View Full Version : "Whats your background, bub?"

2019-01-06, 05:18 AM
Hi yall.

So today's 'random question about your character' Is about their background. Specifically, the backgrounds that you pick when making the character. We all know that the background choices, besides the proficiencies they give, are more of little guideline or a general over branching idea of how you lived that life and there are often different interpretations around it. So:

What background did you choose (for your most recent character) and give us an idea of how they fit into that background.

-Homebrew backgrounds are of course welcome. Kinda interested onto how the background was made as well, like what it used as a base.
-A little summary is fine, though obviously if you want to give the entire lowdown that's cool too. Though i'm asking more about your background, not your 'backstory' which is a different thing.


-Kosh's, my ranger, background is entertainer. Though I'd classify it more as "Merryman". Still, it gives him all the benefits entertainer gives.
-Ignoring 'all the other stuff that happened to him' he spent a lot of time with some satyrs growing up, and they taught him how to have a jolly time and play the panflute (he's incapable of whistling). It's less of a job for him as it is an outlook on life/hobby. Alot of comradery built with his troupe and an ideal to build it with others through 'whatever means applicable'.

Would love to hear everyone's different outlooks.
I'm just waiting for someone to put 'farmer' :smallbiggrin:

2019-01-06, 05:38 AM

He used to be a toy-maker, but due to his mechanical skills, he was drafted into the siege engineers, and not to build things far away from the war front, but to stick together sapping charges, build bridges under fire, dig siege tunnels or spike traps and rush up to the walls, set charges and detonate them.

It was hell beyond anything he could imagine and he could not take it anymore, he could not stand to see things which he loved so much used to destroy and murder and maim. He made toys to nurture dreams and to get people to be better... not to dismember screaming teenagers with point defenses on the siege trenches.
So he ran.

Now he hides out as an adventurer, just trying to get by, and not wanting to stay for too long in one spot or use his real name or any alias for more than a brief period of time out of fear of being found out and drafted back into the hellpit that were the royal engineering corps.

The deserter who hides out as an adventurer will be wearing worn trousers, frayed but sturdy shirt, leather vest and a visorless sallet helmet, things that aren't Light Armour but gives the impression of being armour at a glance. He also has a short sword and a small shield or buckler at his side.

He's not terribly old, but not the youngest either, he really does want to look like a failure of an adventurer some 28 years old.

He wears an open, empty bag on his hip.

What he actually is, and this is the secret, is a wizard. It's what made his toys amazing and why he was drafted to war. He loves magic, to him, it is the most beautiful thing in existence. The wonder of it, the joy it brings, the miracles it can create.

However, now? Now his heart is broken. He does not wish to ever use magic to hurt people, but he cannot forget the things he learned.
He has (if you would allow it) enchanted his spellbook to be invisible, and secured it with a fine chain chain hidden underneath the strap of his seemingly leather bag. It becomes visible on command, but he seldom commands it.

He also really, REALLY does not want to hurt people with his spells or show off his wizarding skills.

He hides Mage Armour as a prayer, and if pressed says that he used to be a priest or cleric at different temples (changing every time he's asked in a new setting) and that he's still got some boon from his God.

He will only use buffs and debuffs, illusions, commands, those sorts of things, spells that do not harm people, and he will not be comfortable in using magic to help his friends hurt others either, but it must be done some times.

And on this note, he will always, always prepare a damaging spell or two, but unless the party is in dire need of it, he will rather say he's out of slots for today than use it, and he will tell no one that he has anything that powerful at hand.

Until the party is threatened for proper, proper real, and he needs to throw out a scorching ray, fireball or chain lightning even if he's said he's out.
And he will hate himself for it, both for lying and holding back, and for using magic to directly harm or even kill somebody else again.

This is why magic has to die.

He loves it, but it has to die.

His first goal is to just stay away from everything.

His second goal is to destroy the institution that weaponises magic.

His third, and ultimate goal, no matter how much it breaks his heart, is to seal the world away from magic, because no matter how much good it does in the world and no matter how much amazing wonder and beauty it brings, somebody will always use it to hurt somebody else, and he cannot stand it.

It would be better if magic became just another fairy tale, let the amazement and wonder remain, but make it so that nobody could ever hurt any body else with it ever again.
Magic in this world has to die.

2019-01-06, 06:48 AM
My most recent character is a noble, one of the more self explanatory backgrounds, and is the youngest daughter of a very well known and well connected family that doesn't have as much wealth as the outside world thinks. And so my character is off to find a fortune to bring home to her family so they can continue to be a powerful and influential house and she can get out of being married off to fortify an alliance.

2019-01-06, 06:59 AM
Dirk The Paladin(This is the full character name).

Lg(very Lawful, less good)
He is an Acolyte.

He was born in Tyr temple, His mother, Elf cleric, choose his future as a Paladin. His human monk father had no say in this.

He come from a very lawful family and act that way.

He is Paladin(vengeance) 6/ Haxblade Bladlock 5

He made his pact with an intelligent weapon that serve Tyr.

He see it as a chain of command, the weapon is his commander and Tyr is the highest rank.

As an Acolyte he visit temples, making new friends and serching for information on injustice that refused to take his chance to make justice.

He distroy the injustice as fast as possible, he may even serve as executioner if needed.

He his a religious panatic.

2019-01-06, 07:04 AM
Cookie Cutter was my most recent PC and he had the Uthgardt Tribe background. I reflavored the tribal lore to be about an orc horde brought under a human warchief that settled the most northern frontier town, which was actually another PC in a very long game I DM’d way back when. So I always had more and more stories of orcish shenanigans to share (I did occasionally steal stories from how Robilar got through The Tomb Of Horrors).

Cookie was originally a basic NPC follower who was the “camp cook”, so I picked the druid class mostly for the food related spells, and Uthgardt Tribe allows for better foraging (more raw ingredients!)

Cookie was the most adept at learning “The Old Magic” from Granny Cutter. I treated the druid magic and the wildshape as part of a “family curse” from a Bebelith named Cesaerean (no wearing metal armor being a price for the “blessing/favour/curse” of Cesaerean). I blamed a seasonal fling type relationship with a water nymph as where some of Cookie’s more nature themed spells come from.

Prior to being found/domesticated by the new human warchief, Cookie was inclined to raid pantries when sacking a town. His hobbies included experimenting with burying barrels of spiced dairy, to ferment underground. Locations marked in “Old Orcish” (Druidic) where the stashes of “fromage du terre” (cheese of the earth) could be found at later dates.

Cue PC story shenanigans and then a few years of running a Snak Shak in the frosty frontier town.

Eventually the final staws before the call to adventure was basically Cookie getting “cabin fever” while always serving food to privileged young aristocrat adventurer types, think a rich skiing crowd. And so Cookie said to himself “I’ve already bashed way more skulls than these metal armor wearing nerds bragging about their treasure hauls.”

My wife was a PC in the previous game I used to DM for, and the one I where I got to play Cookie, so she was tickled pink that I took the fat half-orc chef NPC and removed the “N”.

2019-01-06, 08:25 AM
My current ranger is an outlander. I chose it not because the description seemed particularly close, but because it mechanically worked. He's not out in the wilds because he disdains civilization, but because he loves civilization so much: He's out to tame the wilds, and make a name for himself in the process.

My previous rogue was a sage. He was an archaeology student, and often snuck into the library after hours so he could study without being interrupted by nosy librarians wanting to know why he wanted access to the restricted section (because there are books in there, duh). His professor would buy antiquities from traveling merchants, but he thought that was silly: Why not go to where the antiquities are, himself, and check them out directly?

2019-01-06, 09:26 AM
Uthgardt Chondalwood Elven Tribe Member

Note that SCAG has a sidebar about alternative tribes for this background, with this being one of the examples.

My character, Naeren Mellerelel, is a monk of the Way of the Kensei, which I have reflavored as advanced elven weapon training. He was taught in a monastery called Quarlanielandi ("Soul Arrow") that is devoted to Solonor, elven god of archery, and accepts warriors from several allied elven tribes.

His personal quest is thus. He was friends with a druidic human family that was sadly claimed by the Spellplague. Its last surviving member has become a warlock of the Great Old One, something Naeren considers an insult upon the others' memory. Also a strong believer in reincarnation, he thinks it is better for the warlock to die while her soul is not fully tainted by the GOO. So he is out to kill her, with the approval of his tribe and monastery.

2019-01-06, 09:49 AM
A couple of my backgrounds are tweaked slightly:

A bard with who is a "Scamp" (tweaked Charlatan) and has a benefit similar to the PHB Pirate except, instead of being able to kick in doors and shake down the locals, she talks her way out of minor bureaucratic infractions like being out after curfew or not having the permits sell magic items. I also traded out the Disguise kit for Forgery to fake various "hall passes" as it were. Her story in a nutshell was convincing her grandparents to pay for music school in the big city, being a Ferris Bueller-like pain in the ass and the bard's college (who of course had people among the staff) seeing potential and recruiting her.

A Sunite cleric with the Acolyte background but using the Noble starter kit because I can't see followers of Sune going around dressed as brown-robed monks. Otherwise much the same.

Standard backgrounds include a conspiracy-minded 'mad scientist' style wizard with the sage background reflecting his studies (could have gone Hermit, I suppose) and a Far Traveler half-orc paladin. His story was that his parents actually had mutual affection and tried to live in isolation but were eventually discovered by a group of humans who murdered them both. Said paladin dedicated his life to wandering around, trying to protect those who found happiness and joy. Far Traveler seemed to work but I didn't have time to put the finishing touches on the story before playing like determining where he was actually from. That night, another player sees my sheet and starts saying "Oh! Where's he from? [rattles off a half dozen places in the Forgotten Realms]?" and me shrugging and saying I hadn't gotten that far. The other player immediately said "Oh, just took it for Perception, huh" in dry disapproval as though there's no middle point between having six pages of back story and just picking stuff for the mechanics.

2019-01-06, 09:59 AM
I have a middle-aged human shopkeeper, who read the wrong book at the wrong time and now has a voice in his head that wont let him be. And has taught him how to summon eldritch tentacles, how to read thoughts, and may possibly end the world if it gets bored. He's run from his home panicked, and has fallen into adventuring because he has suddenly acquired an entirely new skill set (and the voice finds it entertaining).

For the shopkeeper, I basically am just using a re-fluffed version of the wandering merchant from the Guildmember background. Rather than a cart I went with an extra language (on account of Waterdeep being a metropolitan place so he would have picked up a fair amount, plus having various acquaintances from all over), and the guild dues are instead him paying for sending letters and gifts to keep in touch with his extended family. Rather than having a guild and all those ties, a widespread yet close-knit family means he will likely have someone he knows in a lot of places*, who at least can give a room for a night and relay any local gossip.

(*Waterdeep, The Ten Towns, Daggerford, Neverwinter and Silverymoon, to be precise.)

2019-01-06, 10:38 AM
My 'paladin of blood' (really a zealot-path barbarian) has the 'Handmaiden' background, a custom background we created for our campaign world. Don't let the name fool you, she's actually a Neutral Good midwife who just so happens to be a teeny-tiny combat powerhouse.

The 'Handmaid' background is for followers of the Bloody Mother, a goddess of plague, slaughter, bloodshed, and banditry. Her core tenets are 'life is pain' and 'the strong do what they will.' However, she is also the protector of mothers in childbirth, and the patron of midwives and pediatricians. She grants strength to mothers protecting their children, and bestows curses on behalf of mothers of children who have been wronged.

The Handmaid background gives you proficiency in Insight, Medicine, Religion, and the Herbalism kit, and the background perk is 'Scarred Palms.' Any family group, even those of monsters (if they are intelligent enough to recognize it), will generally let a Handmaid into their home, and a truce is in effect for up to 72 hours so that the handmaid can provide advice and medical care to any pregnant woman or mother of young children. Even trolls and ogres, not known for their respect of taboos, will admit a Handmaid into their home - and a Handmaid will treat any mother, regardless of any state of enmity between the two of them. The Bloody Mother's curse will fall on either party that breaks the truce before the 72 hours is up.

In our campaign, the 'paladins of blood' are the enforcers of the Bloody Mother's cult, and are the ones who avenge children and breakers of the truce in the Mother's name. That my character is both a midwife AND a paladin of blood is unusual, but not unheard-of, and part of her job is to enhance the mystique of the midwives, so that people are less likely to break the truce - you never know if the mild-mannered midwife you have let into your home is just a peasant woman with a scarred palm, or a terrifying and nigh-unkillable paladin of blood, so it pays to be polite just in case.

2019-01-06, 10:48 AM
I have a half-orc rogue who's a tavern owner. He's not out adventuring for the thrills of it, he's chasing down a man who owes a tab and he won't stop until he gets that two silver and six copper from the guy. He uses the Guild Artisan/Merchant background, so I imagine his tavern is part of some big group in his home city. You can even tell how he made no plans for adventuring, he ends up with medium armor and arcane trickster... tricks on top of normal rogue stuff. Very unfocused save for getting that money back. I imagine he's the comedically serious type.

I also have a mountain dwarf conjurer who constantly claims he is but a simple cook. He made some food that got a large amount of praise from a thane and decided he needed to broaden his recipe list. Of course, traveling isn't easy, so he decided to learn something to make his travels safer. In his mind, wizardry and cooking are essentially the same, so he picked that up, his spellbook even looks like a cookbook. He chose to focus on conjuration for the ability to summon various cooking supplies as needed, like a butcher's knife or a larger pot than what he has on hand. I have him using the folk hero background.

Let's see... what else... oh, I have a rock gnome cleric who was part of a thieves guild, even if he was nothing more than a simple fence, though left when new management took over and made the guild far too violent for his tastes. He ended up finding a calling with faith afterwards and now travels as a trickery cleric, since he can't quite leave his old life behind.

Joe the Rat
2019-01-06, 12:04 PM
Randal - City Watch

Randal is a 30-year veteran of the Neverwinter city watch, a beat patrolman that worked up to sergeant through learning the city and attrition. His biggest challenge was keeping his boys alive in the face of criminal enterprise, the occasional marauders, and the most dangerous of all, roaming adventurers.

His squad was called in to back up a group of these self-identified heroes taking down some sort of cult - rounding up the mooks, they said. Things did not go as planned - an almost-complete ritual went awry, wiping out everything without character levels, and leaving Randal with a chunk of who-knows-what in his chest. Old and wounded, he opted to retire, and went to visit old friends in the country.

So he's running around in old watch gear (Medium Armored from V human), with a distaste for ill-planned adventurers, and a whispering voice in his head that's feeding him magic power and bad ideas (Warlock). He insists he is a Freelance Peacekeeper.

Next Character: Hand of Six - KPW background

'Six was a runoff the mill digger for a KPW - Kobold Public Works team until a cave-in lead to a new calling.

KPW is a fusion of Guild Artisan and Urchin - the focus on craft and tool use (stone or mining) from artisan, and the low places attitude and City Secrets of Urchin.

2019-01-06, 12:34 PM
These are fun.

I went with Acolyte for my Cleric.

I spent some time rolling and Xanathar’s and ended with being the oldest of 7 siblings in a moderate working class Dwarf clan. She was always shirking her responsibilities.

Tragedy struck one day when her parents were murdered before her, and she was crippled during the attack from an otherworldly vistor who arrived without warning and attacked without provocation.

Her younger siblings were taken in by family, but none could afford to take a crippled child on that could not work, so she was given to the Temple of Reorx.

There she was healed, cared for, and sent to work the “Back Forge”, where broken things are remade.
Thus she grew up in the Monestary and found new life and purpose in hard work, honesty, and a willingness to forgive and rebuild that which may seem lost.

2019-01-06, 01:14 PM
Mu goblin wizard has a custom Gatherer background, which is based on the description of the gatherer caste of goblins in Volo's. I stuck in proficiency with stealth, sleight of hand, thieves' tools, and cook's tools, and gave him the Outlander background feature to simulate his uncanny ability to scrounge up whatever scraps he can find for dinner.

2019-01-06, 02:37 PM
Ever since she was little the tiefling named Sith was adopted by strange being that she calls the Dark Lord. She had tutors at a very young age and was trained in martial skills, infiltration skills, and social manipulation. When she was ready the Dark Lord began sending her on missions undercover to steal or kill a designated target. She is has made contacts that help her because they value their lives. What ever the Dark Lord asked of her she will accomplish without hesitation.

I picked the spy variant of criminal.

2019-01-06, 11:46 PM
Uthal, my Goliath Fighter has the Clan Crafter background. His tribe lived up near the Spine Of The World mountain range before they were massacred when he was still a boy. He was found by a Shield Dwarf from Mirabar, who took him in and raised him. He taught Uthal the art of smithing, and Uthal eventually left home and traveled south to Waterdeep, where he got caught up in a wild caper involving a.....Dragon Heist. During his adventures, he's come to learn that his tribe was wiped out by an Oni, and this Oni spared him for a reason that has yet to be revealed. He's got his own forgespace at Trollskull manor, and when he's not off adventuring he hopes to become skilled in the crafting of magical weapons and armor(our group itends to keep going with these characters after Dragon Heist).

2019-01-07, 03:19 AM
Varis Naïlo my sorcerer (with a warlock dip) was and is an entertainer.

Here are a few snippets from his backstory:

Our house was always filled with singing or some instrument being played, both mother and father liked to sing and played instrument. Some of us enjoyed singing along and with time also learned to play musical instruments I'm good on the viol or so my dad always tells me. Musical talent apparently ran in the family cause both my mother and father remembered doing the same with their parents and siblings.

A few years ago when I was little someone who was travelling through our town played music on the street and people gave him money to show their appreciation. No one but our family really knew that we liked singing and playing music, it was something our family did together.
So people who knew me where surprised to see me at the market square singing, playing music and doing little magic tricks or telling stories but they did enjoy it and soon I became a fixture there.
When the weather grew colder I was invited to set up shop so to speak at the small inn of our town.
It was a good deal, they had more clients, I was out of the cold and always had a free meal and drinks.
My parents loved the fact that I could make a living from something I enjoyed so much.
One evening I was heading home from entertaining the guests of our local inn when I was approached by a young lad who introduced himself as one of the servants to a noble that lived about a day’s travel away.
He was there to hire me to be part of the entertainment during a party the noble was throwing to celebrate his daughter turning eighteen.
I was thrilled that my name was known to a noble and the pay wasn’t bad either and it would help me reach my goal of having saved enough to start adventuring that much sooner, so I agreed and the next day we set off to the noble’s estate in an expensive looking carriage.
When we arrived I was told I could lodge with the servants and have my meals with them, the party was to be held in two days’ time so I could explore the estate a bit and get to know the rest of the people who would be entertaining the guests. There where, dancers, fire-eaters, jugglers, singers and musicians. I was the only one though that had some grasp of magic which I used to better my performance, like signing a duet on my own or instead of another voice another instrument could be heard.
When the day of the feast arrived a whole bunch of noble’s from around the country gathered most of them seemed rather normal people the only difference being that they were wealthy and had a title.
There was one though that I disliked from the moment I saw him exit his carriage, he acted like everyone else was dirt beneath his feet and weren’t worth his time, I noticed that most of the nobles avoided this man as well, a quick hello and a handshake or curtsey and they scampered away to somewhere else.
During the banquet a servant girl politely asked the pompous arse if he wanted some chicken, the prick started ridiculing her saying that chicken was for common folk and how she could be so stupid to ask someone of his standing if he wanted some chicken.
With all the noise and other distractions no one saw me cast a few simple spells when the next dish was served.
It was hard to keep from laughing when he took a bite and instead of tasting deer it tasted like spicy chicken, he spit it out on to his plate and hollered at the servant who had just served him, why he had gotten spicy chicken when everyone else had gotten deer, to wash away the taste he took his glass of wine and drank from it, which then promptly got spit back out cause that tasted like spicy chicken as well.
He demanded that the one in charge of the wine and food be brought to him so that they could taste what awful swill they were serving.
Little did he know that I would make certain that for anyone else it would taste normal and only for him everything would taste like spicy chicken.
When he was told that his deer and wine tasted like they should he again took a bite which he promptly spat back out and now he grabbed a glass from someone next to him, luckily I was quick enough to make sure that drink tasted like Spicy chicken.
People close to him where having a hard time schooling their faces trying to hide the fact that they found the fact that everything tasted like spicy chicken for the pompous bastard was hilarious.
I kept a close eye on him and every time he tried to eat or drink something I would quickly change the taste. He didn’t eat or drink much during the banquet.
When the tables where cleared away and the dancing began the people who took care of the entertainment could go eat in the kitchens.
There I came across the servant girl that got chewed out by the chicken hating noble and told her that he was in the wrong, not her.
I also told her that payback is mostly best served cold but it could also be served like spicy chicken. She got the hint and thanked me for putting that whiny pompous prick in his place.

Little did I know that our conversation was overheard by one of his servants who tattled on me. Since nobles have more money and standing and he was an important figure that the one hosting the party wanted to keep as a “friend”. I was unceremoniously sent packing with no pay and no escort home, the guards who escorted me out of the estate where apologetic cause they didn’t like the man either and had a good laugh but they had to do their job.
After an uneventful long trip home, everything went back to normal until a few days later the same servant girl that was serving the spicy chicken came by and gave me a money pouch, a letter and the recipe for the spicy chicken.
The letter was from her mistress who happened to be the mother of the birthday girl. She thanked me for my services and gave me a little extra for providing entertainment beyond the scope of my contract, she didn’t came right out and said that she enjoyed seeing that pompous prick getting some comeuppance but if you read between the lines that’s what it boiled down to, reading further between the lines, no one really liked him but since he was important for trade and the like he was tolerated, as token of her appreciation she included a shard of obsidian that always feels warm to the touch, so I could more easily remember how it warmed her heart to see someone defending a simple servant girl.

Here you can read his full backstory and some of the sessions we've played. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?567280-(Campaing-written-as-a-story)-The-conspiracy-and-its-exploits)

2019-01-07, 03:59 AM
Borrowing the format from OP:

My human paladin's background is Uthgardt Nordic Tribe Member.
A Nordic brave from the Wolf Clan of the North, who has set aside the arcane studies of his youth (ancient family tradition) and his later blacksmith's vocation to take up the mantle of a green knight in service to the Old Faith.

Background was mostly left as written, but obviously a few campaign specific adjustments had to be made for the Background feature:

Nordic Tribe Heritage
You have an excellent knowledge of not only your tribe's territory, but also the terrain and natural resources of the rest of the North. You are familiar enough with any wilderness area that you find twice as much food and water as you normally would when you forage there. Additionally, you can call upon the hospitality of your people, and those folk allied with your tribe, often including members of druid circles, tribes of nomadic elves, the Fochlucan University, and the priesthoods devoted to Valkar (god of storms) and Coreth (goddess of wilderness).

2019-01-07, 04:30 AM
Stan Tealeaf had the Criminal background.

His life turned around while he was robbing the home of a local knight. The knight had fallen asleep while studying and in his sleep he had kicked over the candles which had set fire to the curtains. Even though he knew he would get in trouble, Stan couldn't just leave him in the burning house, so he rescued the knight.

The knight recognised that Stan was a good person in a bad situation, and instead of insisting on punishment for him he took him on as a squire and mentored him.

And that's how Stan Tealeaf went from being a Criminal to being a Paladin.

2019-01-07, 04:39 AM
Ankor, sunbreaker Goliath of the Red Fang tribe, one of the 5 prominent tribes of the goliaths of the mountains of the misty mountains.

Goliath, 25 years old, 130 Kg, 2.15m
Gray skin, with red tattoos, green eyes, bald.


Warrior-barbarian, he is an excellent fighter with a sword and a shield, he has half a plate.

in his guild there are 25 people but 5 people order:

Malice, elf rogue
Vanor, human cleric
Talinka, half orc barbarian
Verité, tiefling witch
Ankor, fighter barbarian

He is a fair and good warrior, he defends the weak, loves fighting, and he hates injustice, he is a gross Goliath in his way of speaking, he says things as he thinks them. He does not understand why weak people lead (without leadership etc.) he believes in strength, but not necessarily physical, he knows that good leadership, will, courage are also a force in itself.
He wants to gain strength to be able to protect the people of his clan but also the members of his guild.

his mother died when he was young, because the goliaths do not count healer, his father died on the battlefield and a magician powerful to save the soul of his father (because his strong) to be put in a protective golem of an old city (the most powerful in our history and there are only 5 guards), he has a heavy task, kill his brother who has become bad and does horrible things, for reds fangs it is unacceptable but he must perform his mission .

In our adventure, Ankor is at the beginning of the good neutral adventure but it gradually becomes loyal good. He loves life, and all it has to offer, friends relationships, fighting, love but above all food haha ​​..

He is a soldier, he is quite disciplined and trains hard all day, he stays to the maximum of his abilities.

He wants to become like BURTOG, a goliath who is a creator (the 9 most powerful living beings of our plan, it's literraly a god) and burtog is considered as the strongest Man in the world, he is a Goliath warrior like him. Ankor trains for one day at his height, but without falling into the hunt for power, he has a goal he wants to give the world a peace never equal.

in combat, Ankor is proud and knows the battlefield well, he is quite brutal in his fighting style but does not forget the discipline of the warrior, when it hits it looks like a thunderclap.

Ankor is level 10, and in our story our GM has allowed us to have an aura, but only for the RP, the aura of ankor is green, that of the will, his aura is powerful and only threatening to the wicked.

Often in our history ankor try to save as many people as possible, sometimes in disregard of his own life, he is sometimes beaten verbally with some of his companions because he tries to save everyone, but it is not possible, it does not necessarily see the ultimate goal but the instant objective. he is quite impatient

Ankor have a god : Doldorn, it's a god of war, CG, this god like fairaplay, war and courage, doens't like deceitful or none fairplay fight.

2019-01-07, 10:32 PM
Cedric, the human fighter 1/warlock 4 was once a soldier. He has low int and wis so he was never considered as anything other than rank-and-file infantry. He was good at that though, and had a knack for surviving even the most pitched battles. His luck eventually ran out however, and he was captured by drow. While in prison a voice came to him in his dreams, calling itself Zariel. Zariel offered him magical power and escape in exchange for service in the Blood War. Cedric's a simple man, he doesn't know what the Blood War truly is, but he figures he's been fighting wars his whole life anyway, so he accepts, and wakes up the next morning as a warlock.

2019-01-08, 02:14 PM
(Preface this by saying I do not play M:tG and am not basing it on the lore of their system but more of a, "this race happens to be a race in the DND world")

Sisk, is a Viashino Monk who is an escaped slave from a caravan of the great sands.

It was a popular game amongst the caravan owners to have the slaves dig a large pit at a new camp sight and then to throw some of them in to fight for their amusement.
Being a Viashino he was at home on the sands and would be sent to hunt food along with his handler, and when he brought it back he would have to fight in the pit for his share.
He fought, and fought well, to the point that the caravan owner thought he could make some good money off of Sisk by having him fight the slaves from other caravans for sport and gambling.

He was a savage and brutal fighter but he was never cruel and he always say it just as part of his life. He would focus his mind as much as his body, he studied his surroundings and more importantly, the people around him, because he never knew when he might have to fight one just so he might not starve.

After gaining a little bit of fame for himself and even more so for his caravan owner, Sisk was forced to fight an orc that was a former war band leader. This was not just some slave who was born into the life, this was a trained warrior who was taken as a slave. Fighting in the slave pits was a gambling event with a side of survival, this orc looked at it more as a war. While the orc missed his first swing of the fight with his massive axe, Sisk knew that this orc was not going for a win, it was going for a kill. However, Sisk was wise of the ways of these fights over the many months he had fought them, to kill another combatant was bad for business. The fight was bloody and primordial, two wild beasts fighting for their territory against an intruder, there to take what was theirs. Sisk, was no animal, and no simple beast.
When the massive orc started to slow due to its massive size advantage tiring it out, and the multitude of claw, fang and tail blade cuts causing it to bleed into weakness, it took a final, desperate swing with its great axe but missed widely, throwing it completely off balance. This was the last opening that Sisk needed, taking advantage of the orc being so off balance a properly placed tail sweep knocked it off its feet and the axe from its hands. Continuing the sweeping motion of his tail, Sisk brought his claws around and gashed open the throat of the orc.

Sisk was wise to the ways of the pits, and to kill an enemy is bad for business... Sisk's slash to the orc's throat was deep enough that it cut the orc's windpipe and would leave a massive scar, but it was not quite deep enough to cut the major arteries. The orc would live to fight another day.

This brought the roar of the crowd, and that of the caravan owner, Sisk did not care, he was a slave forced to fight for food, not a gladiator who fought for glory. This victory also, brought on the ire of the rival slave owner. His prize champion was defeated, his reputation tarnished, and his money lost. The rival slave owner came into the pits to look on the orc with furious but cold eyes. He bent down to check to make sure that the orc was still alive before he pulled out his own dagger and finished the cut on the orcs throat and left him to bleed out into the sands. With that he rose back to his feet and took a gold pouch from his belt and threw it to Sisk's owner. Sisk could not tell exactly how much coin was in the pouch but the pouch was quite heavy and the leather was strained on the sides.

"Take that, but leave this one, it must be taught what it means to disrespect its betters."

Sisk's owner tried to hide both his smirk at weighing out the coins as he caught them, but also his slight wince of fear of the slave owner.

With that Sisk was taken by the slave owner and his misfortune and pain became the slave owners personal hobby. Sisk was forced to fight, forced to kill, his only food was what was taken from the bodies of his opponents in the fights, while his only home was in a cage or a pit. This would break even the strongest of men, and when his body finally gave out to the point he could no longer stand, his mind was still a fortress, no pain, no degradation could ever break his will. Even though he could not stand, he would not cower.

This enraged the slave owner even more than losing his champion, so he decided he would make an example of Sisk, an example to all others who would dare to stand against him. Sisk was taken to the center of the slave camp, shackled, and beaten to the point of unconsciousness. He was awoken only to the steering white hot pain of being blinded. His eyes were taken as a trophy by the slaveowner. Sisk was left in the desert, blinded, shackled, starved, and dying. Either he would die from his wounds, alone on the sands, or he would live long enough to die of thirst.

Just as a cruel twist of fate had him born into slavery and a life in the pits, a benevolent twist of fate came his way, while crawling though the desert to his death, Sisk felt himself sink, sink and then fall.
In a most welcome surprise, he landed with not a thud, but a splash. Even though he could not see, he could tell he fell quite a few feet through the air into the water, and as he gained his feet after taking a few fevered gulps of water, his claws dug into stone, not sand. As he inched across the floor, caution in his new blindness, he felt the edge of the stone leading to another, it was a masoned floor, not a cave. He could hear the slight trickle of gently flowing water, roughly knee deep. He smelled... fish? He at first thought he must be hallucinating, there is no way he could possibly smell fish here. Just as he was setting his mind to it, he felt a gentle bump against his leg as a fish swam by. He could also smell plants, vines of some kind. After resting and recuperating, he explored this new area, it was an old abandoned stone building of some kind, with a large stone pond in the middle of an even larger stone room, the pond was fed by a gentle stream that led from one hole in the stone wall to another. On the sides of the walls were engravings, not in any language that he knew, but he could feel the depictions of lizard folk fighting, not in war, but in peaceful unarmed combat. The ways of his ancestors.

For long months, maybe years, Sisk lived in this peaceful hall, drank its pure and clean waters, ate of its gentle fish and vines, and he studied the ways of war as depicted on its walls. Soon he became able to "see" more of the world through his other senses than he ever did with his eyes. He could sense each fish in the pond as it moved, he could feel the engravings of the walls from many feet away just from all the senses of the environment that his sight clouded from him. Most of all, he found the peace in himself that was always there, that would never be taken by the cruelty of the world.

2019-01-08, 06:25 PM
Background: Criminal/Spy (Deception/Stealth); thieve's tools; gaming set(dice)
Faction: Lord's Alliance.
Faction Sponsor: A noble in Baldur's Gate who is a Faction Agent (Lords' Alliance) (Per S.C.A.G.)
Local Sponsor: The sheriff of Mossstone. (Northern Tethyr)
Trait. I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
Ideal. People. I’m loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care. (Neutral)
Bond. I’m trying to pay off an old debt I owe to a generous benefactor.
Flaw. An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I’m okay with that.

Hal was a member of the militia who covered the sheriff's territory. Besides bringing in stray live stock, killing off some predators, and making reports of various kinds, Hal's group (led by his older brother) did shakedowns on merchant caravan's heading north to Amn and Baldur's Gate, or South to Tethyr and Calimshan, if the proper "protection" wasn't paid to the sheriff. Hal also got into places and found things out, and sometimes planted evidence / messages that would turn up when the sheriff made an arrest. This made for an easier time at the magistrates' bench during the new moon hearings in Mosstone.

One of the shakedowns had gone south; the lead guard ended up with an arrow through his heart. The rest of them had backed off; the militia (hooded and masked) had rifled through a wagon and retrieved "that one thing" that the sheriff had been looking for.

Hals' taste for gambling kept him on a tight budget, or downright hungry when the bones rolled against him. His sponsor sent him to Chult for two reasons: to avoid exposure of his underground network, and to find out about the curse. (The sheriff was glad to be rid of a possible embarrassment to his operation, even though Hal is his nephew). Its effects were beginning to wear on the Noble, and he'd heard from Harpers and agents in Thay that its origin was in Chult.

Class: Ranger (Gloom Stalker)
Race: vHuman (Feat: Medium Armor Master)
The Duke's man wasn't smiling when he met me in the tavern in Mosstone. We sat against the back wall with the door in full view. We'd both turned to rest our shoulder blades against the coarsely finished planks.
I had to buy my own ale. Not a good sign. His soft voice had a steel undertone.
"Hal, you've been sloppy. There's a man in the gaol who we both know didn't kill that lead caravan guard."
He peaked at my bow and quiver, propped against the table near to my right hand.
"Since when did you stop fletching your arrows with blue feathers, eh, Hal?"

I sipped my ale, nursing it. If this job didn't pay off I'd be unable to afford ale. I had debts.
"Killing him stopped a load of bloodshed, Sir. Once that lead guard was felled the rest of them let our crew take what we were looking for. They got their trade goods to market."
I waited for him to face me, but he kept looking across the room.
"That's not the only slip, Hal. A few eyes and ears saw you rolling dice last week. You have debts."

My gut clenched slightly. That was an illegal game we'd been in. When the sheriff doesn't get his take from a game, he reacts badly. He has a mistress to keep.
(skip discussion on Hal needing to make himself scarce)
How did he know all of this? Just who was this "Sir", anyway?
"I am sending my eyes, and my ears to the far corners of the Realms."
He gripped my forearm, and stared hard into my eyes.
"The lives of your family are at stake, Hal. The village depends on you, as do I. Make haste.
He let go of me and pushed a small purse towards me.
"You will go to Chult. Sail on the Breaking Wind out of Zazesspur; it leaves in four days. Send your reports to Steward Stanley, in Zazesspur. Call on him before you board the ship; he knows to look for you. Every ship captain knows how to reach him."

He got up slowly, looked about the room, and then moved with fluid grace out of the room and into the daylight.

I finished my ale, left with no choice. The unstated consequences of not obeying his orders were clear. I boarded the Breaking Wind, as the sun went down, four days later, wondering what I'd find in Chult.

2019-01-08, 06:44 PM
I worked with my DM to create a custom one, using the existing custom background rules.

Effectively, he was a human who learned gnomish tinkering.

Skills: Investigating, Special
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Languages: Gnomish
Special: Rather than a skill, I had greater favor with gnomes when they witnessed my inventions.
Trait: I had the Tinker racial feat unique to the Gnome race.

My father was descended from a family of inventors, practiced in making complex musical devices, taught by gnomes as a gift and passed down to each generation. My elder brother, born from a different father, was very talented in magic (by being part elf), and I grew jealous. While my brother exceled with charm, I was lonely and talentless. I spent much of my time alone at home, so I studied the family trade and learned how to invent. At the same time, my brother adventured about, and my jealousy gave me the vigor I needed to study magic while maintaining the family business. Now, I spend my time adventuring, showing off both of my talents. I might not be a decent magician, but I have enough tricks to make them think otherwise.

Race: Human Variant.
Feat: Ritual Caster (Wizard)
Class: Arcane Trickster

Notable Stats:
Intelligence: 18
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 14

2019-01-08, 06:48 PM
The Guard was a Mystic. A Lawful Neutral Mystic. His background was somewhat obviously, a Town Guard. He was a rather fun character to be honest, a Psychic town guard who's 'mental quirk' was that he was obsessed with the laws of his home city down to the Minutae as a perfect representation of Cosmic Order.

I never got to the point where I could due to him being sold into slavery fairly early on in the campaign. But I had fully intended for him to carry around a notebook and pen and ink to write random people tickets and citations for completely nonsensical laws.

Lord Vukodlak
2019-01-10, 08:24 PM
My Half-Elf Paladin is a Folk Hero.

Jane was originally a servant working in the Castle of Duke Darkhold.(say what you will he was upfront about being a villain) As he prepared to watch the leaders of the rebellion be executed via hanging, Jane as the castle cook served him lunch. Roasted Pheasant. Now she was supposed to de-bone it. But in a minor act of rebellion she didn't.....

Darkhold nearly choked on his lunch, furious at this he drew a dagger and lunged at Jane, he tripped ended up stabbing himself with the dagger and fell over the balcony in the process while rupturing the bag of holding in his coat containing the treasury. The Duke fell to his death, scattered gold everywhere which was enough of a distraction for the rebels in the crown to rush the guards and free the prisoners. Everyone looked up to see Jane and assumed she stabbed Darkhold and threw him over the ledge.

And thus the legend was born, which she strives to live up to.

For my Folk Hero I wanted something that wouldn't be easily over shadowed in a level or two but wasn't beyond what a essentially 0-level character could accomplish either. So I figured the best option was to make it an accident. The fact I get to use "The Hero of Canton" song with only a few minor tweaks is just a delightful bonus.