View Full Version : Optimization 6th Level Pterran Psychic Warrior//Druid Gestalt In Athas

2019-01-01, 02:57 PM
See title.

Using this material (http://athas.org/products/ds3), but it's mostly the same for the classes. The race primarily gives -2 Dex, +2 Wis and Cha.

The game will be using Wounds and Vitality as well.

How would I make a good Druid//Psychic Warrior Gestalt?

2019-01-01, 07:40 PM
Figure out how you want psychic warrior to complement druid, since druid should be your main class. I assume you're wanting to focus on wild shape and the buffage thereof?

Consider using the soulbound weapon ACF (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a) and grab something you can use in various wild shape forms. Using morphing, sizing, and metalline on your weapon would be nice, especially with how insanely versatile it would be. (Remember, you can use practically anything as a weapon, from a grand piano to a hammer to a hand saw; use this to your advantage.) Perhaps boost your Con really high, turn your weapon into a sand blaster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?444154-MM3-Sand-Blaster-Exotic-Weapon-Optimization), hit everyone with black sand from Darude Sandstorm, then follow up with a pouncing dire tiger form?

Also, consider starting with a level of monk, grabbing Tashalatora (which can be grabbed with your monk feat without meeting the prereq damnit, that's Monastic Training, which is basically useless; see if your DM will allow you to use your monk feat on Tashalatora, instead), and optimizing the living bejeezus out of your unarmed strike (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?285801-Tippy-s-Terrifically-Terrible-Trial/page25&p=15474863#post15474863). Ninja Cat! Ninja Cat! NINJA CAT, HO~!

The Beast Strike feat will add your claw and slam damage to your unarmed strikes, which can be used along with natural attacks in a full attack sequence.

And don't forget to ACF the heck out of monk.

Also also, go dragonborn warforged. Incredibly useful in the desert, and it's fun to play a lizardy android critter from an ancient abandoned fallout shelter from an earlier age. Much more fun funner than most base races.

[edit] Oh, and use psychic warrior to break the action economy. Synchronicity + Linked Power + synchronicity grants you two standard actions next round for the cost of a feat, a power, your psionic focus, and 2 pp, and all as a standard action that you immediately get back. Alternatively, Link an immediate action power, such as grip of iron, to synchronicity right before your turn to gain an extra standard action right after, which can come in seriously handy.

[edit2] Also, Lost Empires of Faerun has the powerleech weapon ability. For 8,000 gp, you can leech power points away from your foes. Grab a psicrystal and a +1 powerleech sap, give your pet rock a host feat for a psi-like ability, and you can refill your power points whenever you want by hitting your psicrystal buddy with the sap. It doesn't require you to deal damage, just to hit, and your psicrystal is immune to nonlethal, and the powerleech ability doesn't actually drain psi-likes while draining power points, so...

2019-01-02, 02:12 AM
Don't bother with Monk, you can get all the abilities you want by making your first few feats Monastic Training (Psychic Druid) and Tashalatora.

Focusing on being a melee powerhouse would be the most fun here. Aberration Wildshape into anything with a massive amount of tentacles, add Claws of the Beast and don't forget to take Multiattack. Beast Strike comes recommended as well. Since Aberration Wildshape has so many great uses for you here, take Assume Supernatural Ability or Metamorphic Transfer to access some juicy Supernatural Abilities as well. At this point you're probably nearing the end of your level-based feats. Still, consider asking your DM if you can swap the Summon Monster quality of Dual-Plane Summons with Summon Nature's Ally.

With your Psywar bonus feats, you'll likely want to focus on [Psionic] feats, but it can also be used for "fighter" things like Intuitive Attack. Don't forget the PsyWar staple Psionic Meditation. Hell, if you have the feats and don't want to optimize your casting too much, you could even consider throwing in Stunning Fist. If you do want to optimize, the Psycarnum feats may be something you want to squeeze in. Finally, Extend Power is great for the numerous long duration Psychic Warrior buffs you'll have available. Speaking of which, here's a short list of some of the highlights:

(1) Claws of the Beast, Expansion
(2) Strength of My Enemy, Psionic Lion's Charge (both of these powers will synergize with your ridiculous number of extra attacks)
(3) Greater Concealing Amorpha
(4) Psionic Open Chakra (I could honestly write a whole guide on this power alone...)
(6) Dispelling Buffer (with transparency, but Athas typically treats psionics as different), Personal Mind Blank, Inconstant Location

Form of Doom would have made that list, but it's incompatible with Wildshape (and other Polymorph-like affects). Since you're playing in Athas, you also get access to the psionic version of Haste (it's called Acceleration or something and is a Psywar power).

The possibilities with this gestalt are endless and a great thematic choice for the setting. Consider looking at Magic of Incarnum for some other excellent combinations with the Open Chakra power.

2019-01-02, 01:34 PM
Don't bother with Monk, you can get all the abilities you want by making your first few feats Monastic Training (Psychic Druid) and Tashalatora.Monk 1 or 2 is seriously abusable. You don't have to qualify for the feat(s) it gives you, which can help tremendously with some builds. There are a ton of incredibly useful monk ACFs out there, which can massively improve your power and versatility. The loophole created by "your unarmed strike counts as both manufactured and natural for effects that benefit you" has no real restrictions that don't 100% aid you, and adds a ton of unarmed strike optimization. I mean, spend 300 gp on character creation to make your unarmed strikes masterwork, and suddenly you have a masterwork manufactured weapon you can spend time and money on enhancing magically. That's a major step up in power, especially if you stack other enhancement effects on it, such as magic gauntlets, a necklace of natural weapons, levels in kensai or psychic weapon master (not applicable here), and so on.

2019-01-03, 10:33 PM
Monk 1 or 2 is seriously abusable. You don't have to qualify for the feat(s) it gives you, which can help tremendously with some builds. There are a ton of incredibly useful monk ACFs out there, which can massively improve your power and versatility. The loophole created by "your unarmed strike counts as both manufactured and natural for effects that benefit you" has no real restrictions that don't 100% aid you, and adds a ton of unarmed strike optimization. I mean, spend 300 gp on character creation to make your unarmed strikes masterwork, and suddenly you have a masterwork manufactured weapon you can spend time and money on enhancing magically. That's a major step up in power, especially if you stack other enhancement effects on it, such as magic gauntlets, a necklace of natural weapons, levels in kensai or psychic weapon master (not applicable here), and so on.

Let me guess, you're one of those "I can buff my unarmed strike directly as an item and if I do I get extra hp and hardness as a character" people? Good luck finding a table where that will work. The premise for that school of thought is one of the most contrived RAW arguments in 3.5.

Tashalatora already gives the only three non-ACF reasons to be a monk. And as far as ACFs go, the most powerful monk ones are all at 7th level or later. None of them are worth crippling the PsyWar's manifesting progression for either. Most of the "interesting" (but situationally powerful) ACFs don't start until 3rd level. The effective range of "real" monk ACFs is levels 3-9. So really, all the ACFs you're talking about boil down to is martial monk or abandoning your discipline at level 2 for bonus feats. Weapon Supremacy? Shock Trooper? etc. Meh. I'd rather get my powers sooner as a Psychic Warrior, who frankly doesn't need the extra feats that badly. A single power like Claws of the Beast or Greater Concealing Amorpha far out-stripes any single fighter bonus feat in print. I'd rather have more of them, and sooner.

Regardless, the OP hasn't posted any follow-up so I suspect we're wasting our breath here.