View Full Version : Player Help Solo play question from someone very new

2019-01-04, 11:58 AM
Hello folks

I'm VERY new to D&D. I played WAY back in the day with AD&D. Haven't played any D&D since then (minus PC games). I don't have a group and actually do not have time for one. I'm a very addicted WW2 table top gamer and I'm in 2 groups right now. However, with that said, I miss D&D and I'm tired of PC games and I find the urge to move some mini's and chuck some dice.

A very good friend who runs a D&D game as the DM has a ton of those Pazio titles and I was thinking of playing some solo D&D at home.

I have a ton of D&D 5th Ed modules and was thinking of running a party through those. Obviously all I'm wanting to do is run through all the combat content. But, it got me thinking why don't I just use the various random dungeon creation tools out there?

So, this might be a silly request, but since I'm horribly new I'm asking the opinions of experienced D&D'ers. Would you run through a bunch of modules or would you just run the party through a series of random dungeons/encounters? If I go this route I could use my friends tiles. If I use the modules I'm thinking I'd have to print out all the maps via some sort of program (GIMP, PS, or something else) and that is a bit of a time sink and I'm not sure it would be worth it.

The ONLY positive I can see with using the modules over using random dungeons/encounters is the modules would offer some sort of "reading enjoyment". I do enjoy the storybook reading that some of the modules offer.

Also, can anyone recommend a site that creates random dungeons/encounters and places monsters/treasure, etc? I only know of donjon, but are there others?

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and any advice you can offer.

2019-01-04, 05:06 PM
Hmm, I wouldn't get more pleasure from playing a tabletop game alone than I would from playing a PC game, so I don't know whether you should use modules or donjon dungeons. If you don't mind the table looking different than the map, you could use tiles to make the module maps too.

You might find Kobold fight club (http://kobold.club/fight/#/encounter-builder) is easier to use than Donjon for encounters, but it doesn't do maps.

2019-01-22, 05:33 AM
There is a good guide out there on how to play solo D&D.


This should help you. It has resources and tips.

2019-01-22, 10:53 AM
I also "don't have time" to play, so I play by post. Scratches the itch.

2019-01-22, 11:12 AM
What you've described sounds far more like Mage Knight: Dungeons than D&D. Old starter sets are cheap and easy to find.