View Full Version : Speculation Energy Resistance or Natural Weapon?

Merl the Pearl
2019-01-21, 07:11 AM
Hello, I have a question for the more experienced and skilled players. A friend and me - we are fruitlessly butting heads which would make for a better racial feature - energy resistance or natural weapon? I'd greatly appreciate different opinions and reasonings behind them. I am in favour of Natural Weapon because it is an additional option and can be used in far more situations than a particular energy resistance? My friend has disdain for NW, because he finds it sub-optimal. Thanks in advance, awesome people?

2019-01-21, 07:22 AM
Apples and oranges, and impossible to compare.

2019-01-21, 07:49 AM
Have to agree with Kadesh. There's too many variables where you'd like to have one or the others depending on situations.

Natural weapons may feel redundant to your friend because most PCs will have access to weapons, but the day they don't... Meanwhile, resistance's usefulness is only proportional to how many times you face this particular damage type.

Dr. Cliché
2019-01-21, 08:02 AM
Have to agree with Kadesh. There's too many variables where you'd like to have one or the others depending on situations.

Natural weapons may feel redundant to your friend because most PCs will have access to weapons, but the day they don't... Meanwhile, resistance's usefulness is only proportional to how many times you face this particular damage type.

There's also the matter of flavour. I've got a Tiefling lined up for a Pathfinder game who has claws as natural weapons. Their damage is negligible and he certainly wouldn't want to get near enough to use them, but I chose them because they fit his lineage and backstory.