View Full Version : Help me give that Idea a class

2019-01-08, 11:11 AM
Alright playground, I need a bit of help to flesh out this character concept and make it playable.

So the base idea is to make a "monster under the bed sorcerer". Shaping and fluffing the spells as summoning monsters.
Here is a bunch of spells/features that would fit, obviously I won't be able to get all that so hence why I am asking your help. maybe you can also point me things I have missed.
The Idea would be to have something that is playable and fit the theme at even at low levels.

Hounds of ill omen, obviously (sorcerer lvl 6)
Find Familiar (Wizard 1st level spell)
Phantom steed (wizard 3rd level spell)
Find steed (paladin 2nd level spell)
Beast compagnon (ranger lvl 3)
Tashas hideous laughter (bard 1st lvl spell)
Dissonant whispers (bard 1st level spell)
Pact of the chain (warlock lvl3)
Various warlock spells.

The aestetics of the sorcerer class seem to fit the best (also i'd like to avoid warlock).
What would you do for this char?

2019-01-08, 11:15 AM
What do you mean by "monster under the bed sorcerer" exactly?

Also, let's imagine an adventure group in a typical combat situation against, say, bugbears. What would you see this character do?

2019-01-08, 11:19 AM
Spiritual Weapon maybe?

2019-01-08, 11:23 AM
Illusion spells for when the monsters are only dreams.

2019-01-08, 11:39 AM
This is as simple as refluffing the aesthetics of spells to suit your theme.

Example: Instead of firing a bolt of fire, a flying serpent formed of flame spirals out from your palm and crashes into your target.

If you want to play a character with lots of summoned creatures though, I’d go Druid.

2019-01-08, 11:40 AM
What do you mean by "monster under the bed sorcerer" exactly?i think the idea is that it’s a spellcaster that evokes the “monster under your bed”. Sort of a dark summoner.

At least that was my take.

2019-01-08, 11:53 AM
I think the easiest way of making this character is by going Hexblade. This

Gets you Darkness from Warlock + Devil's Sight
Gets you Tome and the invocation for ritual spells.
From ritual spells, you get Find Familiar and Phantom Steed.

You can also choose between Eldritch Blast + Agonizing Blast (for efficient damage output at level 5+ when combined with Darkness)
Or you can choose to get Mask of Many Faces.

If you go against Eldritch Blast, you can always grab things like Infestation, Chilling Touch, Message, Mage Hand, or other flavorful abilities.

You can turn dead people into ghosts at level 6, and most of your spells revolve around cursing enemies.

2019-01-08, 12:41 PM
A bit of clarification :
What I mean is that as a kid the character had this idea that there is a monster under the bed.
Obviously their parents told them there was none... Until the monster ate the cat, then ate the parents.
Growing up he realize that the monster was indeed real, and he was the one making it real.

My first though was sorcerer, because sorcerers are borne with power rather than aquiring them later.

In combat he is definitely a spellcaster, but i'm not sure he actually "summons" criters, but rather use spells that can be fluffed as the monster attacking the enemies.
Maximilan earthen grasp, phantasmal force, tasha's, disonants wispers are example of such spells

GOO lock could work I suppose, but My last char was a warlock so I would like to avoid that (hexblade is out because it was a hexblade warlock).
Sorcerer was my first idea because of hound of Ill omen (and metamagic) but I'm not dead set on that, bard has some great spells, Druid is an interesting take at it and I'll that dig a bit

2019-01-08, 01:57 PM
A bit of clarification :
What I mean is that as a kid the character had this idea that there is a monster under the bed.
Obviously their parents told them there was none... Until the monster ate the cat, then ate the parents.
Growing up he realize that the monster was indeed real, and he was the one making it real.

My first though was sorcerer, because sorcerers are borne with power rather than aquiring them later.

In combat he is definitely a spellcaster, but i'm not sure he actually "summons" criters, but rather use spells that can be fluffed as the monster attacking the enemies.
Maximilan earthen grasp, phantasmal force, tasha's, disonants wispers are example of such spells

GOO lock could work I suppose, but My last char was a warlock so I would like to avoid that (hexblade is out because it was a hexblade warlock).
Sorcerer was my first idea because of hound of Ill omen (and metamagic) but I'm not dead set on that, bard has some great spells, Druid is an interesting take at it and I'll that dig a bit

Hmm...that's a fair point. Shadow Sorcerer, with some method of getting ritual spells from the Wizard spell list (Ritual Caster, Tome Invocation) is a good way to go.

I'd probably say that 4 levels into GOO would fit accurately as a solid starting point (gets you Tasha's Hideous Laughter, telepathy, a familiar and a feat for Ritual Caster), then going the rest of the way as Shadow Sorcerer, or some variant thereof.

2019-01-08, 02:45 PM
I would do a low-physical, high mental build of Conjurer Wizard and Shepherd Druid. The build would eventually be Shepherd 6/Conjurer 14

You'd start with Druid 2 (start here for Medium armor) / Wizard 2, then bump up the Druid levels to 6, then go full wizard.

I would draw off of what you already had, the concept of the "Crack in the Wall" from Doctor Who Season 5, and the character Annie from League of Legends.

As a child, you were fascinated with the monster under the bed. Little did you know it was more than a monster - It was monsters, plural, and an otherworldly portal based in some sort of object that was stored under the bed.

It would feel very hexblade-y, without the actual blade or pact - the object doesn't have to be sentient, but the object could be anthropomorphized by the PC. The Object in question could be a book, a toy, bone, a puzzle box, old tarot/divination card, creepy mirror or other trinket-level object. This object would act as their dual casting focus / spellbook. I'll refer to it as a mirror for simplicity's sake, and because that's the one I lean towards.

This individual now wields the mirror as their source of power, and can store and retrieve objects from the mirror (minor conjuration feature), can call various beasts out of the mirror (Infestation, Conjure Animals, Find Familiar), and can manipulate reality with it (Various illusion spells, Animal Friendship).

You won't be able to get Find Steed, but you will be able to get Phantom Steed at Wizard 5.

If you absolutely need Dissonant Whispers, maybe grab Magic Initiate:Bard for that & Vicious Mockery?

2019-01-08, 02:55 PM
if this is a minion-mancy build, as opposed to simple re-fluffing (in which case, just pick the class with the abilities you like the most, and re-fluf!)

then i will second the druid vote, followed by conjuration wizard, then a multi of the 2..

2019-01-08, 04:14 PM
Phantasmal Force could be a good spell for this. Let's you create a fearful monster in the mind of an enemy.

2019-01-08, 04:44 PM
A bit of clarification :
What I mean is that as a kid the character had this idea that there is a monster under the bed.
Obviously their parents told them there was none... Until the monster ate the cat, then ate the parents.
Growing up he realize that the monster was indeed real, and he was the one making it real.

My first though was sorcerer, because sorcerers are borne with power rather than aquiring them later.

In combat he is definitely a spellcaster, but i'm not sure he actually "summons" criters, but rather use spells that can be fluffed as the monster attacking the enemies.
Maximilan earthen grasp, phantasmal force, tasha's, disonants wispers are example of such spells

GOO lock could work I suppose, but My last char was a warlock so I would like to avoid that (hexblade is out because it was a hexblade warlock).
Sorcerer was my first idea because of hound of Ill omen (and metamagic) but I'm not dead set on that, bard has some great spells, Druid is an interesting take at it and I'll that dig a bitOooooooh

That's a neat concept. So basically someone with a bond with some other, incorporeal creature. Ok. I could see Warlock working fantastically for that. Reflavor eldritch blast as your character doing nothing as your shadow uncoils and whips out at your foes (see Pride from fullmetal alchemist).


You could come up with horrible and entertaining methods by which you attack with your shadows every turn:

A shadow Sorcerer would also work nicely, especially since with Subtle Spell you can create your "monster's" effects without your character seemingly doing anything.

2019-01-08, 05:26 PM
Shadow sorceror gets my vote. They very quickly get access to Darkness, seems like a natural fit. They can see the monsters, but nobody else can.....

And maybe put in some Whispers Bard down the line, too. That sounds like a fun way to add in some more options.