View Full Version : Any Dino adventure?

2019-01-20, 11:12 AM
Looking for any adventures or campaigns that focus on dinosaurs?

2019-01-20, 01:04 PM
AFB atm, but Drgaon #318 had some dinosaurs in it and I think a short adventure with dinos and saurian shifters.

2019-01-20, 01:09 PM
Playing Savage Tides here and we just ran into some dinos. T-Rex!

2019-01-20, 04:16 PM
The old "hollow world" and "maztica" campaign settings had dinosaurs. Neither was officially put into 3.x, but there have been some conversions of materials from them. Also, in 3e, the Forgotten Realms region of Chult is full of dinosaurs. Anything that covers Chult should have a little on dinos in it.
Also, while people rag on "Serpent Kingdoms" as unbalanced, it also has some dinosaur stuff. It is a whole reptile-themed sourcebook after all.

Edit: Also, there are these dinosaur people, the saurials:
