View Full Version : Military Ranks Questions

2019-01-03, 08:09 AM
What are all the ranks in the military in D&D 3.5?

2019-01-03, 08:52 AM
Well that would be based on the type of army. Heroes of battle lists down 7 rankings.

2019-01-03, 08:57 AM
And Power of Faerun adds a couple more - renaming the Heroes of Battle general a "lieutenant general" and adding a couple of tiers above that.

2019-01-03, 08:59 AM
There's not a straightforward answer to that question. Military ranks vary a lot between time periods, cultures, and whether we are talking about an army, a navy, an airforce etc. In game like D&D, you'll have a variety of cultures with different rank structures and ways to organize. A devil army & an orcish horde will have a completely different rank structure. Really, just do some research into how different cultures & time periods handled their military, and pick a model for whatever force you're trying to describe more in-game.

2019-01-03, 09:52 AM
Here's the list I usually use for that.