View Full Version : The Escape Room

2019-01-13, 05:14 PM
What do you get when you start with The Cube, splash in a little Saw, and blend it with Cabin In The Woods? The Escape Room. It's not a bad movie for the genre, but they didn't know when to end it. They wanted to set up a sequel with a little bit of Explaining, not enough to say exactly what's going on but enough to ruin the Mystery to be something dumb. We didn't need "Six Months Later".

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-01-13, 07:00 PM
I felt it could have used better buildup. *spoilers ahead* The opening credits already show a SAW style trap, we know where this is going. But then the first half of the movie proper is just people solving a normal escape room with some hinting ahead, which drops straight into murder traps without any real transition where things get a little worse every time. The first deathtrap they encounter also shows that the rules of a normal escape room no longer apply. You can get killed for answering a puzzle correctly. So why do they keep solving puzzles? The level of smarts the protagonists have also seems to go up and down throughout the movie. At one point our main guy is making huge correct mental leaps, a little while later he forgets that we have ways to pull on a handle without holding it, or that you can get through a door when it's half open. I'm willing to forgive the setting for not making sense, it never does in murder porn, but I feel like they could have made a better movie by either going hard in the traps earlier or by having good buildup from fun to terrifying, maybe with less spoiler at the start.

2019-01-14, 05:48 AM
The strange thing is that I have a DVD of ANOTHER movie called "Escape Room" that seems similar but isn't the same, so I was confused here for a second.

The escape room idea is a no-brainer, and my complaint about the one I watched was that the creators forgot to put their brain back in when doing the movie, and so didn't really explore the concept very well. It sounds like the new one is doing pretty much the same thing, although they might be making it more of a Saw-clone than the other one did (which would make it a better movie but a movie that I'm less interested in watching).

2019-02-23, 05:24 PM
Escape Room is an entertainingly cheesy and surprisingly innovative B-movie, but suffers when it turns its attention to setting up future sequels.

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-10-29, 04:33 PM
Just saw another film called "Escape Room", also on Netflix. Much better buildup, better use of character backstories, more consistent mental attributes, and the characters have a reason to keep playing the game, so they're not just stupidly going through the motions. The ending eventually has to be a bit of an ass pull, because it's an overly complex horror movie scenario, but it's an ass pull that gets handled decently (well, at first at least, it's kind of one of those twist endings where they couldn't pick a twist and used all of them.). This one was overall entertaining.

Okay, this thread is ready to die now.

2019-10-30, 08:14 AM
The Mod on the Silver Mountain: No thread can escape from the grave.