View Full Version : Running Fait Accompli Module in Gestalt

2019-01-01, 01:36 PM
Hello, all! Happy New Year and all that.

My DM has mentioned that within the next couple months, he wants take a small break from his campaign to do some planning, and we decided that would be a good time for myself and others to run some one-offs.

I've decided that for my game I want to run the Fait Accompli Module. I'll be using the monsters pretty much as-is, just with some small tweaks to better fit the homebrew rules I do when I run full campaigns. The main battles are a pack of Winter Wolves, a pair of Frost Giants, a group of young adult white dragons, and one mature adult white dragon. Mostly what I plan to change are a couple HP totals and implimenting feat changes based on my normal homebrew.

The module, under the assumption of normal rules being in effect, recommends it as suitable for 4 level-12 adventurers. But since I want to run it with gestalt PCs, I'll want to lower the levels slightly.

Would level 10 be too low for 4 adventurers? I wouldn't want to go as low as level 9, but I'm concerned level 11 might be too high. Everyone will get to design their own character for the one-off (by request; I let them choose whether they wanted premade characters or to build their own). They'll be aware that the boss battle is against a dragon, and they will have slightly above normal WBL.

Mike Miller
2019-01-01, 01:47 PM
I am not familiar with that module, but think about what the PCs need to do. Will they have access to the necessary utility abilities to progress? Will they have the necessary resources to fight the enemies? How many PCs? Gestalt can bring a large increase in power depending on play style.

2019-01-01, 01:49 PM
I am not familiar with that module, but think about what the PCs need to do. Will they have access to the necessary utility abilities to progress? Will they have the necessary resources to fight the enemies? How many PCs? Gestalt can bring a large increase in power depending on play style.

Solid points. Edit to the original post for more info incoming.

*Info updated*