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View Full Version : Questions Re: Dimir Operative's False Identity Feature [GGtR]

2019-01-19, 01:18 AM
The Dimir Operative gets a cover identity in another guild. This leads to a number of questions:

Can the Dimir Operative use the Feature of the guild covered under their False Identity? For example, can a Dimir infiltrating the Izzet gain access to infrastructure plans, or can a Dimir infiltrating the Selesnya benefit from the shelter of the enclave?
While the book allows for situations where a character gains Renown in a guild other than their own (and this seems like a good situation for it), it also says that such characters can never advance in rank in guilds other than their own. Should an exception be made for Dimir Operatives in the guild their False Identity covers? Should they be able to utilize the features of those ranks, or is totally a bluff that folds the moment they try to exert their rank?
Should the Dimir Operative be able to imitate the cosmetic tells of the spellcasting for the guild covered under their False Identity? [This one I'm almost certain to allow.]
Should the Dimir Operative be able to access the Guild Spells for the guild covered under their False Identity?

For each of these, the more YES responses, the more the Dimir is getting to double dip backgrounds and is stronger than other characters as a result. On the other hand, the more NO responses, the weaker the false identity will be. In a harsh "you only get exactly what it says, so all of these are a NO" stance, then the False Identity is very weak as it will be hard to convincingly pass as a member of the infiltrated guild.

2019-01-20, 09:41 AM
I'd say no to the first, yes to the second, yes to the third (because it's purely cosmetic and helps you blend in), and no to the fourth.

Regarding rank and renown, here's how I would rule it: A Dimir character posing in another guild can gain renown and advance in rank in their second guild, but only for as long as they maintain their identity. If something happens and they have to abandon it, their rank and renown both go to 0. Meanwhile, as they continue to serve House Dimir they also gain renown back home, and once they return they can advance to a new rank if they qualify.

2019-01-20, 04:17 PM
I'd say no to the first, yes to the second, yes to the third (because it's purely cosmetic and helps you blend in), and no to the fourth.

Regarding rank and renown, here's how I would rule it: A Dimir character posing in another guild can gain renown and advance in rank in their second guild, but only for as long as they maintain their identity. If something happens and they have to abandon it, their rank and renown both go to 0. Meanwhile, as they continue to serve House Dimir they also gain renown back home, and once they return they can advance to a new rank if they qualify.

If a Dimir Operative doesn't get the feature of his cover guild, how can he reasonably perform his job? For example, when posing as a Boros, it's hard to do much if you can't get access to their garrisons. It also seems weird to be posing as Selesnya and then finding out that none of the enclaves will offer you shelter.