View Full Version : Recommendations for web hosts?

2019-01-21, 09:59 PM
My current web host has flaked out on me, and, unless they have a terribly good reason and tell me what it is pretty dang soon, I'm going to be needing a new one ASAP.

Looking for:

someone who I can call on the phone when things are broken and reach a human
A reasonable SLA
lots of storage space
minimal maintenance/paying attention to stuff responsibilities on my part (so someone actively applying security patches and such on their end rather than a bare server where I'm in charge of day-to-day maintenance)
unlimited or at least a great many email addresses (I have a domain and filter stuff through a ton of different aliases to about 10 different actual mailboxes) with web-based email access
no overzealous copyright patrol that will assume that large music files are automatically a sign of piracy (I make live recordings at conventions and, upon request, share them with the musicians I recorded but not the general public - I let the musicians handle further distribution from there)

I don't need much day-to-day bandwidth since I mostly use my domain for email, but I do occasionally need to send (and, I suppose, receive) the aforementioned large music files.

I realize that those features cost money, and I'm used to paying a reasonable amount of money for those features. That being said, I don't want to pay absurdly large amounts of money for no particular reason.

Any suggestions?

2019-01-28, 11:43 PM
A Hostgator (https://www.hostgator.com/) shared (not cloud) account might suit you. Read over their terms of service and acceptable use policy closely though.

It is allowed to store large media files and share them as part of a members-only website. It is not allowed to store them if you're only allowing FTP access. They may ask for a login/pass to the site to verify they are site content. They'll only challenge you on copyright status if they get an actual copyright/trademark compliant.

If they hassle you about file sizes, ask if you are eligible to be moved to a server with bigger drives.