View Full Version : Death House for a Level 8 group?

2019-01-08, 05:58 PM
Hello all!

As the title suggests, I am considering running the Death House adventure as a stepping stone towards the Doomvault. I wanted to a twisted version of the Addams Family mansion and this seemed to come up a lot in my search.

As most of you who are familiar with this module know, it was designed for levels 1 - 3. My party consists of an Open Hand Monk, Conquest Paladin (may be a different oath, don't recall at the moment), Revised Ranger, Draconic Sorcerer, and a Half-Elf Bard (College of Valor I believe) all at level 8.

I already intend to alter some of the sub floors to lead into the doomvault gatehouse, but as for the encounters to be challenging...I have some work to do.

Any suggestions from those who have experience in leveling up modules or this module in particular?

Thanks in advance!