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The Giant
2006-04-19, 11:16 PM
New comic is up.

2006-04-19, 11:18 PM
'The encumbrance limit of my sanity'. Gotta love Roy.

Edit: So is Haley cured, or not?

2006-04-19, 11:18 PM
Really nice grapple check by Haley. Maybe she's on the long road to an aphasia cure.

Edit: Curse you, Dhavaer. :P

2006-04-19, 11:18 PM
elan is back with his same ole loveable self.

I wonder if my bard can cast that 20ft radius spell.

Loved it Giant--grapple check LMAO!

and yes--1st page whoo hoooo!

1st time ever, now I can stop trying so hard

2006-04-19, 11:18 PM
Ooh, now I'm eager for Friday's comic to see how it all goes down in the end.

2006-04-19, 11:18 PM
Heheheheh, another hilarious comic.

I especially like how Haley didn't even say anything, and just started dragging him.

2006-04-19, 11:19 PM
"Nice grapple check on Haley's part, though."

Great! I wonder what will happen next episode ???

2006-04-19, 11:20 PM
Encumbrance limits on sanity. Beautiful. And you gotta love a woman who knows what she wants. Reminds me rather a lot of my fiancée.

2006-04-19, 11:21 PM
That was great! I fear Oblivious Elan is not long for this strip... hehehe. Anyway, I loved Haley's smile when she first heard the news.
Oh, and someone has to write up a spell description for the Power Word: Puppets. It causes all characters within a twenty-foot radius to make a Knowledge: limits of my sanity check and makes rational thought impossible.

2006-04-19, 11:21 PM
subtle thing I liked was how Elan blatantly interrupts poor Hinjo.
Great comic, miscellaneous kudos.

2006-04-19, 11:22 PM
HOORAY!!!!! :D

EDIT: Okay, now that I got my inital excited response out of my system, it occurs to me that I also want to add the following:

--Great to see Elan so excited and wide-eyed, so much so that he couldn't even restrain himself from interrupting Hinjo!

--Loved Roy's sarcasm, as always!

--Nice grapple check!

--Haley dragging Elan away was so cute!

--Elan's reaction to being dragged was great as well!

--Where is Belkar--and is Hinjo in on the secret, or is that potential trouble?

--Although I'm sure he won't mind, it's too bad that Elan doesn't get to follow through with an idea that Roy actually thought was good! (I think Elan will be okay, though. ;))

--Is our star-crossed rogue finally ready to reveal her true feelings? I can't wait to see how the "romantic evening" goes!

--and, once more... HOORAY!! :D

EDIT 2: (I'm so excited I can't even post straight today...)

I loved seeing the whole strip start with just: "PUPPETS!!" :D

2006-04-19, 11:22 PM
Heh, once again Elan doesn't get it. Man, I wish a woman would drag me off for a romantic dinner. :P

2006-04-19, 11:22 PM
2nd post

1st page :D

Just love this thing.

2006-04-19, 11:22 PM
What's the sleight of hand check required to steal a bard? Great comic.

2006-04-19, 11:22 PM

And, what is haley doing? ... ;)

Jack Squat
2006-04-19, 11:23 PM
Great comic as usual, gotta love that free food. :)
alright, first page.
alright, first post second page. :)

2006-04-19, 11:23 PM
Awww... very sweet.

It's going to be strange when Hayley can communicate verbally again. Right now, the contrast between her and Elan is striking.

Opposites attract, I guess.

2006-04-19, 11:23 PM
After an opening like that, it could have used more puppets, though...

Most things could use more puppets.


2006-04-19, 11:23 PM
Oh hells yeah. Go Elan! *Bow chicka wow wow* http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Gleanerizer/winky.gif

2006-04-19, 11:24 PM
"Tha poor doomed fool"
It's not like she could have reasoned him into coming:
point 1, no talking, point 2, anything in plain English might have confused him as badly.

2006-04-19, 11:25 PM
Poor Elan...so clueless.

I've done similar things to my boy on occasion. It's amazing what you can accomplish without any words.

2006-04-19, 11:28 PM
Yay for a Haley finally making a move!
Yay for certain ambush by the Linear Guild!
Yay for the ultimate one-liner "the poor doomed fool"!
Yay for a great comic in general! :D

EDIT: Yay for puppets!

2006-04-19, 11:30 PM
Ha, Haley is actually making a move. That's pretty bold by comparison to here former actions regarding her feelings.
Anyway, great comic

2006-04-19, 11:32 PM
Ha, Haley is actually making a move. That's pretty bold by comparison to here former actions regarding her feelings.
Anyway, great comic

Well, you see, there comes a time in any relationsip where the female realizes that the male just doesn't get the hint...any hint...in which case she is forced to either seduce him or do something similar to what Haley has done :P

2006-04-19, 11:33 PM
Its about time. Haley should of done that ages ago.

2006-04-19, 11:34 PM
Similtainiously funny and sweet

Haley doesn't need to say anything. Tone and body language always get far more across than words, I think the figure now is that 90% of communication is non-verbal.

2006-04-19, 11:37 PM
Yup, great grapple check.

2006-04-19, 11:37 PM
I have a friend who likes to start conversations like that. He has Asperger's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome), but I don't think that's the full story behind what makes him tick. :D Example:


Translated, that means "Would you like to go eat at Tim Horton's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Hortons)?". Of course, I understand this because I know him well, but if anyone else is in the area, they can be highly confused.

2006-04-19, 11:40 PM
Woo hoo go Haley. Loved the beginning of the strip. What could be better than Elan walking into a room and saying Puppets? Haley dragging Elan away was very cute and funny too.

2006-04-19, 11:40 PM
"Okay, or perhaps Haley and I could...umm..."

"Tha poor doomed fool"
"Nice grapple check on Haley's part, though."
"Oh aye."

I love it!

2006-04-19, 11:40 PM
Great Strip! I wonder if the others will go out and have supper without Haley and Elan. Because that'd be really funny too! ;D

2006-04-19, 11:42 PM
Best strip in a long while. It's nice to have mild comedy with light hearted humor. And the subtle plays were nice.

2006-04-19, 11:42 PM

I love how the last few panels unfold so nonchalantly. Haley grabs with little effort, Elan's just around for the ride, and Hinjo, Roy, and Durkon know better than to intervene.

2006-04-19, 11:45 PM
I hope Haley can still write in Common.

2006-04-19, 11:46 PM
Poor Elan is about to have his world rocked! :D

Awesome strip, Rich!

2006-04-19, 11:46 PM
Well, I'd be leary of free food. But still I'd gorge. Just saying I'd smell it all first and try to find a discreet way of asking about it's age.

2006-04-19, 11:48 PM



There I think I'm done, no wait...


There, now I'm done.

*runs off giggling insanly*

2006-04-19, 11:48 PM
See? This is a good one. A really good one, not uproariously funny but just so...polished. This one's grand. Check it.

Just like 11, 105, 165, 199 and 284/85. Which I call the best ones, and an entirely subjective selection.

Good work Giant, as we've come to expect. This one just rings just right.


2006-04-19, 11:52 PM
i wonder what AC vs vomit? a touch attack, im sure, but still... so if three hit, how many missed?

and PUPPETS! hehehe

2006-04-19, 11:53 PM
Things like this actually happen in real life, if you meet the right kind of girl.

Nice grapple check indeed, although I don't think Elan was really trying.

Valda, Adlav and Samiam: the Jacked-Up Trinity
2006-04-19, 11:56 PM



There I think I'm done, no wait...


There, now I'm done.

*runs off giggling insanly*

... you frighten me at times, Lilly.

Great strip. It's too bad Elan's completely oblivious to reality.

2006-04-19, 11:56 PM
RM 115 that is all

2006-04-19, 11:59 PM
Best. Opening. Panel. Ever.

Haley..Elan...the dragging...

*dies of happiness*

2006-04-20, 12:00 AM
has it occured to no one else that Rich might make us wait about 2 weeks to show us their private dinner? I mean, we could make the rounds with Belkar and V again, the linear guid could have a few strips, and so could Xykon. It's the sort of mean thing Rich would do.
(No offense Rich, you know we all practically worship the ground you walk on)

2006-04-20, 12:01 AM
Bravo Rich.

I laughed aloud for the "Nice Grapple Check" part.

2006-04-20, 12:01 AM
Hey it's party time, there's a CHa 18 guy hanging around...what do you think she's dragging him off for...? Parcheesi? ;)

I think this is the closest I've ever gotten to page 1! ;D

2006-04-20, 12:03 AM
I sure expected to see Banjo after the first line...

Oh, the drama that will unfold! Bardic... senses... tingling...

2006-04-20, 12:08 AM
Awwwww Haley's so cute :)

So why does Durkon think Elan is doomed? Does he not think Haley is good for him? Or is just bitter about females after the Hilgya thing?

Also nice to see Hinjo smiling. I guess he must have enjoyed Elan's company.

2006-04-20, 12:10 AM
Ahahaha! That was wonderful!
One of my favorites ;D

2006-04-20, 12:11 AM
Elan is doomed because love is an Epic Level Challenge ;)

so does this mean that theres a new "Powerword:_____" spellout there?

PUPPETS!!!! ::boom!::

2006-04-20, 12:14 AM
No, I believe it's just because Elan's going to have very little say in his personal life for the next while.

Will be very glad to see where this goes...beneath my callous mean heartless exterior, I'm actually a natural shipper. The question is: will this annoying Sci-fi-esque romantic tension finally be resolved, or will Sitcom Dramatic Irony intervene? Only time will tell. I'll be waiting with popcorn.

2006-04-20, 12:17 AM
This comic excited me very much. I am very happy for both Haley and Elan. It took long enough, darn it!

2006-04-20, 12:19 AM
Um, someone explain this to me. How does getting a FREE dinner with a hot red-head chick in leather equate to doom?

2006-04-20, 12:20 AM
Maybe you all have noticed this but it seems to be a page per 15 minutes when the new comic is up. On different days when I have caught the comic early I have seen 2 pgs in 1/2 hour and 3 in 45 mins and now it is an hour after the comic is up and there are 4 pages. I wonder how fast it will be when there are 20000 members on this forum. :o

I loved this comic. Go Haley and EE-lin. (Still getting used the correct pronounciation)

2006-04-20, 12:22 AM
I think I should develope a spell called:

"Negate Rational Thought"

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 20 ft. radius.
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes
You reduce the ability of... oook, well, you might imagine what it does!

2006-04-20, 12:23 AM
When panel 1 is Elan saying "PUPPETS!" you know it's a good one.




There I think I'm done, no wait...


There, now I'm done.

*runs off giggling insanly*

Lilly, you live up to your avatar very, very well.

2006-04-20, 12:31 AM
I'm only a Math Major but I think it is easy to see that

Redhead+Freefood+Puppets=A very happy Elan
=> a very Distracted Elan
=> a very Happy Nale/Xykon

So, inadvertantly Haley may be pleasing Nale and/or Xykon

*du du du du*(Ominous tune)

2006-04-20, 12:32 AM
Ok, before reading the rest of the thread, my response: Woo! go girl!

I will now go back and read all the previous posts. I may or may not add another comment later.

2006-04-20, 12:48 AM
And so the healing begins...

2006-04-20, 12:49 AM



There I think I'm done, no wait...


There, now I'm done.

*runs off giggling insanly*

Wow; a little excited, are we? ;) Not that I can blame you, though! I'm very happy to see Haley finally make a move on the boy. Now if only our wonderfully clueless bard can actually take a hint just once in his life.... [crosses fingers] I mean, free dinner with an attractive redhead. How much better can life get for him? ;D

2006-04-20, 12:51 AM
I do have to say I bounced in my chair when I saw the grin on Haley's face. That is a good "evil thoughts" grin.
I look forward to seeing the grin on Elan's face when the mini-arch is over.


2006-04-20, 12:51 AM
Poor Hinjo...

2006-04-20, 12:52 AM
#%!@#%@#! (Belkar worthy expletive)

Just check the comic at school before I leave, nothing new; get home 30 minutes later and there's a new comic and 4 pages of commentary already!

Will I never see first page?

Now, on to serious matters:

I have to ask what Durkon means by doom. He's spoken to Haley on occasion about her feelings towards Elan, and I found it surprising that he would make that comment. If anything, I would have expected an "about time" from him.

2006-04-20, 12:57 AM
What's Haley's biggest secret? Her love for Elan. She wants to be able to speak English again. Either that or she wants to see the 18 Chrisma under the hood...privately. XD.

2006-04-20, 12:57 AM
I have to ask what Durkon means by doom. He's spoken to Haley on occasion about her feelings towards Elan, and I found it surprising that he would make that comment. If anything, I would have expected an "about time" from him.

I think Durkon is just displaying the stereotypical feelings quite a few male dwarves have on relationships and marriage (e.g., many view it as an encumbrance).

2006-04-20, 01:02 AM
Well he said love is the epic challenge and his last romance did not go well for him. :-/ So I think that might be where the negative attitude comes from.

2006-04-20, 01:02 AM
10 gold says that the main reason Haley did it was because the dinner is free. (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=205)


2006-04-20, 01:03 AM
Yay Haley! I wonder if she is going to go all out and tell him everything (in code), and if it'll cure her or not. This one got a good laugh out of me.

2006-04-20, 01:11 AM
Masterful. I wouldn't want to touch that. :)

2006-04-20, 01:23 AM
The Haley Loves Elan index:

In the beginning there were flirtation:



okay I am too tired to keep looking. I just happened to notice the invis one and I remembered the others.

Winged One
2006-04-20, 01:26 AM
This sort of thing is one of the few circumstances under which it's acceptable to fudge a grapple check. ;)

2006-04-20, 01:31 AM
The Haley Loves Elan index:

In the beginning there were flirtation:



okay I am too tired to keep looking. I just happened to notice the invis one and I remembered the others.

She gets blatent:

Others start to notice:

And then, it gets really obvious:

2006-04-20, 01:41 AM
You know, I just realized, yes Haley loves Elan and almost the whole party know it. The whole party doesn't know about her dad and if she tells Elan and swears him to secrecy, he wouldn't tell. That would probably cure her of her condition and still keep Elan in the dark about her feelings. Of course, the whole party would think Haley told Elan she liked him and would start teasing him. Would he understand the teasing? Would Haley's crush be exposed anyway?
Am I thinking this thing too through?


2006-04-20, 01:50 AM
Oh The Poor Doomed Fool!

Archonic Energy
2006-04-20, 01:53 AM
i kinda feel sorry for haley... to love someone is too dumb/niave to notice.

good grapple check tho
(and her 6 ranks in use rope...)

2006-04-20, 01:56 AM
grapple check!


Edit: Woo! PAGE 6!!! ;D ;D ;D

2006-04-20, 01:57 AM
This comic was awesome. Rich man, your comic genious once again risen to a new height. The jokes just kept coming panel after panel and in so many different ways.

The first panel alone had two gags, one being funny if you've always read the comic (PUPPETS!) and the other humorus on a D&D level and OOTS level. (And so begins another conversation that will test the encumbrance limits of my sanity.) So quotable and so Roy

So now I ask the question, how many jokes can us OOTS readers find in this solitary comic? I count nine myself. Let me know if you find more or disagree?

2006-04-20, 02:05 AM
And in other news, we now know with virtual certainty the gang will be absent when Xykon comes to flatten the neighbourhood. Carry on.

2006-04-20, 02:06 AM
Heh. Always did wonder how Haley was at grappling...

2006-04-20, 02:13 AM
I've found that "poor doomed fool" is a pretty typical bachelor response. But hey, doom ain't all that bad, especially when gropeling, er... grappling... is involved! :D

Will be fun to see what a tamed Elan looks like.

edit: Oh yeah, nice strip!

2006-04-20, 02:18 AM
Oh, oh yes.

This is gonna be good. I guess Hayley decided which secret to reveal....

But which one is it?

2006-04-20, 02:42 AM
She gets blatent:
This was my first OotS strip. Come to think of it, I always seem to start viewing things in the middle of shippy.

First episode of Firefly: "Our Mrs. Reynolds"
First full episode of Futurama: "A Flight to Remember." I think.
First Dominic Deegan strip: The entire gorram series.

Explains why I tend to enjoy romance plots.

EDIT: First Stargate SG-1: The Broca Divide. Followed shortly by There but for the Grace of God. But that's really more unresolved sexual tension.

2006-04-20, 02:50 AM
Elan, Elan, Elan. Gunna be some hot human on human action tonite!

2006-04-20, 02:58 AM
How very efficient of Haley: Therapy and amorous advancement in one fell swoop! ^^ Methinks Durkon is still smarting from his one and only advanced experience with the opposite sex ... I wouldn't be surprised if he avoids women from now on.

2006-04-20, 03:03 AM

Hee hee hee.

After all the violence and suspense, it's about time the party had some RNR, and good old fashioned nonsense. Go Haley! Woo!

2006-04-20, 03:09 AM
I love her, I just love her. Elan's the man, to be loved by such a woman...
Does Elan get it finally? I mean, he muttered something about he going out with Haley alone -- I think he finally understood. And he doesn't struggle. That obviously means... aawww, spring is coming, I can feel it!

2006-04-20, 03:36 AM
Love the eyebrow on Hinjo in the last panel.

That is all.

2006-04-20, 03:43 AM
She gets blatent:

Others start to notice:

And then, it gets really obvious:
Lilly, how could you forget the most blatant (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=262) one of all? :)

Now, about Durkon's comment--I don't think it's as negative as some people are thinking. I took it more like a "Bambi" sort of thing. Bambi, Flower, and Thumper all say "Ah, that'll never happen to me!" and then, one by one, they all fall, finding themselves powerless to resist love's sweet embrace.

Or, like in Lion King:

And if he falls in love with her
It can be assumed
Our carefree days with him are history
In short our friend is DOOMED!

It doesn't mean "doomed" in a bad way, just that he won't see it coming but it will get him all the same. :)

[/Disney mode off]

2006-04-20, 04:07 AM
At least now we know who Elan can bring to room 115 ;-)

2006-04-20, 04:28 AM

great comic Giant! but when is Elan going to start getting Messages from his brother? I can't wait for that sub-plot.

2006-04-20, 04:45 AM
Aw, that's sweet :) Maybe Haley will once more profess her love of Ukeleles :)

2006-04-20, 04:48 AM

Haley just grabs Elan and literally drags him off. I love it! Go Haley! We're rooting for ya to tell him how you feel!

Hee, "the encumberance level of my sanity". Gotta love that one, too!

2006-04-20, 05:25 AM
Not sure why but I do like Haley's smile when she realises Elan's plan.

Also, Roy is so nasty to Elan all the time. He's such a git :P

2006-04-20, 06:03 AM
Great. So, Book #3 starts interesting! (Yes, I'm already thinking of book 3, called me eager, or something.)

2006-04-20, 06:48 AM
Haley takes the lead! Elan will not have a chance.

Woot! Go girl get what you want!

2006-04-20, 06:51 AM
Awesome strip, the last panel was beautiful! The expression on Haley's face, the "... or something" from Elan. It all adds up. Mr. Rich Burlew you are a master of the stick figure, you can make them show such subtlety and emotional nuance.
Strips like these get all the those little details to a T. Panel after panel of great lines, as someone already mentioned nine jokes in one strip. woo hoo!


2006-04-20, 07:05 AM
Ukeleles 0 : 1 Haley

Go Team Haley!

New Powerword "Puppets!" definetely gets my vote!

2006-04-20, 07:44 AM
Way to go, Haley!

2006-04-20, 08:03 AM
Oh my GOSH!!! Hahah...one of the best comics you've ever done, Rich! I loved it!

2006-04-20, 08:24 AM
Haley's got it figured out. Sometimes words just get in the way. Heh heh heh...

Elan might be child-like in many ways, but he DOES sport an 18 Charisma "under the hood", as Haley once said. Charisma isn't just looks, it's also personality and how you interact with others. The irritation Roy feels for Elan may well be more Roy's problem than Elan's. Certainly the other members of OOTS don't seem as put-out by Elan's behavior. Not that I've noticed, anyway.

And how many rational people can resist the charm of a five-year-old when they're REALLY excited and enthused about something (yeah, my 8-year-old daughter has had me wrapped for years!)?

2006-04-20, 08:29 AM
She gets blatent:

Others start to notice:

And then, it gets really obvious:

I'd almost forgotten that Haley could talk once...

If it got really obvious in those last 2, what does this strip count as? Smacking him round the head with a wet kipper? ;)

2006-04-20, 08:51 AM

well, i think haley's going to cure herself. bet the last line of the strip will be something like "jksl sitl and i love you."

that would be great, just to put an "Awwwww...." moment to the whoole proceeding.
just my 2 francs

2006-04-20, 09:09 AM
It doesn't mean "doomed" in a bad way, just that he won't see it coming but it will get him all the same. :)

"Doomed" hasn't always had a negative connotation. If you look at how it crops up in Tolkien, for instance, it often means nothing more than "inescapable fate", which may be good or bad.

Oh, and on Power Word: Puppets! -- the followers of Banjo certainly need appropriate domain spells.


2006-04-20, 09:28 AM

Awesome strip, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Oh yeah, and Haley's grapple check... *snicker*

Valda, Adlav and Samiam: the Jacked-Up Trinity
2006-04-20, 09:35 AM
You know... I was looking at this strip seeing the way Hinjo was standing with Roy and Durkon all party membery style and it made me think even more that Hinjo would make a great addition to the party. Besides, he's way too awesome to leave in Azure City when the Order leaves.

2006-04-20, 09:41 AM
You know, I just realized, yes Haley loves Elan and almost the whole party know it. The whole party doesn't know about her dad and if she tells Elan and swears him to secrecy, he wouldn't tell. That would probably cure her of her condition and still keep Elan in the dark about her feelings. Of course, the whole party would think Haley told Elan she liked him and would start teasing him. Would he understand the teasing? Would Haley's crush be exposed anyway?
Am I thinking this thing too through?

EnigmaI don't know if the whole party knows about Haley's feelings. Certainly Vaarsuvius and Roy do.

The thing is, I don't think that Elan would be capable of keeping a secret. If Haley told him about her dad, he would somehow (in a humorous fasion) let it slip out. He speaks without thinking sometimes.

Rereading the comic, I'm surprised that Haley doesn't smack Roy upside the head while he is making his sarcastic comments.

Also, I like Hinjo's raised eyebrow in the last panel.

2006-04-20, 10:15 AM
I don't know if the whole party knows about Haley's feelings. Certainly Vaarsuvius and Roy do.

I think it's safe to say that Durkon gets the idea, and Belkar was the one who was going to expose it, so it's safe to say everyone but Elan gets it.

Also: hahahahahahaaawwwwwwwww.

2006-04-20, 10:47 AM
Grapple check Rotflmao... :D
20' radius was also funny.

great comic.
one of the "what the.. .oh lol " ones.

2006-04-20, 11:05 AM
I love this comic: actions sometimes seem to speak louder than words: at least when you can't speak. ;D

I love Elan's outburst of puppets.

2006-04-20, 11:29 AM
OMG OMG OMG OMG*breathes* WOOOOO!!! Haley will speak in words and i willl not be hitting haley for not telling Elan! Woot!

2006-04-20, 11:48 AM
Great stuff, and a lot of new funny quotes
("nice grapple check", "20ft. radius" and "doomed fool")

I'm looking foward to see the next issue ::)

2006-04-20, 11:56 AM
Haley's got it figured out. Sometimes words just get in the way. Heh heh heh...

Elan might be child-like in many ways, but he DOES sport an 18 Charisma "under the hood", as Haley once said. Charisma isn't just looks, it's also personality and how you interact with others. The irritation Roy feels for Elan may well be more Roy's problem than Elan's. Certainly the other members of OOTS don't seem as put-out by Elan's behavior. Not that I've noticed, anyway.

And how many rational people can resist the charm of a five-year-old when they're REALLY excited and enthused about something (yeah, my 8-year-old daughter has had me wrapped for years!)?

It's not the 18 charisma that irritates Roy, it's the constant insanity that he minds. 18 Charisma doesn't mean everyone has to like you, and I think Elan's carefree, thoughtfree personality just annoys Roy. I have the same problem when I'm not being Elan-like, really (which is about 50% of the time).

What do they eat in Azure city, anyway? (I know so little about my hometown. ;D)

2006-04-20, 12:22 PM
It's not the 18 charisma that irritates Roy, it's the constant insanity that he minds. 18 Charisma doesn't mean everyone has to like you, and I think Elan's carefree, thoughtfree personality just annoys Roy. I have the same problem when I'm not being Elan-like, really (which is about 50% of the time).

No, I think it is his 18 charisma that bothers Roy, although he probably wouldnt admit it. After all, For him to be a smart fighter (no offense to all you fighters out there) it seems very possible that Charisma was his "dump stat"

2006-04-20, 12:23 PM
Pretty good stuff! This strip and the previous one really made me chuckle a lot. "Nice grapple check" haha

2006-04-20, 12:32 PM
Interesting smile on Haley's face in panel 6.

2006-04-20, 01:15 PM
What do they eat in Azure city, anyway? (I know so little about my hometown. ;D)

Halfling Drop Soup. (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=279)

2006-04-20, 01:29 PM
No, I think it is his 18 charisma that bothers Roy, although he probably wouldnt admit it. After all, For him to be a smart fighter (no offense to all you fighters out there) it seems very possible that Charisma was his "dump stat"

No Roy's Charisma is OK, I believe that Rick has confirmed that the mind flayer episode (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=31) means that Roy has a nice mix of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.

2006-04-20, 01:37 PM
I really liked this comic. I read it just before I went to work, while depressed and miserable and I thought it was.... lovely. Not hilarious - for OotS to be hilarious every time would be nigh impossible - but it was just a really nice start to the day and I think it's probably one of my favourites just because of the huge "awwwww" smile I was wearing on my face towards the end.

Yeah, I'm just a big girl.

2006-04-20, 01:40 PM
What do they eat in Azure city, anyway? (I know so little about my hometown. ;D)

--Blue cheese
--Blueberry pie
--Pepsi Blue
--Blue catfish

2006-04-20, 01:51 PM
You know... I was looking at this strip seeing the way Hinjo was standing with Roy and Durkon all party membery style and it made me think even more that Hinjo would make a great addition to the party. Besides, he's way too awesome to leave in Azure City when the Order leaves.

Agreed. It's nice to see a paladin not have a huge stick up his ass--even Roy is more uptight than he is! I really like Hinjo; I'll be very sad if he's left behind in Azure City, only to be killed when Xykon attacks.

2006-04-20, 02:02 PM
You know... I was looking at this strip seeing the way Hinjo was standing with Roy and Durkon all party membery style and it made me think even more that Hinjo would make a great addition to the party. That wouldn't work while Belkar's in the party.

2006-04-20, 02:38 PM
About Haley dragging Elan: Awww! That was cute! ^_^

However, uhm, maybe she'd have some issue with the girl that handed Elan the keys to her room...

2006-04-20, 02:39 PM
Meh, pretty average, although that restaurant should prove to be interesting.

2006-04-20, 03:48 PM
I don't know if the whole party knows about Haley's feelings. Certainly Vaarsuvius and Roy do.

Belkar and Durkon know as shown in comic 247 (http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=247).

I'm kinda interested in Roy, Durkon and Hinjo expersions in the last panel. Roy is not suprised by what happened and is just expressing a statement about whats happened, so blank face. Durkon also expected this at some point, but also knows what kind of thing can lead to after (because of Hilgya) so slighty downcast. But Hinjo looks slightly sad at this, maybe because he wasn't expecting this, or maybe it is something else entirely....

2006-04-20, 04:03 PM
:D ooooh. /worship new OotS comic. hehe. Anyways, A shout-out to Giant for the awesome grapple check ;)

2006-04-20, 04:13 PM
He he. Not really funny, but cute. Vary cute. ;D

2006-04-20, 04:14 PM
I'd almost forgotten that Haley could talk once...

If it got really obvious in those last 2, what does this strip count as? Smacking him round the head with a wet kipper? ;)

Pretty much.

2006-04-20, 04:18 PM
Okay, we all know Haley is in love with Elan... but has Elan ever done anything to show that he is in love with her?

To me, he seems TOO chaotic, too flight-o-fancy to actually be able to fall in love.

Case in point, the bandit sorceress chick. He didn't bother trying to escape when he obviously could when he found out she was cute... he went and got some.

Elan isn't serious... Love is. I'm not so sure he can be serious enough to actually be in love.

This brings to mind another old adage: 'Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn'...

2006-04-20, 04:35 PM
SOMEBODY'S GONNA GET SOME...dinner, of course.

2006-04-20, 04:37 PM
Nah, Elan can be serious, even if sometimes it takes someone explaining to him that the situation is actually serious. Witness "Deny, deny, deny, deny the evil psychopath," and his subsequent inner moral debate over whether to save Nale.

But who will rule his nature in this situation: the Modron on the Shoulder, or the Slaad?

2006-04-20, 04:49 PM
Oh, and someone has to write up a spell description for the Power Word: Puppets. It causes all characters within a twenty-foot radius to make a Knowledge: limits of my sanity check and makes rational thought impossible.

Plus, it's a Power Word, so no save allowed!

Haley rocks. She's using the old "Caveman Dating Technique". ;)

2006-04-20, 05:44 PM

caveman dating

2006-04-20, 05:58 PM
I love how Elan just kinda goes a long, "Or, uh, maybe Haley and I could eat together or something?"

Great comic

2006-04-20, 06:17 PM
this should prove to become very interesting. ::)

excellent strip. my favourite bit was "your presence will negate rational thought..." ;D

2006-04-20, 06:36 PM
Great comic! I wonder what will happen next?.... :o

2006-04-20, 06:47 PM
Omg! Durkons comment at the end! priceless! ;D ANd it was a nice grapple check indeed. And I liked Hinjo's expression of total confusion :).

cant wait for next comic! :o (as always)

OotS addict ::)

edit: almost forgot : Gvgvgvgvgv! and : It's cool seeing Haley smile for a bit, she was kinda sad for many strips... Go Haley!

2006-04-20, 07:10 PM
i love the smile on haley's face :)

Valda, Adlav and Samiam: the Jacked-Up Trinity
2006-04-20, 07:43 PM
That wouldn't work while Belkar's in the party. [Hinjo being there]

How do you figure?

2006-04-20, 07:55 PM
A paladin who associates with an evil character on a friendly basis falls. This was the basis for Belkar's original hope to make Miko fall.

(Although, mind you, I'm not entirely sure "be one of the people holding Belkar's leash" would count as associating with him, now that he's leashed.)

2006-04-20, 09:01 PM
Also, Roy is so nasty to Elan all the time. He's such a git :P

Yeah, true, but then again, it does get balanced out when you figure in all the times Elan's nearly gotten him killed. It's a relationship where both contribute. :D

2006-04-20, 09:03 PM
After all, For him to be a smart fighter (no offense to all you fighters out there) it seems very possible that Charisma was his "dump stat"

With his father in mind, Charisma seems to be a genetic dump stat.

2006-04-20, 09:22 PM
"The bard's random crazy outbursts have driven you to the edge. You have reached the encumbrance limit of your sanity. You can attempt a save via angry venting, or you can tear off your armor and clothing and subsequently run wildly down the street, screaming 'WOOP WOOP WOOP!'"

This is part of a campaign that's just waiting to be made.

2006-04-20, 09:25 PM
I continue to be amazed by roy's smart ass - ness!:D

Great strip

2006-04-20, 10:24 PM
Go Haley! But again, its the slightly confused look on Elan's face that makes my day.


2006-04-20, 10:41 PM
I'm sure its already been mentioned,
could hinjo be gay?
That would explain his unhappy look in the last panel. Hinjo's not dumb, he can tell what Hayley's doing.

2006-04-20, 11:27 PM
That's not an unhappy look, I think that's more of a "questioning" look.


There's a sad/unhappy face here.

2006-04-20, 11:29 PM
Awww... so sweet.


;D :P :-*

2006-04-20, 11:34 PM
Well, Elan seems to keep failing his "she obviously wants you" check...

Hmm, I wonder what the mechanics of such a check would be? Wisdom-based, but what sort of DC? [/metagaming]

2006-04-20, 11:56 PM
Seriously, Elan must have some major negative modifiers for Knowlege: Romance.

"Nice grapple check on Haley's part, though." "Oh, aye." Priceless. Another fantastic job, Giant.

2006-04-21, 12:26 AM
Well, Elan seems to keep failing his "she obviously wants you" check...

Hmm, I wonder what the mechanics of such a check would be? Wisdom-based, but what sort of DC? [/metagaming]

Well, for one thing, no matter what the DC is on a "they obviously want you" check, it's made harder for half of us by the -15 "maleness" modifier... on the other hand, that could just be caused by females' -15 penalty to "rational behavior" ;)

Seriously, Elan must have some major negative modifiers for Knowlege: Romance.

No, he's actually quite savvy in that area. The one he has problems with is the Knowledge: Romance involving Elan check.

2006-04-21, 01:01 AM
I guess Grapple Checks also benefit from the +2 circumstance bonus love gives.

2006-04-21, 02:39 AM
Well, for one thing, no matter what the DC is on a "they obviously want you" check, it's made harder for half of us by the -15 "maleness" modifier... on the other hand, that could just be caused by females' -15 penalty to "rational behavior" ;)

What kind of man are you? I get a +15 modifier on "she obviosuly want me" checks, whether she actually does or not. ;D

2006-04-21, 04:07 AM
What kind of man are you? I get a +15 modifier on "she obviosuly want me" checks, whether she actually does or not. ;D
Lol... well, yeah, that is the problem, right? Quite a few false positives there... :D

Don't get me wrong, I can tell pretty easily when it's other people, just not myself. What we really ought to do is team up! ;D

2006-04-21, 07:02 AM
That's not an unhappy look, I think that's more of a "questioning" look.


There's a sad/unhappy face here.

I think Hinjo suffer's from bachelor sympathy, much like Durkon does.

2006-04-21, 07:45 AM
Great comic! I wonder what will happen next?.... :o

Easy : As Haley won't be able to explain to Elan what she's feeling, she'll have to use her.... ukulele.

That'd go along fine with Elan's Kazoo.

What might be more interesting is when, finally, Elan will get the clue. Given Haley's skill with ropes, it might be quite far down... ::)

edit : Woohoo page 11

2006-04-21, 08:33 AM
Easy : As Haley won't be able to explain to Elan what she's feeling, she'll have to use her.... ukulele.

That'd go along fine with Elan's Kazoo.

What might be more interesting is when, finally, Elan will get the clue. Given Haley's skill with ropes, it might be quite far down... ::)

edit : Woohoo page 11

::) Hah! skill with ropes, as Belkar would say, "Kinky".

2006-04-21, 08:54 AM
Hooray for Haley! Maybe she's on the way to a cure. "Nice grapple check" LOL!

2006-04-21, 09:05 AM
The word PUPPETS!!! is somehow highly amusing. Just mentioning.

All together now: Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww. Way to go, Haley! And can Elan actually be guessing what's with the girl, now that he's being dragged out the door? It's been said before, but the only possible response is Dun dun DUNNNNN....

2006-04-21, 09:30 AM
Paladins lose their powers only if they knowingly associate with evil characters. For "detect evil", we know Belkar's prowess with the Lead Sheet of Wanging. For guessing Belkar's align without the use of magic, Hinjo's Spot and Listen ranks make Senor Vorpal Kickasso's fumble sheet look bleak.

2006-04-21, 09:47 AM
Anyone else have "Let's get it on" by Marvin Gaye pop into their heads at this comic....

"I've been really trying baby,
Trying to hold back these feelings for so long
But if you feel, like I feel, baby,
C'mon. Yeah, C'mon. Ooooh
Let's get it on...."

2006-04-21, 09:53 AM
What might be more interesting is when, finally, Elan will get the clue. Given Haley's skill with ropes, it might be quite far down... ::)

::) Hah! skill with ropes, as Belkar would say, "Kinky".
Do you mean, do you think Rich will show their action in room 115 with detail? Cool!

2006-04-21, 10:06 AM
Anyone else have "Let's get it on" by Marvin Gaye pop into their heads at this comic....

"I've been really trying baby,
Trying to hold back these feelings for so long
But if you feel, like I feel, baby,
C'mon. Yeah, C'mon. Ooooh
Let's get it on...."Naaah. How about the song Sexual Healing?

The Glyphstone
2006-04-21, 11:07 AM
Naaah. How about the song Sexual Healing?

Wierd Al Yankovic. Wanna Be UR LuvR. ;D

2006-04-21, 11:15 AM
Paladins lose their powers only if they knowingly associate with evil characters.Belkar's alignment is now definitely established anyways.
For "detect evil", we know Belkar's prowess with the Lead Sheet of Wanging.Belkar has to be aware that it is being cast before he can bring the lead sheet out. D.E. has a fair range and can often be invoked without the knowledge of the target. And since Paladins can cast it at will, it shouldn't even require any verbal or somatic components, so even if he were right beside him, he wouldn't necessarily be aware that it was being cast ("at will", after all, implies purely mental activity).

2006-04-21, 11:23 AM
I'm surprised that nobody has yet mentioned the possibility that Celia was shopping (http://giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript?SK=298) to get Elan's attention, and Haley is unknowingly entering a love trapezoid as it were with her and the room 115 chick...

EDIT: Changed color of spoiler text

2006-04-21, 11:24 AM
However, why would Hinjo do that? We know Belkar is CE, but Hinjo don't. And he is not the kind of paladin miko is.

2006-04-21, 11:35 AM
However, why would Hinjo do that? We know Belkar is CE, but Hinjo don't. And he is not the kind of paladin miko is.A paladin is still a paladin, and will not be tolerant of evil behaviour. Just one questionable act would be sufficient cause for a paladin associating with them to do a casual detect evil on the party, and he'd find out right then.

2006-04-21, 11:42 AM
For "detect evil", we know Belkar's prowess with the Lead Sheet of Wanging.[hr]Belkar has to be aware that it is being cast before he can bring the lead sheet out. D.E. has a fair range and can often be invoked without the knowledge of the target. And since Paladins can cast it at will, it shouldn't even require any verbal or somatic components, so even if he were right beside him, he wouldn't necessarily be aware that it was being cast ("at will", after all, implies purely mental activity).
Well, Hinjo would have to catch Belkar sleeping. As our prior experiences with Miko show, there is plenty of time between D.E. is declared and it fires.

The SRD is down right now, but if I recall correctly, paladins need 3 rounds to cast it.

2006-04-21, 12:48 PM
The SRD is down right now, but if I recall correctly, paladins need 3 rounds to cast it.

The Paladin's Detect Evil is a spell-like ability, so no components but it does take an action to activate. After that it's like the spell. So round one he gets presence or absense of Evil in the area of the spell (60' cone), round two he gets number of evil auras and the power of the strongest one, round three he gets the power and location of every evil aura. Duration is concentration so he has to concentrate for all three rounds.

As has been shown an evil aura on someone doesn't actually prove that they are evil.

OTOH I've never been able to imagine a Paladin who DOESN'T use detect evil on the entire area prior to praying each day or sleeping. The gods gave it to you "at will" for a reason after all. And that pinging on Belkar every time would be sort of a hint to a well played paladin.

Similarly, when on a dungeon craw or anything similar there's no good reason for the Paladin not to always have detect evil going, it extends through some walls and most doors after all, and it's not like the paladin concentrating on that costs the party anything much.


2006-04-21, 01:41 PM
OTOH I've never been able to imagine a Paladin who DOESN'T use detect evil on the entire area prior to praying each day or sleeping. The gods gave it to you "at will" for a reason after all. And that pinging on Belkar every time would be sort of a hint to a well played paladin.Yeah, a _competent_ paladin. Just like a competent bard is a decent spellcaster.

If I was the DM, in my interpretation Belkar wouldn't be able to shield himself for the first round unless he had this as a prepared action. However, the Giant obviously disagrees, as Belkar got to pull out the sheet every single time Miko tried to scan him, putting it into position before she was able to get any pinging. Thus, if a paranoid paladin wasn't able to get even a single D.E. on Belkar, a friendly trustful one is unlikely to get even a clue.

2006-04-21, 01:41 PM
Do you mean, do you think Rich will show their action in room 115 with detail? Cool!
that has to be the most disgusting thing i've ever heard. I'm only a youngish teenager, I really don't want to hear it

I'm surprised that nobody has yet mentioned the possibility that Celia was shopping to get Elan's attention, and Haley is unknowingly entering a love trapezoid as it were with her and the room 115 chick...
i still maintain that she was shopping to get Roy's attention.(P.S. i use beige for my spoilers, whoever it was that asked)

2006-04-21, 01:57 PM
Well, Elan seems to keep failing his "she obviously wants you" check...

Hmm, I wonder what the mechanics of such a check would be? Wisdom-based, but what sort of DC? [/metagaming]

That brings a question. Is Elan stupid (low IN) or dense (low WZ) ? Maybe both?

With two dump stat, ouch.

2006-04-21, 02:07 PM
You're implying that Celia has a crush on Elan? No... that's not likely. While she has shown interest for Roy on several occasions, there has been no clue whatsoever pointing in Elan's direction... besides, she's a college student, and he's.. well.. a blockhead. I'm not sure if she likes airheads.

2006-04-21, 03:15 PM
No matter how often The_Giant makes fun of paladin zealots, the "I'm a paladin so I have a license to kill anything with an evil alignment" notion just doesn't die out.

Hinjo is being groomed by Shojo to take over the guard. Shojo knows, even as the leader of paladins, that he must work with non-paladins, even unsavory evil characters like Belkar, to achieve the greater good. Why? Because paladins lack a number of useful skills (like Spot, when the pally's he sent to investigate one of the gates missed all sorts of clues), and because the sanctimonious narrow-mindedness of many paladins cause them to lose sight of the big picture (i.e., Miko). Remember, Thor (good) was willing to team up with Loki (evil) against the Snarl. I see no reason why a paladin couldn't work with Belkar, even knowing his alignment.

2006-04-21, 04:17 PM
No matter how often The_Giant makes fun of paladin zealots, the "I'm a paladin so I have a license to kill anything with an evil alignment" notion just doesn't die out.

Hinjo is being groomed by Shojo to take over the guard. Shojo knows, even as the leader of paladins, that he must work with non-paladins, even unsavory evil characters like Belkar, to achieve the greater good. Why? Because paladins lack a number of useful skills (like Spot, when the pally's he sent to investigate one of the gates missed all sorts of clues), and because the sanctimonious narrow-mindedness of many paladins cause them to lose sight of the big picture (i.e., Miko). Remember, Thor (good) was willing to team up with Loki (evil) against the Snarl. I see no reason why a paladin couldn't work with Belkar, even knowing his alignment.

Thor isn't a paladin and there are plenty of Good characters with a high spot. The reason why Hinjo can't hang out with Belkar is called the GAME RULES!

From the SRD:
"Associates: While she may adventure with characters of any good or neutral alignment, a paladin will never knowingly associate with evil characters, nor will she continue an association with someone who consistently offends her moral code. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good."

Hinjo can't associate with Belkar and remain a Paladin because that is in the rules. Clear cut and in black and white.

He need not kill everything that pings as evil (in fact doing so will almost certainly cause him to fall), he need not expell all evil characters from his realm once he has one. But he can't knowingly and voluntarily violate the code and associating with Belkar would be a knowing and voluntary violation.


2006-04-21, 04:50 PM
You know, you folks are missing the one and only reason Hinjo will not go with the Order to the other gates. He is a member of (and will be the leader of) the Order of Paladins that is sworn to never go to the other gates.

2006-04-21, 05:26 PM
Good point, Vincent, and thanks.

2006-04-21, 06:22 PM
You know, you folks are missing the one and only reason Hinjo will not go with the Order to the other gates. He is a member of (and will be the leader of) the Order of Paladins that is sworn to never go to the other gates.

True that. I wish you weren't right, though, as it means Shinjo will almost certainly be killed (or worse) when Xykon attacks Azure City. [sigh] :(

2006-04-21, 06:54 PM
Hinjo is being groomed by Shojo to take over the guard. Shojo knows, even as the leader of paladins, that he must work with non-paladins, even unsavory evil characters like Belkar, to achieve the greater good.Of course, but for Hinjo to do so would cost him his paladin powers. Permanently, if such association was voluntary. Why? Because that's the rules. Further, it's worth noting that paladins DON'T necessarily serve what most would call the greater good. A greater good, after all, inherently implies that very good ends will likely justify whatever means were used to obtain them. For a paladin, this is not the case. For paladins, the means must justify themselves, in every sense. For that reason, a paladin will not willingly associate with anyone that he or she knows to be evil, even if those ends might yield what is evidently a more satisfying result.

2006-04-21, 07:53 PM
Good comic. :D :D

2006-04-21, 08:29 PM
You know, you folks are missing the one and only reason Hinjo will not go with the Order to the other gates. He is a member of (and will be the leader of) the Order of Paladins that is sworn to never go to the other gates
Or, a still more obvious solution: maybe shojo would send Hinjo with the oots? then he'd just be following orders. Shojo isn't a paladin, so it wouldn't hurt anything, and besides, in the strip where it says where Shojo got control of the saphire guild (sorry guys, i looked for about 10 minutes) doesn't it say that Shojo is NOT a direct disscendant of Soon? in another strip i can't find, i'm pretty sure it says that the mebers of the origianal party AND THEIR DECENDANTS were not allowed to check in on the others.
sorry if I'm wrong guys, I just cant find those strips!'
P.S. my computer is havin trouble w/ color changes. sorry about where it says stuff like Color=blue and all that. I'm just glad beige works

2006-04-21, 08:42 PM
Not sure if anyone else posted this already...I got tired head after scanning through 5 pages of posts.

When Elan entered with yelling "Puppets" the first thing I thought of was the movie Tron at the end when whoever it was gets off the helicopter and greats the others with "Programs!".

2006-04-21, 09:32 PM
YES! Thirteenth page!

2006-04-21, 10:46 PM
Of course, but for Hinjo to do so would cost him his paladin powers. Permanently, if such association was voluntary. Why? Because that's the rules.

Well.... That's a strict interpretation of the rules that may not apply to OoTS. Remeber, those rules were meant for home games to be played that used as much or as little of them as you like.

The rule itself is unpaladin llike. "Gee - I can't associate with evil types so I can't try to rehabilitate them except via the sword". So, anyways, I don't think the paladin "THIS IS THE WAY IT WORKS" stuff probably applies in OoTS.

Of course, I could be wrong! Giant is the DM here, not us, so I just show up and read!

EDIT - DING! I got my second Star with this post!
"Every time a fan-geek posts, someone gets their second star..."

2006-04-21, 11:24 PM
ding grats
ding grats
ding grats

oh wait thats mmorpg's

ding dong... umm no thats food

2 star wtg admiral um no wait ...

i'll never get my second star waaahhh

um no thats completely different//

ok back to the thread

haley rope rm 115 and dinner, hmmmm.. time for a LG cutscene muahahahahaha

that is all, carry on...

2006-04-22, 11:10 AM
The rule itself is unpaladin llike. "Gee - I can't associate with evil types so I can't try to rehabilitate them except via the sword". So, anyways, I don't think the paladin "THIS IS THE WAY IT WORKS" stuff probably applies in OoTS."

I don't tend to think of prison guards and prisoners as associates.