View Full Version : End of Earth (IC)

2019-01-07, 05:05 PM
For much your own reasons, you find yourself either inside or outside Manchester Museum...

Katrin - You're a little concerned that the goverment has sent you a bodyguard and met you here, you knew someone had been assigned but you didn't think they were due to join you until your leave ended... still you're too distracted to give it much thought.
You're close to something, your calculations still left a broad area for an event, but you can feel something like a pressure at the back of your mind, with little left to guide you other than wandering around at this stage, you feel drawn upwards. As you reach the top of the stairs, you barely duck behind a pillar as a blast of dust and air hurtles past your position.

Jared - You've followed Katrin this far and note that someone else seems to be trying to catch up to her.
Both of you are caught unawares when you hear a loud pop and the first floor of the museum bulges and cracks outwards, like an immense force has pushed against it. Much to your alarm, the sky seems to be darkening, Harper looks to the sky for signs of smoke, but it appears that the sky is merely darkening of its own accord. A few people begin to exit the museum looking around confusedly for some authority to tell them what to do.

Neither of you quite get the gist of who each is, or whether you're supposed to be at the same meeting? Dr. Walker met you upstairs in the cafe, and equipped with what appears to be a pint mug of coffee she is walking downstairs to show you something in archives down in the cellar-storage. You are on the second (third to you US'ers) floor when the floor beneath you bulges. Dr. Walker appears to feint to the floor, spilling coffee across the floor and having some kind of fit. Her eyes rolled back and her limbs spasming.

So, when weirdness starts to go down, what do you do?

2019-01-07, 05:48 PM
Jared's instinct is to assess the situation quickly, then either engage head on or run away. He scans the crowds passing the building: are they panicking, oblivious, unfazed as if it hasn't happened? Looking to the sky, are there signs of a tornado other than the darkening effect? He slips his retractable baton into his hand, clutches his brief case in the other hand. He was lucky to get that baton through security, he thinks.

"What the shzz?" he says to the sturdy woman just next to him (Harper).

If it's level 4 or less, Jared will run into the building to offer assistance. If it's level 6 or more, he'll get on the Triumph and flee to the hotel. If it's level 5 or if he doesn't know what level, he'll remain in the scene outside the museum, waiting to see what happens next.

2019-01-08, 06:03 AM
The sudden moving floor made Felix's heart go wild, is it an earthquake? The building collapsing?

As the first stress response moved on his mind focused on Dr. Walker who fell down to the floor. "Oh crap, is that a seizure? Are you a doctor by any chance?" he asks the guy that is with him as he gets to the prone form of Dr. Walker.

2019-01-08, 09:19 AM
Elias is a guy.

Crap, crap, crap, crap

Elias' mind raced as Dr. Walker started seizing. He had no real medical training (beyond CPR and the Heimlich maneuver), so he didn't quite know what to do. He glanced at Felix for a moment, before grabbing his briefcase.

"Not a medical one, at least. I-I don't really know what we should do here. You want to help me get her out of here?"

2019-01-08, 03:33 PM
Harper has seen buildings do a lot of things. Crumble, implode, shatter, and in one particularly memorable case split right in half like someone cutting a wedding cake. She has never seen one...bend like that. Like an explosion almost but not quite blew out the walls.

Regardless her instincts run almost completely opposite to Jared's. Her feet are moving largely before she's even realized she's heading towards the building not away from it. She calls out over her shoulder "No idea! Call... whatever the number for emergency services is."

She knows she's looked them up before she left, when you're traveling in a strange country alone it's kind of mandatory. But right now words and numbers aren't coming to mind as easily as they otherwise might. There are people still inside, and they might be hurt, and as long as the structure is still standing then there's time to get to them. And besides nothing is on fire. Yet. That's always a good sign.

2019-01-08, 10:50 PM
Kat feels the bodyguard pull on her arm. "What. Oh. Hi. Thanks. Thank you." Kat speaks in a staccato-like manner as her attention is focused wholly on the loud sound and the flash of light. So much so that she doesn't notice the blast of dust. She is aware of the pressure and the feeling of being drawn upwards yet more concerned with the origin of this happening.

Kat will use her Eye for Detail - [roll0] to notice any details about the event. Then, she will look for the closest set of stairs to the next floor up or toward the origin of the light if she is able to discern any details.

2019-01-10, 10:00 AM
Watching another person charge in the brave direction forced Jared to confront his timidity. This wasn't how he wanted to remember himself.

He didn't know the number for emergency services. So he had to help some other way.

Pausing to secure his briefcase on the motorcycle, and slipping his baton back into his waistband, he followed the woman into the building at a run. He knew that he at least could help people get out before anything collapsed.

2019-01-14, 07:45 AM
You glance around the side of the pillar quickly enough to see shadows glide across the floor and disappear into the corners where the floor meets the walls. They look like they belong to something at least vaguely humanoid, though since they aren't behaving like real shadows you couldn't say how large a creature accurately - child sized maybe?
As they disappear your attention is drawn to an object which they seemed to come from, a small sphere that swirls with colour, roughly the size of a tennis ball.

People seem to have started to wake up and decided that leaving the Museum is a good idea whatever else is happenning. Given they appear un-harmed and getting out of the dangerous situation you push your way past them. A series of alarms seem to be going off and you feel increasing pressure in your head as you get closer. It feels like it's pressing down on your from upstairs... Where the explosion? happened

The doctor falls still, she opens her eyes which have become grey and smokey. And her voice is a whisper, "The wall is falling... something made it through. Listen..." she falls still for a moment, somehow over the humm of panic from below, you hear dragging footsteps behind the door across the hall. The lull is broken when Dr. Walker takes a sharp intake of breath and reaches for both of you.

2019-01-15, 11:37 AM
Jared started looking for stairs upward. "I thought there was some kind of explosion," he said to the woman he was following, "but wouldn't the pressure have gone away by now? By the way, what's your name?"

2019-01-16, 07:16 PM
Kat swings her camera from her shoulder and begins to film the small sphere that swirls with color. She narrates, documenting the moment to the best of her ability. She looks left and right with frequency in an effort to visually capture anything of relevance and avoid bumping into someone or something.

2019-01-19, 02:22 AM
"Huh? Ah Harper. Did you call the police or whoever?" She asks, distracted by the sense of pressure in her head and trying to figure out the fastest way up to the next floor. Elevators are a no go, she needs to find out where the stairs are. Luckily this being a museum everything is very neatly laid out.

He's right though this feels weird. She doesn't know what kind of thing causes a persistent feeling of pressure. She might have excused it as some kind of nerves but apparently he's feeling it too. "I don't know what this is. But I'm pretty sure there are still people upstairs."

At least, she hasn't seen the woman she came in here for, she wasn't one of the bewildered faces on the first floor. Only half paying attention to the man following her she heads up the nearest flight, trying to ignore how the sensation of pressure gets more intense the close she gets. Whatever this is, she's definitely heading towards it.

2019-01-21, 05:45 AM
The stairs are near the entrance, however as you make your way towards them you hear a scream from the next room along, and a young woman bursts out of the door with a terrified looking girl in her arms. They are making directly for the exit.

The shadows seem to have disappeared, you record everything, but the sphere doesn't seem to be reacting externally. What's going on inside it cause the swirls, you couldn't hazard a guess at. You don't rule out that it could just be a toy left here in the panic...

You still there?
The door rattles, and then then a loud thump impacts on it, followed by another and the door starts to splinter...

2019-01-22, 10:42 AM
Jared noticed the young woman was pale in the face as if she had seen something horrifying. Her daughter(?) was screaming her head off. He realized they were headed in the right direction - for them - as he turned toward the door they had just exited. Moving cautiously, baton in hand and extended, he approached the doorway. "Come on," he said to Harper. "I think there's something worth seeing in here."

2019-01-26, 04:33 PM
Kat will retrieve a pair of forceps from her bag and use the tool to help examine the orb. What properties does it seem to have? Is it a toy or a foreign object of some type.

2019-01-28, 10:18 AM
You feel a gentle buzz from the handle of the forceps as you grip the sphere-ball. The pattern the sphere does not seem to noticeably react to movement or being disturbed.

2019-02-01, 12:22 PM
Gritting his teeth, Jared stepped into the doorway from which the young woman and her child had fled.