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2019-01-02, 01:33 PM
Fear runs through your veins, driving everything cold and numbing the heart with the mind.
All around is a wall of sickly yellow fog, tumbling through the alley’s canyon of crumbling, gray brick walls like some jaundiced flash flood. Ahead, the unfamiliar alley splits, curving to the left and right. Behind, from the silent swell of mist, emanates the sound of footsteps—slow, but somehow keeping pace with the careening, hungry wave. The five of you look around as dread haunts every step and sweat, cold and clammy, runs down your back. Footfalls, not any of yours, echo along the wall and sickly fog, making it impossible to tell if the noise is coming in front or behind you.

Roll initiative.
Also roll 1d4

2019-01-02, 07:26 PM

Inside the young woman, a mindscape as chaotic as the space about is. Swirling fog obscures all but the most distant and vague of memories. Thoughts struggle to form, fading in and out as the intentions that guided them splinter and weave into shapes and colors that fracture and form new thoughtlings.

Pale grey eyes dart, moving from shape to shape that surrounds her. Tall, tall, short, short... shadows and mist and nausea and the burgeoning tremble of hands and soul that screams of terror in the darkness and FEAR. A spark of pain in her left arm, and her eyes fall now to a purple rose there. A voice, a memory, in her mind... "We are the light against the darkness, clarity where there would be obfuscation. Where there is fear, uncertainty, or doubt, we provide certainty. We stand, always. WE STAND!"

Those around her... not enemies. Allies then. "Let not this darkness shadow your hearts! Steel yourselves, and accept they blessing of Milani!" Her voice is silk over steel, soft and strong and dusky. A short prayer later, and a surge of energy flows from the waif of a girl to wash over the others in the alley, steeling them against the coming conflict.

Casting Bless, affects all allies.
20% chance of successfully retaining the spell, so rolling 1d5 to see if it works.

Low is good: [roll0]

2019-01-03, 12:00 AM

The young halfling woman looks about her, confused. She desperately tries to focus her thought, tries to figure out where she is...who she is, even. There is something deeply wrong - not just the fog and the darkness and whatever creatures are hunting her. Something is missing. Something important.

As she tries to force her eyes to pierce the dark fog, she hears a voice behind her. A calm voice, a reassuring voice. She sees a light, feels a surge of power washing over her. There is something familiar about the light... without knowing why, the young halfling woman touches her neck, as if looking for something, but there is nothing there. As the light fades she notices a young woman, standing firm against the darkness. She can vaguely make out three other figures around her.

At the woman's words, she nods and stands firm - facing in the opposite direction of the woman who spoke, in case the monsters come from there. She stumbles slightly over her words. "They...they shall not stop us, whoever they are. We...we will be ready."

She gazes intently at the fog in front of her, trying to make out the shapes of whatever is coming.


2019-01-03, 04:10 AM

The Hells this was happening to her! NO WAY! Her eyes flicked about taking in those about her, sizing them up, looking beyond to the gods knows what.

She takes a fighting stance, fists clenched, striking out at misty shadows as her vision deceives her. The words of the priestess ring out and Hazel calms a little, anger subsiding as her courage returns somewhat. With the halfling and the priestess sensibly standing defensively Hazel moves alongside them, ready to take the fight to anyone or anything that showed it's face.

"Stand behind me!" she mutters as she grits her teeth and pushes her dank hair out of her eyes, the statement somewhat pointless since it was impossible to tell from which direction any threat may be coming...

initiative (1d20+4)[23]

Foryn Gilnith
2019-01-03, 12:02 PM

Is this a dream? Not that he had ever been much of a dreamer, but this might as well be one. Choking down fear so dense he can practically taste it, bitter and cuprous on the tongue, he moves forward in the orthodox four-step dueling advance. Muscle memory as clear as can be. One pantomimed retreating slash and he once again stands in line with the others (Who?) standing fast against (What?). Perfectly fluid movements. But no flow of ki. No spirits present to cover his soul like a warm pair of breeches, and certainly no context to be found. As if his last slumber had been his final one.

"Save your courage," he calls out to nobody in particular, his voice wavering amidst the echoing footfalls. "We're too exposed out here. Should be falling back to the -" Herren's eyes regain focus for a moment as he rapidly sizes up where and how many people are standing. "- left fork, up ahead."

Initative 12, 1d4 = 3

2019-01-03, 01:24 PM

The woman's face is slipping away from him. She is his, but she looks disappointed, resigned. He must go, again. Back to life, back to reality, back to screams and pain, and fear and footsteps. The human woman, calls out for him to get behind her, and he eagerly obeys, hiding as best as he can in the mists.

Initiative: [roll0]
1d4 Roll: [roll1]
Stealth Check: [roll2]

2019-01-04, 05:29 PM
The alley walls sag, battered brick slumping over the path, nearly blotting out the bruised twilight sky. Again the grimy cobblestone path splits. This time one route curves uphill, while the other recklessly descends. Behind, the yellow fog and the relentless sound of pursuit grow closer.
The mist parts, now mere steps behind a mask of gray rags emerges, strips of something fleshier than fabric worming and constricting across a body that’s almost humanlike—but too lean, and far too flexible. Gauzy gray ribbons reach out like tendrils, each grasping for less doubtful flesh to claim as the creature pounces on speaking half-elf, war-razor slashing in a deadly arc that cuts of its preys pony tail, sending long hair flying everywhere, as a hot jet of blood sprays the rest of you. Fast... to fast for you to react, the creature disappears into the mists, giving you only a glimpse of a mouth full of fang-like teeth as you recoil at the horror and the half-elf's hand goes to his neck, trying to preserve his life's blood that continue's to fountain out between his fingers. The sound of footfalls and a cackle bounce and echo off the walls and cobblestone, leaving each of you with no idea where the creature fled to.

Your actions.
The creature swoops in and out before you can react, giving Herren a terrible wound but he is still standing.

Take 6 points of damage.

2019-01-05, 07:57 PM

She spins around and spies the terrifying thing only in time to be sprayed with blood as the half-elf is horrifically wounded. Wiping her eyes clear she pushes the others onward not quite sure who she's pushing or to where but just to get them away.

2019-01-05, 11:44 PM

The young halfling woman recoils at the sight of the terrible creature emerging from the mist, and winces in sympathy as the grievous wound is inflicted on the poor man before her. Reflexively she once again touches her neck, but still finding nothing she curses under her breath. She whispers desperately to herself: Come on...come on...where are you? We need you!

She turns to the others and speaks aloud: "I...I don't think we can fight something like this. Not without weapons. Not without..." She trails off, unsure of what she was going to say. She picks herself up and continues: "We...we have to run. This way, I think!"

She pushes forward in the direction the protective woman was pushing her. She moves a slight distance ahead, but quickly turns back, to make sure that the others are following.

Foryn Gilnith
2019-01-07, 10:20 AM

Razor. Razor? Not the teeth. Not the face. Herren's thoughts swirl trying to comprehend this incomprehensible creature, as he staggers back clutching his neck. "Guess I should have stood behind you," he jokes with a grimace, looking down at Hazel before coughing. The motion sends blood spurting through his fingers, and his spare hand scrabbles at his back looking for bandages in a rucksack that isn't there. He takes a half-step in Selena's direction, his movements dulled by confusion.

2019-01-08, 06:19 PM
"I...I don't think we can fight something like this. Not without weapons. Not without..."
As the child-like young woman speaks with an adults voice, you all turn towards here then looks at each other, only one of you, the blond woman wearing a chain shirt, has a weapon... which is a dagger at her waist.
As the shock of the realization hits, you again hear footsteps, like rough pumice across ancient stones, echoing from everywhere and nowhere. Each of you, in turn spins as you hear the footfalls that seem to creep up behind you only to see nothing but mist. Dread washes over you, like the weight of a waterfall bearing down, steady and unyielding, as the half-elf continues to hold her lifesblood from spilling any further. Slowly, the footfalls drift away, sounds coming to your ears further and farther between.
And, in a flash, the razor comes out of the mist, cutting the child-like woman across the sternum, exposing her solar plexus and xiphoid process, leaving her bleeding and gasping to breathe.
All of you see a face, like something out of your nightmares, that disappears again into the mists.

What you see.

Take 7 points of damage

2019-01-09, 12:34 AM

The young halfling woman coughs up blood, shock and confusion evident on her face. She folds up what remains of her clothing and presses the cloth against the wound in an effort to stem the tide of blood. She staggers back towards the others, while scanning the mists for the shape that attacked her. Noticing that one of the women seem to be armed, the young halfling woman stumbles to her side. Between bloodied coughs, she speaks in a now feeble, whispered voice. "I...I think we may be surrounded. They are everywhere. Perhaps...perhaps we make a stand here. We can at least...go down...with a fight."

With a desperate effort, she pulls herself upright and stands, one hand on her bleeding wound, the other held up in a defensive position.

Selena moves to Hazel's side. She readies an action to Aid Another (boosting AC) if something tries to attack the blond woman in melee.

Pre-rolling the aid for convenience: [roll0]. If >10, Hazel gets a +4 to AC against the attack. But it probably won't work if the thing has reach, which it very well might have...

2019-01-09, 08:23 AM

Toby cringes behind the human, as the nightmare assaults the halfling woman, he lets out a scream as she is slashed, scrambling to avoid the blood pooling at his feet.

We...We can't fight THAT, there is no fighting that!

2019-01-09, 03:07 PM

The creature's first attack had left her shaken and cold. Nothing could have prepared... nothing... she floundered, footless in a land without memories to ground her. The rose on her arm pulses now, a beat that she cannot decide whether it is her own or that of those bleeding around her. With a shriek, she flings her hand out and a wave of warm positive energy flows out from her, wrapping around her allies and granting healing to those who are damaged.

[roll0] healing for all!

Foryn Gilnith
2019-01-10, 10:29 AM

'Go down with a fight, huh?' A voice sounds out in Herren's mind unbidden, coasting on the wave of relief that swept over him upon seeing that monster's next strike directed not at him. 'It wouldn't be much of one. The child is right.' Herren lashes out with his arms, as if trying to physically wipe away the shame and guilt, before the familiar (What? From where?) warmth of positive energy wraps around his wounds and brings him to his senses. "Not like there's anywhere to go but down," he mutters, eyeing the descending fork of the cobblestone path.

2019-01-11, 06:24 AM

She grabs at the dagger at her waist. God's why didn't she have that out already?! Stupid! Hazel waves the dagger about as she pushes the others onward, a fruitless act of bravado more than anything given she can't make out a gods damned thing. "C'mon! Face me!" she shouts, slashing in frustration more than a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

2019-01-12, 02:43 PM
The group, realizing that you are all unfamiliar to each other but still realizing that there is safety in numbers, begin to move towards each other for protection from the nightmarish creature. One of you raises their hand, the blond human, as the wounded feel their hurts diminish.
Heads whip about as you hear each other's ragged breaths but little else at first. Moments pass as ears and eyes seek out something... anything to give reference to the location of the creature. Any occasional flutter, far off, and sound like sandpaper from in front and then behind, to quickly to catch. Faintly, not even sure if it is real or just imagination, you hear a strange, fluting sound, keening upwards beyond what you know what your ears can hear but still aware, its arrythmic tempo disquieting.
The sound lulls you, drawing you too all look in the same direction of the sickly yellow fog and you see an almost afterimage of yellow flash in the distance and it feels as if the sky and stars in the distance breath and pulse in time with the fluting.
Above all this, the dark-haired, child-like female feels the air stir near and all around her as she feels the blood running from her chest turn cold. A faint smell, like leather left uncured in the sun for too long, drifts up to your nostrils. The fog, damp and noisome, seems to breath. The child-like female realizes its more than that and screams out as she realizes the maw of the creature is breathing on the back her neck as it raises its razor high.

Selena can act before the creature as she is the only one to make her check.

2019-01-12, 03:16 PM
Just as the monster approaches her from behind, the young halfling woman bizarrely starts to smile. Her head turns slightly, as if she is listening to some unseen presence, and she whispers “I remember now. It is so good to see you all again.”

She suddenly gasps, her head slumping forwards, her eyes pure orbs of milky white as she rises it again. With surprising speed, she darts out a hand and attempts to snatch the dagger straight out of the hands of the woman next to her, before she whirls around and tries to stab it right into the maw of the presence behind her.

As a free action, Selena starts channeling the Champion spirit (+1 attack rolls, +3 damage rolls). As a move action, she tries to grab Hazel’s dagger. Finally, she makes an attack against the thing behind her.

If Hazel let go of her dagger, this is a weapon attack.
If she does not, this is an unarmed strike (which provokes an AoO:smalleek:).

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage (if dagger): [roll1]
Damage (if unarmed): [roll2] (nonlethal)

2019-01-12, 04:13 PM
As the child-like woman turns and strike, her aim is true as she hits the creature in its toothy maw, teeth shattering and the creature comes into full view, it's body almost like a mummy as its wrappings writhe and flow in an unseen wind. An inhuman sound comes from the mouth as it cries out in pain, is if foreign to the creature. The noise changes, fury and rage fill the fetid air as the knotted arm raises higher, almost stretching as it does, and brings the razor down, a hacking blow instead of a slash, the cuts the woman down, opening another wound across her belly, blood and bile spilling out as she crumbles, blood still pumping as she falls. The razor flashes loose, blood and gore still connected, as the creature turns to the group and a strange, alien smile crosses its face.

Everyone but Selena can go. The creature stands above her and you are all within a 5 foot step of it.
Selena is at -3.

2019-01-12, 08:09 PM

"Ah-ha! Get it!" Hazel pounces without thinking as the creature is distracted with the poor victim, trying to wrestle the razor free. A small voice voice in the back of her mind, easily ignored, says wait...not a good idea.

Wisdom 7? No problem:
Standard: Disarm [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 CMB, -4 Unarmed) +2 Deft Maneuvers = 18 Total vs [roll1]+CMD?

I'll eat an AoO as a result .:smallfrown: Thank you, Deft Maneuvers

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Condition None

2019-01-14, 12:57 PM

The sight of this familiar stranger falling to the ground sends a cold shiver through the young woman in white. Taking a careful step away from the creature, wary of leaving any opening for attack, the... priestess?... begins a chant, keeping her hands up in a defensive posture. As she chants, the birthmark on her inner arm begins to glow softly, the light weaving with her words to slowly drift before her, forming a shape...

Taking a 5' step out of melee, casting Summon Monster 1 to summon a Celestial Eagle in the spot I just vacated.

Foryn Gilnith
2019-01-14, 02:47 PM

Herren's body moves before his mind, taking a circling side-step around the creature as he watches the unfolding events in a daze. Metal goes in. Blood comes out. Finally, something that makes sense. Not the good kind of sense - Herren had never seen a person drop like this - but it stands to reason that what works on deer works on people. Too much blood. Too many deer. If he could remember anything, perhaps he would remember their faces. A weight on his heart as heavy as -

"Enough!" He throws a wild punch at the creature. The blow goes wide but Herren pulls it back before losing balance, settling into a recognizable combat stance opposite the one armed and armored member of the group. "Nowhere to run," he mutters as much to himself as to the monster, eyes narrowing as he finds new focus among his new(?) comrades.

Move: move to flank, assuming "within a 5 foot step of it" means that's possible without provoking an AoO.
Swift: activate challenge targeting the enemy; the party (besides Herren) gets a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls against it.
Standard: unarmed attack against the enemy, does not provoke an AoO, does not hit.

2019-01-14, 09:18 PM

Toby stumbles backwards away from the fiend, the blood of the woman splashing hotly across his face. Sound is gone, replaced by the thundering of his heart. Time slows as hope bleeds away with the fallen woman's lifesbood. He is about to run again, he is about to abandon her, again. He is leaving, again. Maybe, not this time. His gaze, most intense, transfixes the monstrosity if but for a second. Toby's visage twists and distorts into something so ghastly it might even bring fear to a ghoul such as this and he erupts into light.


Five step to backup out of AoO range
Swift Action: Activate Hypnotic Stare on the Fiend: -2 to will saves
Free Action: Activate Painful Stare: Allies are +1 to damage
Standard Action: Cast Color Spray on the Monster (DC15 will save with -2 from Stare)
Free Action: Activate Fearsome Guise (Intimidate to Demoralize Check: [roll0] )

2019-01-15, 03:56 PM
Like a pair of otherworldy children, the girl falls in a spray of blood while the boy-looking one steps forward with a command, startling the creature as you all can now see the grotesque monstrosity.


The creature takes a hesitant step back as flails about with its jagged razor, failing to connect, as it steps away from the remaining 4 of you, stepping back into the cloud but still visible and only a few steps away.

It takes a 5 foot step but is still close.

2019-01-15, 05:48 PM

The chant culminates as the light that had flowed from the young woman's arm forms the image of a radiant white eagle. In a flash, that eagle takes luminescent form and the beating of its wings echoes in the mist.

Without a pause, she throws her hand out towards her companions once more unleashing a wave of light that washes over them, closing wounds and granting a brief respite from pain for all those around her.

In the wake of the light, the eagle lashes out with claws and beak at the monstrosity, striking at it's evil nature.

[roll0] Channel Divinity Healing for All (including the enemy)

Eagle Smite Evil and Full Attack!
[roll1] to hit, for [roll2] Damage (-1 damage if not evil) Claw
[roll3] to hit, for [roll4] Damage (-1 damage if not evil) Claw
[roll5] to hit, for [roll6] Damage (-1 damage if not evil) Bite

N Small celestial animal
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception +9


AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 7 [1d8+3]
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
SR 5
Celestial – Resist cold 5, acid 5, electricity 5


Speed 10ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +3 [1d4+2], bite +3 [1d4+2]
Special Attacks smite evil


Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11 [13]
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +8, Perception +10; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception


Smite evil/good 1/day as a swift action (adds CHA bonus (+0) to attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD (+1) against evil foes; smite persists until target is dead or the celestial creature rests).

2019-01-16, 03:47 AM

"C'mon, get up! Get back!" Hazel drags the halfling woman back from the attacker thankful for the ethereal eagle's distractions. She adopts a fighting stance again, damned if I'm going down without a fight!

Standard: Activate Tactician ability. Everyone gets Escape Route (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/escape-route-combat-teamwork/) feat for 3 rounds (provoke no attacks of opportunity for moving through squares adjacent to allies or within their space). Not sure if this helps Selena stand without provoking...if needed I will also use a move action to drag her 5ft so she can stand without provoking.
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft
Move (unless used to help Selena): Pick up dagger presumably dropped by Selena.

2019-01-16, 06:32 AM
As the wave of positive energy washes over her, the young halfling woman opens her eyes with a pained sigh. Disoriented, she notices the presence still looming behind her, and has just enough presence of mind to realise that she must get away from it, by any means possible. The blood still pouring from her multiple wounds lends further urgency to her struggle, as she tries to make her way back however possible, thankfully aided by the other woman.

Selena simply tries to move away as best she can. If Hazel manages to help her to her feet, she will move 30 ft. away. If not, she will crawl 15 ft. away. Either way should avoid AoOs, because of Escape Route.

She won't take a standard action as that would drop her unconscious (she's at 0).

Foryn Gilnith
2019-01-16, 12:43 PM
Herren's heart skips a beat at the sound of a booming voice from what seemed to be a child, but resumes pumping warm blood through his body as he sees an eagle come into existence and claw at the creature. So this monster can be harmed... it can be beaten. As the armored Hazel steps back to protect the fallen halfling, Herren steps forward, assuming a solid stance and throwing a whipcord-fast punch through a gap in the creature's flailing slashes.

Swift: activate Driven by Guilt for +2 attack and +1 damage against evil creatures.
Move: take a flanking position adjacent to the enemy.
Standard: attack with unarmed strike. Natural 20 hits for 8 lethal bludgeoning damage; rolling confirmation and possible crit damage now. [roll0] [roll1]

2019-01-19, 02:13 PM
Toby feels spent, his courage holding on by its fingertips. Still, the fiend hesitates, it too knows fear, and his companions seem to be hurting it. Without breaking eye contact with the monster, he reaches about and grabs a stone from the alley and throws it at the monsters face.

"That's right! Back! Back I Say! Vile THING!"

Maintaining my stare on the nasty
Throwing a rock, an improvised range attack (+3 dex, +1 size, -4 improvised)
To Hit: [roll0]
To Damage (Painful Stare): [roll1] plus [roll2]

2019-01-21, 01:32 PM
As the creature growls at the rest of the group, blood still dripping from the razor, it raises it high, though each of you realizes that there is some hesitation in its movement. Before it can react, a glowing eagle comes into existance right above the creatures head. It attacks with a furious beat of its wings, one of the claws catching the creature on the top of its head. Like the sound of ancient parchment ripping, the claw gains purchase and tears the creatures skin, yellow pus-blood oozing from the wound. Dodging low, and tearing more of its skin as it pulls away from the eagle, it steps away from the group, managing to avoid all of the other attacks against it. As it steps away, it howls like a stone being drug across an iron plate. It turns toward the human who summoned the eagle, as a wave of anger and vitriol washes over him as the summoner steps back with a look of horror on his face.

Need a will save for Lizbeth.

2019-01-22, 10:13 PM

Toby gives the fiend a cruel smile, and summons his own radiant eagle, larger than the one that damaged the monster. The huge raptor spreads its wings protectively around the party and glares menacingly at the abomination.

Stay back unless you want more of the same!

Casting Silent Image

Foryn Gilnith
2019-01-24, 12:06 PM
Now that's the way. Nothing to worry about. Nobody to betray. No faces to remember, their childlike features marred by blood and lying half-covered by the dirt. Just the clashing of bone and sinew, every blow a statement more fundamentally true than anything said in words. Herren matches the beast's steps backwards, his feet weaving across the cobblestone before lunging forward to deliver another punch with his now-bloody right hand.

Figured I'd write a results-agnostic post this time. Just making the usual unarmed attack from flanking; attack roll is [roll0] and damage is [roll1].

2019-01-25, 03:45 AM
Selena eyes the monstrosity with silent horror, hands still clutching at her two bleeding wounds. She seems confused, wanting to help the others, but not sure she has the strength to do so.

Selena simply stays where she is for now, as she cannot act without dropping unconscious and has no means of healing herself.

2019-01-25, 02:57 PM

That's more like it Hazel thinks as the foul creature pauses it's bloodletting. Now it's our turn.

With the weird eagles flapping about it and the half-elf boldly taking the fight to it, Hazel takes the opportunity to circle about the flagstones before leaping at it her own blade slashing and stabbing.

Move: Move to flank
Standard: Dagger [roll0] (incl. flank), damage [roll1]
Crit? (1d20+7)[8] (incl. flank), damage (1d4+4)[6]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

2019-01-25, 03:54 PM

"Press the attack, give no quarter!" Raising her marked arm high, another burst of healing energy flows through the foggy alley as the Eagle lashes out with talons and claws one more time before bursting in a shower of sparks.

[roll0] Channel Divinity Healing for All (including the enemy)

Eagle Smite Evil and Full Attack!
[roll1] to hit, for [roll2] Damage Claw (assuming flanking)
[roll3] to hit, for [roll4] Damage Claw (assuming flanking)
[roll5] to hit, for [roll6] Damage Bite (assuming flanking)

N Small celestial animal
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Perception +9


AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 7 [1d8+3]
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2
SR 5
Celestial – Resist cold 5, acid 5, electricity 5


Speed 10ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee 2 talons +3 [1d4+2], bite +3 [1d4+2]
Special Attacks smite evil


Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11 [13]
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +8, Perception +10; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception


Smite evil/good 1/day as a swift action (adds CHA bonus (+0) to attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD (+1) against evil foes; smite persists until target is dead or the celestial creature rests).

2019-01-27, 04:31 PM
The creature, looking confused by the onslaught. A second eagle, larger and more majestic, is called into being, wings and claws beating at it but failing to find purchase but it is enough to get the creature to raise its arms as it seeks to protects its head, leaving itself open to the attacks of others.
The half-elf, coming from its left, stikes a blow to its kidney. As the he pulls his hand away a thick, yellow fluid covers his hand, smelling like nothing that has ever hit his nostrils before.
From the other side the human lunges with her dagger, blade cutting across its short ribs, ribs bending more like a twig than bone, as it draws more of the yellow fluid.
Lastly, the first eagle swoops in, claws flailing but failing to connect but the beak rips another bit of leathery skin from hits head.
The creature, feeling itself becoming surrounded, dodges away from further blows as ducks and sways in an inhuman manner. Safely out of reach for the moment, it waves its hand at the group as a wave of fatigue washes over you.

The following need to make a will save
The real eagle

2019-02-01, 01:23 PM
As the waves wash over you, Lizbeth takes a small studdering step but manages to keep her feet. Selena and Toby, however, are not as fortunate and succumb to the creatures power, crumbling in a heap where they stand. The creatures grin, if possible, becomes even more horrific as it smiles at those left standing.

Everyone still standing can act. He's 5 feet away from everyone.
It would seem that Selena and Toby are still breathing... for the moment.

2019-02-08, 04:46 AM

"Hang in there!" she shouts to the fallen two, stabbing in as she does trying to get the thing or at least drive it off.

Move or Misc: Close to melee. Flank if possible.
Standard: Dagger [roll0] + flank?, damage [roll1]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Condition None

2019-02-15, 03:47 PM
The human female's dagger strikes true, the lightning fast thrust catching the creature off-guard as enters its ribcage from the rear, yellow fluid jetting from the wound as it backs away confusion evident from its stance.

Herren and Lizbeth are up

2019-02-20, 11:53 AM

"Strike it down! We must hold fast!"

The young woman lunges forward, attempting to trip the creature and knock it down.

[roll0] Trip attempt against the beastie, provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

2019-02-22, 04:23 PM
The creature, deftly avoiding the blond woman's attempt to trip it, slashes out at the tripping leg, catching the exposed inner leg in a terrible wound as her life's blood spills out and she nearly crashes to the ground. Her face turns even more pale as the ground becomes slick underneath her.
Those left standing can see the creature become emboldened by the sudden turning of the tide. It pounces on the half-elf, its free hand driving down its victims arms as the creature slashes at his head.
A terrible spray of blood comes from the half-elven warrior, head nearly removed, as he crumbles in a heap. The creature then turns upon sole survivor standing, the dagger wielder, vile grin silently crossing its face.

My apologies, I forgot to remove Herren on my spreadsheet that I keep track of things.
Lizbeth takes 14 points of damage.

2019-02-23, 04:02 AM

This just made her mad. Seething. The thought of being outclassed, overwhelmed by this thing! And with no one around left to witness her and pay tribute to her determination...it's just so unfair.

"What are you?" she whispers. Then a quick lunge. Let's see how it feels without it's blade.

Standard: Disarm [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 CMB, +2 Deft Maneuvers) vs [roll1]+CMD?
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Condition None

2019-02-25, 02:48 PM
The creature, seeing one of its prey potentially mortally wounded and the other with a weapon, turns slowly towards the dagger wielder. It pauses for a moment as if considering her question. As it does, it begins to laugh something like a dog's bark if it had been dragged through gravel. The dagger wielder looks on in growing horror as she realizes that wounds she had just caused, though dripping yellow ichor, are slowly beginning to heal. As she looks on the creature pounces, its razor held low as it launches forward. The dagger wielder nearly turns out of the way of the slash but the creature is too fast, cutting her arm open, though the wound is not terrible, the pain is excrutiating. Again, the creature barks out its laugh as it steps forward, menace in its stance.

Hazel takes 5 points of damage. The attack total was 26, don't know if you want to use the panache GF.

2019-03-02, 07:51 PM

"Gah!" She clutches her arm in pain, furious that the thing might be beyond her power to kill. Nevertheless she'll darn well try...

Standard: Disarm [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 CMB, +2 Deft Maneuvers) vs [roll1]+CMD?
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 8/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Condition None

2019-03-04, 01:22 PM
The creature, as Hazel's cry, becomes emboldened as its demonic grin becomes even more insidious, if possible. Sensing weakness, the creature slashes forward again, looking to slice Hazel from shoulder to hip. There is a look of surprise on its face when, as the blade is striking down in its deadly arc, Hazel brings her dagger up to block, catching the decending razor. As blade meets blade, the razor slides to the daggers quillons and, with a vicious twist of her wrist, she sends the razor flying off into the darkness. Both combatants pause for a moment but the sudden turn of events. The creature, however, recovers first and, with a step back, waves its hand in arcane fashion and barks out some words as it points at Hazel, dark magic flooding towards her.

Will save for Hazel, DC 16.

2019-03-06, 05:15 PM

Reeling and clutching at her inner thigh, the young priestess (I am a priestess?) reaches out an arm, the symbol on her wrist flaring with sacred scarlet light which pulses out from her.

"I will not fall! Stand strong, do not let it rule you!"

[roll0] Channel Energy Healing to everyone!

As a note, if the disarmer had nothing in hand theoretically they would now hold the knife.

2019-03-08, 02:39 PM

Hazel shrugs off her injury, magical healing staunching the wound but she hardly notices as she focuses on the horrific thing opposing her. It's got no weapon but it certainly isn't harmless!

Mindful of the fallen bodies around her she grunts and lashes out yet again trying to buy them an opportunity to recover.

Misc: 5ft step as needed
Standard: Dagger [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Bless), damage [roll1]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects

2019-03-13, 06:17 PM
The creature hiss and spits and mouths something incomprehensible, leaving your ears ringing and your head throbbing. As Hazel dagger seeks the creature, it narrowly avoids the blade as it lashes out with a claw that leaves her clothes shredded but her skin in tact. Both circle each other warily as Lizbeth, now healed, stands up straighter, the movement not lost on the creature.

Sorry, must have got sidedtracked at work Friday afternoon. Rolled and everything.

Creature missed, us need for combat panache.

2019-03-27, 01:34 AM

Circling warily Hazel lashes out again trying to draw its attention away from the others...

Misc: 5ft step as needed
Standard: Dagger [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Bless), damage [roll1]

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects

2019-03-27, 07:01 PM

Lizbeth darts down and scoops up the dagger, lashing out at the fiend.

"We cannot fall!"

[roll0] to hit for [roll1]

2019-03-28, 02:48 PM
The blindfolded creature, ignoring Lizbeth, tries to claw at Hazel. It's preternatural awareness causes it to whip around as Lizbeth lunges at it, and it dodges the blow narrowly which causes it to miss Hazel. As it turns towards Lizbeth, it calls out something in a harsh staccato language no one knows, painful for the heart and soul to hear. Lizbeth, in moving to flank the creature with Hazel, notices that near the body of the fallen half-elf that the blood splatter on the wall seems to spell out the word 'me' on it as the body lets out a croak that seems to sound the same thing "...me..."

2019-04-12, 03:37 PM

"What the heck..?" Hazel grunts out as she hears the strange croak, pausing only a moment before lunging again...

Misc: 5ft step as needed
Standard: Dagger [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Bless, +2 flank), damage [roll1]
Crit? (1d20+8)[25] (+1 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Bless, +2 flank), damage (1d4+4)[8]

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects

2019-04-16, 04:37 PM

Moving carefully to keep the fiend between herself and Hazel, Lizbeth carefully times her attack and lashes out with the dagger!

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] including flanking bonus

2019-04-16, 05:42 PM
The creature staggers from the double blows. Lizbeth, using the creatures weapon against it, draws a wound down its back, yellow fluid dripping over her hand. The creature cries out as it spins, clawed hand raking at her but Lizbeth dodges. Hazel, realizing that the creatures anger has overcome its senses, lunges forward, dagger embedding itself deep in its right kidney and the creature cries out in anguish. The creatured, bloodied and gravely injured, tries to spin to keep its two adversaries in view and it stalks about. Lizbeth, focusing, hears the male halflings body croak out "up" with its last breath.

2019-04-16, 06:42 PM

Her grin is savage as the foul yellow liquid spills over her hand as she digs further with the blade, seeking to find that one spot within that will sever its tie to this world.

Me up? I wonder what it is saying.

[roll0] to hit with flanking, for [roll1] damage!

2019-04-20, 03:57 PM

As the murderous thing moves Hazel too paces about. Trying to keep it distracted from the priestess she swings wildly at it yet again...

Misc: 5ft step as needed
Standard: Dagger [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Bless, +2 flank), damage [roll1]

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects

2019-04-22, 01:58 PM
Though flanked by the last two survivors, the creature manages to dodge both blows, its speed terrifying. But, in doing so, its own timing is thrown off and it fails to land its returning raking strikes with its claws. But it lets out a high, keening laugh as you miss and you sense confidence in it as you realize the wounds you just made slowly closing up, the yellow blood clotting before our eyes. As Hazel circles for advantage, she brushes up against the fallen female halfing, the body croaking out "wake" as she does.

2019-04-28, 05:30 AM

Wake me up?! "What the heck -?" Hazel's brow furrows in confusion as she circles blade at the ready.

not quite sure what to do

Will save? [roll0]

otherwise I can keep attacking until we all die :smallsmile:

2019-05-07, 05:06 PM

Wake me up.... perhaps they are not fallen after all!

Without lowering her guard, the young woman heavily jostles her nearest fallen ally to see if they will awaken.

2019-05-08, 07:52 PM
Lizbeth, leery of the creature, manages to jostle the halfling at her feet as Selena's eyes pop open.

Selena can't act this round but it doesn't look like the creature notices she has awaken.

2019-05-09, 05:13 AM

Oh wait, They're not dead?! "Wake up, dammit!" Hazel kicks out at her nearest fallen ally, the other halfling, trying to jostle him awake.

2019-05-11, 11:13 AM
Hazel, putting a booted foot ungently into the fallen halfing, has a satisfied grin as she hears a gasp and Toby's eyes snap open. The creature, however, aware of what she has done, looks back and sees the other halfling stirring. He lashes out at both Hazel and Lizbeth, but its wild attempt to distract, both claws go wide and miss each target. It howls, spittle running down its chin, as anger chills your bones.

Selena and Toby can act this round but is in range to provoke.

2019-05-12, 12:01 AM

Seeing the fallen two stirring but in danger Hazel tries to wrench the creature back from them, spitting and clawing at it as she does...

Standard: Reposition [roll0] (+1 BAB, +4 CMB, +2 Deft Maneuvers) vs [roll1]+CMD?
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
Bless: +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects

2019-06-12, 05:53 PM
The creature, seeing the others stirring, takes a small step back as it catches the female halfling turning to stand. Raking it's claws under her neck, both hands connect and eviscerate her neck as her body collapses, a small red pool beginning to form under the fallen body.

Hazel and Lizbeth are up.

2019-06-13, 03:22 PM

Taking a careful step backwards, Lizbeth draws a deep breath and focuses on her tattoo. A crystal forms in the palm of her hand, a rose-colored crystal in the exact shape of the tattoo she has been drawing strength from throughout this conflict. A deep breath in, and on the exhale her arm lashes forward sending the crystal flying towards the beast.

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] divine damage

2019-06-14, 02:24 PM

Oh this is not going well at all. But it's not the end of me! Hazel strikes out again.

Standard: Dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16

2019-06-23, 09:38 AM
Sorry, guys, but first day off since Father's day. Should be fairly back on track.

The creature laughs its licks the blood of its bloody fingers, dodging both blows aimed it it. The flying crystal goes wide and Hazel uses the opportunity to lunge forward, almost catching a set of raking claws for her effort. The creature circles a bit but its quarry is more canny than that, trying to keep it between the pair. Toby, trying to keep silent, can be heard calling out a bubbling cry as he curls up.

2019-06-23, 09:11 PM

Circling the creature she lashes out again.

Standard: Dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

I confess I am at a loss as to what else to do.

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16

2019-06-24, 12:17 PM

Panting with heavy breaths, the priestess sends another shard of crystal flying at the enemy before stepping back in, trying to offer her ally a chance to find an opening.

Yay level 1... wiff wiff wiff!

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] divine damage

2019-06-27, 12:47 PM
The creature, with obvious disdain for Hazels blow as it turns it aside with little effort, walks to the fallen Toby and viciously finishes him off before turning back to Hazel and Lizbeth, a grin on its face as its wounds are nearly healed.

I confess I am at a loss as to what else to do.

Well, everyone, including the DM, are rolling pretty badly. I imagine that this will change soon. The question is, in whose favor?

2019-06-28, 03:56 AM

Groaning at the callousness with which the thing just executed the poor halfling Hazel tries to slash at it once again.

Standard: Dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

2019-07-24, 03:55 PM
The creature dodges the blow from Hazel, before turning quickly to Lizbeth as both claw rake, drawing blood and cries of pain.

Lizbeth takes 11 points of damage.

2019-07-26, 03:45 AM

Grrr Iris deflates a little as the other woman falls. "C'mon then you sorry excuse for a -" she lunges

Standard: Dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

2019-07-31, 01:40 PM
The creature easily evades Hazel's attack, sensing fear, lashes out with both claws. The first Hazel is able to dodge but the second scores as a rent appears in her leg, blood gushing.

Hazel takes 7

2019-08-02, 04:23 PM

She grits her teeth as the thing lands a nasty blow. Feeling the tide turn against her she nevertheless steels herself and lashes out again.

Standard: Dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]
Immediate (if attacked): Dodging Panache +3 dodge to AC, move 5ft

[Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16

2019-08-03, 06:18 PM
The creature cackles at Hazel as she misses and he hisses something in a gutteral, simultaneously high and low pitched voice, some harsh language that leaves her sense awash with an almost ringing in her ear as the creature launches into another attack. Her daring allows her to block the blows, narrowly keeping death at bay as the razor sharp claws come within a breath of her face.

2019-08-04, 05:03 AM

As long as she's still alive, she's still fighting. Hazel stabs and slashes again.

Standard: Dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16

2019-08-20, 03:10 PM
The creature nimbly dodges Hazel's blow again while Hazel, in return, manages to keep from being hit from either raking attack. As it misses, it growls out in anger as it fails to connect.

Sorry, I thought I had replied to this. Should be over soon.

Been a crazy month or two. Older brother had a stroke, doing better. He sent a text earlier and has movement back in his hand. Started a new job a couple of weeks ago and finally settling in, so life should be smoother moving forward and time to catch up on games.

2019-08-23, 03:18 PM

Starting to weary, Hazel circles about and looks for another opportunity to strike.

Standard: Dagger [roll0], damage [roll1]

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16

2019-08-28, 04:29 PM
The creature, laughing at Hazel's feeble attack, steps back as it waves its hand in an intricate pattern as it barks something out, disappearing in the process.

2019-09-17, 10:00 AM
Hazel thrusts viciously but the toothy creature manages to dodge the blow, returning the attack with two raking claws, one finding skin the flows. Life's blood flowing, she feels weakness and lightheadedness overcoming her but she valiantly struggles on. Making a double slash in an X motion, she nearly catches it again but only some of its wrappings, cut in two, drifts slowly to the ground as the creature launches into another assault but failing to find purchase, Hazel blocking and dodging. Seeing the creature unbalanced, she tries to launch into another attack, but her own balance is off and it proves to be her undoing. She lunges forward and the creature, faster than one would think possible, rakes again and finding her exposed neck. Collapsing as he tries to stop the flow, she sees the creature come walking above her with a barking laugh as it then says something uncomprehensible, causing her mind to hurt at the words. It plunges its claws into her chest as darkness overtakes her...

2019-09-30, 06:03 AM
Curse the gods! Darkness claims her...

2019-10-09, 06:23 PM
Pain... pain and darkness is all you know for some indefinite time. The pain lessens as the fog disappates and each of you becomes aware that you are lying down, uncomfortably, in a cramped cell. 4 others lay besides you in a disheveled manor as you become aware of a sound... a voice that cries out.
"Wake up! Wake up, curse you, you dogs!" cries out a mans voice as you turn towards it and you realize you are in a cell with the others and the man is on a table. Tied down, by the look of it. Another figure comes into view, wearing a doctors coat... with blood smeared all about it as he inspects the tied down mans wounds before going back to a sideboard as the doctor picks up and inspects one blade, shakes his head before putting down then picks up another. Then, with a casual and almost half-awareness of his action, the doctor takes the blade and draws it across the tied down man's thigh as blood gushes from the wound and the man cries out in pain that turns into a blubbering whimper as the doctor turns his back to you and you see his arm work and more cries from the tied down man.
You realize the bodies of 2 halflings, eyes wide and hair turned white, lay next to you but no motion or breath seems to come from either.


All of you are crammed in the cell that lies between G/I-1/2.
The doctor is standing at I-3

2019-10-09, 09:36 PM
"Hells!" Ellia's eyes fly open at the man's shout. Her eyes go wide with confusion and half-remembered panic as she sits up suddenly, hands groping for a chest wound she knows is there — and yet it is not there.

It had seemed so real … No, it WAS real, those two are sitting right there! She stares at Rirri's throat, which had been torn out the last time she saw it.

She tastes bile in the back of her mouth, mixed with something a bit … tart? She can't remember. Either way it's not a great taste, and she spits reflexively.

Then she sees the man helpless the table, and the knife … she throws herself backward, crab-style, knocking into someone she can't see, her hands grabbing again at something to protect herself.

Do we have equipment?

2019-10-10, 11:19 AM
"Weeze....*cough*, *cough*.....~GASP~!" Ruyle wakes with a startled look on his face. Trying to catch his breath, he looks around him seeing the familiar faces from the dream he had found himself in. The Halflings do not look awake....But these others had helped him while they were chased...What is going on here, jail cells? Ruyle gives himself a once over, seeing his cherished clasped jacket now covered in dirt and grime from being crammed in this dingy cell. He feels as though he could cast some spells, like little tingles on the tips of his fingers....

The screaming man's words finally catch Ruyle off guard as he turns his attention to the flaying being done right in front of their eyes. Some form of ritual? Or was this 'doctor' just psychotic? All he knows is he must get out of this cell because he sure doesn't want to stay here and possibly be the next patient on that table, so he eyes the man in the doctor's coat hoping to find any sign of keys; that is if this man was even the one who had crammed us all in here.

Ruyle does his best to softly whisper to the others, "Hey, don't I recognize you all? What's goin- actually you all probably know as little as I do right now huh?"

Perception check hoping to find some keys :) [roll0]

Foryn Gilnith
2019-10-10, 07:26 PM
Herren awakens with a start, his eyes flashing with anger at the remnants of pain that yet flare over his (closed? healed? healthy?) neck. His hands snap to his waist at the sight of the doctor's blade, reaching for a weapon that isn't there - and his anger turns to a panicked, cold sweat as he realizes this defiance might have made his unarmed and unarmored self into a target. For better or for ill, though, the doctor seems content to ignore this cell and continue his dark ministrations toward the man strapped to the table, and a wave of guilt washes over Herren as his adrenaline cools and he has a chance to look over the others in the cell.

"Nothing... I know nothing." He murmurs in response to Ruyle.

2019-10-10, 09:43 PM
Sweat slicks the brown curls that cling to Rirri's pale face, every twist and shudder she makes causes the metal studded leather wrapped around her short form to creak and click. Her hand jerks up to clasp at her throat before with a back arching gasp her blue eyes fly open and she sits upright. Wide eyes stare at nothing as she shakes, one hand clutching her throat while the other blindly gropes at her side finding nothing.

The voices and cries filling the air eventually draw her attention, gaze focusing and breath slowly evening out. "Too dark. Too much... not known." She takes a deep breath before slowly standing up, form swaying before she steadies herself. "Far too much is unknown. Strange mists... little light... And a crazed doctor."

There's a bit of a stagger to her steps as Rirri makes her way to the halflings, a hand pressing against each one's forehead after she checks on them. Standing back up she casts her gaze around the cell before making her way to the bars "Of all the days... to not twine the ghost's hand in my mind."

That doctor is creepy.

Perception check for anything that could be used as a weapon within the cell [roll0]

Rirri (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2015276) human Hexcrafter Staff Magus 1 NG
HP 10 / 10 Speed ft Init 5 AC 14 Fort 4 Ref 1 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 0
Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+3, x2)
Str 16 (3) Dex 12 (1) Con 14 (2) Wis 10 (0) Int 18 (4) Cha 8 (-1)

2019-10-11, 05:29 AM

"What the Hells..." mumbles Hazel to her self, blinking her crusted eyes open. Oh, really. This just gets worse.

She rolls free from the tumble of stirring bodies and settles into a crouch thoughts focused on the immediate. That ain't right. As the others mumble hushed whispers she sneaks toward the 'doctor' and his patient to get a better look.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Move & grab any obvious weapon.

2019-10-11, 10:24 AM

The blond-haired human girl wakens with a groan, pressing her hands to her throat to stop the... bleeding? No... not dead. A dream then? But this... She turns her arm, the vivid birthmark of a rose and road on her arm stark against her pale skin.

Something within her pushes her forward against the bars, arm outstretched. "Hey, stop! Leave him alone, he's had enough!"

2019-10-11, 11:10 AM
With a dread fascination, the group looks about for some means of escape but their eyes keep being drawn back to the torture unfolding before them. The doctor seems oblivous to what is going on the cell, attention drawn to the small wounds he is creating in the writhing man. The doctor moves about, make small cuts or pinching skin, sometimes reaching down to smell the man's skin and blood.

There are no weapons or tools you can make out inside the cell or somewhere you can reach.

You notice the doctor has a ring of keys tied to his belt but he is slightly out of reach of you or anyone else trapped in the cell.

2019-10-13, 08:26 AM
Finding nothing of use in the cell Rirri's eyes narrow as she takes in the doctor torturing the bound man. The words from the blonde draw her attention and she gives a small nod. "The doctor has keys. Hopefully to this door."

Her head dips slightly as she closes her eyes, a hand coming up. After a few flexes of her fingers and shakes of her wrist she curls her fingers into a very awkward and uncomfortable looking pose as she mutters almost nonsensically under her breath. Straightening back up she stares at the doctor, fingers cupping and a small wooden sphere appearing in her hand. Try to get the keys from the doctor."

Stepping over to the side of the bars furthest away from the others she hefts the small ball before chucking it at the doctor, voice raising even as the small sphere shatters on impact with anything. "You blind, ignorant excuse of a doctor. THAT'S NOT HOW YOU OPERATE ON SOMEONE!"

Fun with Prestidigitation time.

Cast Prestidigitation and chucked a created item at the doctor. [roll0] ranged attack at the doctor. Can't do damage and is just to distract so hopefully against touch AC.

Rirri (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2015276) human Hexcrafter Staff Magus 1 NG
HP 10 / 10 Speed ft Init 5 AC 14 Fort 4 Ref 1 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 0
Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+3, x2)
Str 16 (3) Dex 12 (1) Con 14 (2) Wis 10 (0) Int 18 (4) Cha 8 (-1)

2019-10-13, 12:07 PM
Ruyle Wysacaryn HP8 / AC13

Of course he would have some keys...why had he not seen them. Need a away to weaken him...
Almost on instinct, arcane words spewed from his mouth as his skinny fingers contorted in various formations. Ruyle outstretches his hand and aims between the cell bars as a tiny green and black swirling ball of energy appeared before it. From the ball fires a line of energy towards the doctor's back.

"Let us out, you sadistic fiend!" Ruyle shouts at the man. "Someone grab him!" He hollers to the others.

Casting Ray of Enfeeblement. He should be muh easier to grapple if this works.
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
RoE: [roll1]
Fort Save: DC 15 (still takes 1/2 w/ a successful save)

Foryn Gilnith
2019-10-14, 07:51 PM
Herren remains slumped on the floor as the doctor carves up the unfortunate, restrained patient. He is weak. He is uncertain. Even as some of the strange and unfamiliar people in the cell stir into action and some light returns to Herren's eyes, he remains still, having no discernible plans for how to act. But then an order comes cutting through the air - "grab him!" - and Herren steels himself to do what he does best. Still on the ground, he springs forward feet-first, trying to reach out through the bars farther than his arms will go and catch one of the doctor's legs in a lock.

Popping Driven by Guilt for another +2 on the CMB check (provided this fellow is evil), since getting the keys off him seems like a unique single point of failure that we really need to pass through.
Attempting to grapple the doctor, as suggested: [roll0]

2019-10-14, 08:44 PM
This makes no sense … Elia collected herself a bit, though her head was still muddled. I don't recognize him, or this room …none of this is right. Maybe this was the dream, then, and she was still bleeding to death in that hallway. She'd heard some patients talk in gibberish near death, as if they were somewhere else — though the priests usually said that was a sign of evil ghosts trying to seize the body for themselves. She didn't put much stock in priests, but she still blessed herself for several days when going into those rooms after the patient finally died.

There was that tart taste, again. What was that?

Even if I'm it's a dream, I'm not dead in it yet, she thought. That was something. She threw herself against the bars and cried at the man. "Let us out! We don't belong here … I don't, anyway!"

2019-10-17, 04:28 AM

As the others shout & throw stuff at the sadistic medic Hazel tries to think calmly...not her strength. "Hey, hey you! At least get these bodies outta here." She nudges a dead halfling with her foot "C'mon, clear them out. You weren't going to leave them there, right?"

Suggest a course of action (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/Bluff/#Suggest_Course_of_Action) Bluff [roll0] Diplomacy [roll1]
Bluff to feign harmlessness (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/Bluff/#Feign_Harmlessness) [roll2]

2019-10-17, 11:04 AM
Between the ball bouncing off of her and the yelling being done, the doctor turns as she pulls down her mask and yells "Be quiet!" as her face quickly morphs to an exact copy of Ruyle and the ray of dark, eldritch power goes streaking past her. Alerted, the doctor manages to Herren's outstretched arms as it looks at the group in disdain. "Feeble.
Be quiet before your next." With that her face morphs back to her original appearnce as she drops her masks and continues to cut into her patient.

2019-10-17, 04:25 PM
Lizbeth Veritas

"No, this will not do. We must stand together. Be ready, friends!" The young woman's voice is quiet but intense, filling the space around you without carrying far. She stands tall and stretches out a hand towards the dark and twisted doctor once more.

"Foul torturer, I Command you to APPROACH!" For a small body, the command comes out with a force that shakes the air as it cascades through the room to slam into the body of the doctor.

Casting Command with the instruction to Approach. Will save, DC 15

Hopefully everyone can do something when it gets close.

2019-10-18, 12:03 PM
The doctor, head turned, snaps her head up as she looks at Lizbeth and begins to walk mechanically towards here, stopping at the bars as she does but still trying to walk forward.

2019-10-18, 02:27 PM
Elia sinks to her knees as the creature turns to them, as if out of despair. "He's going to carve us all up," she cries — but her eyes dart first to the keys, then to her fellow captives as she readies herself to grab at the thing in case it tries to dodge their grab.

Aid another (thinking we need to get this Steal check as high as possible) [roll0]

2019-10-18, 04:11 PM

That's right...a little closer... Hazel doesn't muck around. With the freaky face-stealer so close she snaps out her hand and grabs at the keys.

Steal [roll0] (+1 Base, +4 Dex, +2 Deft Maneuvers, +2 Aid Another)

2019-10-18, 05:22 PM
As the doctor runs into the bars, Elia manages to grab a hold of her long enough for Hazel to reach through the others bars and pull the keys from the doctors belt.

2019-10-24, 04:25 AM

..a little closer... "Gotcha!" With a swift flick of the wrist Hazel flips the keys about and starts twisting them in the lock, wrenching the door open if it clicks.

Move/standard action to use key?
Move action to open cell door.

All assumes that the face-stealer is aware that she's grabbed the keys, which I'm pretty sure is how steal works (ie it's not covert)

2019-10-26, 11:31 AM
Hearing the bolt slide back, Elia hurls her frame against the bars in a near-panic. "I said let us OUT!"

strength check, if needed [roll0]. If she manages to get out she'll look to the operating table for any thing to use as a weapon

2019-10-26, 04:42 PM
The doctor, preternaturally strong, easily pushes back Elia's shove against the doors in an almost off-hand way.

Foryn Gilnith
2019-10-29, 12:18 PM
Herren scrambles to his feet and takes a low stance, ready to spring forward if an opportunity presents itself. Otherwise, since the cell door seems to have been unlocked and the alien doctor doesn't seem to be holding any projectiles, he simply elects to... wait, rather than rush forward into its range of attack. Patience does rank among the knightly virtues, after all.

2019-11-01, 04:57 PM
Herren watches as the doctor and Elia struggle to control the exit and the others look on.

2019-11-01, 05:12 PM

The dark purple birthmark on Lizbeth's arm flares with divine energy as she watches the struggle at the door, and she lashes out with her hand, watching as a crystal rose forms and flies forth to strike the foul doctor!

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] divine damage

2019-11-02, 11:16 AM
The doctor, hit by the divine energy, recoils from it, fear evident on her contorted face.

2019-11-05, 10:59 PM
Elia was taken aback by the doc — no, there was no way she was calling that a doctor —*by its strength, but she was more afraid of it regaining its composure and locking them in again, or summoning help.

"Come on!" she shouts at the others shrinking in the rear of the cell. "Do you want to die in here?" Wait, had they all died already? It had seemed so real. She was having trouble remembering …

2019-11-08, 02:41 PM

"Outta the way," Hazel reaches out to grab the face-swapping torturer and push it aside so everyone can get out.

Assuming someone strong (Herren/ Rirri?) gets the cell door open:

Move/ 5ft step as needed
Standard: Reposition CMB [roll0] (+1 Base, +4 Dex, +2 Deft Maneuvers). Try to push it aside so that there is a clear pathway out.

Foryn Gilnith
2019-11-08, 04:08 PM
Herren narrows his eyes as the ivory-haired woman yells - thinking to himself 'Yes, you dolt, it's exactly because I don't want to die here...' before shaking the petulant thought out of his head and moving to take advantage of the opportunity she's created. He runs up and takes a rooted stance, feet shoulder width apart, ready to push against this fiend for as long as they need to to wrench the door open.

Taking the +2 aid another bonus, if that's what we're going for... not sure we'll solve this in one round so I'm just going to roll the first round's Strength check. [roll0]

2019-11-12, 06:23 PM
With the combined might of the group, Elia is able to begin driving the doctor back. It's unsettling that the thin woman shows such strength but she isn't able to hold back her prisoners.
Her head turning back and forth furiously she gives one last push back, trying to throw her captives off balance, before turning and running towards the door at the east as the tied down patient screams out "Don't let her get out or we're all done for!"

She makes it to where the sacks are shown, not quite to the hallway.

Foryn Gilnith
2019-11-13, 10:06 PM
Herren stumbles through the door as the doctor suddenly lets up the pressure, staggering almost to the other end of the room before the man on the desk yells out his warning. "On it!", he calls out, turning on his heel to dash toward the exit hallway before their assailant can make it to the door.

Assuming a start in G2, P5 is within the range of a double move action... if the doctor takes an AoO I'm just going to eat it; better that she spend it on a relatively low AC target before other people can move in to fill the gap

2019-11-14, 01:00 PM
As Herren closes the distance, the doctor turns and takes a swipe at him. Herren notices the glove hand has long, knife sharp fingers protruding as he ducks the blow as it narrowly misses.
"Return to your pen or I'll relish in the pain!" though the half-elf realizes as panick is evident in her voice and her face distorts, as if something living underneath her skin was squirming and moving.

2019-11-14, 11:25 PM
Off balance, Elia fairly tumbles out of the cell as the doctor turns tail, but catches herself and grabs one of the wicked-looking cutting instruments from the surgical table as she races after Herren.

Earlier post said there were multiple knife-things on the surgical tray. She'll grab one if she can. (move action? count as drawing a weapon so it can be combined with move? I dunno)

I'm guessing Herren/Doc are in melee, so won't throw the blade. If she can get within melee range with an attack action left

[roll0] (does not include improvised weapon penalty, if applicable) for [roll1]

2019-11-15, 11:15 AM
Elia, in a burst of fervor, rushes past the surigical items and manages to grap one without cutting herself but, in her rush to lunge at the doctor, she swings wide, not even getting a serious look from the doctor.

2019-11-15, 11:33 AM

”Yes! Push the advantage, do not relent!”

Once more purple light forms at the wrist of the waif-like priestess, crystallizing into the rose of Milani before it is flung through the air towards their opponent. Lizbeth has stepped out of the cell, almost appearing backlit in flames as an image of freedom against the backdrop of torture and imprisonment.

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage

2019-11-16, 01:48 PM

"She's not going anywhere" Hazel spits. She dashes out of the cell, vaulting over the patient to chase down the mad doctor.

Double move toward P5 trying to cut off the exit.
Will take an AoO if needed to get into position (acrobatics to avoid [roll0] includes -10 for full move)

2019-11-24, 10:33 AM
The doctor, pinned down in her counterattack, flails uselessly as she sees her exit blocked. Stepping back a step, Herren can see her thoughts racing across her face. "Wait, wait!" as she put her hands out, desperation in her voice. "This patient is mad! He has something in him that, if I don't stop it, will spread through this facility... through the world!"

2019-11-29, 02:56 PM

"What's she talking about?!" snaps Hazel, confused. She holds her ground blocking the exit. Belatedly realizing she has no weapon in hand she looks about for anything useful.

Sense Motive [roll0] (vs Bluff, if needed)
Reach to one of the nearby sacks (N4), if close enough, and withdraw anything vaguely able to be used as an improvised weapon.

2019-11-29, 03:08 PM

"She's lying! Torture is never the solution, and she was doing it for fun not necessity!" Lizbeth stands tall with her hand outstretched, the purple birthmark almost glowing with the energy of yet another crystal shard ready to be hurled.

[roll0] Sense Motive

2019-11-29, 05:08 PM
"And she would've done us next, she said so," Elia growls, her slightly-too-sharp teeth visible. "She's probably the reason we're locked up here!"

[roll0] know (nature)
[roll1] know (arcana)
[roll2] know (nature)

[roll3] sense motive

lord those know checks are bad

Foryn Gilnith
2019-11-29, 11:12 PM

Herren pauses for a moment, surprised to be received by words rather than further bloodshed, and lowers his arm into a defensive stance instead of lashing out with it. "And what does that have to do with us?" he spits, throwing into his voice all the resentment and humiliation of being stripped and imprisoned. "Do we even know you can stop it? Are we supposed to wait forever for your fumbling while you try?"

He looks past the doctor to that strange white-haired fellow as he speaks, the one who grabbed the surgical tool, waiting to see if she intends to attack without waiting to talk this out all the way - and ready to strike in tandem with her if so.

2019-11-30, 04:04 PM
"I... I don't know how to stop it. The yellow mists... they creep along and any it touches losses their mind. That's why you're here. You have all been touched by the mists and caused... did terrible deeds under its influence. I can't speak for your state of mind, like him" she says as she points to the man strapped on the table "he was an orderly here and your infection has begun to corrupt him." "She lies..." he calls out weakly as she continues as if he didn't say anything "I fear you will begin to see reality distort, as him, and start attacking everyone as if they were some monster risen up from the sea." She pauses and, keeping her hands up, she continues in a cold, clincal fashion "Your paranoia will continue to spread if we don't stop it here... now. Yes, my methods are crude but all we know is all of you were triggered by some harm or hurt and, as the courts have already sentenced him, we are hoping some small pain to him, and perhaps even the rest of you, can help save the world. This isn't the only outbreak and if we can't find something... the world may end up in fire and death. I'm sorry if you feel that this is unfair but you are all convicted murderers and if some small pain on your part can save the world, maybe the Gods will forgive you." in a matter-of-fact attitude.

Sense Motive - You are all quite convinced she is telling the truth. At least, that she believes she is telling the truth.

Hazel finds a rapier and armor that seem vaguely familiar along with some other items.

2019-12-02, 04:28 PM
"I don't know about them, but I haven't done any 'terrible deeds,' " Elia snaps back. (She dimly remembers breaking into a medicine cabinet at some point, but is certain the penalty for that isn't being carved up alive.)

The warning about paranoia struck home, though she tries to keep the worry out of her voice. She glances at the others. "I'm getting out of here. We should stick her in the cell and see if we can help that one," she nods her head at the "patient."

Foryn Gilnith
2019-12-04, 05:14 PM
Herren slackens his body, listening seriously to what this... person, has to say, before her final comment brings a scowl to his face and the rest of the party starts to chip in. "I don't need an outsider's ministration for my Goddess to forgive me," he barks, raising his hand into a combative boxing stance once again. "And you will forgive us, I hope, if I wait for an agent of the court to declare my sentence."

His eyes flicker back to the rummaging Hazel as the conversation continues, and he nods at Elia's suggestion before turning his head to once again address the doctor. "You're outnumbered and we're armed. It would be wise for you to let us peacefully put you in a cell until one of your colleagues comes to get you."

2019-12-06, 04:41 PM
The doctors eye furl in anger though she keeps her tone reigned in. "Do you think you would be down here if you weren't already given your chance. You have already been tried and convicted of your crimes. The only reason were given a chance to live is that you were chosen to participate in finding a cure for the madness spreading across the land. If you try to escape now the only thing you will gain is the hangman's noose. Stay, and help, and you may gain both your life back and help save the world from this mania." she says as her voice cracks slightly as she begins to plead.

2019-12-08, 12:35 AM
Elia makes a face as she parses this. "You're either trying to torture a bunch of innocents or you're trying to reason with a gang of murderers," she says. "Either way, you're an idiot if you think we're going back in there." She waggles the knife in the direction of the cell, to make her point.

2019-12-10, 12:09 PM
The doctor's face turns from pleading to a bit of anger and frustration to disbelief to resignation in the space of a couple of moments. Her mouth starts to open when the man on the table, waking from his stupor, yells out "She has friends... kill her, kill her..." and his head rolls to the side as he losses consciousness again.
"Mad, just like you. Go, then, and when the guards find you, you'll be back in my care. Throw me in the cell, if that is what you want."

2019-12-13, 04:58 AM

"It is" spits Hazel. She grabs the rapier with one hand and pushes the doctor, manhandling her toward the cell. Patting down the doctor for any more items she then shoves her/ it into the cell and locks the door.

"Some stuff over there - weapons and such. Take what you need." she says to the others.

2019-12-13, 02:27 PM
The doctor replies without any resistance other than giving a 'Tsk, tsk' but you all guess that is more for herself than any of you.
Nothing of note is found on her person. As the door shuts and locks, you can detect a ghost of a smile on her cold features. "I guess I need a little break from my work, even if forced." she says as she sits back and makes herself comfortable. Laying down as she interlaces her fingers and uses her hands as a makeshift pillow, she sighs before continuing. "When the guards bring you back, try not to be too loud and disturb me, if you don't mind." as she gives a small chuckle to herself.

In the sacks you will all find your missing equipment.

2019-12-20, 02:13 PM

Hazel spits at the doctors words and turns the key in the lock, glowering. She wanders back to where her equipment lay and begins the comforting task of loading up and strapping everything back on, ready to go and helping everyone else prepare too.

She moves back to the injured man strapped to the bench and starts working on his restraints. "And what's you name? Are you really an orderly here? 'Cos I'd really like to know just where 'here' is".

Diplomacy [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

Yay for gear!

2019-12-21, 03:11 PM
Hazel walks up to the man and as she is undoing his straps, she sees that his eyes are open but have rolled back up with a bit of drool running out of his mouth. She can see him breathing, but it is shallow and fast as he makes no move to respond.

2019-12-21, 04:21 PM

"Hey, you don't look so good. You alright?" she shakes him gently "Hey! Wake up! Where are we?"

Heal [roll0]

2019-12-22, 08:47 AM
The mans eyes continue to roll up into the back of his head as he mumbles incoherently.

2019-12-23, 01:09 AM
"I'm an apothecary … assistant apothecary," Elia begins as she rummages through one of the sacks. "I thought I worked here, but it looks so different … I don't remember her, certainly, or him," she gestures toward the man on the table.

She finds a bag that feels familiar, at least — the armor fits at least, and she slings a bag full of supplies over her shoulder. It falls open for a moment and she glances inside at a half-opened medicine pouch. Golden kesh. She remembered that. It was used to help calm lunatics and the posessed, but if misused could cause uncanny hallucinations. And from the looks of it, she'd taken a lot.

I've probably got another week to go of nightly headaches that are messing up sleep (and by extension, everything else) so I'm hit-and miss for several more days, most likely.

2019-12-27, 11:59 AM

Something about all of this felt... wrong... somehow. Still, with the torturing "doctor" behind bars for the moment the importance has turned to the man on the table. She steps with confidence to the man's side, gently pushing in front of the others examining him.

"Let me look, I think I am good at this... I think?"

[roll0] Heal check to assess/assist our bound man.

2019-12-30, 12:07 AM
Its hard to tell is if the man is moaning in pain from something in his delirium, the pain he had recieved at the hands of the doctor or the minstrations of the two recently freed prisoners. The bleeding seems to stop from what Hazel and Lizbeth can tell. His bloody bindings, looking like torn pieces of clothing, hold him fast but he insensible for the moment.

2020-01-02, 02:12 PM

"He is delirious, though whether that is an unnatural state as the good doctor claims or as a result of the drastic torture he was experiencing is yet to be seen." The young priestess shakes her head, eyes blurring for a moment.

"I'm... not sure where this is. What is going on, truly? I saw you all in... a dream? It was so real, and they..." She gestures to the two small corpses still in the cell they so recently vacated. "I watched them die. I watched you all die, and I couldn't save..." Her shoulders slump before she visibly stiffens, but she doesn't continue speaking and her gaze is lost in clouded memory.

2020-01-05, 09:42 AM
The man continues to roll about as if in a fever. "The madness has already overtaken him. His mind is splinttering... whatever it is, the attacks to the mind wear down the body.
If he doesn't run about mad and get killed by the guards then the madness will consume his body with time. I've seen it happen too many times to count now." the doctor says with pursed lips, disapproval obvious in her face.

2020-01-07, 09:50 PM
"Perhaps the patients would respond better to less torturing," Elia snaps back. But she frowns as she says it; she has no idea what's wrong with the man, and though it would be inhuman to leave him restrained here she didn't relish the idea of turning a potential madman loose.

She nods toward one of the other cells. "We could put him in there, then come back once we find some help. It's better than leaving him tied up like this."

2020-01-08, 05:01 PM
"Other methods were tried but were unsuccessful. All anyone ever responded to was pain. It was thought that something to do with the body's response to pain might be the path to a cure. Tell me, would you be willing to endure some pain in order to stave off madness? You all seem lucid to me right now... I wonder how long it will last. Before these 'dreams' overtake you once more." is all the doctor says in response.

2020-01-09, 04:57 AM

"That's it, I've had enough of this. You - shut the heck up" she snaps at the captured doctor. "You," she says more kindly to whomever is closest, "Help me get this guy into a cell. We'll come back for him later."

When everyone is ready she draws her rapier and takes point. "Let's see what we can find".

Ready to move on when everyone else is. But I do have 7 Wis so feel free to do otherwise.

2020-01-10, 07:49 PM
"Oof." Elia unbuckles the patient and, grabbing him by the ankles, hauls him off the table. She only drops him a little, and helps to drag him into a neighboring cell.

With that, she snatches up her bag and heads for the next room. She doesn't look at their captive, but calls over her shoulder, "Don't come looking for us! We're unrepentant killers!"

2020-01-18, 09:25 AM
"I'm not worried as I won't need to. I will see you soon enough." she says and a cold undercurrent of threat gives Elia a chill.

2020-01-23, 03:58 AM

Hazel heads off, kind of aware that others are following with her but determined to press on whatever the situation. She ties the door handle that apparently leads out of this dungeon room.

Open door at P5

2020-03-09, 11:10 AM
Ella, Hazel and Lizbeth talk about moving onward while Herren, Rirri and Ruyle look at each other in wild disbelief at the situation.
Rirri and Ruyle both have a a bit of a crazed look in their eyes, as if considering that they aren't fully awake and trying to shake themselves from the current situation. Herren mumbles something about waiting here for help... to watch the doctor and care for the patient. "I don't know if I can go on..." is a similar sentiment that each expresses in one form or another. You can understand the feeling as if drawn to lay down and sleep, to wait in the darkness for help if the world has truly turned topsy turvy.
As Hazel shakes it off and moves to the door, the doctor says in a monotone voice "I would steel myself, young one.
What awaits you on the other side of the door will give you chills. Those there did this to themselves and others."

2020-03-10, 02:50 AM

"Whatever," snaps Hazel at the face-shifting surgeon, "I'll be back for you later". She yanks the door open without further thought...

I'm going to roleplay Hazel as generally quite rash and overconfident. So, to help with survivability, I'll try to insert little pauses for y'all to prevent her taking certain actions (or prepare yourselves) as you may wish.

In this instance I'm not too worried about the consequences, but you could jump in while she's snapping at Dr Fake-Face if you want to alter things.

2020-03-17, 01:37 PM
As the others mill about and trying to decide their next move, the brash Hazel opens the door and gasps as what she sees.
A broad chute extends diagonally through one of this cellar’s half-crumbled stone walls. Beneath it lies heaped more than a dozen mutilated humanoid bodies. Nearby,a flight of rickety, wooden steps climbs toward the high ceiling—an escape none of the room’s current occupants seem capable of employing. The smell of rot and decay in the room is nearly overwhelming, and the buzz of flies hangs in the air.

Q/S-1/7 is what Hazel sees.


2020-05-19, 02:02 PM
You don't know how long you have been running through the sickening fog through... a maze? A maze of sagging brick walls as you run along the slick cobblestones. Sounds of pursuit dog your every step with the sound not unlike the leathery, flapping wings of a huge bat. coming from all-around and nowhere at once, the sound drives you forward. It seems like hours pass and exhaustion takes you as you stand leaning against a wall breathing hard. The faceless inevitability of the situation drains you of all strength. Then, all at once, a face emerges from the fog.
As you stumble back hard against the all, a huge, rusted razor flicks out as you feel a pain. Looking down, the last thing you see is a crimson spurt as it all goes dark.

Ebert and Vadok realize, each, that there is sound and light around them but feel slow and sluggish of both mind and body as if they had spent a long night drinking far too much and reality hasn't quite set in yet. Yelling and shouting, along with cries of pain ring out, drag them out of their stupor as they realize they are in a cage. Just outside of the cage a doctor is fighting off some people before they move out of their view before the group drags her back into a cell across from you. The group then huddles around a table as you realize the screaming came from a man tied to it, his head rolling to one side as he passes out. The group then begins to try to help the man as you look at each other and realize you were in a dream together but this is hard, stark reality you are dealing with now.

Ebert and Vadok are in the cell at K/L/M-6 while everyone else is huddled around.
The cell is currently still locked.


2020-05-19, 04:26 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 11 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 10, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Vadok only felt like this twice before. Once after a heavy night of drinking and laying with Korgak, his lover. And another night, when he recuperated from a blunt head trauma. By the Lord in Iron, they will pay... he growls in a low timbre. Standing up shakily he realizes he is mostly undressed and without weapon.

Now standing, you realize the half-orc is not as emaciated as the other inmates. He kind of melds into the dark, making his grey, almost black skin tone even more intimidating as you struggle to make out his form. Various blood red tattoos cover his body, mostly orcish tribal marks.

The half-orc might have considered talking to these strangers but as they are torturing another poor soul after fighting the doctor, Vadok assumes they lost it. He whispers to Ebert: I don't know who you are, but if we want to leave, we must help each other. Let's say you coax them here, and I will strangle the guard that opens the cell.

2020-05-20, 12:33 PM
The senses were coming together slowly. A nightmare? It must have been ages since Ebert has his last nightmare. He thought he could have a nightmare, but why the cell then? It did not make much sense. He did not remember being put in a cell. Hm, for that matter, he did not remember much of anything... the half-orc interrupts the feeble train of thought. Wanting to leave... did Ebert want to leave? He was not sure. He did not have objections, though. He stands up on his feet.

"I'd like to leave this cell, if you would be so kind."

2020-05-20, 02:55 PM

The young white-robed woman pauses as she moves towards the cabinet, looking towards the newly wakened prisoners.

"You. Did you dream, then? Something in me calls to freedom, to unleash your chains. Who has the keys? Let them out, none should be bound as we were." She shakes her head suddenly, eyes lost again as though unsure of where such thoughts may have come from. She moves again towards the cabinet, steps certain and strange in contrast to her face and eyes.

Laying hands on it, she opens it and looks within.

2020-05-20, 10:39 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 11 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 10, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Vadok spits on the floor, frustrated at the prospect of not having a worthy opponent to fight. Unable to get his warm-up with a proper murder, he flexes his back and steps out of the cell. A wise decision. Are you inmates here as well? We could help each other escape. And bring down everyone trying to stop us. Vadok inquires while looking around for some weapons and armor. While he would feel most comfortable in a suit of iron, his brash nature is dampened by being mostly in his birthday suit, without as much as a hard stick or club to break open skulls. He was still a bit unwell, but the rush of battle would do away with such feelings quickly.

2020-05-21, 05:08 AM

White from the shock of the next room, Hazel steps back mouth set firmly. Leaning against a table she notices the other folk.

"Oh snap, there are some others alive. Who's got the keys?"

She grabs the keys and wanders over, opening the cell. "Hope you guys are ready for a scrap." she looks over the muscled half-orc and the much slighter human man. "Grab a weapon or whatever you can. You're going to need it."

She gestures to the door onward. "It ain't good through there. Lots of bodies. Let's not add ourselves to the pile."

2020-05-21, 12:39 PM
"Dream... funny you ask that. Not very good kind of dream. Seems not very good kind of reality either. Bodies, hm?" Being freed, Ebert nods and goes to take a look. Then he's back. "So things are serious, aren't they? Give me a couple of minutes if we are not in hurry." Being pointed where he should "grab a weapon", Ebert finds sacks with various equipment, some of which seems too familiar to just pass. He dons a decorated black lamellar cuirass, puts on a cestus and a backpack, rummages through the sacks looking for something else... it's only when he does not find it he makes his mind about what he was looking for - an adequately sized light crossbow was not there.

Having himself equipped, Ebert again goes to the next room, the one with the bodies. Specifically, northern part of it. There, he takes a piece of chalk and begins to draw something complex, geometrical and mostly radially-symmetric. It takes about a minute of drawing and chanting and there is a dim flash of light in the end, but the process and the result remain mostly not visible to those in the western room. You hear arcane mumbling, then there is silence. After some time Ebert is back. "I'm ready, but we should not hurry just yet. We might learn some more."

Summon the eidolon. Cast mage armor on the eidolon. Zapka is instructed to climb up chute, take a look and report back what she sees while she's still there. She's taking 10 on climb for a total of 10, taking 10 on stealth for a total of 29 and taking 10 on perception for a total of 14.

2020-05-21, 02:15 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Dreams are nothing but distractions. Whoever puts us in here wants us guessing. Thinking. We should not cave. Keep your mind free of such weakness. They are weak and will be broken by my hands.

Following his smaller allies' example, Vadok also finds his weapon and travel bag. Unfortunately, his armor is nowhere to be seen. Grimly, he ventures east to the pile of dead bodies and takes a very sturdy leather jacket. It has seen better days. He pulls out a knife to scrape the inside of the armor, but nonetheless it smells like decay.

Finding his sword however infuses him with a warm sense of safety, and an eagerness to slaughter. He checks the blade with a few test swings. Not knowing how long the human magic user needs, he starts whetting the blade, but it is honestly just as good a weapon to crush one's bones as it is to cleave one.

The name's Vadok, faithful of Gorum. Who might you be? are the only words he utters while preparing for combat.

2020-05-22, 07:43 PM
"I'd be careful with that one... wouldn't be the first time hadn't tried to eat someone who tried to help him before." the Doctor says with a completely impassive face but everyone can hear the subtle mocking in her voice.

2020-05-22, 10:10 PM
"Nobody asked you," Elia snaps, then nods to Hazel and Lizbeth. "If she doesn't like him, that's good news to me."

She flips through a notebook as the other prisoners introduce themselves. "Elia … Faustus," she says. That doesn't sound quite right, but there it is, written on the inside cover.

2020-05-23, 05:34 AM

"The name's Hazel. Vadok, eh? Whatever. You look good with a blade. Good, let's do this. Hey, what's he doing?" Hazel looks over at Ebert as he summons the eidolon. "Enough of that snooping about, let's just go man! You wanna end up like the rest of them?!" she flashes him a wry grin that hints at six parts bravado and perhaps more than a dash of ignorance as she starts up the stairs.

Hazel is in a hurry. Ghostfoot is not...feel free to scout around & take as long as you want. Hazel will go to S7 but is not totally suicidal so will stop there and wait for everyone to follow her.

2020-05-23, 06:59 AM
"Ebert Malkovich and... well, that's Zapka. She's with me." seeing Hazel starting up the stairs, Ebert just sighs. So much for making it all nice and quiet. Interrogating the doctor also seems out of question by the look of it. "I'll let you two fighter types decide how much info you need before you charge, just don't expect much of me when the action begins. And if you ask me, the less people we murder, the better. Some might be just doing their jobs and I cannot really use that kind of reputation."

2020-05-23, 07:06 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

It looks like he is binding a spirit to his will. I am rather impressed. Keeping such a beast in line with the power of his mind alone... Vadok is interrupted by the doctor. You can keep your thoughts to yourself. These ones bested you and put you in there. You should be humbled. And glad you are still alive. If you wish, I can change that...

With that, Vadok drowns the jeering shapechanger out. You don't look like much, woman, but your confidence is what makes me assume you are more than you appear. He looks at the others. I propose a temporary alliance. If we want to get out of here, we need to know each other's strengths. Hazel and me will keep the front. Ebert should keep back, and guard our rear with his beast. You two he points at Elia and Liz I pray to the Lord of Iron you have at least some combat abilities, because we cannot afford to defend civilians.

2020-05-23, 06:58 PM
The doctor just smiles at all the comments directed at her as she moves back against the back wall and sits.

As Lizbeth moves to the cabinet, it takes a harder pull than expected to make the doors open. With quick reflexes she manages to catch two bottles that fall out but a third crashes to the floor. The strong smell of formaldehyde wafts up causing Lizbeth's nose to wrinkle a bit. The bottles she saves both have a clear liquid in each. Bandages and other medical items are also in the cabinet, including some small knives and a bone saw.

As Ebert summons his friend and looks through the collection of bodies for his equipment, he notices that the majority of the bodies are wearing the same outfit - a plain, white uniform that buttons up the front, which is identical to what the doctor is wearing. Zapka, once directed, needs help getting to the chute, which is 8 feet of the ground. Once up there she manages to climb up fairly easily. Once up to the top she communicates back that she see trampled flowerbeds that are smeared and squashed across a muddy courtyard. On all sides, stark gray walls climb toward a narrow gap of sunless sky that rain drizzles down through.

The rest of the group, making introductions as Vadok find familiar equipment, also notice that, besides the noises they make that the place is eerily quite. Even the furnace, giving off no heat, lays dormant.

2020-05-24, 03:41 AM
"The chute leads to the courtyard. Nothing too interesting in there. What's interesting here is that most bodies are dressed in the same white uniforms as the doc you have jailed." Shortly thereafter Zapka jumps back from the chute onto the pile of bodies and, making almost no sound, moves up the stairs.

Zapka is instructed to look at the building side of the courtyard (the side from which she initially observed the courtyard) for info like the number of stories, number and type of windows (barred, shuttered, open, glass, etc.) and report what she sees. Then she is to go back and sneak up the stairs, taking 10 on stealth for a total of 29 and taking 10 on perception for a total of 14.

2020-05-24, 03:55 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

The priest goes over to the dear Doctor, gauging her state of mind, and the truthfulness of her words. Why are you the one that is alive? he asks, pausing and takes in the stillness of the place.

This silence is deafening. Quietness often a prelude to battle. Vadok finishes.

Sense Motive on the doctor taking 10 for a 17.

2020-05-24, 10:23 PM
Elia calls out from the other room, where she's slinging pack over her shoulder and hefting a crossbow. "I know what she'll say …" she calls.

"She'll swear that we killed all those people; us and the madness we're carrying. She barely managed to escape, I'll bet. Am I close, doctor?"

She steps closer to the bodies, peering at them. "I really don't know what her game is, but I don't think we did this. I, at least, don't feel this dangerous."

Checking bodies to see cause of death -- not trying to do an autopsy, just looking for obvious wounds, burns, etc.

Heal [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2020-05-25, 03:25 PM

Turning back from the cabinet: "Speak for yourself!" She giggles and then snorts, the latter putting a look of surprise on her face. "This cabinet appears to have the materials for surgery or the preservation of a corpse. What have you been up to, good doctor?"

Hands nervously moving about her body, Lizbeth follows the group towards the door that might perhaps lead to freedom.

2020-05-25, 04:32 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

It does not take much to break a neck, that is for sure. But Vadok's weak mother diluted his noble orc blood so at least he would not leave bite marks. Vadok was not that atavistic. He moved towards the chute. If this is the way out, so be it. There were more glorious outlets, but a devout of Gorum was not concernd with grace or cleanliness.

2020-05-27, 09:46 AM
Zapka checks out the area, noting that the warm rain makes it a bit hard to note what is happening. I'm having trouble logging into my imgbox account. The area looks like a this -
#= out of view, @ = rubble, * = walls, ^ = door, & = the chute he came up, { = open area in the room, | = open, muddy area. North is up.
The garden area is trampled and as Zapka searches the area, he notices there are divots in the that lead from the west door through the open north door near the chute and there is much blood on the ground.

"Indead." says the doctor to Vadok. "Just try not to do battle with this group of friends like you did the last group, ok." in a sickly, sweet voice before her head turns towards Lizbeth's voice. With a heavy sigh and a shake of her head. "Finding the cure... trying to save the lives of those that can be saved, that the madness hasn't taken over yet."

You know she is partially telling the truth and partially lying but you can't tell what part she is lying about or if she is omitting/distorting the truth until her last comment. Vadok thinks her "Finding the cure... trying to save the lives of those that can be saved, that the madness hasn't taken over yet." comment is 100% BS.

Elia steps forward and inspects the bodies, finding these in various states of rigor mortis and decay. Most are cut and sliced in various ways, with a certain amount of precision.

2020-05-29, 08:40 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

The dear doctor might have struck a nerve. Give me the key and I will rip out every piece of information she has. he says, while his knuckles become almost white while grabbing the steel bars. And if you risk that lip again, I might take your tongue as well.

Intimidate [roll0]

2020-05-29, 11:45 AM
Zapka reports and is finally back. "An update to report. A lot of bloodshed up there in the courtyard, but no bodies. I wonder why." says Evert kicking one of the pile a little. "Whatever. Zapka will lead the way upstairs and warn us of anything noteworthy."

And Zapka is a she. :smallwink:

2020-05-30, 10:38 PM

"Okay then, let's do this. Stick with me if you want to live."

Hazel grips her blade firmly and edges slowly up the staircase to see for herself what lies above.

Stealth [roll0]

2020-05-31, 02:33 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Looking doubtfully at the doctor if she even HEARD him, Vadok follows. If you want to be silent, take your distance from me. Vadok simply claims. He cracks his back muscles to accentuates this, pushing out the final stiffness it had after his very uncomfortable bedrest. And leave a few enemies for my blade. he says with a hunger in his eyes typically for an orc of Belkzen.

Can I grab the doctor and use Brand (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/brand/) on her? Recasting until she fails the save, intentionally or unintentionally. DC 12 Fort.

2020-05-31, 03:57 PM
As Hazel moves up, the stair creak and groan under her weight, defeating her attempts at silence. As she moves up the next landing, there are audible groans from the wood but it continues to support her weight. Further up she can see that the stair above her are blocked, chocked with debris and rubble as the stairs are blocked off about 10 feet above her. As she moves up a few steps more, the platform shifts precariously, though Hazel manages to keep her footing.

As Vadok leaves the doctors view, his last view of her sees a ghost of a smile on her lips as she shrugs her shoulders.

2020-06-02, 10:48 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Vadok meanwhile is pacing up and down like a tiger prone to attack something, anything. He remembers the chute, and pulls himself up and inside it. Almost too small for him, he needs to squeeze through. At times like these, he wishes his body was soaked in sweat and blood of the battlefield. It would make things like these easier.

2020-06-03, 08:56 AM
Moving through, and then climbing, piles of bodies that were deposited from the chute, Vadok looks up and gauges the short distance from his unsure footing. With long arms outstretched and just a slight bend of his leg, the massive half-orc easily catches the lip of the chute and pulls himself up. Noting the blood and gore that covers the bottom half of the chutes cylinder, he can see that the walls of the rough-hewn stone should make easy passage in spite of the gore. He can light coming from an opening about 15 feet up the chute.

Vadok needs a climb check if he is going move up.
Also, roll a fortitude save.

2020-06-03, 11:43 AM
Zapka carefully approaches the door leading out of the room, scans it for anything suspicious and, if nothing suspicious is found, tries to open it.

Perception 10+4 = 14

2020-06-04, 11:54 AM
Cursing between the slime causing him to slip and getting hung up moving up the chute, Vadok manages to reach the top of the chute, hatch open, and pulls himself in the dilapidated service room.

Zapak, moving towards the door, hears Vadok moving up the chute. Just as she is about to check the door, the very faint sound but can't make out what it is.

2020-06-05, 03:05 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

The orc looks for a place to bind his rope and then let it go down the hatch. I fixed something for ya. I'll check the service room. he says.

And then he checks.

I would appreciate some sort of description of the room.

2020-06-05, 05:24 AM

"Gah, the blazin' stairs are blocked" snaps Hazel. She kicks at the structure in frustration, the whole moving dangerously under her before she stomps back down.

As Vadok's rope drops down the chute she grabs it. "This'll have to do." she climbs over the bodies and starts hauling herself up. "Hold up big fella', I'm coming up too".

climb [roll0]
fort [roll1]

2020-06-05, 10:14 AM

Content to let the others lead for the moment, Lizbeth hangs back for a moment with an eye towards the unconscious man and the doctor in the cell. Shaking her head, she follows up the rope.

[roll0] Climb Check
[roll1] Fort Save

2020-06-06, 07:26 PM
As Vadok throws down the rope, he begins to inspect the room. There are two shelves that, on inspection, have lye, a covered flask with a liquid that gives off a pungent, irritating odor. There are also several neatly folded pieces of cloth on the shelves. On the floor, similar cloths are strewn about with stain ranging from rush brown to recently dried blood. Streaks of mud and blood that make tracks on the floor, thicker and more pronounced at the door and diminishing as they approach the chute.
Hazel, with the rope to climb, handily makes her way up the chute, cresting the top as Vadok makes way as he inspects the room.
Libeth, on the other hand, struggles with the rope, twisting and turning as she shimmies up as she fails to put her feet on the wall. Moving up the chute, the rope is as much a hinderance as help until she slips. Sliding a few feet before catching herself, she manages to finally make it to the top. She would have laughed at the folly if not for the gore and smell.

2020-06-06, 09:20 PM
Elia stares up at the chute for a long time as the other ascend, then glances at the pile of corpses again and grabs the rope as tightly as she can, kicking her way upward.


That's probably not good enough until I get into the chute to brace myself.

She calls up. "Could somebody help pull me up? I'm … having some trouble."

2020-06-07, 02:59 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Having landed in every house wife's worst nightmare, Vadok is once again distracted by the pitiful attempts at climbing. Sure, I will pull you up. Hold on tight and keep your head down. He was praying at Gorum these cityfolk were more hardy and adept at other things. Elia was light enough to be pulled but her horns and her gear made it difficult to fit through the narrow tunnel. Take off your backpack and hold it in front of you.

The black orc's muscles bulged, strained but not overburdened, as Elia finally arrives at the top. He then points at the cabinet. There's lye in there and you seem to have a knack for potion mixing. It is for cleaning, but I know for a fact that one can loose the eyesight from it.

My off-ground weight is 600 lbs, which should be enough to pull Elia.
Lye could be used as a acid-standin, both as thrown weapon for 1d6 splash damage (plus Int with Elia), or as alchemical power component for my acid splash (unless you rule acid damage is only acid and not all corrosive materials).
Either way, I suggest keeping it. It also is very useful vs. oozes so there's that.

2020-06-07, 03:17 AM
Ebert follows the rest up the rope. Zapka stands still, looks around and listens.

Climb: [roll0] or [roll1] or [roll2]
Fort: [roll3]

2020-06-08, 10:16 AM
Ebert, trying to work his way up to the chute, slips and falls. Landing heavily on the bodies below as a some of the older bodies give way and a putrid, rotting smell begins to waft up. Gagging he reaches up and begins to work his way up the rope. With some huffing and puffing, a gore strewn Ebert finally makes it to the top.

2020-06-09, 08:20 AM
Elia nods a thank-you at Vadok and makes a vain attempt at wiping the gore from her front before giving up and turning her attention to the cabinets, and sniffs the flask. The lye was probably for cleaning — though there's nowhere near enough for the task at hand, she thinks, glancing back to the stinking chute. She unfolds one of the cloths; perhaps they had a similar purpose

Are these cloth pieces like rags or towels, or are they big enough to be gowns or cloaks?

Not sure if the "covered flask with a liquid that gives off a pungent, irritating odor" is the lye or if that's something else. [roll0] craft alchemy if it's something else that needs identifying.

2020-06-09, 08:26 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Vadok shakes his head at the two. Cleanliness should not be our goal today. Our captors should see what we went through to break their skulls once we get to them. the Gorumite states grimly.

Speaking of which, Vadok looks for a way out of this room, to crush some skulls and kill someone. He isn't even particularly concerned if that someone is even linked to his incarceration, he just wants to feel the thrill of combat. He removes the rope, and leads the way.

I am all for expediting this process a bit. Not gonna lie, I like the group and my character, but it is all going a bit sluggish.

2020-06-10, 09:30 AM
As Ebert looks around, the only sounds Zapka can hear is the falling rain and the distant noise... that sounds like it might be crying?
While searching the racks, Elia make an educated guess as to the contents of the flask.
Vadok, turning to the open door, sees another door just beyond, as he notices the falling rain that, with the heat, gives the whole area a humid and tense feeling.

Speaking of which, Vadok looks for a way out of this room, to crush some skulls and kill someone. He isn't even particularly concerned if that someone is even linked to his incarceration, he just wants to feel the thrill of combat. He removes the rope, and leads the way.

Sorry, I forgot I had put this in spoilers only for Zapka.
The item circled red is the chute you came up.

Are these cloth pieces like rags or towels, or are they big enough to be gowns or cloaks?

Not sure if the "covered flask with a liquid that gives off a pungent, irritating odor" is the lye or if that's something else. [roll0] craft alchemy if it's something else that needs identifying.
They are towels only, used for cleaning.
The liquid is bleach.

2020-06-10, 12:05 PM
Well, it could have been worse. Somehow, Ebert feels this might turn out to be a very long day, and worse it will be, but right now... "Lead on, Vadok, we are ready."

2020-06-10, 12:35 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Do you hear crying? The wretch might not be able to aid us, but it might know where the exit is. Vadok adds. He goes out into the courtyard and opens the other door.

2020-06-10, 07:58 PM
Nose wrinkling, Elia tucks the flasks of bleach and lye away in one of the belts she'd slung over her shoulder and makes her way to the door after the hulking Vadok.

[roll0] perception to see if she can tell which way the crying is coming from

2020-06-11, 05:37 AM

Hazel follows, blade in hand. She gazes around the courtyard for a moment before stepping up behind Vadok and focusing on what lies beyond the next door.

Perception [roll0]

2020-06-12, 01:55 PM
As Vadok goes to the door and opens it, he looks left and right.
To his right, he sees broken lanterns and several battered doors line this cold, rubble-strewn hall. Across the hall, a pair of swinging doors lies shattered upon a 4-foot-high heap of wrecked furniture clogging a broad doorframe.
To his left he sees a 3-foot-high barricade of broken furniture and fallen masonry fills a wide, empty doorframe, blocking off the northern portion of this broad hall. Lanterns flicker upon the walls, casting shadows upon several closed doors and beyond the ramshackle barricade. Just beyond he can see 4 figures moving, humans with crossbows by the look. 3 are huddled together while a fourth, looking your way, pops his head down as you can hear some whispering and the other 3 also drop behind the barricade.
Neither Elia or Hazel are able to discern where the noise is coming from.

Barricade is between the two southern doors.

2020-06-13, 03:56 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

You four! Vadok starts with a thundering bellow. Shoot at us and you will be sorry. Help us escape and you will enjoy our support. We are capable sorcerers and warriors, and we could help a bunch of crossbowmen escape. By Gorum, let them bleed for what they did to us.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2020-06-13, 11:55 AM
"What is going on in this hospital?" Elia murmurs, peering around the door frame into the corridor. Whoever these men were, it occurred to her that they'd put the "doctor" on the other side of the barricade. "Listen to him! We just want to leave, that's all."

Diplomacy [roll0]

At some point, the universe requires us to start rolling better than this

2020-06-13, 02:35 PM
Beyond the barricade, a 3 foot high collection of anything and everything that could be gathered by the looks of it, Vadok can here someone speaking "We got more here, Captian!” in a frantic whisper. A moment later a head pops up, crossbow trained on Vadok as he says "Stay back! Come any further and we'll shoot. Go back where you came, fiends!" as the three others pop up, another aiming at Vadok as the other two point theirs towards Elia.

2020-06-13, 02:45 PM

"Hey now, watcha talking about there? See we're not fiends. Just got stuck over this side. Did you see where the fiends went though? Can't be too careful" Trying to speak calmly Hazel rolls her eyes in frustration these idiots.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2020-06-14, 05:37 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

If they shoot and miss, by the gods, I will piss in their headstumps when I am done with them. Vadok growls more towards his comrades than the enemy.

2020-06-14, 01:02 PM
Ebert pops his head into the hallway, takes a very quick look around, and is back outside out of reach of the crossbow bolts. Zapka waits outside.

Of interest:
1. Uniforms/armors of the crossbowmen.
2. The number of lanterns (and their locations, if there's only few of them).
3. Windows, if any.

2020-06-16, 10:19 AM

Her gaze is concerned as she follows the brash and bloodthirsty half-orc makes his way through the space. The appearance of other... normal?... persons gave her a moment of hope although the reactions of her... teammates?... still concerned her.

Feeling a need to act, she steps boldly forward, arms raised with hands empty. The bold purple mark of Milani stands stark against her pale skin as her voice calls out. "Savior's Grace, lower your arms. We mean you no harm, quite the opposite in fact." Her face remains focused, but the slight shrug of her shoulders is directed back towards her companions. "I am a healer. Are there wounded among you? What..." her voice falters for a moment. "Can you tell me where we are, what is happening here?"

Trying to be diplomatic here.

[roll0] Diplomacy check.

EDIT: Come on, circumstance modifiers!

2020-06-16, 05:54 PM
At Elia's, the first guard pops his head up but, seeing others, quickly aims his crossbow at her. He gives a nudging motion and another guard pops up, crossbow also at the ready.
As Hazel speaks, she can see another person walk into view from a bend further down the hall. He, too, has a crossbow up but isn't aiming at any of you. Listening to Hazel and raising an eyebrow at Vadok's, he moves to the where the guards disappeared behind the barricade. "Maybe yes, maybe no... but I can't take that chance. Come no closer or you will be fired upon.
Got people to protect and I don't ever remember seein' any a' you." As Lisbeth rounds the corner, he quickly jerks his crossbow up but, just as quickly lowers it, seeing no hostility. As she speaks, his head tilts to the side as he ponders what she's saying for a long moment. "Well, the first part be none of your business... and the second... well, this The Briarstone Asylum. If you didn't know or remember that... my guess is you're one of the loonies down there. If not, we'll you be one of the shapers we keep seeing... and if that be the case, you can go back to the hell you came from. Either way, you keep to yourselves and don't approach." he says the last as Ebert's head pops out from around the corner, he raises his crossbow but doesn't lower it this time.

Ebert, and everyone, notice that the two original guards have white smocks on, giving them the look of an orderly or janitor.
The 5th man, however, with his dark clothing, has a different look and feel. His demeanor, stance and the wicked scar down the right side of his face betray him as a fighting man even if the gray at his temples and slight paunch tell of one past his fighting prime.

2020-06-16, 06:14 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 10/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

By the Lord in Iron, we WILL have your heads. Vadok slowly and deliberately steps forward, his gaze focussed on the best warrior of the paltry defense force. He does not flinch. I am a devout of Gorum. I do not fear dying on the battlefield, neither here nor outside. If you wish to attack me, be aware that I will kill you, one by one. First I will cripple you. Then I will break every single of your ribs. Finally your arms. You will be asking for the sweet release of death.

If they however shoot at Vadok, he charges the first one.

Intimidate [roll]1d20+12[roll] 31 as rolled OOC.

AC -2 switched to AC 13, touch 9, ff 12

2020-06-17, 12:27 PM
"Oh, no! Vadok! We don't need more bodies here, neither yours nor theirs! I, certainly, don't. These people seem reasonably sane and are probably authority. I don't want authority mad at me on top of having excess blameless blood on my hands. Give us a minute, will you?"

I think it is too late to physically stop Vadok without exposing oneself even if we imagine Ebert to be in the league to even attempt it. A diplomacy check as full round to make a request (no modifiers): [roll0].

2020-06-17, 06:13 PM
The captain, taking a step back in shock, says "Fire!" as he lets loose. Both his bolt and one of the other guards, though shaky, still manage to find their mark while the other guard goes wide, flying out off site down the far end of the hall.
As the three begin to reload, he says "You two, stand and fire if any others approach." Ebert and the others see the other two guards reluctantly stand and aim their crossbows but don't look happy at the prospect.

Vadok gets hit for 4 and 8 damage, for a total of 12.

2020-06-17, 10:25 PM
Elia lets out a surprisingly graphic stream of curses — surprising to her, at any rate, she wasn't entirely sure what all those words even meant — as Gadok crumples. Seizing fistfuls of the half-orc's clothing, she tries to drag him back into the doorway.

"Imbiciles! she shouts. "One of those … shapers … tried to do us in, too!"

Not sure if Gadok is within reach or how much he weighs, but [roll0] strength check if needed. (Base strength 11)

How far away is the barricade?

2020-06-18, 09:51 AM
Elia, rushing forward, grabs the massive half-orc and begins to drag him back.
The guards, raise their crossbows and look on the verge of firing at her but, seeing her trying to take care of her fallen ally, let her move back with Vadok.

The captain, crossbow reloaded, looks at the situation developing, shakes his head. "This was not what we wanted but he was warned, as were you all. Gods! If you want me to believe... believe your not one of them and they did this to you, bring me the bodies of a few of those doppelgangers and we'll talk. And, I do mean a few. Too easy, if you're one of them, to give up your buddy here or another that may have already died. Otherwise, stay away or we'll shoot again."

Vadok lands halfway between the door and the barricade. The guards don't impede pulling him back but half keep their crossbows on Elia and the rest on the others.

2020-06-18, 10:12 AM
"Fair enough! The proposal accepted! Where are they and where are we allowed to go?" says Ebert popping his head into the corridor again "These two doors? North? Oh, and the quadruped is with me." he adds even though there is no quadruped visible to any of them at the moment.

2020-06-18, 01:10 PM
"As if you didn't know." he sneers in a nervous manner before regaining himself."Back the way you came or down the hall..." he says as he points north "... but keep away from those two doors." as he points to the two doors opposite the door you just entered the hallway through. "Good luck or go back to the hell that spawned you, as the case may be, but my guess its the second one."
With that he hefts his crossbow up, not quite pointing at anyone in particular.


2020-06-19, 06:06 AM

"You chickens! It's if we don't come back that you should be worried! You ain't got nothing! You'll want our help soon enough!" Hazel's outraged taunts fading as she wanders north already ignoring the crossbowmen at her back.

Hazel will wait briefly until someone else has tended to Varok, then saunter north leading the way. Give it a minute for everyone else to act though.

2020-06-19, 09:39 AM
After Vadok is dragged outside, Ebert stands blocking the doorway so that he has another chance to reason with the half-orc should he remain violent after whatever healing might be applied to him. Meanwhile, Zapka, not waiting for anyone, sneaks north along the hallway and on, until she is either adjacent to a door or senses something animate.

Stealth: 19 + 10 = 29
Perception: 4 + 10 = 14

2020-06-20, 08:53 PM
"Careful!" Elia hisses, motioning Lizbeth to aid the still-bleeding half-orc. "I've heard of Doppelgangers; they're not human but they can look it. That must be what that thing was downstairs. Those guards may have the right idea — assume anybody you meet is one."

I can't heal other people 'til level 2, sorry.

I'm assuming my knowledge check passed for that bit of information, at least. (24 vs. DC 13, rolled in other thread)

2020-06-22, 10:27 AM
"Don't come back without proof otherwise we'll pincushion you like your friend." the captain says and one of his men spit in your direction.
After, Hazel meanders down the hall as Zapka follow but in a much more stealthy fashion.
Broken lanterns and several battered doors line this cold, rubble-strewn hall.The hallway itself is is littered with trash and debris, with a thick layer of dust covering everything. The light of the lanterns from behind the barricade partially illuminates this area, along with the occasionally crash of lightning that can be seen from the windows above you. The further the two stray north, the harder it is to see.
Elia, tending to Vadok, manages to stop the bleeding but he is still unconscious.


2020-06-22, 12:14 PM
Ebert still stands blocking the doorway in case Vadok is revived. He pops the head back in the corridor. Zapka is listening at one of the doors. Then, some time after, at another door. Then she sneaks further north, unaffected by lighting conditions. Eventually Ebert loses sight of her. She stops about 90 feet into the corridor, relaying what she sees and asking whether to proceed.

"Pincushion yourselves. We'll come back and forth as we see fit. I pretty much like it here in the courtyard near your nice camp and we have an unconscious person in here. That said, if you are against the doppels, I'd like to cast light on one of your bolts so that you can illuminate the targets further down this corridor. Just throw me a bolt and I will throw it back. It'll be shiny."

Diplomacy (a request, no modifiers applied): [roll0]

Zapka's stealth: 19 + 10 = 29
Zapka's perception: 4 + 10 = 14 (sounds behind the doors; footprints on the dust, near the doors or otherwise; things further down the corridor etc.)

2020-06-23, 03:24 PM
"Don't come near us or our barricade and you can do whatever the hell ya want, including going back there. You can find a rock and use it, we're not giving you any weapons to use against us." the captain yells back.
As Zapka move up, he hears a rustling behind one of the door but keeps moving.
At the end of the hall, it opens into an open area. Most of this area has collapsed into a heap of dense gray rubble. The occasional clattering pebble makes it sound as though the mound is not entirely settled, and more rubble could collapse at any moment. Surviving doors lead off the hall to the west and east.


2020-06-23, 05:34 PM

Out of the corner of her eye, Lizbeth had watched the half-orc get his reward for impetuous aggressiveness. She bowed her head gracefully to the men behind the barricade.

"Of course, we will show you the truth of our selves in the blood of our mutual enemies. We..." she glances back. "I mean you no harm. For safety I will revive our comrade, and we will resolve this. Freedom bless your steps."

She raises the rose on her inner arm to her lips and a wave of healing energy washes out from her, crashing across the barricade along with her fallen ally.

Channel Divinity! [roll0] healing to all within 30'. I'm hoping to be close enough to the barricade and archers that the healing energy touches them.

2020-06-23, 05:55 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 1/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Vadok opens his eyes, pierced by two crossbow bolts, and blood everywhere. He grunts and sit up in silence, ashamed by his rash actions and his lack of judgment. I am...sorry. The half-orc meddles with the bolts, but touching them lets him wince for a bit. He finally decides to bite down on his rope he pulled out. With a drawn out grunt, he pulls out the bolt, almost passing out from the pain again. Vadok decides to postpone the removal of the other bolt sticking out from between his ribs.

This display was disgraceful. He tries to stand up shakily, but sits back down in cold sweat. I thank you for aiding me, which god do you serve?

2020-06-24, 01:59 AM
"Indeed, as we've just seen, a bolt is such a scary weapon. Speaking of which..." Ebert takes the bolt that Vadok has just pulled out of himself. It might or might not be in usable condition as far as precise shooting is concerned, but should be good to shoot from a crossbow "somewhere that way". Ebert casts Light on it and throws it behind the barricade in the most non-threatening manner he can. "...have your weapon back."

Ebert then pauses for some time, looking generally northwards, but not trying to actually see anything until Zapka appears next to one of the doors leading east. "This is probably moot now as the far end of the corridor and the door there leading west are mostly blocked by some unstable rubble. It could be possible to move through there, but likely too risky, so I guess nothing would come at us by that way. As to what we would come at - there's something animate behind that door leading east."

Ebert turns to Vadok. "They say they will ally with us if we bring some fresh doppel corpses as a proof we are not them. Good for you, hm?"

Vadok's listed hitpoints are dated in both places they are listed, even if in different way.

@DM: Do the doors leading east require pulling or pushing to open them from our side?

2020-06-24, 10:27 AM

Turning her back to the barricade, content that her actions have had their desired effect, the young priestess walks with calm steps over to Vadok. Without answering, she reaches out to take hold of the bolt and pulls firmly on it. The inside of her forearm has a dark purple birthmark in the shape of a rose with thorns over a path.

As the bolt pulls free, the symbol pulses and another wave of healing energy pours out. "I don't know. The Everbloom... something inside me whispers the name of Milani. I don't remember... anything... but I know what is right." She shakes her head as though to clear a fog, then looks up, her eyes bright with purpose.

"Let's go back down, I believe we may have unfinished business with the good doctor below."

2020-06-24, 12:51 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

You - forgot - your deity? Vadok asks a bit exasperated. Whoever this Milani is, their work is appreciated. I will invoke my own lord now that I am standing again.

Vadok was a bit shaken in his beliefs, hoping his deity saw his bravery and failure not as a sign of fear. He held his own hand over the pink concave in his chest Lizbeth failed to close up. As Gorum decreed no fear of pain, Vadok firmly touched the area around the wound in a firm grasp, focussing his thoughts on the bloodshed and revenge he would have if these fools would not cave to their might.


2020-06-24, 11:28 PM
At Lizbeth's suggestion, Elia looks around nervously. She didn't relish the idea of facing the doctor again. She wasn't physically afraid of her, not any more, but what were they to do, kill her through the bars? After denying not 10 minutes ago that they weren't all murderers? Elia didn't think she could stomach the smug look on the thing's face — or what it called a face — if they proved it right.

"There wasn't any other way out down there, was there?" she asks, and motions north. "I'm not sure if I want to meet more of her kind, but they said we'd need to kill several of them, so we'll probably need to head north anyway." They said. A bunch of strangers tell us to go kill, and here were go.

2020-06-25, 11:19 AM
"A correction from Zapka. The corridor might continue on behind the rubble, she just could not see that far from where she was standing. As for the "doctor", who is caught below, I'd say we leave her alone until we know whether we need live specimen. Right now we seem to need some dead ones."

The map stops at less than 90 + 60 feet, so I assumed that the way is blocked. If it just blocks Zapka's near-floor-level line of sight, how high is the rubble from the floor level and how much from the top of it to the ceiling? Also, while we are at it, did Zapka notice if the door there leading west opens into the corridor too and whether it appears sufficiently blocked by the rubble?

2020-06-25, 03:58 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

I am VERY sure they are fine with dead doppelgangers. Vadok says. Plus any reason I get to remove this buffoon's head is welcome in my books.

2020-07-02, 08:36 AM
Elia nods. "Let's get away from these lunatics before they change their minds about shooting again." She begins moving the corridor that Zapka followed, pausing at the east-side doors to listen.

[roll0] perception; not sure if Zapka said anything about the sounds at the door.

2020-07-02, 12:49 PM
Elia, moving forward, sneak up to the doors but doesn't hear anything.

How far along the hallway are you moving?

2020-07-02, 04:37 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Despite having acted as a pin-cushion, Vadok flanks Elia. His god was one of battles, but he could not remember much more aside from his lover, his crazed, vile reckless lover. Let's get on with it.

2020-07-03, 04:57 AM

Hazel has been pacing forward, perhaps halfway between the doors leading east and the rubble-choked room at the end of the corridor. As the other gather about the doors behind her she wanders back, blade at the ready. "Something in there?" she whispers.

2020-07-03, 11:26 AM
"Positive. Just have some care regarding who they might be." says Ebert not moving any closer and not bothering to whisper. Meanwhile, Zapka frees the position next to the door and assumes one next to the western wall directly opposite to the door.

2020-07-08, 08:43 AM
"Can't tell if you are acting or afraid to open the door." chides one of the guards from behind the barricade.

2020-07-09, 06:56 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Seeing the hesitating cowards, Vadok checks the door superficially, then opens it.

Do you really need a "I open the door" post to proceed? This absolutely kills the pace.

2020-07-10, 04:03 PM
Vadok, moving with conviction, pushes past the rest of the group and opens the door. As he does, a clay jar that had been leaning against the door rolls past him and crashes. From the jar comes a chlorine smell that contributes to the same smell wafting out of the room as the group can see fallen shelves and racks, its contents of jars and containers spilled everywhere. In the far corner one of the racks is leaned over slightly but the once clean cloths and blankets still remain stacked neatly on it, if a bit dusty.

Each room is 10ftx10ft in similar condition. While they smell and there are broken jars and glass containers everywhere, they can still be navigated.

2020-07-10, 04:14 PM

"I thought there was supposed to be something in here?" says Hazel, covering her mouth & nose with her sleeve as she steps into the room to peer about, blade drawn.

Perception [roll0]

2020-07-11, 07:53 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Nothing but dust and refuse. Vadok curses. He has had enough, and opens every damn door on the floor slamming them open angrily, so they almost break on impact with the walls.

2020-07-11, 10:16 AM
Once the doors are open, Vadok looks about and, not seeing anything, proceeds to destroy the area. Hazel, a few steps behind with sword drawn, pokes about and notices in the corner a length of chain and something else metallic. As she draws close, Vadok's thrashing around causes one of the shelves to tumble, exposing a pair of monstrous insects to be exposed, snapping too as they look like they are awakened.

A pair of these are in the northern corner. Hazel can see that a small crevice going down has opened up in the floor at the base of the wall, which is where they are nesting.
They are startled and the PC's get a surprise round, though only Hazel has seen the creatures.

2020-07-11, 11:51 AM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Degraded to squashing bugs. Vadok thinks as he takes a swing at the centipede.


2020-07-11, 06:24 PM

"Ugh! Bugs!" exclaims Hazel in mild surprise. She stabs out at one, trying to keep it at a distance from her and stop them getting out the door.

Misc: 5ft step as needed
Standard: Rapier [roll0] damage [roll1]
+ Crit? (1d20+5)[21] damage (1d8+4)[9] = 20 total damage

+1 to attack roll if both threaten her (Pugnacious)

How big are these things?

Hazel Holt (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1777002)
F CG Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Daring Champion), Level 1, Init 4, HP 13/13, Speed 30ft
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will -2, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Rapier +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d6+4, 18-20/ x2)
Dagger +5 (+1 BAB, +4 Dex) (1d4+4, 19-20/ x2)
Chain Shirt Armour, Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16

2020-07-11, 11:31 PM
Zapka enters the room immediately after Hazel's exclamation. She positions herself to attack the bug(s). Ebert does not get involved at the moment.

Zapka should start "next to the western wall directly opposite to the door", so, like, in B10. This would let her move in to F10 (assuming Hazel kills a bug; F11 otherwise).

2020-07-12, 01:42 PM
As she sees the venomous creatures, Hazel lunges forward, catching it in the head as she drives her blade all the way through, tip piercing the towels behind it.
Spinning, Vadok see the scene unfold and with extreme prejudice, cuts the second one in half, creature flailing for a moment before realizing its dead.
Those in the hallway can here the guards snicker at the noises, hearing one say "Musta found a mirror." to the amusement of the others.
As Hazel and Vadok check the hole leading down to see if anymore creatures are hiding, they notice a 10ft piece of chain, a set of manacles, a lanter full of oil, a hammer and three winter blankets. Under a bit of the debris caused by the hole wall collapsing is also a tarnished old silver necklace.

How big are these things?
they were medium sized

Zapka should start "next to the western wall directly opposite to the door", so, like, in B10. This would let her move in to F10 (assuming Hazel kills a bug; F11 otherwise).
I'll get him moved when I'm on a computer (posting from tablet).

2020-07-12, 02:02 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Vadok scans the items and picks them up. He kneels in the dirt, searching for anything linked to the silver necklace. This might at least show us which kinds of people are held here. he says loudly, checking the necklace. He stuffs the manacles into his trousers, looking at the items again with vision of the arcane auras.

Detect Magic:
Chains: [roll0]
Necklace: [roll1]
Manacles: [roll2]

2020-07-13, 08:08 PM
Vadok, cleaning his weapon of the noisome gore from the creature, he bends down to check the things they found, pocketing a few items.
Down the hall Elia hears what she thinks is the guards betting, one take the under on whether your doppelgangers or not, while another is making a bet on who he thinks will die out of your group first.

Zapka should start "next to the western wall directly opposite to the door", so, like, in B10. This would let her move in to F10 (assuming Hazel kills a bug; F11 otherwise).
Map should be right now.

2020-07-14, 12:33 PM
"Good work!" says Ebert, genuinely surprized "Should we check out the hole? I mean, we don't have to, but we certainly can."

Not really waiting for answers, but ready to cancel any time, Ebert directs Zapka do sneak / squeeze down the small crevice at the base of the wall to see if it leads anywhere.

Stealth total 29, perception total 14, taken as usual. Zapka is Small.

2020-07-15, 08:34 AM
As Vadok stands, the spry Eidolon moves right past him, and into the hole, like a breeze passing.
Making his way into the hole, it varies between a deep fissure that is easy to navigate to other spots that are a bit more claustrophobic, but the whole quickly turns downward. After what feels about 50ft, Zapka can here a chittering and, coming around a looping bend, can see a nest of more of these centipedes, feasting on what looks like the remains of a rat.

2020-07-15, 08:59 AM
Zapka counts the centipedes, reports to Ebert, and gets a command to back off. "More centipedes 50 feet down that hole, some sort of a nest. I think we should block it and leave it at that. Next door?" Soon Zapka is back and positions herself next to the western wall of the corridor, opposite to the next door.

2020-07-15, 03:22 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Agreed, next door. the half-orc says, ignoring the heckling scared guards. They grated him so much was sure, but he needed to calm himself, so he decided to just punch a wall when they did not see him and continue on.

2020-07-15, 03:44 PM

Following quietly along, Lizbeth takes time to observe the nature of the group and their approach. Direct, full of sparks and fire... like the flames that rise from a stifled heart or a downtrodden people. It was rough, abrasive... and familiar? I can work with this... have I worked with this before?

A soft chuckle escapes her as the fiery half-orc punches the wall. "Easy there. Your wounds may be healed but there may be some damage that remains... perhaps less than physical." She casts her gaze forward, content for the moment to support her allies of chance.

2020-07-16, 05:42 AM

"Ladies first" says Hazel, nudging in front of Vadok and, once everyone is ready, yanking the next door open.

Not exactly sure which one is next - DM's call. Hazel will open it once everyone is in position.

2020-07-16, 01:28 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 9/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Vadok tries not to say anything, you can see him gritting his teeth and his shoulder muscles are very much not relaxed. He grips the piece of chain he picked up as some kind of stress tool, and pulls on it. Just open the door.

2020-07-17, 09:29 AM
As some small discussion happens, Hazel moves past the towering half-orc, to open the door. Similar to the room you were all just in, it is in similar disarray, though lacking anything to find.
Disgruntled, the group continues forward to where Zapka had scouted. The hallway looks as if the walls had crumbled in areas, caused by whatever had done similar damage to the whole complex. To the right the walls between the hall and this office have largely collapsed, exposing debris-cluttered desks, toppled lockers, and several bodies that almost look human.
Crashing about, Vadok makes a bit of a ruckus, but Lizbeth thinks she can here someone calling out faintly.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jOHaoXdGoJz89kdLYQsfymf9siNBzcHoS7THXDeN-yI/edit#gid=991801214) has been updated.
Still figuring the quirks of Googledocs. You have to scroll down a bit to get to the map.

2020-07-17, 06:39 PM
"I hear someone — or something," Elia murmurs, tilting her head to get an better idea of the direction. Which led to the obvious next question:

"So what do we do if we find something that looks human? I doubt these things are going to announce themselves — but if we guess wrong … "

Got the map, thanks! Looks like plenty of room.

2020-07-17, 09:46 PM
Vadok (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2203233)
Half-Orc Inquisitor of Gorum
AC: 15 HP: 8/10
touch: 11, ff: 14, CMD: 15
Conditions: Brand (Gorum) (1day)

I think I can tell if someone tries to fool me. I struggle moreso to detect a shapeshifter though. Ask them a few questions and see if it lines up with our ... uhm... experience here. To prevent someone mingling with us, we can always mark ourselves with a bit of magic. But be warned, it WILL be painful. With that, he focusses on holy symbol, a blade stuck in a stylized mountain range, suddenly a wound appears on his forearm, marking him as one of Gorum's devout. The half-orc grits his teeth.

Technically the brand spell could save us here: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/brand

Brand etches an indelible rune or mark of no more than 6 characters onto a creature, inflicting 1 point of damage. The mark may be placed on any exposed portion of the creature, typically the head or forearm. A brand can be hidden by clothing or removed by scraping it away (causing 1d6 points of damage), though the brand returns if the damage is healed.

It does cost the non trivial amount of a single hit point for the day though.