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2019-01-12, 11:33 PM
Canterlot Palace, Two Days after the Wasteland Incident

Princess Celestia sets her tablet aside and beams at the four ponies in front of her. "Thank you, Harrier Squad. Though I do have all the official reports, and Capt. Red Tape was very thorough in them, having a first-hoof account of the action is always helpful." She clears her throat. "I also understand that I called you all in on what should, officially, be your leave time. So please, let's leave all this aside and head on down to the kitchen. My cooks have prepared an excellent lunch and I'd love to share it with you."

She smiles. "Also, if that isn't enough reason, the Elements are all assembled here today and there are three little fillies who would love to see their rescuers again."

2019-01-12, 11:47 PM
If the princess had not mentioned the keywords kitchen, cooks, prepared, lunch, and share, in that order, Rose might of used an excuse to get out of meeting the princess so soon. But as luck would have it, the right magic words compelled Rose to face the 'hardship' of sitting down for a meal with Celestia. Well, this will be the official line in her mind at any rate.

"Yes, thank you for inviting us so soon after the mission, your highness," Rose politely says as she follows.

2019-01-13, 10:27 AM
"It would be an honor, your highness."

Longshot says. He lowers his head respectfully.

It was awkward being here. But then, a battlefield was the only place to feel like home, so he was adapting to the feeling.

All that's necessary is for his mouth to stay shut, that he not make a scene and everything would be fine. He hopes.

2019-01-13, 02:52 PM
Love scratches her cheek in embarrassment and smiles real big when Princess Celestia smiles at the team for their work. "Thank you, Princess Celestia." She does a respectable professional nod for the work related stuff.

A loud noticeable grumble comes from Love's stomach. She puts her hoofs on the noise maker to calm herself. Love laughs, "I haven't eaten all day." She cheers, "I'm so hungry! I can't wait to stuff my stomach will a bunch of good stuff." She happily repeats her highness, "To the kitchen! I can't wait to meet your cooks and what they've made."

Her head snaps to a rap attention, "Everyone is here!? I'd love to see the fillies!" She would smile more if it were possible. Love will hurry along with the group. She wastes movement and the energy to speed along nosing about the palace as everyone walks. Even if it's not her first time here, the place is beautiful.

2019-01-13, 04:26 PM
Celestia nods graciously. "I had hoped you all would accept. Though I do have a favor to ask. The fillies have been playing in the gardens while their sisters are in council with Luna. If you wouldn't mind going and collecting them, I'm sure they would be pleasantly surprised."

She draws a little ahead of the group. "We'll be eating in the kitchens. No need to be formal, I think. Silver Service would have to get out the nice spoons and insist on polishing them all afterwards. Let's spare her the trouble."

2019-01-13, 07:28 PM
Ah, a detour. Well, shouldn't be hard.

"Sure, we can go collect the... what they call themselves? Crusaders?"

2019-01-13, 08:38 PM
"Cutie Mark Crusaders, yes." Longshot answers Rose.

He returns to the original request. "I'm sure it will be a pleasant surprise as I wouldn't mind seeing them again. We'd be glad to collect them." And give you five minutes to find a quiet place to scream over our incompetence.

Longshot stops following Celestia.

2019-01-13, 09:10 PM
Longshot would remember their group name.

"Mind? I'll collect them right into a hug!" Love smiles. "Don't worry about it. We can go get them."

Love gives a quick nod. "I wouldn't want to hassle Silver Service. An informal kitchen lunch sounds great. It'll make unwinding easier." Silver Service's spoon collection. She might want to see that.

Love will give Celestia a respectable bow when/if they split up. She can show the group to the gardens if desired.

2019-01-13, 09:35 PM
Celestia's smile remains serene. Whether or not she's screaming internally, no sign of it shows on her face. She's had years to perfect that now. "I will see all of you in the kitchen, then," she says brightly and departs from them for the moment.

Brazen, unfortunately, has to bow out. Seafire already invited him to a Wonderbolt show. She won't be performing, but she will be watching and wanted him to come along for it.

The three ponies head on down to the castle gardens, which are known not only for their many life-like statues (some of which have odd, terrified or maniacal expressions that looks quite out of place in the otherwise serene garden) and its award-winning flora and fauna, but also the world's sturdiest tool shed. Sod Green, the Royal Gardener to which all other gardeners revere as the greatest of their kind to ever live, made it out of alchemically treated wood reinforced with the magical strength of earth ponies (supposedly siphoned off from her own over the course of five years) and embedded the frames into the ground for a good ten meters. Over the years, ponies had questioned if she was just paranoid about someone taking her tools or if she was secretly keeping a some horrible New Mareland beast inside, a place she was known to have a fondness for. After her death, the discovery of a rare Winged Owlbear inside answered that. The creature had been removed, the replacement gardener nursed back to health, and the shed occasionally used as an extra cell when the actual prisons got too full.

And while I'm sure that's all fascinating, the point is that, after a little searching, our three heroes hear familiar voices whispering inside.

2019-01-13, 10:12 PM
Rose walks over to the shed, but feigns not actually hearing the CMC. Instead she pretends to look around,, as if she can't find them.

2019-01-13, 10:24 PM
The amount of thought put into the origin of the shed is quite impressive. And good to know for future reference.

Longshot feels a strange kinship with the statues. Must be his imagination.

Subvocal Comm.: "Going to do some scouting. Don't let on that I'm here."

Putting his Stealth skills to work, Longshot disappears and make his way around the back of the shed, where, hopefully, he can eavesdrop on the trio.

2019-01-13, 10:37 PM
Love approves of this mighty shed. It might be over engineered by almost every standard in existence, but it's nature is overly awesome so she gives it a pass. Alright, she'll admit that it's impressive.

Let the games begin!

Love comms, "Roger!"

She tries to make friends with the fauna and even the flora. Love always did have a thing for sculptures. She examines them as she walks around and gives Longshot his moment.

2019-01-13, 10:45 PM
The statues are...eclectic. There's a dragon who's a bit on the small side (for a dragon) with a sneer on his face and a raised eyebrow, looking at something in the sky. There are several ponies with wide-eyed expressions of surprise, shock, and maybe a little fear. There is an entire collection on one wing labeled 'The Blueblood Lineage'. All the ponies there have smug, superior expressions and look a little bored. All told, they are...a little creepy, to be honest. The animals are much friendlier and used to ponies, so they can easily be pet.

Sniper sneaks up on the back of that shed and overhears a whispered conversation not meant for anypony else. "Are ya sure this'll work?" Apple Bloom asks, sounding skeptical.

"It might now," Sweetie Belle admits, "But it won't hurt anything to see what it does, right?"

"What is it?" Scootaloo asks, "It's shiny."

"And where did ya get it?" Apple Bloom asks.

"From Twilight!"

The three of them see Rose round the corner. Quick as a wink, a little crystal disappears behind Sweetie Belle. The three of them stand up and look to see who it is. Their expressions brighten. "Rose!"

2019-01-13, 10:59 PM
"Hi girls! Long time no see, huh? So what have you been up to since last time?"

2019-01-13, 11:30 PM
Subvocal Comm.: "Love, you have Princess Twilight's number, correct? Can you contact her and verify that she gave a small crystal to the Crusaders and that they haven't been helping themselves to improvements again?"

Longshot flies up to the roof of the shed, unseen of course, and lays wait in ambush.

2019-01-13, 11:49 PM
Love finds a bird to put on her head and walks around as she talks about art to it.

She radios Scope, "I'll text her." She starts writing the message as she moves out from the statues and closer to the CMC and Rose.

Text to Torch, "Hey, Torch. I'm in the garden. Did you give a small crystal to the CMC? They might have found something of yours."

Love happily waves as she sees the kids. "Hey, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle." She smiles real big at them.

2019-01-14, 12:08 AM
"Not much," Apple Bloom says, "Learnin' a lot of new names of family, extended family, an' distant relations. There's a lot."

Sweetie Belle looks down. "Rarity's...not quite like I remember. But I'm not supposed to tell anyone about it."

Scootaloo sighs. "Dash isn't either. She's got all sorts of...metal bits now. And she looks out the windows, sad-like, when she thinks I'm not looking." The two of them look down. Apple Bloom clears her throat.

"But we got a great idea to cheer them up!" she says.

They wave and grin as Love appears. However, a frantic message from Twilight comes back in response. "No! Do not let them have that! Actually, get it back from them as soon as possible! I've been looking for that all morning!"

2019-01-14, 06:53 AM
Rose taps her shin, thinking out loud with the CMC. "Well, it's been a while since they had you around; probably an adjustment period. A lot of things changed in Equestria since the 'old days' you're all from. Sometimes we grownups sit and look out the window, thinking back. I'm sure they'll come around."

She nods at Love's arrival.

2019-01-14, 02:28 PM
She scomms Longshot, "Torch says the stone has been missing all morning. That the CMC shouldn't have the stone. And, that we should get it back as soon as possible." The message relayed, she adds, "Hah! They found something precious!"

Love shows up while feeding seeds to the bird out of her hoof. She sets the pet back on her head so she can try to glomp the girls. Scootaloo can get a head rub instead if so desired (or both). "I'm so exhilarated to see you! It feels like forever since we've seen each other! I missed you so much!"

She says to Rose, "I see you found everypony!"

Love happily chuckles, "What's the great idea?" She seems positively curious, "What are the three of you planning?" Love wants in on trying to cheer up the Elements.

2019-01-14, 02:46 PM
She says to Rose, "I see you found everypony!"

Rose nods, but is humble about it. Wasn't anything special Rose thinks. She too wants to hear this plan of the CMC.

2019-01-14, 02:53 PM
Cheeps the Birb looses his perch for a moment when Love goes in for the glomp, but quickly settles back on it, ruffling his feathers with good grace.

The Crusaders grin. "We're gonna sing them a song!" Apple Bloom declares.

"But it's gotta be something really special," Scootaloo adds.

"So we got this!" Sweetie Belle pulls out a crystal with her magic and levitates it, just out of reach. "It's some sort of magic item and we're going to figure out what it does so we can use it in the show! Twilight won't miss it. It was stuck in a whole pile of them."

2019-01-14, 03:35 PM
Hmm... Well...

Longshot adjusts his perch and then calls upon his acting skills to modulate his voice's pitch. And-- he sighs. His impending course of action was an emotional decision, not a rational one. And any time he let his emotions dictate a decision there was usually Tartarus to pay.

Impending 'haunting' discarded, he rolls off the roof, silently hits the ground and circles about to the shed's entrance.

"Hello?" The call goes out to the CMC.

2019-01-14, 03:57 PM
Rose takes a look at the crystal without touching it. (Thaumatology [roll0] vs. 15

"Well, maybe it would have been best to ask permission before you took something of Twilight's, even if she has a few?"

2019-01-14, 06:32 PM
Love squeezes the girls in her hoofs.

She pays attention to Cheeps and very quietly whispers to him, "Sorry." She gives him a little head/cheek rub and puts some feed on her head for him.

Love swings back and forth, while trying to keep her head still, "Singing them a song is an amazing idea! A special song is an even better idea!"

Longshot grabs her attention for a moment.

She stares straight at the small crystal with fascination. "Oo! That's pretty." Her stare gets half-interrupted, "It's magic?!" Uh oh. A magic item Torch doesn't want the girls to have could be dangerous. Love reports to the girls, "Twilight is already missing the crystal. She has been looking for it all morning." Love playfully rubs Scoot's head. Now, Love is even more curious about the stone.

2019-01-14, 07:08 PM
The Crusaders wave as Longshot approaches, though they are currently wrapped in an argument and not exactly ready to run over and give him a hug.

"Ah told ya'll it was a bad idea!" Apple Bloom says.

"Well, maybe she lost something else?" Sweetie Belle proposes, floating it a little closer to her.

"It's Twahlight. She never loses an eraser, much less a magical crystal doohickey." Apple Bloom levels a look at her friend.

"I...kinda agree with Bloom on this one," Scootaloo says, "We should give it back. Come up with something else."

Sweetie Belle huffs. "But that will ruin the surprise!"

Apple Bloom makes a grab for it. Instinctively, Sweetie Belle jerks it away and it strikes Scootaloo in the chest. "Hey!" the pegasus calls out indignantly. The crystal glows suddenly.

"Well that's not--" Apple Bloom begins before a flash envelops the entire shed.

For the record, the sound crossing between dimensions makes is 'Glorp'.

...In the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balanced for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies.

But as time went on, the elder sister grew proud and haughty. She began to look down on her little sister and the night, thinking in her heart that the world would be much improved if it were gone forever. Then one day, she refused to lower the sun and make room for twilight. The younger sister tried to reason with her, but her arrogance took hold and transformed her into the a ravenous creature of fire and flame: Daybreaker. She vowed that never again would the land be hidden away in darkness but bask forever in the eternal light and warmth of her glory. In return, she demanded that all creatures, pony, griffon, dragon, and the like, kneel down and worship her as their god and empress.

Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. But the elder could not be defeated so easily. Though they dealt her a grievous blow, they only forced her to retreat, they did not vanquish her. And thus, war has raged between the two sisters for over a thousand years...

The sounds of battle reach their ears before the blinding flash fully clears from their eyes. The shed is, surprisingly, still in one piece, though the interior has been re-arranged a little. Yet something is not quite right about the battle. The ponies swear they can hear the ring of steel on steel along with cries of "Have at ye, sun-lover!" and "For the Empress!" among others.

The immediate area is clear and the crystal lies inert in front of Scootaloo. The pegasus looks up and soundly smacks both her friends in the back of their heads. They wince, but don't protest.

Cheeps looks unperturbed by this turn of events, though he blinks a little to clear the spots from his eyes.

2019-01-14, 07:48 PM
"I heard a 'glorp'. That sound is never good," Rose says. She looks around to see what direction the battle is coming from.

2019-01-14, 08:20 PM
Longshot darts over to snatch up the crystal. Whatever it was that thing had done, they very well might need said thing to undo... That sounded clearer in his head.

He takes up a defensive position in front of the Crusaders and devoutly wishes that all of their equipment was present.

"Love, did Princess Twilight tell you what that thing did?"

2019-01-14, 10:23 PM
Love holds the girls tight. Some feed falls out of her mane.

"No, I didn't ask. Torch didn't say. She just asked me to get it back."

2019-01-14, 10:27 PM
"That request might be slightly more difficult now."

2019-01-14, 10:41 PM
The sounds of battle come from all around. Every so often, the loud report of a cannon echoes through the background. From what they can gather in the shed, the shouts in support of the 'Empress' are slowly dying off and the amount of 'Hail the Night!'s are rising steadily. It sounds like one side is winning.

Longshot grabs the crystal, which remains lifeless and colorless for now. The Crusaders protest being scooped up like that, but don't try to push themselves free.

Then, as if in answer to unspoken prayers, Twilight comes crashing through the wall, garbed in strange armor and wearing a cape (https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2013/11/13/471662__safe_artist-colon-1jaz_twilight+sparkle_alicorn_armor_cloud_cloudy_c orrupted_corrupted+twilight+sparkle_female_implied +king+sombra_mare_pony_so.png) that is definitely very un-Twilight like. She lays on the ground, stunned for a moment, before letting out a whinny and leaping to her hooves. A purple shield covers her and the other ponies in the shed right before a golden beam of magic explodes against it with all the fury and power of a wildfire.

"You're always so quick to cower behind your shield spell, Twilight Sparkler," a sneering voice calls from above. In the very large gap in the shed, another alicorn appears, one with a golden pelt and mane a fiery mix of red and yellow. (https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2018/12/7/1901083__safe_artist-colon-dvixie_sunset+shimmer_alicorn_alicornified_commiss ion_female_folded+wings_hoof+shoes_mare_peytral_po ny_race+swap_shimmercorn.png) Her horn glows as she readies another blow.

Twilight's horn flashes and she teleports away. "What?!" the strange alicorn cries before a beam of purple sends her hurtling sideways and out of view.

The Crusaders blink in unison. "Coooooool!" they chorus.

2019-01-14, 11:48 PM
"If by cool you mean we somehow popped into a dangerous battlefield, then sure," Rose comments without much emotion.

She looks around the garden area. "Maybe we could make for the throne... no, they'll think we're invaders. Kitchens? Or is that my stomach talking? Well we can't just sit in here like targets... how about the kitchens? We could seek refuge there and surrender to the cooking staff."

2019-01-15, 12:07 PM
The blood evacuates from his face as Twilight and Mystery-corn go a few rounds. The buck? Who was fighting who?

"I'm just going to say it: I don't think we're in Kansas any more." Longshot tucks the crystal away for later. He shakes his head. "I'd like to have some idea of what's transpiring before establishing any course of action. Hang on, I'll take a look."

He quietly pokes his head out of the shed and tries to get the lay of the land and figure out what's happening. Just what was going on out here? Since when did wars, battles and unknown Alicorns just pop into existence?

2019-01-15, 01:30 PM
Scootaloo scoffs. “Please, we’ve been in more dangerous situ--Oh my gosh, I’m made of meat now!” She begins poking at her foreleg. “Oh wow! It’s so warm and squishy. Is this how you feel all the time?”

Apple Bloom tests her foreleg and blinks several times. Sweetie Belle gasps. “Wait, wait, wait! We’re...we’re breathing,” she says. She begins sucking in deep breaths to demonstrate.

“Raiiiight,” Apple Bloom drawls, “This just got more dang’rous then.”

If Love checks, she discovers that her synthetic body has been converted into ordinary flesh and blood, as has Rose’s legs and eyes. And you know what that means…


The scene outside is chaos. An airship has landed right in the middle of the garden, an old, wooden one that runs on steam and magic-enhanced coal. A small fleet, five ships in all, flies above, bombarding the castle and weaving out of the way of any return fire by spell or ballista. Cannons sprout from their sides, bombarding the castle walls. In the courtyard itself, a ragged bunch of ponies wielding flintlocks, muskets, and sabers charge at a line of ponies in golden armor with spears held at the ready. They jab at anypony that gets near and retreat slowly across the grounds towards the castle.

Longshot can tell from how they fight that the ‘mob’ isn’t trying to really engage the golden-armored phalanx, but distract, harass, and occupy them while a smaller group runs around grabbing anything not nailed down.

This isn’t a battle. This is a raid. On Canterlot.

In the center of it all, Twilight and the gold-red alicorn wrestle in mid-air. Horns and hooves locked, they shout taunts at each other as they strive both physically and magically for mastery.

“Your magic’s getting weak, Sunrise,” Twilight boasts, “Getting tired already? If you spent less time standing around and polishing your armor, you might be a formidable mage on day.”

“Looking a little fat, Twilight,” the gold-red one shouts, “Too much time sitting on your plot reading?” She draws her hind legs in for a double-kick. “You should try a little exercise!”

Twilight sails off and strikes the castle’s outer wall, spread eagled. Her horn glows again and the red-gold alicorn, Sunrise, suddenly plummets face-first into the ground.

“Gravity spell,” Twilight boasts, “First written down by the great Star Swirl the--”

Sunrise stands up, raw power channeling through her legs and fury in her eyes.

“-Bearded,” Twilight finishes weakly, “Aw pony--”

With a burst of speed Rainbow Dash would have been proud of, Sunrise ploughs into Twilight and sends them both through the outer wall.

The entire scene reminds Rose and Sniper of those cheesy, late night cartoons that played when the foals all went to bed, right down to the armor that accentuates all the ‘right’ parts of the wearer.

2019-01-15, 01:45 PM

Haha, oh ye narration of so little faith. :smallamused:

Rose ponders her flesh-legs while listening to the battle outside. "I wonder if... this might be a simulation? Though that might not protect us from actually dying if we're killed here. Dumpshock from realistic simulations can cause neurological damage to your cortex and that's not a fun thing to sit through."

"Can you tell who's winning, Longshot?"

2019-01-15, 02:05 PM
Love says somewhat excited, "I heard a glorp too! Longshot, we have a Power Ponies situation! We've been sent back in time, across dimensions, sent into the crystal, or maybe a thousand other things! I didn't bring my measuring tools! Be careful!"

Love pokes each of the girls as they call attention to themselves. "You are squishy now!" Love checks her broken horn. Wait! She checks to see if she has her saddlebag or her Tell Time magic. She activates it if she has it on her person. She tells the CMC, "Don't run off. Stay close to us."


Tells the caster what time it is – as well as the day and year, should that be in doubt.

2019-01-15, 02:31 PM
DKS makes the semi-founded assumption that Longshot's internal cybernetics had disappeared as well. The sensation of moving without their brace-and-pivot is enough to mentally throw his concentration for a few seconds. It was like learning to walk all over again via a half-remembered dream.

Rose ponders her flesh-legs while listening to the battle outside. "I wonder if... this might be a simulation? Though that might not protect us from actually dying if we're killed here. Dumpshock from realistic simulations can cause neurological damage to your cortex and that's not a fun thing to sit through."

"Can you tell who's winning, Longshot?"

"So you're suggesting that we've been put in a bad Star Trot episode?" Longshot asks. He looks over the battle. "It's a raid, so one side isn't trying to win, just buy time for the thieves to do their work. But I can't tell with which side which alicorn is allied just yet. Canterlot is being raided. This is just... insane."

He studies the battlefield trying to determine who all is allied based upon their armaments, ornaments and armor styling.

Love says somewhat excited, "I heard a glorp too! Longshot, we have a Power Ponies situation! We've been sent back in time, across dimensions, sent into the crystal, or maybe a thousand other things! I didn't bring my measuring tools! Be careful!"

Love pokes each of the girls as they call attention to themselves. "You are squishy now!" Love checks her broken horn. Wait! She checks to see if she has her saddlebag or her Tell Time magic. She activates it if she has it on her person. She tells the CMC, "Don't run off. Stay close to us."

Longshot sucks in a breath to cut off an impending curse. There were little ears present.

"Wonderful. So we're in an alternate time-stream, where there could be duplicate versions of us with who-knows-what standing of infamy or reputation. For that matter, the Royals might not be the Royals. Well... Twilight still looks like Twilight so hopefully there aren't any Corrupted Elements in this world. One spin cycle through that possible future was enough."

He risks a look at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Since you're flesh and blood, you'll have to be triply careful. If you get killed, then the odds are you won't be waking up in Twilight's computer. You'll have to take this as seriously as you can."

2019-01-15, 03:00 PM
It is currently Tuesday at three o’clock, September 30th, and the current year returns a very unhelpful result based upon this world’s conception of time and not Love’s native one. Which is great for keeping a journal, but not so great for figuring out if they’re going to bump into themselves. Still, based upon the weapons and ships, Love can surmise that this is sometime in the past. The knights in golden armor wear the insignia of the sun while the raiders, some of them at least, have a crude moon sewn in wherever it might fit.

The flagship of the raiding fleet swings in low. A great, booming voice, the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE, booms across the battlefield. And, if they look closely, the bystanders can see a blue form with wings, a horn, and a tricorne hat worn at a rakish angle lean over the railing, waving a cutlass in the air. “Yar-har-har!” the voice booms. If there was any doubt before, nopony in the military could ever mistake it for anyone other than Princess Luna, “Empress! Do ye surrender or shall I have me cannons blow yer pretty little castle to smithereens some more?”

A great, fiery light erupts from one of the nearby towers. Even from a distance, Celestia’s form is easy to make out, though wreathed in flame and face twisted in fury. “LUNA!” she bellows back with such force that the fighting ceases for a brief moment, “I’ll burn the flesh from thy bones and make a spectacle of thy skeleton! Traitor! Thief! Knave!”

Luna laughs and poses on two legs, one hoof on her hip and the other pointed at Celestia. “If’n yer going to throw insults around all day, then try ‘tyrant’, ‘monster’, an’...”

With a roar, a gout of flame blasts from Celestia towards Luna. The princess of the night conjures a massive racquet of blue magic and bats it away. It flies over the shed, the wall, and lands somewhere in the city. “Tut, tut, Daybreaker,” she taunts, “I would have thought ye’d learn by now. The two of us fightin’ only burns your pretty city down.”

Celestia fumes. “Then we are at a stalemate.”

Luna gasps. “What a rude thing t’ say about yer lover! I be sure he does his best.”

Heedless of the damage it causes her city, Celestia hurls several more fireballs at Luna’s ship. None strike home.

“Neuro-what now?” Apple Bloom says, “Ah never mind. Ah’ll look it u--” She pauses and her eyes go wide. She gulps. “Ah’m not connected to the internet…”

The other two Crusader’s eyes go wide. That realization combined with Longshot’s order does not do wonders for their mental stability. They suck in breaths (still a novelty in its own right) and begin to scream. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

Several of the looters’ heads turn towards the shed. A large group of them, brandishing cutlasses, approaches at a steady lope.

2019-01-15, 03:09 PM
"So you're suggesting that we've been put in a bad Star Trot episode?"

"I know that reference..." Rose mutters out.


Rose winces. "Girls! Screaming is not going to help us in this situation," Rose barks. "Please keep calm. Soon as we figure out whose side we're on, we can work on getting back and reconnect to your internet."

2019-01-15, 07:26 PM
Exactly three o'clock? That could mean something. It's the 30th day. It's not March so that could be good a good sign. Unless the moths are different? She says up to Longshot, "I checked the calendar! The year doesn't make any sense to me! I have no contextual understanding."

Her horn is back! A grin infects her face.

Love looks out at the ongoing battle. She pumps a hoof. "Yes, we're in the past likeness! The past is great! The year of yesterday! I think everyone will really like the past." She watches Luna perform her pirate deeds with large eyes. The fire-spiting hot mouthed Celestia creates a different sense of wonder. She is a scary pony.

"Girls! We'll survive fine. We only need to stick together." Love strains her focus on her horn. It sputters with orange sparks as it tries to awaken from its long slumber. The magic flickers and recedes before it lights like a flame. Her horn glowing, Love grabs some buckets from storage and puts them on the CMC to give them some makeshift armor. She levitates a broom to her mouth. She whispers, "I think we should run. What do you think?" She looks to Longshot. The great HousekeeperLove standing before him.

2019-01-15, 09:26 PM
The scream produces ringing ears which results in a painful grimace. Longshot shakes his head.

"Considering that we have no idea why the Princesses are fueding and who, if any pony..." Longshot trails off as he studies Celestia. His expression goes blank. "... and that we've attracted the attention of Luna's pirates, I think it would be for the best if we get out of here."

He takes a look around, attempting to figure out where they can go. There's no telling how the typography differs in this dimension.

"Every pony, grab a Crusader and prepare to run."

2019-01-15, 09:54 PM
"Every pony, grab a Crusader and prepare to run."

Rose reaches for the nearest one and ends up grabbing Apple Bloom.

2019-01-15, 09:57 PM
The Crusaders quiet down and look with wide eyes at the approaching pirates. "I want to be--" Scootaloo begins.

"No," Apple Bloom says firmly. She adjusts her new helmet. "No we're not joinin' a pirate crew. Well, a real one anyway."

"We should run!" Sweetie Belle agrees.

Apple Bloom gets snatched up suddenly. "Whoa!" she calls out.

Luna's pirates close in, swords at the ready. Three of them are pegasi, so escape through the air will be difficult. Not that it's an option anyway, considering only Longshot can fly.

Twilight careens across the courtyard and lands in a heap. Several the pirates run to her and help her up. In a moment, Sunrise flaps slowly across the wall, panting and looking a little singed around the edges. Not that anyone is close enough, but she smells of ozone. She looks worse than Twilight.

"Sunrise!" Celestia calls, "Destroy that wretch and drive them from my city!"

"Yes, Empress!" the gold-red alicorn calls and begins summoning her magic. Twilight's horn flashes for a second and Sunrise cries out falling to her knees.

"Paralysis," Twilight says, "That should hold even you."

"Get up, you worthless pony!" Celestia snaps, but it does no good.

Sunrise struggles to rise and fails. Her legs fall out from under her and she lies panting on the floor. "You win," she growls at Twilight, "Are you going to kill me this time?"

"Nope!" Twilight says.

Anger flares in Sunrise's eyes. "EVERY TIME! Every time you beat me and then refuse to finish the job! What, am I a joke to you? Why do you keep sparing me?"

"Because," Twilight says with a cheeky grin, "It annoys you."


2019-01-16, 08:40 AM
Longshot frowns at all the banter and needling. This is so foreign and unlike the versions of Royals that they know. It's enough to make one heart sick.

No time for that. Longshot grabs Scootaloo and slides her onto his back. A frown marks his face. This felt different without cybernetics.

"Good news? Apparently Pri- Twilight still isn't a killer. Bad news? The others might be. Run!"

He takes off, abandoning the shed and trying to escape the scene of battle.

2019-01-16, 09:02 AM
"Hold on to me, Bloom!" Rose dashes out of the shed with Bloom on her back, following Longshot's lead.

2019-01-16, 09:43 AM
"That's mixed news."

Love sweeps Sweetie Belle off her hoofs with a broom and onto Love's back. "Let's Mambo out of here! I'll create a distraction!"

"Hold on everyone!", she says to Belle and Cheeps.

She shoulder checks the strongest shed door in all history to send the unlocked door open.

She says to the approaching pirates, "Ey, dare to be trying to invade the great old Sod Green's fortress of owlbears and sturdy wood!? There be kids ahoof and go swinging your point sticks every which way, not minding anyony's eye with your sharp implements! You should be ashamed of yourselves. You've run afoal of standard pirate decency. I said foal, not foul! Ye, didn't get enough chores as a kid! Thous be making a mess and not even cleaning up after yourself."

Love is talking to the people approaching the shed.

2019-01-16, 10:45 AM
Crusaders scooped up and the enemy behind them, Harrier Squad tears off through the doors of Sod Green’s legendary shed. Love’s comments cause confusion among the pirate’s ranks. They pursue, but less aggressively than before. “How come’st a sunlover t’ talk in the way o’ Adm’ral Luna?” one shouts, “Or be’st ye the Adm’ral’s spies we was told to look out fer?”

“I wanna be a spy,” Scootaloo says to those closeby. Fortunately, the pirates don’t seem to have heard her.

2019-01-16, 11:03 AM
Love draws the pirates attention to herself for a second. The mare looks down a whole barrel of pirates with pointy sticks. A nervous chuckle escapes. Plan successful... The least enthusiastic mental 'woo' sounds in her head. The broom gets tucked from her mouth to beneath her saddle in a smooth sheathing motion. She snaps around, her head leading the charge, and dashes away with her friends while the pirates chase after them.

She talks to her friends as they run away, fighting in the background, her voice a little frantic, "I always wanted to join a pirate crew! I'd make an awesome pirate! I could swing from the sails into port! Munes always gets to wear the cool eye patches. I don't know anything about no spies."

2019-01-16, 11:17 AM
Rose's expression turns blank (https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/141080288377.png) when Love starts chatting it up with the pirates.

"Maybe we should figure out who's who before pledging to join a crew?" Rose reminds Love.

2019-01-16, 03:52 PM
"Scootaloo, some day in the future you might make a living as a spy. That day is not today." Longshot says. "Because when they find out that you're not the spy they're looking for, there will be potentially fatal consequences."

"And the best place to find out who's who is not here." He adds for the benefit of the others.

All the while, he's flying alongside the others. He looks around trying to figure out where they're running.

2019-01-16, 06:32 PM
"I'd make a great spy," Scootaloo mutters, "So long as I have a wifi connection."

The group hurtles headlong through the royal gardens, headed towards what looks like a maze. They could lose the pirates in there, but they could also get very lost. A green earth pony is trimming the hedge, however, heedless of the ongoing battle. Her mane and tail are a mix of yellow and lime and she has a pair of garden sheers for her cutie mark. At the sound of stampeding hooves, she turns around and her eyes settle on the shed. They go wide.

"That's it!" she snaps, "I've had it with this thing always getting wrecked! I swear, I'll rebuild it stronger than ever! When I'm done, the alicorns can go break their necks trying to knock it down!" She hefts a rake and levels it at the pirates. "YOU LOT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"

The pirates skid to a halt. "Ponyfeather! 'Tis the crazy mare!"

2019-01-16, 08:20 PM
"Someday." Longshot reminds Scootaloo. Nothing else is said lest it plant ideas that result in foolish, foal-ish actions.

If the pirates are afraid of the crazy mare, then it's probably best to put the crazy mare between the pirates and themselves. He flies toward the entrance of the maze but stops short of actually going inside it.

2019-01-16, 09:14 PM
"Okay Bloom, let's hide in that maze," Rose tells her passenger. She gallops into the maze and slows down and then stops once she can find a corner to quietly hide behind.

Okay, so I think this is where I roll [roll0] and add +1 for attempting to hide quietly?

2019-01-17, 02:13 PM
Correct, Digo! And that is a partial success.

Rose and Apple Bloom slip into the maze. However, they have only left some of their pursuers behind. The pegasi from the initial group are occupied with the mad earth pony mare, who wields her rake like a pike and hurls insults that display a very wide range of botanical and gardening knowledge, and sticking around in case they see an opening to grab Love and Longshot.

However, a single curious batpony alights on the hedge above her, no more than a teenager. “Hello! Are you an Imperial?” she asks brightly, “If so, we have to fight now. It’s the rules.”

2019-01-17, 03:47 PM
Longshot takes a deep breath.

Well... this is a fine mess. The only thing standing between us and an irate gang of pirates is a crazy gardener. What's next? A flamboyant dragon chef?

"Got any ideas?" He whispers to Love.

2019-01-17, 04:50 PM
Love winks at Longshot. She whispers, "The past is way different from the future! You'll see!"

She faces the way they've been running and stands alongside the mad gardener.

She can feel the pirate song singing to her wooden legs. Sigh. She says to the pirates, "I talk the way I do." She points to the gardener. Wink. "I told you not to go around creating messes, but you wouldn't listen! Look at what you've gone and done. Making this nice mare all upset. What in tarnation would inspire you to go and do that?!"

2019-01-17, 05:08 PM
(And now a post for Love and Longshot)

The flamboyant dragon chef, unfortunately, is in Luna's castle.

The gardener turns and glowers at Love. "And who the flying hay are you?" she demands, "And what did you have to do with destroying my shed?"

The pirates, however, shuffle their hooves awkwardly and look abashed.

2019-01-17, 05:32 PM
“Hello! Are you an Imperial?” she asks brightly, “If so, we have to fight now. It’s the rules.”

"Imperial? No, I'm not even from around here," Rose answers in a whisper. "I'm confused about all the fighting though. Like, why are you fighting Imperials?"

2019-01-17, 06:37 PM
Love answers deferential to the Mare, "My name is Love." She straightens Sweetie Belle's mane with her magic to its normal standard. "This is Sweetie Belle."

She looks to Longshot and Scoots so they can introduce themselves.

"We were hiding in your shed when everything happened. We didn't mean for the wall to get blown off like that."

2019-01-17, 08:08 PM
The flamboyant dragon chef, unfortunately, is in Luna's castle.

Which is doubly hilarious because that was a reference to an old PC.

"I'm Longshot and this is Scootaloo." Longshot says. "As Love said, we were hiding in the shed when it was hit with Alicorn magic. I don't think we were intentionally targeted."

2019-01-17, 10:29 PM
The batpony stops short, her expression going blank as she processes Rose's question. "Why are we...fighting Imperials?" she asks, "That's what you do with Imperials? I mean, they push you around, take your land, and throw you in jail if you don't praise the sun, so what else are we supposed to do?" She seems genuinely confused, but rallies as she recalls the line that got her to enlist. "We're fighting for the liberty and equality of all ponies! Hail Luna! Hail the Elements of Harmony!"

She beams at Rose, looking to see her reaction. "I'm Ensign Air Head, by the way."

Apple Bloom perks up. "Ya'll have the Elements of Harmony?"



Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wave, nervous grins pasted on their faces.

The mare looks them over, throwing a glance at the group of pirates every so often to make sure they're not advancing. "Sod Green," she growls, "Blast those alicorns. Always messing everything up. The two young ones are the worst of the lot." She raises her voice into a good approximation of the royal Canterlot voice and shakes a fist at the balcony where Celestia stands. "BUT THEY CAN ALL TAKE A FLYING LEAP OFF A CLIFF WITH THEIR WINGS TIED FOR ALL I CARE!"

It seems Celestia heard that. She turns, eyes visibly burning even from across the distance, and glowers down at the ponies.

"YEAH! YOU HEARD ME!" Sod Green bellows.

2019-01-17, 10:41 PM
"Well, Ensign Air, this young lady here is Apple Bloom and my name is Rose," she introduces. "Any friend of the elements is a friend of ours. So, what happens now? Do we get rescued from these Imperial grounds?"

2019-01-18, 08:10 AM
The urge to be anywhere-but-here abruptly overwhelms Longshot.

He disappears into the hedge maze entrance.

[roll0] +3

2019-01-18, 06:16 PM
The battle between the four alicorns draws Love's attention. That's a lot of powerful magic being thrown around. The force bubble that may provide a defense is pretty advanced. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sod Green."

Love sticks close to the mare as she keeps the pirates at bay. "The two younger alicorns? They are fighting rather flame-boyantly. I'm not from around here. I sort of jump over here very recently. Who is the younger fiery alicorn, Sunrise? What about the larger one? Why is Daybreaker covered in flames?" Love half looks away when Celestia death stares at them. "She looks really really really mad."

2019-01-18, 07:31 PM
Air Head brightens. "Oh! You need to be rescued! That's different. And I was worried about fighting you." She's not talking like a pirate, which is interesting. "Um, follow me! I can get you to--somepony's coming!" She hops down and hides behind Rose. "Stay there! I'll jump out and surprise them."

Apple Bloom looks back to her. "Ya know yer wings show around us, right?"

"Pfft. Like anyone will notice."

Longshot walks around the corner. "Hey Bloom!" Scootaloo calls, "When did Rose grow bat-wings?"


The 'battle' isn't really much of one right now. Luna and Celestia glower and shout insults at each other while Twilight casts spell after spell on Sunrise to make sure she can't get up. The pirates have complete mastery of the courtyard now.

"Sunrise Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle," the gardener says, "The 'Night's End' and 'Day's End' respectively. Two young punks if you ask me. And her mane's always like that." Sod snorts at Love's last comment. "Yeah, I have that affect on ponies."

The pirates try to edge around, but a swiftly thrown trowel to one's face dissuades them. "So where are you from then?" she asks, "The Saddle Arabian Free State or something? No, it would have to be farther than that." Her eyes are full of suspicion now.

2019-01-18, 07:38 PM
"When did Rose grow bat-wings?"

"Pffft, I wish," Rose says. She side-steps to make with introductions. "Air, these are my friends Longshot and Scootaloo. Gang, this is ensign Air Head. She is with the pirates and knows the elements of harmony."

2019-01-18, 08:46 PM
This world's version of the Elements.

"Air Head, pleased to me you. I'm Longshot and this is Scootaloo. We're, ah, rather glad to see a friendly face." Longshot says.

He looks at Rose. "Just so you know, a crazy gardener just ticked off-- ticked off the crown."

Longshot frowns.

2019-01-18, 09:03 PM
"Sunrise Shimmer. What a reminiscent name." The idea of a night's end and day's end makes her wonder. Who is this Sunrise Shimmer? A lot of questions start flooding in until a circuit breaker trips. Love smirks when Sod says she has that effect. "I've gotten that look a few times myself."

Love keeps working with Sod by moving around to keep the pirates at bay. "It's way farther away than that. A pony could walk for three months and not arrive. I was born in a desert, though, called the Wasteland. It's very isolated and hard to reach from here."

Love asks, "Why are there pirates bothering Daybreaker? Has Sunrise Shimmer always been around?"

2019-01-18, 09:15 PM
"Ticked off... which one? Ce-- Daybreaker?"

2019-01-18, 11:14 PM
Air Head waves enthusiastically. "Hello! Sure is bright out here, isn't it?"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchange glances. "Ah mean, not espec'lly," Apple Bloom says.

"Huh." Air Head shrugs. "Well, that's the end of my conversation topics." At the mention of a gardener, her hackles rise. "Gardener? What gardener? Is she nearby? Is she angry? Moon and stars save us all!"


"Huh. Must be near Zebrica then. Maregypt's far away."

Sod rounds on Love. "You know what," she says with false sweetness, "This sounds like a great conversation to have after the attack is over, don't you think?"

Sweetie Belle tugs on Love's ear. "The others ran away," she whispers.

2019-01-18, 11:23 PM
"It's alright, we'll...." Rose thinks for a moment, then turns to Longshot. "What do you think, see our way to the pirates and what they're about?"

2019-01-19, 11:22 AM
"Daybreaker, yes." Longshot nods. "It didn't seem best to remain in such... disreputable company."

He takes another look at Air Head. Then he gestures toward the front garden entrance. "Sod Green, I think? She's back there at the entrance. You seem unusually... concerned about this gardener."

A shrug and an 'I suppose?' is Rose's only answer. That he doesn't know who to trust or what to do is quite evident.

2019-01-19, 01:33 PM
Love's eyes go wide. She swishes her head around as she looks for Longshot and Scoots. They're gone.

She whispers back to Sweetie Belle, "Thanks for the heads up. We should go find them before anyone gets too far."

Love nods to Green. "Sod, thank you for all your help. We can continue this great conversation some other day."

She shouts out to the pirates, "What are thou two skylovers doing!? Methought thou were chasing me!?" Love gives a friendly wave to Sod, does a 180, and full tilt dashes into the maze.

She shouts to the friendly Gardener, "I wish your garden and you good luck."

2019-01-19, 11:37 PM
The pirates split and run around Sod Green, and though she stops some, she can't stop them all. Love and Sweetie Belle run into the maze and are soon in the thick of it.

Air Head grins. "Follow me!" Aaaand she takes off into the sky. She stops after a moment and flutters back. "Scratch that, we'll use the maze. A lot of Captain Spitfire's crew are chasing someone through the maze and we can cut them off and assist in the capture!"

2019-01-20, 12:03 AM
"Assist in capture? Well, alright. Guess we can get some more answers." Rose will follow.

2019-01-20, 07:42 AM
That... escalated quickly. In the span of two seconds, they'd gone from getting rescued by the crew to participating in a capture. Hopefully, this was Love they were chasing.

Longshot follows Air Head with a nod.

"This... is a fine mess..." He mutters.

2019-01-20, 01:09 PM
Sod seems like a capable pony, but hopefully the rest will give chase to Love before they cause the gardener too many problems.

Love says up to Sweetie Belle, "Thou hast the crow's nest. Keep thy eyes out for the others."

They need to find Longshot and the others. Love isn't too worried about solving the maze itself. She tries to track her friends down by following footstep and making an educated guess on their most likely headings.

2019-01-20, 01:58 PM
Air Head leads the charge back the way they came, towards the maze entrance. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo slide off and run a little behind, just in case their rides need to fight instead. They round a corner and almost run (literally) into Love.

"Halt, sun-Lover!" Air Head crows, "We got you now! Surrender or I'll have your...guts for...aw phooey, how does it go again?"

2019-01-20, 02:16 PM
"Any number of ways." Longshot all but sighs. "'I'll have your innards for a lanyard'. 'Your teeth for a table setting' or 'head on a pike' if you want to be historical."

He levels a flat look at the new arrival. "Hey, Love. Anything change in the past five seconds?"

2019-01-20, 03:34 PM
Love skids to a stop and places a hoof on Sweetie Belle and Cheep to prevent them from falling off. "Shiver me timbers! Longshot, Rose, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom. Sink me if my name isn't Admiral Love."

Love moves her head to look past Air Head to Longshot. "I hast pirates on mine rudder! Nought hath changed!"

"Forgive mine companions coarse language. They do not like being captured by pirates! 'Tis a scary event!" Longshot doesn't seem to be captured...

2019-01-21, 10:25 PM
Rose walks slower than everyone else, arriving last to the scene. She only shrugs. "I'm just here for the food rescue."

2019-01-21, 11:16 PM
Air Head looks between the six ponies. "Oh! You're friends!" She smiles. "Good then!"

The pirates tear around the corner. "Ahoy Air Head! Stop those land-lubbers from escapin'!" the lead pony calls.

Air Head shrugs. "They're stopped. You all are stopped, right?"

2019-01-22, 12:00 AM
"I'm here to rescue you, Rose!"

Love nods. "We're all friends. Air Head, my name is Admiral Love." She motions to Sweetie Belle, "This is Sweetie Belle, my look out." She motions to her bird.

She puts a hoof up to her mouth and asks the group, "Are you we not running away anymore? Did Air Head capture you? What's going on?"

2019-01-22, 06:24 AM
"Yeah, we're stopped," Rose answers Air. "Remember, we're not locals."

She rolls her eyes at Love's comment. "Air mentioned that she knew the elements and I got curious."

2019-01-22, 07:55 AM
"Oh, you know the elements? Where is everyone?"

Love nods at Rose. "We've stopped."

2019-01-22, 12:10 PM
"From the look of things, everyone is on board Admiral Luna's flagship, I guess? I don't want to make any assumptions." Longshot says.

He addresses the other pirates. "We've stopped running. We'd like to talk instead of fight if that's permissible."

2019-01-22, 12:29 PM
"Or one of the other ships flyin' aboot," a pirate answers. One of them nudges him. "Aboat! I meant aboat." The other pony nudges him again. "I mean..." He clears his throat. "Arrr, what I mean t' say is, 'they be on Adm'ral Luna's flagship or one o' the others flyin' aboat these parts." The other pony nods approvingly.

The Crusader's look skeptically at the pirates and each other. "Ain't never heard of a pirate needin' to practice talkin' like one," Apple Bloom mutters.

Air Head wraps her forelegs as far around the EDF and Crusaders as she can, which is pretty far, all things considered. "Hip, hip, hoorah! New friends!" She lets them go from the impromptu hug. "Come on! Our ship is back that way! We can load up and head out to meet up with the fleet."

The other pirate clears his throat and looks pointedly at Air Head. She doesn't notice.

2019-01-22, 01:24 PM
"We're not from around here," Rose tries to explain to the other pirates. "We do not have an affiliation with the imperials here or any other group. The fighting here is dangerous for the three young mares in our charge so we are simply looking to find passage away from the conflict around this courtyard. If that's alright with you?"

2019-01-22, 03:09 PM
Love smiles at her friends. "A little talking and they won you over."

Love gladly accepts the hug. Joining the cheer, "Hoorah! New friends!" She puts Sweetie Belle on the ground and straightens her mane with magic. She grabs Air Head into a private hug after the group hug. She steps back and points at the batpony. "You, you are great." Love smiles real big at her.

"I'd like to check out your ships."

2019-01-22, 08:16 PM
Longshot nods and tries not to, er, rock the boat.

2019-01-23, 12:27 AM
Air Head grins. "I like you too! You're all great in my book!"

The Crusaders look between them while Sweetie Belle subtly puts her mane back into the position she prefers. "Ya think she's an ancestor or somethin'?" Apple Bloom asks.

The pirate who seems to be giving everyone trouble clears his throat again. "Let's be on our way, methinks," he says.

"Aye!" the others cheer.

"Sure!" says Air Head.

As a group, they take a different exit from the maze and head towards the ship parked in the courtyard. Ponies are loading up stolen treasure and weapons while the rest take shots at anyone sticking their head out in the castle, just to keep them occupied and keep them from charging back out.

Sunrise stands in the middle of it all, buried up to her neck in a green slime-like substance. She looks very unhappy about it. Twilight and Celestia glower at each other from where they stand. "Well?" Celestia calls, "Thou hast defeated my acolyte. If thou art the 'End of the Day', then now is thy chance to fulfill thy destiny."

Twilight slowly shakes her head. "I was sent through several walls. My reaction time would be slowed from my injuries. To slow to take you on with a greater than 60% chance of victory. And I don't take chances."

2019-01-23, 06:34 AM
Rose looks on at the standoff, then turns to the pirates. "So... what are they fighting about?"

2019-01-23, 04:41 PM
Longshot shakes his head. This entire situation was just insane. Twilight was at odds with... Daybreaker. And they were ready to go to war over it? Unfathomable.

"And for how long?" He asks..

He checks on the Crusaders. "You three okay with everything?"

2019-01-23, 05:15 PM
A playful hoof points at Air Head.

She feels free to whisper an answer Sweetie Belle, "She is probably somepony's ancestor."

Love will keep the girls on the inside of the route while Love stays on the outside with all the fighting. She makes sure their helmets are secure.

She whispers, "It looks like we'll be retreating soon." Love keeps an eye out for any ponies she can help get aboard. She doesn't care about their loot.

2019-01-23, 06:03 PM
"It be an epic stuggle fer the fate o' the world itself, lass," one of the pirates says, pride stirring in his voice, "Ad'mral Luna vs. the imperious forces o' the mad alicorn Daybreaker. 'Twas the Elements themselves what ordained her t' lead the free peoples o' the world, ya know." He thinks for a moment. "I'd say this war has been goin' on for the last, oh, thousand years or so. But ne'er before has each side had a secon' alicorn. An' our Twilight's a real smart one, ye know."

Scootaloo nods slowly. "Pirate Luna sounds cool, but this kinda weird, ya know?"

"Nice place to visit," Sweetie Belle says, "But wouldn't want to live here. Rarity says that about Stalliongrad."

They draw near to the gangplank and the pirates make sure the six of them board first. Last chance to resist, if that was part of the plan.

2019-01-23, 06:29 PM
"A thousand year war? Wow, that's pretty bad. Equestria is probably a wasteland by now."

2019-01-24, 07:39 AM
"I agree." Longshot tells Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell. He lowers his voice to a whisper. "And so we'll find some way back." I hope.

He returns attention to the other pirates. "Both sides have a second alicorn? I hope you can forgive our ignorance. I haven't heard of this."

His has shifts between the pirates and the gang plank. Any further and they'd be committed. But what other option did they have? They would need some pony more magically inclined than they to figure out the crystal. And between the two, the pirate group seemed... marginally more restrained.

Daybreaker. Longshot looks at the flaming Alicorn. His jaw tightens. First the Corrupted Elements and now this. It didn't matter what dreams he had to sacrifice. He'd find a way to stop it from getting this bad in his home dimension.

2019-01-24, 07:43 AM
Rose edges over toward Longshot. She whispers, "Who's got the crystal thing that got us here?"

2019-01-24, 10:41 AM
The red gold alicorn struggles in her bonds. “Don’t bother,” Twilight says, “The tensile strength increases proportionally to the force you exert on it. Your only way out is to move very slowly, and we’ll be gone by then.”

The red-gold alicorn’s jaw tightens. “You will feel the fury of a thousand, blazing--!”

“Sunrise!” Luna calls, “No, Sunset Shimmer.” Her face turns soft, compassionate, exactly like the Luna everyone knows and loves. “Ye need not stay with her. Ye can come with me. Be happy again, as ye were when ye were a--”

“SHUT UP!” the red gold alicorn snaps, “Sunset is dead! I am Sunrise, the End of the Night! One day I will crush your little apprentice and then you!”

Luna’s mouth snaps shut. Her eyes turn into an odd mixture of pain and hardness. “So be it,” she says.

“Ah think Ah like Princess Luna better,” Apple Bloom whispers as they step on deck. The pirates immediately scatter, preparing the ship to take off.

2019-01-24, 03:15 PM
Longshot takes up a watchful position over the Crusaders. He can't help but smile slightly at Apple Bloom.

"So what you're saying is that Princess Luna is best princess? I'm sure she'll be enthused to hear you say that."

He looks around the deck, trying to determine just what sort of mess they'd landed in now. His previous conversation with Love was an honest one-- he held no desire to jump dimensions or find other realities. The problems of one were more than enough for him.

"I've the crystal with me." Longshot hisses back to Rose. "It looks like it's out of juice."

2019-01-24, 03:39 PM
"Juice... yeah, I'm a bit thirsty myself. Will have to see what quenches that," Rose whispers to Longshot.

Hmm, Rose served on an airship in her time. She's going to place a bet that personnel positions don't change much, so she's going to see who on deck knows things like what we're doing out here (other than a princess).

So... [roll0] plus something...?

2019-01-24, 05:12 PM
Love switches to the back so that she can walk up the gangplank last. The pony off the boat the ground.

She tells the group, "I'm going to try to help prepare for lift off." Love will stay close to the girls, but she tries to find someone doing a repetitive task and repeat the motions.

2019-01-24, 08:23 PM
Apple Bloom looks askance at Longshot. "Twahlight's the best princess, but Princess Luna's better 'n anypony here. Ah mean, from what Ah've seen so far."

"She could be bad too," Sweetie Belle says, "Buuuut we haven't seen it yet."

With a critical eye, Rose finds something she thinks she can help with. She and Love aren't much help, but they do help speed it on its way. The pirates are a flurry of activity and, as far as Longshot can tell, fully focused on getting the ship off the ground before the Imperials rally and strike back at them. They succeed and soon the six ponies are aboard a ship zooming through the skies over a desert.

Canterlot looks different from the air. It is like something out of Saddle Arabia, not Equestria. A lush city surrounded by rolling sand dunes, where pony's tracks are soon swallowed up and few signs of their passage remain. Here, the Sun truly reigns supreme and none can forget her oppressive heat.

2019-01-24, 08:41 PM
With a critical eye, Rose finds something she thinks she can help with.

Rose approaches the pony. "Hello, since we're coming along for the ride, would you mind answering a few questions? We're from quite a far away place and Equestria here isn't how I pictured it exactly."

2019-01-24, 10:49 PM
Longshot busies himself with keeping the Crusaders together and sheltered. His gaze wanders to the sand hills. The buck happened here?

"Somehow, I had a feeling you'd say that." Longshot tells Apple Bloom. It had been a bad feeling.

"There's a lot we don't know. And I've seen too many situations turn themselves on their head to make any assumptions. It's best to keep your eyes and mind open. Don't believe anything until the evidence leads you there. I know, it's easier said than done."

2019-01-24, 11:04 PM
Once they are in the air and the crew out of danger, Love returns back to Longshot and the girls. Canterlot being in the smack dab in a desert was unexpected. Daybreaker definitely seemed to be Celestia. She must be Celestia's alter ego like Nightmare Moon. They're in the past, but its not exactly what she expected in terms of atmosphere. Daybreaker had a long time to turn the land to sand. It's hard not to imagine the Wasteland looking down.

She notes, "Canterlot looks beautiful, like something a pony would find in a story book." It's a jewel surrounded by gold. Love keeps an eye out for any other ships or Luna and Twilight.

2019-01-25, 09:53 AM
The pegasus mare looks up from swabbing the deck and smiles at Rose. “Sure!” Then, she frowns. “Wait, do I know you? You look familiar.”

“Eyes open,” Scootaloo repeats, “Right!” She widens her eyes and looks around for a few seconds, then closes and starts rubbing them. “Gah, they get so dry.”

“Evidence…” Sweetie Belle repeats, musing. She turns to her friends and a grin spreads across her face, “Girls? Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Are ya thinkin’ ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders: Interdimensional Investigators’?” Apple Bloom asks.


“Alrigh’ then!” Apple Bloom says. She takes a deep breath and, in unison, they shout, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS: INTERDIMENSIONAL INVESTIGATORS!”

As Love’s luck would have it, she spots Twilight and Luna looking down at their ship from Luna’s flagship, the Canterlot Burning. They appear to be talking about something, probably the interdimensional travelers they picked up.

2019-01-25, 10:02 AM
The pegasus mare looks up from swabbing the deck and smiles at Rose. “Sure!” Then, she frowns. “Wait, do I know you? You look familiar.”

Rose tilts her head. "Am I familiar? I've never met you or any of your fellow crew. I mean, red-mane mares by the name of Rose are probably common around these parts, right?"

She flicks her tail. "I'm curious to know about this skirmish. Do you do this often? Seems like this land is blighted by a lot of sun and could use some shade and rain."

2019-01-25, 10:58 AM
Longshot throws a wet blanket over their enthusiasm by quickly snapping his wings over their heads and putting them in the dark. Hopefully, their shout hadn't traveled too far.

"This would have to be an undercover investigation." He says. "So if you tell ponies that you're an investigator, then you'll blow your cover."

He looks around to see what sort of attention has been attracted.

2019-01-25, 11:22 AM
Love puts a hoof to her mouth and laughs alongside the CMC declaring an investigation. "Good idea." Longshot continues to be good with kids.

The two alicorns seem to be interested in them. Love starts a wide exaggerated wave at the farther away ponies. She shouts, "Hello, Admiral Luna! Hello, Twilight!"

2019-01-25, 01:01 PM
“Oh, we’ve got plenty of shade and rain in the Everfree forest!” the pegasus says, but she continues to study Rose’s face, “I swear I’ve seen you before somewhere. It’ll come to me. Do I look familiar to you, by any chance?” For the record, she doesn’t.

Longshot cuts them off right as they get to ‘MARK!’ A few ponies look up in a surprise, but see the source and smile/shrug before returning to what they were doing.

“Undercover,” Sweetie Belle says with a nod, “Right. We can do that, right girls?”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom agree.

Love’s wave is noticed. Luna regally waves back and Twilight tries to imitate her, but hers is much more awkward and less practiced. They take to the air and begin gliding towards Love.

2019-01-25, 01:29 PM
"You've got the right idea." Longshot nods even though there's not much hope of this ending well. "And it looks like your first chance to practice is almost here. The Alicorns are arriving."

His wings retreat back to their normal resting state-- his damaged one stiff in its movement. Not that in that way, bozo.

Longshot tries to make sure they're presentable before the Royals arrive.

"I'll follow your lead." He tells Love.

2019-01-25, 02:27 PM
Rose studies their face. "No, can't say that you look familiar at all, sorry. Maybe you saw another pretty unicorn redhead? I mean, red is quite striking on the memory."

Rose poses with a slight jut of her fluff, but not too showy. Let's not be a big distraction now.

"Everfree... Ah, the great Everfree forest? I heard it's quite dangerous in there."

2019-01-25, 02:35 PM
Love increases her waving speed after she is recognized by Luna and Twilight. She wildly flaps her foreleg as they star flying towards the group. She shouts, "Hello! Admiral Luna! Twilight!"

She says to the group, "Right... Undercover." Oops. She may have told a certain garden mare some 'secrets.' Love nods to Longshot. "Don't be a stranger."

Love climbs up on the side of the boat and locks a foreleg around the rope ladder/rigging. She waves from her new spot.

2019-01-25, 09:28 PM
The Crusaders huddle together and begin whispering intently, plotting. Who knows what horrible fate is now set to befall them all?

"It's a very striking color," the mare agrees. She stamps her hoof triumphantly. "I have it! You were that traveling florist back in Trotterdam! The one Admiral Luna bought her entire stand for Twilight. What are you doing so far out here?"

The two alicorns land on deck. Twilight lands heavily, Luna with grace. "Ahoy!" she declares energetically. The crew responds with a hearty 'Ahoy!' "Where be the new ponies?" Luna asks. She surely knows, as no one is making an attempt to hide, but she pretends not to see them to give them a chance to approach of their own free will.

2019-01-25, 09:35 PM
"It's a very striking color," the mare agrees. She stamps her hoof triumphantly. "I have it! You were that traveling florist back in Trotterdam! The one Admiral Luna bought her entire stand for Twilight. What are you doing so far out here?"

"While I'm from a land far away, I'm not a florist. I'm a doctor actually, if you can believe that." She ends it there when Luna calls out for the new ponies. She looks back at the pony she's talking to and bids her release with a nod so she can go approach. However, she looks over to Twilight and studies if she's badly injured after her big fight.

2019-01-25, 09:57 PM
"That's enough plotting for now. It's time to introduce ourselves. Mind your manners."

Wings spread to herd the CMC in the right direction, Longshot approaches the two Alicorns. He stops and a respectful distance and after a respectful 'Your highness' and bow, waits for Love to take the lead.

2019-01-26, 04:45 PM
Love hops down from the side of the boat before Luna and Twilight land. Love opens her mouth, "Ahoy!" with the rest of the crew. She trots into Luna's center view. A respectful short bow is sincerely made. "We are here, Admiral Luna. Alicorn Twilight. I've been looking forward to meeting the two of you. Please, let me introduce myself. Everyone calls me Love." She will introduce everyone else if so prompted by them.

2019-01-26, 06:59 PM
Twilight looks a little bruised, but she stands tall and proud beside Luna.

Luna stares at Longshot. "Highness?" she repeats. Suddenly, he finds himself swept up under one of her forelegs. "Har, har, har! What do ye take me for?" She squeezes him a little too hard. "That be Imperial talk, my lad! We're free ponies here." She sweeps Love up under the other leg and, lacking anymore legs she can use to sweep ponies up in a public setting, she sweeps Rose and the Crusaders up with her wings instead. "Freedom," she says, "Be the most important thing ye can have. And the right t' sock any of yer so-called betters when they're bein' a dolt."

2019-01-26, 07:45 PM
Rose is swept up on a wing and a mare. She returns the affection. "Thank you, Luna, for your hospitality."

2019-01-26, 10:26 PM
Longshot does his best not to wince. It's not that he minds the invasion of personal space (alright, so that's a lie, but it's not as bad as in the past) so much as the fact that Princess Luna is hugging him.

Correction: Admiral Luna is hugging him.

"I... I see. I stand corrected then."

2019-01-26, 10:51 PM
Love puts a foreleg around Luna to add her half of the hug. She'd put her other foreleg around Longshot, but that might be unwelcomed. She smiles at him and taps Luna's hoof as her telltale sign. "Aye! We're all free ponies!" She cheers, "Freeedom!" Love looks at Luna and winks. Noting strange here. They're on an airship surrounded by pirates and sailing away from Canterlot. "I love freedom!" The ball is in your court Luna.

2019-01-28, 10:12 AM
“Hospitality tis my middle name!” Luna declares. To Longshot, see says, “No, laddie buck! Ye stand corrected.” And she smirks, extremely pleased with herself. The Crusaders look almost as bewildered as Longshot and mumble a few things about freedom and the joys of self-determination, a cause that they can very much get behind.

Twilight clears her throat. Abashed, Luna sets them down and adopts a more serious look. “Right,” she says, “First, we must ensure ye aren’t spies. So, are ye spies?”

The Crusaders all look up sharply. 'Investigators' are very close to spies, after all.

2019-01-28, 10:44 AM
"Spy? No, I'm a trained doctor actually," Rose answers. "My specialty is in Field Medicine."

2019-01-28, 11:46 AM
"A spy for the Empire or any nation-slash-faction hostile to you? No." Longshot shakes his head. "We're strangers to this land and have no allegiance to the Empire. Any questions or curiosity would be to serve our own understanding. If you mean 'spy' by profession then that depends upon how broad your definition of 'spy' is. Some of my past activities have been very... clandestine... in nature."

Draw a nice, big heat signature and hope the Crusaders knew to stay under the radar.

2019-01-28, 03:00 PM
Love bursts and starts laughing at the pun.

On her own hoofs again, Love straightens herself out. Longshot raises a good point. What is a spy? The definition is rather loose when the tact is called to count. Love gathers information by hacking - preferably while the opposition is unaware. Was she a spy? "I don't consider myself a spy. I spend most of my work as an inventor!"

2019-01-28, 03:24 PM
Luna’s eyes narrow. She glances over at Twilight, who nods. “Hmm, my consort says ye have told the truth.” Her smile returns. “Welcome aboard then, mates! Ye say ye come from far away? What be the name of thy homeland?”

The Crusaders begin edging away.

2019-01-28, 08:16 PM
"Perhaps we should continue this discussion in private, your-- Admiral." Longshot allows himself to look tired. "You have my word that we mean you no harm. But our travels are convoluted and will take some time to explain."

2019-01-28, 08:28 PM
"More like take some space to explain," Rose whispers in Longshot's direction with a smirk.

2019-01-28, 09:22 PM
Consort!? Love tries to guard her surprise. "I've always enjoyed being aboard an airship." Love raise a hoof. "I'm a little thirsty actually."

2019-01-29, 12:46 PM
Luna smirks. "That wouldn't be an attempt to get me alone so ye can try and assassinate me, would it?" She heads towards the captain's cabin with a casual stride. "Captain Pipsqueak! We be needin yer cabin!"

A mottled stallion with a slender build salutes. "Yer welcome to it anytime!"

Luna nods to the party, but a frown crosses her face. "Where be the foals?"

Twilight conjures a glass of water and hands it to Love.

A quick glance shows what she means. The Crusaders, it seems, have disappeared.

2019-01-29, 01:20 PM
"This is why I'm not against leashes," Rose remarks. "Well, being young and foolish, I think they would seek out something interesting, possibly shiny, on-board this ship."

2019-01-29, 02:07 PM
Love laughs, "Oh, no. I would never do that." Love follows Luna.

She looks around for the CMC. "They got us! They got one over on us! It's happened!"

Love takes the glass of water. She blushes for not an obvious reason and sips. "Thank you."

She downs the glass and puts it in her saddlebag. She chuckles at Rose's joke. "A good idea! I always want to climb the crow's nest myself. They could have climbed for a view!" Love checks on Cheeps to make sure they're still safe.

2019-01-29, 04:24 PM
Longshot issues a quiet sigh.

"Alright... who wants to track the CMC and who wants to explain things to the Admiral?"

2019-01-29, 04:49 PM
"I'll explain. I've got two minors in Theoretical Physics and Politics," Rose says to Longshot.

2019-01-29, 07:07 PM
"We could stick to the same task. Who knows where the CMC went. We could all join the conversation as well. The CMC need to be found though."

2019-01-30, 10:28 AM
Luna’s eyebrow remains raised through this conversation. “I see,” she says, “Twilight Sparkle! Accompany our ‘guests’ as they search for the wayward fillies.”

Twilight trots up to them and salutes Luna. “Aye, aye, Admiral!”

Luna clears her throat. “Twilight, ye used the right words, but not the right accent.”

Twilight’s cheeks color. “I maintain that this entire scheme is a silly notion that only distracts us from our--”

“Accent?” Luna repeats.

Twilight sighs heavily. “Aye, Adm’ral Luna. I will do as ye wish.”

Luna beams. “Yar-har!” she exclaims, “That be music to my ears!” She throws a forehoof in the air and says again, “Yar-har-har!”

“Yar-har-har!” the crew repeats.

“Yar-har-har…” Twilight says, voice lacking any enthusiasm whatsoever.

Luna throws a wing over Rose’s shoulders. “Come with me, my pretty mare! Ye and I have to have a conversation, if ye catch my drift.”

Twilight watches them go moodily. “Right,” she says, dropping the accent the moment Luna is out of earshot, “They can’t have gone far. It’s a smaller ship.”

2019-01-30, 12:32 PM
Luna throws a wing over Rose’s shoulders. “Come with me, my pretty mare! Ye and I have to have a conversation, if ye catch my drift.”

Rose attempts to hide a smirk, finding this world's pirate Luna to be adorable. "Aye, a conversation's in need to be had."

Okay, Rose couldn't quite do the accent. Her sister probably could, but that's only 'cause she has at least twice the geek cred Rose does.

2019-01-30, 02:29 PM
"That doesn't mean too much. These three could find trouble in a pickle jar. It's part of their charm." Longshot whispers to Twilight.

He shakes his head in bemusement, then concentrates on trying to track down some trace of the Crusaders. He takes a careful look over the area for any trace of them.

Abruptly, he's struck by a craving for macaroni and cheese. Uh, what?

[roll0] +2

2019-01-30, 03:07 PM
Love throws a hoof into the air. "Yar-har-har! They be pirates!"

She smiles at Longshot's comment. "They have a way of finding adventure."

She whispers, "Should we refer to your title? First mate, perhaps? It's a pleasure to meet you. Have you been part of the crew for long? Since you became an alicorn?"

Love has an idea for finding the CMC. Bait! She thinks to where the girls would go, and tries to summon them to other interesting sights. She calls out all the fascinating stuff she finds. The cannons. The crows Nest. Love goes running and zipping around, exclaiming exciting stuff and examining it for herself.


2019-01-30, 04:47 PM
"Eh, close enough," Luna says to Rose. She leads her back into the cabin, a crowded but neatly kept space with painting supplies stuffed in the corner and what looks like a crude camera sitting on the shelf. Luna looks at the chair, behind the desk, which is way too small for her, and sprawls across the bed instead. "So," she says, "Ye have a few things to tell me, I believe."


Twilight grimaces. "Yes. Fillies do have a propensity for that," she says. She begins casting a spell, probably to help search for the Crusaders.

She speaks to Love while concentrating. "I was born in Daybreaker's domain, but me and my family were imprisoned for conspiracy. We were rescued by Admiral Luna and her crew and I've been with them ever since. My intense study of magic made me the foremost candidate for transformation into an alicorn after Daybreaker fielded Sunrise Shimmer. And no, I don't have an official title. Only an unofficial one, and if you use it, I will blast you off the side of the ship."

Longshot and Love determine that the first place they'd try to hide is somewhere out of sight, somewhere that they can wait in until people have stopped looking at them. However, that involves going into the hold and when they ask, Twilight puts her hoof down. "Not happening," she says.

2019-01-30, 05:50 PM
She leads her back into the cabin, a crowded but neatly kept space with painting supplies stuffed in the corner and what looks like a crude camera sitting on the shelf. Luna looks at the chair, behind the desk, which is way too small for her, and sprawls across the bed instead. "So," she says, "Ye have a few things to tell me, I believe."

Rose wished Twilight were here, as she was the more cerebral one to understand multiverse theory. Hope Luna likes to dry-swallow reality pills.

She levitates the chair to herself and sits down. "My friends and I may seem a bit... naive of the local political landscape, and that's because we're actually from a different Equestrian dimension. Where we come from, you and Celestia made amends years ago and brought harmony to the land. You still talk like a pirate for your fans at Nightmare Night parties, but there is no war between sisters nor a desert landscape across the lands." She pauses to let that part sink in.

"I'm assuming such a story is hard to believe, so I'm willing to subject myself to scrutiny in order to prove it. Are you capable of dream-walking and reading memories? If so, you can poke into my mind when I nap and see for yourself. Um, what else? Oh, we did recover the crystal that brought us here. Our Twilight made it, so maybe your Twilight might share certain... signatures in their magical craft that would help prove my story?"

2019-01-30, 08:04 PM
Longshot's only reaction to Twilight's backstory is a frown. He's not enthused with any of this.

But that was not his immediate concern.

"Sweetie Belle? Apple Bloom? Scootaloo? If you're hiding below then we need you topside." He calls down below decks. Then he looks back to Twilight and gives a helpless shrug.

2019-01-30, 08:59 PM
Love puts her ears down. "I'm sorry that happened to you and your family."

She looks at Longshot when Twilight threatens her. "...I didn't mean to be rude, Twilight."

Love grimaces. "I hope they don't break anything. I left my bits at home." Love looks down at the ship. "We'll be real careful." Love frowns. "You're going to keep looking for them though, right? They're not in any danger are they?" Love's eyes get big. "Are their swords down there!? Guns!? Powerful magical artifacts that could go missing for most of the morning, missed being missed, and trigger with a random bump and an 'oops'!?" Love takes a deep breath. "We should keep looking!"

2019-02-01, 12:27 AM
Luna, to her credit, accepts this without either breaking out into laughter or giving Rose a very dubious look. She uncorks a flask that pops free of her pocket. "I see," she says and takes a swig, "Hmm." She takes another swig. "Nope. Still not drunk enough for this."

She chuckles. "I haven't sailed the Sea of Dreams for, oh, nigh two hundred years now. Did leave it in good hooves, though." She sighs. "When ye have a war t' run, other things fall by the wayside."

She muses. "Tell me about yer world."


Twilight waves their concerns aside. "Oh, I hardly remember it." She looks abashed at Love. "And that was...mostly an empty threat. Supposed to add a little levity to the serious topic. It, uh, failed."

Twilight's eyes go wide. "Oh. Oh no. All our spare floatstones are down there!" She runs and throws open the door. Inside, the three Crusaders are floating up against the ceiling, surrounded by several weightless stones and a crate that has the top pried off. They grin sheepishly. "Hi..." Sweetie Belle says.

2019-02-01, 01:14 AM
Love slaps her hoofs together and blushes in embarrassment. "I'm sorry! It was an impetuous characterization on my part! Please, forget I overreacted!" She jokes, "Knock me off the boat!" No pause. "That was a good witticism!" Love gives a nervous smile.

"Floatstones? Sounds magical." Love runs alongside Twilight until she opens the doors. "Yep. The girls found your magical treasures."

Love waves to them. Love says to the girls, "Hello. Follow Twilight's instructions."

She asks twilight, "Can I use magic near the floatstones?" If allowed, Love will try to use her horn to help Scootaloo off the ceiling.

2019-02-01, 06:41 AM
She muses. "Tell me about yer world."

"I can do you one better," Rose replies, standing up. "I can show you my world; shining, shimmering, splendid."

Rose concentrates her horn on the space in front of her, bringing forth an illusion of what Canterlot looks like back in her own world at night. She draws out the tall skyscrapers that make up the bones of the city's skyline, the illuminated city streets that traverse the city like veins filled with the blood of the cars and trucks, and the pulse of the city--the billboards illuminating the night with an image or two advertising Luna's nightly podcasts.
This would be a Spellcasting check, but maybe counts as a clever way to narrate a description? [roll0] +3?

2019-02-01, 08:45 AM
Love slaps her hoofs together and blushes in embarrassment. "I'm sorry! It was an impetuous characterization on my part! Please, forget I overreacted!" She jokes, "Knock me off the boat!" No pause. "That was a good witticism!" Love gives a nervous smile.

"If nothing else, you know that we respect your wishes and authority aboard the ship." Longshot says in an effort to smooth over the transition. "And it is respect and not fear we're discussing. We don't see you aa tyrant. Love's just trying to make friends."

Inside, the three Crusaders are floating up against the ceiling, surrounded by several weightless stones and a crate that has the top pried off. They grin sheepishly. "Hi..." Sweetie Belle says.

Hokey smoke, Bullwinkle. They're falling up!

"Hi, girls." Longshot backs up Love's point. "As Love said, don't do anything until, uh, Twilight shows us how to get you down to the ship."

He omits his usual explanation/justification lest it inspire further mishap.

"Or how about flight? Can I fly after them?" He asks.

2019-02-01, 01:42 PM
"If nothing else, you know that we respect your wishes and authority aboard the ship." Longshot says in an effort to smooth over the transition. "And it is respect and not fear we're discussing. We don't see you aa tyrant. Love's just trying to make friends."Love laughs. "I'm not afraid of any pony, discounting magical fear. That has a way of really messing with a pony's brain. I'm always trying to make friends with everypony. Apologizing is an important part of friendship."

2019-02-01, 11:50 PM
Luna stares in wonder at the sight. She cannot decipher half of it, but it all amazes her. "Ye have either an imagination like no other or a tale like no other," she says, "Alright. I believe ye. Another world, a happier world." Her face falls. "A world where Daybreaker still be Tia."


"We could use some help," Scootaloo admits.

"Yes," Twilight says, passing exasperation and going straight to resignation, "You can use magic. And fly. Just...get them out of there." She herself will grab Apple Bloom. "The spell should wear off eventually," she says, "But for now, they need to be kept in a closed room. With no chance of falling out."

2019-02-01, 11:57 PM
Luna stares in wonder at the sight. She cannot decipher half of it, but it all amazes her. "Ye have either an imagination like no other or a tale like no other," she says, "Alright. I believe ye. Another world, a happier world." Her face falls. "A world where Daybreaker still be Tia."

Rose lets the illusion fade away. She approaches Luna. "From where we're from, my friends and I are soldiers of the Equestrian military. Well, not the fillies, but for us three, we have sworn to protect Equestria and all the goodness it stands for. This might be a different world, but it's still an Equestrian one, and until we do find our way home, maybe we can help you. End this war. Break whatever enchantment holds your sister in a shell of evil. There's always strength in numbers, right? One for all and all for one?"

2019-02-02, 09:05 AM
Twilight had Apple Bloom and Love was getting Scootaloo, so Longshot flies to the ceiling and wraps a leg around Sweetie Belle.

"Don't worry, help is on the way. As is a long stay in the brig. I doubt there's a way to fall up in there?" Longshot's suggestion is exaggerated just enough to lift it out of direct punishment territory.

2019-02-02, 03:31 PM
Love smiles real big. "All of you found something real fantastic!" She honestly asks with a genuine curiosity, "Did you explore cautiously?"

"The spell reverses gravity? " A shame. The magic is probably too strong compared to a buoyancy spell.

Love grabs Scootaloo with her magic and carefully brings her closer so that she is physically within reach and hovering.

2019-02-02, 11:33 PM
Luna's face turns to a scowl. "All for one," she says, "That's Daybreaker's philosophy. If she had her way, the whole world would kneel before her an' her precious sun." She sighs. "I'd block it out, keep it from e'er beating down on ponies' heads again, 'cept we need it to grow food and all."

She shakes her head. "Nothing can defeat her, save the Elements of Harmony. And they no longer respond to me call."


"Awwwwwww," the Crusaders chorus.

"I like flying!" Sweetie Belle declares.

"Heh. It's pretty neat," Scootaloo says with a smirk.

"The brig's where they put bad ponies," Apple Bloom mutters.

"Out of curiosity," Twilight mutters, "How do you not fit that description?"

2019-02-03, 12:29 AM
"Oh, apologies. Back home that's a saying in a famous story about three friends who take on a corrupt king. Guess it didn't work out as I intended."

Rose ponders for a moment. "Hmm, do the elements have bearers now?"

2019-02-03, 06:41 AM
The center of Longshot's back twitches. Somepony nearby must have butchered a literary reference. He ignores it and guides Sweetie Belle outside, all the while keeping a firm grip on her.

"I think you can do plenty of flying in a safer environment. And maybe your stay would be less 'confinement' and more 'protective custody'. We wouldn't want you flying all the way up to the sun, would we? That might get a little toasty."

2019-02-03, 09:13 AM
Love rubs Scootaloo's mane. She holds tight with her magic and keeps Scootaloo close, but let's her 'fly.' "Hah. I bet flying is pretty great." Love stops in her tracks. She looks back at the trapdoor/floatstones. She eyes them intently. She puts some stress in her neck as she considers doing something she really shouldn't do. There wouldn't be any real harm in it... She could tie a rope to the ship.

Love asks, "Does the spell have a maximum height? Do you have any research papers on the floatstones?" She wonders if it's a reverse gravity spell. Wouldn't anyone under the affects be ejected from the solar system in the opposite direction of the sun? She hasn't studied gravity magic. It's an interesting question.

2019-02-03, 03:52 PM
"I shall take it in the sense ye meant it,then." Luna blinks. "Should they ha--I mean, yar, they do not. They be shielding me castle from Daybreaker's power. None can move 'em, not even me."


"It'd take hours to reach the sun." Sweetie Belle says, a pout on her face. She looks at Twilight for support, but her face falls when she remembers it's not the same mare.

Twilight studies them with narrow eyes. "The spell on them exerts a certain amount of force, but that force is designed to hold up an airship. It is way too much for an adult, much less a filly. We're lucky they were only partially affected or they could have been flattened against the ceiling. This is why no one who doesn't know what they're doing is allowed in the cargo hold."

She shakes her head. "Excuse me, but do you three know me from somewhere? You keep looking at me expectantly."

2019-02-03, 04:26 PM
"Maybe we need to do so, so that we can get the elements assembled to win back your sister."

2019-02-03, 04:49 PM
"Perhaps we should join Rose and... Luna in their conference. That might explain any strange looks better than we otherwise could." Longshot suggests. He nods in the general direction of the aforementioned duo.

2019-02-03, 07:57 PM
Love's eyes get big at the being flattened mention. Maybe, Love will try them out under more controlled circumstances. She looks away from the hold and brings Scootaloo a little closer.

She will head with them to Luna.

"Oh, this explanation is going to be good!" Love smiles real big. "You are going to love this Twilight!"

2019-02-03, 11:10 PM
"I...look forward to it?" Twilight says, hesitant.

After throwing the Crusaders in the brig, they head to Luna's commandeered cabin. The fillies are very put out, but they leave them bouncing off the walls. Literally.

Luna takes another swig of her flask. "Tried," she said, "Nopony's good enough t' embody an Element entirely."

A knock at the door signals Twilight, Love, and Longshot's arrival. The purple alicorn strides in and sits beside Luna on the bed. She looks between Luna and Rose. "So..." she says, "I hear there is a story of sorts?"

2019-02-03, 11:31 PM
"Oooh yes, quite a story. What the heck, let me give an encore presentation."

Rose casts her illusion again, playing once more the vibrant skyline of lights and life under a moonlit sky from home. "So, this is... where we're from. Oof." Rose is suddenly feeling a bit tired from the spells. She sits down. "Um, Long, Love, Luna... one you want to finish?"

She slumps a little in her posture, concentrating on holding up the illusion.

2019-02-04, 10:11 AM
"Easy there, Cola." Longshot looks concerned for Rose but refrains from anything else.

"The truth is that we come from an alternate dimension, timeline... plane of existence? I'm not sure how all this works. But in our world, the one Rose is showing you, things are very different.

"In our world, in the distant past, Princess Luna fell to jealousy and envy. She became Nightmare Moon and refused to lower the moon. Princess Celestia used the Elements to banish her to the moon for a thousand years.

"When Nightmare Moon returned from exile, Twilight Sparkle, pre-Alicorn, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash re-ignited the Elements of Harmony and used then to reform Nightmare Moon. They have her a second chance by diminishing the darkness within her... but it was still up to Princess Luna whether to embrace Harmony or return to the dark. She chose friendship and Harmony.

"Now, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna jointly rule over Equestria in harmony. Princess Twilight Sparkle superintendents the magic of friendship and her friends bear the Elements of Harmony." Longshot shrugs. "A few hours ago, there was a magical accident that transported us here. We don't know how to get back to our world."

2019-02-04, 10:26 AM
Rose could really use a cola.

"Although, as I suggested to Luna earlier, maybe this is an opportunity to bring harmony over here."

2019-02-04, 02:02 PM
Love smiles. "Are we doing nicknames again!? I thought we stopped doing nicknames!"

She says to Longshot, "I'm still working on that dimensional, timeline measuring device. It being technology is a design flaw to overcome." She back's up Longshot, "Longshot's story is true."

"It's too bad the our technology got overrode. I could really use my light folding technology for a full presentation. Rose could use her energy storage devices as well."

Love smiles real big. "I like having my magic back though!" Love holds up the water glass Twilight gave her earlier and takes a sip. She offers the water to Cheeps.

"Princess Twilight runs 'Friendship Day' the first Thursday of every month! She is the Princess of Friendship!"

2019-02-04, 02:41 PM
Twilight opens her mouth and raises a hoof, closes it, and lowers her hoof again. “Alright,” she says, “Alternate dimension.” She turns to Luna. “You believe this?”

“Aye,” Luna says, for once not pressuring her to use the accent, “They have convince me.”

Twilight rubs her temple. “But...but you could never have fallen to...whatever sort of thing Daybreaker was.”

Luna hesitates. “I admit, I was jealous of Celestia’s…” She makes a circle with her hoof, searching for the right word. “Glory? Aye, glory. Everypony worshipping her, hanging on her every word. But I never felt any ‘nightmare’ within me. The ponies fled to me side when Celestia turned tyrant. Perhaps if she...nay.” She shakes her head. “What might have been don’t matter. What will be, that’s important.”

“I’ve studied the Elements,” Twilight says, “For one pony to use them all would require both pure intentions and a very strong body, mind, and spirit. In other words, an alicorn.” She gestures to her and Luna. “In other words, Luna or I would have to be using them to defend someone. We can’t use them to launch an attack. We've...never tried having individuals wield them, but I'm afraid I don't know any of those names except Rarity, the empress' personal tailor.”

Cheeps accepts the drink of water with good grace. He is a good bird, taking all of this in stride. Love’s mane is quickly being rearranged into a nest.

Twilight sputters. “I’m sorry, did you says ‘Princess of FRIENDSHIP? Me? Ha! Okay, that’s a joke, right? A joke...It’s gotta be a...” She swallows. “Not something more intimidating or, you know, useful like magic or power?”

2019-02-04, 03:28 PM
"Back home, friendship is the most powerful force known. It's a sort of magic all its own," Rose debates, "We talked down and befriended vampires, necromancers, the queen of the changelings... you'd be amased how much you have in common with enemies if you can find a way to show them to see how peace is more worth their while than hate."

2019-02-04, 08:23 PM
"Not to mention the fact that I made friends with a sentient nightmare. She's become one of my closer friends." Longshot replies.

He shrugs at Love. "She's Rose Croix, her initials are RC, she's smooth, bubbly and everyone wants her. Tell me the nickname doesn't fit.

"But returning to serious matters, yes, our Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Friendship. How similar you are to her and how similar our Elements of Harmony are to ours, we don't know. We've only been in this world a few hours."

It's a reminder to himself and the others not to go making any assumptions or telling others their business.

2019-02-04, 08:38 PM
He shrugs at Love. "She's Rose Croix, her initials are RC, she's smooth, bubbly and everyone wants her. Tell me the nickname doesn't fit.

Rose shows a little bit more curve to help make the point.

2019-02-05, 10:32 AM
Love taps a hoof to her chin. "Rarity is in Canterlot. In our world, everyone was living in ponyville when our Twilight moved there. Originally, I think. Applejack and Rarity were from ponyville. Rainbow Dash and Flutteryshy were from Cloudsdale. Pinkie Pie grew up in Rockville."

Cheeps nesting causes her to smile. She reaches up and gives him some loving rubs. "Why don't you get comfortable?"

Orange magic moves the water glass cup closer to Twilight. "Water?"

She smiles at Longshot. "Cola is a wonderful nickname!" Rose seems to like it. She asks directly, "Do you want nicknames?" He tone is neutral.

"I've made friends with a baker, sheriff, and engineer!"

2019-02-05, 10:51 AM
She smiles at Longshot. "Cola is a wonderful nickname!"

"Actually it's pretty dumb. I just like Longshot's description of me." Rose grins, but stops showing off.

"Anyway, do you have a library back where you are in the Everfree? If my friends and I are going to help unlock the elements to use in defense of this land before it all turns to sand (did not mean to rhyme that) I think a little research would be helpful to know any differences between here and our own home."

2019-02-05, 12:29 PM
“Friendship,” Twilight repeats, “Most...powerful...force in the…” She slams both her hooves into her forehead. “But that doesn’t even make sense! How...why…”

“Calm yer mind, Twilight,” Luna says softly. She looks at Love with a curious expression. “I do not mean to question ye, but where be Ponyville? I have ne’er heard of such a place.”

Twilight brightens at the mention of a library. “Yes! We have several thousand years of knowledge in the Castle of the Moon!”

Luna nods. “It was me and me sister’s castle once. Now it be only mine. We will be arriving there, oh, shortly.”

2019-02-05, 01:01 PM
"I had trouble understanding how friendship is so powerful. I still do at times, but I've seen it work and I cannot deny the lasting bonds it forges."

2019-02-06, 01:24 AM
She smiles at Longshot. "Cola is a wonderful nickname!" Rose seems to like it. She asks directly, "Do you want nicknames?" He tone is neutral.

Longshot shrugs slowly. "It doesn't matter one way or the other. I misspoke somehow and called Rose 'Cola'. It doesn't mean anything."

"Actually it's pretty dumb. I just like Longshot's description of me." Rose grins, but stops showing off.


Luna nods. “It was me and me sister’s castle once. Now it be only mine. We will be arriving there, oh, shortly.”

So... that was it? No concern about how they were getting home or if they were stuck here? These two were just going to accept their help and let them call some shots? Longshot silently sighs. OK, then.

"I... might be able to find Ponyville. Emphasis on 'might'. I usually have a strong migratory instinct and since we were in our world's Ponyville a few weeks ago, I might be able to trace that path from your version of Canterlot. I don't know if that would work but it might be worth a try if you're determined.

"That assumes Ponyville exists in this dimension."

Longshot decides to just fall silent and let the others carry the conversation for a while. Friendship wasn't really his ball game.

2019-02-06, 02:14 PM
Love smiles at Luna. "Question me as much as you find wise! I love questions. Ponyville is next to the Everfree Forest! The forest is always giving the town a little excitement!"

"Actually it's pretty dumb. I just like Longshot's description of me." Rose grins, but stops showing off.
Longshot shrugs slowly. "It doesn't matter one way or the other. I misspoke somehow and called Rose 'Cola'. It doesn't mean anything."

That smile turns right upside down. She says to Rose, "That's a mean to say. There are other ways to mention a disliked nickname."

2019-02-06, 02:26 PM
"It's also not worth fretting over at the immediate moment given the plethora of other, more pressing issues over which to be concerned." Longshot replies in an effort to be diplomatic. "We can talk nicknames at a more appropriate time and place."

Timing was everything and this, well, wasn't really it.

2019-02-06, 03:45 PM
Twilight and Luna seem to share a private conference, staring at each other without speaking. Luna nods subtly towards them. Twilight's shoulders slump. She turns to them. "Might I see the crystal that brought you here?" she asks, "I...am led to understand that I may be able to help send you back with it."

Luna frowns, but nods to Longshot. "Or perhaps it be called something different here," she mutters, "Whereabouts would it be?"

Love's answer only deepens her frown. "I be afraid," she says softly, "That anything 'next to' the Everfree forest would be incinerated if it stood too long."

We can arrive whenever you all are ready!

2019-02-06, 04:10 PM
Rose shrugs at the criticism. Longshot knows that she still loves him even if his nicknames aren't all classic A-list material.

She's ready to arrive and get researching.

2019-02-06, 05:09 PM
Longshot shrugs slowly. "It doesn't matter one way or the other. I misspoke somehow and called Rose 'Cola'. It doesn't mean anything."
"It's also not worth fretting over at the immediate moment given the plethora of other, more pressing issues over which to be concerned." Longshot replies in an effort to be diplomatic. "We can talk nicknames at a more appropriate time and place.""There is always something happening. A pony needs to make time for themselves." She probably isn't talking about nicknames. Love's mouth straightens out, and she sighs through her nose. There is more she wants to say, but she tries to respect Longshot's wishes. She forces half a smile. "Let's talk nicknames later." Her eyes linger on Longshot before turning to the two alicorns.

All the bad news causes a tense face. "I believe I'll come to know the meaning of your words." Rarity is in Canterlot. That may means something for the Ponyville inhabitants. She just doesn't know what yet. She stays brief not to interfere with the crystal conversation.

We can arrive whenever!

2019-02-06, 06:18 PM
She forces half a smile. "Let's talk nicknames later."


She turns to them. "Might I see the crystal that brought you here?" she asks, "I...am led to understand that I may be able to help send you back with it."

Luna frowns, but nods to Longshot. "Or perhaps it be called something different here," she mutters, "Whereabouts would it be?"

Longshot takes the crystal from his jacket pocket and extends it to Twilight. Then he'll use a map, questions and basic instinct in an attempt at pinpointing Ponyville's basic location.

Careful +2

EDIT: Code didn't paste right. Using the dice thread.

Ready to arrive whenever.

2019-02-08, 09:37 PM
Twilight takes the crystal and starts to concentrate. Meanwhile, Longshot manages to determine that they are somewhere around Ponyville right now. He can't quite tell where it should be, but it's somewhere off to the right and within ten miles.

Luna chats with them a bit while Twilight studies. At last, the purple alicorn sets aside her scroll and quill and says, "This is actually pretty simple to refill. Any mage could do it with a 'Lend Energy' spell. However, it will recharge over time and does need quite a bit to fill up, so to speak."

A bell tolls overhead. "And with that," Luna says, "We be at Everfree Castle!"

2019-02-08, 09:52 PM
"Huh, so it'll just charge up in time and get us home. That seems... too easy?"

Rose looks over at Longshot.

2019-02-10, 12:19 AM
"That sounds normal like normal magic item busy to me. We're not leaving so I'd love to help out."

Love is happy to chat with Luna. She asks about the sister's happenings, basic setting questions, then if/when Luna mentions she put the dreamworks in some other hoofs. Love eyes go wide, and she asks, "Who, how, could anyone step in for such duties?!"

The bell interrupted the wrong part! Love looks like she isn't ready to stop talking to Luna.

Love looks towards the door before shifting her focus back to Luna.

2019-02-10, 09:37 AM
"That sounds normal like normal magic item busy to me. "

"That's the part that makes me a little wary. Not often our luck with artifact magic is so good, you know?"

2019-02-10, 12:58 PM
Longshot returns Rose's look with one of 'Why are you looking at me?'

"Magic is so far outside of my forte that I can hazard an opinion. I'm willing to trust Twilight on this one and worry about other things. Like who that other Alicorn was-- the one Twilight fought at the castle..."

He looks at the front door. "And whether it's safe to spring the Crusaders yet. Any pony think the spell has worn off them?"

2019-02-10, 01:59 PM
Longshot returns Rose's look with one of 'Why are you looking at me?'

"Like I said, just seems easy this time."

2019-02-11, 10:48 PM
Luna shrugs. "My daughter be perfectly capable. Perhaps ye've met her. She be named Tantabus, or Tabby, if ye be a friend of hers." She rises from the bed and begins striding towards the door. "Come! Ye must see me castle!"

Twilight shrugs. "Well, whoever designed it clearly did not want to remained trapped in a different world for the rest of their life. It would only fail to work if there were no magic in the dimension you jumped to."

She, too, will head for the door. "Spell should have worn off. If not, we can tie rope around them. Like balloons."

2019-02-11, 11:17 PM
Love gasps. She starts waving her hoofs around like she's trying to land a plane. "I don't know if I have met her! I am familiar with the name Tantabus!" Love pauses. She has never heard the name Tabby. Of course, Rem might be extremely different from Tabby. She starts pointing to Longshot repeatedly with both her hoofs.

"We shouldn't leave the them waiting. They wouldn't want to miss the castle!"

2019-02-11, 11:26 PM
Rose shakes her head. "Excuse my excitable friend. In our world, Tantabus and Luna had a poor relationship when Tantabus wished to be free of her mom, and for a time an insidious pony imprisoned Tantabus to use as a spy. She's liberated now and her relationship with Luna will get better one step at a time."

2019-02-12, 09:10 AM
A world without any magic...

"Rose has given an accurate summation of her situation. In our world, the Tantabus goes by the name of 'Rem'. She's the 'sentient nightmare' I mentioned earlier."

And Love is making weird gestures at him, why?

"Let's go see his castle. I'm sure it's quite the sight."

2019-02-12, 03:24 PM
Love puts a hoof on her mane and nervous laughs. That didn't go the way she expected. Love expected more questions about Tabby.

"Rem is great."

"Maybe, we could meet Tantabus if the opportunity presents itself."

"Let's get going!" Love rushes to the door if she can do so without being rude. If no one has reached it yet, she'll hold the door open for everyone.

2019-02-12, 03:55 PM
Rose follows along, passively observing her surroundings. She's gonna have to ask Twi when they get back home what crazy inspiration gave her the idea to make magic stones that send users to other worlds. Rose wonders if this is just a crazy dream or VR simulation... meh, just enjoy the ride for now. Can't change things at the moment.

2019-02-12, 10:42 PM
Luna raises an eyebrow at Love's reaction, but refrains from making snarky remarks. It looks like she puts a lot of effort into her restraint too. She accepts Longshot and Rose's explanation with a wary nod. "Tabby is no nightmare, though she be a dream creature," she assures them.

They step onto the deck and see, sprawling below them, a massive town carved into the heart of the Everfree Forest. In the center of it, a castle large enough to rival Canterlot's thrusts up into the sky, towers reaching improbable heights. It is a very impressive structure...for its time. The skyscrapers back home dwarf it, much like they do the real Celestia and Luna's home. Still, the architecture is a stunning example of old-style construction and has a number of intricate and interesting features that historians would go bonkers over.

Luna looks it over proudly. "What do ye think?"

2019-02-12, 11:01 PM
"This is like... okay, back home we'd pay serious money to vacation at a place like this. It looks very serene."

2019-02-13, 12:57 AM
Longshot nods in agreement. It was very majestic.

"I like it. There's an elusive character to it long since missing in our architecture."

2019-02-13, 04:07 AM
"Rem is a dream. She knows how to get me to laugh."

Love goggles at the town below. "It's beautiful!" Love sees if she has any of her brain functions. She'd like to record what she is seeing.

"I'm actually an architect. I'd love a closer look at the whole town!"

"The girls will love this! I should get them before we close too much difference." Love waves to everyone and jets off toward the brig.

2019-02-13, 09:20 AM
"... If you'll excuse us." Longshot says.

He resists the urge to bow and then flies off after Love.

2019-02-13, 09:40 AM
Rose watches her two friends leave. She then looks back at the little village. "How is the overall health of your little ponies, Luna? Everyone have clean food and water to go around?"

2019-02-13, 11:50 PM
Luna swells at their praise, puffing out her chest and shifting her rat to a more dashing, roguish angle. "Thank ye kindly," she says, "It be but a small remnant, but we have done what labors we can to make it a gleaming gemstone among the harsh sands."

Love, unfortunately, is stuck with a brain and body like any normal unicorn in this world. She cannot record this moment. She will have to remember it. Like a savage. Shudder.

Love and Longshot find the Crusaders both on the ground and staring out the porthole. "It's the Castle of the Two Sisters!" Sweetie Belle says as they enter, "But it's not...broken down."


Luna considers the question. "We be a healthy, hearty lot, though there be little opportunity to grow some o' the staples o' the culinary arts. Hard t' clear fields for planting in the Everfree. There be some malnutrition, 'specially during the winter months."

2019-02-14, 06:37 AM
shifting her rat to a more dashing, roguish angle

That is one dashing rat.

Luna considers the question. "We be a healthy, hearty lot, though there be little opportunity to grow some o' the staples o' the culinary arts. Hard t' clear fields for planting in the Everfree. There be some malnutrition, 'specially during the winter months."

Rose is happy that the community isn't like, poor and starving as she worried. Though if she had been an Earth Pony farmer she might of helped with the magic of hydroponic farming.

"Well, since we're waiting on my friends to come back with the foals, maybe you could tell me about this other alicorn Twilight was fighting off earlier today? I don't think I recognize her."

2019-02-14, 10:05 AM
"So it is." Longshot takes their word for it. It wasn't as though he would know. "All the more reason to get you out of here so that you can see it from a better angle."

He retrieves the key and prepares to open the cell door the cell door.

"Does any pony have any broken bones or wings from airborne playtime?"

The key jangles in the lock because Longshot doesn't turn it. He dons a concerned expression and shakes the latch again.

2019-02-14, 01:49 PM
The magic has replaced Love's brain with another pony's brain!? Awesome! Love will do some mental gymnastics whenever she gets a pause to observe the more subtle differences in having a more average brain. Love shouldn't let the chance to go waste. A lot of life's questions are about to be answered!

Love stands near the cell door and says to the CMC, "It's beautiful! The view from on the deck is amazing!" Love is more focused on being excited than what Longshot is doing. "It's an entirely new town! Right in the heart of the Everfree forest!"

2019-02-15, 12:48 AM
Luna’s face falls. She sighs heavily. “An abandoned filly, by her parents and me. I raised her as me own, ye see. But I paid no mind to the pain she felt. Saw only a filly acting out. Drive her...drive her right into Daybreaker’s hooves.”


“Only minor brain damage,” Apple Bloom says with a cheeky grin, “But Ah reckon that’s nothing new.”

They trot to the door, ready to be released. Unleashed upon the world once more.

2019-02-15, 06:33 AM
Luna’s face falls. She sighs heavily. “An abandoned filly, by her parents and me. I raised her as me own, ye see. But I paid no mind to the pain she felt. Saw only a filly acting out. Drive her...drive her right into Daybreaker’s hooves.”

"Oh, that's... I'm sorry. I didn't know," Rose says solemnly. "And now Daybreaker uses her... well, if we could make amends, it would go a long way towards peace. She must still hurt a lot on the inside."

2019-02-15, 08:12 PM
"While you were playing with the flight spell, did any pony hit the door?" Longshot asks. "Maybe it was damaged."

He rattles the lock again as though it's stuck.

"Oh wait, there we go."

The key turns and the door opens. "Bit of a close one, that. We'll all have to be more careful because you never know what could happen as a result."

2019-02-15, 08:32 PM
Love glances down at the lock and key. Longshot has this hoofled.

2019-02-18, 08:56 PM
"Not that it shows on the outside," Luna says bitterly. She puts a smile on her face again. "We must hope ye are right."

The ship slides into an airdock near the castle and the sailors begin tying her off, preparing to unload. Luna moves out of the way, letting them work.


The Crusaders realize what might be going on and look concerned. "No! We didn't, honest! Are we trapped?" Sweetie Belle asks in horror.

Apple Bloom studies Longshot's face with narrow eyes. "Ah think he's fakin'..."

The door slides open and they cheer.

2019-02-18, 09:13 PM
Rose moves alongside Luna out of the way. "I used to work on an airship," she says to Luna. "I can help unload cargo if you need another warm body."

2019-02-19, 08:24 AM
"Come on then, let's get you topside so you have a better view of the castle." Longshot ushers the fillies upstairs--with a careful eye on them the entire time.

2019-02-19, 05:57 PM
Love smiles when the kids cheer. "You wouldn't want to miss the unloading! A pony is missing out if they've never experienced a dock!"

Love spies three buckets, grabs them, and will head up with everyone.

2019-02-19, 10:27 PM
Luna smirks. "Ye give my ponies too little credit. Sides, once yer friends arrive, we'll be heading off." She huffs and lowers her voice. "Ye have seen the Elements of Harmony in yer world, right?"

She looks up as the others approach and nods in greeting. "So there be the three terrors I've heard about," she says with a small grin.

Scootaloo scoffs. "Terrors? Ha. No, an angry Grizzlebee's a terror. We're public menaces!"

2019-02-19, 10:28 PM
Rose nods to Luna's question about the elements. She'll have to keep an eye out if they live in this community. If not... hmm... could the team find another group?

2019-02-20, 09:51 PM
"At least they're honest." Longshot comments.

He looks between the adults present. "What's the plan and how can we help?"

2019-02-20, 09:54 PM
"I believe Luna will be leading us inside?"

2019-02-20, 11:39 PM
Love leaves the hold with everyone and dodges through the busy airponies. Love trots to the side of the boat and puts her hoofs over the railing. She looks down at the docks and the Castle of the Two Sisters. She whistles an impressed whistle at the sight.

Love says, "I'd like a look around! I've never been to the castle, either of them!" Love isn't sure how long they'll be here. Hopefully, less than years or else Love will really need to work on that time machine.

2019-02-23, 10:13 PM
"We'll be discussing the plan once we are sure none may overhear," Luna answers, "For now, form up! Me crew shall be escorting ye separately. I be needed for the procession through the city. Assure everypony that the raid be a success." She bows her head. "I believe ye made friends with Air Head. She'll be yer guide for the time being."

Twilight steps close to Luna and inclines her head towards the group. Then, if no one objects, they will take their leave.

"Ah like the pirate accent!" Apple Bloom says once she's out of earshot.

2019-02-23, 10:28 PM
"Alright, we'll catch up at the castle then." Rose looks around to where Air is to be escorted.

2019-02-24, 10:58 PM
Longshot has no objections to their departure.

Fact of the matter is that he'd like to depart this dimension entirely. But that's not an option at present.

"I'm not sure... Well, yes, it is a good accent, I suppose." Longshot replies.

2019-02-24, 11:56 PM
Air Head is currently leaning over the edge of the rail and shouting down greetings down at someone down below. She pulls back, a happy smile on her face, and trots over to them. "Hi again!" she says, "Ready to get going?"

2019-02-25, 07:57 AM
"Sure, let's go."

2019-02-25, 11:44 AM
"We'll need a sketcher!" Love hops off the raining and stands for the conversation.

"We did make friends with her!" Love waves goodbye to Luna and Twilight. "Have a good rally! The city be waiting to hear from you!"

Love chuckles. "I only be glad I get to use my pirate accent! I always did want to be a swashbuckler."

Love smiles at Air Head. "Hello, Air Head! We be looking to get to know this fine fort and her city. Are you from around here? Do you know her well? Do you have a map or brochure, perhaps? I be on the look out for fine a bakery and pastries!"

2019-02-25, 10:08 PM
Longshot keeps an eye on the Crusaders lest they decide to abscound for more investigations.

"What do you think? Ready to go?" He asks them.

He gives Love a sidelong look but doesn't say anything. Hard to tell how many pastries there are to go around this place.

2019-02-27, 01:55 PM


Rose looks forward to being escorted through the little town. :q

2019-02-28, 12:03 AM
Air Head gasps. "PASTRIES?!" She zooms over and flutters around. "PASTRIES! Pastries where? I want pastries!"

Sweetie Belle giggles. "No, we want you to show us where the pastries are!"

Air Head grins widely. "THAT'S A FANTASTIC IDEA!" She zips off, heading off into the city, and will likely leave her charges behind if no one calls her back.

2019-02-28, 06:22 AM
Rose points at the fleeting pegasus. "See, I don't do that."

2019-02-28, 08:46 PM
"And it is appreciated." Longshot says.

He glances at the Crusaders. "Okay, Crusaders. What you have is a rare opportunity to find out how it feels to do a controlled scream with real lungs. On the count of three, get Air Head's attention, ready?

"One, Two and Three!"

2019-02-28, 08:53 PM
Rose casually plugs her ears with her hooves.

2019-02-28, 08:58 PM
There is a laugh. "I wonder if we'll be guiding our tour guide more than she guides us."

Love smiles real big and says to the group. "I like her."

2019-02-28, 08:59 PM
"You like everybody," Rose counters to Love.

2019-03-04, 12:19 PM
"There is a lot to like in this world!" A bit of orange magic appears on the corner of Love's mouth. It raises half her face into a smile before it poofs out of existence. Another big of magic forms on the opposite side and raises her other cheek into a full smile. When it poofs away, Love brightly smiles and giggles.

2019-03-20, 04:46 PM
The Crusaders take deeeeeeeep breaths. On command, they unleash a horrendously loud, "AAAAAAAIR HEEEEEEAD!" and hold it until they fall over, gasping for breath.

"Wow," Sweetie Belle pants, "It's like...it's NOT like the computer simulation."

"Yeah, there's this funny feeling in my chest now," Scootaloo adds.

The loud yell, however, does get Air Head's attention. She turns back around and flaps towards them, a frown on her face. "Yes? Did someone call my name?"

2019-03-22, 10:04 AM
Longshot is sympathetic to their plight... But some lessons have to be learned by experience. The limits of a physical body are one of them.

"That funny feeling is probably vocal/lung strain and a lack of oxygen." Longshot explains. "It'll fade away in a few minutes without any lasting damage. Outside of a possible sore throat that might linger for a few days."

He puts a wing over them.

"It's a different experience isn't it?"

2019-03-22, 12:06 PM
Rose studies her own flesh legs. "That raises a good question. If this is a simulation, how would it know to give them the sensation of a sore throat? Hmm, maybe it's like a... transfer of consciousness across dimensions?" She's mostly just discussing thoughts with herself.

2019-03-22, 01:23 PM
She whispers to Rose, "I ran a self-analysis when we arrived. My standard Jumper procedure! My current hypothesis is that when we transferred dimensions we transformed to meet the rules of this reality. Our technology doesn't conform to this reality's laws." Love flicks her tongue. Rules. "Our magic is more consistent with the rules. We're pretty lucky, actually, considering the possibly infinite possibilities."

Love raises her hoofs to her ears as the CMC scream their lungs dry. The simulation wasn't entirely accurate. The CMC are dealing with a lot. Love should make sure they have a good trip away from home. Love shouts a little, "That was S Rank loudness! Well done!"

She lowers her voice, "You have to take us with you!" Love stands up on her back legs and wobbles on the deck. She hits the railing and falls over the side of the ship. She flips and lands on four hoofs. The dock bustling with life around her! "I don't have my air legs yet! I'm a ground bound pony!"

2019-03-22, 01:28 PM
Longshot turns to Air Head.

"That was just a little lung exercise. So you mind waiting a moment for our junior members to recover? Then we can follow art's you."

2019-03-22, 03:23 PM
She whispers to Rose, "I ran a self-analysis when we arrived. My standard Jumper procedure! My current hypothesis is that when we transferred dimensions we transformed to meet the rules of this reality. Our technology doesn't conform to this reality's laws." Love flicks her tongue. Rules. "Our magic is more consistent with the rules. We're pretty lucky, actually, considering the possibly infinite possibilities."

"Magic, got it," Rose responds, not wanting to wrap her head around anything more complex than a donut right now.

2019-03-24, 12:28 AM
"Yeah," Apple Bloom says breathlessly, "Reaaal diff'rent."

"Very different," Sweetie Belle agrees.

Scootaloo manages to recover enough to sit up. "Ergh...Yeah. That's something else." She raises a hoof in victory in response to Love's comment. The others slowly push themselves up to their hooves. "Alright, think we're ready to go."

Air Head blinks. She looks at Love, then back at her wings, then at Love again. "Oh yeah..." she says sheepishly, "I...forgot."

She actually lands and smiles at them. "We'll walk, then." Whistling cheerfully, she sets off at a brisk, but manageable, trot.

2019-03-24, 12:38 AM
Rose trots along behind them.

2019-03-25, 11:10 AM
Longshot guides the CMC after Air Head.

"So, where are we heading, exactly?"

2019-03-25, 11:26 AM
Love dismisses any embarrassment by shouting up to the boat, "It's no big deal. We're just not as fast as you." They can't fly over traffic or houses either.

The pegasus will walk? Air Head doesn't have to go that far. Still, it's a kind, perhaps unnecessary gesture. When the group disembarks the boat, Love grabs Air Head into a one-legged hug. "You're so sweet. A sweet pony looking for sweets!"

She says to Longshot, "We were going to head to a bakery or some other pasture dispensary. I wanted to explore the town and get a good feel for the atmosphere." She rubs her chin. "The castle probably has food services. We did say we'd meet up there." Love looks to Longshot. They might as well plan their destinations.

2019-03-26, 10:50 AM
"I'm giving you a tour of the most important parts of the town," Air Head answers, "Which means the food, obviously."

Apple Bloom nods. "Makes sense."

Sweetie Belle's eyes widen and she gasps. "Wait a minute, we get to find out what food tastes like!" The other two pause in their steps and gasp as well.

Air Head looks at them, confused.

2019-03-26, 10:55 AM
"Long story. The short of it is they haven't experienced much in the way of cuisine outside their home."

2019-03-26, 05:15 PM
Love is gawking at everything and taking in the sights. She noses around in anything she can open and looks through every window. Any spit second she has to talk to a pony, she introduces herself to them. She stays within line of sight of the group and the boat until they depart.

2019-03-26, 06:19 PM
"Aye." Longshot affirms Rose's explanation.

His attention recenters on the Crusaders. "Yes. This will be a great experience for you but remember moderation. Too much too fast will give you the wonderful experience of digestion issues. Trust me, you don't want to experience that."

2019-04-08, 07:47 PM
Air Head looks doubtful, but is too polite to question it. Instead, she engages the girls in conversation and soon has them talking about all sorts of things. They try to explain video games to her, but she doesn't quite get it.

Love, on the other hoof, runs up and pesters/befriends the citizens of Everfree City, depending on their personal feelings about personal space. She learns many names.

The Crusaders look like Longshot just said a dirty word.

In no small amount of time, they arrive at a small shop. The very sight of it has Air Head practically drooling at the mouth.

2019-04-08, 08:06 PM
Rose looks inside. Shop? Food shop? Hmm, does eating work fine or... so many unknowns on how they're here and under what circumstance.

2019-04-08, 08:17 PM
"Oh, if you thought that was bad..." Longshot says to the Crusaders in an unserious voice. "... just wait for the realization that we don't have any valid currency for this city."

2019-04-08, 08:20 PM
"... just wait for the realization that we don't have any valid currency for this city."

"Buck," Rose muttered.

2019-04-09, 04:37 PM
Love blows air through her lips. "Money is so overrated." Love starts searching through her bag. "I should have some gold on me. And, we could always try to barter for a good deal. A blow torch may not be very valuable here though." Love chuckles. All her technology is gone (transformed?) which may limit her options more than she imagines.

2019-04-09, 11:48 PM
It's a bakery! However, this place seems to specialize in pastries. Front and center is a display of truly delicious looking doughnuts. It's enough to make Rose's (and the Crusaders') mouth water. However, the three fillies' eyes shrink in horror at the truth of Longshot's words. They exchange worried glances and look to Airhead for salvation.

All of Love's tech is gone, leaving her with a delightful collection of crystals and painted rocks.

Air Head laughs. "Oh don't worry! You're guests. The crown'll pay for it. Get whatever you want!"