View Full Version : [3.5] Raining Frogs (or Fish)

2019-01-14, 03:56 PM
Weird question, and one I thought was a bit outside the scope of the RAW thread.

Are there any spells, abilities or effects that would make it rain frogs, or fish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rain_of_animals)?

It would be easy enough to home brew, but I was wondering if there was anything already in place?

Cheers - T

2019-01-14, 04:28 PM
Book of Vile Darkness had vile weather, which can be conjured through a spell. One of the options is a rain of frogs or fish I believe. Mechanically underwhelming, but creeping, and a large area of effect.

2019-01-14, 04:28 PM
A wish spell can work.

2019-01-14, 04:30 PM
You might cast something similar to Summon Swarm (bats, rats, or spiders from the Player's Handbook) or Summon Pest Swarm (small mammals, birds, and vermin from Cityscape), simply targeting a square high above ground level. I don't know if there is a summon spell that will generate frogs or fish specifically though.

Book of Vile Darkness had vile weather, which can be conjured through a spell. One of the options is a rain of frogs or fish I believe. Mechanically underwhelming, but creeping, and a large area of effect.Boci was right. Evil Weather (Corrupt 8 from page 94 of the BoVD) will do this.

2019-01-14, 04:33 PM
Checked my book, its page 94 on Book of Vile Darkness, "Evil Weather", 8th level spell. Its a corruption spell, so you'll take 3d6 constiution damage for casting it, but that shouldn't be lethal. Rain of Fish or Frogs lasts 2d6 rounds and covers 2d6 square miles.

2019-01-14, 04:58 PM
The real question is, can a constant rain of such replace the need to carry a basket of puppies for cleave purposes?

Whst's the AC modifier for 'falling at terminal velocity'?

2019-01-14, 05:22 PM
The real question is, can a constant rain of such replace the need to carry a basket of puppies for cleave purposes?

Whst's the AC modifier for 'falling at terminal velocity'?

Should be 5 + size mod, but provoking an AoO :smalltongue:

2019-01-14, 05:46 PM
Checked my book, its page 94 on Book of Vile Darkness, "Evil Weather", 8th level spell. Its a corruption spell, so you'll take 3d6 constiution damage for casting it, but that shouldn't be lethal. Rain of Fish or Frogs lasts 2d6 rounds and covers 2d6 square miles.

Perfect for my purposes, thank you kindly.

2019-01-14, 05:52 PM
Same as in real life: whirlwind above a swamp, lake, or other body of water nearby to create a waterspout.

It's honestly not that mysterious or miraculous.

2019-01-14, 06:25 PM
There was a 2e Ravenloft spell that did exactly this. Maybe the 3e Ravenloft has a conversion, I should check later. It was called "rain of terror", I think. A very puntastic name.

2019-01-15, 09:02 AM
Evil Weather would be my first choice too, but just for completeness:

Rain of Terror (Dragon #348):
Necromancy [Fear)
Level: Cleric 3, druid 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Range: 100 ft.
Area: 100-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You cause a terrifying, unnatural rain to begin falling from the sky. All creatures other than you within the area of effect take a penalty on Will saving throws made to resist fear effects (like the spell fear or a dragon's frightful presence). This penalty is equal to -1 per 4 caster levels (to a maximum penalty of -5).
In addition, you gain a +10 bonus on Intimidate checks while within the area of effect of the spell.
Rain of terror can manifest in a variety of grotesque and horrifying ways, from torrents of hot blood to a hail of writhing snakes. Regardless of its form, this gruesome rain has all the effects of normal rain, reducing visibility by half, imposing a -4 penalty on ranged attacks, Listen, Spot, and Search checks, and extinguishing flames (automatically dousing unprotected flames and having a 50% chance to snuff protected flames). The animals and effects of this spell are summoned, not illusory, but you have no control over them. Living creatures that rain down are 50% likely to survive. Thus, after a rain of toads, half are alive and hopping around and the other half are dead, killed by the impact. None of these animals are dangers or able to harm anyone, yet their presence is no less unnerving. Roll on the following chart to see how rain of terror manifests with each casting. If you wish, you can make a DC 20 Concentration check to choose the type of rain (failure results in a random roll).

Type of Rain

Black, putrid water


Steaming blood


Dead bats



Reroll for a combination of two rains (ignore any further results of 8)

Also, Aeromancer PrC (Dragon #308) is able to produce Chaotic Storm (https://www.realmshelps.net/magic/weather.shtml) with Control Weather spell

2019-01-15, 01:08 PM
I vaguely remember a set of spells somewhere that mimic'd the ten plagues of Egypt. I just can't seem to recall where it was I saw them.

2019-01-15, 01:49 PM
I vaguely remember a set of spells somewhere that mimic'd the ten plagues of Egypt. I just can't seem to recall where it was I saw them.

Let's see how much we can knock off via core:

1. Turn a river into blood via spamming of Polymorph Any Object.
2. The point of this thread, a rain of frogs. Can be accomplished by Whirlwind into swamp, as mentioned above.
3. Bring forth lots of creepy crawlies via spamming of Summon Swarm.
4. Hordes of wild animals let loose after many days of casting Dominate Monster to assemble the horde.
5. A pestilence upon the livestock via spamming Contagion.
6. Boils inflicted upon the populace probably also via Contagion.
7. Hail sweeping the countryside via Control Weather during the summer.
8. Locusts covering the land and devouring the crops via spamming of the aptly-named Insect Plague.
9. Darkness covering everything for days via lots and lots of castings of Deeper Darkness.
10. Death of the first-born children by (Greater) Planar Binding a host of angels and setting them loose.

There we go, no Wish required as long as you use things like Delay Spell, Twin Spell, Chain Spell, and/or multiple casters to get sufficient coverage over the desired time-period.