View Full Version : Campaign Ideas

2019-01-15, 08:27 AM
I've always had trouble finding ideas for campaigns and rarely I ask for help.

I want a "epic" idea where the PC's face and go on this huge journey through the world.

For the setting I want something that varies though it would have fields of flowers, foggy vales, and other things.

I also need some main story or enemy that they are pitied against.

The most important thing that I need however is a good beginning with a great narrative overall.

Any Ideas?

2019-01-15, 08:47 AM
The World Shards- When the world was created 7 shards of the creator were scattered across the seven seas (arbitrary number) now a fould lich (or whatever) seeks to find all the shards and combine them in order to achieve godhood, the shards take the form of seven legendary weapons, one per continent, the Gods want you to get the shards before the lich in order to prevent his apotheosis, the Gods cant do it cos the shards are invisible to the gods.

Diplomatic Mission to Prevent Uber-war- A mysterious stranger/gandalf/superbeing wants you to take important letters to each major nation on the planet in order to prevent a war.

Hunt for the slippery sleuth- an arch criminal is on the run and your party must hunt him, but he's amazingly slippery and strangely well resourced and connected, for whatever reason the target is travelling the world either to lose his hunters or for some nefarious goal

The Endangered Floof- a magestic and wonderous floof is the last of its kind in your nation but rumours of others of its kind scattered around the world, you must travel to collect all the floofs and save the species, whatever the creature is (retarded panda-dragon or something thats suicidally stupid) not only must you hunt them but you must stop them from killing themselves.

just a few off the top of my head

2019-01-15, 09:45 AM
Some ideas:

You've described Oz. Look up some information on the area, from the books, plays, and handful of spin-off shows (Legends of Oz, The Wiz, Lost in Oz, Wicked, Oz the Great & Powerful... but ironically, not the TV show Oz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oz_(TV_series)), which is based in Oswald State Prison)
In-universe, anything set in the Feywild would work. If your players skipped 4th Edition, you can use the official Heroes of the Feywild book, or the Journey into the Feywild supplement on DMsGuild (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/233920/Journey-into-the-Feywild).
If you're doing a shorter campaign, converting the Avatar or Ferngully movies into small campaigns would work as well.

2019-01-15, 10:04 AM
Across the realm, a dozen fantastical, flying cities have erupted mysteriously from the earth into the skies.

Casting their shadows over the land, these looming marvels have inspired the curiosity and concern of every major nation and faction, and adventurers from around the world race to plunder each floating metropolis for the magic, wealth, and knowledge of this long-forgotten civilization.

However, while forgotten to history, the people of this empire are far from extinct. the same magic that lifted these cities from their earthbound tombs has also disturbed the anguished spirits of their former denizens, as well as more ancient threats that have long remained dormant.

Each city is different in structure, culture, location, and history: from the Athenian temple city of P’raleen to the Great Libraries of Zakkar.

2019-01-15, 10:20 AM
Thanks, I like the seven shards idea though I may change it a bit.

I'm trying to make my characters have there own moments though I don't know how.

2019-01-15, 10:49 AM
If the players are game for it you could start with an origin story where they accidentally release a supernatural evil on the world. A friend pact warlock's pact could have been formed from an accidental conjuring of a powerful devil, for example.

Could be fun for the party to be trying to fix what they broke.