View Full Version : My character is dead, long live my brand new character!

2019-01-13, 06:49 PM
I've been playing with a dwarf duskblade for a while now, but he died in the last session, so I need a new one. Some months ago I asked for the same advice, and you guys suggested a duskblade, because it was beginner friendly, and it was a good addition to that team. The current team is a bit different, and so is my knowledge about the game, which has improved significantly since then, so I'd like to play something more challenging.

The current team consist of:
- Human, Cleric 6/Morninglord of Lathander 1, NG Alignement
- Elf, Wizard 7, CN
- Dwarf, Ranger 4/Fighter 3, CG
- Halfling, Rogue 7, CG

The sources remain the same: PHB, PHB2, Complete Warrior, Complete Arcane, Complete Divine, Complete Adventurer, and Player's Guide to Faerun. Nothing more. Also, we've been playing around the Moonsea.

22 point buy, starting from 8 for each AS, and I can't leave more than one AS below 10 (before the race adjustment). Also, only base races allowed.

I want an intelligent character, not a dumb one, and I'd prefer if it wasn't limited just to physical action. Ideally, I'd love to play a gnome Wizard. But, with one already in the team, it is a no. I've considered a Favored soul, but I'm not too into the religious thing. I've also considered playing a Duskblade again. However, if I'm going to build a new character, why not try something else.

So, any ideas/suggestions?


2019-01-13, 07:01 PM
Well, if your approved books included the Tome of Battle, I would suggest a Warblade, since they're basically an intelligent Fighter.

But since that's not the case...

I would suggest Warlock. It's one of my favorite classes. :smallsmile:

2019-01-13, 07:08 PM
A bard could probably work well here, or possibly a druid. If it were me I would go druid/bard, just because. :smalltongue:

Where is the explorer from? That's not a base class I'm familiar with.

Doctor Awkward
2019-01-13, 07:11 PM
My go-to build when only core and completes are on the table is usually a swift hunter.

But with only 22 point buy and those ability score requirements you are looking at a hot mess of stats:

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8.

That means no composite bow and no ranger spells without items.

Ordinarily I do Scout 4/Ranger 16, but with stats like that and such meager book choices you may want to consider almost all scout so at least you'll have some skills to do outside of combat.

2019-01-13, 07:21 PM
Oh, right, I forgot to say it. The rogue is a new addition to the team, from a girl who kinda wanted to play a druid. However, as it is one of the most complex classes and it was her first approach to the game, she ended up letting go of that idea. I wouldn't be surprised if she got angry when she hears I'll be playing the druid she was somewhat denied to play as. So, yeah, the druid would be another no, given the circumstances.

Just so you know, I wouldn't have minded a druid, and it certainly was one of my options before this. But, sadly, now is a no.

2019-01-13, 08:28 PM
Would gnome beguiller be treading on the wizard's toes too much? You have a pretty narrow focus on your spells so the wizard could pick one's outside your purview. Plus it is one of the simpler spellcasters - your spell lists is simply available to you, full stop. Plus you have enough skills to be a face character (and beguillers make good con artist faces).

Along the same lines, would Wu-Jen be stepping on the Wizard's toes? You could try to take spells that are on the Wu-Jen's list but not the Wizard's (or at least not in your party's Wizard's spell book - does the elf wizard have any banned schools of magic due to specialization?).

The Warlock is even simpler but doesn't use intelligence for any abilities. On the other hand, skill points are nice so intelligence is handy there. Nice "ranged attacker" type. Gnomes and halflings would get a +1 attack bonus due to size, so there's that. Pew-Pew!

Swashbuckler uses int for damage but that may not be your thing. And you might want to multiclass out after level three. It is a shame you can't use Complete Scoundrel - it has a feat that make Swashbuckler/Rogue pretty sweet.

Another option that uses int as a prerequisite for a feat-based maneuver called tripping is the Horizon Tripper build (this is core, btw!):


That is what I would play, so I will flesh it out a little:

So, 22 points, huh? Okay then! :smallsmile:

Str 14 (6), Dex 14 (6), con 10 (2), Int 14 (6), Wis 10 (2), Chr 8 (0). You could also drop int to 13 and improve con to 11 (to move to 12 at level 4) but I imagine that first, you want skill points (and to use your intelligence), and second, that you will always be improving str every fourth level anyhow. I would recommend human because feats are good and skill points are good. Dex is high so that you can use Combat Reflexes to trip up to three opponents a round. Average Con hurts but hopefully you can keep opponents from getting near you (or anyone else).

This character is a combat dude, but not an "I hit you and you lose hp; your turn" combat dude. You need to think and use the battlefield to set up trips, protect the squishier members of the party, get to a chokepoint, become a chokepoint, etc. And you do get some magic stuff at level 11+ (mini teleports are gold!).

Another option that uses intelligence would be to be a *DEEP* cover character going for assassin, but I don't recommend it for a newish player. Assassins are pretty weak mechanically, and an evil character in a good party is something that takes some experience to pull off without hurting group cohesiveness and fun.

2019-01-14, 06:47 AM
LE human warlock bound to a devil contract. He is using the party to increase his wealth and, after all is said and done, he makes devilish contracts with people they've saved to help them rebuild in exchange for future favors or, if it's important enough, their souls.

2019-01-14, 09:55 AM
Here are a couple ideas that could be fun.

Gnome beguiler sounds like it could be up your alley, you focus on illusion and enchantment spells and are a bit of a skill monkey/ party face type. It is a nice fun blend. Int will be your most important AS followed by Con and Dex with positive Cha and Wis. Some people say high cha is important on a beguiler don't believe them it is a lie, you are an int based caster and int will give you more bang for your buck in the skill department than cha. Also I would suggest going forest gnome which can be found in the monster section of the srd or mm1, it is a nice adjustment of the standard gnome.

If that is stepping on the wizards toes too much then go gnome bard, I didn't see if there but if you are allowed to use complete mage be sure to take Melodic Casting is allows you to use perform instead of concentration for spell casting which is a major boon. Cha should be your highest score followed closely by con and dex, int is nice to have high for more skill points but not crucial, wis should be positive, and str can be dumped.

Finally, for something completely different, why not ubermount?! Go halfling paladin5/beast master 2/wild planes outrider 3/halfling outrider 10 as your final build, use riding dog as your mount and be sure to take devoted tracker. So the magic of this build, devoted tracker allows you to stack your paladin mount level and druid/ranger animal companion level on your riding dog mount which is awesome. Beast master gives you +3 to your animal companion level, wild planes outrider adds some nice versatility allowing you to use your move silently and hide skills for your mount, and each level of halfling outrider progresses both your mount and animal companion level making your riding dog quite powerful. If you are aloud to go with strongheart halfling instead of standard as the extra feat is a major boon. For stats you want a positive str and use a lance, and either just keep dex positive and go with heavy armor or take mounted archery, con should be high, wis should be decent, int is nice for skills and cha is straight dump.

Fourth option, halfling thrower! Go Rogue 3/Swashbuckler 3/invisible blade 5/master thrower 5 or Rogue 3/Fighter 2/invisible blade 5/master thrower 5. Master thrower and invisible blade levels can be taken in either order, this is a very feat intensive build you will want two weapon fighting to increase your number of attacks, rapid shot is nice but not a must, same with quick draw and flick of the wrist. Dex should be highest mod, followed by con, str is nice to have at 10+, int is always nice for more skill points and should be as high as possible if going swashbuckler to add more damage, wis should be positive, cha is dump.