View Full Version : Arcanamirium: Rise and Fall [IC]

2019-01-12, 02:06 PM

The Arcanamirium has opened it's doors once more for another year of teaching students the art of the Arcane. You lot, and many other students of varying ages have gathered to prove themselves and to hone themselves at the most prestigious school in all of Golarion. The school itself is more of a an exquisite palace really, a beautiful culmination of many culture's architectural skill. To the north are the student dorms that have been split into the four massive buildings; with 3 levels filled with just enough small bedrooms, they each house every student so they have they're own private mage's quarters of sorts. They include a large bed with fine linens, a writing desk, alchemist's table, a black brick fireplace, a large embroidered rug with your house's animal stitched on. Each house represents and is tended by one of the wealthy families in Absalom: House Crowrich, who seek only the most brave and courageous of students; House Bligwigg, who mentor and care for only the most loyal and kind mages; House Woodstar, who desire cunning and ambition above all, but have unfortunately produced more than their fair share of evil spell casters; and finally, House Bronzeguard, who have produced the most wisest mages of all time.https://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss17/mizu_makura/PZO9237%20Inner%20Sea%20Magic-page-023.jpghttps://lurkerablog.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/bedroom2.jpg?w=595&h=410http://www.dndadventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/young-wizard-500.jpg
The southern part of the Arcanamirium's property holds the many staff offices. These building are made more for function than comfort; almost all the architecture is the same. Their smooth stone, almost Adobe in style with brown slate rooves look to be brand new, hell almost everything looks new; they sure know what 'upkeep' means. The staff mainly use these to do their own work as well as manage anything or anyone coming in and out of the school's walls. Usually though it is just birds that fly into a large aviary where the staff sorts through for contraband and things. At times, the school can feel like a prison to some because of all it's lengthy rules, regulations and structure. For others however this is their home. From the most noble who pay to have they're children taken away so they may not bother them, to the most poor who had to send their gifted child away because they could not afford the food. That is the beauty and the disturbing thing about the Arcanamirium.

To the west of the school's main building menacingly standing higher than any tree is another large collection of buildings. The biggest of these, a tavern, shares it's name with the whole collection: Portmead. What looks like a small village is actually numerous magic shops, all who share some blood with a noble of Absalom. Not only do these people make a living here, they all were once students themselves; And through the years the Arcanamirium's leisure section has just continually grown. Finally, the east portion of the property contains many homes for the teachers and the like, but students are not permitted inside without explicit permission, say during an apprenticeship.
As all the students finish up in their studies and arrive at the front doors for the morning, they ushered inside by the 'Overseer of 1st years,' a prestigious title given only to the biggest ass kisser of the journeymen mages. This man's name happens to be Barnaby Ambrose, a Taldan noble. "Come along, come along! We musn't waste any of the new Headmaster's time! Just this way is the main dining hall. All first years please sit at the head of any of the tables. The rest of you should know where to go."

He leads everyone to two very large mahogany doors, about 15 feet high. "All first years please continue to follow me, this is the dining hall, but I need to have a brief word with all of you before you begin you're life here." He leads you no more than 60 feet away from the doors, turns to look at you and begins speaking again, "Obviously, welcome to the Arcanamirium. She welcomes you as well. That's correct. I said she. This school is so much more than a building. She is a living being on magnificent construct thousands of years ago. If you are kind to her, she will be kind to you. Help her in times of need, and she will help you. I don't mean to sound dawnting but there are so many mysterious hidden beneath her walls. Like so, we have students who decide to do dungeon crawls every now and then to gain prestige with the faculty. There are a great many things to do here! And I hope that none of you plan on screwing that up for me and everyone else here." He ends looking at you all with a small scowl. "This way please, you may go take a seat in the dining hall."

https://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss17/mizu_makura/B1-background.jpgOnce you make your way through the tall doors, you are all presented with a miraculous sight: A massive lit dining hall filled with laughing and chatting students. Numerous floating candles light up the vast majority of the room. In front of the back wall is a smaller long table where all the teachers are sitting and quietly eating their breakfast. The middle chair for the Headmaster is surprisingly vacant though. The four very long tables are split into the 4 school houses as well. They are dressed to the nines in their house colors whilst eating the various foods on the tables for breakfast: waffles, pancakes, eggs, hash browns, sausage links (and vegetarian alternatives lol), fruits, and hot cereals. The list goes on because 90% of everything here, was actually cooked here by the very special group known simply as, the 'Wiz-Chefs.' Once you all have choose a seat at the very front near the teacher's table, a simple black cauldron rises out of the floor from nowhere. It stands and walks about like a large spider with spindly iron legs. It walks around the first years before setting itself 10 feet in front of the Headmaster's seat.

"Welcome students!" A disembodied voice booms throughout the dining hall. A figures walks out behind the teachers wearing what looks to be an Arcanamirium student uniform but is mostly white lined with gold and silver charms hanging from fur sashes. The figure wears a decorated mask made of iron that shows only two arcane markings that could be equivalents to eyes. "I am your new Headmaster. My full name is Ko' Tor, but feel free to call me Ko. I am oh so eager to get this year started and to get to know many of you, old and knew," to that he looks back and forth to the other teachers. "I'm sure my presence can be unsettling, but be aware, this is nothing more than my own way of magic. You all have such independent qualities amongst yourselves and that makes you all fantastic. But what truly makes us whole is this power we hold inside of us, no matter how we may have learned it or used it. We are what makes this place special, to me and everyone. Now please, won't the first years come up once they've had a bite to eat and we shall begin this school year with the ever great 'Sorting Ceremony!'"https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/5/5e/PKH_DaichiKorimachi_Masked.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180113060509
The Headmaster begins to read off name after name; he gets to all of your names which are surprisingly one after another. One by one you step toward the cauldron as all the others had and look into the murky dark liquid that fills it. In your minds you do not hear a voice or see occult visions, but you do feel a presence. Another intelligence inside your own mind's eye, looking through your memories. In an instant it is over, and you pull yourself away from whatever that was that didn't write feel like you were there. Talanna sees a the cauldron before her start to bubble madly as a tiny figure rises out of the liquid. As soon as she realizes that the figure is but a little wooden Sphinx, a creature old and as wise as time, set on a base the liquids change color as it continues to boil over. Bright bronze-gold and brown colors begin to shoot out of the cauldron in the form of a discolored rainbow. "Bronzeguard!!!" The Headmaster proclaims in his booming voice. Everyone else is rather the same: Caprice is met with vibrant reds and yellows then picks up a small figurine of the magestic powerful Phoenix, "Crrroooowrich!". Kavu upon freeing his mind is met with a figurine of a Dragon Turtle, a beast made of both might & mystery, the rainbow turns into a colorful mix of blues and greens symbolizing the oceans, "BliiigWiiigg!!" And finally the last three, Keziah, Omari, & Ayana who all receive the same figure; a wooden replica of the massive unstoppable Juggernaut. Like the others you three are met with a rather dark rainbow, that of black and silver. It looks more like an evil fire coming out from the cauldron, "Ah quite a few more to add to House Woodstar!"

Once every first year has come forward you notice your robes beginning to shift in coloration to your corresponding house, and Ko' Tor begins speaking once more, "This is just one of the many wonders of the school. We will discuss more once you have all eaten. Once breakfast has ended you shall make your way down the hall following mister Ambrose. There you will begin your first test and be told where your role will play part here in our school. And to all the older students, I assure you I will make every attempt to try and fill the shoes of the first spell lord, Sir Gyr. Welcome to the week of Hell everyone!" He then steps away and leaves the dining hall.

Margot Drovergun: Dwarven Female Battle Mage

Camelia Camilla: Gnome Enchantress

Jurgen Pelloal: Chelexian Conjurer

Wandaatra Kittouch: Halfling Sorceress

As well as about 50 others!

2019-01-13, 04:21 AM
Talanna suddenly felt nervous. Up until now, it all went so well; she took to living on her own amid the hustle and bustle of the Great City with almost unnerving ease - admittedly, a generous stipend she recieved from her parents helped greatly. Irrisen might be a backward, unhospitable country, but the life of a noble, even a minor one, still offered its benefits. (If there was one thing that took getting used to, it was the temperature. Compared to the eternal frost of Irrisen, she constantly felt hot, and the many-layered garments she was expected to wear as a symbol of her status certainly didn't help... and the required official robes of Arcanamirium were no better in that regard. So when she discovered for sale a magical trinket that allowed her to always look presentable despite not wearing more than a light shirt and a pair of briefs that exposed her legs to the elements almost fully, parting with a sizeable portion of said stipend was a split second's decision. That it would also allow her to save both money and effort on keeping the dresses presentable was just a side benefit, really.)

But, that was the past. She enjoyed Absalom greately, and was looking forward to the fabled Arcanamirium even more... but the Headmaster's speech suddenly made her doubt. She did learn about the Houses and the qualities they sought, of course, and...

Brave and courageous? Me, who ran away? Noble and kind? Me, who abandoned my family and am having fun here while they are living under the tyranny of the Snow Queens? Cuning and ambitious? Me, who has been trying to hide my powers so as to not attract the attention? Do I even have a place here? And wisdom? she shook her head with a faint, and uneasy, smile.

2019-01-14, 12:36 PM
This place was absolutely gigantic.

That had pretty much been Caprice's train of thought ever since he had arrived in Absalom a couple days ago. Coming from a remote village on the edge of nowhere, everything about the city was fascinating, thrilling, and overwhelming all at once. And those feelings hadn't gone away when he'd stepped onto the campus of the Arcanamirim. There were so many people, so many things to look at, so much to do... it was all Capp could do to keep his wits about him and not get turned around on the enormous campus.

But he was finally here. Sat among his fellow first-years and anxiously awaiting to be sorted. Like the others, he was dressed in the school's robes - colorless for now, he had been told they would take on the color of their assigned House once they were sorted. Unlike many of the others, he wasn't sitting alone. Curled up beneath his chair, seeming relaxed but alert, was a brown and white striped creature. Jabberwocky the badger had insisted on not leaving her master's side, even when he went from the country to the city. Caprice was only glad she seemed to be adapting well. Every few minutes, she would remind him of her presence with a little nip to his heel, causing the boy to smile and fidget in his seat. He already wasn't good at sitting still...

He watched with interest as the Headmaster appeared, and listened attentively to the speech the man gave, but somewhere in the middle he leaned over to the girl seated at his side. With her ice-white hair, she cut quite the figure, easy to spot out of a crowd thanks to the unusual hue. "Interestin' mask he's got, don't you think?" the boy mentioned to Talanna, rural accent clear in the Taldane he spoke. But - and without time to receive a reply - they were moving on to the next bit. The exciting bit. Caprice's name was called right after the snowy-haired girl's, and he got up and approached the cauldron with his heart thrumming in his chest.

The sensation of something else probing around in his mind was a bit surprising and unsettling, but outside of a small tightening in his shoulders, Capp didn't let that show. "Brave? Me? Well. I guess so. A long way from home? Sure. And the city's intimidatin'. But I'm here to have a good time, right?" The quiver of a laugh shook his shoulders, even if it felt like he was having a conversation with himself. His own inside joke, he supposed. "By the end of this year, no one will be able to forget the name Caprice!"

2019-01-14, 02:19 PM
As Ayana entered the room, she felt a surge of excitement. This was what she had wanted for years and years, and now she was finally here. It took a lot to awe her, but the dining hall managed to do so. She had never seen anything like it before. She took a seat, and listened in excitement to the Headmaster. I’ll be Woodstar for sure, I think. Maybe Bronzeguard?

2019-01-14, 10:35 PM
As Kavu enters the hall he takes it all in. Maybe not with the same awe as the other students because he is new to the western continents and only been off the ship for two days so all of Absalom is new and different to him. Is this something amazing and different or is this just what the whole land is like? His studies of the foreign lands before making the trip does lend him to believe the school is unique and special, but in exactly what ways he still has to see for himself.

The robes of the school uniform clearly weren't designed for a Tengu body, he would have to see what the rules would allow for modifications to the uniform to make it more comfortable for him. But that was for later. For now he was taking everything in and trying to present a dignified and confident face, he was here as much as a diplomatic mission as for himself and had to look the part. He wasn't sure, but wouldn't be surprised if he were the first Tengu allowed into the school.

When Kavu gets to the cauldron he bows formally while looking into it. He feels the flash of memories of all the training and preparing for this mission, to his dedication to his race, and all the work he has put in to making it here. He is confident it will have found him worthy of one of the Great Houses.

As Kavu goes to the table with the other first year students he looks for a spot near any group of students that don't fit the mold of children of rich and powerful families, looking for those that are more likely from marginalized groups. When he sits down his clockwork raven jumps down from his shoulder and sits quietly on the table.

2019-01-15, 06:29 AM
Omari was used to big halls and crowds, his home in the petal district hosting many of them. He allows himself a quick second to be nostalgic before continuing his conversation with Camelia Camilla. "So is it Camelia Camilla or Camilla Camelia? You know what, can i just call you Cam?"

He played with his trumpet, ready to draw it for a performance if need be. When he's called up he walks with swagger up before peering into the Cauldron. His Madam told him about some folk in Woodstar. It seemed more like his kinda jazz anyway then the other houses.
Woodstar of course he thinks to himself.

When it's done he goes and sits by the popular looking kids, people who seem like they'll be someone.

2019-01-16, 02:07 AM
As soon as the Headmaster proclaims that she was, indeed, deemed sufficiently wise, Talanna feels the mountain getting off her shoulders. Looking up with a - genuine this time - smile, she does a graceful curtsey towards the techers and then, turning around, to her fellow students. The Sorting was one thing she was worried abouit, being one thing she couldn't really affect... tests? Tests just require skill and knowledge, and Talanna never found herself lacking in those as long as she put effort. Wearing proud smile, she rejoined her new schoolmates at the table and started eating.

2019-01-16, 02:15 AM
Omari just happened to sit down next to a beautiful red-haired half-elf in a tricorn hat. She'd been declared Woodstar just a few minutes ago and had already shifted the colors of her uniform and the jewelry that festooned it to match.

"I'm not convinced you should be sitting next to me with how clumsily you tried to scuttle that gnome. Show your value and be quick about it."

2019-01-16, 02:34 AM
"Don't see who you are to stop me carrot top, but alright." Omari says with a raised eyebrow. He does a bow and introduces himself "Omari Kaleed, Trombonist of the Silken Court at your service. Music or Magic? One condition though, you've gotta match whatever i do,"

2019-01-16, 02:15 PM
"Well ain't that a fancy title," says the half-elf, "here's another one: Keziah Fairwind, Heir to the Hurricane King. I'd show you my magic but I don't think they staff would appreciate the property damage. But I can go song for song with anyone and then some."

2019-01-16, 05:32 PM
"So the hurricane princess? Sounds like a good friend to have," said the human as he detached his trumpet from his neck, growing it to full size. He put it to his lips before stopping and drawing back. "Here and now?" He obviously didn’t mind but wanted to make sure.

2019-01-17, 12:51 AM
Keziah smirked.

"What, are you worried you can't perform in front of such a big crowd? Can't say it bothers me, I've sung for the fleet."

2019-01-17, 02:02 AM
Talanna looks over to the scene at the next table, where a dashing young man pulls a trumpet out of... somewhere, with a glint of curiosity. Does this place allow such distractions during meals? That's... not something she would've expected of a famous school of magic, but... she doesn't mind it one but, either. Of course, to what extent she doesn't mind would depend on the teachers' reaction...

2019-01-17, 02:51 AM
Keziah smirked.

"What, are you worried you can't perform in front of such a big crowd? Can't say it bothers me, I've sung for the fleet."

He harumphs. "I merely was asking for posterity. This crowds nothing compared to some of the ones we get in the brothel," He said with an equal smirk and blew the trumpet giving quick 3 bursts like a war cry as a start. "Give me a beat will you? Some percussion for me to work with," Once anyone does, He begins jazzing it up. Any of the teachers who had been the the Petal District would recognize his style, because from his trumpet, you could hear, not just one but three instruments. The Trumpets natural noise, A trombone and a Saxaphone.

2019-01-17, 12:32 PM
Caprice had just settled himself down among the other members of house Crowrich when suddenly there was music coming from across the hall. He looked up sharply and attentively at the noise, it sounded like a whole band, but it was just one person? Caprice didn't know that magic could do such things. From under the table, Jabber gave a little 'harrumph' and climbed up into Capp's lap, not enjoying the noise very much.

Leaning back to the table beside him, Caprice tries once again to strike up conversation with the white-haired girl he had been seated next to for the sorting. They may be in different houses, but that didn't stop him from speaking to her, right? "I'm surprised. I would have thought everyone would be more occupied with the food."

2019-01-17, 01:34 PM
"Oh", Talanna, much more aware of her surroundings now that her immediate future was clear, replies with a polite smile, "meals are everyday occasions, after all - but we will only ever have one first day here, so no surprise everyone tries to make it memorable... speaking of", she stands up, "I think I'm in the mood for a dance as well - how about you?" she extends her hand in invitation, "It can be a great opportunity to get to know each other -"

2019-01-17, 01:54 PM
Just as Ayana was starting to eat, she saw a golden trumpet out of the corner of her eye, and heard the start of some music. She stood up, offering a quiet apology to the people she had been sitting by, and walked over to where the trumpet player was. As she walked, her robes subtly shifted colors, changing to a grey base with red highlights and small flecks of white. On the way over, she grabbed a copper from her pocket. She sat down opposite from the musician and flicked the coin into his lap. ”Nice trumpet. I’m Ayana, and I think you’re my new classmate. What’s your name, musician?” Ayana asked, in an almost sing-song voice.

2019-01-17, 04:32 PM
Caprice's expression lights up when the girl offers him her hand. He thinks it's maybe a bit unconventional for the girl to ask for the dance, instead of the other way around, but he's happy she did. He doesn't know if he would have thought to offer, it seemed a little bit forward. But he was certainly all for it, if she was. "Well, I don't know much other'n a two-step or circle dance, but if you tell me what to do, I suppose I can manage not to step on your toes," he says, eagerly taking the girl's hand and standing with her. "The name's Caprice."

2019-01-17, 05:34 PM
Keziah nods at Ayana.

"Yeah, it wasn't bad," she says, "but if that impressed you, you'll want to take a step back."

With a smirk, Keziah steps up on to her chair and from there to the table, her robes melting away into more piratical garb. She clears her throat, and briefly stretches. And then she bursts into one of the bawdier sea shanties you're likely to ever hear. With a gleam in her eye she dances across one table and springs to another, expertly stepping around the various foodstuffs, though at one point she does kick a basket of breads for dramatic effect. Clearly basking in the attention, she belts out the tune at the top of her lungs, crimson hair flying as she twirls across the tables of the dining hall.

28 Perform: Sing and 26 Perform: Dance, for those who haven't checked Discord.

2019-01-17, 05:45 PM
After he finishes his performance he smiles at her and says. "Omari Khaleed at your service. Take back your coin this was free," He Looks upon her dancing as he gives back Ayana her coin. He looks impressed and gives a loud resoundinground of applause once she’s done.

2019-01-17, 06:40 PM
The gnomish woman called Camillia blatantly ignores the attempts of the trumpeter as she talks to an otherwise charming Tiefling. The teachers however merely smirk at the interactions between their new first years. They quietly make their way out of the dining hall just as the songs and dances are commencing, as well as many of the elder students who more or less seem like they think the first years are making fun of themselves for them.:smallwink:
Barnaby however quickly comes up, his grey and red cloak swishing behind him as he motions to all 6 of you, "Kavu, Ayana, Omari, Caprice, Keziah, and Talanna, yes? If the six of you would follow me. You are to be the first group of first years to receive their entrance exam. This way now, post haste! I suppooose you can continue playing and singing, but here in about 20 minutes you'll be disturbing every class on this floor of the school."
He scrunches his nose as he chuckles to himself then leads everyone down multiple long hallways filled with moving pictures on the walls that mainly depict people from the past: some of them even wave to you as you pass by. The halls themselves, made from deep brown wood hold little sconces that contain balls of light to brighten the otherwise dark and dreary hallways, but beautifully crafted hallways. Surprisingly the walk does not take too long, a mere 5 minutes, before Barnaby swiftly turns to the right and opens a door. Inside, the room looks like a meeting center for prisons: 6 chairs all separated by thin walls create six small areas to sit and talk with another person opposite of you with a small table between the two persons.
Barnaby speaks up once more, "Keziah in the far left seat, Omari in number 2, Ayana you will be in seat 3, then Talanna, Kavu, and Caprice in the other three respectively. The teachers should be here shortly to review you." He then quickly steps out to make it to his own classes.
Once you all have taken your seat, you notice everything around you get eerily quiet. Any sound you try to make is muted and silent. Before your eyes one of the head teachers materializes and each one speaks to you individually and telepathically:So these spoilers are by no means secret so any of you can read them all to get descriptions of the other teachers and stuff
Before you sits a skinny Half-Orc dressed in black and silver robes. Kar'r Olina, a man of distinct notoriety. He is the school's lead Alchemist and it's foremost expert on Negetive Energy. Long straight black hair drapes down to his shoulders past his dull green pointed ears. He looks Keziah up and down with a sneer, 1 tooth poking out his bottom lip. His voice comes off as monotone growling.
"So you are what they call Woodstar material these days, eh? Well let's get to it. You have but one simple question. The faculty already knows you first years can cast magic just fine. We are more interested in your knowledge, and certainly not about something you have excruciatingly studied...
Many have speculated on how the human god Aroden was murdered. Many theories seem rubbish, but what is the one way that most people agree is a distinct way to kill a god?"
Before you sits a middle-aged Varisian woman known to all musicians and actors of the Inner Sea. The Magnificent Jean E. Lover of theaters, men, and carnivals. She is dressed in her usual garb of Varisian silks and jewelry. Her elegant voice comes off almost squeaky in her excitement.
"Good morning Omari! I'm so glad to see another great musician to join us her at school. I will have to get you set up with our school band after we are done here. The entrance exam is fairly straight forward and simple really. I will ask you one question, the subject of which you may not be extremely familiar with. But that's the point of the exam. We already know you can cast, what we are looking for is the urge to discover other knowledge.
So my question to you is: There has been but 1 man in Absalom who has charmed a god, Cayde to exact, into doing their bidding for a time. Who would that be?"
Before you sits another Aasimar but not quite like yourself, she is Archon-blooded. Her name is Wyrain Vithara, lead exorcist and master counter spell wizard. She wears a simple robe of gold and brown cloth that bears the holy symbol of Nephys. She seems very stoic and poised but she then gives you a curious look after looking you up and down. Her voice sounds raspy as it echos in your mind.
"You seem strange....Sorry not in a bad way at all! Just...peculiar to me. There are actually only 3 other Aasimars studying here at the school, and besides myself only 1 other who works on the property. Well to be concise, this exam is rather short. We don't expect you to cast some obnoxious spells or write an essay. Just one question to test knowledge that you may not have studied above the rest.
Your only question is: Being that the Starstone is a magical spacial artifact that can grant divinity, how many levels of a dungeon do we use to protect it from the weak?"
Before you sits what used to be a Taldan man. His blood and soul part Gold Dragon. His name, Kane Rothchild. The so called '2nd in command' of the Arcanamirium due his immense skill in Evocation magic. The light shines off his golden scaly skin and wings, but his simple clothes seem rather meager, almost heavily worn but not torn. His red piercing gaze almost melts your icy Irrisen exterior. His voice is low and mellow, like a serpent waiting to strike.
"I find it funny I was asked to give you the first exam actually. I do not speak to many from Irrisen. The heat you know? I will keep this brief so I may give you your daily schedule for school. We obviously know you can cast spells. What we are most interested in is your eagerness to discover vast knowledges. You will be asked one question on a subject you may not know very well. That is the basis of this first exam.
For many years the Spell Lord's have led this school. Each of them having some sort of control over the city. But there used to be a 5th. What was the Dishonored spell Lord's name?"
Before you sits a stocky middle aged dwarf that goes by Borogan Axeforger, lead runic crafting expert and Transmutation master in Absalom. What stands out though is his ghost white beard and hair with blue streaks like lightning bolts as highlights. Dressed in a lavish blue and green painted breastplate on top of fine linens, he looks you up and down with the look of father or other powerful figure, judging you. His voice is very hearty yet scratchy.
"Kavu Iju...A skilled Craftsman constructs and an ambassador for your people...I'll have you know, my family bloodline happened to be the very first Dwarves to ever attain any magical prowess. Your talent is something of a specialty I have looked into for some time but never gotten around to. But imbibing masterfully crafted objects with magic, that I know a great deal about. So we will probably have plenty of classes together. To be very truthful, what this entrance exam is for is not to test your general skill of magic or anything, it is to test your knowledge of things not studied very often. So you have but one question to answer before I hand you your daily schedule...
The sacred Starstone in the middle of our city, it is said to lead to another plane. Do you happen know which of the many planes that could be?"
Before you sits a small Gnome by the name of Nevis Bramblebottom, master Illusionist and monk. He is dressed in a very light but colorful robe with a holy symbol of Shelyn around his neck. His voice is quite gravely for a Gnome, as he is a known avid smoker.
"Good morning, Mr. McKinnon. I am intrigued by your style, sir! I hope to have you in one of my classes. But before I can give you your daily schedule, the first exam must be done. Thankfully it is nothing major, we simply wish to make sure our students have the aptitude to go out and discover knew things, not just spells....We all know the students here can cast spells. So I only ask you one question: There have been many known to fail the Test of the Starstone and die instantly. But there are some however who unfortunately experience the effects of madness until their old age. What can form of magic we assume the Starstone is tied to based on this information?"

2019-01-17, 07:04 PM
Keziah basks in the applause of the first years, and winks at Omari as she saunters out of the dining hall.

Her clothes settle back into the school uniform as she takes takes her seat in the classroom. She pauses barely a moment before she answers the telepathic query.

"Well it's easy if you're a god of comparable power. Same as one freebooter shankin' another one over loot. If you ain't, the practical way's to wipe out their worshipers. No religion no god, or so they say."

2019-01-17, 11:21 PM
Ayana racked her brain for the answer, and came up with a shaky one. ”One, I think? To protect it from the strong requires many levels, but from the weak, only one.”

2019-01-18, 12:38 AM
Capp had expected a little bit more time before their first test, so the be carted off for an exam immediately was... unsettling. He had never been a good test taker, it came with the dominion of never being able to sit still for prolonged periods of time. But when he heard it was only one question, well... he supposed he could handle that much. And the question that was asked... it made him smile. He knew the answer, thank the divines.

"It's somethin' I don't believe we know a lot about - it's beyond our ken, isn't it?" he asks. "They say it's an artifact from the gods themselves, so it's deific stuff. The best term I can think to describe it is... insanity magic? It's not really one of the schools that mortals can practice. Or else, I suppose, everyone would be a god."

2019-01-18, 12:47 AM
The music was... nothing like Talanna was used to. Oh, both the player's and the singer's skills were great, and the girl thoroughly enjoyed it, but it certainly took her time to get into the rhythm...

But, there's an hour for playing, and a time for business, as they said back home, and very soon she found herself facing a teacher - along, it had to be mentioned with both the musician and the singer, and the boy she just invited to dance, and a couple others...

But oh well, there was a more pressing matter to attend to. And the teacher was right, history was not her strongest subject - the girl's boundless energy always was in conflict with something that could only be learned from books. But, of course, she did remember at least the most important names and dates... bravely facing the teacher's flaming glare, she thinks with a confident smile, "That would be Vyrratex the Strange, sir, also known as the jack of all magic"

2019-01-18, 01:01 AM
After some time thinking about the question Kave shakes his head and answers "Although my study of your country covered many things, and I know there are many myths and legends surrounding the Starstone, I do not recall which plane the legends believe it goes to. I am sorry to have failed this first task and promise to be most diligent in my studies in the time to come."

2019-01-18, 04:13 AM
He gives a bow to the applause and grins at Keziah. He liked this person! He follows after a bit slower after he notes the positions of anyone he knows. Once he gets there he replies to the telepathetic query while putting his trumpet back on. Not as delighted as I am to see the famous Jean.E,Lady Elisse sends her regards He says bowing and then sitting down with a grin."Vyrratex the Strange Right? Might have been Vyrratex the Outcast....No The strange sounds about right"