View Full Version : Cat in boots idea

2019-01-10, 08:20 AM
Alright so I was looking around and thought of a potential combo between sanctuary and school of enchantment's instinctive charm. Which eventually made me think about Cat in Boots, which eventually led me to bard since bards can use rapiers and also have a similair subclass. Anyway how does the following sound, either a full on tabaxi bard or wizard with sanctuary gained through a feat. Or a level 14 bard, level 6 wizard with sanctuary.

If I go for the multiclass, then by level 20 I will be able to stack Sanctuary, Instinctive Charm and Unbreakable Majesty.

Does that mean whenever someone attacks me they first have to make a charisma saving throw, then a wisdom saving throw and at last if I take my reaction another wisdom saving throw. Or they will have to target someone else.

Ofcourse this idea is only possible at level 20 and it's for the rest a waste to multiclass, so I would rather go full on bard or wizard. If I go wizard I can use Hypnotic Gaze which will fit with the theme. And if I go bard I can use a rapier and light armor which also fits the theme.

Anyway I wonder how all of this sounds.

2019-01-10, 08:23 AM
Another problem with the multiclass option would be that well every effect uses a different mental score. So that would be a waste to make all mental scores high.

And another thing that I found interesting is that when someone has a success on unbreakable majesty, they get disadvantage on any saving throw next turn. Which seems kinda like a revenge tactic afterwards.