View Full Version : Masterclick's Hell's Rebels IC

2019-01-14, 10:20 PM
Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning’s light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the opera house to protest the city’s new lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune. The city’s new leader was appointed by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, in the wake of the previous lord-mayor’s sudden flight from the city— an event that still has local rumormongers whispering furiously. In a scant seven days, Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. These actions and more have called many of Kintargo’s dissatisfied citizens here on this overcast morn. There’s been no sign yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house’s doors remain tightly closed—as they have since the man chose the landmark as his new home—but judging by the growing sound of the protesters, he surely can’t ignore the scene on the streets below much longer.

Map of Area: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mUJ07NdDRVvmJPmlJ5j5-mCSH41pkBJF

If the activity you undertake requires you be in a specific location in the park, please indicate roughly where it is. If not, please don't indicate a location so that getting the party together will be easier sometime during the night by the characters being close in proximity

There are a number of things you can do while waiting for Thrune to emerge. Each activity takes about an hour. Each activity has a corresponding check associated with it indicated by parenthesis. If you think an alternative check is appropriate is please give reasoning for it in your dice roll spoiler and include both it and the original check in the dice roll.

If something occurs during that hour that interrupts your ability to complete that task, you will not receive the benefit of that task. If no interruptions occur, I will make sure everyone finishes their hour task before starting the next hour.

Please roll play how you initiate each activity. If you do not mind the other players being aware of what you are doing, please don't use spoiler tags so that other players can begin to get an idea of your character's personality. If you do want to conceal your character's interaction, use the Spoiler=DM only tag.

Note: For the first activity, I will be giving a free Watch the Crowd check for each PC. The third post of this thread will be the results of that check for your character.

Possible Activities
1. Listen for Rumors: Your character wanders around the crowd either passively listening for rumors (Perception) or actively engaging crowd members (Diplomacy). This action will give rumors related to current events. If you are interested in getting more information about the crowd that has gathered, use the "Watch the Crowd" action.
2. Pilfer: Your character attempts to steal from the crowd. Either from the crowd themselves or from the street vendors who are spontaneously appeared. (Sleight of Hand)
3. Rabble Rouse: You character attempts to better organize the protest to have a particular mood or goal. (Diplomacy or Perform)
4. Search for a Contact: If your character took the "Meeting a Contact" reason to protest you may attempt to search for your mysterious contact (Perception)
5. Watch the Crowd: Your character watches the crowd for anything unusual. This check will give your character more information about the general mood of the crowd and why certain groups of individuals have joined the crowd. (Perception or Sense Motive)

2019-01-14, 11:15 PM
Example Post: (I will stop doing these very soon. I just want to give people an idea of how to do a pbp post).

Connise surveys the crowd slowly gathering. Good, she thinks, maybe this will convince Thrune that being a big meanie is no way to run a city. I mean, what type of monster prevents midnight runs to the bakery to to pick up muffins? However, shortly after arriving at the crowd, she encounters a tall, elf wearing a long black cape who supports Thrune's policy.

"Hey mister," she snarls "you should take those ideas home with you. Just a few days ago I ran into someone else who supported the curfew. I don't know what happened, but last I heard he was in the hospital. Apparently he accidentally tripped breaking both legs. It must have been in an alleyway since his ear was gnawed off by a rat or something. Now those pointy ears of yours are very attractive and I'd hate for one of them to get gnawed off."

Connise is try to convince those who support Thrune to not attend the rally by threatening injury. Threatening someone is intimidate, not diplomacy.

Seems that GitP gets a little weird with dice rolls in spoilers and in edited posts. Change of plans: Post dice rolls in Dice Roll thread and hyperlink to that roll:

2019-01-14, 11:58 PM
I will give each character their initial impression of the crowd once I have your Reason to protest (page 9 of the Player guide)

The crowd simmers with a sense of unease. Different people with differing opinions on what is wrong with Kintargo are quick to share their opinion. These disagreements have started arguments. Some friendly; most not. However, these arguments have not lead to any outright brawls.

Just from a quick survey of the crowd, Paul is able to identify four different groups with roughly the same idea of the problem with the city. He doesn't know if there are others reticent to share their opinion with the unfriendly crowd.

The first group Paul encounters are those that his older brother, Pierre, would call friends. Those advocating that Thrune should step down in favor of a democratically elected mayor. He recognizes a female tielfing named Damaia by her short demon horns and catlike yellow eyes. Damaia has always been a supporter of those with more liberal ideas but somehow manages to always avoid the attention of the Kintargo elites.

The second group Paul recognizes are the economic conservatives of the group. These businessmen have no complaints with Kintargo's typical government (many have built their fortunes by exploiting governmental loopholes). Nevertheless, Thrune's more draconian measures have negatively impacted their business and they are here to make their grievances known. Paul recognizes a tall human, Comero, by his long flowing green cape with a golden anchor emblazoned on the back. Comero owned a minor shipping company that Paul interacted with as a merchant.

The third group consists of the local nobility who feel that Thrune is stripping them of their power and prestige. They claim that they, and not an outsider, should be in charge of the martial law. Paul doesn't have any personal experience with any of the individuals but one human loudly proclaims that he would be a much better ruler than Barzillai.

The final group support Barzillai. Led by a tall dottari, claim that Barzillai is enacting these policies for the cities safety and that the crowd should disperse before they have to by force.

Too distracted by his quest, Quinto is unable to get a good grasp on the general mood of the crowd. He picks up that everyone is there for their own reasons and is unable to pick any unifying philosophy that the crowd supports. He does recognize Polissa Delronge, a Thrune loyalist loudly claiming that she, not Barzillai should be lord-mayor for her house's loyalty to Queen Abrogail II.

Dice rolls:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23637768&postcount=2

2019-01-15, 02:10 AM
Having arrived early in the protest, Paul is quick to identify members of the intellectual circles that his brother Jean had frequented. "No need to spend too much time on them now," Paul thought, "They're likely to join in once they hear Jean Marat's little brother is organizing a revolt. Zealot's are good for doing the dying, but what I'll need is people with power." Paul's attention is quickly diverted to the various men of business in attendance. "Ah Money, which buys influence, and is thus root of power, and power is what a real rebellion requires! These men may not be fire-breathing revolutionaries now, but it wouldn't take much. If I can get them to do something rash or confrontational, it might provoke reprisals from Barzillai. Once these men feel they, and more importantly their wealth, is being targeted, I just might be able to get some of them to turn rebellious."

Paul climbs onto the edge of the fountain in the center of the park and attempts to rabble rouse: ""Brothers and sisters of Kintargo, what is most precious? Honour? Glory? No, a man's greatest treasure is the sweat of his own brow, and the fruits born of this effort! I am come here today, and I am not alone, because Barzillai and his martial regime seek to rob us of the fruits of this our precious labor!" Paul continues, delivering an enraged tirade about Barzillai's interference in the towns economy. Paul uses his own failed family business as an example, placing the blame squarely at the feet of the meddling government, who unjustly targeted him on account of his brother's misunderstood words. This rabble rousing is mostly targeted at the men gathered to protest the martial law's affect on business.

the bit about his business being targeted is a total lie.

htt p://ww w.giantitp.com/ forums/showsinglepost .php?p=23637941&postcount=4
sorry, still can't post links.

2019-01-15, 11:24 PM
Shyadir Jhaktet, or "Narfi" as he had become known, wandered through the crowd as a beggar. After all, there's no better way to be ignored than to ask for help. "A copper for the poor?" he'd ask of the crowd members. But all the time, while they paid him no heed, he was listening for rumors, gathering information.

Ever since the Church of Asmodeus had taken from him his wife and child, he'd been in hiding, waiting for a chance to turn his fate back to those who destroyedhis life. "This may be the day," he thought to himself. "This might be the spark that ignites this whole thing. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to start my life over again."

htt p:/ /www . giantitp . com/forums / showsinglepost . php?p=2364 0159&postcount=5

2019-01-15, 11:40 PM
The Jaywalker keeps to the edge of the protest. Normally he doesn't make appearances in broad daylight, but with the recent change in government and the resulting proclamations and discontent, well, Kintargo is at the boiling point. Surely there will be some action to be had. Maybe even some wrongs to be righted. After all, this is Thrune's new residence, and if he makes a personal appearance then things might just get interesting.

Just as that thought crossed his mind, a man climbs to the edge of the fountain and begins shouting about the grievances of the working class. Perfect, he thinks, I like where this is going. Then he leans back and watches.

If a noble walks by, the Jaywalker will make a sleight of hand check to pick his or her pocket.

2019-01-16, 01:20 AM
Quinto meanders through the crowd, looking carefully for a black-gloved right hand. She would think that was a slight. And mention it in public too. Let's see if she keeps that up when ol' Barzillai comes out of his hole he thought, hearing a Thrune loyalist complain loudly about not becoming lord-ruler.

He got distracted for a moment listening to a bard sing a ditty about Barzillai's nose, and had to remind himself why he was there. nose and throes, now that's a good rhyme. I should write... No, later. Now where is that glove?

Perception check for meeting a contact

+2 mod and +2 for protest bonus.


2019-01-16, 02:08 AM
I do want most of the crowd information to be relatively common knowledge so, unless there is a reason to keep something private, I will post responses out of spoilers. If a post is non-spoiler directed at your character it will start with your name bolded and in your color.

Information your character knows about the city from initial impression: Life as a beggar in Kintargo is hard. You have to be tough. You've learned to read the people of Kintargo like the moss on a tree. You quickly pick up that, in general, there are five different groups in the crowd all there for different reason.

The first group Shyadir encounters actually take pity on him. One of them even slips him two silver pieces: "Here, have a meal. Even in times like these no one should starve. Though, if I were you, I'd stick to redroof. Even in the best of times the nobility here hasn't treated beggars well. These liberals advocat that Thrune should step down in favor of a democratically elected mayor. He recognizes a female tielfing named Damaia by her short demon horns and catlike yellow eyes. Damaia has always been a supporter of those with more liberal ideas but somehow manages to always avoid the attention of the Kintargo elites.

The second group Shyadir recognizes are the economic conservatives of the group. These businessmen have no complaints with Kintargo's typical government (many have built their fortunes by exploiting governmental loopholes). Nevertheless, Thrune's more draconian measures have negatively impacted their business and they are here to make their grievances known. Shyadir recognizes a tall human, Comero, by his long flowing green cape with a golden anchor emblazoned on the back. Comero owned a minor shipping company that Paul interacted with as a merchant.

The third group consists of the local nobility who feel that Thrune is stripping them of their power and prestige. They claim that they, and not an outsider, should be in charge of the martial law. Shyadir recognizes Polissa Delronge, a Thrune loyalist loudly claiming that she, not Barzillai should be lord-mayor for her house's loyalty to Queen Abrogail II.

Next, Shyadir recognizes Thrune loyalists. They are led by a tall dottari, claim that Barzillai is enacting these policies for the cities safety and that the crowd should disperse before they have to by force.

Finally, recognizes a relatively small group of discontents trying to start a riot. There in no unified leader to this mob.

Information your character knows about the city from initial impression: Before he is able to get a good grasp on the crowd, a dottari recognizes him and tries to scare him away. He is only able to pick up on the group of anarchists who, like him, are looking for a riot.

2019-01-16, 02:47 AM
All: Everyone but setokaiben has finished their first hour. If you want to post what you are doing in the next hour feel free. I will respond once setokaiben reacts to the pickpocket.

Aurelian: Orator linguistic check is fine. For doing so well on your rabble rousing check you obtain some notability among the crowd granting a +1 on all Cha checks for 24 hours. Also, used wrong pronoun in your initial surveying the crowd. The human loyalist is female, not male.
Setokaiben: Delronges is nobility and supports Thrune.
Canutis: Please make your own checks in the future using the forum dice roller.

Narfi: As he nears the Thrune loyalists, Narfi's ears pick up as he hears a bit of particularity juicy gossip. “The Thrashing Badger burned down a few nights ago. They’re saying it was another bar fight gone too far, but they’re just a bunch of drunk old professors and barristers… Seems like a lot of places are burning down lately, between this, the Silver Star, and the Victocora estate.”
""Serves them right," another loyalists adds, "everyone who would side with those Iomedae traitors deserve death."

Paul Paul inflames the already unfriendly crowd. The majority of the liberals and economic conservatives appear to be agreeing with him. Unless someone tries to stop it, at this rate a riot is not a question of but when.

Quitnto It appears your contact is not here yet. However, while looking for him you notice a pickpocket wandering among the merchants.

JaywalkerYou notice a pickpocket making his way toward a group of merchants. Amateurs, you think, merchants watch their purses far to carefully to be a good mark Instead, you maneuver yourself towards a member of House Tanessen. House Tanessen is responsible for the defense of the city. You see one of the nobles has a missive hanging out of his pocket. You swipe it without much problem and retreat to a nearby alleyway to read it.

The missive bears the seal of Barzillai.
Familius, do not worry about my defense. I have brought my own guard. Nox is no mere half-devil and more than a match for your simple dottari.

2019-01-16, 09:28 AM
Quinto noticed a pickpocket wandering through the crowd. Curious, yet hesitant, he follows at a distance and tries to sense its motive. What are you up to?

OOC still not sure how to link to my roll, but it is there. I also rolled to perceive who he pickpockets and how he does it.

2019-01-16, 01:26 PM
The Jaywalker casually ducks out of sight of the dottari to avoid a confrontation. No point in getting into a scuffle before the real action starts, he thinks, as he edges into a nearby alleyway. Safely out of sight, he pulls out the missive he had just swiped from a Tanessen noble. So, Thrune brought his own thugs with him. That's interesting, Jaywalker muses to himself. Hmm... who is Nox? Might have to find someone with knowledge of the Planes.

Still can't post links, so it's in the Dice roller thread, post #11

Almost without thinking, he bends over, picks up a rock, and lobs it into the crowd in the general area of the noble he pick pocketed.

2019-01-18, 05:10 PM
Having orated for almost an hour on the evils of economic repression, Paul notices that both the free thinkers, and the business people are getting worked up by his performance. Good. I knew I could count on Jean's friends to understand what I'm doing. This is going so well, why not see if I can get the local fops in on the action!

With seemingly inexhaustible emotional energy, Paul seamlessly transitions into an attack on Barzillai herself. "And what of Barzillai, I ask you? What of this snake sent from the capital to crush us within the coils of foreign oppression? Are the people of Kintargo not sufficiently capable to govern ourselves? NO! We are a proud city, a noble city! There are many in our midst who posses the ability, stature, and wisdom to see the city through these troubled times! The rule of Kintargo could be in the hands of the Kintargans! The rule of Kintargo SHOULD be in the hands of the Kintargans. Barzillai does not belong here! She is not welcome! She is an outsider seeking to lord over the noble people of this great city! This rabble rousing continues on into the second hour with this new focus on Barzillai. Paul does NOT, however, suggest any specific actions to be taken by the crowd.

htt p://w ww.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost .php?p=23646410&postcount=12