View Full Version : DM Help Most Elemental Resistances possible

2019-01-01, 03:53 PM
Sooo, a new Player entering in one of our existing Campaigns as a sometimes" player stated his wish to paly someone as resistant to any of the Elements as possible...without either being a full caster or having outright Immunities (unless necessary to achieve the goal).

He will be Level 10 or 11, depending on when he joins, and I as DM decided that if he would need to play monsters to do so, that all LA would be halved or he could play them at CR if NOT using any class levels, unless playing Dragons or Under CRed Outsiders.

Using these rules, what would be the best ways to achieve this?

All 3.5 and First Party PF is in (Race Builder only up to 30pts, so that alone wont solve the problem).

A note from myself: while he only stated the above as wish, he usually prefers at least passably social characters, if possible.

2019-01-01, 07:11 PM
Ironsoul Forgemasters get Shield Bond, which causes your shield to grant you resistance to fire, cold, acid, electricity, and sonic damage equal to 5 times the essentia you invest in it. It's a pretty sweet PrC in general if you like incarnum, which I do.

I'm not aware of too many other game elements that grant scaling and meaningful resistance to all five "big" elements at once. You'll probably need to be a caster to get resistance to anything other than those five, and I'm not even sure how many game elements offer resistance but not immunity to the really weird energy effects like force and negative and whatever.

2019-01-01, 07:18 PM
ER is not my game, but I believe some creatures with Regeneration only take subdual damage from all sources except their specific weakness. For Trolls, it's fire and acid. If you're looking for general survivability instead of specifically elemental resistance, that's an easy fix.

The Resist Energy spell is the most basic thing you'll ever find for this, and the resistance scales with CL. An item or wand means no casting required.

2019-01-01, 07:48 PM
Fiend Folio has a race called a Keeper (4 Racial Hit Dice, Level Adjustment +3) that has Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, fire 10, electricity 10, and sonic 10 all as an Extraordinary ability.

2019-01-02, 08:12 PM
Assamar and Tieflings get some resistances. +1 LA (or +0 for lesser versions):

Aasimar: resistance to acid 5, cold 5, and electricity 5
Tiefling: resistance to cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5

Dragon Shaman's resistance aura starts at 5, and only requires a 1-level dip. It goes up to 10 at 5th level etc.

A Ring of Energy Resistance (minor) can give resistance to sonic 10.

2019-01-02, 11:11 PM
A Pathfinder Synthesist (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo-summoner-archetypes/synthesist), at 10th, would have 14 evolution points to burn. "Resistance" is a 1 point evolution that says:

An eidolon’s form takes on a resiliency to one particular energy type, which is usually reflected in its physical body (ashen hide for fire, icy breath for cold, and so on). Pick one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The eidolon gains resist 5 against that energy type. This resistance increases by 5 for every 5 levels the summoner possesses, to a maximum of 15 at 10th level. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different energy type.

So for 5 points, at 10th, you've got Resistance-15 vs. Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic. You've got 9 points left. Spell Resistance is a 4-point evolution that grants SR 11+level (which is resistance against most magic). Five points left. Damage Reduction is a 3 point evolution that gives you DR 5/(some alignment), which is resistance against most mundane damage. 2 points left to burn, and you're still a melee powerhouse (effectively 3/4th's BAB, a decent amount of AC/Str/Dex). Perhaps use those two remaining points for Limbs(Arms), and wield a two-handed weapon via your class weapon proficiency (all simple, so a longspear or some such), use a Biped base form, and keep the claws as secondary attacks.

How's that?