View Full Version : Starfinder Ammo Types.

2019-01-17, 08:29 AM
So, I'm in a starfinder game, and an issue I have encountered is that almost every weapon has some kind of special function (lasers get burn, plasma gets wound, radiation gets...well irradiate. ect ect), Exept for balistic weapons. and there is nothing to represent the huge variety of ammo that a ballistic weapon can carry. Beyond the 'explosive' rounds, which are...kind of lame, and the phase rounds which are very expensive. My character uses Ballistic weapons as a sniper style character (it mostly works by having a scope, the snipe ability and long shot along with a bipod, repeatedly reducing the penalty to hit at range and then finding a nearby tall building or tree.)
Anyway, I was wondering what Ideas does everyone have for how different ammo would function, Examples would be modern AP ammo, or hollow point. Anything you guys can think of.

2019-01-17, 11:20 AM
For ease of play, ballistic rounds in Starfinder are standardized by weapon time - i.e. small arms all use the same type of round, longarms use the same type, same for scattergun shells and sniper rounds etc. I think getting more granular than that would add an unnecessary layer of complexity. Better instead to have the properties be on the weapons themselves.

Even your energy examples, like plasma and lasers and cryo guns, all use the same batteries for the most part, and inherit their effects like burn from the guns.