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View Full Version : Confusion -- Build Advice vs Backstory Advice

2019-01-16, 12:59 PM
I'm a bit confused.

I see a lot of build advice that looks like it's intended for characters starting at level 3 or 6 or whatever. But, I also see a lot of advice about characters that asserts starting at level 1, writing backstory to match that expectation, etc.

So what's going on? Are most campaigns starting at level 1, or starting at level X?

Not limited to these two threads, they're just recent examples. Maybe this doesn't even need its own thread, but I didn't want to derail or tangent anyone's ongoing discussion about something else.


2019-01-16, 01:05 PM
I'd probably say most campaigns start around the level 1-6 range.

People start at level 1 because they want to start at the very beginning, or they want to have players learn the ropes.

People start at level 3+ because that's when the game gets more complex, characters become unique, and players feel that the mechanics start to match how they envision their characters.

2019-01-16, 01:08 PM
I suspect that it has to do with the fact that you can't really get build advice for a level 1 character, so if you want advice you usually ask it for something in the 3-6 range, or till whatever level you expect tor each, which you'll then be building towards.

I did that a couple of days back for my Barbarian, which will also start at level 1, but I wanted some suggestions for what would be the best way to develop her to match the fluff I had in mind over the 10 or so levels she'd be around.

2019-01-16, 01:19 PM
I find the game the most interesting and enjoyable at levels 5-10 and still somewhat interesting at levels 11-16. I really have no love of gaming it through levels 1-4 or 17-20.

2019-01-16, 01:20 PM
It's very table dependent. I like to start a character at level 1. Lots of people like to start higher. I seem to see a lot of level 3 and 5 starts, which make sense because those levels are the start of a next tier of power for most classes.

2019-01-16, 01:29 PM
As the OP on the backstory posting I can tell you why I posted it.

I wanted other people's thoughts and advice and thoughts on backstories and when you move from building a character to railroading a DM into things
I wanted thoughts on names of stuff, because I don't consider myself good at naming
I don't know the lore of the area perfectly well, so I may have accidentally done something that doesn't make sense (put a poor character in a noble ward, etc)

I didn't post about build because I'm working hard not to theory craft on a character that doesn't truly exist yet. I'm trying to let this character build more organically than characters in the past. When I do ask about build advice I trying to give very specific information on what I am looking for.

2019-01-16, 02:02 PM
As the OP on the backstory posting I can tell you why I posted it.

I wanted other people's thoughts and advice and thoughts on backstories and when you move from building a character to railroading a DM into things
I wanted thoughts on names of stuff, because I don't consider myself good at naming
I don't know the lore of the area perfectly well, so I may have accidentally done something that doesn't make sense (put a poor character in a noble ward, etc)

I didn't post about build because I'm working hard not to theory craft on a character that doesn't truly exist yet. I'm trying to let this character build more organically than characters in the past. When I do ask about build advice I trying to give very specific information on what I am looking for.

It was less about your original post, and more about some of the discussion.

There was a post on one of the threads that I can't find now, that was far more absolute and blunt -- (paraphrasing) "you're starting at level 1, don't give me the backstory for a level 5 character, nothing you did before now really matters". And that seemed to be in direct conflict with most of the build discussions going on.

2019-01-16, 02:35 PM
It was less about your original post, and more about some of the discussion.

There was a post on one of the threads that I can't find now, that was far more absolute and blunt -- (paraphrasing) "you're starting at level 1, don't give me the backstory for a level 5 character, nothing you did before now really matters". And that seemed to be in direct conflict with most of the build discussions going on.

I guess that some people are planning out their "builds" up to higher levels, even though they may start at level 1. And it varies if they intend for that to be fun all the way through or only at later level.

2019-01-16, 05:08 PM
I guess that some people are planning out their "builds" up to higher levels, even though they may start at level 1. And it varies if they intend for that to be fun all the way through or only at later level.

Playing a lot of games that aren't structured like D&D, I became very used to building to the character concept and then having a flat progression on top of that character. For example, playing Champions (superhero genre, HERO system, 4th and 5th edition), you might have a 250 or 300 point character to start out with, and then get from 3 to 5 points of XP per session typically -- for most characters, you're building on that big foundation or just rounding them out over time.

2019-01-16, 05:29 PM
I don't think you can say what is normal for 5e. It depends on the group. And this board is hardly representable.

I like to start games at level 1, because I like low level play and it get's too complicated for people with all the abilities if you start at a higher level. Better to have some time to get used to them one by one as you level up. And most people in my group decide when they level up what they want to get based on what they have done in the game, not planning it in advance.