View Full Version : Looking for a monster to fit a scenario

2019-01-17, 01:25 PM
I am looking for a cave dwelling creature that eats crystals(preference) or rock. Preferably one that would defecate, for plot reasons. They could also produce crystals somehow instead of eating them and that would suit the situation.

I have considered a gold dragon but it isn't striking the scenario. A lesser creature would be better as the players will likely be very low level when encountering this creature. They do not have to fight it. In fact they likely wont want to fight the creature no matter what it is. We are working within a home brew world but the world does have all of the multiverse planes attached.

I am thinking I will have to home brew a distinct variant of an existing creature but I haven't necessarily learned every detail about every creature that already exists so I thought I would throw some feelers out.

2019-01-17, 01:39 PM
Crystal Dragon - Just refluff another dragon of approriate CR and give it a sonic breath weapon(Thunder Damage) and Thunder Immunity. Give it a burrow speed. Your defecate concept could be shed crystal scales.

Another option would be to create an intelligent gorgon. Refluff it's petrifying breath as a crystallizing breath. CR5 so suitable for lower level parties. Plus... Bullcrap

2019-01-17, 01:44 PM
Preferably one that would defecate, for plot reasons.
As a player, I cannot express how thrilled I'd be that the plot might hinge on the monster leaving crap in its wake.:smallwink:

2019-01-17, 01:56 PM
Xorn from the monster manual fits this pretty good. Dont know if or what they defecate but its your world, go nuts

Lord Il Palazzo
2019-01-17, 02:24 PM
Xorn from the monster manual fits this pretty good. Dont know if or what they defecate but its your world, go nutsThis was my thought too. They're elemental creatures that eat rocks, minerals, and gems and they have an ability to scent out precious metals and stones (including gems). You can find some more description on the Forgotten Realms wiki (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Xorn#5e) and the d20 SRD includes minor and elder xorn (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/xorn.htm) in case you want some ideas for scaling the monster up or down a bit.

2019-01-17, 02:30 PM
Xorn from the monster manual fits this pretty good. Dont know if or what they defecate but its your world, go nuts

^ This.

I was going to mention the Xorn also - and just say modify its stats as needed to meet the party's level.

In my world, there's a cult (religion?) that worships this insane god who believes everyone/everything needs to be a single organism - and that people being different is the cause for war - so they perform rituals on their members (and people they capture) - that attempts to convert their bodies to single organisms (on success they become a form of slime) - on a fail, the victim becomes a gibbering mouth. Initially it's just one body, so it only has two sets of eyes, one mouth (so the DC is much lower) as it consumes victims (it won't devour fellow cult members - but it will if it was a captive that was changed), the DC steadily increases.

So, in the end, have fun.

Joe the Rat
2019-01-17, 02:51 PM
Xorn from the monster manual fits this pretty good. Dont know if or what they defecate but its your world, go nuts

Yeah, Xorn works quite well. That'd be my first pick. Bonus points for being intelligent (if you need).

If you need to go big, a tweak on the ecology of a purple worm will get you a Big Eater. Seeks out crystals as it tunnels the earth like a worm in an apple. Consuming people is an accident.

And worms are confirmed poopers.

2019-01-17, 03:26 PM
And worms are confirmed poopers.

I don't know what it is about Xorn guys, it seems to fit perfectly... I keep going back to it and dismissing it... I think perhaps because it is the obvious answer and I am ridiculous...

However this purple worm idea sparked something. and yeah... for sure confirmed poopers. This is actually I think exactly what I wanted.