View Full Version : Pathfinder Herbert the Human Land to Bad Guy Mortar

2018-12-31, 03:39 PM
Greetings Playgrounders! I have been invited to play in a 3.P game set in a location that will furthermore be referred to as Notsouthamerica. The setting is roughly in the same time period as the French Indian war, so assume technology accordingly. This is also a game of what you might call mythic proportions, we're level 17 and will have 3 mythic ranks. (It's going to be an ongoing game from their last one, they've just found a good spot to introduce me.) I've been making a few characters that I'm going to let the party choose from.

All of that out of the way, I need help. In this world Cannons have the additional effect of "Dexterity save or lose a limb". So I thought that with the month I have beforehand, one of the characters I would roll up needs to be a character devoted to this.

After talking with my GM, here's what I know. all 3rd party and 3.5 material is available, you just need to ask about it first. Assume that whatever we're building here is approved though. He also said that Star Scraper from the Sniper Sphere will work with Cannons. That pretty much put this whole build into motion. We're using automatic bonus progression and very little starting money. There's also no magic mart.

At the moment, I'm thinking 10 levels in Wizard with the siege mage archetype and 7 levels in one of the SoM classes. I need at least 10 BAB in order to take Star Scraper, so that's what I'm aiming for. Iteratives don't matter for siege weaponry, and to hit will mostly be determined by true strike.

For feats, I want to be able to fire off as frequently as possible. I'm aware that there are feats that lower the level of the actions needed to do specific things, and I know you get Siege Engineer for free.

If the party decides when a fight starts, he'll be reasonably far away.

So here's what I need:

Feats for this character
Best choice of Siege weapon, remember that range is 1 mile
Best choice of scrying spells to know where I'm aiming
Best spells to augment the weapon with
what to do with my 3 mythic ranks other than take mythic levitate
The power to fire the weapon as often as possible

I don't want to see any comments talking about the low magic setting, or the fact that this is going to be a horribly inefficient build. I might be able to get a siege crew, but assume that It's just a single guy who will be far away from his party.

With those parameters set, have fun and go to town. I will bring updates with ideas I've had while reading feats and classes as often as possible.

2018-12-31, 03:52 PM
Master Siege Engineer (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/master-siege-engineer-combat/), Siege Gunner (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/siege-gunner-combat), and the requisite Siege Engineer (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/siege-engineer-combat) feats are a must, of course.

However... as I understand it, only the crew leader actually makes rolls. Among other things, this means you can use any old creature for crew (provided theyr'e capable of handling the hardware). So a combination of Mount (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mount/), Anthropomorphic Animal (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/anthropomorphic-animal/), and maybe Charm Monster (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/charm-monster/) will get you a loyal crew for cheap (and will fit within wiz-10 casting, easily).

2018-12-31, 05:00 PM
Alright. So far we've got Master Siege Engineer and Siege Gunner. Siege Engineer is granted for free by the class, so that's nice. I was thinking of doing Technician for the SoM class, and focusing on the trap sphere with the exception of the two ranks needed in the sniper sphere. the Abundant ammunition spell seems to work with Cannonballs, so that makes my life easier. Any other fun ideas? Animate dead makes for a pretty cheap crew.