View Full Version : DM Help Magic Item Suggestions and Other DMing Advice

2019-01-12, 03:41 PM
Hi! I’m looking for advice in regards to a few assorted questions, as well as magic item suggestions for my players’ characters.

We’re playing 3.P (mostly Pathfinder base rules with 3.5 imports), and we’ve been playing the current campaign for about a year. It’s online over Roll20. Previously, we played in-person, which was in a lot of ways much easier.

The party is 5th level, soon to be 6th, and consists of:
a) human unarmed swordsage doing TWF
Has Counterstrike Bracers, a Lesser Crystal of Lifedrinking, and custom handwraps that give Dex to damage
b) darfellan warblade
Has Dukar Hand Coral and a Whirling Greataxe
c) aasimar wildshape ranger with full-progression animal companion
Has an Efficient Quiver and a custom item that allows her to (once per day each) switch places with her animal companion, transfer HP to/from her companion, or replace her companion’s Will save with a Handle Animal check
d) fox hengeyokai emberhaunt (homebrew by jiriku), except we pulled it before all the changes were made so it’s different from the linked version—more spells, no flame control (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?158205-Emberhaunt-base-class-3-5-PEACH)
Has a custom lantern to hide his small fire elemental familiar in (it heals the familiar faster; I also left open the possibility of fitting it with lenses to provide magical effects), a Bag of Caltrops, and a Robe of Twine
e) changeling beguiler 1/homebrew healer 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?133118-Retooling-the-Healer-(Heal-it!-Heal-it!-No-one-wants-to-be-defeated!))
Has an Assassination Dagger and a custom deck of cards that gives limited-use one-round concealment, +1 to illusion DCs, etc.

I’ve asked them to let me know about any magic items they’re interested in, but for the most part they’re not really inclined to do so. Last time I gave them a short list and let them pick. Not all of them have ever actually used the abilities, although some of that’s on me: I need to remind them more.

I’d like them to be at normal WBL (we’re pretty far under at this point), with a slight modification to the item system: flat numeric bonuses (+2 ability, +1 saves, that sort of thing) can be ‘bought’ as permanent enhancements to the character. This is obviously more powerful than usual, since it opens up body slots and they can’t be taken away. It’s mostly a fluff thing, though.

I’m not concerned about them being the best/most powerful they can be, as long as they’re on par with each other.

Other questions:
1) The beguiler/healer’s player is rarely able to make it to sessions due to some crappy life events, but he’s expressed an interest in staying in the game. I don’t have a way of knowing when he will or won’t be able to be there. So far, I’ve been running him as a healbot whenever he’s not there, which works out OK but is a little frustrating for me. I’ve offered to let the other players run him instead, but I don’t get the feeling they’re comfortable doing that.

On top of that, due to the multiclass he’s a) a slightly less effective healer than he could be and b) a way less effective beguiler than he could be. He also seems to want to be able to deal melee damage, which he really can’t right now. Is there a decent prestige class or something that could help with this? I’m worried he’s going to fall further and further behind.

2) We play once a week, minus times when people can’t be there, for a couple of hours each. The short sessions make in-game time pass really slowly compared to real-life time—it takes months of real-life time to level up. I don’t want to rush the storyline, but my players can get frustrated (asking when they’ll level up next, being annoyed at the relatively low default xp awards, that kind of thing). Is there a good solution to this? Do I or they just need to recalibrate expectations?

3) Due to the online nature of the game, it’s not always easy for me to tell whether players have heard/understand exposition (they do speak up if it’s totally unintelligible). I’ve taken to typing dialogue and such in more, because a little while ago I realized one player actually had no idea why the party was going where they were going. We do keep a campaign journal that’s accessible to everyone. Any suggestions to make sure this doesn’t happen again?

Thanks for reading through all of this! I appreciate the help. :smallsmile:

Darth Ultron
2019-01-12, 04:38 PM
1.The NPC Heal bot is the best way to go. Many players won't want to play another players character.

Multi class often gives more options, but at the cost of power. And when it comes to rolls, often a character can only do one well, two half way...and no third one.

2.Players often like a fast level up....way faster then the rules. Often, it's just best to do this. Figure out the rate the players would like and do it. If the players want to level up, to say ''sorry you just need 100 more xp, we just need to play the game for six more weeks" is a bad idea.

3.It's often best to type out things like descriptions. A short description of the current game events is always a good idea.

2019-01-12, 11:42 PM
May I ask why the game moved to Roll 20 instead of in person? One of the players/dm (we rotate 2 campaigns on a monthly basis) moved to another state. So he plays via roll 20 with the rest of us are are physically together. If he was not such a good friend with the rest of us I don't think we would choose to deal with the hassle of mic problems, internet snafus etc.

2019-01-13, 10:59 AM
1.The NPC Heal bot is the best way to go. Many players won't want to play another players character.

Multi class often gives more options, but at the cost of power. And when it comes to rolls, often a character can only do one well, two half way...and no third one.

2.Players often like a fast level up....way faster then the rules. Often, it's just best to do this. Figure out the rate the players would like and do it. If the players want to level up, to say ''sorry you just need 100 more xp, we just need to play the game for six more weeks" is a bad idea.

3.It's often best to type out things like descriptions. A short description of the current game events is always a good idea.

Thanks! Yeah, I know about the issues with multiclassing. I guess I'll just have to make sure he understands that he can't do all the things. :smallwink: Would it make sense to tell him about some sort of ~theurge class to progress both?

I guess my problem with the fast level up is that, if it ends up going too fast, we won't be able to hit major story points before they end up going epic (which I don't think I'm able to deal with). It feels like they want to level up every time there's a hard encounter, and I'm just dragging on the brakes. But I think I'll have this conversation with them to better figure out what they're really looking for. :smallsmile:

Yep, I'm planning to make sure we recap more often. Thanks!

May I ask why the game moved to Roll 20 instead of in person? One of the players/dm (we rotate 2 campaigns on a monthly basis) moved to another state. So he plays via roll 20 with the rest of us are are physically together. If he was not such a good friend with the rest of us I don't think we would choose to deal with the hassle of mic problems, internet snafus etc.

We all used to go to college together, and then we graduated and scattered to several different states. :smallfrown: So the friendship definitely came first.

2019-01-13, 01:37 PM
1: I agree that just DMPCing the beguiler as a hang-back healer that can help out in minor ways only is the way to go. As the DM, you're the only one who can really keep him safe anyway - no one likes to have their character killed while they're away!

1a: Maybe a level of sneak attack fighter:


Then they can pick up the Craven feat for more sneak attack damage.

2: There are a few things you can do, including upping the XP in general, giving out story and role playing XP awards, and giving out alternate awards. The alternate awards could be in the form more gold, more magic items (it sounds like you want to do this one already), the ability to custom order a few items in a way that would take a session or two to be made and delivered, but also of new friends/contacts or responsibility in the game world.

Not everyone likes the same kinds of rewards, but it does sound like most of your players like improving their characters. Now they can have more ways of doing that.

Oh, and maybe offer them options to take during downtime (and if so, be sure to have downtime sometimes).

3: I always write up a game synopsis afterwards. Doing so has a lot of upsides. For the players, it gives them a way to make sure they know what's up after a game, and they can look back in past games for clues that they might have missed. For you, it makes your DM notes look nice, and you can set the official record as to what happened. If there's anything you forgot to do, like ask players for spot checks to see a clue, you can retcon that in.

Magic item ideas, beyond the usual 'list of useful items' stuff

Swordsage: Necklace of natural attacks, magic armor (made of shadowsilk?), a Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis, and for downtime give him access to a Sparring Dummy of the Master and rule that it also works for unarmed swordsages

Warblade: Weapon crystal for his axe, Axe upgrade, boots that grant haste, better armor, and for downtime... maybe he can hang out with other warblades and collect martial scripts for more maneuvers via gladiatorial combat in a secret underground fighting ring (no XP, just prizes).

Ranger: Special arrows (magical and non-magical), Bow of the Wintermoon (eventually Hank's Energy Bow), Girdle of Rage, and items to trick out his animal companion (including claw covers, etc.), for downtime... Discover warbeasts (maybe in game for that part), then allow him to train his AC to be a warbeast. Depending on his skill levels, that might include finding training aids and skill boosts.

Emberhaunt: Runestaves and knowstones to up his spells known, a robe with an armor enhancement, maybe a Warfox Harness to buff him up in fox form, and for downtime... find ways to upgrade the familiar (for example, they already have an elemental familiar, but the 'Elemental Familiar' spell allows bonuses to the master, so something like that).

Beguiler: Cloak of Charisma, Periapt of wisdom, a robe with an armor enhancement, and if they do take a sneak attack fighter or rogue level, a manyfang dagger with the deadly precision enhancement on it, and eventually a rogue's vest. For downtime, let them hang out with a thieve's guild or a temple for new contacts. Maybe they could also quest for an addition to their homebrew class so they can pick up a unicorn companion at 8th level like the regular healer class.

Also, maybe give them retraining options/quests, if they want to retroactively pick up an Alternate Class Feature or something.

You could also introduce artifacts or ancient temple's (or whatnot) where they can take a risk for a chance at an upgrade for their characters, like god boons for an ability boost or sticking their hand into a scary hole, sacrificing a magic item or something, and getting a magic graft...

2019-01-20, 02:05 PM
Thank you!

1: Hmm, I'll look into it. Also thinking about retconning the character build a little. We'll see what he thinks.

2: Part of the problem is that yes, they do want more power/variety/etc., but don't necessarily use all the things they already have. There's a point where I can't keep track of everything everyone can do and remind them if a situation comes up.

Downtime is hopefully coming up.

3: We do have a log, but it's mostly the players writing it. I'll be sure to add more to it as well.

The item suggestions are great, I really appreciate it!