View Full Version : Spiderman: Far from home

2019-01-15, 11:58 AM

I am really surprised this trailer was released so early- but, I gotta say, its pretty awesome. $$

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-15, 12:06 PM


An... Actually good first trailer!

Well done, Sony (slash Marvel)!

No, really, that looks absolutely hilarious.


Orchestral Spider-Man theme?


Spoilers for Avengers: Endgame by just existing, though, I guess - as if that wasn't kind of blinding obvious from the get go...!

The Glyphstone
2019-01-15, 12:08 PM
Yeah that looks watchable.

2019-01-15, 12:24 PM

Finally we get a PITA Nick Fury who always has his own objective and is fine with turning other people's life upside down to perform objective, and we also are getting a gay character in the MCU!*

*Waits for people to "well-actually" this last bit of what I said. There is always someone who is a Pedant. Especially things with lore and fandoms and comics are full of lore and fandoms which in turn creates Pedants.

blue text(This is sarcasm for I hope it to be made plain text, but I doubt it is going to occur.)

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-15, 12:29 PM

Finally we get a PITA Nick Fury who always has his own objective and is fine with turning other people's life upside down to perform objective, and we also are getting a gay character in the MCU!*

*Waits for people to "well-actually" this last bit of what I said. There is always someone who is a Pedant.

We are?

Did I miss something? I mean, clearly I did but...?

2019-01-15, 01:05 PM
We are?

Did I miss something? I mean, clearly I did but...?

Do not click this spoiler block UNLESS you REALLY want spoilers. Aka if you are spoiler casual do not click this spoiler block. Only the people who are completely satisfied with being spoilered should click this spoiler block.

Specifically since the trailer very much made what I am talking about into a MYSTERY BOX where only the most cryptic of fans will get what is happening just watching the trailer.

Jake Gyllenhaal, is playing Mysterio



Same guy without fish-bowl.


Mysterio (Quentin Beck) sexuality has not been revealed officially (this is why I made the comment about the pedantics / well actually people.) But in one of the stories of the sinister six (novels not comics) it was highly alluded that Quentin Beck is gay with all these references to things like hollywood director James Whale (famous 1930s to 1941 hollywood director famous for things like Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, well James Whale was out as much as you could be in the 1930s, with the culture of the time), and the plot of the novels only makes since with Quentin being really invested in a specific character and blah, blah, blah.

Combined with things with how Campy this Steve Ditko creation is (Mysterio) and effectively Mysterio is often considered gay in subtext, but hasn't officially come out or been revealed by the actual text.

And I was making a comment that was sarcastic (maybe I should go back and code it blue) this is the best we are ever going to get from the MCU where a main protagonist or antagonist being out (this is me being cynical / savvy, I hope to be surprised but I doubt it is going to happen.)

The Glyphstone
2019-01-15, 01:33 PM
I wondered who that was supposed to be. I suppose Mysterio is a good choice for a NuSpidey villain; like Vulture, I don't think he's ever gotten a film portrayal before. Thankfully they're not just re-using Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus for the nine hundredth time.

Is there going to be two antagonists? It looked like Mysterio was fighting whoever/whatever is making the giant elemental shapes.

Anyone want to see Kraven The Hunter brought to live-action next? Him, Chameleon, and Lizard are the only notable Spidey villains who haven't gotten screen time outside of animation AFAIK.

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-15, 01:50 PM
I wondered who that was supposed to be. I suppose Mysterio is a good choice for a NuSpidey villain; like Vulture, I don't think he's ever gotten a film portrayal before. Thankfully they're not just re-using Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus for the nine hundredth time.

I imagine Jim Sterling (thank Lichemaster for him) will be delighted.

@ Ramza00 - pass on the possible spoiler, ta; thanks for warning (which why I didn't even try quoting like normally would!)

2019-01-15, 04:20 PM
This looks fun. I was not expecting Nick Fury, when that dart suddenly appeared my first assumption was that it was the introduction of the film's villain. Ned's reaction to the whole thing is great.

"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation."

Draconi Redfir
2019-01-15, 04:20 PM
i'm not convinced Mysterio is going to start off as a villain. From the looks of things, he's a local hero fighting the elemental things, and he tells SPidy that he doesn't want to get involved in this because it's dangerous, and since Mysterio has magic, he can better fight the elementals.

Something might happen later into the flick that causes Mysterio to become a villain, but if it doesn't, i'd be all for it. Having a character that is usually depicted as a villain in the comics turn out to be a hero in the movies would be a nice change of pace.

2019-01-15, 04:32 PM
Wait, so he didn't bring his Spider-Man outfit because didn't plan on doing the costume-vigilante thing, but he still brought his web-shooters?

Also his spider-sense didn't detect Nick Fury?

Also has the MCU done a 360? Like Nick Fury breaks into someone's residence and talks to them about being a superhero like at the end of the first Iron Man film. Is the MCU a mobius strip?

2019-01-15, 05:14 PM
Wait, so he didn't bring his Spider-Man outfit because didn't plan on doing the costume-vigilante thing, but he still brought his web-shooters?

Also his spider-sense didn't detect Nick Fury?

Also has the MCU done a 360? Like Nick Fury breaks into someone's residence and talks to them about being a superhero like at the end of the first Iron Man film. Is the MCU a mobius strip?

We don't know if he brought his costume or not; and his Spider-sense seems to ping off of harmful intent against him, so Fury not setting off the alarm does make sense.

Breaking into places and having ninja meetings in Nick Fury's MO. I for one enjoy the consistency.

2019-01-15, 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by The Glyphstone
I wondered who that was supposed to be. I suppose Mysterio is a good choice for a NuSpidey villain; like Vulture, I don't think he's ever gotten a film portrayal before. Thankfully they're not just re-using Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus for the nine hundredth time.

Yeah, I had absolutely no idea who that was. It’s been a long time since I’ve even seen the name.

But yes, one of the strengths of the latest Spidey run is that they’ve finally given up retelling the origin story and reusing the old standbys.

That said…

Fighting water elementals in Venice…gah. Sadly it looks ridiculous.

And fighting stormy-things in London...no. London is more overused than the Green Goblin. Why can’t we fight supervillains in Stockholm? Or Istanbul? Or Belfast?

And yes, Nick Fury is all about ninja meetings.

2019-01-15, 05:32 PM
This assumes that any of those elementals are real, and not just things that Mysterio is creating to look like a hero. That is his traditional MO.

I have faith that the creators of this will do something a little different, the way they did with Vulture, but Mysterio's core premise was always "use trickery to convince people there's some much bigger problem around but really it's just him".

Kitten Champion
2019-01-15, 05:36 PM
Is there going to be two antagonists? It looked like Mysterio was fighting whoever/whatever is making the giant elemental shapes.

Given it's Mysterio, I think the chances are reasonably good that it's an illusion and he's using his tricks to create a Superhero persona he can profit off of in a way that's specifically calculated for the MCU. Which, given Spider-Man's main theme of Power & Responsibility and his tendency to be somewhat belittled and underestimated in the public eye, it would make this Mysterio a good foil for him. Sort of like a villainous Tony Stark he can punch.

Still, Hydro-Man is a Spider-Man villain.

2019-01-15, 05:53 PM
Question what is the state of the various Spider-Man villians with the Marvel (DC) and Sony we are dating but Sony still wants to keep things in Vault? Sony and Marvel are sharing some form of revenue with said movies but do we know any of the details?

For example is that Hydro Man or is it another obscure Water Elemental person for Sony does not want to give rights to Hydro man back to Marvel without more cash being swapped?

2019-01-15, 05:56 PM
Not bad, gave away a bit too much, in my opinion. But I am intrigued.

Interesting that they chose to reveal the trailer that shows that Infinity War Part II reverses Part I. Not that anyone thought otherwise, still I figured they would have waited until Infinity War was released, or at least closer to it.

I did notice the entire lack of Tony though, more fuel for the fire that Tony doesn't make it. I have money on Tony and Steve biting it, so I'm smiling at this non-reveal.

The New Bruceski
2019-01-15, 05:59 PM
Wait, so he didn't bring his Spider-Man outfit because didn't plan on doing the costume-vigilante thing, but he still brought his web-shooters?

The International trailer closes that hole right at the start. It opens with how his suit gets there.

I really like how these movies have picked good thematic foils for Peter. He's struggling with responsibility? Vulture takes that motivation to dark places. Just wants a chance to be normal? Mysterio wants to be anything but. It's a trope, sure, but when done well it really works and for a ground-level hero like Spidey it's better than random world-threatening aliens.

Kitten Champion
2019-01-15, 06:00 PM
Not bad, gave away a bit too much, in my opinion. But I am intrigued.

Interesting that they chose to reveal the trailer that shows that Infinity War Part II reverses Part I. Not that anyone thought otherwise, still I figured they would have waited until Infinity War was released, or at least closer to it.

I did notice the entire lack of Tony though, more fuel for the fire that Tony doesn't make it. I have money on Tony and Steve biting it, so I'm smiling at this non-reveal.

It could easily be set between Homecoming and Infinity War though.

The Glyphstone
2019-01-15, 06:02 PM
Yeah, I had absolutely no idea who that was. It’s been a long time since I’ve even seen the name.

But yes, one of the strengths of the latest Spidey run is that they’ve finally given up retelling the origin story and reusing the old standbys.

That said…

Fighting water elementals in Venice…gah. Sadly it looks ridiculous.

And fighting stormy-things in London...no. London is more overused than the Green Goblin. Why can’t we fight supervillains in Stockholm? Or Istanbul? Or Belfast?

And yes, Nick Fury is all about ninja meetings.

It was the missing helmet that threw me. Give him the fishbowl hat and I would have known him instantly.

2019-01-15, 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by The Glyphstone
It was the missing helmet that threw me. Give him the fishbowl hat and I would have known him instantly.

Wow, he really is a master of illusion! :smalltongue:

2019-01-15, 06:06 PM
Question what is the state of the various Spider-Man villians with the Marvel (DC) and Sony we are dating but Sony still wants to keep things in Vault? Sony and Marvel are sharing some form of revenue with said movies but do we know any of the details?

For example is that Hydro Man or is it another obscure Water Elemental person for Sony does not want to give rights to Hydro man back to Marvel without more cash being swapped?

They're these guys (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementals_(Marvel_Comics)).

Given it's Mysterio, I think the chances are reasonably good that it's an illusion and he's using his tricks to create a Superhero persona he can profit off of in a way that's specifically calculated for the MCU. Which, given Spider-Man's main theme of Power & Responsibility and his tendency to be somewhat belittled and underestimated in the public eye, it would make this Mysterio a good foil for him. Sort of like a villainous Tony Stark he can punch.

Oh yeah. The fact that it's Mysterio almost guarantees that it's all trickery and shenanigans. And it will largely work because Mysterio is not a particularly well known Spidey villain among the general populace.

Kitten Champion
2019-01-15, 06:27 PM
Oh yeah. The fact that it's Mysterio almost guarantees that it's all trickery and shenanigans. And it will largely work because Mysterio is not a particularly well known Spidey villain among the general populace.

I am wondering whether it's all a Mysterio illusion or he's working with Hydro-Man as well though. Taking some schlub with actual powers and manufacturing them into a fake Supervillain for his fake Superheroics.

I mean, Hydro-Man in the comics is not exactly presented as deeply intelligent or overly ambitious.

2019-01-15, 06:46 PM
Once again, Peter Holland spoils the ending of Endgame

Draconi Redfir
2019-01-15, 07:17 PM
Once again, Peter Holland spoils the ending of Endgame

Ehh, not convinced. Still think it's more likely that all this happens pre-infinity war.

2019-01-15, 09:05 PM
Ehh, not convinced. Still think it's more likely that all this happens pre-infinity war.

Stuff from Feige in this article (https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-next-spider-man-film-will-be-the-civil-war-of-marve-1796402155) suggests that it’s post Endgame.

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-15, 09:55 PM
Once again, Peter Holland spoils the ending of Endgame

In what sense? It seemed rather unlikely that Sony was going to make a Spider-Man movie that consisted entirely of a close-up shot of a pile of black dust for 120 minutes...

2019-01-15, 10:04 PM
In what sense? It seemed rather unlikely that Sony was going to make a Spider-Man movie that consisted entirely of a close-up shot of a pile of black dust for 120 minutes...

He and Fury come back to life ;-)

Legato Endless
2019-01-15, 10:25 PM
I dunno, clearly the fact that we saw people from the snap means the dusted aren't the ones who died. It's actually everyone who stayed on screen at the end of Avengers 3 that died and is now in purgatory.

Mando Knight
2019-01-15, 10:53 PM
It was the missing helmet that threw me. Give him the fishbowl hat and I would have known him instantly.

When he's zipping about in the following scene, he's wearing the fishbowl.

2019-01-15, 11:16 PM
It was the missing helmet that threw me. Give him the fishbowl hat and I would have known him instantly.

We do see the fish bowl helmet during some of the fight scenes that are too fast of movement to do real eye tracking and expect the reader to see all the detail.

Once again, Peter Holland spoils the ending of Endgame

Peter Holland? You mean Tom Holland? Peter Holland is an Ice Hockey player.

But seriously Disney kind of have to reveal the ending of End Game and Spider-Man will probably live due to how fast these MCU movies are happening.

Captain Marvel March 8, 2019
Avengers End Game 7 weeks later on April 26, 2019
Spider-Man 10 weeks later on July 5, 2019

Aka we are getting 3 MCU movies in 17 weeks period. This requires us to be promoing Spider-Man today in January for it is comming out in less than 6 months.

Why is Disney Doing This? Well because they have a slate of lots of movies they think will be successful. (Not counting the MCU movies I already mentioned.)

Dumbo – March 29
Penguins (Disneynature) – April 17
Aladdin – May 24
Toy Story 4 – June 21
The Lion King – July 19
Artemis Fowl – August 9
Frozen 2 – November 22
Star Wars: Episode IX – December 20

Oh yeah somehow we are also going to get Fox's two superhero movies with Dark Phoenix and New Mutants also in the mix for 2019 for that 20th Century Fox and Disney merger is closing / almost finished.


So yeah it was obvious then (during Infinity War) and obvious now (with the trailer) that either Spider-Man is going to return from the dead, or he is in a pocket universe, or a different timestream with time travel, or something. It was always obvious when Disney was already paying for a Spider-Man movie to be filmed they were not going to cancel the already spent money. Same thing for Black Panther after that movie was an obvious success that T'Challa was going to return.

The Glyphstone
2019-01-16, 12:30 AM
We do see the fish bowl helmet during some of the fight scenes that are too fast of movement to do real eye tracking and expect the reader to see all the detail.

Rewatched it frame by frame, and so he is indeed.

2019-01-16, 02:59 AM
I am wondering whether it's all a Mysterio illusion or he's working with Hydro-Man as well though. Taking some schlub with actual powers and manufacturing them into a fake Supervillain for his fake Superheroics.

I mean, Hydro-Man in the comics is not exactly presented as deeply intelligent or overly ambitious.

It's not Hydro-Man.

It's Hydron, one of the Elementals. A group of element themed villains that are part of the peripheral marvel universe.

It's probably mostly Mysterio though.

2019-01-16, 05:52 AM
Actually, someone pointed out that they might still be Sandman, Hydro-Man and Molten Man. The trailer has a few easter eggs: when the water elemental shows up, there's a boat with the number "ASM 212", and Amazing Spider-Man 212 was the first appearance of that character. Later, when we see the fire elemental, there's a car with the license plate 28SEP65, and Molten Man first appeared in Amazing spider-man number 28, in September 65. And when the Earth elemental shows up, there's a car with license plate number ASM 463, and Sandman showed up in ASM number 4, in 1963. (Man, some fans have good eyes. There's screenshots, though.)

Seems like a bit much coincidence.

The Patterner
2019-01-16, 06:11 AM
Actually, someone pointed out that they might still be Sandman, Hydro-Man and Molten Man. The trailer has a few easter eggs: when the water elemental shows up, there's a boat with the number "ASM 212", and Amazing Spider-Man 212 was the first appearance of that character. Later, when we see the fire elemental, there's a car with the license plate 28SEP65, and Molten Man first appeared in Amazing spider-man number 28, in September 65. And when the Earth elemental shows up, there's a car with license plate number ASM 463, and Sandman showed up in ASM number 4, in 1963. (Man, some fans have good eyes. There's screenshots, though.)

Seems like a bit much coincidence.

I don't care if it turns out to be correct or not, that's still some impressive sleuthing :smallbiggrin:

I kind of assume Mysterio has employed Hydroman, Sandman and Molten man as part of some long con. And I love it, i've always loved mysterio as a bad guy.

2019-01-16, 08:15 AM
So yeah it was obvious then (during Infinity War) and obvious now (with the trailer) that either Spider-Man is going to return from the dead, or he is in a pocket universe, or a different timestream with time travel, or something.

It has been my opinion for some time that the Snap created another universe, either within the soul stone or parallel dimension, and split the population between them. So everyone there "died" in the other universe, but has no memory of it- since the new dimension is "better" than the old.

It is the only way I can explain away Aunt May knowing who he is and Spidey being popular and appearing at charity events.

Legato Endless
2019-01-16, 08:33 AM
Aunt May found out his identity at the end of Homecoming.

2019-01-16, 08:39 AM
Aunt May found out his identity at the end of Homecoming.

Indeed. Someone didn't watch after the credit :-D

2019-01-16, 08:40 AM
It has been my opinion for some time that the Snap created another universe, either within the soul stone or parallel dimension, and split the population between them. So everyone there "died" in the other universe, but has no memory of it- since the new dimension is "better" than the old.

It is the only way I can explain away Aunt May knowing who he is and Spidey being popular and appearing at charity events.

I thought of that one, actually. Thanos didn't kill half the population, he split them in two universes. Which... well, it's a better plan.

As for better, well, not necessarily? Maybe they had opposite snap experiences. Universe Beta Spiderman saw Tony Stark fall into dust.

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-16, 09:27 AM
Did anyone seriously believe they weren't going to Unsnapture in Endgame?

I mean, it's about the journey, not the destination.

2019-01-16, 09:39 AM
No, of course not. But a split-universe explanation would be considerably more interesting than everyone being dead for a while, then coming back.

2019-01-16, 01:39 PM
No, of course not. But a split-universe explanation would be considerably more interesting than everyone being dead for a while, then coming back.

And, in the attempt to merge the two back together, there is the potential for an over-arching theme for phase 4, and the potential to include other universes, like mutants.

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-16, 01:43 PM
Okay, fair point, I will legit accept any amount of alternative universe retcon time-travel reaility inversion fusing shenangians if it gets me MCU!Jubilee.

2019-01-16, 02:51 PM
Okay, fair point, I will legit accept any amount of alternative universe retcon time-travel reaility inversion fusing shenangians if it gets me MCU!Jubilee.

Which one? "Raincoat and Dishgloves" Jubilee or "Vampire Teen Mom" Jubilee? No, wait, I think I can guess.


Anyway, have to say Mysterio could work well as a fake hero turned villain. As a foil to Spidey, that works: both trying to be heroes, both hungry for recognition, but where Spidey jumps into the fray when things go wrong, Mysterio concocts the crisis so that he can resolve it without putting himself at risk. Depending on how Endgame plays out*, have Mysterio survive the snap. Everyone's confused and scared, almost all of the heroes are dust in the wind and what's left are a handful of emotionally shattered wrecks. Maybe it began with good intentions, to try to put smiles back on the survivor's faces, Mysterio steps out to be Hollywood's answer to the Avengers. Staged fights, special effects, performed on a live stage while everybody watched with a giant hero-shaped hole in their hearts. He was loved.

And then the heroes return. Mysterio goes from being the last great hero to one of many (and a fraud at that) so he has to up his game to stay in the public mind. An ambitious stunt goes wrong, Spidey comes to try to help despite Mysterio's hasty claims that everything is under control. It is not under control. So the race is on between the genuine hero trying to save the day and the fake hero trying to clean up his mess before he can be outed as a fraud, and as the webspinner gets closer the race gets violent. Mysterio gets the upper hand but his attempted murder of Spidey gets televised, destroying his rep. Spidey gives chase and the "defeats" Mysterio (Spiderman doesn't have to fight to win this contest) away from the cameras. He doesn't care that his victory isn't publicized, because he realizes that is not why he does it.

* Kinda depends on if Endgame's... endgame is a fix (dusted heroes are in the soul stone/quantum realm/pocket plane, get reconstituted by the heroes, but the horror in between remains canon) or a reset button (Thanos never snaps, nobody gets dusted, few if any know another outcome ever happened). I'm hoping for a fix, myself. Big movies need consequences - even if the majority of it isn't permanent, some of it needs to be.

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-16, 04:29 PM
Which one? "Raincoat and Dishgloves" Jubilee or "Vampire Teen Mom" Jubilee? No, wait, I think I can guess.

You say that like I see there's a difference. Jubes is Jubes.

Hell, Jubes was cool despite Being A Vampire, and that's, like, literally impossible.

(Though it should be "repowered, non-Vampire teen mom" again, fortunately. (About frickin' time!))

2019-01-16, 04:57 PM
And, in the attempt to merge the two back together, there is the potential for an over-arching theme for phase 4, and the potential to include other universes, like mutants.
I could've sworn it was stated that it is too early for X-Men IP to appear in the MCU. Although I could see multiversal MCU working, I just prefer phase 4-5 keeps these universes apart the same way they kept GotG from the Avengers. New main events T'challa, Pete, Strange, and Carol would get better screentime to develop their stories, while the new team 2 (X-Men? X-Force? Fantastic 4?) get their own universe to shine in. As with phase 1-3 having a Thanos saga culminating in the Infinity War, MCU could slowly build up phase 4-6 towards another big multiversal event that could result similarly to the 2015 Battleworld clusterfun.

Then again, they could just retcon the current lack of X-Men as past Wanda getting her way and screaming "No more mutants!"

2019-01-16, 08:39 PM
You say that like I see there's a difference. Jubes is Jubes.

Hell, Jubes was cool despite Being A Vampire, and that's, like, literally impossible.

(Though it should be "repowered, non-Vampire teen mom" again, fortunately. (About frickin' time!))

Funny thing is that Jubilee actually has been without the fireworks powers for half of the character's life. She had the sparkles for. As many people read comics featuring her without those powers as people reading her with them.

Aotrs Commander
2019-01-16, 09:03 PM
Funny thing is that Jubilee actually has been without the fireworks powers for half of the character's life. She had the sparkles for. As many people read comics featuring her without those powers as people reading her with them.

She was introduced in 1989 (way before I started), and House of M was 2005 and... Huh, it isn't half, but WOW that is depressingly close, oh my Lichemaster, that means she's been without her powers over half the time I'VE been following superheroes (since I started - largely due to her in the 1990s series) and that's really frightening.

Okay, technically, she's had vampire powers since 2010, but that's still kind of an eyeglow opener.

I'm sad now.

2019-01-16, 09:19 PM
She was introduced in 1989 (way before I started), and House of M was 2005 and... Huh, it isn't half, but WOW that is depressingly close, oh my Lichemaster, that means she's been without her powers over half the time I'VE been following superheroes (since I started - largely due to her in the 1990s series) and that's really frightening.

Okay, technically, she's had vampire powers since 2010, but that's still kind of an eyeglow opener.

I'm sad now.

It's that way with a lot of superhero stuff. People get this idea in their heads that a character is this way, and then are surprised when they find out, or realize that this hasn't been true for a decade or more. THIS is why we get stuff like One More Day. People like Quesada have this image of Pete in their head that This is what the character is. even though he hasn't been that way for like 40 years. But when these people get in control of the character, that's when bad things happen.

Look at it this way. For people like you and Me we're happy that Jubes has gotten her old powers back. But for people who've been reading about her for the past 13 years... We're taking something away from them, and they're just as deserving of having their version of Jubilee as we are of missing ours.

2019-01-16, 10:09 PM
I could've sworn it was stated that it is too early for X-Men IP to appear in the MCU. Although I could see multiversal MCU working, I just prefer phase 4-5 keeps these universes apart the same way they kept GotG from the Avengers. New main events T'challa, Pete, Strange, and Carol would get better screentime to develop their stories, while the new team 2 (X-Men? X-Force? Fantastic 4?) get their own universe to shine in. As with phase 1-3 having a Thanos saga culminating in the Infinity War, MCU could slowly build up phase 4-6 towards another big multiversal event that could result similarly to the 2015 Battleworld clusterfun.

Then again, they could just retcon the current lack of X-Men as past Wanda getting her way and screaming "No more mutants!"

The details are that once the deal is finalized, Disney has to wait two years before they can use the characters, that includes doing any casting or script work. anything earlier than that and they can get into serious legal issues. So the earliest that Disney can do any planning on an x-men related film is 2022 And that's just when they're aloud to begin the process, not put out a movie.

2019-01-16, 10:44 PM
Seems pretty legit.

I really like that they're picking a couple less mainstream villains - Mysterio is a really popular recurring Spider-man villain, but has never been mainstream well known like Doc Ock or Green Goblin/Hobgoblin, and the Elementals are totally unknown outside comic book fans. But I'm REALLY skeptical about Jake Gyenhall as the main villain. Who knows though, I've been wrong before, I thought Heath Ledger was going to be terrible when it was announced and he was AMAZING. So we'll have to see.

Really liking the Nick Fury appearance, though. It was always a little hard to believe that nobody but Stark noticed that Spiderman existed, and that he was allowed to just go home quietly and keep being Spiderman with only Stark watching him after the whole Civil War business.

I'm not sure about the setup though, seems really contrived and unoriginal. "Hey I'm going on vacation to a different country. I'll just leave my crime fighting stuff here, there's no way I'd need it!" I mean the whole 'hero on vacation' story is always generally poorly set up, IMO, I'm having a really hard time remembering a good one.

And maybe its just me, but I can't STAND this portrayal of MJ. She added nothing to the plot of the first movie, and what's shown in the trailers is so bad its just /facepalm

Overall though, definitely interested in the movie, will definitely go see unless the next couple trailers are really bad.

2019-01-16, 11:14 PM
Seems pretty legit.

I really like that they're picking a couple less mainstream villains - Mysterio is a really popular recurring Spider-man villain, but has never been mainstream well known like Doc Ock or Green Goblin/Hobgoblin, and the Elementals are totally unknown outside comic book fans. But I'm REALLY skeptical about Jake Gyenhall as the main villain. Who knows though, I've been wrong before, I thought Heath Ledger was going to be terrible when it was announced and he was AMAZING. So we'll have to see.

Really liking the Nick Fury appearance, though. It was always a little hard to believe that nobody but Stark noticed that Spiderman existed, and that he was allowed to just go home quietly and keep being Spiderman with only Stark watching him after the whole Civil War business.

I'm not sure about the setup though, seems really contrived and unoriginal. "Hey I'm going on vacation to a different country. I'll just leave my crime fighting stuff here, there's no way I'd need it!" I mean the whole 'hero on vacation' story is always generally poorly set up, IMO, I'm having a really hard time remembering a good one.

And maybe its just me, but I can't STAND this portrayal of MJ. She added nothing to the plot of the first movie, and what's shown in the trailers is so bad its just /facepalm

Overall though, definitely interested in the movie, will definitely go see unless the next couple trailers are really bad.

At least it's better than the Ramiverse MJ. Dear god she was less than nothing as a character. At least Zendayah is funny. But what do you mean no one noticing SPidey existed. A huge plot point of Homecoming is that Everyone knows Spidey exists, he's registered as part of the Socovia Accords. The end of the movie was a Spider-man Press Conference. He just bailed on it.

2019-01-17, 12:40 AM
At least it's better than the Ramiverse MJ. Dear god she was less than nothing as a character. At least Zendayah is funny. But what do you mean no one noticing SPidey existed. A huge plot point of Homecoming is that Everyone knows Spidey exists, he's registered as part of the Socovia Accords. The end of the movie was a Spider-man Press Conference. He just bailed on it.

OK, maybe 'knows he existed' was the wrong turn of phrase.

But the question is why he's ALLOWED to do all this. Why's he getting special treatment here after the Sokovia Accords? Why is Ross allowing him to act effectively autonomously with only Stark's questionable supervision? Why is he allowed to continue to be Spider-Man? We never actually got any answers.

Legato Endless
2019-01-17, 12:57 AM
I'd give decent odds questions surrounding the accords and how they affect heroes lives going forward either won't come up, or will be effectively nullified in the world after Avengers 3 and 4. The accords were a way to split up the team and cause drama, but I don't think Marvel actually wants it to be a feature of the setting.

2019-01-17, 03:40 AM
OK, maybe 'knows he existed' was the wrong turn of phrase.

But the question is why he's ALLOWED to do all this. Why's he getting special treatment here after the Sokovia Accords? Why is Ross allowing him to act effectively autonomously with only Stark's questionable supervision? Why is he allowed to continue to be Spider-Man? We never actually got any answers.

For Homecoming if he’s registered he’s OK to operate in the US.

For anything set after the Snap the accords may well be defunct because of the disruption to global infrastructure and governance.

2019-01-20, 02:55 PM
So, I've seen a couple articles reporting that there will be two openly transgender actors (https://www.advocate.com/film/2019/1/15/spider-man-far-home-casts-trans-actors) in Spiderman: Far from Home. As far as I can tell, the information comes from comparing the Instagram photos of the actors in question with a cast picture that was released on Twitter. I can't find any authoritative statements from Disney affirming that either of these actors will be in the movie, but the Hollywood Reporter claims to have confirmed that at least Zach Barack (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/zach-barack-transgender-actor-joins-spider-man-far-home-1177530) will be in the cast.

2019-01-20, 03:48 PM
So, I've seen a couple articles reporting that there will be two openly transgender actors (https://www.advocate.com/film/2019/1/15/spider-man-far-home-casts-trans-actors) in Spiderman: Far from Home. As far as I can tell, the information comes from comparing the Instagram photos of the actors in question with a cast picture that was released on Twitter. I can't find any authoritative statements from Disney affirming that either of these actors will be in the movie, but the Hollywood Reporter claims to have confirmed that at least Zach Barack (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/zach-barack-transgender-actor-joins-spider-man-far-home-1177530) will be in the cast.

Who cares?

Are they going to make a good movie or not.

2019-01-21, 02:54 PM
So why is Peter still living with his aunt? Why didn't they bring back his parents and his uncle Ben as well? If there's some nonsense about how the Infinity Stones can only bring back people killed by the Infinity Stones and that's why they can't come back, Gamora shouldn't be in any future films.

2019-01-21, 03:22 PM
So why is Peter still living with his aunt? Why didn't they bring back his parents and his uncle Ben as well? If there's some nonsense about how the Infinity Stones can only bring back people killed by the Infinity Stones and that's why they can't come back, Gamora shouldn't be in any future films.

If we assume that the Snap is undone by the Avengers going back in time and stopping it from happening, that would not bring Peter's parents back to life.

2019-01-21, 04:37 PM
So why is Peter still living with his aunt? Why didn't they bring back his parents and his uncle Ben as well? If there's some nonsense about how the Infinity Stones can only bring back people killed by the Infinity Stones and that's why they can't come back, Gamora shouldn't be in any future films.

Seeing as we don’t know how they’re going to undo The Snap, how are we meant to answer that?

The Jack
2019-01-21, 04:46 PM
Anyone want to see Kraven The Hunter brought to live-action next? Him, Chameleon, and Lizard are the only notable Spidey villains who haven't gotten screen time outside of animation AFAIK.

They tried quite earnestly to do a lizard in the first amazing spiderman film.

Also, mysterio's not that small a spiderman villain. He earned best-villain status for me from me when I played the great Spiderman 2 game. The guy stands out in the gallery.

Kitten Champion
2019-01-21, 08:20 PM
They (probably - I don't know the absolute specifics of their contract) can't use Kraven as the main antagonist for a Spider-Man movie because Sony intends to make a solo Kraven movie, similar to what they did with Venom. Given Venom's ultimate financial success, they have nothing to dissuade them from making more entries in their... Venom-verse, I guess?

Calling it Spider-Man-movies-but-without-Spider-Man takes too long.

Chameleon on the other hand would likely be usable, but you'd have to do a different take on him. I mean, I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the Spider-Man canon - so there might be a variety of Chameleon stories I'm unaware of - but the Chameleon from the 90's cartoon at least worked because of Spider-Man's precarious public image allowing him to pose as him and rob banks. Something the MCU's Spider-Man mostly doesn't have to worry about, and he also has people in power who know his identity that he can turn to to help clear his name if it comes to that. Still, I'm sure you could find a workable plot around a crook who can convincingly look like anyone if you put your mind to it.

They did provide a setup for Scorpion in Homecoming - with him swearing vengeance and all - so I assume he'll come up again in the next movie, presumably with some other master villain backing him.

Legato Endless
2019-01-21, 10:59 PM
I wouldn't bet on Chameleon being used barring a reworking of the character for Spider-Man. His skill set really sets him up more for a Shield/Black Widow movie of impersonation, deception and double cross. Widow already pulled a holographic impersonation of a world council member in Winter Soldier.

The problem lies in that the MCU action-comedy format relies on more bombastic confrontations than what you would get with Chameleon whose physically completely outclassed by Peter. Either he'd need a power boost or stronger minions to mastermind. Like Zemo getting the Avengers to splinter.

There's also a lot of conceptually similar ground he'd occupy with Mysterio who is already getting a movie as a things-aren't-what-they-appear type of antagonist. Considering the breadth of Peter's rogues gallery one would imagine they'll take a different tact for Spider-Man 3.

2019-01-22, 01:23 PM
I wouldn't bet on Chameleon being used barring a reworking of the character for Spider-Man. His skill set really sets him up more for a Shield/Black Widow movie of impersonation, deception and double cross. Widow already pulled a holographic impersonation of a world council member in Winter Soldier.

The problem lies in that the MCU action-comedy format relies on more bombastic confrontations than what you would get with Chameleon whose physically completely outclassed by Peter. Either he'd need a power boost or stronger minions to mastermind. Like Zemo getting the Avengers to splinter.

There's also a lot of conceptually similar ground he'd occupy with Mysterio who is already getting a movie as a things-aren't-what-they-appear type of antagonist. Considering the breadth of Peter's rogues gallery one would imagine they'll take a different tact for Spider-Man 3.

The TV show "Spectacular Spiderman" made a good choice by introducing Mysterio and Chameleon as partners, and then having Mysterio strike out on his own after Chameleon's defeat. It helped make their similar styles work well.

2019-01-22, 02:47 PM
The TV show "Spectacular Spiderman" made a good choice by introducing Mysterio and Chameleon as partners, and then having Mysterio strike out on his own after Chameleon's defeat. It helped make their similar styles work well.

Grumbles for I think they work better separately. One is making you question the nature of external reality, while the other makes you question the internal consistency of reality when a person can appear the same but his behavior is not constant. One slips by you sneakily like a rogue, while the other is a pure illusionist, this is completely different skill sets. (Until you play a beguiler :smallbiggrin:.)

But hey this is subjective opinion. The people who think Mysterio and Chameleon work well together in the same story are equally valid, it is merely a preference. :smallsmile:

2019-01-22, 05:21 PM
They (probably - I don't know the absolute specifics of their contract) can't use Kraven as the main antagonist for a Spider-Man movie because Sony intends to make a solo Kraven movie, similar to what they did with Venom. Given Venom's ultimate financial success, they have nothing to dissuade them from making more entries in their... Venom-verse, I guess?

Hmm, there goes my hopes for seeing a variation of Kraven's Last Hunt in movies then.

Probably for the best, MCU already did their nod toward Skurge's Stand on Gjallerbru, and it was nothing but a sad pale imitation of the original. Only real disappointment I had in Ragnarok.

Kitten Champion
2019-01-22, 08:25 PM
Hmm, there goes my hopes for seeing a variation of Kraven's Last Hunt in movies then.

Probably for the best, MCU already did their nod toward Skurge's Stand on Gjallerbru, and it was nothing but a sad pale imitation of the original. Only real disappointment I had in Ragnarok.

Eh... Skurge was a side character in a movie with a lot in it that didn't involve him, thus his arc was severely diluted. If Kraven were to get the role as the main villain he'd naturally have a more significant amount of focus on his character, and frankly he'd be a cool follow up to a Vulture and a Mysterio because he'd be the first villain (probably, I'm assuming Mysterio's actions and goals here are unrelated to Spider-Man given the premise of the movie) to actually focus their attention on Spider-Man himself. As in, having the goal to kill him rather than that being incidental to some other scheme, and having his whole skill-set aimed towards hunting Spider-Man down.

Also, I really don't want a Kraven solo movie.

John Campbell
2019-01-23, 01:05 AM
I'm not sure about the setup though, seems really contrived and unoriginal. "Hey I'm going on vacation to a different country. I'll just leave my crime fighting stuff here, there's no way I'd need it!" I mean the whole 'hero on vacation' story is always generally poorly set up, IMO, I'm having a really hard time remembering a good one.

I'm reminded of a bit in the comics where Peter made a trip to Germany without a costume (because it was shortly after the symbiote thing, IIRC), and superhero stuff went down, so he went to a costume shop and rented a Spider-Man Halloween costume.

2019-01-23, 01:43 AM
It looks pretty good. I wasn't sold on Mysterio at first but saw his dome head later in the trailer so Aces!

2019-01-23, 07:01 AM
I'm reminded of a bit in the comics where Peter made a trip to Germany without a costume (because it was shortly after the symbiote thing, IIRC), and superhero stuff went down, so he went to a costume shop and rented a Spider-Man Halloween costume.

In the international trailer, there's a short scene at the airport, where an official checks his suitcase, revealing there's a spiderman suit inside. So, he has one with him.