns
AC 25/25f/13t

Cast Chill Touch
Concentration (casting in a grapple; DC 21): [roll0] and Skill Focus [roll1]
Melee Touch: [roll2] for [roll3] negative energy damage; DC 15 Fort save or take 1 Strength damage
(doesn't include the -4 attack for grapple; should it?)

5 chill touch charges; 4 if the above attack hits
(assuming I don't botch the spell)

Aura: DC 16 Will at start of turn or be shaken (doesn't stack, but renews duration) for [roll4] rounds.

2019-02-27, 02:20 AM
Parade Grounds
The warrior, despite being sickened and demoralized, chokes up on his kamas and begins to wield them against his opponent, even in the grapple! After seeing that it's using some sort of magics, and disadvantaged in this melee, he tries a series of attacks in a basic martial strike.

The man knows how to react to being grappled. His first attack rebuffs the attempt with an attack of his own; With his prepared strike, he takes what seems to be a healing attack against Yrashnal; however, with the assault against him, he's not able to fend off the other attacks. He drops his kusari-gama and engages his opponent. Unfortunately, he is sorely taken off-guard and gives a poor struggle, even with his attempts at obtaining advantage.

Mantis Warrior: Std action - Wolf-Fang strike!
Atk1: [roll0] & [roll1]
Atk2: [roll2] & [roll3]


[Std - Readied from last turn] Atk (crusader's Strike) [roll4]
(kama) Damage: [roll5] & heal [roll6]

Opposed Str 1 [roll7] [+1/2 dmg from above maneuver]
Opposed Str 2 [roll8]
Opposed Str 3 [roll9]
Opposed Str 4 [roll10]

[delayed damage: 15]
[+3 to Atks & damage]

(Swift) Stange Change: Stonefoot Stance (+2 Str checks & resist grapple, overrun, trip, etc)

Attempt to grapple again @ +5 (2 SFS, 3 DD (not normally granted))
[crit fail - he will fail vs. any non-fail check]

2019-02-27, 09:58 AM
Steady, unyielding, the stone's outcrop strikes against bone.
... days, months, seasons, years.

In avoiding one curved blade, the other connects. But the shortened grip lacks the force to pierce chain armor as its wearer struggles to bear the kama-wielder down to the ground.

80 hp, 54 'damage' over 6 turns
AC 25/25f/13t
4 chill touches left, assuming that last one hit

Attempt to pin
Grapple: [roll0]
EDIT: it looks like, from Yhrashnal's fight, that attack bonuses (from Delayed Damage) apply to grapple checks? I was under the impression they didn't since they're checks rather than attacks.
In that case, Offensive Precognition should give me a +2 to my check.

Aura: DC 16 Will at start of turn or be shaken (doesn't stack, but renews duration) for [roll1] rounds.

2019-02-27, 10:06 AM
Kabuki Theatre

Kyorlin sighs, this is less than ideal. Guess he'll wait for the end of the show- takes a seat keeping an eye on UGa.

2019-02-27, 07:50 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

"You fought well. Yield." The Monk has secured a grip on the warrior with all but one of his many hands, that last hand curled into a fist and pulled back at his side in preparation for a finishing blow. This fight was a fine one, better and nobler than any of Yhrashnal experienced from his other opponent's in this small tournament, but the disadvantage this warrior faces at the Monk's hands in this moment are not something that can be surmounted without tricks he surely would have used by now.

If this were a battle to the death Yhrashnal would not waste time speaking so nicely to his foe but, sadly, it is not. If the opponent does not know what is best for him Yhrashnal is ready to teach him a valuable lesson in humility but the injuries inflicted merely in the scuffle to get a good grasp upon the mortal should have been a sufficient lesson. At this point the Monk, and his robes, are nearly unblemished and his rage has settled and simmered down to mere annoyance at how swiftly the battle ended when he applied all of his capabilities in concert.

Current HP: 80/98 (65 +5 Fast Healing +10 Mad Hunger)
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage)
Hex on opponent ends (5th round)
Ghostly Cool Down: 1 round remaining
Yhrashnal takes no further offensive action, forfeiting his turn if the battle continues.

2019-03-02, 05:56 PM
Kabuki Theatre
The show has its ups and downs. Nearby him, one usher explains to another usher why this particular show is so popular; nearly a year ago, several Samurai from the Capitol City were found to be derelict of duty, and the lady who outsmarted and captured them made several fantastic claims. Not only were her accusations corroborated, but also two of the samurai were part of a cult that was summarily dismantled.

Currently, the gaoler has shut the men away, but one has plied his attention with an offer he doesn't want to refuse.


Faced with few options, the kama-wielder attempts to break free but has little success. He manages only to attempt to free himself, only to be bowed back down.


Yrashnal's opponent, having put up a decent struggle, breathes for a little time before replying, "Okay. I yield."

2019-03-02, 08:50 PM
All lose meaning absent sky,
absent breath, and yet...

Donovan struggles with the man, able to hold him immobile but unable to mount any sort of offense while doing so. Instead he opts to strike repeatedly, hoping his earlier spell will take the fight out of his opponent before the scything blades force concession.

80 hp, 54 'damage' over 7 turns
AC 25/25f/13t
4 chill touches left

Going to repeatedly slam him until I run out of chill touch charges, he escapes the grapple, or he does something to make hitting me a lot more likely, if we want to fast-forward a bit. You can roll for me in that case if it makes things easier; essentially it's just going to be the below.

For now...
Slam: [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning and [roll2] negative energy damage (chill touches aren't expended on a miss)
on hit, DC 16 Fort save or sickened for [roll3] rounds; DC 15 Fort save or receive 1 Strength damage.

At the start of his turn, DC 16 Will save or shaken for [roll4] rounds.

Opposed Grapple, if needed: [roll5]

2019-03-02, 09:44 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Elucidated Monk releases his foe immediately when the mortal man declares his surrender and, without further interaction with his former opponent, walks off the battle arena to prepare for his next match. It takes only a moment for him to dispense with the extra arms and added musculature; the upper arms entwine with the lower ones at his command and, soon enough, resolve themselves into the single set of limbs native to this body.

The eye of enlightenment, however, remains upon his glabella. It's rhythm for blinking and the targets it focuses on are entirely independent of his normal eyes; even when he closes his eyes to center himself it remains open to glare at the mortals in his surroundings.

2019-03-02, 11:13 PM
Kabuki Theater

Is sitting rather bored of this performance, maybe he missed a hook from earliar in the plot. Would rather be watching Kiss of the Kuchisake-Onna due to his biases. Very tempted to toss some darkness on to the stage, but his patience is a deadly weapon.

2019-03-03, 08:58 PM
From dark sea's depths calls
such unearthly harmony,
that breathing is crude.

The two combatants remain locked into a mortal struggle, scything blades matched by protective psionics and simple strength.

Yet one combatant is less mortal than the other. Donovan repeatedly batters, elbows, and chokes his opponent, discharging a bit more of the insidious spell energy he'd conjured each time. It is an ungainly and graceless affair, costing the undead many points within the tournament's elaborate judging system. But finally his foe falls and remains so; not unconscious, but too winded and bruised to rise of his own volition. With a hand signal and wheeze to the judges, the mantis warrior indicates his concession.

such sonance, unsought,
but self-evident; pristine.
The serenity's song.

"Well fought."
Donovan gives a short, respectful bow before leaving the arena, portraying himself as only slightly less exhausted than his foe.

He had learned what he'd needed to; he could best these warriors, yes. Could have made his victory more certain by expending more of his psychic endurance. But it would never have been a quick ordeal, he would need to commit himself much more fully than he would prefer if he wished to ensure such a victory, and he wouldn't stand a chance against multiple such foes. It would be difficult indeed in these lands to welcome others into the serenity's embrace. But he would find a way.

He awaits word of his next opponent. It is likely he will fail in his next bout if the foe is indeed greater. Yet the mere attempt still costs him little.

2019-03-07, 12:56 AM
Kabuki Theatre
The play has the unpolished feel of a recently-made story that has yet to endure some final editing. Perhaps this is why Kyorlin finds himself wishing for a story about faith, truth, and loyalty gone wrong; the story where from this pain, vengeance emerges. Uga, even more drunk than before, shows his frustration, and yells at the stage before the final scene, "This play is a disaster! Those men aren't ashamed as they should be! They only care about their necks, not those of their superiors!" Several people quietly hush him, but with the violence at which he returns their stares, they turn back to watch. Still, a few women give him reproachful glances.

Uga sways as he stands, and using his sheathed sword as a cane, he bumps past Kyorlin, clipping the large draegloth on a leg. The man considers saying something but moves on. He looms over a lady that had shot him a glance across the room, and breathes at her, "Hitoka...you look at me with such disgust! What's the deal?" She wears a modest outfit of maroon and sea green--and nothing revealing--and has only a few copper bangles around her wrist that match their colors. Her type of clothing suggests she is a woman of modest means, likely an artisan of some kind (trying to) enjoy some time with herself. She waves in the direction of the stage, averting her eyes, and Uga roughly shoves the man sitting next to her out of his seat. The man bears similar clothes to the lady--certainly an artisan, but with browns and yellows--and mumbles as he rubs his butt and goes to talk to the ushers in back.

The play goes on and the energy in the room changes. The samurai weren't able to talk themselves out of jail, and the scenes that begin lead to the culminating trial that's been looming only as a possibility for much of the play. Much of the crowd--at least half of it--are women, and they are looking intently at the stage. The lady around whom the play centers begins to encounter obstacles placed almost casually in her way. She ends up in several threatening situations: the oxen pulling a milk-cart nearly trample her, and though she has known the man closely for much of her life, he will not meet her eyes nor apologizes for the accident. She wakes up to a burning effigy outside her house and an anonymous note with threatening text; the police officer tasked with her case, dismisses it, saying that he's over his head with more serious issues at the moment. The ordeals find juxtaposition with a few that offer her protection. Finally, the trial comes.

The trial entails her presenting her case in face of hostile opposition. Even the judges of the case seem more willing to let slide her opponents' attempt at intimidation than not. Finally, she gives a last rally of very logical presentation. The trial is put to recess, and the scenes split. In one room, the judges discuss the case, and it seems their minds have been turned by her courage, directness, honor, and composure; all attributes Samurai must have, and that none of the men have displayed in full.

The lady, however, left along by a friend of hers--who has left to fetch some water--decides to end her struggle. She smashes a glass figurine in front of her and uses a shard to cut open her torso, in the manner that Samurai might do for an honorable death. She, however, is without ritual or aid in her death, and as her friend returns to her side, distraught, she proclaims her feelings of sadness and doubt over the matter. The judges, summoned to her quarters, consider her suicide tantamount to a desire to escape her situation, and although the men are demoted to bushi--footsoldiers--they are given the means to consider themselves free and decent soldiers to give service to their lord.


Yrashnal is given a measure of distance by most. The one with the Kusari-gama, whom he just defeated, looks particularly surprised, and gives him many sidelong glances.

The judges, tallying the points to determine the final match, argue over a few topics such as demonstration of style mastery as opposed to combat efficiency, also debate the merits of the courtesy.

The man whom Donovan championed has recovered, and approaches the Drowned man. "This tournament has many excellent surprises! If only traveling monks were more common, we might be better students." He nods to Donovan of course, but Yrashnal, too, whose form has melded into a human shape. The judges approach the two of you. "The points have been tallied. Okuno, will this man continue to fight as chamion?"

Okuno considers this and replies, "I have faced the other Monk, who revealed my lack of learning. Okuno yields to his champion."

The judges nod, and they move aside again. There is a bit more debate, and one nearly loses his temper. Finally, they announce that the two monks are to face each other.

Donovan is to bring himself to level 7! We will then have a face-off of Yrashnal and Donovan

2019-03-07, 07:42 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Enlightened Monk takes his place in the arena without fuss. Once there he waits serenely with all three eyes locked onto the 'man' who is to face him, satisfied that he is to receive the sparring match he requested not so long ago; if only the Little Beast had a chance to experience this thrill as well...

<These are talented mortals.>[Donovan] A wisp of a thought evanesces from Yhrashnal's mind, bridging the gap between himself and Donovan instantly by dint of an ancient technique.

Initiative: 3 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831) with a Natural 1.
Current HP: 98/98
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage)

2019-03-08, 11:29 PM
"It shall be my honor."
Completing the false sentiment is a brief bow. However the undead's focus is more upon his fellow voice-called, attempting to gauge the shapeshifter's intent - to win or simply to show the gathered crowd what they expect to see?

His initial evaluation of his opponent as volatile seemed to have less merit to it now, after having observed the creature's matches. At the least he would not likely go so far as to fully reveal their respective natures. And after all, the last combat had given him invaluable insight into the humans of this land that he'd not thought to find. Perhaps he could learn something here as well?

Still, there was no sense in exhausting his powers in a sparring match. Donovan prepares for the fight ahead much as he did before; shielding himself with the serenity's power and calling upon its insight. Yet still he draws upon less than he might in a true battle.

Manifest Force Screen with 1 pp
manifest Offensive & Defensive precognition each with 7 pp (wild surge to reduce effective cost)

Suppressing the powers' displays (I can no longer fail those checks)

Wild surge for 3 pp (offensive precognition): [roll0]
Wild surge for 3 pp (defensive precognition): [roll1]

With the world grown more clear around him, described in patterns upon patterns like turbulent waves, Donovan takes his place in the arena. He focuses upon the beast-turned-human's stance, and calls to mind the tactics he'd observed thus far. It would be a difficult matter to harm this creature. At least, in a way that would not create complications.

However his focus is intruded upon by a mental message. He replies by directing his own thoughts back at the 'monk' standing before him.
Agreed. An all-out combat would serve us little.
Uncertain if this communication allowed for the recipient to reply in kind, Donovan also responds visually with a slight nod.

2019-03-08, 11:44 PM
Kabuki Theater

I guess here is better than nothing. Getting up from his seat he head to the back to grab a torch he covers the light with his barehand, with his essentia invested in the soulmeld around his waist such flame of this calibur can't harm him.

With the light source shielded from his target he enters the stance of one with the wind as the steps/bleachers between the audience are likely difficult terrain he sneaks up on Uga then grabbing him by the shoulder he says excuse me Sir can you come to the back with me? if he doesn't get up and move towards the back I throw him towards the back. stealth check[roll0]touch attack[roll1]Mighty Throw[roll2]

2019-03-09, 12:12 AM
Donovan advances slowly towards his adversary, opening with a blast of ice which seemed to shatter the air itself as it sped past and through the shapeshifter. It was less an attack than a question: "proceed?"

More consequentially, he allowed the serenity's presence to spill out around him once more. This time however, he took care to shape it into something less truthful and more tangible. The mantis warrior from his previous bout had been only somewhat disoriented when he'd attempted the former. Perhaps it was less important to project it as it was than to project it in a way that could be felt?

112/112 hp
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t

move forward 10'

Swift: activate Nauseating Aura (if opponent starts turn within 30', DC 17 Fort or nauseated for 1d4 rds. Yhrashnal isn't in the aura yet.

Manifest Energy Bolt for [roll0] cold damage in a 120' line through Yhrashnal, DC 18 Fort for half
Wild Surge for 2 pp (enervated on 10 or less): [roll1]

Unless enervated, Surging Euphoria for 2 rds

2019-03-09, 01:40 AM
Kabuki Theatre
As the play has reached its conclusion, several of the actors have begun to return to the stage to general applause. Kyorlin's rude throw interrupts Uga's reverie, and the simple crash of a single chair is barely noticed by many of the crowd; rather, several ushers notice the disturbance, and one of them decides to head over to Kyorlin. The lady to whom Uga heaped the sentiments onto, however, nods appreciatively at Kyorlin and turns back.

Kyorlin has thrown Uga perfectly, who tumbles through the air and hits the wall feet-first and falls prone to the ground. The draegloth feels a tug on his clothes, and one of the ushers says, "If...ehh...if that disruptive man could be thrown outside, that would be most welcome. Th-thank you very much!!" The man, who seems fairly young, bows several times to Kyorlin before backing out of his way.

2019-03-09, 03:01 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Enlightened Monk does not hesitate to forcibly smash through the mystical attack as if he knew in advance that the damage it would deal to him would not be significant; this confidence is justified as he suffers a few scrapes here and there but, as he prepares to retaliate, these injuries have already started healing over and sealing themselves. A moment of focus imposes his vicious presence upon the undead standing before him before the Monk forces the flesh of his arms to peel away from itself in thin ribbons that quickly resolve themselves into a second pair of limbs.

Yhrashnal takes a moment to center himself and prepare for things to get interesting.

Current HP: 93/98 (Fort save reduces -30 Cold to -15 Cold, Hardness acting as Cold resistance reduces -15 Cold to -10 Cold. Fast Healing restores +5)
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage)
--Swift Action
Hexblade Curse. Will save DC 15 or suffer -2 to all rolls and grant +2 to all rolls when opponents roll against him.
Full Round actions: Yhrashnal assumes the guise of the Four Armed Monk gaining 2 additional limbs.

2019-03-09, 11:47 AM
Donovan takes the shapeshifter's alteration as a signal to begin in earnest. However he does not notice the malign influence projected upon him until it is too late to fight it off.

Calling upon a power etched into his unliving flesh, Donovan conjures a burst of fog in the arena's center. The mist erupts suddenly before him in a muffled explosion before the drowned advances into it. In other circumstances he might not consider this gamble; his opponent's inhuman nature could mean it possesses unusual sensory abilities. But if this 'Yhrashnal' were possessed of such abilities, it would be best to learn of them here where failure meant little.

112 hp
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Hexed! ? rds
Surging Euphoria 1 rd

Cast Fog Cloud at the arena's center, move into it and within 30' of Yhrashnal to include him in the edge of my aura; move in semi-erratic fashion to obscure my exact position.

Aura: DC 17 Fort at start of turn or nauseated for [roll0] rds

2019-03-09, 01:47 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Even without his sight the Monk is hardly inconvenienced; his attention never strays from Donovan, even if his gaze lags behind the creature's movements from time to time, and in the meanwhile the last vistages of injury fade from his form. At an opportune moment Yhrashnal springs forward with all four hands grasping at his target; if even a single hand grabs onto Donovan then this battle will surely be over in moments, just like Yhrashnal's last fight.

Current HP: 98/98 (93, +5 FastHealing)
AC: 18(23 base -3 Con damage, -2 Charge), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con, -2 Charge), Touch 10 (12 base, -2 charge)
Yhrashnal tracks Donovan's position with Blindsense (90ft)
Charge attack into a Grapple attempt with all four hands (as per Grod's TWF rules expanded to Multi Weapon Fighting). This brings Donovan into the range of Yhrashnal's aura of Despair: Will save DC 16 or suffer penalties as per Crushing Despair.

Grapple touch Attack #1: [roll0] (+2 Charge, +2 Hex bonus)
Roll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll1] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Reroll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll2] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Grapple check: [roll3] (9 STR + 6 BAB + 2 Hex)
Grapple touch Attack #2: [roll4] (+2 Hex bonus)
Roll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll5] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Reroll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll6] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Grapple check: [roll7] (9 STR + 6 BAB + 2 Hex)
Grapple touch Attack #3: [roll8] (+2 Hex bonus)
Roll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll9] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Reroll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll10] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Grapple check: [roll11] (9 STR + 6 BAB + 2 Hex)
Grapple touch Attack #4: [roll12] (+2 Hex bonus)
Roll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll13] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Reroll against Concealment miss chance (High to Hit) [roll14] (+2 from Hex). Rolls of 20 or lower miss.
Grapple check: [roll15] (9 STR + 6 BAB + 2 Hex)

2019-03-09, 02:43 PM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

The four-armed 'monk' has no difficulty locating Donovan in the fog. That matter was settled, at least. When the creature slams into him Donovan does his best to ward off its grabs; normally he preferred such close combat only when advantageous to himself. The strange curse worked against him however, and made the process substantially more difficult.

Yhrashnal scores a gash upon the undead as the two are dragged together. Ever unconcerned with the physical, Donovan attempts to find calm within the maelstrom of their collective limbs in order to manifest pain onto his adversary.

112 hp, 17 - 3(DR) - 1(fast healing) = 13 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Hexed! 4 rds

Concentration to cast in grapple (DC 22): [roll0] and skill focus: [roll1] (includes hex)

Manifest Inflict Pain (9 pts): DC 19 Will or take -4 to attacks, skills, checks (but not saves). On success, only take -2 to those
Wild Surge for 3 (enervated on 15 or less): [roll2] -2 from hex??

spell resistance: [roll3] (includes -2 from hex; that thing is kinda rediculous!)

Edit: DC 17 Fort vs. aura or nauseated for 2 rds

2019-03-09, 03:20 PM
Parade Grounds
The gathered crowd watches in strained silence as the fog settles over the battlefield, and the energy of anticipation heightens. By this point, there are quite a few onlookers that are not soldiers, and they make their appreciation for the melee known. A man passes by with a food cart, yelling "Fresh mackerel! Sliced tuna! Eat and enjoy the show while you still can!"

A few passerby purchase some food, all of which has been conveniently placed on a thin slice of bamboo. When they've finished, the cart-puller gestures for them to put the empty sticks into a bucket that hangs one side.

2019-03-09, 05:51 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Waves of weakness wash over Yhrashnal one after another as Donovan subjects the Fiend to his mystic abilities; each is just barely warded off in this round of their battle, but even a single moment of inaction or the slightest inattention will surely spell defeat for the Monk.

As such, he is not polite at all about trying to end the fight immediately and he entirely disregards graceful attacks in favor of smashing Donovan with his body and the arena itself. Repeated.

Current HP: 98/98
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch
Swift Action: Yhrashnal Activates Mad Hunger, gaining an additional 2 attacks and +20 to his movement speed. While Mad Hunger is active Yhrashnal takes an additional 30% damage from attacks.
Remaining Hunger Cooldown: [roll0] I was thinking of Ghostly. Hunger has no CD.
Full Attack via Grapple: Yhrashnal really lays in on Donovan. Each arm uses its full iterative attack routine in grapple checks meant to damage the opponent. The two attacks gained from Mad Hunger are used to attempt to Pin twice, with the second attempt being a waste if the first succeeds.
Arm 1
Grapple 1: [roll1] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll2] (+2 Hex)
Grapple 2: [roll3] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll4] (+2 Hex)

Arm 2
Grapple 1: [roll5] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll6] (+2 Hex)
Grapple 2: [roll7] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll8] (+2 Hex)

Arm 3
Grapple 1: [roll9] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll10] (+2 Hex)
Grapple 2: [roll11] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll12] (+2 Hex)

Arm 4
Grapple 1: [roll13] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll14] (+2 Hex)
Grapple 2: [roll15] (+2 Hex), Nonlethal Damage: [roll16] (+2 Hex)

Pin attempt 1: [roll17] (+2 Hex)
Pin attempt 2: [roll18] (+2 Hex)

2019-03-09, 05:56 PM
kabuki theater

nods as long as the people don't stop him in his mission he will do his best to abide by their wishes. Putting the torch in the hands of the usher unlit end first while he is still grabbing the warm bright part. He goes to his haver sack (shifting the neccessary amount of his essentia to his mantle of the storm)
and pulls out his silk rope he proceeds to encircle each hand then ties them together then after 2.5 ft of rope he repeats the process with Uga's feet. Grabbing the length of rope between his bound limbs, retrieving his torch from the usher then carries/drags him out onto the street.first use rope[roll0]second use rope[roll1]

2019-03-09, 07:00 PM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

Donovan struggles against the beast's grip, impressed by its strength. It is all he can manage to lessen the worst of the slams and batterings, but he ends up held fast for his efforts. Rather than try to break free of the vice-like hold, he stays fast to his stratagem - hoping to distract his physically superior opponent with a mental assault, and trying to break past this creature's formidable defenses against such things.

112 hp, 13 - 1(fast healing) = 12 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Hexed! 3 rds
Surging Euphoria 2 rds

pretty much same as last round...
Concentration to cast in grapple (DC 22): [roll0] and skill focus: [roll1]

Manifest Inflict Pain (9 pts): DC 19 Will or take -4 to attacks, skills, checks (but not saves) for 10 rds. On success, only take -2 to those.
Wild Surge for 3 (enervated on 15 or less): [roll2]
Surging Euphoria renewed for 3 rds if not enervated

spell resistance: [roll3]

DC 17 Fort vs. aura or nauseated for [roll4] rds

2019-03-09, 09:49 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)
Bludgeoning Donovan to 'death' is not going as well as it could.

This is unsatisfactory. Exceptionally unsatisfactory; if Yhrashnal were to be defeated outright he would be unhappy but there would be room to learn and grow after the experience. This stalemate, however, isn't even education since Donovan can't quite get magic to properly sink into the Monk and Yhrashnal doesn't seem to actually injure Donovan no matter how savagely he attacks, and that's all they are really able to do to each other.

As such, it is now time for alternate methods of ending the battle: Yhrashnal uses every bit of his strength to try to drag Donovan out of the Fog...and toward the edge of the ring.
Current HP: 98/98
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch
Mad Hunger: 2 rounds remaining
Standard Action to use a Grapple attempt to try to drag Donovan toward the edge of the ring.
Grapple [roll0] (+2 Hex) to move 25 feet toward the edge.

2019-03-10, 11:36 AM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

Repeated mental assaults clearly weren't accomplishing anything. Yet for the moment it seemed Donovan was no more easily dispatched. He prepared himself to be bludgeoned further, but instead Yhrashnal seemed intent on dragging him out of the fog.

Was the fog bothering the shapeshifter somehow? Or perhaps it simply wanted the fight to be more visible to the crowd? In either case Donovan suspected it was in his best interest to resist; he manages to anchor himself and strike against his assailant...

112 hp, 12 - 1(fast healing) = 11 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Hexed! 2 rds
Surging Euphoria 2 rds (renewed last turn)

Slam attack: [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning damage (+5 Str, -2 for hex, +1 for euphoria)
on hit, make DC 17 Fort save or be sickened for [roll2] rds

DC 17 Fort vs. aura or nauseated for [roll3] rds

2019-03-10, 12:27 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Now failing to even drag the undead creature out of the arena, Yhrashnal allows the frustration that this fight has been such a waste of time to flow through him. He now knows much more about the scope of power possessed by this Voice Called and knows that it is unlikely that he can defeat his opponent, but the beast is not one to surrender easily; if he is to be defeated then Donovan must at least earn the victory and truly prove himself.

<So be it.>[Donovan]

While still grasping Donovan with his four hands the Monk abruptly discorporealizes, vanishing entirely from the arena and leaving Donovan where they had last struggled against each other.
Current HP: 98/98
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch
Mad Hunger: 1 round remaining
Swift action: Yhrashnal activates his Ghostly ability, becoming ethereal for 1 round.
Ghostly cooldown: [roll0]
Move action: Yhrashnal retreats 50 feet away from Donovan in any random direction that will keep him within the arena.
Standard Action: Yhrashnal uses his Fading ability to become invisible for 1 minute.

2019-03-10, 01:49 PM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

Yhrashnal's sudden disappearance takes the undead somewhat by surprise, as he hadn't been present to witness the first few matches of the tournament and had thenceforth been preoccupied with his own bout.

In any case it had long since become clear to Donovan: he would not fare half so well against this opponent without the opportunity to ready himself ahead of time. Indeed, he might not prevail even then.

But from the parting taunt it sounded as though the battle would resume shortly. Given a bit of breathing room, so to speak, Donovan weaves a portion of the lurching and shifting field of the serenity's projected power about himself into a field of arcing electricity. His foe clearly had a substantial resilience against magic effects, but this form of energy had an odd way of occasionally coiling past such things.

112 hp, 11 - 1(fast healing) = 10 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Hexed! 1 rd (ends at start of Yhrashnal's next turn)
Surging Euphoria 1 rds (ends at start of my next turn)

Manifest Energy Emanation [Electric] for 9 pts total
(deals 3d6 electric damage to all within 5' each round; it doesn't specify when the damage is dealt, so presumably it is at the start of my turn just before the duration is counted)

Wild Surge (3 pts), enervated on 15 or less: [roll0]
unless enervated, Surging Euphoria is renewed for 3 rds
EDIT: enervated :smallfrown:
The power still manifests, but Donovan is dazed for 1 round and loses some much-needed PPs.

Aura doesn't apply next turn since you're ethereal

... As he weaves the aura about himself Donovan's eye catches upon a subtle, and subtly beautiful, swirl of the psychic energy. Though it was more familiar to him as a manifestation of cold, the truth of the serenity is formless and can be fashioned into many sorts of displays. In this new form is found new allure, in the way it sparks and snaps through the fog and casts its light upon it, far faster than the motion of the waves and yet still harmonized with it in time...

2019-03-10, 02:09 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The monk twists and writhes as he continues his retreat, his invisible form folding and warping as he assumes a much more familiar form; in moments the Hound stands at the edge of the arena. His robes and weapons vanish into his body and take up residence out of the way to allow him to fully exercise his bestial abilities.

Current HP: 98/98
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch
Mad Hunger: Ends
Ghostly CD: 1 round
Move action: Yhrashnal retreats 50, strafing around Donovan to another edge of the arena.
Move silently check: [roll0] (+3, Barghest Wolf Form)
Standard Action: uses his Change Shape ability to assume the Hound form. His movement speed increases to 50, converts his arms into forelegs, gains +3 to hide checks, gains a Bite attack, and benefits from the Pass Without Trace spell.

2019-03-10, 03:16 PM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

... such that their afterimages, juxtaposed together, mimic dunes of sand upon the sea floor. Or the shadows cast upon them by the waves far above...

Several heartbeats pass, and Donovan does not emerge from the cloud or take apparent action.

112 hp, 10 - 1(fast healing) = 9 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Energy Emanation 9 rds


Not in range of aura

2019-03-10, 05:07 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Having prepared himself for the next round of the battle, Yhrashnal is somewhat confused by Donovan's lack of action. Perhaps the being is preparing a spell?

Yhrashnal repositions himself once more, taking residence in yet another section of the arena braced for the mighty attack DOnovan is sure to release.

Current HP: 98/98
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch
Ghostly CD: Ready!
Hound form: Movement speed of 50, forelegs instead of arms, +3 to hide checks, Bite attack, Pass Without Trace.
Move action*2: Yhrashnal double moves 50 feet at half speed, strafing around Donovan to another edge of the arena.
Move silently check: [roll0]

2019-03-10, 06:01 PM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

Slowly, regretfully, the clarity of the serenity's presence fades away into the background. Donovan recalls once more where he is and what he was doing. To his surprise his foe hadn't taken the opportunity to press the attack, and he focuses on his surroundings and signs of his foe when he manages to pick up upon the sound of footfalls outside of the cloud. Too quiet to be a horse, but too loud to be a smaller animal. Perhaps another form of the shapeshifter?

If anything the cloud was an impediment to him now, though it had seemed that Yhrashnal wished to bring the fight outside of it for some reason or another. Perhaps he merely wished for an audience.

The hex's malign influence was gone as well, it seemed. Donovan steels his will foremost against another such spell as he emerged from the cloud and readies himself...

112 hp, 9 - 1(fast healing) = 8 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Energy Emanation 8 rds

Move 30' towards Yhrashnal (whom I heard with a listen check of 25 in the rolls thread)

Aura: at start of your turn, DC 17 Fort or nauseated [roll0] rds

Ready an action to...
Attack Yhrashnal with a slam if he comes within melee reach
attack: [roll1] for [roll2] damage
On Hit, DC 17 Fort or sickened [roll3] rds
also On Hit: attempt to start a grapple with Scorpion's Grasp; [roll4] grapple check

2019-03-10, 06:23 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Seeing the undead charge, Yhrashnal accepts that it has surely prepared a devastating and impressive attack. At least this will be an interesting bout in their fight.

Without hesitating in the slightest the Hound rushes forward to meet Donovan while calling upon his oppressive presence to wash over the undead yet again; it can be said that a direct fight is what Yhrashnal fears the least
Current HP: 98/98
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch 12
Swift Action: Yhrashnal uses his Hex on Donovan once more. Will save DC 15 negates.
Hound form: Movement speed of 50, forelegs instead of arms, +3 to hide checks, Bite attack, Pass Without Trace.
Fullround Action: Yhrashnal does a Charging Trip attack
Attack roll: [roll0] (+2 charge)
Trip Strength Check: [roll1]
As per Grod rules this does not provoke and AoO.

2019-03-10, 07:29 PM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

Not expecting the shapeshifter's new form, Donovan still does not hesitate and meets the now-lupine Yhrashnal halfway with a powerful grasping body check. The wolf-thing's superior momentum and stability bears the undead to the ground. However he is able to twist away from the brunt of the attack and wrestle with the sapient beast, ultimately pulling himself back to his feet by his grasp. He continues the melee with a knee strike, and tries to wrap that leg about one of the creature's forelimbs in an attempt to hold it.

112 hp, 8 - 1(fast healing) = 7 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Energy Emanation 7 rds

Energy Emanation deals [roll0] electric damage; Spell Resistance: [roll1]

Move: stand up from prone (doesn't provoke, since we don't threaten each other during a grapple)

Scorpion's Grasp Attack: [roll2] for [roll3] damage
DC 17 Fort or sickened [roll4] rds

Standard: Attempt to pin: [roll5]

At start of your turn, DC 17 Fort or nauseated [roll6] rds

2019-03-10, 07:43 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

<...evenly matched?>[Donovan]
As his body grinds and crackles to allow his flesh to churn and shift into the form of the Four Armed Monk once more the Hound vanishes abruptly...as is custom for Yhrashnal, it seems.

Current HP: 82/98 (98 -19 damage +5 Hardness -12 damage + 5 Hardness +5 Fast Healing
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch 12
Swift Action: Yhrashnal uses the Ghostly ability to become Ethereal.
Ghostly Cooldown: [roll0]
Free: Five foot step away from Donovan
Fullround action: Yhrashnal assumes the form of the Four Armed Monk.

2019-03-10, 08:20 PM
Donovan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1530382)

"Near enough, it seems. Do we continue?"

For his part Donovan had learned more than enough; any clash between them on even footing would be a slow and uncertain thing. They would each have ample time to retreat - Yhrashnal with superior speed, and himself to the refuge of the sea where he suspected things would be far more one-sided.

In the future, if it so deigned, the shapeshifter's maneuverability could allow it to strike suddenly and leave Donovan little time to prepare. But similarly if he were not exhausted of his powers at that given time then he could bring to bear those abilities he'd deemed too deleterious to use in a practice bout.

For now he allowed the serenity's presence to dissipate and stood ready, awaiting either a reply or a renewed assault.

112 hp, 7 - 1(fast healing) = 6 'damage'
AC 29 / 29ff / 16t
Energy Emanation (irrelevant)

Swift: deactivate Nauseating Aura

Ready an action to attack if Yhrashnal approaches within melee reach (and exhibits hostile intent)
Slam: [roll0] for [roll1] damage
On Hit, DC 17 Fort or sickened [roll2] rds
also On Hit: attempt to start a grapple with Scorpion's Grasp; [roll3] grapple check

2019-03-10, 08:35 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

"No need. Show me more against our foes. We will find targets soon enough." The Four Armed Monk visibly relaxes out of his combat form. His extra arms melt, dripping against the tug of gravity to meld with his original pair of limbs, and his extra eye seals itself on his forehead. "This was surprisingly useful." He opines as he walks off the battleground, not at all concerned about possibly being declared the loser of this battle for leaving the field first.

Current HP: 87/98 (82 +5 Fast Healing
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch 12
Swift Action: Yhrashnal uses the Ghostly ability to become Ethereal.
Ghostly Cooldown: 3 rounds

2019-03-10, 09:11 PM
With a thought, the crackling field which still surrounds Donovan sparks its last.

As the serenity's aura fades and his focus lessens, he becomes once more aware of the crowd; of the world past his foe. His concept of Yhrashnal as an unreasoning beast long since abandoned, he instead considers the shapeshifter in a new light; as someone worthy of respect.

Donovan gives a slight bow to his former opponent, who had already begun to depart, and then to the judges before likewise leaving the ring. But that emotion, respect, still lingers in his mind.

... but not his soul. There was felt only the sea's boundless effulgence; its secret truth which must one day be shared. Most of all with those worthy of respect.

2019-03-11, 09:40 AM
Kabuki Theatre Hallway

A beggar hides among the shaded hallway leading to the the Kabuki. He chews on what looks like boiled leather; his sallow skin, broken by insect bites and lesions, shows only where his loose clothing has been ripped. He sways, barely conscious from lack of sleep. He salivates at the thought of perhaps--just perhaps--finding some food in the theatre in the rush of leaving people. And then he freezes; someone is coming!

A mountain of a man emerges. He drags someone by the heels...A samurai! The honor-bound man is clearly inebriated; he's bound by both arms and legs. The beggar's mind works, and he pauses at first than points at Kyorlin. "C-criminal!! You are s-st-stealing a samurai!!" The beggar stumbles forward and reaches out a hand to hold onto the man upon whom he looks.

Uga looks up from his drunken reverie. In a momentary flash of sobriety, he appraises the beggar with a sneer. "Filth!
don't touch me!!"

The beggar recoils at the warrior's intensity. Even drunk and bound, he still represents a threat far deeper than the deprived man can see. "I-I was once a clerk! A-at the police--"

"Baka!! Not you, beggar! You!!" He nods his head to Kyorlin as best he can, circumstances permitting. "I am a samurai! I could have you whipped for novice practice!! Hulk! Freak!! UNHAND ME OR--!!" The man, drunken as he is, has not prepared himself to encounter being dragged, upside down, with pinned arms, up stairs.

Several people emerge from the Kabuki; a few of them look at Uga with both pity and fear, but no one speaks up for him. As more people emerge, the beggar abandons his temporary heroism to move against the crowd; he avoids the ushers' eyes thanks to the disturbance a few steps up.


2019-03-11, 04:38 PM

Wards away the beggar with his torch, I am merely taking him outside as the usher requested of me, I'm not taking him far. sliding Uga against the building he crouches down to talk with him. You know you are the easiest Samurai I have ever dealt with but you don't deserve the honor I showed them. taking g his torch he pass his fingers through the flames and fakes a wince of pain.I want you to admit your guilt, maybe that will start to restore your honor. points the torch at his chest so he may feel the heat as it rises to his face. I think this will jog your memory of some of your acts, from what I witness you do treat those around you hostily especially women. Amongst my people that would mean death or far worse.

2019-03-11, 09:58 PM
Uga stares at the man in front of him and giggles. "You want me...to apologize? I have the approval of a Lord! The lord is sanctioned by the Kami!

As Kyorlin brings the torch to bear upon his victim he flinches away. "Do you have the sanction of a lord to do this? No! So unhand me, cretin!!"

Finally, the entirety of the Kabuki has filled into the space in the hallway. One of the people who had been to see the play--a servant out with his family for some entertainment--steps in front of his lady and kids. He addresses Kyorlin, and bows deeply. "Sir? The Lord Yoritomo worried that you didn't take the room reserved for Emerald Dignitaries. Shall I have your items moved to the appropriate place?"

With this question, the crowd begins to whisper. People begin to nod, and stories become even greater rumors. Yes, this man was the one who had arrived in a ship during the incredible storm. He was one of the many who had prevented a fleet from being completely wiped out by the wrath of the Kami themselves. One of their lot had left using powers the Kami had given them. They had been given audience with the Lord Yoritomo himself, and they had declined rooms of high status because they felt so wretched about their botched mission. They had been the most humble diplomats to visit Kyuden Gotei in a while.

Uga spits in Kyorlin's face. "Do your worst. You are young and inexperienced about the world."

Several voices come from the crowd; masked by numbers, they must be evaluated for their worth on what's said only. "You are a bitter man!" "being a war-hero does not give you the right to be cruel to us!"

Uga jerks in his bindings and thrashes about. "I risked my life to protect you all from the ravages of war! You sit here and complain about strange matters, and meanwhile, I endure the sights of people mangled and killed by battle! I used my life to protect you ALL! UNGRATEFUL TURDS!!

Silence comes over the crowd, so Uga directs his attention back to the man keeping him in bondage. "You have no legal ground to detain me. State your intent! Be clear or let me go!!

2019-03-11, 10:55 PM

Boops his nose with the torch fire, I am merely on a mission, that unfortunately involves you. yawns*Perhaps I'm not as patient as I thought, who do you know that is truly dishonorable perhaps after this I will visit them.

But back to you, this isn't your first encounter with a torch today is it? How does it feel to be on the other end. puts the torch his own face so the flames lick hungerly trying to find purchase.

Isn't this a pleasant experience? So warm and moves the torch between their faces and blowsToasty.

I have seen more honorable Ronin than you on the battlefield and you dare call your self a samurai turns and spits on the ground.

You dishonor not only yourself,
your business, your family, but the Emperor himself.
I know the soul of Samurai you don't have it. For you know no shame for behaving dishonorably, thus I find you undeserving of the title and privileges.

2019-03-12, 01:21 AM
Uga struggles further, again unnecessarily; the bonds are made tighter than he can leverage. "Mission, wha--" He pauses when questioned about other dishonorable people. "Hah! You want dishonorable? You Magistrates sit in your..high towers in..in the capitol city, and then when news of ill things, you travel here and pass judgement of--I mean--you pass judgement on us. Do you know the way of--aaaarrgh!!

The man gives an appreciable scream as the torch is worked into his face. "Earlier...? He looks quizzical for a second and then narrows his eyes. "The wench deserved it! I supported her for years, and offered to let her live with my soldiers in my lands, and her display was an embarrassment to my fellow soldiers too! She can't do that! And I went to taaaaaaa he screams again as the torch nears his face again.

You dishonor not only yourself,
your business, your family, but the Emperor himself
"YOU dare use his name?!?"

I know the soul of Samurai you don't have it. For you know no shame for behaving dishonorably, thus I find you undeserving of the title and privileges."

At this point, several of the women in the crowd speak up. "Truth! My sister was hurt, too, when she wouldn't put out!"
"My cousin and her child suffered because she didn't agree to live with him!"
A man pipes up, "Uga beat my brother to death to settle a loan. It's still unpaid!"

"There all different! All of you!

2019-03-12, 02:13 AM

I have lost my original group I being the only surviving original member to the conflicts in these lands. holds the torch towards his face not enough to burn him but enough to cook his flesh.

Is there anyone here that can give testimony to Uga's character, anything at all? pauses, (hearing nothing/someone start to speak) pushes the flame against his forehead for split seconds so he hurts but doesn't catch on fire. Feels nice doesn't taps the flame against his head as he thinks, gets an idea pulls his water skin out and some saki. Guess I should stop being so nice holding his water skin in one hand and the toy of Uga's torment in his other he aims with the water skin as he jambs and turns the torch clockwise against his right cheek for 2 seconds(if he catches fire he squirts some water on his right cheek). Well even if you start admitting your shame and aiming his waterskin to his left cheek and jabs their with the torch grinding it counterclockwise for 2 seconds(if he catches fire he squirts some water on his left cheek)guilt, I couldn't stop till both sides of your face match

Would you like some saki?

2019-03-12, 07:07 PM
The man gives a suitably loud scream. Something shifts in the crowd; many people want to leave, and jostle each other to do so.

When Kyorlin asks the people about his character, several people give Uga looks of pity, sadness, hurt, or telling looks that he is getting what they believe he deserves. No one says anything, but it's clear that few are willing to say or do anything to stop Kyorlin's treatment of him, and furthermore, no one speaks up in his defense. As the flesh on his face cooks, slowly with the applied flame. A few people spit on him, or beneath him, and move on.
"H-help me!! THIS MAN IS INSANE!! You will be rewarraaargh!! Fame! Money! Position with my troops!

One of the ushers from the theatre returns to Kyorlin. "S-sir, I...thought you should know..." He pauses and swallows uncomfortably. "Uga Saionje is a High Lord. He commands two castles, and lives at a third. He has ten thousand troops he is responsible for. His death would have...consequences."

"Y-yes!! It's true!! Thank you, kind peasant! Now go, get help!!"

"I am but a simple Kabuki usher. I could be punished for interfering in such matters. After all, none of this happened on our property..." With this, he turns away, goes back inside, and bolts the theatre door.

The man gasps at the release of his torment and thanks Kyorlin for spitting water on his face. "Y-yes, release me and I will give you a thousand pounds of the finest saké!

2019-03-13, 03:03 AM

Uga, you want me to stop, all I want is to you to admit that you treat people badly to this crowd then I'll let you go and we will never see each other again.

Wouldn't that be cheaper and less effort? I mean let's be honest they know your character RIGHT FOLKS? THEY HAVE NO GUARANTEE OF THESE REWARDS, JUST THE HONOR OF THE

Honestly I'll let you know what I want to do, is shove this torch between your legs so you leave these people alone in your new impotence. I'm sure these people would prefer that, Right.

to the peopleI don't want to hurt Uga, I just want him to admit his guilt to you fine people. I honestly don't want to kill him, that was not my goal. slowly spinning with torch held highDOES ANYONE WANT TO DO THE HONOR OF ENDING HIS WICKED WAYS? Come forward and assist me in my mission that I received at the Palace and I will give you gold, buy you a drink, and I am certain improve your standing amongst your community.

2019-03-14, 03:53 AM
Outside the Kabuki Theater

Many people in the departing crowd stop when they hear Kyorlin's requests. They look to Uga whom is noticeably more sober, replies "I am not a puppet for mob justice. I will never bow to the mob. Ever. And neither will my soldiers. I have fought and bled for Rokugan. Whether I die here, in this city, or by an assassin's blade at home, or on the battlefield, it matters little.

Many of the people hang their heads, mutter to each other, "It can't be helped," or "He harvests what he planted," or "Perhaps the Kami are merciful to us citizens after all." Regardless, they dismiss the man as a lost cause, and, refusing to get involved, they continue to walk away.

Three armed men dressed only in hakama, the clothing worn underneath armor, appear at the entrance to the Kabuki. One of them questions the shop owner, who refuses point-blank to answer their questions. The other two, roughly a hundred feet from Kyorlin, stop and call to Kyorlin, Oy! What's going on? The other makes a comment to him, and he amends his question, ...sir Legionaire?

Parade Grounds
The tournament comes to an abrupt end with the departure of Yrashnal from the ring. Although a few judges look as if they're going to stop him, none do, and they declare Donovan--and thus the man whom he championed--the winner of this bout. The man, in turn, goes over to Donovan and thanks him spiritedly. "Thank you for your help! I feel I must give you a token of my thanks. Meet me at the barracks north-facing in a half hour; I'd like you to have it.

A sound of screaming comes from nearby. Several of the assembled people, expressing concern, look around and fan out, asking the passersby about what's happened. A few people from the crowd answer that it sounded like it came from the underground Kabuki--the theatre, which was nearby and just past a cleaner's--and three of the men from the tournament run off.

2019-03-14, 07:20 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Monk snorts in the direction of the man thanking Donovan to disguise the deep, powerful breath he takes in a moment later; he has already been in combat with the warrior, but Yhrashnal makes sure to reconfirm the man's scent before anything else. He will have revenge for that dishonorable attack. "Time for work." The Monk states as he turns his back on the man and follows after the three leading the charge toward the commotion. Perhaps he will get to eat a proper meal today.

<Enemies? Prey? Sooner than expected. Deal with that foul man later. We will sate our desires and they will thank us for it.>[Donovan]

Current HP: 92/98 (87 +5 Fast Healing)
AC: 20(23 base -3 Con damage), FF 20 (23 base-3 Con), Touch 12
Ghostly Cooldown: 2 rounds. Will probably fully recharge by the time we reach the place-of-interest.

2019-03-14, 07:43 PM
Unties Uga, walks up to the 3 men while stashing his possessions
Just some street performance I like to engage in, It draws a crowd and Uga played his part well. See Kyorlin has his fingers dance in the flame of the torch before extinguishing it with his hand and relighting it with faerie fire. its perfectly harmless passes the torch to one of the men as he gives a curt bow and leaves, rounding corner after corner. Weaving his way through the streets to avoid being followed. He sees no one around he locates a building with a strong looking flat roof and shifting his essentia into his phase cloak, climbs to the top of the structure and rests theretaking 10 even though rushed or threatened climb 34.

2019-03-14, 08:23 PM
Donovan is likewise interested in giving this man a gift of new insight. He considers how he might innocuously ask to meet somewhere more secluded, but Yhrashnal's telepathic voice interrupts his thoughts with an enticing prospect. There would be time later for new beginnings.

"Your appreciation is appreciated! I will meet you then."
With a friendly manner and thankful nod both unlike himself, he departs from Okuno's company to investigate the commotion.

2019-03-16, 08:36 PM
Outside the KabukiThe soldiers recoil from Uga as the man begins to protest. "It was not a performance! Soldiers, arrest him!! This is real flesh and blood!! he wipes his hand through his face which weeps blood and melted flesh--Kyorlin did quite a job of burning on him--but the soldiers protest, "but sir!! HE arrived with the Emerald Magistrates! He traveled with a Monk, a shugenja and another modest Legionaire!! SURELY--"
He is an imposter! I will have you hung! I am High Lord Saionje Uga!! Do you not recognize my voice?!?
"Very well, we shall find him and ask for his signet ring. If he is a Magistrate, he will be beyond our means to prosecute him, though..." The soldiers take off to look for a man whom has disappeared. They pass by where Kyorlin climbed, and tell each other they must be able to ask about him in the dignitary quarters. So they set off!

Many of the Samurai-in- training thank Yrashnal to see or experience him in action, and ask what school of Enlightenment he hails from.

You have a half hour to kill. Eat well.

2019-03-16, 10:56 PM

Walks along the roof tops back to Maiden's tickle. There he finds a table and waits to buy a drink. How can he get the people of Rokugan to become a vigilante mob? Perhaps he needs to change the silly laws these mortals live by.

As he enjoys the more relaxed atmosphere here, he is likely giving off an aura of unquenched bloodthirst- souring the mood in his corner of the establishment.
Perhaps he can get some information from the geisha that comes to serve him.

Though it will likely be awkward pillow talk he rather mix business and pleasure. Who knows maybe she'll have some guilt to confess, even if it untrue it barely matters.

2019-03-17, 04:30 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The crowd that forms around Yhrashnal is, much like every interaction with mortals, quite frustrating; he pushed through for a few seconds, but that moment is all the time it takes for the warriors who rushed away to disappear around a corner, leaving Yhrashnal without a guide.

"The school of Punishment. Of Perfected Rage. Serene Hatred. Suffering. Rebirth. Pain.

You are welcome to learn of these things. Arrange a place for this lesson."

Bluff: [roll0]

2019-03-27, 08:49 PM
Parade Grounds
Aside from the one who had a pleasant exchange with Donovan,[/B tThe assembled men recoil in shock at Yrashnal's words. Confronted with the idea of subverting the basic principals of peace and virtue, those listening mutter to themselves that this one, this monk who calls himself Yrashnal..."he offers a test for us and our sense of purity." Despite their frank conclusions of his nature, they face his sense of urgency, power and anger, and step away from his path, allowing him to leave wherever he so pleases.

The Maiden's Tickle
Kyorlin is given admittance back to the Maiden's tickle, and though the ladies coax a few coins from him, the jealous looks he gets from other men tell him he's actually had quite a deal on the price of his drink. Kyorlin's mood is quite readable, and he is left alone aside from the occasional lady who makes sure his current course of drinks are satisfactory.

If he wants to take in any knowledge or gossip, he'll need [B]Gather Information, of course.

2019-03-28, 12:10 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

"...As expected. Come when you seek power." The Monk departs at a steady, relaxed pace and does not spend much time or effort determining where the disturbance took place now that his leads have vanished; he could do so if he wished, but there is another matter to look into that might make better use of Donovan. Yhrashnal takes a slow walk toward the docks as he partially explains the situation.

<Poison in Wine cellars. Hidden potion laboratories. Secrets in the bank. Mages that can detect me. We will ambush them. Enslave them. Make them like you.

Your kind are also subjects of this place. Tools for our mission.>[Donovan]

2019-03-28, 02:16 AM
Maiden's tickle

None of this seems to be alleviate his mood. He listens to gossip to pass the time.gathering information[roll0]sipping his drink, enjoying the sights of the geisha with passing interest.

2019-03-28, 07:51 PM
The Maiden's Tickle

Kyorlin's foul mood leads him to other entertaining distractions; the Geisha, in turn, use him as a buffer between more unpleasant and rowdy men, who are cowed by the large man's brooding manner.

At first Kyorlin doesn't hear much else, but he does hear--in passing--that one of the Samurai of the local garrison is having trouble recruiting enough troops for...? but the conversation passes his stationary position.

Sitting there, Kyorlin hears excellent gossip, however, that makes it worth his time and money.
There have been sixty-seven deaths in Kyuden GoteiThe Rear-Admiral was murdered on a ship by a water spirit; he was found, drowned, among the bodies of the dying stuffed in a cabin on his capitol ship.

There are some Samurai--like Saionje Uga--that are under investigation for corrupt and dishonorable practices. Others are Hojo Kaishin and Shomun Jotano.

This past month, all of which have been with people of influence in the bank or with merchants. No one seems safe, and even Bushi are being well-paid to be around.

Many capitol cities and port-towns have had deaths like this. Kyuden Moshi, the centipede capitol, has been particularly hard-hit, and worse, most of their Shugenja have been assigned to special tasks regarding special concerns of the state.

2019-03-28, 08:16 PM

Decides to attempt to leave and makes his way to the door, then stops pivoting he heads towards the bar. I would like to talk to the Manager.

2019-03-29, 09:27 AM
Donovan follows Yhrashnal, still intrigued by the idea of being aided in his task, instead of opposed at every side. He'd tried before to simply convince others to embrace his insight, but it had ended poorly on every occasion.

"You misunderstand my nature. It is not slavery, but a freedom. A sort of enlightenment..."
"But it is not simple, nor expedient to become as I have. They will first need to be delivered to the sea."

He speaks more eloquently than he had in his previous conversation with Yhrashnal, a rapid and marked improvement indicative of rememberance rather than learning.

2019-03-29, 05:23 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Monk takes a moment to consider this information; water is obviously the best environment for his companion and when this being spread its form to others it will depend on the water to properly create more of its own kind. Some afflict with bite, some breed through murder, and this being erodes life alongside the sea.

"Understood." His elocution is as abrupt and concise as ever; perhaps more so than before since he need not speak his mind since his mind can now speak for him. <This is a delicate area; the domain of a being like a Voice Called,>[Donovan] Yhrashnal lets that statement hang for a moment before continuing, <...of great value. Secretive. Cunning. Capable. Not worth offending for no gain. Reagents, poison, mortal wealth, mortal lives, magical secrets: Do you have need of these? If not we should check with the Drow-fiend.

My life-force was damaged by that mortal you replaced. I have need for flesh. Time. This can wait, but it must be done. After this task. Before our main mission.> [Donovan]

Survival check (Int as ability Mod) to scent-track Kyorlin. [roll0]

2019-03-29, 09:52 PM
It's not too difficult to find Kyorlin; his tracks lead him to a rooftop, yes, but his scent follows his previously-left scent at the bar of a brothel not thirty paces from the northern entrance of the barracks. The location is further-confirmed by a peach-perfume-scented lady tailed closely by a silk-robed lady. They pass by quickly, but their exchange is less hushed and more hurried "..and he asked to see you right away Lady Itoshi."
"His name?"
"Kyorlin or something?"
"Great...Crab-clan. Mion?" The Lady Itoshi, svelte and poised, pauses briefly outside The Maiden's Tickle. She wears delicate silk robes of soft orange that pairs well with her blush; it forms a sharp contrast with her eyes, lined with bright red paints and black eyeliner; they command authority with their presence "Crab men speak their minds. It's good I've been summoned.
"Th-thank you~" The younger lady flourishes a bit awkwardly as she waits for the older woman to enter.

The Maiden's Tickle
Kyorlin's evening ruminations change with the appearance of the owner, Lady Itoshi, in all of her finery. Her peach-and-red outfit, her hair pulled up and back, held into a pear-shaped bun and covered by cloth matching her kimono; her eyes red-and-black that show she is anything but a soft fruit, like the rest of her dress. She walks quietly to the bar; the one man who reaches for her butt--to give it a squeeze--finds his hand facing a very sharp metal fan. He recoils his hand, bleeding from a deep cut, and leaves. She fans her face, watching Kyorlin, and faces him.

"Lady Itoshi, owner and manager. You are Kyorlin, correct?"

2019-03-30, 11:57 AM
"I would have use for each, but none are needed. Time would benefit me as well."

Indeed, Donovan's brief communions with the serenity during his duels have left him with a lingering inspiration; new secrets to be scrawled upon himself. The process was not inexpensive, but could be more easily funded in other ways.

However it seemed a matter of course to bring up his own discovery once more.

"... I spoke before of a cove. Guarded, but with many treasures. I doubt that I alone would be swift enough to prevent them raising an alarm. But knowing more of this land's warriors, the two of us could likely overcome them. Would this also risk offending the one you mention?"

2019-03-30, 12:19 PM
Maiden's tickle

Gives a curt respectfully bow I have come to enjoy my time

I would like to discuss a potential business arrangement, would you like to continue this in private?

2019-03-30, 12:58 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

<Possibly. It is unlike us; less direct by far, less destructive twice over. It knows of eldritch trickery. Much like...>[>Donovan] The Monk closes a fist and hums an odd, but extremely practiced, melody that gathers sparks of unearthly power to his fist...which then jump through his fingertips and dissipate into the wind. Yhrashnal examines the still-closed fist closely before putting it back at his side. <Hm. Never mind. My growth is still insufficient.

That One does not deal in death as we do. However, it is worth Alliance. Companionship. Not slavery. Disparate relationships. If slaughter is to our benefit, so be it. We will deal with it later. We will find a gift for it during our mission. It has a liking for important mortals. One moment.>[>Donovan]

Yhrashnal closes his eyes for a moment, launching a ripple of thought-essence outward in the direction he detected Kyorlin's scent. This telepathy bears no message, no words, no meaning; it is little more than a moment of mental background noise aimed at roughly where he thinks Kyorlin would be if the strange creature is even within range of Yhrashnals ability in the first place.

<If my power reached the Drow-Fiend it should be alerted; perhaps enough to survive. If not, we will lose little. Lead the way.>[>Donovan] The Monk vanishes mid-stride just as its eyes take on a fiendish tint and its arms bulge as new connections to reinforce the burgeoning claws upon its hands.

Swift Action to become Invisible.
--Current HP: 98/98 (Con damage)
AC: 20 (-3 from Con damage)
Yhrashnal takes on his natural form and then enhances it with two extra arms, a second set of eyes just above his natural ones, and a talons upon his feet. If relevant this would be a Standard Action to assume base form, and another Standard action to use Combined Essence to grow a second set of arms, possibly followed by a third Standard Action to shift his Talons from his feet to his second set of hands.

2019-03-30, 03:32 PM
Maiden's Tickle

Without another word, the Lady Itoshi leads you to a corner of the common area. A few ladies trail you; one brings the both of you cushions, another a small tea-table, and a third carries a tray; she sets down a mat, already-stewing tea and cups for the both of you. The ladies retreat from the area, leaving you alone. No one could approach this area without being obvious that they'd be listening. Alone, sort of, but still seen, she nods her head to Kyorlin in silent indication for him to continue.

2019-03-30, 06:11 PM
Maiden's tickle

Sitting on the mat he excitedly takes a cup of tea, bring it to below is face he closes his eyes and enjoys the aroma. Seemly pleased with the scent he sips from his cup and places the cup back on to the table.

Since you already know my name you must know the title I have here.

I would like to offer the services of myself if not my traveling companions if it suits them. Have you heard of my performance with Uga today?

2019-03-30, 07:13 PM
Donovan leads them towards the area beneath which the underflow crosses. As he does so, he goes over what he'd seen before in more detail, before then describing the entrances.

"There are two, at least. One is hidden, an underwater passage with dangerous magical fields. They are stationary, but difficult to notice. If you have a means of surviving without air then I can lead you. It was not kept close watch over when I traversed it, and may afford us surprise...

The other seems to be the main entrance. I know less of it, but it is more accessible."

2019-03-30, 07:57 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

<I breath as mortals do. For now. With a live shark or squid I can correct that problem. Otherwise, the second path is better.

The Docks first then. Perhaps the mortals have captured something useful.>[Donovan]
Swift Action to become Invisible.
--Current HP: 98/98 (Con damage)
AC: 20 (-3 from Con damage)
Currently in 4-armed (Claw+Talon) Barghest form.

2019-03-30, 11:29 PM
The Maiden's Tickle

The Lady Itoshi's eyes tighten at the mention of Uga. It's a small gesture, and easy to miss, but perhaps she meant it to be seen. "He does not swing from a rafter, blood exiting between his legs, does he? He did that to a young geisha once. " With the questions her summary have likely raised, she continues after a pregnant pause.

"She loved him greatly, and she'd believed his affections were sincere for her, too. When he pulled away, she sought to pressure him into marriage to raise her child. Saionje Uga is the son of a wealthy and powerful merchant, and he uses his father's position as a means to protect himself. His family carries influence over all of Rokugan, and when I heard an Emerald Magistrate--and company--were here I had hoped to hear that monster had the justice he deserved. But--" she takes a quivering breath. Though her face is a mask, her tone gestalts despair and rage. "Well, I could be killed for even saying as much as I've said, and most men would look away, or even help, if he asked for it.

She watches the tea curl, holding the silence as long as she dares. Just before Kyorlin deems it appropriate to respond she continues,

"I was once told, as a little girl, that the Emerald Magistrates serve the country of Rokugan as a gardener tends to a garden. No one kills a gardener when he prunes the hedge of diseased limbs."

2019-03-31, 12:27 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Southwestern docks

You arrive just past mid-day at the bustling docks. Ships arrive and depart here, and the business is military--mostly--and you are given berth and freedom to explore once Donovan has been recognized as an Emerald dignitary. Yrashnal remains unseen by most, but there are a number of very strange looks he gets by robed shugenja that do see him. They say nothing, but watch Yrashnal as they go about their own conversations.

2019-03-31, 08:10 AM

I do apologize, he is a stubborn one, I hope you hear of our scorching performance, and it brings you satisfaction.
I would be willing to continue with Uga as I would for your other troublesome patrons for compensation for my time. I'm going to find my companions and discuss it with them. getting up give a curt respectfully bow and leaves.

Wandering the streets looking for his fellow void called.

2019-03-31, 08:18 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

<Mostly war vessels. Even so, one of these boats must have fresh catch.>[Donovan] The Beast slows his stride for a moment to draw deeply from the scent of the sea in hopes of picking out the smell of dying fish from the rest of the almost overwhelming odors.

Survival check to find fish/Seafood via Scent: [roll0]

<...This way?>[Donovan] The Beast projects to Donovan as he adjusts his course slightly; unfortunately he has to spend extra effort sending Donovan directions since Yhrashnal is mostly undetectable, but that is the sacrifice he must make here. Although the Beast does does not typically spare those who detect him even a first glance he does, at least, keep the number of invisibility-bypassing mages in mind as they make their way closer to (what he hopes) is the first step toward the team's goal. This military state is ready for trouble. Especially here in one of their most important/vulnerable areas.

2019-03-31, 03:50 PM
As he walks along the docks, Donovan gives a knowing nod to those shugenja that seem intent upon the empty air near him, hoping to dispel any alarm. He inquires about the catch, and whether it includes anything of a less usual nature.

2019-03-31, 04:01 PM
Yrashnal and Donovan make their way among the extensive docks. Everywhere sounds and smells abound: The wash of fresh ocean, crisp and warm with the taste of rain in the air, mingles with birds that dart in and between the many ships moored at the docks. The many piers, too, creak and sway with soldiers and shugenja, couriers and porters going their own hurried ways.

On the between the piers of the great dock, there are indeed fishing trawlers, most of which have a bird or two that attempt to avoid the swats of the men rowing among the ships, bartering or selling fish to those ready to depart or just about to travel. Men lean over rowboats suspended over the sides of the warships and balance, ever fearless, as they heave bunches of fresh fish in exchange for generous compensation. Some ships, prepared for long voyages, seek just-cured cured already.

Donovan approaches a younger shugenja who looks helpful, and upon request, he calls over a pair of older men on a longboat. The shugenja doesn't stay around--he gives Yrashnal a worried look--but the fishermen approach. They have the lean bodies of men inured to the flow of fishing life. "What can we get you, young man?"

2019-03-31, 05:10 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

<A creature to contribute to my strength. Shark or squid offers the most. Lesser creatures would be sufficient, not optimal. It must be alive.>[Donovan, Fishermen] The Beast approaches the humble workers and allows its thoughts to scrape at the edge of each fisherman's mind, simultaneously sending slightly more pleasant copy of this transmission to Donovan to ensure the undead knows of its needs. <Delayed payment should be within the realm...of our...authority...>[Donovan]

While delivering his desires Yhrashnal's attention locks onto one of the many birds flitting about above the docks; much like the fish he requires to travel alongside Donovan he should be able to make good use of such a creature. The Beastly form he has taken quickly compresses and stretches and rearranges into that of the Monk as he stands there. In the next moment some of the scant traces of power lingering within the disguised barghest are given structure; after a good twenty seconds of watching and transforming and finding a proper target Yhrashnal explosively launches himself into the air and snatches at one of the many birds in hopes of grabbing it without instantly crushing the poor thing to death.

Current HP: 98/98 (Con damage)
AC: 20 (-3 from Con damage)
Currently in 4-armed (Claw+Talon) Barghest form.
Series of actions-
Round 1: Standard Action to transform in the Monk, losing natural attacks and extra arms.

Round 2: Standard Action to use Fly SLA (expending two uses of the Levitate SLA to do so).

Round 3: Charge Attack Grapple on one of those birds; I'm sure Seagulls are the most common but if something larger, like a duck or heron, shows up Yhrashnal would prioritize that other bird. Higher tier predators are even higher priorities.

Movement speed: As per Fly speed: 60 (so a strike range of 120 feet), Good Maneuverability.
Attack: [roll0] (+1 unarmed, +2 Invisibility)
Grapple initiate check: [roll1]
Effects at end of round:
-2 AC from charge (18 AC)
Invisibility Ends.
Aura of Despair affects bird (Will save DC 16 or suffer -2 penalties).
Remaining Fly Duration: 59 rounds

2019-03-31, 06:20 PM

Wanders towards to water as one of his party members is infatuated with the sea. On his way he keeps an eye out for a potion shop or a scroll dispensary, likely some place not owned by humans(has rokugan humans seem to abstain from magic).

2019-03-31, 07:50 PM
Just as water takes the shape of its container, it would seem. But Donovan does not dwell long upon the curiosities of his companion.

"An... unusual request, perhaps. But my friend would be most appreciative if you have anything of the sort."

2019-03-31, 10:37 PM
The Maiden's Tickle

Lady Itoshi looks furious with Kyorlin, and says only, "Uga's injuries, along with his association with this place could lead to this place facing terrible retrubution, and no one from the state would intervene. Many of my women have nowhere else to go, else we'd flee.

...While wicked men like Uga live, our country will breed the sins of men to be normal." This last she whispers to Kyorlin and sweeps away before he has the chance to reply. Her demeanor cold, she kindly tells the men in the common area that they'd best make their selections or find another place to be tonight.

Kyorlin exits the place promptly, his tea and drinks generously compensated already--a small measure of thanks, perhaps, but bittersweet--and he passes by a small shrine, where finely-robed Shugenja write down intonations or prayer recitations, or Ofuda.

Kyuden Hida - SW docks

The two older men look shocked by Donovan's "request" and slowly repeat, "You want a shark--alive?"
The other says, "Well, we do sometimes find octopus, but not today..."
"Yeah, we know someone who hunts rare creatures. A foreigner named...Ahab. Salty man, very nasty. Loves strong liquor and a good challenge."
"Would he find them a shark?"
"For free? I'd like to see him convince the sea dog." The first man turns to Donovan and says, "If you can convince that old curmudgeon to do it for free, we won't charge you the finder's fee for taking yo to him. Hop on!"

The two men share several good laughs as they maneuver the boat and let Donovan on. Strangely, the boat sways as if an invisible creature ran quickly across the length of the boat and lunged forward, towards the bay. The fishermen, concerned about their craft not behaving erratically, miss the awesome sight of a fearsome wolf-creature appear in midair and *slam* into a spectacled cormorant (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/ExtbPallusCormorantovw.jpg).

Several people on the doc had been enjoying the fishing habits of this incredible fishing bird. It must be roughly twelve pounds--enough to feed three starving men for a meal or two--and it has been perched on a vessel lazily floating towards the middle of the bay. It dives from the low stern of the ship, likely to catch itself a fish that had come up to eat. It doesn't complete its short dive.

Yrahnal descends in a flurry of attacks as the Anja monk. The bird has a brief moment to correct its course, but its attempt fails to his grip. A chorus of gasps accompanied by pointing people--mostly shugenja--accompany this, and a few others turn from the ship to observe the loud crash into the water nearby as Yrashnal bears down its prey into the bay.

The older men notice this, purely from a standpoint of their maneuvering the boat, and one asks, "Is it just me or are the Kami restless?"
"Rokugan has its cycles."
"But that's a monk!"
"Oh yes. He must have Rakshasa blood."
They paddle on, and speed Donovan towards the mouth of the bay.
"Ahab's not too far, maybe an hour's journey from here. The man has a terrible plot of land, but he uses it well, and lives peacefully away from Kyuden Gotei"

2019-03-31, 11:11 PM

Sighs, it sounds like he can not cash in on his mission unless he kills them after....

He needs another drink, maybe he'll remember to ask them for information. It matters not as he is tiring of these non killing missions, for why the void would call upon most in his party for this task he can not fathom.

Has he didn't find any potion or scroll vendors he goes to the a bar the fisherman frequent, maybe he'll commit some terrible act of slaughter to cheer himself up.

2019-04-01, 12:10 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Ajna-Monk is utterly ruthless in his assault of the bird, pummeling the hapless creature as the ocean draws the pair into its grasp. In striking the creature down he spares himself no dignity or face: one hand throttles the bird about its neck, two hands smash its wings with force that could crush the skull of an ox, and the last palm strikes the bird repeatedly as he forces its organs to fail manually. Only when the bird has been reduced to a state half a hair away from death does Yhrashnal end his attack to swim forcefully to the surface; three arms and the athletic ability of a war-fiend allow him to quickly breech with his quarry in tow and, after a moment spent reorienting himself, the Monk steps out of the water and into the air by means of his meager magic.

A strangely content expression rests on the Monk's face as he skims against water gliding after the boat bearing his companion; even a hateful dog-fiend is still a dog, it seems, and is exceptionally happy with a successful hunt. <This will be useful. Very useful.>[Donovan] He projects to Donovan as he closes the distance between them.

Yhrashnal will beat, subdue, and cripple the bird but he'll hold off on acquiring/killing it for now: he can only hold 2 forms and there is no point in acquiring the bird then immediately forgetting the bird to acquire a shark instead. Especially since he'll need to delete the shark immediately to access its water-breath ability.

2019-04-01, 04:45 PM

Frustration building at not finding a bar for homicidal entertainment he goes back to looking for magic method of breathing underwater. Maybe he is looking at this all wrong, perhaps their is a mundane way to travel underwater. Wondering if there are treasure hunting supplies for archeological purposes...obviously, like diving equipment.

2019-04-02, 04:25 PM
Mantis islands - West of Kyuden Gotei
The wind has died down for now and the two men row their boat contentedly towards a jetty to the north. Yrashnal lands on the boat just in time to lose his ability to fly. The fishermen are more than a little put-off by a monk, carrying a bird, one of its wings broken, in his hand, but they keep their pace and continue the journey. It looks as if the men want to say something, but instead decide to bite their tongues.

2019-04-02, 06:01 PM
Kyuden Gotei

Kyorlin, ignorant of the magical nature of ofuda for Shugenja, looks about the area he's passing by. Not at the docks yet, he goes past the dignitary quarters at a fine pace. On his way, he recognizes a servant--she averts her eyes on his approach--who had served tea to him and his companions when they'd arrived. She's carrying a wax-paper parcel that has the scent of ocean spray about it, and excuses herself from his path on her way to return to the Dignitary Quarters.

2019-04-02, 06:15 PM

Follows the servant back to his quarters if not able to catch her to ask her where to purchase what he desires then to take a look at that package.

2019-04-02, 08:30 PM
Returned to his element, Donovan had grown somewhat more somber since they'd departed the docks. The willingness of these men was no longer a necessity, and so neither was the charade of kindness.

Though... If they kept a good impression of their passengers then it might help things along with this "Ahab".
"Nothing to worry over. Unusual company is but a chance for new experiences."

Indeed, there would be time aplenty for broadening horizons during the return trip.

2019-04-03, 12:21 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Dignitary Quarters

The servant, unsettled at being so directly asked by Kyorlin, tells him promptly where he could find any diving equipment he desired. The servant refuses to give him access to the package, however, apologizing profusely, and excuses herself into a nearby room and locks the door. Kyorlin can hear footsteps leading away from the room, and sees her no more. He is not alone, however.

A man, robed in Shugenja clothing, approaches Kyorlin from another hallway. He glides towards him, and the crimson of his robes gives contrast to the golden phoenix designs along the sleeves. After appraising Kyolin's disposition he gives a curteous nod and introduces himself. "Chomu Wakabe, of the Moyasu Shugenja. Ah, are you one of those Magistrates that came from Kyuden Hida? I would very much like to sit and talk with your companions when you have time. We have some information that must be relayed to the other magistrates. Be sure to call on me the next few days. Room 16. He bows and waits for a response, and if not engaged he will sweep on by and exit, then proceed north and east towards the center of the city.

2019-04-03, 12:24 AM

let's hear it then, head the way. I'll relay the information to my compatriots when I see them.
Follows this man.

2019-04-03, 01:55 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Dignitary quarters
"Ah...Right. " Sweat falls from his brow as he leads Kyorlin to his own quarters. You wait a few more minutes, for tea of course. The man is silent and looks quite uncomfortable. "I lead a group of thirty Shugenja practiced in circle-magic. The High Lord here had wanted our aid against some...foe that had supposedly corrupted an ancient portal deep beneath the castle. Did you hear a quarter of their fleet being destroyed?

...ah, of course you were there. I, we...left the Phoenix clan at the wrong time. Reflective people made of magical glass have showed up at the Phoenix clan. They claim to work for agents beyond the Burning Sands, and our spells are nearly useless against them. The Elemental Spirits themselves know nothing about them, and they demand answers to their demands before this month's end. I have sent word to Magistrates Tokua, Higemo, Aruwa, and Shinden--ah, Shinden Yuki, that is--but I admit to being poorly connected for my time in a school for many years. Can you recommend anyone else?

2019-04-03, 02:19 PM

Alright, I will take this information to my group and we will see if this is something we can help with.

Would you happen to have a scroll or potion for breathing or be able to make one or two?

2019-04-03, 07:26 PM
Dignitary quarters
The phoenix man clearly seems agitated, although not beyond thinking his thoughts out loud. "Ah, of course, I must have caught you on pressing business.

Scrolls? You mean ofuda? Aren't there other Shugenja scribing ofuda at the shrine nearby? They provide services to the public, sure, but they'll also scribe a spell for you. You have that signet ring, so certainly they'll record it and send it to Otosan Uchi for compensation. That's worked for me. He rises from his table, bowing graciously and looking as if he must leave, himself.

Ah, please enjoy more tea with me again some time soon! We should have a larger gathering. I find those to be most invigorating, and we'd love to be able to share more with our Emerald Dignitaries.


Hut North-west of Kyuden Gotei
With little to discuss, you speed your way to the jetty upon which a small house perches. There's a sizable bamboo marsh between that divides this stretch of and from the mainland, and it seems to be well-groomed. Two medium-sized plots of land hold worked-and-planted vegetables, and it seems the stretch closest to the hut has been partially plowed, but the sailor has taken a break. Many vegetables that looks like a cross between miniature green trees and flowers have been dug up and a man heaves a sack into a cart.

One of the fishermen in your boat stand as they dock on a soft, gentle curve of land that's perfect for landing small craft. "Oi! Ahab! How are you?"

"Come help me finish this harvest. Damn legs giving me trouble--"
"I thought they regrew it?"
Never had a leg regrown by a spell? Still smarts summat awful!"
The two sailors look askew at each other but offer their help. "We'll give you what aid we can, but how long should it take?
"Five 'o Us be done before tha sun moves much further."

He sits on his porch and, nursing a leg that he treats tenderly, he gives snappy and loud encouragement to finish the tasks. With the four of you rotating to work the plow--and it's awkwardly hard work to push for all but the anja monk--you make short work of the field's structure. With a bit of direction, the old sailor has all the field plowed and planted and a great harvest to look at.

While you've all worked at the fields, he's sorted through his crops and decided what to compost, what to eat, and--apparently--what to cook.

Nearly half the field were tubers--either yams or just sweet potatoes--and some of them are quite large.

"Lucky you came. I was going to have to make the rest of these tubers into schochu!"
"You know how to do that?!?"
"I've learned a lot, living here mostly alone, these past twelve years, so yes. "
"You've lived here that long?"
Aye. If my crew hadn't all drowned before I got here, and if I hadn't had my leg regrown by that kind witch or whatever..."
"Aye. She took me in, an' I'm sure I'd still be off trying to kill the whale that took it."
The other sailor, the one that's a bit older, spits on a rock that nearly trips him. "This is a poor plot of land, though."
"But favored by the gods, she said. And poor the land may be, I can smell the sea and work the land o' tha sadness ta turn it inna what? All this! "

He gestures to his little islet, and it truly is peaceful. Amidst what must would normally be buffeted horribly by the winds and storms, it's certainly very calm, and birds fly overhead, even, to catch the insects in the marshy area that separates this land from the rest. His bamboo-wood hut has been divided efficiently into a storage area, an area to sleep, and a rudimentary kitchen, which even includes a cooling hole to chill items for a long while. It's not terribly tall (seven feet at most)

"I have'n axe, stone to sharpen it, blades to cut what I need, nets to fish the shore, an' no bustle o' tha land back home.
It's peace enough for a broken heart."

When the sorting has finished, the harvested crops either well-arranged--including a sizable haul of vegetables for the sailors--or composted into rather large pits which the accented ex-sailor says is how he gets such excellent yields--he sits you all down into his hut and thanks you profoundly.

"Now...This old man never brings strangers here unless they have an odd request
The elder fisherman flinches a little at being so directly pointed out, but he nods his head.
"Out with it. I'll see what I can do as I heat up this stew."

2019-04-03, 07:42 PM

Finally takes a sip of his tea, notes to self to wait until after the business is discussed before drinking tea. Yes, we'll have to do this again with the rest of them.
Thanks for the information and your time. with that he takes his leave. While walking away he holds his signet ring with his other hand and tries to contact Tun.

2019-04-04, 04:08 PM
Kyuden Gotei - dignitary quarters
Kyorlin must wait for a minute, but he soon feels the piercing voice of Tun in his mind. It rings with surprise. "Have you completed your task already, mortal?

2019-04-04, 04:46 PM

In his head says [No, these humans are a stubborn lot. This time isn't about that a human just told me reflective people from another world are invading in a months time, is this the coming darkness we're supposed to prepare rokugan for?]

2019-04-04, 06:28 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

"I am here to improve myself. To study beasts. To consume the worthy. I seek a sea-beast to practice my art; these men state that only you could catch one.

You seem amenable to a trade. I want a Shark. Or a Squid. Or an Octopus. Or any living sea-predator able to fight and kill a man. Or the means to find one on my own. What would you ask of me for this? You do not seem interested in wealth, but I have greater means than mere money." The Monk holds this mortal in an unwavering gaze, his captured bird still tucked under one of the lower arms.

2019-04-06, 01:13 AM
Dignitary quarters
Kyorlin feels the sharp pangs of disappointment seep through the mental connection. You are welcome to bargain for that information. What will you pay to know the answer? I can assure you, that information could be extremely valuable in the right ears.

Ahab's Islet
The man's eyes flash for a moment. Yrashnal and Donovan see the great depths of sadness from this man, the pit he's filled, mostly, with quiet and serenity. The man teeters on the precipice between dedicated, learned serenity and unquenchable vengeance. He leans a little towards the latter as he whispers, I know of a great whale, a gargantuan beast that could threaten even the greatest ship of this entire nation.

The other sailors look uncomfortably at each other but they lean in.

I lost my leg to tha creature. Lost my crew. Lost my ship...least I got me leg. It lives in the deep sea of storms, through which mortal men rarely live to tell the tale. 'Twould take a month's travel, best, ta find it. But tha price would be...vengeance.

The second fisherman--the middle-aged one--looks as if he's about to say something, but the older man touches his arm and nods to Yrashnal, as if to say It's his call, not ours.

2019-04-06, 03:42 AM

Releasing his signet ring with his other hand with sigh, if it was the shadow.... maybe I need to contact the void himself... what did that sailor said only the crab would talk to the void everyone else just ignores him... hmm wonder why they would ignore a disembodied voice.

Goes to the nearby shrine for his scrolls.

2019-04-06, 01:22 PM

"Interesting. A single beast did so much?" This is not exactly what Yhrashnal was looking for, but Yhrashnal considers the offer all the same; a single creature capable of besting any ship and crew from this nation? The Beast is currently pursuing so many tasks and fulfilling several important obligations; hunting such a creature would surely be worth his time, but is it worth neglecting or abandoning his other duties?

"Two months?" In a single month he has acquired abilities unlike that which he possessed after his postnatal feeding frenzy. Deep, hateful power no less magical than the normal abilities of his kind, but unwieldy and laborious to employ. Ancient strength from begat by his ancestors, offering him a more adaptable body. The blessing of the Voice, making Yhrashnal unlike others of his kind. These things will be his advantage when facing his brothers, his fore-bearers, his ancestors who first refined some of the powers he is slowly mastering.

"Two months..."The aid of several lesser Voice Called has granted him the backing necessary to face enemies he could not normally evade and win battles he would not normally survive. It is obvious that working alongside the Voice Called will be of great benefit to him even if the daily gains from doing so are less than what he would gain from striking off alone. But this would truly be a fine hunt...

"If this is what you ask then I refuse. To waste two months now would be counterproductive, even if this creature you seek is worthy." His statement drops with great finality. "My strength is still growing. A powerful Sea-Predator would benefit me greatly. There are injuries from a battle that I must eliminate. A powerful Sea-Predator would be useful for this as well. Even so, my time is more valuable than serving these ends. There are other ways to accomplish these things. Predators that are less than your foe.

I would need more time before embarking on this hunt. If I fail in my current mission then there will be no nation to produce the ships this creature destroys. There will be no lords to watch over your land. There will be no men alive to work it. Even if I abandoned my duties it is doubtful that I would be able to slay the being as I am now. Two months of time wasted would stunt my growth such that slaying your foe might be less beneficial than merely continuing without my prey or yours. If the return trip is the same, four months would certainly be a great loss.

However...this will not be true forever. Within the year my circumstances will change. Within the year your foe will still live.

Aid us for this year and we will slay your foe once our power is sufficient. We have need of a shipmaster. You have use for our strength. Your skills will aid this land. Your guidance will purge the sea."

2019-04-06, 08:19 PM
Donovan can only note the sailor's personal turmoil with a sorrow of his own. Though the subject of the tale is... peculiar, the tone in which it is related conveys conviction; obsession. A vendetta. It brings to mind experiences of a life long past, and the senseless pains a beating heart could inflict upon itself. Donovan had held no ambitions of the same magnitude, granted, but a greater desire could only mean a greater suffering when left unfulfilled.

Naturally he knew the solution to the captain's troubles; the solution to all troubles of the soul. But it was one not readily accepted.

Donovan is of like mind to his companion in at least one way; a month is by far too much time to lose in gaining entrance to the treasure cove. But in another fashion he disagreed; the captain would be of little use to them so afflicted as he was. To say nothing of the prospect of leaving him to suffer when he so clearly desired absolution.

"Why such a lengthy act of vengeance if peace of heart is what you seek?"

... "I assume you have not remained here for twelve years in the hopes that this whale will come to you. Rather than helping you to abandon your search for serenity, perhaps I could help you to find it?"

2019-04-07, 12:21 AM

Grabs his signet ring to recontact Tun. Mentally convening
[Tun do you really work for the void? We were brought here to strength the rokugan peoples were we not? Why don't you collect payment from the void since this is his project, does he not offer you payment?
Miss old Tun that just gave us things.]

2019-04-07, 10:37 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Citizen's Shrine
The shrine bustles, now, since it's picked up attention. Many people--mostly lower-class citizens--bustle to the shrine to fulfill requests for families, prayers or to have questions answered by the gods. The air thrums with activity here, but people part for Kyorlin and let him find who he wishes.

The Shugenja preparing Ofuda take themselves aback with Kyorlin's request, but scramble to full it. "You see, it's not a spell one prepares every day, and it's not pearl season." He's assured by one of the kindly ladies working at the shrine that he'll get his request, and when they ask where he's staying, they assure him that he'll have his ofuda by the end of the day. An older woman, likely past her seventies, excuses herself from the writing to see to the request personally, and with good posture and a steady gait that belies her age, she goes to Tenshukaku itself.

Ahab's Islet
Yrashnal's voice leads him back from the edge of madness. The sadness that he'd revealed goes back into his eyes, and retreats into the depths of his mind; Ahab is present again in peaceful dwelling he's made here. The monk wants to find a creature sooner, not later, and obviously wants to...somehow use its power. Odd, perhaps, coming from a culture that seems to revere both efficiency and minimalism, that he'd talk so flippantly of a sea-predator. He makes promises like many in this country: So far in the future, it's impossible to say that one's commitments would lead them back here.

Donovan leads him back, further, and with an offer of peace, the retired sailor replies, "Yes, peace is the charge I gave myself when those shugenja left me here, to find my serenity. It wasn't easy... The man looks off into the ocean and yet addresses Yrashnal, "This boat--" he points to the one you came in-- "Will do little. We need a clipper.

The other fishermen nod. "We can take you to someone willing to lend a boat. But you must return the same day..."

Ahab nods. "Of course, of course. No time to waste, then. Let's be off!"

Kyuden Gotei - SW Docks
Another hour passes for the 5 of you to return to the docks. In very little time, you find yourselves in a tavern with other sailors not currently at home, and Ahab, in short order, proves his prowess as a social animal and a veteran storyteller; after all, the price of a boat that will help you is, apparently, the story of how he once found and caught a shark when he was sixteen. The sailors, of course, eat the story up as they drink, and the two fisherman who had served as connection follow you to the docks and shove off as you're given permission to board what Ahab calls "a fine clipper."

It's a two-sailed boat, and he assures those loaning it he could sail it himself with one other ship-mate, and that three would be more than enough. Ahab wastes no time giving a mini-lesson on how to sail the boat: How to manage the ropes and rigging to maximize the pull and direction of wind, how to approach the water, how where you're headed is dangerous at best. "A shark, then, monk, will require you to spill your own blood. They love a flailing body, and will attack it within minutes of finding one. "

You have not shoved off yet--Ahab wants to be certain of your proficiency with the basics of a boat first--and oddly, Kyorlin manages to walk by, as if in a daze. He stares at his signet ring, deep in concentration.

Tun's voice fills not only Kyorlin's mind, but also Yrashnal's and Donovan's. My patron is the Dark Voice, just as it is yours. I do not give gifts like a common priest doles out hollow blessings. Your trinkets are no common items. How often has the signet ring helped you avoid questions? Allowed you to forgo payment? Saved you the displeasure of being questioned by others? Given permission to act with impunity? How many wounds and scrapes have you healed with that kit?

The dark voice freed me from my restraints and I am paid in freedom to do as I please. I have guided a vampire to take over two mining towns, to turn them into minions, and now she slowly gains footing as a lord. I have helped a filthy rat to a terror-dimension; if it returns, it will start breeding its own army within a week. What do you have to show for your time here, dark one? Empty bargains and ingratitude? You have 62 hours, spider kisser, or I will reclaim my gifts. Kyorlin feels his connection end so severely that blood dribbles from his left ear.

2019-04-07, 04:54 PM

Makes a note to kill Tun, well this complicates things, I bring him information and instead of simply confirming it he wants stuff, now he has become an impatient beast that is more trouble alive. Needs to speak to the void himself- many notes, another note stop making deals with Tun.

Made 1 deal with him an exchanged for an oni soul got a task I didn't want he gives bad deals- without his gifts I would likely start killing humans with impudence, humans are too weak to protect themselves waste of time. Need to make an example of Tun others, the vermin I have already promised to kill but now I add a vampire to that list.

Turns around and heads back to Uga's place but wary of being seen, is time to break him or dispose of him. After him maybe his victims, doesn't really matter. Eventually he'll get the crystal filled. If not maybe he needs to recruit some magic users to stomp out Tun with him.stealth[roll0]spot/search[roll1]

2019-04-08, 02:49 PM
Kyuden Gotei - city entrance

The city is difficult to track scents in, but there's a helpful villager who, upon asked about Uga's wanderings, gives Kyorlin a dark nod. "I seen you at the theatre," she says, "stand up to him. I help you. He leaves soon... This way!" The villager, a middle-aged lady of hearty body and leathery hands, waves him through an alley where many clothes dry. He has to duck beneath a few clotheslines, but you emerge at the abrupt edge of town, oddly, right near the castle's exit.

Saionje Uga talks with a few guards near the back. He touches his face--still soft, it seems, but the bleeding has ceased for now--and tells them about the incident. He doesn't look over his shoulder, so he doesn't see your approach.

2019-04-08, 04:15 PM

It is best if he is quiet for my mission so going to knock him out. take out some drow knockout poison and dips a bolt in it and takes aim concentrating on his signet ring for luck fireshand crossbow[roll0]

2019-04-08, 05:53 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Kyorlin's reaction is a troubling portend that perhaps the thing has power beyond the scope of what Yhrashnal expected. How many deals must one make before this creature has power over you at such range? How far can it reach? How much can it do?

"..." Yhrashnal considers the option of following Kyorlin to help it complete whatever strange task the thing has put it up to...and then disregards that idea. He has no stake in this and, at worst, Kyorlin would merely be injured or inconvenienced by the other creature and not outright slain by it; this much he is almost certain of as the Voice would naturally not want its agents to die fighting each other over petty trinkets and jewelry.

The Awakened Monk spends a few minute miming the actions Ahab preforms in a slow, deliberate manner. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23832781&postcount=98) Hopefully he does so well enough for this team to push off; there is work to be done besides acquiring a slither of strength from the sea.

2019-04-08, 10:38 PM
Though he'd never spoken with the creature himself, Donovan is able to guess from context at the one responsible for the telepathic tirade. He waits until he can speak to Yhrashnal without being overheard, and then asks simply: "Tun?"


In his past life, Donovan had spent a great deal of time around sailors. One does not do so without learning something of sailing, but the flippant entertainer he'd been was just as quick to forget.

Indeed, the experience (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23833231&postcount=99) of being told what to do with this line or that was quite familiar, but the exact instructions seemed unfamiliar and at times confusing. Even after his death, Donovan spent enough time around sea vessels that it was likely worth taking this to memory for once.

2019-04-09, 03:46 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

"Do not be alarmed; It will not kill the Drow-fiend without proper cause. This would displease the Voice." It is unlikely either party will actually do permanent harm to the other but that does not, however, ensure Yhrashnal will benefit from each Voice Called as he has in the past. It would be prudent for Yhrashnal to learn the methods to create his own magical artifacts from slain foes and fallen 'allies'.

There is always so much more that needs to be done: Tasks for the Voice to gain its favor, martial training to better deal with its foes and its relatives, magical study to relearn what it has sacrificed, evading those of its bloodline, and now it needs to study the methods to harvest magic from the dead.

2019-04-10, 06:29 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Near the Entrance
Uga drops with the dart. The guard next to him continues to clean his blade, laughing, and doesn't even seem to notice his absence for the time being. The guards start talking, a bit loudly, and gesticulate wildly about their past stories. They seem very involved in talking to each other, and Kyorlin catches a whiff of alcohol on their breath. The lady points at Uga, and gives Kyorlin a look of urgency.


Ocean near Kyuden Gotei

Donovan receives no response from the metal-voiced creature, and only receives the briefest assurance from Yrashnal of his other companion's security. With the aid of Ahab, you make it into the ocean, and several hours pass. The sailing is not terribly straightforward, but the older man moves with the energy and ease of a man thirty years younger; clearly he feels comfortable on a ship. Moreover, his confidence has translated well to ease the two of you into the sailing and what could be tricky scenarios skirt by with what seems like incredible luck: The ocean in the greater depths seems treacherous and wild, but perhaps this is where he feels most alive. Finally Ahab ducks into the main cabin and when he returns, he holds a sharp and well-maintained cutlass out for Yrashnal to wield.

"The ocean here has many creatures and the predators you demand. You there, young monk! Yer daft fer doing this, but if you want ta sumon a shark...Do yourself a few slashes on each o' yer legs, and let tha blood flow true!"

Ahab is asking for Yrashnal to attack himself ~4 times, twice per leg, so that he can jump in the water with non-inconsequential wounds.

When that is done, Ahab will then give him ~200 feet of rope, tied to the ship's front mast, to tie around himself. "Mr. quiet and I'll keep tha boat steady as we can. Good huntin'"

2019-04-10, 06:36 PM

Strolls up like owns everything around. Hello good sirs picks up Uga like a dear friend dragging his buddy when he is wasted. Looks like someone had to much to drink. I'll take care of him from here, good day.

2019-04-10, 10:22 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

After loosely binding the rope around his waist Yhrashnal', without hesitation, slashes his own legs before calmily walking off the boat. The trail of blood is strangely dark even in direct sunlight and it stains his path from the deck of the small clipper to open water a good fifty feet away with blood the deep red color of wine.

Skipping attack rolls.

Claw 1; [roll0] (-5 from DR-Hardness)
Claw 1; [roll1] (-5 from DR-Hardness)
Talon 1; [roll2] (-5 from DR-Hardness)
Talon 2; [roll3] (-5 from DR-Hardness)
Current HP after self mutilation: 67/92 (-MAX 18 HP from con damage)

2019-04-11, 08:38 AM
Indeed, Donovan has said little over the course of the venture. But once Yhrashnal has vanished past the prow of the ship in pursuit of his prey, and only the two remain upon the swaying deck, the dead man speaks once more.

"You seem at ease when upon the sea; seem to feel its call...
Does peace elude you even now?"

2019-04-11, 09:16 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Near the Entrance
The soldiers, inebriated and taken by surprise, straighten up and give respectful bows to Kyorlin as the man takes Uga away. The old lady pats Uga's back as if she were reassuring him, lending herself to the ruse. It looks as if the soldiers want to say more, but they don't quite yet.

The two soldiers return to the caravan and they put their heads down to confer with a few more soldiers.. It looks like although they may not concern themselves with openly challenging Kyorlin, his actions are indeed noticed. Soon, after having collected into the city's proper, they ride off out of the city.

Deep Ocean - West of Kyuden Gotei
The salt water bites at Yrashnal's new wounds as he fully enter the water. The cold is a cool soothing undertone to the sharp sting of his self-inflicted wounds.
"Swim around lad, be alive! Let yer blood flow as you kick 'n the Sea!"
Ahab's encouragement comes none-too-soon as water threatens to overtake Yrashnal. Although the clipper seems barely affected by the medium chop of the waves, and needs only little adjustments here and there, the monk faces the undulating crest of a massive beast.

The ocean's waves dwarf him. It's not too hard to stay with the rise of the first wave that comes his way, but as it passes through his space he finds himself plummeting downwards. By the time he's able to extract a breath from the air above him, another swell tosses him away from the boat into the depths of another wave. As Yrashnal emerges he hears the voice of Ahab lending encouragement.

"You gotta embrace her, lad! Use yer arms to help ya ride how she flows!" Whatever sort of man Ahab was on land is lethargy compared to how he seems. The veins in his arms and neck surge, and he walks animatedly up and down the ship as only a man possessed of great love and purpose will do. He watches Yrashnal struggle and shouts encouragement as he can.

The man pauses to turn to Donovan and says, "Tha excitement's barely started, Mugsy! There's no peace ta be found in the world that we don't make ourselves. My body may be failin' but I c'n tell I'll remember this trip fer years. Hold this line." Ahab hands Donovan a rope with quite a pull on it that holds a sail and with it, the boom, the long wooden rod on the sail's bottom. "If tha wind yanks yer boots, loop tha jib around tha' cleat." He points, of course, to one of two many metal loops on the ship's gunwhale; they're very much like the top portion of a torii.

The seaman goes below the cabin deck and emerges, of course, with a harpoon gun. The item is like the barrel of a crossbow stock, and it has a toothed set of grooves in the barrel where a bar can pull itself back. "Yer not ta speak a word o' this beauty ta the Rokugani, Mugsy! This baby's banned on their isles, fer some reason. Summat about guns bein' creations o' evil or summat. Blast that I say. It uses na powder, only tha strength a good forgework." He doesn't ratchet the harpoon back, but addresses Donovan seriously.

"You look stronger'n me lad, and yer eyes a damn bit better'n mine. I c'n handle the lady, but when tha' first shark appears, yer gonna need ta act quick. He'll be ripped apart by the beasts should we stay long, but if'n we're lucky, he'll grab onta one and we catch a wind an run it from tha others." He means, of course, to face the boat in the ideal way to catch the wind with greatest thrust from the sails.

2019-04-12, 07:07 PM

To the guardsThanks you for you hard work come find me and Uga later for drinks.

Whispers to his accomplice Do you have a place for me to work with him? If not it is best if we leave the city, maybe to a small settlement.

2019-04-13, 08:26 AM

The monk finds the mad ravings of the old dog only slightly distracts him from fighting the churning of the waves and analyzing the sting of ocean against his fresh injury. Pain offers Yhrashnal quite a bit of strange information about his own body that he would not have considered under normal conditions, and this drives him to consider more about the world around him; the ocean is, apparently, teaming with lesser life that is now making a vain attempt at gaining a foothold within him.

It interesting that this endless stream of lesser life force would dare try to match the primacy of his boundless potential, that it would struggle against him in such an ugly way, that it would fail and only manage to clot his wounds with this morass of sea filth slowly accumulating upon him.

>First shark? I will battle the first. You may deal with the rest as you wish.<[All]

The first foe is rightfully his as he has shed blood and spent great effort to attract it; only if there are other monsters drawn to the scene will he be able to he spare them a few of his prey. Even then it is likely that there will only be enough sharks attracted to him to sate his own hunger...

2019-04-15, 09:04 AM
In the captain's delirious excitement, Donovan is left to wonder whether 'Mugsy' may be an affectation or a case of mistaken identity.

He goes about his task expediently, but with none of the captain's ardor. He prepares to wrest the shapeshifter from the sea's grasp, and sadly the irony is lost on him. As he does so, he continues to try to reason with the captain, ignoring the comments about the harpoon gun entirely. A lost cause, perhaps, but he loses little in trying.

"There is, captain. I've seen it. Peace found within the flow of the ocean.
I can show it to you. You'd need never to leave it behind again."

Not sure what sort of check it would be to pull up Yhrashnal, if I'm even understanding correctly here. Knowing Yhrashnal's durability firsthand, Donovan would err on the side of too late over too early.

roll: [roll0]
apply modifiers as-needed.

2019-04-16, 08:33 PM
Kyuden Gotei - East-side slums
The woman nods and mutters, "Yes, we know good area. Follow! Keep up!"

She leads Kyorlin to an area of the eastern wall. A contained space has been expanded into a vastly expanded area; Palisades divide this area from the rest of the city, and stone walls, in the middle of their construction, hide behind wooden stakes of the palisades.

"We go here." The old matron leads you to a shop with a sliding wooden wall that abuts other like shops. It's labeled "Kondai Meats - quality meats and fish." Although it looks closed for the evening, she uses a key to unlock it and pushes open the wooden wall. She leads you down--although Kyorlin needs to duck--and you go into a back-room and then a cellar. It's a cramped storage that he has to squeeze himself into, but it's spacious and well-spaced with tables, work benches, sharpening stones, many spare blades, and even another region where several slots and holes have canisters that obviously store meats for extended chilling or even perhaps freezing. The air is cool, here, under the earth, and the cellar's top is well-padded.

"I gather peoples if ask. Uga is bad man. We topple."

Uga does not shift in his drug-induced sleep. He seems entirely relaxed.


Ahab considers what Donovan offers as he stares out into the ocean. "Temptin' offer lad, but yer calm like the waters twenny feet under, well past tha waves o' normal experience. Could be a blessing an' a curse. " The silence stretches as you wait, and Ahab paces about. He paces silently, now, distantly, but his eyes and mind stlll give attention to the wind and the water. He pulls the sail about, and the boat shoots towards Yrashnal, whom is doing quite an excellent job of staying afloat, all things considered.

Ahab perks up after a bit. There! O'er there, three o' tha beauties, wow!" He leans over the rail and yells to Yrashnal, If ya can get yerself the one to yer port, ye'll have a good fight! Yer crazy, lad! Now is tha time ta bail, ye had yer fun!!" It's as if Ahab doesn't quite believe it's happening. The sea creatures are closing fast; they'll be here in a matter of 3 rounds; all he need to is cling on until then!

2019-04-17, 02:59 AM

Lays Uga down on the table like a sack of potatoes. Ties Uga's limbs to each table leg right arm[roll0]left arm[roll1]left leg[roll2]right leg[roll3]
yes, gather some people and bring me some bamboo or reeds please.

2019-04-17, 07:06 PM

To the Monk staying afloat is trivial; enough so that he has time to concentrate on other matters like reactivating his healing ability to mend his self inflicted injuries, or assuming his most powerful form to be ready for the upcoming battle.

The many weaknesses of his human form are corrected one by one as the Beast takes the Monk's place. Flab and fat and even muscle is replaced with the flesh of a fiend that has been adjusted and refined and simplified to be better than mortal. His Ajna eye remains open, as it should be, and his tail sprouts again to give him a more robust range of motion. He ascends from human to perfection in seconds. And then he waits, ever so ready to feast and feed and empower himself with the knowledge hidden within the flesh of these beasts.

HP: 82/92
--Swim rolls: 33, 25, 19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23852363&postcount=1234)
Round 1: Fast Heal 5 HP (67->72)
Takes on his Natural Form as Standard Action
Round 2: Fast Heal 5 HP (72->77)
Activate Combined Essence to gain 2 arms, Ajna Eye, +1 listen/spot.
Round 3: Fast Heal 5 HP (77->82)
Nothin' special. Let's rock, baby.

2019-04-19, 12:52 PM
Yrashnal is ready for the shark. They are powerful swimmers, twice as fast as a man could move over land. All three take their attack together, so that they arrive at their prey only a few seconds after the other to take their own bites.

Initiative (average of 3) [roll0]/3 = 20

Shark 1 (AC 18)
Bite [roll1] & [roll2]

Shark 2 (AC 18)
Bite [roll3] & [roll4]

Shark 3 (AC 18)
Bite [roll5] & [roll6]

2019-04-19, 02:45 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

The basement of the butcher's shop buzzes with activity. The people gathered there are community representatives, all lower-class citizens, and identify themselves as the five family-heads of the farmers nearby, a representative of the leatherworkers, the younger son of the miller, and even one lady, dressed in casual clothes, but with soft skin and a clean, pretty face that suggests she's a geisha in casual clothes. There are three women and five men; the old lady returns, not only with bamboo but with a set of garden-pruning tools. The old lady tells Kyorlin that each of these people has a familial grudge with Uga, and has seen their family endure terrible hardship at his own machinations.

The people are quiet; they don't talk. There's little comfort to be had, here, as they know this will not be a celebration but a vendetta. The old woman takes an herb pouch, strong-smelling with leaves and flowers in it, and passes it over Uga's nose. She, too, bears the grim face of knowledge that what's going to happen is best left out of her hands.


Ahab yells with glee and calls to Donovan, "Mugsy! I'ma spear one o' tha sharks 'n then ya grab tha rope an' Haul it away! Ready!"
[roll0] vs AC 18!

The sailor roars in triumph and, more excited now, yells to the drowned, "Grab it mugsy!! Haul it in!"

2019-04-19, 04:50 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
Takes the herbs and crush them above Uga upper lip.
Wakey wakes Uga, is time to finish this. rips open his shirt and rocks his knuckles along his sternum. I would have preferred to wake you up with advanced interrogation techniques but your victims are nicer than you. Ofcourse it would be just a such fun for me wake you up through amputation of a small appendage.*chuckles

2019-04-20, 07:25 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The three animals each narrow miss the Beast with their first attacks, each mere inches away from striking true and drawing more of his blood; whether this was done on purpose to irritate him, or as a result of the animals miscalculating because of the violence waves, or because of his acute and unnatural reflexes is hard to determine, but being teased in this way only contributes to Yhrashnal's immense bloodlust.

Finally. Finally! FINALLY!

Finally he gets to kill again!

Hatred pulses from his body to bring himself, Donovan, and Ahab into resonance with the strength of a mad beast. His disdain for all that exists in this this world churns around him not unlike the water, washing over each shark in turn and, with his power, Yhrashnal's brings to bear everything. His claws, his talons, his fangs, his elbows, his knees, his fists, his feet; only the swords remain unused as Yhrashnal unleashes the entirety of his rage upon the shark furthest from Donovan and Ahab's fishing attempt.

Current HP: 82/92, Nonlethal damage: 5 (10-5 Fast Healing)
Current AC: 20? (23-3 Con damage, possibly with other penalties from swimming?)
Free action: Yhrashnal activates his Aura of Despair. Creatures ending their turn adjacent must make will save DC 16 or suffer -2 penalties as per Crushing Despair.
Swift: Quickened Rage on Self, Donovan (who, as an Undead, is immune) and Ahab (who, as an old man, will be immune soon™, but probably isn't yet.)

New AC: 19 (20 -2 Rage, +1 Rage con bonus)
New HP: 88/98, Nonlethal damage: 5 (10-5 Fast Healing)

Remaining Duration at round end: 5 rounds

Unarmed Strike 1(top left):
Attack [roll0] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll1] (+1 rage)

Unarmed Strike 2(top left):
Attack [roll2] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll3] (+1 rage)

Unarmed Strike 1(top right):
Attack [roll4] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll5] (+1 rage)

Unarmed Strike 2(top right):
Attack [roll6] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll7] (+1 rage)

Unarmed Strike 1(bottom left):
Attack [roll8] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll9] (+1 rage)

Unarmed Strike 2(bottom left):
Attack [roll10] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll11] (+1 rage)

Unarmed Strike 1(bottom right):
Attack [roll12] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll13] (+1 rage)

Unarmed Strike 2(bottom right):
Attack [roll14] (-2 TWF, +1 rage)
Damage [roll15] (+1 rage)

Attack [roll16] (-2 TWF, -5 natural attack, +1 rage)
Damage [roll17] (+1 rage)

Claw 1:
Attack [roll18] (-2 TWF, -5 natural attack, +1 rage)
Damage [roll19] (+1 rage)

Claw 2:
Attack [roll20] (-2 TWF, -5 natural attack, +1 rage)
Damage [roll21] (+1 rage)

Talon 1:
Attack [roll22] (-2 TWF, -5 natural attack, +1 rage)
Damage [roll23] (+1 rage)

Talon 2:
Attack [roll24] (-2 TWF, -5 natural attack, +1 rage)
Damage [roll25] (+1 rage)

In the moderately likely event that he fully oneshots his first target he'll aim the remaining attacks to the other shark not being hauled by Donny+Ahab

2019-04-20, 10:50 PM
Deep Ocean - West of Kyuden Gotei
Yrashnal thrashes in the water, throwing itself between all the sharks, and manages to rip away one's head, and pushing away it attacks on, pushes away then slams-grabs-and-rip a second, giving ample chunks of these creatures to ingest. There's enough room to move away and allow Ahab's harpoon to strike through. The sailor shoves the gun ino Donovan's arms and says, Give 'em wer ye got, [B]Mugsy!![/B

Shark's[roll0]Grapple vs. Donovan's Grapple OR Use Rope (his choice)

Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
The man stirs weakly against is firm bonds. "Oh Gawd, you again?!? Not enoug cheek burning, or are you here to finish what you started?"
You know why you're here Uga. The "cleansing" five years ago; the "Gold tax for miners" that brought many of us poor into foreclosure; the admittance of a "false deity"who nerly burnt the whole town...and you thought you had nothing to do with it?!?

...it's about being acountable.

When I was very young, and naive? Or in accordance wit the needs of our mints, as already agreed? And the first, well, we had nothing to do with--

Exactly! YOu had the army, resources to defend and called it a "poor, sad cleansing" but you could've prevented it and didn't!
Many of the other villagers gathered nod their heads with downcast gazes.

2019-04-21, 01:11 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The fight is over so soon? So easily?

Hatred still boils under Yhrashnal's flesh. There is hunger there too, hunger he sates mindlessly by shattering and undoing the remnants of the first shark, but these two kills were not nearly as gratifying as they were expected to be; unlike the mortal warriors he faced earlier these creatures were entirely unworthy.

The gift from the Void sieves the essence of the shark from its vital energy and Yhrashnal, for his part, does his best to memorize the scent and taste of presence of these animals to hunt later...but despite he consuming the shark's body and soul he does not truly savor the experience.

Is this really it? ...Perhaps this is for the best. The undead one's task can now be fulfilled and, in returning to the island to do so, Yhrashnal will be positioned to ensure it and the Drow-Fiend do not kill each other in their childish scuffle. There is a great deal more work to be done and there are many more tasks and trials to overcome.

This only makes his crave a battle with the old fisherman's foe even more though: the worthy prey is out there waiting for a battle,yet Yhrashnal is stuck here treading water and bullying minor fish for a fleeting advantage.

Current HP: 88/98, Nonlethal: 0 (5 - 5 Fast Healing)
AC: 19 (23 -3 con damage -2 Rage +1 race con bonus)
Remaining Rage duration: 4 rounds at end of this round.
Survival check+Feed to try to ballpark the strength (HD and rough estimate on its physical prowess) of the Shark he consumed: [roll0]
Fullround action: Yhrashnal Feeds upon the more damaged Shark corpse. He regains HP equal to its HD, gains additional bonuses based off the HD of the creature compared to his own, and has a 50% chance of utterly destroy the creature's soul; not mechanically useful, but nifty all the same. (high=destroyed, low=safe) [roll1]
Survival check to pick up on the shark's scent followed by an Autohypnosis check to try to memorize various tidbits about the sharks (how to attract them, their scent, their hunting pattern, and similar shark hunting information)
Survival: [roll2] for Scent
Autohypnosis: [roll3] (-3 from Con damage) to memorize hunting tricks.

2019-04-21, 02:43 PM
Yrashnal knows that it caught the smaller of the shark he might attract; that they hunt in packs, and that his lingering might be worthwhile. He waits twenty seconds, and before he's even registered that he can smell something approaching, as the rage has begin to subside, he encounters another bite.

Shark 4
Bite Attack: [roll0]
Free Grapple on hit (no counter on fail): [roll1]

2019-04-21, 08:19 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

What's this about a false deity?

2019-04-21, 08:44 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Just as Yhrashnal finishes rending one of the wretched sharks from the material plane as fourth charges him from below.

It's fast. So fast the Beast has no chance to track its approach. However pure speed is not everything: as the creature snaps its jaws down on his legs Yhrashnal suddenly reorients himself and the two barely avoid colliding, midnight-black fur clashing against the storm-grey of the shark and red tainted sea as the shark misses its bite and Yhrashnal moves to continue his rampage. Here, among the waves and a spreading cloud of shark gore, Yhrashnal seems more at home than ever.

Struggle. Pain. Death. Truly this is his element. In fact, this isn't enough. Power wells up from the fragments of the Shark he has destroyed; strength beyond that which he had before and vitality not unlike what he possessed before the mortal offended him. He attacks with borrowed poise, his frame seemingly too small for the water he displaces and the leverage he has over the shark.

Blood! He needs more blood! MORE SLAUGHTER!

The Hunger, the Rage; his mind burns with what he can do, what he will do, what he must do. lost fragments of the magic tricks he has used slowly return as he lays into this mortal fish.

Current HP: 98/98 (Max Hp increased by Feed con mod. Fast healing for 3 rounds brings Yhrashnal to full HP), Nonlethal: 0 (Fast Healing for 5 rounds brings Yhrashnal to 0 nonlethal).
Feed results: Yhrashnal consumes a dead sharks (9d8 creature) gaining 4 restored Racial SLA uses, +2 Str/Con for an hour, and Powerful Build.
AC: 21 (23 -3 con damage +1 Feed Con mod)
Rage: Ended before this round
Feed (Barghest HD+2): slightly more than 59 minutes remaining
Swift Action: MAD HUNGER (+20 feet bonus to your movement speeds. Gain 2 attacks in Full attack. Take 30% extra damage. )

Mad Hunger remaining Duration: 2 rounds. Ends at start of 3rd turn.
Fullround Action: Full attack using everything he's got to beat this shark into a mess of entrails

Unarmed Strike 1(top left):
Attack [roll0] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll1] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 2(top left):
Attack [roll2] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll3] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 1(top right)
Attack [roll4] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll5] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 2(top right):
Attack [roll6] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll7] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 1(bottom left):
Attack [roll8] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll9] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 2(bottom left):
Attack [roll10] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll11] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 1(bottom right):
Attack [roll12] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll13] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 2(bottom right):
Attack [roll14] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll15] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Unarmed Strike 1(Mad Hunger Kick):
Attack [roll16] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll17] (+1 Feed Str Mod

Unarmed Strike 2(Mad Hunger Kick):
Attack [roll18] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed Str mod)
Damage [roll19] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Please subtract 2 from each Attack roll for these Natural attacks. Having corrected the error from Multiattack I then forgot the penalty...from multiattack.
Attack [roll20] (-2 TWF, -2 Multiattack, +1 Feed Str Mod
Damage [roll21] (+ Feed Str Mod)

Claw 1:
Attack [roll22] (-2 TWF, -2 Multiattack, +1 Feed Str Mod
Damage [roll23] (+1 Feed Str Mod)-Barghest Claws always deal full Str mod instead of Half

Claw 2:
Attack [roll24] (-2 TWF, -2 Multiattack, +1 Feed Str Mod
Damage [roll25] (+1 Feed Str Mod)-Barghest Claws always deal full Str mod instead of Half

Talon 1:
Attack [roll26] (-2 TWF, -2 Multiattack, +1 Feed Str Mod
Damage [roll27] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

Talon 2:
Attack [roll28] (-2 TWF, -5 natural attack, +1 Feed Str Mod
Damage [roll29] (+1 Feed Str Mod)

2019-04-23, 01:59 PM
Yrashnal pours all of his strength into his assault; in the reverie of combat, he forgets his breath. His opponent is not the ocean yet, but it rages against his body as he fights.

The shark that had attacked him bears a terrible beating from his assault. In the few seconds of its mere passing, it has become bloodied; the moment it's out of range from Yrashnal, it doesnt return.

He must contend with his fading rage and the fury that has become of the ocean. With his thrashing and the traffic of the local creatures, the waves have matched his tempo and force. The waves menace the Beast as he waits for more creatures to wrastle.

previous round not spent swimming; thus 1 round "under water" with "held breath"

Swim required to stay afloat: DC 20 - make 3 checks
Reduce by 3 if spend FRA to swim

2019-04-25, 01:23 PM
Though his mind lingers elsewhere, Donovan reels in the rope with little difficulty, pulling the beast up onto the deck.


2019-04-25, 03:56 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

Getting his truth serum and a bolt from his haversack he applies the serum to the bolt, as he walks over. He then stab down into Uga's thigh. I don't like repeating myself twists the bolt further in.

2019-04-25, 04:19 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

Uga struggles against his restraints. He was a fake, he fooled me too! I am as much a victim here as all of you!!

You let him enact crushing taxes on us!! We were so destitude many of us died simply from poverty, and then when we resisted, you crushed any rebellion. You're a collaborator!

At this, Uga turns his head from the older lady. You all survived, didn't you? Good for you! And I allowed the strong of you to survive! This is the Old Way!

The elder lady scoffs. The old way is not to crush anyone beneath our feet because we can! It is to demand sacrifice and enable triumphs with it!

Deep Ocean - West of Kyuden Gotei
Donovan yanks the shark in to the boat amidst the gathering ocean.

A dental dance occurs in the ocean. While one Dire Shark has been assaulted by Yrashnal, and might be attempting to simply rest or stay afloat, several others try their own luck. This time, a school of powerful shark is present to him, and each one wants a piece.

DS 2 [roll0] & [roll1]Grapple

DS 3 [roll3] & [roll4]Grapple

DS 4 [roll6] & [roll7]Grapple

DS 5 [roll9] & [roll10]Grapple

DS 6 [roll12] & [roll13]Grapple

2019-04-26, 03:03 AM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Yhrashnal thrives on his own suffering; as his body is mired in a mass of gnashing teeth the Beast shrugs the majority of his foes off after they tag him with a single bite. The waves roll their bodies off of his as he tangles with a single shark and watches the first survivor of his attacks to flee. The first prey to flee from him. This is unacceptable...but he has not been driven mad by bloodlust to such an extent that he cannot see his own limits.

One or two sharks are merely prey.

Three or four are a challenge.

Five are a threat.

His mad hunger has yet to abate, but Yhrashnal recognizes that now is the time to provision against true failure. The first shark he consumed was a meal. This second one will be his prize. The next, if he manages to chase it down, will be his trophy.

Yhrashnal ignores the shark grasping him and focuses his power upon his second kill. His power reaches out to that gift from the Void he obtained oh so many days ago as he imposes nothingness upon this dead shark, in body and in soul.

Health: 70/98 (98 -1.3*(4+15+6) +5 FH)

AC: 21 (23 -3 con damage +1 Feed Con mod)
Swift Action: Quickened Rage SLA that, as per the Barghest SLA, expends two uses to double the bonuses: +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC, +2 Will Saves. Net AC change of 0 after accounting for monstrous "Con to Natural armor" quality. If the detriment is multiplied as well his AC is 19, but I'll mark it as being 21 (again) for now.
Remaining Rage Duration: 5 rounds.
Remaining Mad Hunger Duration: 1 round.
New HP: 82/110

New AC: 21
Fullround Action: Yhrashnal Feeds once more, this time using the Void Gift to retain this form for later use. Assuming it is the same as the previous shark he fed upon, he benefits from the Shark having 9 HD while he has 6: He recovers 16 HP and both uses of his Rage SLA; I'm not entirely sure whether he Feeding stacks, allowing him to gain an additional +2Str/Con, so I'll leave that out for now. I doubt Powerful Build stacks so I'll leave that off as well.
50% (high = die) chance the sharks soul is utterly destroyed: [roll0]
New New HP: 98/110

AC: 21
--Swim check: [roll1] (17 +1 Feed +2 Rage)

The beast's body surges with even greater physical power, his wounds closing at an alarming speed is he wrestles nature and its avatars.

What can match his power in this world? Who would dare to even try?

2019-04-28, 01:47 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop


Why do you treat these people so bad, aren't you suppose to being protecting them from this sort of harrassment?

2019-04-29, 05:29 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
Uga's expression becomes straighter, his eyes tighten and his shoulders raise slightly. "They believe they have more of a say in their lives; that's all that is wrong.

2019-04-29, 06:42 PM
Deep Ocean - West of Kyuden Gotei
Upon the deck, Ahab hacks at the shark pulled in, cutting its mouth and breaking teeth, and then directs Donovan to extract the harpoon. The sailor gleefully re-loads the gun and turns the device again upon the ocean to attack the sharks circling Yrashnal

Be ready to pull another'n tha boat, Mugsy!

Ahab vs. DS 3: [roll0]

DS2: [roll1]&[roll2]Grapple
[roll3]Pierce damage

DS3: [roll4]Grapple (if Ahab hits & Donovan wins, no atk vs. Yrashnal)
[roll5] atk
[roll6]Pierce damage

DS4: [roll7]&[roll8]Grapple
[roll9]Pierce damage

DS5: [roll10]&[roll11]Grapple
[roll12] 36 Pierce damage (from confirm) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23876711&postcount=1243)

The ocean's swirl becomes a shade darker with the blood that mixes in. Now, more of his own spilled, the Dire creatures work themselves to a fury with the boat nearby. The last of the sharks, with the distraction the others provide, lands a critical blow against Yrashnal's mid-section. The older sailor leans forwards, groaning, and yells encouragement to the swimming Anja.

This'll be a tale ta remember, young'n! Give 'em hell!!

2019-04-29, 08:51 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop


You know they are people they have opinions about being treated like livestock. Your a samurai right? Not a Shepard?

2019-04-29, 11:38 PM
Uga rolls his eyes. "Crab-clan ideals are foreign to the Mantis' way of sacrifice. These...peasants are "gofers;" they work and "go fer" the profit of their uppers, the lords."

Several of the townsfolk grind their teeth and square their shoulders, but say nothing...yet.

2019-04-29, 11:53 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Interesting. Truly, truly interesting.

Yhrashnal is not at all offended that these beasts dare to gnaw his flesh. If anything he is enraptured by the perfection of the situation.

They disregard pain, just like he does. They disregard the end of their fallen and the threat he poses to them as well, just as he should. These creatures embody the most simplified aspects of his true nature: with innocence they attack to the limit of their ability and they only retreat upon reaching a most critical condition, all to sate the endless hunger within.

As his physical form slips out of reality Yhrashnal studies this experience carefully. The value of this fight is less than the new form within his body, less than the rhythm of attack he has been reminded of, less than the ancient grace of these monstrous animals, less than the power of the sea, less than his hate for all of the sky and the earth and the sea and the light and the darkness and everything that falls between and everything that lays beyond.

The benefit here it is a simple reminder. He needs more of this and more of that and a little bit of everything else. He has the means to take these things so he should. And he will.

"One has fled." He stares down at the mob and deeply considers the situation. "We can destroy the rest. Then we will pursue that last one." He scans in the direction of the last shark's dispersing blood trail and then moves to acquire the bird he captured earlier.

HP: 16/110 (98 HP - 1.3*(18+14+14+36)damage + 5(4 attacks)DR + 5 Fast Healing)->(98-107damage +20 DR +5 Fast Healing)

AC: 21
--Swim check: [roll0] (17 +1 Feed +2 Rage)
Current buffs:
Rage*2: +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC, +2 Will Saves.
Feed (Barghest HD+2): +2 Str, +2 con, Powerful build
Feed: ~59 minutes remaining
Remaining Rage Duration: 4 rounds.
Remaining Mad Hunger Duration:Ends at start of next turn
Swift Action: Yhrashnal activates Ghostly to become Ethereal for one round. Ends at start of next turn
Cooldown: [roll1] rounds until it can be used again.

Fullround Action action: Uses speed of 50 (30 base, 20 Mad Hunger) to double move to the ship.

2019-04-30, 08:46 AM
Donovan gives the rope a mighty tug, pulling the creature away from the shapeshifter and onto the deck. But then there are no more sounds of fury and combat; only the thrash of the frenzied sharks in the water. For a moment Donovan is left to wonder if the shapeshifter had gone too far and been pulled loose, and whether he should go under to render aid. Such a death would be too violent for one to appreciate the serenity, it was not preferable.

But soon enough Yhrashnal appears on the deck, presumably with the same trick he'd used during their duel. Gravely injured, though quickly healing.

Grapple: [roll0] if still needed

2019-04-30, 10:01 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

Takes the bamboo and hands it to any the nearest townfolkWould anyone be able to cuts this into skewers? Need about 20 or so and don't worry about them being of any decent quality in fact the rougher the better.

Turning back to UgaSo the higher ups profit from these people but wouldn't they profit more of you weren't acting as a vagabond? Seem you are acting ot only in the disinterest of the townsfolk but your superior as well.

2019-05-01, 04:30 PM
Deep Ocean - West of Kyuden Gotei

Donovan helps Ahab roll over the--now dead--lesser shark back into the water and then heaves the greater one into the boat. This one is sleek head-to-foot but rough from foot-to-head. Its muscles twitch as it still attempts to wrangle free from its wooden cage and make itself home again in the water. It flails about, biting what it can, but even its powerful jaw can only offer cursory damage to the boat's main mast. It chews several ropes away, to Ahab's chagrin, but he wields his cutlass effectively and manages to hack at the shark until, with the blood flowing from its gills, it thrashes less and begins to settle.

Yrashnal feels his body slip away from reality; he feels the coolness of the Ethereal realm. His body tingles as the four other powerful sharks rip through where his body would be. When they don't find purchase, they become even angrier, and actually begin to fight each other. He moves into the boat as Ahab begins to chuckle, nodding at the monk's escape. "Now what's that there? How did you become...as a ghost?" He looks out to the water and flinches, then steps backwards a few steps.

We'll have na luck 'ere. Unless the two o' ye 'ave spears? I 'ave only this 'ere harpoon. He's a bloodthirsty mate, eh Mugsy?

Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
The Great Lords care for the production of goods and the victories of battle; they don't sweat how we get them resources.

As several councilmen fletch the bamboo into rough chisel points, they grimace at Uga's admission. "Uga graces us with partial truths."

I am cooperating! I am telling the truth! He looks askance at the bamboo pieces, now fully fletched as they're handed back to Kyorlin. I've had worse.

2019-05-01, 06:47 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
Wrost? But you do not know what I am planning, I personally would stake you to ground of a bamboo forest and let the spourts dispose of you slowly. But the man I got this ring from wants me to do this quickly. I will show you what a skilled hand can do with skewers. takes a hand of Uga and using his nail as a guide jabs a skewer into his nail bed.
Cooperating? I want you to attempt your wrong doings not another's. You understand me. holding his skewered finger he gives it a little tap.

2019-05-01, 08:10 PM
Uga flinches appreciably. He can't wrench his hand from Kyorlin's grasp, so he struggles with his legs flexes his fingers, and gives a groan with the tap given to his finger.

2019-05-01, 08:33 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

Where is that cooperation you spoke of, admit your shameful ways. grabs another skewer and another finger and applies them like its neighboring digit.
Is life at home such so bad you have to take your frustration on these folks. Your wife found someone better to lie with?

2019-05-01, 09:37 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

"No need. Just wait." A rush of liquefied beast-fiend drowns the cormorant, pouring over and into its body before dragging the convulsing blob back to Yhrashnal. Although odd, his words are made credible by blood slithering back into his body and ribbons of meat sprouting from his injuries to interweave with his ravaged flesh. All the while Yhrashnal diligently continues his studies.

Hollow bones? Novel, but not practical. Yhrashnal can make it better.

HP: 21/110 (16 + 5 FH)

AC: 21
Current buffs:
Rage*2: +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC, +2 Will Saves.
Feed (Barghest HD+2): +2 Str, +2 con, Powerful build
Feed: ~59 minutes remaining
Remaining Rage Duration: 3 rounds.
Ghostly Cooldown: 2 rounds until it can be used again.
Yhrashnal absorbs the cormorant as his second Void Gift form. Flight form get!

I'll need a ballpark of what he's getting here: the speed and size of this little guy are most important.

2019-05-03, 09:10 AM
"... aye, captain."
By this point it was clear that the man was projecting an old friend onto him, trying to re-live days long past. It cost nothing to play along, but only helped to convince Donovan of his prior conclusion... Ahab had helped them, and needed to be helped. Needed to be shown peace. He would make his proposition anew during their return journey, when circumstances were more permissive and spirits were not quite so high. When the captain was faced once more with the prospect of living alongside only his memories and regrets.

And if he declined, the violence would be only momentary.
... Though, it might run contrary to the wishes of this 'voice'. It seemed an odd thing that he had been chosen to inflict suffering onto the Rokugani when the sole purpose of his new existence was to ease the living of the same. Did the voice have misconceptions about what he was and did, as do as the living? If not, had he benefited enough from this allegiance to make an exception? It had been a rare and enlightening opportunity to duel with the samurai as though he were one of them. But to Donovan the captain's suffering was plain to see. A tragic thing so easily helped.

It would remain to be seen. For the time being, Donovan turns his attention towards the feasting Yhrashnal.
"Are the sharks here still of significance to you, or should we leave them to pursue the larger one that fled while you recover?"

2019-05-03, 07:16 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

"...An indulgence. If I am not necessary to return to the island then I will pursue the injured one alone." Yhrashnal's body breaks apart into a tangle of barely visible filaments that bind together in a new pattern; where the Beast once stood is now a creature who can subdue the heavens. Larger than most waterfowl and more powerful than the most tyrannical of hawks, this Heavenly form will be Yhrashnal's next greatest advantage.

With a few beats of his new wings Yhrashnal spurs the reflexes of the body into motion and takes off into the sky, circling the ship to acclimate himself to moving with this form; it's not quite as easy as flying magically, but he is a fast learner and the body does most of the work without needing his input. With a bit of practice, and time for his life force to mend, he'll be ready for round 2 against the greater shark.

HP: 31 ( 21 + FH 5 + FH 5)

AC: 21
Current buffs:
Rage*2: +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC, +2 Will Saves.
Feed (Barghest HD+2): +2 Str, +2 con, Powerful build
Feed: ~59 minutes remaining
Remaining Rage Duration: 1 round.
Ghostly Cooldown: ready for use
Round 1: Yhrashnal takes on his new Cormorant Form using the Hecatoncheires/Void Gift ability to Change Shape. I'll need various stats for the bird such as exact fly speed and, should I ever burn the form, base stats) but for now he's leisurely flying above the boat
Round 2: Yhrashnal flies at ~ 20 feet of elevation above the ship in circles, practicing with his new wings.

2019-05-04, 01:44 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
Uga grits his teeth through the pain. "Now my wife is a target of you, too? Are you the one that's been keeping her away for so long?" He shakes his head as he feels another bamboo slat slide into his fingernails. Komona has been sleeping with another! Adultery is shameful... Uga flinches again at the third bamboo chiseling its way into his fingers and then relaxes. For a while, even as more are inserted, he manages to relax through the pain unhindered, or so it seems.

Then, as Kyorlin works his way to his toes, he truly gives a powerful thrash. "Just kill me already, you horrible beast!! Slaughter me as you desire, appease the mob!! I have done little that other lords won't do, and I dare say my subjects are treated fairly. They are kept safe, their families are taken care of, and they even bear comforts!" Some of the villagers nod to this, and one of them steps forward.

He is an older man, perhaps sixty years of age, with the sun-baked lines of a man whose entire life has been dedicated to toil and work. His wiry frame is efficient, and it's not entirely devoid of muscle. "This man has lived and known only a Noble's life. He has little means to see us with sympathy. Perhaps we ought to tell him what we've endured?"


Deep Ocean - West of Kyuden Gotei

Yrashnal, bleeding and bitten, undoes he re-knits parts-and-pieces of his form only to shape into the Large hunting bird. His transformation, fully fleshed and magnificent, spills prototypic blood on the ground mid-shift, but this blood, viscous as the real thing, is instead a concrete-grey. Ahab stops his celebration to watch, and his mood changes.
NB: Change Shape will not grant Yrashnal its physical stats; he retains bonus speeds & abilities.
LARGE | Hit Dice: 3d8 | AC: 15 (10+3 Dex, +3 Nat Armor, -1 Size)
Speed: 15 ft, fly 70 (poor), swim 45 ft
Str: 17 | Dex: 17 | Con: 11 | Int: 2 | Wis: 14 | Cha: 8
Skills: Spot +8, Listen +8
Keen Sight: Roll 2x when taking Spot checks and take the better result.
Attacks: Beak (S) +5@1d8+3 | Claw (2) +3@1d6+1
Multiattack: the Greater Cormorant may make its secondary attacks at -2 instead of -5
Flyby Attack: the Cormorant may make a single series of attacks (claws or beak) as a part of its movement for a round.

By the gods... Ahab steps back from Yrashnal, and shakes his head. Picked the wrong week to quit drinking, he muses, and begins to hack at the (larger) Dire shark in the boat. This is no butcher's work; the man really knows what he's doing, and in very short time the shark is disabled but almost completely intact.

...and then Yrashnal speaks again, as a bird. You...no need. Begone!! the sailor backs up and jumps as Yrashnal circles his way above the boat, and then seems to realize what they'd done. And where he was. He turns to Donovan. The Shugenja warned me of great beasts, Oni, that are corrupters of the Natural Order. I had no idea, and I wanted to believe her, but I couldn't... he backs up the edge of the ship, and he seems to see Donovan for who he really is. His eyes widen, his knees buckle a bit, he grasps nearby ropes; this is no longer a man who believes he is safe. He searches the water nearby.

Sharks dart around the boat, hungry, biting each other, waiting for the moment for something else to enter the water, and in the meantime they bite at each other in foul temper. Ahab touches his brow, wipes the sweat that's formed there, and looks again to Donovan. "You look terrible, Mugsy." His face has flushed of color, and he levels his cutlass towards Donovan. "What the bloody hell are ye?"

2019-05-04, 02:21 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

<Oni? You misunderstand, mortal. I am much greater than that.>{Donovan, Ahab) If he were capable of feeling lesser emotions Yhrashnal would surely pity this man; his death will mark the loss of a fine fisherman and the loss of a mortal who might know where to find a fine foe besides. Even so, Yhrashnal has no further need for him. Not right now, anyway. If the mortal survives offending Donovan then perhaps they will be able to compel it to guide the two Void Called to its foe later.

Yhrashnal's Heavenly form scans the sea carefully as he flies in circles until he finally decides upon a direct based on the lingering traces of blood in the water and distress in the air. Hopefully he'll have luck finding his quarry.

HP: 24/98 (31 - 12 from Rage ending +5 Fast Healing)

AC: 21
Current buffs:
Feed (Barghest HD+2): +2 Str, +2 con, Powerful build
~59 minutes remaining
Yhrashnal uses his Blindsense (90 ft range) to scan for traces of blood left by the injured shark before attempting to follow its blood and Scent with survival check [roll0].

2019-05-04, 03:48 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
I haven't had the pleasure of her acquaintance, maybe some day.
Have you been acting out your loneliness for your wife on the poor townsfolk or did you treat your wife the same as these people? takes a break from skewering, to the audience
Can I get a cloth and and some water? Any questions or complaints you want to convey to him be my guest.

2019-05-05, 11:00 AM
Donovan had hoped that an innocuous first impression might allow someone to be convinced, but the captain's frightened and immediate reaction despite the time already spent in their company reaffirms prior experience.

"I did not speak falsely...
Your heart is troubled, cap'n; I'm here to bring you peace. As I have found beneath the waves, those many years ago."

Donovan knew too little of this 'Mugsy' to hope to impersonate them. Instead he chooses his words so as to allow the captain to draw his own conclusions.
In truth, he mislikes how close the captain has grown to the edge of the boat, and to the sharks in the water. It was not an ideal death; Donovan hoped to shown him the serenity's embrace as he had found it.

The air ripples ever-so-slightly as a barrier is conjured against the brandished steel. But the dead man does not advance, waiting for the captain to decide the course.

Manifest Force Screen for 1 pp, hiding the display (concentration check, but I can't fail)

Bluff to imply that I'm 'Mugsy', if indeed that is one of the former crew Ahab had mentioned, and if I do in fact bear any resemblance: [roll0]
Advantage?: [roll1] (seems particularly believable, if I bear resemblance)

112/112 hp
26 AC (26 FF, 13 T)

Force Shield: 8 minutes left

2019-05-05, 09:57 PM
Deep Ocean - West of Kyuden Gotei

Ahab looks at Donovan and shakes his head at Yrashnal's voice. "There's more to this world than I thought I knew. It's been such hard work to find peace, but Davey Jones' locker I didn't expect to be tha way...You're certain I will keep my mind with this...transformation? If so...then do it. I have little to lose, and may find a greater peace. He lowers his cutlass and steps forward a tad, still holding on to the ropes.

Yrashnal must circle wide around the boat to find what he'd been looking for. Finally he spots it; one of the smaller, injured sharks, has been swimming away but has also been fending off another shark. It finally triumphs and begins its dive downwards. Injured, however, it moves much-less quickly than normal.

Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop
The villagers begin to relay their stories. They tell of asset siezures, village restructuring, press-ganged recruitment with little compensation, noblemen that prey on their women...as they talk, their stories weave a fabric of predation that makes it sound like a terrible monsoon has swept through them.

Uga beams at them as they talk. When they're finished, he concludes, "The people that survived are strong, they are hardy, and they're productive." At this, there's a general uproar from the others, and the same elder man that talked beforehand says, "We will not get much more from this man. Uga should be executed so the community can hold a general service of his deeds and misdeeds, and move on from his reign of terror." Many people agree with energy and vigor, but they still look to Kyorlin for direction.

2019-05-05, 11:05 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop


Back hands Uga across his mouth. Grabs his jaw squishing his mouth. There more efficient ways of making a people stronger what are you even here for? Certainly these people would have become stronger without you and your forces.

Cloth and water please. letting go of Uga's face he stretches a hand behind him.

2019-05-06, 09:10 AM
The villagers give him the materials he requires. Although Uga struggles, there's little he can do against the Draegloth's superior strength.

2019-05-06, 10:57 AM

Places the cloth gently over his facealright Uga lets try something different pouring small amount of water over his nose and mouth area.Here you go, thought he could use a drink. Does this for 30 seconds.

2019-05-06, 06:45 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

The Heavenly beast does not hesitate even for a moment after finding his target: truly embodying divine punishment this borrowed form strikes down through wind and wave to slay this fleeing shark in a single move.

Even after adjusting his positioning to make the transition smoother Yhrashnal's collision with water thunders; for a moment the impression of a terrible bird, with a wingspan as wide as the boat he travelled here on, is left upon the water but that is gone by the time Yhrashnal beats his wings to propel himself at top speed toward this ancient animal.

Water gives way to each flap of his wings until the very last moment where he attacks with both wings to 'punch' despite his new form.

HP: 29/98 (24 +5 Fast Healing)

AC: 21
Current buffs:
Feed (Barghest HD+2): +2 Str, +2 con, Powerful build
~59 minutes remaining
Swift action: Held in reserve to use Ghostly as Immediate Action if more than two sharks counterattack.
Fullround Action: Charge attack! From Sky to Sea, Yhrashnal charges forward at full speed and full power. Fly speed of 75 and Swim speed of 45 mean he can probably land the attack with proper management of his movement; you (Discord) ruled air to water transitions rob momentum from 2/3rds the speed fly and leave the subject around 10 ft down, which is then followed by 45 swim speed.

Swim check: [roll0] (+1 Feed, +8 Swim speed)
Charge TWF (Grod ruling for TWF- attack with both weapons as single attack action.)
Left Wing PUNCH!
Attack: [roll1] (-2 TWF, +2 Charge, +1 Feed
Damage: [roll2] (+1 Feed)
Right Wing PUNCH!
Attack: [roll3] (-2 TWF, +1 Feed)
Damage: [roll4] (+1 Feed)

2019-05-07, 12:14 AM
Deep Ocean, West of Kyuden Gotei.

The Dire shark, rising upwards to avoid the pursuers behind and below it, has no chance against the diving bird. Only at the last second it notices the bird's all-too-sharp claws, that, when impaled into its form and followed by a well-placed bite, only serve to bring it to the brink of death. It starts to die in Yrashnal's clutches, and he, too, feel the danger close behind him. He hasn't much time; one round at the most.

Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

Uga splutters and spits at first, but he manages to hold his breath. Two villagers hand Kyorlin four other buckets. Many others mutter angrily and finally, several of them object. "Respectfully, sir, this is wrong!"
"We agree! Let's execute him now and be done with it!"

The water-torture takes several minutes amidst objections of the villagers. Finally, at the end of it all, Uga stares at the villagers, stares at Kyorlin, and waits until he's finished coughing. "And now someone else harms the villagers. A man suffers and Villagers think they can't be stronger, they think what they call suffering is suffering. The two of us know the truth.

One of the women, her voice quivering with emotion, retorts "Some of have been robbed, had our our sons taken and lost, had our husbands taken and are told 'they don't know suffering.' This man shows a shameful mind that will not be changed!" Others nod their heads. She continues, "This man refuses to accept the suffering of his subjects!" Others cry out in support. Another shrieks, "One who belittles another's pain shows their fear of being the same as others!" Uga shakes his head in disagreement and begins to taunt them, but nowm the crowd surges forward to suppress him. They lash out, and the thirty-or-so peasants strike him, beat him, hit him with farm implements, and Kyorlin, because of his proximity, takes a few hits...but nothing too serious.
[roll0] Piercing & [roll1] bludgeoning.

2019-05-07, 01:02 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

STOP! pushes the town folks back.
If you can't handle this you can leave but I'm not done yet until he admits his guilt. You could have killed him any time but you wanted me to do this and I'm not done, I haven't given up yet why are you? Takes the towel off his face.
You don't want me to use water fine.grabs a torch off the wall by the hot end, switching ends he use the fire to further deter the crowd.I'll the opposite! chucks the torch between his legs and ignites his crotch. Realizes tne error of this and grabs one of the bickets of water and pours it along his inner thighs and waist line.

2019-05-07, 08:59 AM
For a time Donovan remains silent. He'd long hoped to find one willing to embrace the serenity but had never really expected to. Yet here he had found a creature who, having never felt its touch, its resonance, still understood the misery of its absence.


"Your mind... Yes...
but... with new perspective. In truth it counts for little...

We must find calmer waters."

2019-05-07, 06:36 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

This result can be considered sufficient.

Before he is surrounded Yhrashnal powers through the water at his top speed until he finally breeches and escapes into the air on wings that cast a shadow far too wide, the satisfaction of his kill the only trophy from this second phase of the hunt.

He will be back. Later. This corpse will be gone (and even if it remained he would have no use for it) but if he can find the other sharks he will be more than satisfied. Still, that is another day.

HP: 34/98 (29 +5 Fast Healing)

AC: 21
Current buffs:
Feed (Barghest HD+2): +2 Str, +2 con, Powerful build
~59 minutes remaining
Swift action: Held in reserve to use Ghostly as Immediate Action if more than two sharks counterattack.
Swim check: [roll0]
Fullround Action: Withdraw action to leave the water: swim speed of 45 into a fly speed of 70.

With his pettiness appeased Yhrashnal makes his way back to the boat.

2019-05-09, 11:50 AM
Deep Ocean, West of Kyuden Gotei.

With an agreement reached and Yrashnal back on board, the three of you make it back Ahab's hermitation in a quarter of the time it took you to go out to sea. It's a smooth return to the soft banks of the landing. "Now, I hope tha two of ya can return this boat to the city, na problem?

The man, as he's stepping off the boat, looks reluctant to do so. His face twists with the sign of his memories dueling each other for dominance, and as he looks at his land, his face sags with someone whom has endured more sadness than they want to. ...Donovan, where's the peace ya promised me?

Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

Many villagers have the decency to look ashamed. Reflecting on what Uga said earlier, the elderly woman who's spoken several times before nods thoughtfully. "The man speaks some truth. We are not used to the lives or the thoughts of a soldier, and we don't know it. But neither does Uga know the life of a peasant."

Uga glares at her but remains silent.

"Uga tells the perspective of being a soldier: Those below soldiers must have harsh demands to know that the strong survive. Your eminence," she turns to Kyorlin "Ugasees these actions as necessary. Uga has made the only confession that can be made. Uga says "I have done nothing wrong" with belief and conviction. There is no guilt, only ignorance."

The soldier's face has softened. "I am not ignorant, but otherwise, agreed. The peasants' way is wrong-- The elderly woman cuts in with an upheld finger, "A belief this village does not share!" The peasants are undisciplined, soft to the ways of violence. The Old Way is different for soldiers.

The elderly woman shakes her head. "The Old Way is and is not The Way. But the Old Way is never about crushing your allies."

Uga looks to Kyorlin and sighs. "These villagers believe I brought them great suffering...I only did what I thought would breed more strength. Every life suffers as it lives. I hope I understand this Magistrate's anger. Now I ask, Magistrate...bring death as you see fit.

2019-05-10, 01:32 AM
Yhrashnal, having returned to the guise of the Ascendant Monk, remains reserved as Donovan induces this mortal to beg for the 'blessing' of undeath. He simply has more important matters to deal with at this moment.

Introspection on his own nature aside he is still examining the newly acquired Heavenly form and searching for avenues for improvement throughout the full gamut of his abilities and techniques.

Natural flight matches his physique nicely and magical flight in something with which he is exceptionally familiar; how deeply should he delve into one before reinforcing it with the other? Should he favors the profound or the reliable? Should he layer his study of his options deeply, overlapping endlessly to reach new insights beyond his inheritance, or should that time be spent elsewhere?

Yhrashnal passively follows along with Donovan's instructions while focusing on these matters, only remaining alert to danger; this is only a shallow issue, after all, and it would truly be an embarrassment to his name if he were distracted to death while choosing his wing color...

2019-05-10, 03:06 AM
Kyuden Gotei - Cold storage, butcher's shop

Alright I will take care of this, I promise he will never bother you again. For everyone's sake I need you all to leave as I prepare myself for this, the less you know of my methods the better as then you won't have to lie.

As the villagers file out of the cold storage, Kyorlin paces. Once they leave he slams his hands on the table. He reaches it to his haversack and pulls out the kython crystal. Places it on Uga chest, Alright Uga lets continue where we left off removes all his nails by workong the skewers under them. He screams for his death but Kyorlin doesn't stop.

He only repeats what he has been saying all this time. This causes the kython crystal to jave one facet flicker. Kyorlin picks it up but it doesn't stop flickering.

Reluctantly he tries to contact Tun.

2019-05-10, 10:32 AM
It could never be explained.

Donovan offers a hand to Ahab, leading him out into the sea step by steady step.

No book, no song, poem, performance, or recounting,
could hope to capture all-consuming significance.

It could only be shown.

"Fear is nettling, captain. Breath, distracting...
Even the rush of blood past one's ears becomes deafening, in the stillness of the deep. But if you abandon them, all of them, you can find your peace."

They continue wading, and Donovan speaks again only once the water nears their chins.

2019-05-12, 02:46 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Slums

The torture of Uga takes the rest of the day. The crystal prevents him from losing consciousness and every sound he makes leaves no trace of echo. Instead, his screams and sounds of suffering focus to the crystal. As his energy fades to death, the crystal resonates more and more until, brimming with power at the edge of his demise, the stone emits a pale red light. If Kyorlin puts it close to his ears, he can hear all of Uga's tortured screams, trapped in its structure.

As Kyorlin leaves, he meets many villagers that still wait for him outside. The elderly woman nods to him. "We are safe from the city watch; they believe he met with the caravan that left for his estate. There will be a few days until they begin to suspect something went wrong. I know what you might do. Walk with me." She leads you out of the slums, past the constructed protective palisades and back into the main city. "When I was young and beautiful, I had an affair with a noble magistrate. He demonstrated that, as a magistrate, he had the power to try and convict people in the name of the Emperor; he was only subject to review by his peers and the emperor himself. But you do not conduct yourself as a typical Magistrate...and yet i'm thankful for taking away his ability to disrupt our lives. Wear your signet ring with great care. It unlocks many doors, but other Magistrates will suspect something different."

The lady excuses herself and takes her own leave, leaving Kyorlin to himself.

Ahab's Hermitation

The old sailor thrashes about as his instinct takes over. He fights Donovan as his body tries desperately to breathe and he inhales under water. As his body fails to gain what it needs he goes limp..and he doesn't come back. He looks as if he were trying to grasp the serenity promised him, but still fell short.

You search his house. There is little left here but some (freshly) harvested fields, a house empty save for a bed and bags of seed, plants, fertilizing beds, and in his cellar a cobweb-and-dust covered spear. It appears to be crystal, but instead of being weak or brittle it is as strong--or stronger--than steel.

2019-05-12, 06:30 PM

After watching the assisted enlightenment of that skilled mortal Yhrashnal has little to do beyond explore this territory and wait for the newly acquired undead being to arise.

Perhaps the island will be of value as a temporary base; a place where Donovan can raise and train a corp of elite undead to reinforce the militia of these lands. The location is well suited as a home base for undead, or any other creature, attuned to the element of water and becoming undead is surely a significant improvement from being entirely mortal...

Yhrashnals thoughts and exploration can only distract him for so long though. He is hungry (always always hungry) but the labourers are of little interest to Yhrashnal and the crystal spear found under the skilled fisherman's home is little more than a curiosity; it will take time to determine whether this item is more useful to his compatriots as it is, or as a trade good when dealing with It, or as a quick snack to be consumed and annihilated for the sake of deepening Yhrashnal's physical attunement to magical energies.

"...How much longer?" He cut their hunting trip short specifically so they could get back to work, after all, so it would not make sense to tarry here for too long. His inherited memories also suggest that some undead take time to rise; the foul energies only fill their bodies with the taste of rot and imperfection after days, months, years, centuries...

Even a single hour would be far too long to wait here uselessly. At the very least they should return to their work and then come back for the new undead creature later.

2019-05-13, 05:07 PM
Donovan and Yrashnal, with no greater purpose to stay on the islet, shove off and make their way back to Kyuden Gotei. By the time they reach the docks, it's dusk. Although the fishermen aren't there, a young lad watches their arrival and runs off; soon, one of the fishermen returns, excited and also tired from his trip. He doesn't say anything, just drags the fishing boat to the holding area for all such craft and then leaves. A few guards watch what's happened, but don't make any ruckus.

Kyuden Gotei - docks
As the two of you make your way towards the city's center, another watercraft pulls into the dock to depart. This medium-sized ship has a foreign look about it. It's compact and firm, and it's made of a pale, cream-colored wood. The main mast of the ship is rather long, with a wide triangle sail in its front. The other side of its sail looks like an odd wing, and it doesn't even take up the entire space of the mast. There are only three figures about this sloop: one is an old man, energetic and also followed by a monkey. The second is a nobleman, almost as pale-skinned as his boat, with long white hair and blue eyes to boot. His outfit is mostly white lace, substantial only where it might be offensive to humans, all bound in an excellent fur coat. As the outfit flows it leaks the hoar of a much-colder place.

The third figure is a simple human, broad-shouldered, who follows the commands of the noble-looking one with speed and power. As they dock, the elderly man (and his monkey) leave after giving the human what looks like a small bag that clinks as it lands in the (buff) man's hands. "Did Erus pay for his journey already?"

"Yes. We're all ready. Have a safe journey."

There are several guards that walk up to the two of you. One of them has a few srripes on the shoulders of his uniform, and he says, "Halt! If you are foreigners, you must have documents detailing your visit, your purpose, and from what land you're from!

"What if we're here under request of your superiors?"

"Which ones?"

A Kami who wishes us to have passage in this land.

The guards look at each other as if they're going to tell this story to each other again later. "If that trick worked, we'd have many foreigners in this land that don't belong here. Your papers, please."

The elderly-looking Oshika remains silent and lets his monkey run circles around his feet. He smiles at it as they wait.

Kyuden Gotei - Slum entrance
Kyorlin feels as if there's something tugging at his mind. After all, Tun did not appear as he normally would. He passes by the partially-constructed walls around the slums, and as he passes by a bucket of water (used to clean equipment, it seems), he sees the reflection of neither his real self nor his disguise but rather a silver-eyed being with patchy skin. The pain in his mind builds until he looks back towards the bucket. Climbing out is none other than the reflection he'd seen. The figure looks like a man with a leatherworker's apron and what appears to be stains on his skin. A man who, in this land, would be untouchable, or at least entirely unremarkable...except for his eyes.

Tun's life force has been removed from this world. Your contract with Tun cannot be fulfilled; however, the one you made with him benefits me as well. He procures all of the crystals made through Specimen's demise from a pouch on his person and then returns them. "Finish it and I will help you regain the power you're due upon its completion."

2019-05-13, 06:00 PM
Looking displeased at this turn of events, Erus looks down at the guard with a frown that screams 'noble trying to deal with uppity peasants': "I will not stand here and be questioned by a commoner, find someone of proper upbringing and I shall deign to meet with them come morning. Now, lead us to a place where we may rest, preferably with a fine assortment of wine, the journey was dreadfully short on the finer things."

Not sure which of the three is most fitting, so just pick between them as fits: [roll0]

2019-05-13, 10:18 PM
The guard, disgruntled at being looked down upon, gives a respectful bow. "YOur nobility will understand that precautions must be taken by this country to guard against unfortunate threats. There is only one such place in this city with accommodations that will suit your needs... He looks askance at both Yrashnal and Donovan, and asks the two of them, "Ah, Magistrates, we heard of your travels and we're grateful for your return. Would you look after...these two and see to it they make their way to the Dignitary's Quarters?

2019-05-14, 01:56 AM

Taking the offered crystal(s) Thats too bad, I was looking forward to our next meeting. with a western style bow I am Kyorlin
Naerth, it is a pleasure to meet your aquetiance, Shall we go get a drink or do you have other desires?

2019-05-14, 11:48 AM
Turning to the two newcomers, Erus turns a beaming smile upon them and sweeps out his arms, making it obvious he doesn't carry any visible weapons: "Ah, Magistrates, someone literate at last! Blessings of the Moon to you, I am Duke Erus."
As he waits for an answer, he clasps his hands behind his back.

2019-05-14, 05:57 PM
Kyuden Gotei - Slums Entrance

Orusc looks at Kyorlin with a raised eyebrow and a head that tilts away from him. "I wish I had the time. I do have a carrot for you; finish this task before your Heist--as in, expedite your finding four people however you see fit--and I can make you a Wani's Molt, a belt of great power. It would aid your cause greatly.

...and then, once you've completed your hesit, we can share drinks."

With this Orusc climbs back into the water barrel and disappears.

2019-05-14, 06:53 PM
Yhrashnal (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1769831)

Yet another mire of mortal conflict interrupts Yhrashnal's ponderings with the work a shiphand should be doing. Matters of this level may indeed fall within the scope of Yhrashnal's obligations when in his False Swordsman form but right now, as a mere Enlightened Monk in that other form's entourage, his freedoms are far greater. He has no need to bother with this minor problem.

Even so it would still be best to maintain a at least a trace of propriety though, lest his disguise come under scrutiny and create a situation where he has no choice but to cruelly punish all mortals of this domain. That being must receive this much face from him, at least.

"I am not much. Not yet. My training is incomplete." Yhrashnal reduces himself to an even lesser form before the eyes of these people; his extra arms collapse into his torso and the third eye on his brow closes leaving not a single seam or blemish. "I will lead you as needed. Come. There is much to do."

Yhrashnal allows his mind to settle somewhat, probing the area lightly while he prepares himself to undertake a series of numbingly pedestrian tasks; the slaughter of those within the cove is so near, so tantalizing near... <I will deal with this matter. Make preparations for assaulting the cove. If possible, locate the Drow-Fiend.>[Donovan]

HP should be full once more (Fast Healing) and Feed benefits have probably worn off by now.
Fullround action to swap from Open Ajna Monk to normal Monk (Emerald Legionnaire) form.
Quick scan with Blindsense in this area; he might not see beings hanging around, but Blindsense should at least detect that there are a few extra somethings here and there if there are any.

Scent/survival to probe the area for oddities: [roll0].

2019-05-14, 10:27 PM
The captain's... unresponsiveness to the serenity still troubles Donovan, long after the occasion. He could feel it's presence then, outlining the sea's currents and surrounding the man's still form.
But not suffusing it. There was no understanding in him, no enlightenment. The serenity's significance was still known only to a long-dead entertainer, now more quiet and reserved even than usual. It was a failure that made Donovan ache all the more to reveal the serenity's boundless splendor unto the world. But how?

... But presently, his attention is requested in accordance with his supposed standing. Certainly his attire would suggest no such rank; though new, his clothing was still that of a simple sailor. But since joining the numbers of the other voice-called, it seemed he was rarely seen as he truly was.

"I am..."
Donovan pauses for a moment. What would his title be? He thinks back to another life he had recently ended, continuing in unenthusiastic tone after a lengthy pause.

"... Rear-Admiral Grolier. I apologize, for I have other matters which require my attendance."

With that, Donovan saunters crookedly off, clearly having yet to regain his land legs. He does as Yhrashnal instructs and begins to search for Kyorlin, not caring to contradict. Indeed, he is more than happy to turn his thoughts towards those in the cove; how he might be more successful this time in revealing new truths to the ignorant.

2019-05-15, 06:52 AM

Hmm guess he didn't want any Uga, who ever that was. he is very confused and wanders towards the docks as he was before Tun caused him pain in the ear.

He guesses Yhrashnal may have use for his left overs, would the swordsman take his face and identity? Supposedly the man was quite connected, might have to promote the new Uga to Magistrate, he wonders if he can do that.

As he continues he tries his new detecting abilities taking note as to where there is a good or just individual and how much magic is around them along with magic where there are no traces of the good and just.

2019-05-15, 03:08 PM
Looking very angry at this this insult, Erus narrows his eyes before breaking out into a large smile and laughing loudly, attracting attention: "Not a full magistrate, you can show me around the town then. Introduce me to the lay of the land, I can perhaps give you some pointers over whatever you drink around here."

2019-05-15, 05:44 PM

The Monk allows the comments to pass without reacting; the ego of a debauchee couldn't have less bearing on the actions of one so thoroughly harmonized with rage. The trip to the Dignitary quarters is, for Yhrashnal's part, a quiet journey; upon arriving he does not even deign to utter a word about the place...most likely because he only knows of this location in passing, and has little knowledge of its purpose or inhabitants.

Only upon reaching the Barracks, a scant few minutes further into the journey, does Yhrashnal actually bother speaking. "If you wish for 'pointers' I recommend sparring here. These warriors are exceptional by the standards of mortals. Some are material for a divine army; they will do well facing Oni." After Yhrashnal eats his fill and slaughters the Samurai who offended him he will certainly make time to come study the warriors here. Even departing for other tasks he will surely come back to test these people as time allows. This is the first location with standard warriors that can almost face him; it would only take the slightest push to bring these mortals to the limit of their capabilities, which would surely be a fine way to progress his task.

2019-05-15, 06:40 PM
Seemingly unfazed by the lack of answers, Erus speaks for most of the walk, prodding and poking to get a reaction.

As his escort finally talks, the warm smile turns somewhat more calculating, almost imperceptible and almost definitely on purpose: "And yet, I believe you to be much more interesting: A magistrate that doesn't try to engage in politics doesn't seem like a magistrate at all. Especially not one rubbing elbows with a Rear-Admiral, who forgot to introduce himself."

Shaking his head he continues talking: "No, I think I shall keep you around since you're such an interesting specimen."

2019-05-15, 09:06 PM
The guards nod to each other with Donovan's assertion and share a look. They let the group go; one of the guards to whom Donovan talked passes the four of you at a run; he looks at Tenshukaku, the capitol building and nods as he runs; he clutches a scroll in his hands. He passes by other soldiers; they ask him what his hurry is and he says, "Don't want to be late for shift change!" Several of them nod and laugh.

As you walk, Yrashnal, Donovan and (now) Erus are followed by the elder man who was on the boat with them. "Erus, perhaps this one has great power and duties with great political impact without direct meddling. Should every land operate as the Fey courts?

As you walk to the Magistrates' quarters you encounter Kyorlin.

2019-05-16, 02:46 AM

There you are, feels like its been ages. notices the wintery fellow and flourishes a bow, upon standing
Hello good sir, I am Kyorlin Naerth of the noble house Naerth and magistrate of these parts as are those of my compatriots that escort you.

Come in and join us for some food and refreshments, would you like some of the local cuisine or shall i have them see if they can prepare something from where you hail from?

2019-05-16, 04:14 AM
Thinking a bit on the old mans words, Erus furrows his brows in thought: "He is very quiet. Hopefully also as hard to offend as he is to get a laugh out of. My apologies, you warm types are usually so loud.

At Kyorlin's introduction the fey smiles warmly and returns the bow: "Winters Greetings Kyorlin Naerth of House Naerth. I am Duke Erus of the Calm Snowfall. It's good to see that not all magistrates are as solemn as this one." He gestures at the still un-introduced Yrashnal. "Are you the one sponsoring him Sir Kyorlin?"

2019-05-16, 05:10 AM

Sponsor? I wouldn't go that far, I do try to take on as much of the social interaction with politicians and the like. I will have to tell you about the trouble he caused at a palace with a note he left, we almost didn't make ot out alive. said with humor and chuckles.

He is the oldest of my companions and has proven himself. He really only enjoys combat and feeding. Always trying to improve his physique.

Enough about him, tell me what brings Duke Erus here to the humble little palace?

2019-05-16, 06:57 AM

"Our task is yet incomplete." Yhrashnal reminds the group out loud. A moment later his grating voice continues within their minds <Our preparations are complete. It is time to attack the cove.>[Donovan, Kyorlin]