View Full Version : Barb, Bard, Clr, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Pala, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard vs a SORCERER!

2019-01-04, 04:11 PM
Sorcerer King, The Warlord!


Guild: Dimir

Feature: False Identity
You have more than one identity. The one you wear most of the time makes you appear to be a member of a guild other than House Dimir. You have documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona and fit into the secondary guild.

Whenever you choose, you can drop this identity and blend into the guildless masses of the city. Consider why you're embedded in the secondary guild. Create a story with your DM, inspired by rolling on the following table or choosing a reason that suits you.

Character Traits:
I don't talk about the thing that torments me. I'd rather not burden others with my curse.

Character Ideals:
I'm a monster that destroys others monsters, and anything else that gets in my way (Evil)
I like to know my enemy's capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle. (Lawful)

Character Bounds:
There's evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.


The Sorgue (Sorcerer/Rogue)
Divine Soul Sorcerer 17 / Arcane Trickester 3
Medium humanoid (V.human), LAWFUL EVIL
Armor Class 17 (19 with haste, 2 Shield, 26 with shield spell)
Hit Points 280 (229 HP +26 Inspire Leadership + Aid +25)
Speed 30ft, fly 60ft (140 fts with haste, Longstrider))
If It uses his action (120), cunning action (120), haste (120) and move action(120) It moves 480ft per turn.
Initiative +4

V. Human
20 (Warlord's physical stats)
16 (Warlord's physical stats)
18 (Warlord's physical stats)
19 (Item)
18 (16+1 observant +1 resilient)
22 (18 + 4 Darkgift)

Proficiency +6

Passive Perception: 36

+1 save (Leather Golem Armor)
Saving Throws STR +12(Warlord), DEX +10 (Rogue), CON +11 (Warlord) , INT +11 (Rogue), WIS +11 (Resilient), CHA +7

Warlord's Indomitable (3/Day). The warlord can reroll a saving throw it fails. It must use the new roll
Antimagic Shield (From volo's guide, pg 144, Fail Snail's shield) allow him to reflect spells against him.
Advantage against spells.

Spellcasting: DC 20 (8 + 6 Proficiency +6 Charisma)
Spell attack +12 (+6 Proficiency +6 Charisma)

Expertise (Arcana, Perception)
Skill Prociency: Knowledge Arcana +16, Perception +15, Stealth +10, Sleigh of Hand +10

The Sorcerer Prince is an 17th-level Sorcerer. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks).

Cantrips (at will):. Minor Image, Minor Image, Toll of Dead, Firebolt, Booming Blade, Mold Earth (He knows all cantrips and 1st level or higher spells from sorcerer, cleric and Wizard list, Mizzium Aparatus Item)
1st level (4 slots):
2nd level (3 slots): Pass withut Trace, Suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): Haste, Counterspell, Dispel, Nondetection(Dimir), Tidal Wave, Planar Binding
4th level (3 slots): Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Freedom of Movement
5th level (1 slot): Seeming, Holy Weapon, Modify Memory
6th level (2 slots): Planar Ally
7th level (2 slots): Regenerate
8th level (1 slot):
9th level (1 slot): Wish, Time Stop


Oversized Longbow with adamantine ammunition:

This unique weapon can be used only by a Medium or larger creature that has a Strength of 18 or higher. The bow shoots oversized arrows that deal piercing damage equal to 2d6 + the wielder's Strength modifier.

Ammunition made of or coated with adamantine is unusually effective when used to break objects. Whenever a piece of adamantine ammunition hits an object, the hit is a critical hit.

The adamantine version of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it.

Purple Worm Poison (Injury): This poison must be harvested from a dead or Incapacitated Purple Worm. A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Attack roll:
+13 Ranged attack at 600' x 7 (2 multiattack +1 haste +3 Legendary Attack +1 reaction's attack)

Damage: 2d6+5 (Longbow, piercing) +2 (Magic Weapon, piecing) + 2d8 (Twin Holy weapon casted by Simulacrum, radiant) + 2d12 (Tenser's Transformation, piercing) + 12d6 (poison) = average 78 damage x7 = 546 damage.

He can swift to Antimagic Shield and Javelin when the enemy is close enough to cast spells against him, reflecting spells against them


Mizzium Aparatus (Uncommon magic item)x2 (Simulacrum)
Headband Intelect (Unncommon Magic item)x2 (Simulacrum)

Non attunement
Longbow +2 (rare)
Leather Golem Armor Immutable Form. (You are immune to any spell or effect that would alter your form)
Antimagic shell (Volo's guide pg 144). (I really love it)
Purple Worm Posion (12d6 damage)

Mizzium Aparatus:
Innovation is a dangerous pursuit, at least the way the mages of the Izzet League engage in it. As protection against the risk of an experiment going awry, they have developed a device to help channel and control their magic. This apparatus is a collection of leather straps, flexible tubing, glass cylinders, and plates, bracers, and fittings made from a magic-infused metal alloy called mizzium, all assembled into a harness. The item weighs 8 pounds.

While you are wearing the mizzium apparatus, you can use it as an arcane focus. In addition, you can attempt to cast a spell that you do not know or have prepared. The spell you choose must be on your class's spell list and of a level for which you have a spell slot, and you must provide the spell's components.

You expend a spell slot to cast the spell as normal, but before resolving it you must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check. The DC is 10 + twice the level of the spell slot you expend to cast the spell.

On a successful check, you cast the spell as normal, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier. On a failed check, you cast a different spell from the one you intended. Randomly determine the spell you cast by rolling on the table for the level of the spell slot you expended. If the slot is 6th level or higher, roll on the table for 5th-level spells.

If you try to cast a cantrip you don't know, the DC for the Intelligence (Arcana) check is 10, and on a failed check, there is no effect.

Feature and Spells know:

Background Feature
Font Of Magic (17)
MM: Subtle Spell
MM: Distant
MM: Quicken Spell
MM: Twin Spell
Divine Magic
Favor Of The Gods
Empowered Healing
Arcana and Perception
ASIs: Sharptroper, Resilient (Wis), Moderately Armored, Inspire Leadership, Observant
Sorcerer 15 +1 Divine Soul Spells Know

Master of Magic


Casting every spell of his list (Sorcerer, Cleric and Wizard list):
The Divine Soul has the best spell list of the game and It has acess to Wizard list(Arcane Trickster) and Mizzium Aparatus allows him to cast every spells from his list.
The Overlord has high Arcana Knowledge check, +16 with advantage and Guidance Spell apply +1d4 if It needs.

It automatically knows all spells from level 3 or lower (DC 16).
Also, Subtle Metamagic (To avoid counterspell and It avoids detect his spellcasting), Distant Metamagic to dominate those spells.

Mizzium Aparatus
Uncommon Magic Item
Innovation is a dangerous pursuit, at least the way the mages of the Izzet League engage in it. As protection against the risk of an experiment going awry, they have developed a device to help channel and control their magic. This apparatus is a collection of leather straps, flexible tubing, glass cylinders, and plates, bracers, and fittings made from a magic-infused metal alloy called mizzium, all assembled into a harness. The item weighs 8 pounds.
While you are wearing the mizzium apparatus, you can use it as an arcane focus. In addition, you can attempt to cast a spell that you do not know or have prepared. The spell you choose must be on your class's spell list and of a level for which you have a spell slot, and you must provide the spell's components.
You expend a spell slot to cast the spell as normal, but before resolving it you must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check. The DC is 10 + twice the level of the spell slot you expend to cast the spell.
On a successful check, you cast the spell as normal, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier. On a failed check, you cast a different spell from the one you intended. Randomly determine the spell you cast by rolling on the table for the level of the spell slot you expended. If the slot is 6th level or higher, roll on the table for 5th-level spells.
If you try to cast a cantrip you don't know, the DC for the Intelligence (Arcana) check is 10, and on a failed check, there is no effect.

Key Spells

Contact Other Plane allows the Sorcerer King know the name of those creatures that It will summon.
Planar Ally spell allows the Sorcerer King to summon powerful allies that It can control them.
Subtle Planar Binding upcast 9th (1000 gold) allows the Sorcerer King to bind them for 1 year and 1 day.
Subtle Metamagic allows the Sorcerer King cast spells against those creature without they notice. It avoids the creature being hostile against the Sorcerer King.
Controled Creatures don't become hostile. It's the key here, It's subtle metamagic.
Each planar binding costs 1.000gp for each one year and a day (upcasted to 9th level)
To avoid Planar Binding material cost, Subtle Wish (Duplicating Planar Binding upcasted to 8th level). It allows the Sorcerer King to control a creature for 180 days.

Each day, He has level 7 and 8 spell slot avaiable. So, It casts Planar Ally to control more creatures with Subtle MODIFY MEMORY spell (Creating a memory that It accepted a payment for the tas And a task measured in days (up to 10 days) requires 10,000 gp per day)
But, It has limitations, The creature must be charmed by Modify Memory spell. (Coualt or Genies don't have charm immunity)

-Genies: (Wishes? Yes. Hostile? Never):
Wishes, True Polymorph and another stuffs

-Evil Devas: (The strongest synergy, Change Shape is insane here)
It assumes the Diviner NPC form, using "portent" to manipule the world
Githzerai Enlightened's shape to become really strong. The Synergy Angelic Weapon, Haste, Multiattack and Psychic Defense is insane.
It has a lot of versatile.

The Sorcerer King is nearly immortal when Evil Devas are around him. Manipulating rolls is just broken.

-Elder tempests: (Are you trying hide yourself?)
Screaming Gale (Costs 3 Actions). The tempest releases a blast of thunder and wind in a line that is 1 mile long and 20 feet wide. Objects in that area take 22 (4d10) thunder damage. Each creature there must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (4d10) thunder damage and be flung up to 60 feet in a direction away from the line. If a thrown target collides with an immovable object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown before impact. If the target would collide with another creature instead, that other creature must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.

-Empyrean (It rides a Elder Tempest, just deadly)

-Couatl: (Another Change Shape is insane here, True Seeming is another key here)
It assumes the Warlock of the Archfey' shapes to cast innately Conjure Fey
It assume another powerful shapes, Innate casting Fireball is always fun.

-Annis Hag (Conjured by Coualt)
Innate Spellcasting. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). She can innately cast the following spells:
3/day each: disguise self (including the form of a Medium humanoid), fog cloud

Shared Spellcasting (Coven Only). While all three members of a hag coven are within 30 feet of one another, they can each cast the following spells from the wizard's spell list but must share the spell slots among themselves:
1st level (4 slots): identify, ray of sickness
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, locate object
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, counterspell, lightning bolt
4th level (3 slots): phantasmal killer, polymorph
5th level (2 slots): contact other plane, scrying
6th level (1 slot): eyebite
For casting these spells, each hag is a 12th-level spellcaster that uses Intelligence as her spellcasting ability. The spell save DC is 12 + the hag's Intelligence modifier, and the spell attack bonus is 4 + the hag's Intelligence modifier.

Variant: Death Coven. For a death coven, replace the spell list of the hags' Shared Spellcasting trait with the following spells:
1st level (4 slots): false life, inflict wounds
2nd level (3 slots): gentle repose, ray of enfeeblement
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, revivify, speak with dead
4th level (3 slots): blight, death ward
5th level (2 slots): contagion, raise dead
6th level (1 slot): circle of death

Variant: Nature Coven. For a nature coven, replace the spell list of the hags' Shared Spellcasting trait with the following spells:
1st level (4 slots): entangle, speak with animals
2nd level (3 slots): flaming sphere, moonbeam, spike growth
3rd level (3 slots): call lightning, plant growth
4th level (3 slots): dominate beast, grasping vine
5th level (2 slots): insect plague, tree stride
6th level (1 slot): wall of thorns

Variant: Prophecy Coven. For a prophecy coven, replace the spell list of the hags' Shared Spellcasting trait with the following spells:
1st level (4 slots): bane, bless
2nd level (3 slots): augury, detect thoughts
3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, dispel magic, nondetection
4th level (3 slots): arcane eye, locate creature
5th level (2 slots): geas, legend lore
6th level (1 slot): true seeing

All Sorcerer King's summons are riding the Giant Eagles (See below)

-Contact Other Plane allows the Sorcerer King to know the name of a Humanoid.
-Gate to force the Sorcerer King to draws the humanoid
-Find Greater Steed shares personal spells
-Magic Jar is a personal spell. It allows the Sorcerer King and his Pegasus to steal humanoid bodies.
-The Sorcerer King and his Pegasus each steal a Warlord's Body.
-The Sorcerer King casts Twin Simulacrum to duplicate himself and a Drow Matron Mother (CR20).
-The Sorcerer King casts True Polymorph to transform the Drow into Bael (CR 19).

The Bael casts innately Animate Dead at will

The Sorcerer King and his Simulacrum cast Distant Metamagic + Wish: Duplicating Animal Shapes
It doubles the range of Animal Shapes! It results into 8x more creatures
Doubling the radius of a sphere. It volume is 8x bigger
Inspire Leadership increase their HP

The Sorcerer King and his Simulacrum casts Distant Animal Shapes to create an Army of Giant Eagles.
The Bael casts Animate Dead Spell at will. The Skeletons ride the Giant Eagles, attacking the enemy at long range. Yes ! It's flying long range horde.
It also allows the Sorcerer King's summons to ride their Giant Eagles.
The Giant Eagles are intelligents and It can create their own tatics. (Destroying enemy equipaments)
The Bael forces their undeads to strike the enemy and their structures.

The Sorcerer King casts Seeming Spell on their Army. It allows the Sorcerer King disguise among them. Also, every humanoid shapes uses a Dark Robe and Masks.
It's impossible to know who is The Sorcerer King.

The Regenerate Spell seems weak... But, look again. If you reduce the Sorcerer King to 0 hp, now It's 1 HP (Death Ward).
If you finally reduce again to 0 HP, It regain 1 hp on his turn. It allows him to back again to fight.
Also, The Warlord's body regain 10 HP each round if It has at least 1 hp.
It's pretty hard to defeat.

• The Genie's Wish: Immunity to Dispel and Resistences
You grant up to ten creatures that you can see Resistance to a damage type you choose.

• You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain Attack.

The Warlord


High AC
Stupidly hard damage (600' Oversized Longbow, around 540 damage per turn)
Legendary Actions (Weapon attack, Command Ally, Frighten foe)
Resistence against all damage
Advantage against spells and magical effects
High movement speed.
Cunning Action
Reflect Spells
Indomable (3/day)
High Saves
Immunity to charm
Immunity to frightein
Immutable Form
Cast Spells as Bonus Actions (Quicken Spell)
4 Warlords (The Sorcerer King, Simulacrum of Himself and Warlord Simulacrum, Pegasus) legendary actions:
Command Ally are too strong here.

Each Warlord helps a powerful summon with Command Ally.
Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +15 to hit, range 600 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (7d6) damage of one of the following types (empyrean’s choice): acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, radiant, or thunder.

Slaying Longbow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage. If the target is a creature that has 100 Hit Points or fewer, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or die.

The Sorcerer King doesn't use Infinite Loops, Coffeelocking. It follows Recomended Magical Items (DMG) and really limited golds pieces (Max 20.000).

2019-01-04, 04:32 PM
The Sorcerer King vs all !

Who wins?

2019-01-04, 04:35 PM
Firstly, how do you follow recommended magical items when you have a custom homebrewed item? Notable, one that makes no sense because Leather Golems aren't a thing. Also, how do you protect against your magic jar being blown up?

2019-01-04, 04:36 PM
Firstly, how do you follow recommended magical items when you have a custom homebrewed item? Notable, one that makes no sense because Leather Golems aren't a thing. Also, how do you protect against your magic jar being blown up?
Leather Golem aren't homebrew. It's official.

About Magic Jar, death ward prevents death.

2019-01-04, 04:43 PM
Firstly, how do you follow recommended magical items when you have a custom homebrewed item? Notable, one that makes no sense because Leather Golems aren't a thing. Also, how do you protect against your magic jar being blown up?The poster currently known as Hoso keeps making new accounts to post these SORCERER! threads.

Don't look for sense here.

2019-01-04, 04:45 PM
Leather Golem is from "Lost Laboratory of Kwalish"

2019-01-04, 04:56 PM
Oh, okay. It requires attunement, by the way. Also, starting from fresh level 20 characters with no spells cast, how much prep time do we get, and how far away do we start? What's the terrain like?

2019-01-04, 04:58 PM
Oh, okay. It requires attunement, by the way. Also, starting from fresh level 20 characters with no spells cast, how much prep time do we get, and how far away do we start? What's the terrain like?

Choose the best condition you can.
Also, Choose the best terrain possible for you.

2019-01-04, 04:58 PM
Oh, okay. It requires attunement, by the way. Also, starting from fresh level 20 characters with no spells cast, how much prep time do we get, and how far away do we start? What's the terrain like?

It's best to not engage with this guy. Even if you have something that beats his build he changes the parameters, or just says "nuh-uh!"

Also the mods will delete the post soon.

2019-01-04, 05:00 PM
It's best to not engage with this guy. Even if you have something that beats his build he changes the parameters, or just says "nuh-uh!"
Absolutely not. You guys can choose the parameters.

The Sorcerer King is too versatile.

2019-01-04, 05:02 PM
Absolutely not. You guys can choose the parameters.

The Sorcerer King is too versatile.

Not so versatile as to avoid the post deletion though. :smallwink:

2019-01-04, 05:04 PM
Cool, here are the conditions and terrain: Celestial cage match. All combatants are formed fully leveled, with magic items, inside a 30'30'30' room. No prep time, fight starts immediately. I don't need to make builds because it's 10 on 1 and the sorcerer is just a spindly non-warlord at this point.

2019-01-04, 05:07 PM
Cool, here are the conditions and terrain: Celestial cage match. All combatants are formed fully leveled, with magic items, inside a 30'30'30' room. No prep time, fight starts immediately. I don't need to make builds because it's 10 on 1 and the sorcerer is just a spindly non-warlord at this point.

The time prep was presented on build and other things about the Sorcerer King's build. You can choose condition of your team, not Altering Sorcerer King build. ^^

But, If The Sorcerer King is on that condition. A Subtle Seeming Spell on your team would be funny! :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:
AHhaha. Altering their appareance to the Sorcerer King.
It would be cool to see they killing themselves.

2019-01-04, 05:15 PM
It's still important to know, to avoid imbalances. Starting out of the box, how much time does it take for this build to get everything presented up and running? To summon all the summons, engage all the counters, and whatnot?

2019-01-04, 05:16 PM
It's still important to know, to avoid imbalances. Starting out of the box, how much time does it take for this build to get everything presented up and running? To summon all the summons, engage all the counters, and whatnot?
2 years. I think

2019-01-04, 05:32 PM
Firstly, there's no need to us Subtle Spell with seeming. The illusions don't hold up, so who cares if they can see you casting? Also, with a Paladin aura applying to everybody, there's a good chance most of them will pass the save, which makes that a wasted turn.

Also, with two years of prep time? Let's go. First off, Amulets of Proof against Detection and Location for everybody. Secondly, a big honkin' boat. Teleportation Circle on it until permanent, Hallow over the Circle. Start crafting scrolls of Teleportation Circle via the wizard, while the cleric sets up a Hero's Feast buffet. The others help out the boat as need be, or take odd jobs from the cruise patrons. They become fast friends, sailing around on a party boat, for the rest of the two years. Then, once the sorcerer is done preparing, they just keep going. They can't be scryed upon. The have lives, families. Grow old together. They may not defeat the sorcerer in combat, but who cares? They won more than he ever could.

2019-01-04, 05:35 PM
Now he's spamming my guide...

Whenever you delete this thread, please remove/scrub his post in my multiclassing guide.

2019-01-04, 05:35 PM
Firstly, there's no need to us Subtle Spell with seeming. The illusions don't hold up, so who cares if they can see you casting? Also, with a Paladin aura applying to everybody, there's a good chance most of them will pass the save, which makes that a wasted turn.

Also, with two years of prep time? Let's go. First off, Amulets of Proof against Detection and Location for everybody. Secondly, a big honkin' boat. Teleportation Circle on it until permanent, Hallow over the Circle. Start crafting scrolls of Teleportation Circle via the wizard, while the cleric sets up a Hero's Feast buffet. The others help out the boat as need be, or take odd jobs from the cruise patrons. They become fast friends, sailing around on a party boat, for the rest of the two years. Then, once the sorcerer is done preparing, they just keep going. They can't be scryed upon. The have lives, families. Grow old together. They may not defeat the sorcerer in combat, but who cares? They won more than he ever could.

The best answer that I have seen!
I'm beeing honest

2019-01-04, 05:36 PM
The mods have asked that people not engage with this poster. They have been repeatedly banned for poor behavior. This one will also be removed soon.

You can see the request here:

2019-01-04, 05:40 PM
Firstly, there's no need to us Subtle Spell with seeming. The illusions don't hold up, so who cares if they can see you casting? Also, with a Paladin aura applying to everybody, there's a good chance most of them will pass the save, which makes that a wasted turn.

Also, with two years of prep time? Let's go. First off, Amulets of Proof against Detection and Location for everybody. Secondly, a big honkin' boat. Teleportation Circle on it until permanent, Hallow over the Circle. Start crafting scrolls of Teleportation Circle via the wizard, while the cleric sets up a Hero's Feast buffet. The others help out the boat as need be, or take odd jobs from the cruise patrons. They become fast friends, sailing around on a party boat, for the rest of the two years. Then, once the sorcerer is done preparing, they just keep going. They can't be scryed upon. The have lives, families. Grow old together. They may not defeat the sorcerer in combat, but who cares? They won more than he ever could.

babies doesn't have amulet against divination... It can be problematic. :smallyuk::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

2019-01-04, 06:18 PM
Posting in an historic thread. I will bask in the greatness.

2019-01-04, 06:36 PM
Uhh... 2 years worth of chain simulacrum...

2019-01-04, 07:43 PM
I'm fond of the image of an empyrian riding an elder tempest . . . riding a great eagle.

Combining sorcerer metamagics with homebrewed items to get around the spell list restrictions and throwing in simulacrum and wish abuse (even if it isn't an infinite loop) had darn well better be hard to beat!

For the next one, I would be interested in seeing some lower level "historical" builds that led to this one. What did the Sorcerer King do as a regular adventuring dude before he got to level 20? Oh, and newer GIFs, I've already cribbed the ones I like from previous threads. 😄

2019-01-04, 10:04 PM
Wouldn't a Wizard, Cleric, Bard, Warlock, and Druid do all of the things that the Sorcerer can do, except more frequently and probably more efficiently since they're a team working together towards the same goal? Twinned spell doesn't keep up with five full casters. Subtle spell is made moot. For fun, let's say the monk and ranger have 14 levels of wizard for 6 portent die.

They spend their time gaining every last benefit the Sorcerer does (Wishes, Simulacrum, Planar Bindings, becoming Warlords?) Except they outnumber you. I understand this is a troll post or whatever, but it doesn't even manage to be a good one. At least it's somewhat well thought out.

2019-01-05, 02:34 AM
Cleric of Mystra: Divine Intervention 100%: emulate Gate. summons Mystra herself (since it's done by divine intervention, it doesn't make sense she would chose not to come, as a succesful divine intervention is jus that: yyour god wnt to help).

Good luck trying to outcast the actual greater deity of Magic herself.


... otherise, Oh, all ways a simple Antimagic field spell could **** over that build.


... not to mention, you're gonna give a divinator & rogue & bard 2 years of prep time ?

By the time the fight begins you'll find your magic jar & original body stolen, your gear replaced by mundain items, and your army turned against you.

2019-01-05, 04:42 AM
The mods have asked that people not engage with this poster. They have been repeatedly banned for poor behavior. This one will also be removed soon.

You can see the request here:

You guys don't understand it. It's the banning that gets him off. Engagement is just a little mint on his pillow. He will never go away until you can remove the posts faster than he can make them.

Also "Leather Golem" sounds like something you'd find in a different sort of dungeon.

2019-01-05, 05:50 AM
I'm guessing it's not possible to ban him by IP address rather than account as he's spamming other people's threads as well as his own now

2019-01-05, 06:07 AM
I'm guessing it's not possible to ban him by IP address rather than account as he's spamming other people's threads as well as his own now

I'm not an IT- specialist, but I've been told by several of them that it's ridiculously easy to create a virtual IP address (or something, haven't bothered to read into it too much), and as such it doesn't help if they block IP's. At all.

2019-01-05, 06:45 AM
For once this thread seems to have an interest to me (also, I love the images the guy uses, it's my only regret with threads being removed).

A few notes first.
Twin Holy Weapon doesn't work, because Twin affects only spells that target creatures. I know that for a fact because it always frustrated me.

Second, I'd like to know what is this Warlord he keeps referring to and where it's coming from.

Besides that, I won't discuss about the chance to actually get all those items or what way was available to get so high stats. (Like 36 Passive Perception -which by the way can mean very different things from one DM to another- or near 20 everywhere, or stacked proficiencies when using Magic Jar -not sure proficiencies would be considered "class features" although it seems reasonable).

Because it doesn't matter.

With so many people ganging up on him in a normal fight, he's just plain dead.
Why is that?

First, Initiative. +4 is totally ridiculous. On the other side, you'll have Foresight applied to whole party (advantage on Initiative check), and without even trying to optimize that aspect you'll have Monk, Rogue and Bard high enough on the list to act first.

Second, AC/HP ratio. 280 HP is not that big, and 26 AC is just not enough.
Just the Fighter can unleash 8 longbow attacks with advantage, regardless of Sorcerer movement.
Then comes teamwork: there is no reason why party couldn't haste and fly the Monk and/or Barbarian or Paladin, each of them being particularly well suited to heavily reduce Sorcerer threat.
In particular Bear Barbarian (resistance against all damage + advantage on STR checks + possibly Expertise through feat/multiclass/spell) or Monk (resistance against all damage + possibly Expertise + invisibility + extreme mobility) can easily Grapple the Sorcerer and bring him back to friends.
Or maybe simply the Fighter managed to break concentration right off the bat (because he's a Battlemaster for example) or a Hasted Rogue (because on a hit there is no way you'll pass the save, Indomitable or not) and is stunned as a result of Haste ending.

Third, Sorcerer offensive ways: there is no reason why the party wouldn't advance without blocking vision one way or another especially with so many different ways in party. So unless Sorcerer (or Simulacrum) uses up some concentration spell or one of both spends each turn Dispelling, 80% of all available spells are simply unusable and attacks will be made without any advantage.

Basically in any fight that does not involve enough space and prep time for that "King" to set up one of the resource-heavy tactics mentioned, he has NEGATIVE CHANCE to win the fight.

And honestly I'm too lazy to try further projections, but I'm pretty sure whatever kind of setup you can imagine Sorcerer will ultimately lose.
Because I didn't even start imagining how party could use every spell they have to set up the encounter, and there would still be space for "building optimization" beyond that.

EDIT: Also, the tactic involving Magic Jar is extremely risky imo. With Bard, Cleric and Wizard in party, there is no doubt that if they had no clue before the fight they will quickly understand what's really happening.
And once that happens, they just need to a) find your body and/or jar b) ensure your body is far enough from you when they destroy the jar, and you die, automatically.
Either you were not confident and kept the jar and body close, then they can find them and destroy either (or simply take them away, which is easy to do between high mobility and teleportation spells). Best case you're back as a regular PC with everything that goes with (in particular no more proficiency in STR nor Indomitable).
Either you were confident and left both in your safe place -> Cleric uses Improved Divine Intervention to ask for your jar to be destroyed -> auto success and fairly small demand -> You're instantly dead.

2019-01-05, 06:58 AM
Also, the build doesn't work to begin with

Explenation: Resistence against all damage

• The Genie's Wish: Immunity to Dispel and Resistences
You grant up to ten creatures that you can see Resistance to a damage type you choose.

The Sorcerer King doesn't use Infinite Loops, Coffeelocking. It follows Recomended Magical Items (DMG) and really limited golds pieces (Max 20.000).

The only way you can get resistance to all damage from a spell that gives resistance to a damage type is to cast it a stupendous amount of times. However, wish states that if you use it this way, there's a 33% chance you can't cast it again.

That means the build in fact does use infinte loop to get those wishes. (at best one can argue that the build doesn't use those infinite wishes ... but virtually no infinite loop build actually uses infinite spells (as most would die of old age, before even getting halfway to infinity) )

2019-01-05, 07:08 AM
Also while on the resistance side, we should recall that's it's pretty easy to be resistant against poison damage too between racials, features and spells, so the brunt of Sorcerer damage (Purple Worm poison) would actually be 6d6 at best.

And, there are some nasty features to take into account that may badly hurt or instakill Sorcerer too: Redemption Paladin's Rebuke the Violent, if he really dealt that big of a damage in one go, would easily mean over 100 damage even on successful save (so bye bye concentration).
Grave Cleric's "vulnerability against all damage from next attack" which bears no save, paired with a big up's Paladin shot, could equally near-kill or insta-kill Sorcerer (especially with the delicate help of a Diviner Wizard to ensure it's a crit).
Of course this requires in both cases for people to come up close, but as hinted above, ways to get into close proximity of Sorcerer alive are as reliable as they are multiple, so it's not that big a stretch either.

2019-01-05, 07:31 AM
I wish him to play its Sorcerer at least one time.
More basically I wish he can play a DnD game once.

2019-01-05, 01:18 PM
Also while on the resistance side, we should recall that's it's pretty easy to be resistant against poison damage too between racials, features and spells, so the brunt of Sorcerer damage (Purple Worm poison) would actually be 6d6 at best.

And, there are some nasty features to take into account that may badly hurt or instakill Sorcerer too: Redemption Paladin's Rebuke the Violent, if he really dealt that big of a damage in one go, would easily mean over 100 damage even on successful save (so bye bye concentration).
Grave Cleric's "vulnerability against all damage from next attack" which bears no save, paired with a big up's Paladin shot, could equally near-kill or insta-kill Sorcerer (especially with the delicate help of a Diviner Wizard to ensure it's a crit).
Of course this requires in both cases for people to come up close, but as hinted above, ways to get into close proximity of Sorcerer alive are as reliable as they are multiple, so it's not that big a stretch either.

I mean, he even says we're allowed to set the scene for the combat. The participants all start within close enough distance; when a bladesinger 18/ fighter 2 shapechanged into a marilith uses an action surge and hits another player character 14 times with advantage from someone's foresight, or simply in a pitch black arena since this Sorcerer lacks darkvision. And sure, let's coat all of its weapons in this purple worm poison. Given buff spells like enlarge and haste from his allies, and at least two of those allies dipping divination wizard to guarantee you fail initiative, you're hit with over a lot more than 500ish damage on the wizard's turn. I think around 992 given 16 attacks; a bit less if our imaginary DM doesn't let us apply the poison to our tail ;). And the fighter and paladin have their turns coming up.

But hey, at least the Sorcerer tried. E for effort.

2019-01-05, 03:11 PM
For those who haven't seen this before, you can look at this post from enworld to get an idea of how these threads play out(back then he was calling it the Nameless King, but as I said in another deleted thread, he doesn't seem to be immune to copyright lawyers):


Actually, a 30x30x30 room is a pretty simple fight. Put him in an antimagic field(via the spell or shapechange to a beholder) and just have the martials and rogue beat him down. Paladin won't get his smites, but they wouldn't really be necessary at that point.

2019-01-05, 03:30 PM
With so many people ganging up on him in a normal fight, he's just plain dead.
Why is that?

First, Initiative. +4 is totally ridiculous. On the other side, you'll have Foresight applied to whole party (advantage on Initiative check), and without even trying to optimize that aspect you'll have Monk, Rogue and Bard high enough on the list to act first.

Second, AC/HP ratio. 280 HP is not that big, and 26 AC is just not enough.
Just the Fighter can unleash 8 longbow attacks with advantage, regardless of Sorcerer movement.
Then comes teamwork: there is no reason why party couldn't haste and fly the Monk and/or Barbarian or Paladin, each of them being particularly well suited to heavily reduce Sorcerer threat.
In particular Bear Barbarian (resistance against all damage + advantage on STR checks + possibly Expertise through feat/multiclass/spell) or Monk (resistance against all damage + possibly Expertise + invisibility + extreme mobility) can easily Grapple the Sorcerer and bring him back to friends.
Or maybe simply the Fighter managed to break concentration right off the bat (because he's a Battlemaster for example) or a Hasted Rogue (because on a hit there is no way you'll pass the save, Indomitable or not) and is stunned as a result of Haste ending.

Third, Sorcerer offensive ways: there is no reason why the party wouldn't advance without blocking vision one way or another especially with so many different ways in party. So unless Sorcerer (or Simulacrum) uses up some concentration spell or one of both spends each turn Dispelling, 80% of all available spells are simply unusable and attacks will be made without any advantage.

Basically in any fight that does not involve enough space and prep time for that "King" to set up one of the resource-heavy tactics mentioned, he has NEGATIVE CHANCE to win the fight.

And honestly I'm too lazy to try further projections, but I'm pretty sure whatever kind of setup you can imagine Sorcerer will ultimately lose.
Because I didn't even start imagining how party could use every spell they have to set up the encounter, and there would still be space for "building optimization" beyond that.

EDIT: Also, the tactic involving Magic Jar is extremely risky imo. With Bard, Cleric and Wizard in party, there is no doubt that if they had no clue before the fight they will quickly understand what's really happening.
And once that happens, they just need to a) find your body and/or jar b) ensure your body is far enough from you when they destroy the jar, and you die, automatically.
Either you were not confident and kept the jar and body close, then they can find them and destroy either (or simply take them away, which is easy to do between high mobility and teleportation spells). Best case you're back as a regular PC with everything that goes with (in particular no more proficiency in STR nor Indomitable).
Either you were confident and left both in your safe place -> Cleric uses Improved Divine Intervention to ask for your jar to be destroyed -> auto success and fairly small demand -> You're instantly dead.

Hey Citan, Happy New Year!

I beg to disagree... Well, It's heavy-tactical build. Are you thinking as "HEY, I'M THE SORCERER KING, THE OBVIOUS TARGET, PLEASE HIT ME DIRECTLY".

Well, It seems more harder to defeat than we noticed.

The Sorcerer King is disguised magically (Seeming Spell on his Army and himself) and mundane disguise amoung his Army. It's virtually impossible to know the true Target (Obviously It isn't an Obvious target)

- How you will cast foresight on every member? (Can I call your team as X-Men?)

- About Bear Barbarian and Monk with expertise on Grappling to bring the Sorcerer King to friends. You know, Freedom of movement spell avoids grappling

-Invisibility is countered by Passive Perception and Coualt's True Sight.

- About Fighter unleash 8 attacks, Well It's more harder than It seems. Giant Eagles +Ranged Skeletons, Empyrean and Another powerful creatures can simply destroy your equipament (Bow) and defeat a Fighter on the first turn if It expose himself. Direct strike isn't intelligent.

- Annis Hags (Each Casting Lightning Bolt Spell), Giant Eagles and Archer Skeletons are too powerful offensively. The Warlords uses their Commany Ally (Legendary Action) to powerful allys to strike your team immediately after your strike.
Solar's and Empyrean's Ranged Attacks.

- The Sorcerer King can manipule your attacks rolls with Devas change shaped into Diviner NPC (Free Portent).

Portent (Recharges after the Diviner Casts a Divination Spell of 1st Level or Higher). When the diviner or a creature it can see makes an attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check, the diviner can roll a d20 and choose to use this roll in place of the attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.

- About Magic Jar, destroying the Jar doesn't kill the Sorcerer King. Death Ward prevents death.

2019-01-05, 03:36 PM
Also while on the resistance side, we should recall that's it's pretty easy to be resistant against poison damage too between racials, features and spells, so the brunt of Sorcerer damage (Purple Worm poison) would actually be 6d6 at best.

And, there are some nasty features to take into account that may badly hurt or instakill Sorcerer too: Redemption Paladin's Rebuke the Violent, if he really dealt that big of a damage in one go, would easily mean over 100 damage even on successful save (so bye bye concentration).
Grave Cleric's "vulnerability against all damage from next attack" which bears no save, paired with a big up's Paladin shot, could equally near-kill or insta-kill Sorcerer (especially with the delicate help of a Diviner Wizard to ensure it's a crit).
Of course this requires in both cases for people to come up close, but as hinted above, ways to get into close proximity of Sorcerer alive are as reliable as they are multiple, so it's not that big a stretch either.

Are you trying stay close?

Giant Eagles, Ranged Skeletons destroying your team's weapons, Annis Hags castings Lightning Bolts. It's high offensive strike.

Devas change shaped into Githzerai Enlightened is insane on combat, Haste, Angelic Weapon, Multiattack and Psychic Defense is just insane at close range.
Also, Devas on Diviner form is countering your Diviner Wizard.

It's While the Sorcerer King and his Warlords are hitting hard.

2019-01-05, 03:40 PM
I'm fond of the image of an empyrian riding an elder tempest . . . riding a great eagle.

Combining sorcerer metamagics with homebrewed items to get

It's really cool the image.

Also, All items listed are official. It doesn't have any Homebrewed Item.

2019-01-05, 04:10 PM
I mean, he even says we're allowed to set the scene for the combat. The participants all start within close enough distance; when a bladesinger 18/ fighter 2 shapechanged into a marilith uses an action surge and hits another player character 14 times with advantage from someone's foresight, or simply in a pitch black arena since this Sorcerer lacks darkvision. And sure, let's coat all of its weapons in this purple worm poison. Given buff spells like enlarge and haste from his allies, and at least two of those allies dipping divination wizard to guarantee you fail initiative, you're hit with over a lot more than 500ish damage on the wizard's turn. I think around 992 given 16 attacks; a bit less if our imaginary DM doesn't let us apply the poison to our tail ;). And the fighter and paladin have their turns coming up.Bolded the unneeded. He doesn't have alertness - ergo, you can just set up the scene to get a suprize round.
(which also means no shield spell - as you don't get reaction during a suprize round)


A plain & simple Marilith drops (+9 vs AC 21) drops 45.1 damage. [wizard 9: true polymorph]

With advantage, that same Marilith drops 71.2 damage [druid 9: foresight]. Polymorphing the champion, with his extended crit, +2 damage of dueling (as nothing forces Marilith to attack with different weapons), and action surge, amps that number up to 182.55 [fighter(champion) 20]

Time to amp it up a bit, giving the Marilith a flame tongue sword [Rare item] (264 dpr), Elemental weapon [Paladin upcast to 5, concentration] (+2 attack, +2d4 damage = 358 dpr), holy weapon [cleric 5: concentration] (+2d8 damage = 504 dpr), haste [Druid(grassland) 3, concentration] (544 DPR), and the lowest Belt of strength (21 [Rare item]) puts us at the over the requried 560; with 576 DPR.

the wizard gets 2 years of divination & planning
the bard, rogue and ranger get to sneak behind enemies and wreck havoc
the party boosts the fighter - teleports 'm to to the bad guy, and turns the sorcerer into mince meat before he can squeek.

Edit: stupid me; I forgot. when the rogue breaks magic jar, BBEG is reduced to 1 hp ... so, killing 'm is EASY.

2019-01-05, 04:17 PM
Bolded the unneeded. He doesn't have alertness - ergo, you can just set up the scene to get a suprize round.
(which also means no shield spell - as you don't get reaction during a suprize round)


A plain & simple Marilith drops (+9 vs AC 21) drops 45.1 damage. [wizard 9: true polymorph]

With advantage, that same Marilith drops 71.2 damage [druid 9: foresight]. Polymorphing the champion, with his extended crit, +2 damage of dueling (as nothing forces Marilith to attack with different weapons), and action surge, amps that number up to 182.55 [fighter(champion) 20]

Time to amp it up a bit, giving the Marilith a flame tongue sword [Rare item] (264 dpr), Elemental weapon [Paladin upcast to 5, concentration] (+2 attack, +2d4 damage = 358 dpr), holy weapon [cleric 5: concentration] (+2d8 damage = 504 dpr), haste [Druid(grassland) 3, concentration] (544 DPR), and the lowest Belt of strength (21 [Rare item]) puts us at the over the requried 560; with 576 DPR.

the wizard gets 2 years of divination & planning
the bard, rogue and ranger get to sneak behind enemies and wreck havoc
the party boosts the fighter - teleports 'm to to the bad guy, and turns the sorcerer into mince meat before he can squeek.

Edit: stupid me; I forgot. when the rogue breaks magic jar, BBEG is reduced to 1 hp ... so, killing 'm is EASY.

If It's room close enough. It doesn't work. Because It isn't surprise. 36 passive perception.
Who is your target? It has 300 or more disguised minions there.

Another problem. True Polymorph doesn't have acess to class features and It also can't wear his equipament. So, No weapons, action surge. It's nothing more than a weak Marilith.

Also, Devas using Diviner NPC form uses Portent to force you to miss attacks.

Breaking Magic jar doesn't kill the Sorcerer King. Death Ward prevents it. I have absolutely sure that It won't find it.

Also Divination doesn't work against Nondetection spell.

Now, They are Surroundered powerful minions, Silence Spells. Drow Mother Matron casts Silence as Legendary Action, preventing anything to cast spells there (Sorcerer King ignores silence with Subtle Metamagic).

About close space, How do you forced the Sorcerer King to enter there?

2019-01-05, 04:30 PM
About close space, How do you forced the Sorcerer King to enter there?
easy. Hubris of the OP.

Choose the best condition you can.
Also, Choose the best terrain possible for you.

Because It isn't surprise. 36 passive perception.they teleport in & suprize the enemy. There's no stealth ceck invovled for pasive perception to matter.

If It's room close enough. It doesn't work. Because It isn't surprise. 36 passive perception.
Who is your target? It has 300 or more minions there.700 days of divinations says I got a pretty decent shot at knowing which one is the real one.

Another problem. True Polymorph doesn't work class features and It also can't wear his equipament. So, No weapons.Meh, sure, transform the barbarian also in a Marilith then. Problem solved. (although ... now he'll never be able to play dragon chess :( )

... why you're of the oppinion a Marilith can't done a belt or pick up a magic swrod is beyond me; nor do I find that in the description of true polymorph.

Also, Devas using Diviner NPC form uses Portent to force you to miss attacks.sigh, fine. magical darkness and monk also turns into Marilith.
(as Portent notes "made by you or a creature that you can see")

2019-01-05, 04:37 PM
easy. Hubris of the OP.

Choose the best condition you can.
Also, Choose the best terrain possible for you.

they teleport in & suprize the enemy. There's no stealth ceck invovled for pasive perception to matter.

700 days of divinations says I got a pretty decent shot at knowing which one is the real one.

Meh, sure, transform the barbarian also in a Marilith then. Problem solved. (although ... now he'll never be able to play dragon chess :( )

... why you're of the oppinion a Marilith can't done a belt or pick up a magic swrod is beyond me; nor do I find that in the description of true polymorph.

sigh, fine. magical darkness and monk also turns into Marilith.
(as Portent notes "made by you or a creature that you can see")

You can choose the terrain, But IT need makes sense. Your team are there! You choose the terrain where your team are. Now Sorcerer King strike there. But, He chooses how do it.

-Surprise doesn't work as you mentioned. It requires perception.

- Divination doesn't work against Nondetection. Temple of the Gods where the Sorcerer King uses his summons are immune to divination too. 700 days of divinations is useless.

-Barbarian, Fighter or anything turned into Marilith is useless. Because They lose their class features, feat, action surge, rage.

-True Polymorph: "The creature can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its Equipment." No Items avaiable. It's only a Marilith.

- Darkness doesn't move with your Marilith, useless.

2019-01-05, 04:37 PM
You can choose the terrain, But I need makes sense. Your team are there, but how do you force to stay there?
... why?

Unless you're the OP, you're not in a position to claim that.

Are you the OP?

2019-01-05, 04:39 PM
... why?

Unless you're the OP, you're not in a position to claim that.

Are you the OP?

Isn’t it obvious...

2019-01-05, 04:39 PM
... why?

Unless you're the OP, you're not in a position to claim that.

Are you the OP?

You can choose the terrain, But IT need makes sense. Your team are there! You choose the terrain where your team are and where the fight will happen. Now Sorcerer King strike there. But, He chooses how do it.

All that I considered was close room.

2019-01-05, 04:42 PM
Isn’t it obvious...
Of course it is - I just thought it would be nice for the mods to have confirmation.

2019-01-05, 04:44 PM
Of course it is .

Wrong. All That I considered was on close room. The fight will be there. But the Sorcerer King will not be "Hey, Im here, hit me!"

You can choose the terrain and condition of it, but not how the Sorcerer King will enter there or his tatics. Obviously.

2019-01-05, 04:50 PM
Of course it is - I just thought it would be nice for the mods to have confirmation.

They don’t need it, they just check his IP, also it is always obvious with the ESL grammar always with the same mistakes and the names that are not actual words. Well not in English, I guess his name might be a word in Portuguese

2019-01-05, 04:55 PM
You can choose the terrain, But IT need makes sense. Your team are there! You choose the terrain where your team are and where the fight will happen. Now Sorcerer King strike there. But, He chooses how do it.

My vacation home about 150 miles from the center of Outlands. Team or tactics doesn't really matter. Victory by default, as the sorcerer can't even get close to me.

They don’t need it, they just check his IP, also it is always obvious with the ESL grammar always with the same mistakes and the names that are not actual words. Well not in English, I guess his name might be a word in Portuguese

I'm not sure mods have access to that, and even if they do, IP doesn't tell you anything, proxies exist.

2019-01-05, 04:59 PM
My vacation home about 150 miles from the center of Outlands. Team or tactics doesn't really matter. Victory by default, as the sorcerer can't even get close to me.

The hunt beggins!
The Drow Matron uses her Retriever to know your location. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

2019-01-05, 05:01 PM
They don’t need it, they just check his IP, also it is always obvious with the ESL grammar always with the same mistakes and the names that are not actual words. Well not in English, I guess his name might be a word in PortugueseCool. The current behavior does remind me of something early in the thread

Even if you have something that beats his build he changes the parameters

I'm not sure mods have access to that, and even if they do, IP doesn't tell you anything, proxies exist.quite true, but you have to use 'm, for starters.

However, with Bipuy, a newbie with only posts in this thread, trying to tell me how the fight should be - opposite to what the OP said - it's clear he's either the OP, or does effort to seem like the OP (at which point I fail to see why the Mods should make a difference)

2019-01-05, 05:04 PM
Cool. The current behavior does remind me of something early in the thread

Even if you have something that beats his build he changes the parameters

firstly, your team as presented doesn't work.

secondly. the parameters never changes. Close room, It is. Are you thinking that parameters is "Hey, I'm Sorcerer King, could you hit my face, sir?"

2019-01-05, 05:07 PM
I'm letting the team of 12x1 to choose the terrain and conditions of it. But, they still want to choose how the Sorcerer king acts. :smallconfused:

2019-01-05, 05:12 PM
I'm letting the team of 12x1 to choose the terrain and conditions of it. But, they still want to choose how the Sorcerer king acts. no you're not. You're not the OP, remember? Wink wink nudge nudge.

The hunt beggins!
The Drow Matron uses her Retriever to know your location. :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:... someone clearly doesn't know how the outlands work.
The Retriever dies around ... I recon 900 miles from the center

2019-01-05, 05:28 PM

2019-01-05, 05:40 PM
The Mod Wonder: Not sure how we missed locking this...