View Full Version : Would you allow the following changes to two specific racial abilities:

2019-01-02, 02:32 PM
1. Using an Action, when an Eladrin uses Fey Step, they can take a willing creature with them when they teleport. (So you're using your Action AND your Bonus Action at this point)

2. Basically this would end up being a custom Racial feat for Aasimar: You gain +1 Cha, and you can use your angelic transformation as a Bonus Action instead of an Action.

Yes or no, and why?

Full Disclosure: I'm basically looking for arguments before I present those two ideas to my DM.

2019-01-02, 02:37 PM
I would not. The costs and limits of those things are in place because they're powerful enough as they are.

The additional costs you're proposing are disproportionately small compared to the added power.

2019-01-02, 02:43 PM
Not necessarily a for or against, but I would basically always take that aasimar feat on near about any aasimar with a cha-primary or secondary class, which is mostly what I'd be playing if I were an aasimar to start. In particular, it would always be my level 4 feat with any fallen conqueror I played. Most of those transformations are pretty strong, and making them usable as a bonus action is a pretty significant boon to hand out on a half feat, especially a half feat for a stat that the race already gets a +2 bonus in, meaning you typically aren't sacrificing primary stat bonus advancement to take it.

I'm not sure it's any stronger than, say, elven accuracy, but still. As a DM, I'd personally allow it, but I'm not sure many other DMs would feel the same way.

Doesn't one of the eladrin seasons already let you take a friend with you when you use your racial teleport? Am I remembering that correctly? If so, then absolutely no, I would not let you duplicate that outside of that particular season, since doing so would eat into some of the flavor there.

If not... I'd still be pretty skeptical. After all, the difference between personal teleportation (ie misty step), and teleporting with a friend (ie dimension door) is the difference between a 2nd and a 4th level spell. Sacrificing an action is a pretty big cost, but it still doesn't seem to quite make up that difference.

2019-01-02, 02:45 PM
Doesn't one of the eladrin seasons already let you take a friend with you when you use your racial teleport? Am I remembering that correctly? If so, then absolutely no, I would not let you duplicate that outside of that particular season, since doing so would eat into some of the flavor there.

You can send someone in your place, but you don't go with them.

2019-01-02, 03:04 PM
You can send someone in your place, but you don't go with them.

Close enough that I wouldn't be inclined to allow the proposed variant.

2019-01-02, 03:17 PM
1. Using an Action, when an Eladrin uses Fey Step, they can take a willing creature with them when they teleport. (So you're using your Action AND your Bonus Action at this point)
Definitely not. It's already a strictly better misty step that you can use every short rest, which is extremely strong, but this change makes it effectively more like a short range dimension door. Even being way shorter range, the ability to do it every short rest from level 1 is just too good. Yes, it costs a bonus action more to do than DD, but what would you typically have done with that bonus action that's so powerful that using it here is even a factor?

2. Basically this would end up being a custom Racial feat for Aasimar: You gain +1 Cha, and you can use your angelic transformation as a Bonus Action instead of an Action.

Maybe. the "power up round" is usually the balancing factor for the ability, which is on its own typically better than any other bonus action power up at a given level as far as I see, but seeing as it's still once a day and you're using a feat to merely improve a thing you already have, it's arguable. The feat would almost be like giving you a single use of action surge, which on its own might not even be too strong, but ultimately that's the best comparison that I can come up with- changing something off of an action is about as good as giving them an action surge, so if you think that that's fine with the limitation of "you can only do this", it's probably fine.

2019-01-02, 03:24 PM
I hadn't realized Fey Step would essentially become short rest Dimension Door.

That's a 4th level, right? If it were 2nd level, I think my proposed change would be fairly OK, but since its 4th... Yeah. Ok, not happening.

2019-01-02, 09:12 PM
I would not. The costs and limits of those things are in place because they're powerful enough as they are.

The additional costs you're proposing are disproportionately small compared to the added power.

Exactly this

2019-01-02, 09:18 PM
Maybe. the "power up round" is usually the balancing factor for the ability, which is on its own typically better than any other bonus action power up at a given level as far as I see, but seeing as it's still once a day and you're using a feat to merely improve a thing you already have, it's arguable. The feat would almost be like giving you a single use of action surge, which on its own might not even be too strong, but ultimately that's the best comparison that I can come up with- changing something off of an action is about as good as giving them an action surge, so if you think that that's fine with the limitation of "you can only do this", it's probably fine.
Playing an Aasimar, I've found that the ability loses a lot of utility for the Protector type on the damage side, since you give up a "whole round" essentially. For a cleric, maybe OK, but as you said, Clerics probably aren't playing Aasimars. For a Paladin, the Protector type gets ONLY the flight on the first round, not any of the damage benefits, and since it's only per long rest, you essentially "save" it for the big fight, since it gets ZERO play outside of that. BA would let it be used on other fights too.