View Full Version : Eastern Star [IC]

2019-01-06, 03:32 PM
The Sentinels loom over the city of their namesake, three tall stone pillars. Built onto, into and between them is the Bastion of the South, a great castle using geography itself as a defence. Less prominent is the hilltop palace of Daimyo Nobu, where you were invited. The sky is clear blue, with a few clouds, the Sun climbing higher into the sky on the warm summer day.

Entering through the walled perimeter, one finds themselves shifted from the bustle of the city to serene nature. A large garden surrounds the palace, a sedate portion of the river coursing through the verdant area before dropping into the city proper. A scenic pond holds a small party, including a man dressed in an ornate robe. His black hair is ornately styled. He is accompanied by two samurai in armour, both bearing the paired blades, katana and wakizashi. The noble, Daimyo Nobu, is unarmed and at peace. A few benches are arrayed around for people to rest on.

2019-01-06, 04:58 PM
Wearing fine silk clothes, covered in fine jewels, and holding a gem-encrusted golden goblet of rare, fine wine, Lady Jun walked purposefully into the area. Taking a sip of her wine, she walks towards a bench she could take a seat on.

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6Bo-NxZyLCo/WeJTPGj_sPI/AAAAAAAAD3E/-S27w_epz6gZoMG-xCixs_t_lgJKAmlKgCLcBGAs/s1600/baldur_s_gate_fan_art____half_orc_girl___by_dar_de vil-d6u3ig7.jpg

”Honorable Daimyo, I am pleased to once again be in your presence. It is a shame we could not meet under happier circumstances. I am sure the troubles facing our empire weigh on your mind as they do on mine.”

2019-01-06, 05:03 PM
Variel had been away from the estate when Nobu summoned him. The Daimyo had, as a matter of course, not given the messenger any details to pass along; Variel thus knew as much as the rest of the gathered party. He had considered posing as another adventurer but dismissed the idea, at least while he was here: It would surely be well-known by now that a foreign elf served the Daimyo's family as a scholar and retainer. Any such ruse would have to wait until they were under way.

"Likewise, I am ever at your service," he said simply.

2019-01-06, 09:40 PM
Ara saunters in, a dark shape amongst the bright setting. His robes are simple, sable black; his face, that of the tiefling child of a pit fiend no doubt, is colorfully sheathed in dark red scales, accenting the fiery orange orbs of his eyes. Without his black ornamental helmet on, as he holds it at his side, his horns are actually quite minuscule.


Looking around the room, he hops onto a bench, idly walking it's length while staring off into the distance, focused on balancing.
"Much honor to you and yours. It's a pleasure to be invited to such a palace..."
His eyes fix on the unarmed man.
"Though I am partial to battlefields more than such fanciful places. They're more real, y'see."

Hopping down in front of the man, he bows briefly before turning to look at the other company.
The messenger they had sent out to find Ara in the frigid wastes had never returned, though it seems the message had somehow made it through alright...

2019-01-07, 04:25 AM
Lei (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1779688) walking into the large garden seeing the Daimyo Nobu, turns to face him and bows respectfully before finding a seat to rest on.

2019-01-07, 12:16 PM
The young gaijin in chains at the feet of the two samurai says nothing. He would prefer to keep his tongue thank you.

He is a man of average height and forgettable facial features with brown eyes and hair over a pugnacious nose. His physique that you can see beneath the loose linens and a heavy leather smock is healthy and lean.

Above all, he is calm and alert, and listening carefully.

2019-01-08, 05:32 AM
Wearing fine silk clothes, covered in fine jewels, and holding a gem-encrusted golden goblet of rare, fine wine, Lady Jun walked purposefully into the area. Taking a sip of her wine, she walks towards a bench she could take a seat on.

”Honorable Daimyo, I am pleased to once again be in your presence. It is a shame we could not meet under happier circumstances. I am sure the troubles facing our empire weigh on your mind as they do on mine.”

"Indeed Lady Jun. Our paths seem to meet in unpleasant times." he says.

Variel had been away from the estate when Nobu summoned him. The Daimyo had, as a matter of course, not given the messenger any details to pass along; Variel thus knew as much as the rest of the gathered party. He had considered posing as another adventurer but dismissed the idea, at least while he was here: It would surely be well-known by now that a foreign elf served the Daimyo's family as a scholar and retainer. Any such ruse would have to wait until they were under way.

"Likewise, I am ever at your service," he said simply.

"A fact for which I am ever grateful" he replies, motioning to the benches. "It is best we all take our seats to discuss the matter at hand.

Ara saunters in, a dark shape amongst the bright setting. His robes are simple, sable black; his face, that of the tiefling child of a pit fiend no doubt, is colorfully sheathed in dark red scales, accenting the fiery orange orbs of his eyes. Without his black ornamental helmet on, as he holds it at his side, his horns are actually quite minuscule.

Looking around the room, he hops onto a bench, idly walking it's length while staring off into the distance, focused on balancing.
"Much honor to you and yours. It's a pleasure to be invited to such a palace..."
His eyes fix on the unarmed man.
"Though I am partial to battlefields more than such fanciful places. They're more real, y'see."

Hopping down in front of the man, he bows briefly before turning to look at the other company.
The messenger they had sent out to find Ara in the frigid wastes had never returned, though it seems the message had somehow made it through alright...

"I was uncertain if you would make it. I personally find war dreary." Nobu remarks. "Though necessary"

All told, the man seems self-assured and calm. Even unarmed in the presence of dangerous individuals. Once everyone has found their way to the vicinity of the benches, Nobu makes his way there. He stands before you, arms tucked into his sleeves.
"As you may be aware, there have been disconcerting news about our Southern neighbor. Enough to warrant official investigation. But I do not trust them. I need my own eyes. And people who can act if need arises without causing a diplomatic incident. You are all capable. Skilled. I have every confidence in your abilities."

"I have an... associate on their side, though he has been silent for months now. I owe him a debt of honor..." Nobu admits. "He might be able to set you in the right direction. If you have any questions or if you need any resources, I am at your disposal."

2019-01-08, 08:34 AM
Looking up from cleaning his nails, Ara casts his gaze across the garden.
"Lei, it's good to see you again. I've been on ice for awhile, so it's relieving to see a known face.
Esteemed Nobu, it would be a pleasure to assist you in this noble goal. Who is this contact that we are to meet, and have you any idea why they might have gone silent? Should we look to any place to meet them?"

2019-01-10, 02:34 AM
Variel gave a bow, and took his seat as he awaited Nobu's reply to Ara's question. Mentally he began to size up his soon-to-be traveling companions.

2019-01-10, 03:23 PM
Nobu nods. "His name is Leonel Alarav."

"He is a scholar and dilettante. As for why he has gone silent, I can't say for certain. It might be that getting messages here has gotten harder. It's not exactly like he can just send a messenger here across the mountains every week. I know his general address in Joura. It's a city in Gereon not far from the border."

"Anything else?"

2019-01-10, 04:31 PM
”What hirelings and beasts of burden are available for loan for the journey?”

2019-01-10, 04:48 PM
Nobu nods. "His name is Leonel Alarav."

"He is a scholar and dilettante. As for why he has gone silent, I can't say for certain. It might be that getting messages here has gotten harder. It's not exactly like he can just send a messenger here across the mountains every week. I know his general address in Joura. It's a city in Gereon not far from the border."

"Anything else?"

Ara scratches a clawed hand against his chin in contemplation, pillaging his mind for the hidden jewels of thought.

"What is our cover story? On the road I mean, when we are asked to where we are headed and why, what should we tell people? I assume you'd rather we not just tell the truth."

2019-01-10, 08:12 PM
With a soft clink. The kneeling man places the chains that were formerly about his wrist onto the floor. He places his hands on his knees and straightens into the traditional seiza pose.

"Why now?"

He stares past Daimyo Nobu, his eyes focused on a distant point somewhere inside the opulent wall.

Taileb has been present since before the meeting began properly (he was kinda arrested on assault charges after beating up that samurai in his backstory) and has taken twenty on escape artist to remove the chains about his wrists, a 32, sufficient to beat the dc 30 to escape from manacles.

Does he recognize the name of the contact?

2019-01-11, 01:56 AM
Variel turned sharply towards the man who'd just dropped his shackles, cursing himself for not having kept a closer eye on him. "Explain," he briskly demanded, hardly put at ease by the man's relaxed pose.

2019-01-11, 02:02 AM
"I can't directly provide you with an escort, though I can finance the hiring of such. I cannot be seen intervening." he tells Lady Jun. He then turns to Ara.
"The most common reason to cross the border is smuggling contraband. I am aware of "movers" here that could help you across the border and into Joura. They are the ones who handle the messages between myself and Alarav. Through some middle men." That is something of an admission. For someone who projects a rigid image, it seems odd that he would admit that. Of course, it could be a calculated play on his part, to lower his guard and engender trust.

He looks at Taileb and the chains. "As to why now, it simply worked out" he says, his tone level.

He does. The man is a consultant on matters Cathay. He would have spoken to Taileb's team before their mission.

2019-01-11, 08:03 AM
Eyeing up the tense developments surrounding the man in chains, Ara takes out a hand rolled cigar, strikes a match against his thumb, and takes a drag.
"Looks like you've been on quite the adventure yourself..." He says to the man with the manacles at his feet. Smiling, he lets the smoke billow out of his mouth in a soft, wide curl of white.
"If our beginnings are any indication, this aught to be quite an interesting trip. I look forward to the experience of getting to know you all."
Dropping down to sit on the bench he'd been standing on, Ara takes another toke of the tobacco and looks around the room at his fellows.
"Name's Ara, Ara Mitama. But who are all of you?"

2019-01-11, 08:29 AM
Ara you know me, then to everyone else I am Lei - this fellow and I have seen some action together.

2019-01-11, 08:45 AM
Ara you know me, then to everyone else I am Lei - this fellow and I have seen some action together.
"Aye, I still recall our time spent in the frigid north, fighting back the hordes of the dead one. If it weren't for you, I'd have been that Dracolich's next meal! Glad you'll be joining us in our revelrous adventure."

2019-01-11, 10:20 PM
Taileb releases a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. Raising a tremulous hand he focuses on it until it stops shaking and makes a fist. He bows to Daimyo Nobu for three agonizingly long seconds and climbs to his feet.

"I will meet you all by the southern gate in two hours." He gestures to the heavy smock and peasants clothes. "I need to change."

Meeting Variel's gaze he stops, inhales deeply and speaks again. "I will be there. My word means nothing, but honor is not the only thing that can bind one which is stronger than steel."

Then, if he is allowed he will leave to collect his travelling clothes and a long dagger hidden in the base of his forge. His thoughts consumed by old friends and old enemies and old work left undone.

2019-01-11, 11:33 PM
”If you can provide funding for servants, I ask for an extra mule to carry my forge and gunsmithing kit, and a few peasant serfs to aid us on our journey. Can this be arranged?”

2019-01-12, 10:33 AM
The daimyo nods his assent at Taleb. "Your guards need to be more attentive. In this case, however, you are better as an asset than a prisoner."

To Lady Jun, she tells that such can be arranged, yes.

2019-01-12, 03:00 PM
Finishing his cigar, Ara flicks the remaining ashes in a dismissive gesture back over his shoulder and into a bed of flowers. He stands up, stretching, and dons his hood, his horns slightly poking through the thin black fabric.
"If we are done asking for things, I'd like to go grab a bite to eat before we head out. *Achem* I'll just excuse myself-"
He begins to leave, sauntering towards the door, but stops just shy of the exit, "Right, I almost forgot to ask; where are we to be meeting up, and when?"

2019-01-13, 05:59 AM
Variel didn't take his eyes off Taileb until he left, or he'd have been visibly annoyed with Ara. "At least we shall certainly not be mistaken for diplomatic envoys. In fact, the fewer people we involve, the better. Can your kit be made manageable without hired help, Lady Jun?"

2019-01-13, 01:21 PM
Since I use the “double time”, “social grace”, and “in vogue” social talents, and taking 13 on profession grants me a net total of 27 gp a week, and noble scion grants me 200 gp a week, 227 out of 250 gp for an extravagent lifestyle are free for me. I already paid the remaining 23 gp for this week. Basically, I don’t need to track purchases less than 100 gp and can get any item worth 25 gp or less from my belongings at my home in 1d10 minutes.

”Perhaps, but I am rather famished. Meet me at my castle and I’ll order my cooks to make us a fine meal before we leave.”

Lady Jun then asked her bird this:

“Is there anything else I am forgetting?

Lady Jun’s bird speaks common.

2019-01-13, 03:54 PM
Daimyo Nobu takes a ring from one of his fingers. "This will allow Leonel to recognize that you are my friends." he says. I wish I could provide you with some means of communication, but such are beyond me.

Jun's bird speaks up, "Not really. Any info on the mountains would be sweet though. Like a map."

The daimyo has a surprised look on his face, not expecting that. "I will have one procured and delivered." Nobu says.

Jun heads for her home and orders dinner prepared. Her servants await at her beck and call. Her cook has planned out the day's menu, though he was not prepared for any extra guests. Through heroic efforts, he and a few servants drafted for the task are able to match the request.

If anyone has any other preparations before you set off, now's the time. It is best to leave in the evening, if you wish to employ the smugglers to help you.

2019-01-15, 10:40 PM
Two hours later near the south gate of the Sentinels Taileb is running through a series of stretches. An overly stuffed backpack containing more or less everything he owns lies in a lump beside the wall.

So lost in this exercise is he that Taileb is unlikely to notice anyone approaching unless they're about as loud as a galloping horse.

He now stands arrayed in soft indigo wool and flexible form fitting leather. With a long hood doffed about his shoulders. He's definitely ready for the road. And that's how anyone who joins the going away party finds him. Doing handstand pushups without breaking a sweat.


2019-01-16, 07:37 AM
Ara arrives on the sound of the creaking of his trusty carriage, Roba and Myuru (his faithful mules) carrying his load for him as the carriage rounds a corner into sight.
Sitting cross-legged inside, Ara is dressed in the full regalia of Akuma No Yoroi, his sable samurai armor. On his lap, half way through a round of polishing, is the blade Ningyozakai, shining with faint mystic runes along it's charcoal black edge.
Making no attempt to be discrete, he shouts from the driver's seat, "Oi!I take it I found the right place! Nice to see you out of iron cuffs!"

2019-01-16, 10:57 AM
Lady Jun consults the map and decides to buy a halfling slave before the trip. She then meets the others at the south gate with her new purchase.

”Slave, do as Taileb asks the next hour. I will watch.”

2019-01-16, 11:28 AM
"We are all chained to our passions. Who is ever truly free?"

Taileb smoothly lowers himself to his feet.

"You see, I do keep my word."

He more or less ignores the slave entirely.

2019-01-17, 10:39 AM
Variel had purchased some basic provisions but had little else to do in preparation, after all he'd just been recalled from travel. In addition to the sword he wore at his hip, he carried an elven spear like a walking stick. In contrast to his more refined appearance in the garden, his clothing was now rather drab-looking and unassuming.

"It occurs to me we have not all been introduced. I am Variel, but for this trip I will go by Kelhedros—at least, when we find ourselves in mixed company."

2019-01-18, 12:21 PM
Ara begins inspecting the straps on the carriage's harnesses.

"As I believe I mentioned back at the gardens, I am Ara Mitama, scourge of the north, the Black Adder. I'm a bit too noticeable to use a fake name, so officially I'm just on guard detail for this caravan of wayward sojourners. Anyone asks, I'll corroborate your identities."

2019-01-19, 07:41 AM
Lady Jun's halfling slave bows for Taileb, and stands quietly awaiting instructions.

As the party gathers, they also meet the proposed smugglers that know the ways not found on maps. Three people, two men and a woman. Four mules laden with pack saddles.
"The name of Black Adder is known even here." the first man says. "As for us, we go by Hei, Moi and Hal. Going by real names in our business is not a smart choice. We can speak more freely outside the city walls as we move."

Once the group is underway, the man naming himself Hei speaks up again. "The trip across the border is going to be some two weeks. Ideally, pretty boring. Course, it's rarely ideal. Sometimes we get beasts. Some say there's rogue Oni that live there, but we've never run into them.

2019-01-19, 11:55 AM
”I’m a decent shot with my pistol and I have brought gear to service my artillery and create bullets. I say we press on.”

Lady Jun shows her pepperbox to the others. It is as bejeweled as she is.

2019-01-20, 01:17 AM
"I am well-practiced in bladework, as well as a smattering of the arcane arts. Should you wish to avoid melee, I will keep the foe at bay as best I can."

2019-01-20, 01:26 PM
"I am well-practiced in bladework, as well as a smattering of the arcane arts. Should you wish to avoid melee, I will keep the foe at bay as best I can."

“That would be appreciated.”

2019-01-20, 08:31 PM
Tailed slings his pack and nods at the guides. He owns so little that he doesn’t even bother handing anything to the slave.

He ambles after the cart and the others in a comfortable silence. But he keeps a casual watch on the “smugglers.” It always pays to be careful of people in this sort of profession.

It was his sort of profession after all.

2019-01-23, 07:10 AM
Leaning over to catch the conversation better, Ara takes a drag from a cigar, puffing absent-minded rings to trail along behind the travelling caravan.

"I'm sure whatever comes our way will learn quickly that if it's not going to be peacible, we are more than capable of handling our own. So how did you let end up in smuggling anyhow? Is trade between the countries so limited these days?"

Myuru and Ryoba whinnie as Ara kicks his feet up across the threshold of the carriage to rest on their backs. In his lap, Ningyozakai receives it's daily polishing while the Tiefling admires his own reflection.

2019-01-23, 11:51 AM
"We can talk and walk. Daylight's burning."

Lady Jun invites her bird, Yubaba, perch on her shoulder while she brandishes her bejeweled firearm. Despite the bright daylight, a careful observer would notice it casts a reddish glow like a torch, rather than just being well-polished.

2019-01-25, 09:02 AM
"We can talk and walk. Daylight's burning."

Lady Jun invites her bird, Yubaba, perch on her shoulder while she brandishes her bejeweled firearm. Despite the bright daylight, a careful observer would notice it casts a reddish glow like a torch, rather than just being well-polished.

"My Lady, what a fantastic weapon you appear to have there. I'm no magician, so mayhap you could tell me, for what function does it glow?"

2019-01-25, 10:28 AM
"My Lady, what a fantastic weapon you appear to have there. I'm no magician, so mayhap you could tell me, for what function does it glow?"

"It is a magical pepperbox. The gun glows due to the energies it contains within. The only downside is I can't suppress the glow."

2019-01-25, 12:47 PM
"Fascinating, what does the glowing cause? I've gotten Ningyozakai enchanted myself, granted it's likely a simpler enchantment- only makes it easier to chop through the cattle of the battle, so to speak."

2019-01-27, 08:34 AM
The smugglers take the lead, remaining generally taciturn, though responding to questions if asked. From the roiling hills, the next few days take you to the rocky mountains. Perhaps surprisingly, the journey is still done mostly in day, rather than night. They pass for a merchant group in the civilized portions, and as you reach the foothills of the mountains, the terrain becomes so perilous as to prevent travel by night.

The road you take are called "The Stairs". Long ago, a prior civilization had a monastery at the mountaintop, and had carved stairs into the mountainside. Centuries or millennia of neglect have worn much of them away, and the lower reaches are concealed from casual eyes by overgrowth.

Hei opens up a path for the wagon to pass through, but notes that it will add to the difficulty in places. "Do you think we can redistribute some of the items to lighten the load? We don't want that to kareen down a mountain slope."

2019-01-27, 11:20 AM
"If I carry too much more, than *I'm* likely to go careening off the path"

It is perhaps the closest Taileb has come to cracking a joke yet.

2019-01-28, 11:59 AM
"I have both my mules working overtime as it is. I'll see if my slave can carry more."

2019-01-28, 10:46 PM
"I can take some more, but I am not built for porters' work. Will it be enough to make a difference?"

Variel can take 67 more pounds before he hits his max load.

2019-01-29, 07:03 AM
"My mules are by and by unencumbered, but they do pull my carriage. Mayhap they can help?"

2019-01-29, 04:31 PM
Lady Jun's slave nods. "If it pleases the noble lady, I may share in the burden"

"Admirable" Hei says. "And good."

You manage to redistribute the goods for the journey. Empty, you can elect to take the carriage along without major risk.

The other man, identified as Hoi, answers Ara's inquiry.
"There's gold in it, for those that want to run the risk" he says.
"Both sides have stuff they don't allow to cross the border in the best of years. We're bringing weapons to their side this time. Quality stuff. Other side? A kind of incense. Gives a nice feeling. Gold both ways."

2019-01-30, 12:20 AM
Taileb makes a mental note to find out who wants to supply weapons to what amounted to his current enemies.

Betrayal always made for fine morale.

2019-02-02, 03:49 PM
We're sending them weapons and they're sending us drugs. Madness. Variel thought, but didn't voice his concerns. He knew enough of the world to know the contraband would always get through. For now he just grunted and focused on carrying his load on slightly teetering steps.

2019-02-03, 08:28 PM
Yubaba, lady Jun asked her bird fly above the mountains to give an overview of the area.

2019-02-06, 01:55 PM
You set off up the Stair. It is a harrowing experience largely because of the physicality of it. Upward trek for hours on end lands you in an invitingly level cave for the night. There's preserved foodstuffs, blankets for warmth.

The smugglers eat and rest. Outside, a magnificent vista opens as the sun is setting behind the mountains. The valleys in your sight are bathed in shadow, with lights from the settlements twinkling. The mountain peaks are painted red by the sundown and white at the snowy peaks

Any sort of watch you want to set up?

2019-02-06, 02:44 PM
”We should rotate watching shifts tonight so we aren’t ambushed. My slave will take the first watch for 4 hours.”

2019-02-06, 11:39 PM
The view was indeed startlingly clear, fighting back a moment of vertigo as he stares into the horizon an irrational fear that something would see their campfires almost overwhelmed him, before being comforted by the fact that with such an enormous vantage point he would see anyone approaching long before they would see him. As the group began to unpack their bedrolls Taileb rolled his shoulders and stashed his bag at the base of a sparse looking tree.

"No. Let the poor man sleep. I'll be back to wake the next watch." He trudges towards the line of the trees and settles into a safe position to watch and wait.

Take 10 stealth for 23.
Take 10 perception for 20.

2019-02-07, 12:06 AM
"I will take the next, then. I have eyes for this sort of thing," Variel explained. After some time passed he would have a word with Lady Jun about the wisdom of having a newly-hired slave keep watch overnight.

2019-02-24, 02:25 PM
The night starts without incident, Jun's slave, a bit confused over what to do and afraid to upset his master, holds watch until Taileb relieves him. Night proper falls, and Variel takes the shift. A fire keeps the sleepers warm, deep enough in the cave to not be seen from the outside. The moon is a crescent crawling across the sky. He spots a group of creatures at a level below. About human-sized, three of them, moving as a group. It doesn't seem like they have noticed him, or the group. They are moving up the slope, however, so they might stumble upon the group.

2019-02-25, 02:53 AM
Other smugglers? People trying to catch them? Or someone else?

Variel kept an eye on the trio but didn't act just yet, not while there was a chance they might pass by without noticing his group.

2019-02-28, 12:25 AM
As this moment happens when Taileb is asleep, Taileb does not react. In stark contrast to his stealth and self control while awake, while asleep Taileb snores like half dragon half moose.

2019-02-28, 02:16 AM
Variel looked back at his snoring comrade, then back down the hill, before finally resolving to wake him if only to keep him quiet. He just hoped he could get eyes back on them when he returned to his post.

"Never took you for a snorer. Three men coming up the slope. I dont think they know we're here, so let's keep it that way."

2019-03-02, 07:08 PM
Taileb comes awake with a start, knife in hand. It takes an act of will not to accidentally stab either himself or Variel in the brief moments before consciousness reassert itself. Then he moves to observe the interlopers.