View Full Version : CoS Light Cleric: Spell List Optimization

2019-01-18, 07:55 AM
I managed to find a Curse of Strahd group that is beginning with Death House in a couple of weeks. After some thought, I decided to run a Wood Elf Light Cleric. I’m now trying to get my head around an optimized Spell list and build for the character.

Starting stats are point buy. We’re starting at level 1 and the DM will have us level fairly quickly to 3.

As much as it matters, the other party members are a Valor Bard and a Wizard. We may or may not also have a Ranger (I suspect the player is going to disappear). There is a lot of squish.

As far as spells go, it looks like I can rely pretty handily on my domain spells for when I have the opportunity to blast things. Does that mean I should stack my chosen Spell list with support?

2019-01-18, 09:20 AM
Pretty much.

Two spells you'll want to make sure are prepped for Death House, aside from your Domain spells: Guiding Bolt and Healing Word. I'm also a huge fan of Bless.

As a Cleric, you'll have Medium Armor and a Shield. You're a little tankier than you might think at first glance. The Bard won't get to choose a College until level 3, meaning he's stuck in Light Armor for the moment, and the Wizard... well...

You'll be level 3 when you finish the House, if your DM runs it by the book.

I'm going to write something below here, its helpful hint. Look if you want to. Not really a big spoiler or anything, just one single line of advice regarding something there.

Pay attention to the doll house on the top floor.

2019-01-18, 01:36 PM
In the current position of your party:

You have the highest AC
You have the highest HP
You have an ability that makes you harder to hit.

As of right now, you're the designated tank. Let the other two focus on Concentration spells, your job will be to keep the big nasties off of them, since you're the only one who can do so.

Avoid having too much reliance on Concentration spells, at least until level 6 or when someone else decides they can front line instead of you. Because of this, try to focus on melee-oriented spells with initial effects.

Things like:

Word of Radiance
Inflict Wounds
Burning Hands
Spiritual Weapon
Scorching Ray