View Full Version : Getting Dem Bones By Cutting Them Off?

2019-01-15, 05:42 AM
Been thinking of playing a Dread Necro one day (mainly focused on undead armybuilding and grafting undead and cancer to my teammates), and been thinking of how to play it.

Considering that a DN with Tomb Tainted soul is generally ruled to have infini-weak healing (weak enough it's best done out of combat) via charnel touching themselves:
does that mean that a DN has a sustainable, non-evil method of gaining bones and flesh for their animation and crafting needs, if no dead can be found/made otherwise?

Off with the hands! Touch yourself until they regrow back! over and over, until you have a small pile of bloody hands, containing, most notably, bones. Fingerbones for the most part, which, like, 2 spells I know of (skeletal guard and awaken undead) use as spell components, so they presumably have a less than 1gp value if sold.

I'm not sure what to do with the theoretical infinite supply of decapitated limbs, but it sure looks like it's possible to make it infinitely given time to heal.

I'm thinking it'd be possible to use them as the materials and tools for any crafting my DN would do- piles upon piles of carved bone needles for sewing flesh, etc. Flesh thread. That kind of thing.

2019-01-15, 05:55 AM
Hit point healing doesn't regenerate lost limbs and extremities. There's a separate spell for that. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/regenerate.htm)

2019-01-15, 06:05 AM
Ah. That makes more sense than the crack I was assuming.

... So glad I didn't wait until I was in a session before whipping out 'And then I cut off my hand!'

2019-01-15, 09:45 AM
Ah. That makes more sense than the crack I was assuming.

... So glad I didn't wait until I was in a session before whipping out 'And then I cut off my hand!'

On a side note, in the forgotten realms monster manual there are animated left hands as undead monsters and a corresponding spell to animate them afb or I would give you more information. Anyways the really comical and twisted part is by RAW you can cut someone's hand off animate it then reattach it and then they have an evil hand that is under your control and will do your bidding.

So cheers and good luck to having an army of left hands!

2019-01-15, 09:54 AM
Cheap limb/bone regen can be yours for 1600 gp spent on a Dukar Hand Coral (Champions of Valor p. 63).

Invest into Heal so you can surgically remove whatever bits you need, regular HP healing should allow for you to close the wound, then you wait till the portion regrows. Should work fine for limbs and assorted bones.

Note there are no rules on how missing/removing body parts works, just examples of effects that do it and result in penalties, which are usually a minus to certain checks as well as a reduction of your HP total (e.g. 2 HP for an eye for Crawling Eye invocation) until the body part is regained.

2019-01-15, 11:01 AM
Here's a list of uses for the regenerate spell, and related items:

-body parts missing via spell:
eyes missing from seething eyebane
brain stem via decerebrate (XPH)
guts via Gutwrench (BoVD p97)
heart via Heartclutch (BoVD p98) - restore heart or die in 1d3 rounds
heart via Clutch of Orcus (BoVD p88)
Heart via Heartfreeze (Frostburn p97)
hand via grim revenge vile spell (turns hand into a wight that attacks you)
fingers via Lahm’s Finger Darts (BoVD p98) - (fingers don’t regrow)
arm via grim revenge (BoVD p97)
any body part via flesh to stone (or other petrification) and subsequent breakage
every body part but the head, separately, via Vile Rebellion (Dr 300)
any body part, typically end of little finger, Hide Life (Tome and Blood)
hands taken for use in create crawling claw spell (doesn’t specify death of donor)

-body parts missing via monster:
eyes stolen by Gadacro (MMV)
eyes stolen by Ocularon (turns them into gas bombs)
eyes pecked out by a swarm of ravens
any body part ‘sampled’ by cadaver golem from HoH (intelligent flesh golem)
most of brain, after humanoid turned into ‘voidmind’ by mindflayers

rules to cut off hydra’s heads and giant squid’s tentacles
replacing golem limbs from someone with a half golem template
Orcus skinning you: Pig Bond Flaw, Dragon 330
Crawling Claws: made from severed left hands.

-replace body parts missing after a failed ‘X’ of vecna trick
-replace body parts missing after a graft removal
Teeth of Dalver-Nar http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060302b&page=1
-Removing a tooth is a full round action, and regenerate can replace the tooth after (ToM)
Arm of Nyr (Defenders of the Faith)
Fiendish Hands of Eli Tomorast (Dungeon #112)
Dwarven Rift Portal http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pg/20030917a
-one type of portal malfunction bloodlessly transports 1d4 limbs to random cities.

Severe Corruption effect: Lich Eyes (Heroes of Horror) - "Your eyes rot away", but you still keep you vision, and get Darkvision 60' (or +30' to existing). Lack of physical eyes makes you immune to certain eye-destroying attacks. Downside - Light Blindness
Smoking Eye Creature template (The Shackled City Adventure Path): one of your eyes (you're required to have at least one!) is replaced with little smoky magical flame. RAW doesn't says this flame can be extinguished, and I really doubt the Murder of Crows will be able to peck it out. (Also, handy source of fire) It isn't so much "to lose an eye" as "to have an eye", but kinda a bit of both
The Ruby Incisor (Dragon #359)
Warp Touch disease (BoVD), many effects, including a 3% chance of losing an eye.

Additional info:
Vile Rebellion (Dragon #300, pg. 57) - arms, legs, and torso fall away and turn into zombies. Head is alive, but constant Wis drain eventually drive it insane. To restore affected character, put all parts back together, cast Dispel Evil, then Regenerate.
Decerebrate (XPH) Without extreme measures, such as greater restoration or some other suitable effect of 7th level or higher, the creature perishes in 1d4 days.
Pillar of Geryon (Magical Location, FCII, disintegrates hand but grows a new one right back, can also disintegrate a head but doesn’t regrow the head, fatal for most, but it’s possible that regeneration could be useful for creatures not killed when a head is lost, like ettins or 3 headed creatures.
AD&D: vorpal blade (took off limbs, head on 20) or Sword of Sharpness (only limbs)

Hand of Tyr (don’t need to cut the hand off to get weak bonuses, but you can)
Detach (tear off a non-bite natural attack piece of your body and use it at range - doesn’t grow back by itself, deals ¼ you total hit points in subdual damage)
Disintegration Finesse (LoM): Can disintegrate parts of a creature or object instead of the whole thing.
Snatch Trophy feat from Champions of Ruin: a character with the feat and a slashing or piercing weapon can take off bits of a body in negative hit points weighing up to two pounds (fingers, ears, etc.)

Prestige Classes (body parts lost, to be regained later if retrained or only an entry requirement):
Eye of Gruumsh (eye)
Blessed of Gruumsh (eye)
Eunuch Warlock (testicles)
Pale Master (arm)
Fleshwarper (various)
Renegade Mastermaker (various)
Acolyte of the Skin (skin)
Beholder Mage (central eye)

Wither Limb spell (BoVD, limb still present)
Targeted Attack Feat (KOR, imposes minor penalties only)
Focusing Lens (beholder item from Adventure Path 11, just says it lets a disintegration ray act as a cutting beam… that could make it like Disintegration Finesse, but doesn’t specify).
Rotripper - rend can tear limbs off a foe, but only at death

Ways other than Regenerate Spell to regrow body parts
ring of regeneration or regenerate ability
Dukar hand coral (champions of valor) (regrows hands?)
Wish yourself into another form? Death then Reincarnate or res or true res?