View Full Version : Eberron Modules

2019-01-14, 09:15 PM
anyone know some good Ebberron modules for 5e? Or maybe some from 3.5e that can get converted to 5e. Me and my group wouldn't mind trying it out since we wanna give it a shot.

2019-01-14, 11:56 PM
There was an entire 12 adventure storyline released for Eberron, called "Embers of the Last War." The adventures themselves were very good.* It doesn't play super-nice with established Eberron canon, but it's easily fixable if you care.

You can find descriptions here (http://dndadventurersleague.org/storyline-seasons/embers-of-the-last-war/).

*Except for the first one, which uses 0th level characters and railroads you onto a pointless adventure.

2019-01-15, 12:24 AM
If you want to introduce a group of players to the world of Eberron than I would recommend the level 0 module. Otherwise it is completely skip-able. I played it and agree it is kind of a railroad, but the players are supposed to make new characters for the next module. Again why its skip-able.

2019-01-15, 09:40 AM
If you want to introduce a group of players to the world of Eberron than I would recommend the level 0 module. Otherwise it is completely skip-able. I played it and agree it is kind of a railroad, but the players are supposed to make new characters for the next module. Again why its skip-able.

Good point. I'm being a bit too harsh on the adventure "What's Past is Prologue." It's a fair introduction to Eberron.

I do want to add something I missed from my previous post as well: "Encounters in Sharn" has a bunch of very short adventures, and I think almost all of them are excellent, especially if the GM is willing to be flexible and improv a bit.