View Full Version : Mistresses of Stone: How are the Medusa?

2019-01-17, 06:19 AM
I just recently found out about the new 3rd party Ravnica book "Mistresses of Stone" and its playable medusa and I was wondering if anyone has picked up the book or given them a shot? I've always been a bit wary of third party content, but this is something I've been trying to homebrew on my own to little success. So, if you've picked it up, how is it? OP, UP, great at what it was aiming for, poor at it, or somewhere in between?

2019-01-17, 07:28 AM
I've given it a quick look, as I'm really interested in playing a medusa one of these days. I don't think the creature's really OP, but it's definitely among the most powerful. Without going into too many details it's two main abilities are a natural attack which is just a bit better than that of the lizardfolk, and a 1/short rest ability that's comparable to a toned-down reduced-duration version of a certain 5th level spell. It also gets darkvison and a choice from 3 lesser-used non-combat skills.

Overall, I'd probably allow it as a DM, but would tell the player that I might tone down the petrifying gaze feature to 1/long rest and maybe tweak the natural attack slightly if it proves to be too powerful.