View Full Version : A thread about Iron Kingdoms.

2019-01-20, 07:21 AM
Hey all! Realized that there's barely any resources active nowadays for IKRPG players, and I figured I might as well start two threads on here so that we can at least gather up what people we have around here.

Favourite Character combinations?


So, what are your favourite combinations for characters? Why do you like your chosen archetype and what's your favourite profession to pair up with them? A particular "all of the attacks" build with quad irons and skilled? Something Mighty or Intellectual or just a straight up gifted warcaster?

I'm currently running a campaign, and I can see the freight train coming, one of my players just picked up Feat: Perfect Timing from his archetype levelup, this was after lamenting how boring drives were, well, now he understands it, now he has realized that he can trigger a drive at the start of an enemy's turn.

"The Ogrun glares at you and raises his cannon."
"No he doesn't, SHINY! SLAM!"
¤steamjack thunders out of a pile of rubble and slams the Ogrun into a wall¤

This is honestly exactly how I'm expecting combats to go from now, and I'm loving it, he's had trouble "finding" his characters when we've rolled them up for Iron Kingdoms campaigns, but I think we've finally found something that is a lot more fluid but still has big damage numbers than what he's rolled previously. It's going to be hella fun to see in action.

However, he's not the REAL problem.

We've got a Skilled Pistoleer Pirate, she currently throws out 3 attacks a turn and now she's getting to shoot back at people that miss her as well as having skilled Disarm, and our tinkerer with gunsmithing is currently making her a pair of quad-irons.

These two are single handedly going to crush through any combat encounters I set up for them, and they're turning out to be quite interesting semi-outlaws, I've got some stuff planned that'll fit them like a glove, and it's hopefully going to lead to many fine moments.

Favourite monsters/encounters?


Much like many other systems, IKRPG can be very heavy on the combat focus, so what are some of your favourite monsters or encounters in this game? Either something you've run, ended up in, or that you're dying to use from the books?

Personally, it's got to be the Cephalyx and their monstrosities, I still have not figured out a good place to put them, it's very much a case of not wanting to just force them in, but eagerly waiting to jump at the opportunity to throw them at the players.

Questions for the optimizers or the rules lawyers?


Do you have any questions for those skilled in building characters or those who know the rules inside and out? Do ask them in this thread as well, somebody is bound to have an answer for you.

Personally, I'm curious as to just how picking spells interacts with level, I can't quite figure it out from reading over the rules, are spells limited to your Hero level? No level 3 or 4 spells for the first 49 experience points? Or can an exp. 1 character pick up Obliteration?

Thank you for coming, and I hope to see a lot of jolly cooperation and discussion about Iron Kingdoms in this thread!

2019-01-20, 04:56 PM
For our game that's wrapping up Any Time Now, I made a gobber pistoleer/thief (Skilled, of course). If I had it to do over again, I'd've probably made him into a pistoleer/investigator so I could get boosted Perception rolls (...soooooo many Detection rolls!), I've picked exactly two locks this entire game.

But Oz is fairly ridiculous, and I feel a little bad.

So, Archetype is Skilled. My first cross-career was Brigand, so I could take Ambush at Veteran. Second (at Veteran) was Monster Hunter, so I could get Deadly Skill and ignore Tough. The GM and I agreed on an interpretation of how Boosts and Virtuoso work as that when both are active, it's roll 4 keep 3.

Now, combo that with the quad-iron. The GM has indicated if we play again, that's probably going to be magically unavailable, and I honestly can't argue. Between Ambush, a pair of quad-irons, and my high initiative and accuracy, I can obliterate anything other than a heavy warjack (...or a dracodile, or a thing that takes less damage from bullets) in the first round, or an entire squad of puds in light armor. Sure, I "only" get the 8 shots out of the quad-irons since the GM doesn't think you can switch weapons in hand in the middle of the attack action, and again I can't really fault him for that. Mostly he's been throwing in more monsters for me to shoot or spacing them out, but one of the things I'll do is go run into the middle of the enemy formation, trusting to my high Defense (and bayonets on the pistols (I have Parry) so I don't provoke Free Strikes), and then just rip the enemy caster in half before he can do anything like boost his warjacks so they can hit me or my party or use some "screw you guys with lower Willpower hahaha" ability. We had one bad fight a few sessions ago, where the caster was specifically in a box that allowed him to not be shot at, and boy did I have a "fun" day as I got pummeled by vectors (this is from the Immortality module). So when we tracked the guy down last session, he ate the entirety of my quad-iron, even after I was pretty sure he was down (after the initial off-hand shot from my mage-killing gun and two of the quad-iron hits).

I think my plan for a future game is going to be a Trollkin melee guy, starting with Fennblade/Kriel Champion, and banking on getting lots of feat points to spend so I can do things like whirlwind attack, defensive strike, etc, and of course Regenerate for PHY 8 points as needed. I also kind of want to do an Iosan Investigator/Gun Mage who moves into Mage Killer and Cutthroat so I can get 5d6 damage potentially (2d6, boosted+1d6, back strike +1d6, caster +1d6).