View Full Version : Double Concentration item + Druid. What do I do?

2019-01-22, 05:35 PM
Hello friends!

Currently playing a circle of dreams Druid and have just landed on a caster's Holy Grail - a circlet that allows for concentration on 2 spells at once. Concentration saves are made for both spells together.

Now, for the sake of not bogging down gameplay my answer is not/cannot be double Conjure Animals, but what cool/fun combinations can you guys think of that would help our party, in or out of combat? We are a fairly balanced party of a barbarian, a melee grave cleric, archer rogue, tome warlock and me.

Currently I have already used enhance ability + pass without trace for no-way-to-get-caught, a combination wall of fire and spike growth for a deadly terrain to fight on, and call lightning + flaming sphere for maximum action economy blasting. Any other ideas?

2019-01-22, 05:48 PM
Hello friends!

Currently playing a circle of dreams Druid and have just landed on a caster's Holy Grail - a circlet that allows for concentration on 2 spells at once. Concentration saves are made for both spells together.

Now, for the sake of not bogging down gameplay my answer is not/cannot be double Conjure Animals, but what cool/fun combinations can you guys think of that would help our party, in or out of combat? We are a fairly balanced party of a barbarian, a melee grave cleric, archer rogue, tome warlock and me.

Currently I have already used enhance ability + pass without trace for no-way-to-get-caught, a combination wall of fire and spike growth for a deadly terrain to fight on, and call lightning + flaming sphere for maximum action economy blasting. Any other ideas?

Call Lightning + Gust of Wind. Every turn, at around 60 feet away, you knock enemies back and zap them. If they try to move around the Gust, you just change its direction to suit as needed and zap the outlier. Have your party deal with the enemies who try to move around your Gust of Wind.

Elemental Bane + The spell of your choice. Flame Sphere, Call Lightning, take your pick.

Water Wall + Ice Storm. Make a wall to slow/stop your enemies. Freeze some of them in place, separate half of them on your side and the other half unable to contribute to the fight and hit all of them with the Ice Storm.

2019-01-22, 08:30 PM
Spike Growth + Gust of Wind (or any movement spell) Enemies take the 2d4 for every square you push them over.

Entangle (Or anything that restrains) + Call Lightning (or any dex save effect). The restrained condition gives foes disadvantage on their dex saves. It's a basic root em and shoot em.

Maelstrom + Wrath of Nature. Higher level one here, create two zones of death on top of each other that hook and pull and do damage over time.

Druids have a variety of spells to inhibit movement and a variety of spells that do ongoing damage, just pick the best ones you have and go to town.

2019-01-22, 10:28 PM
Spike Growth + Gust of Wind (or any movement spell) Enemies take the 2d4 for every square you push them over.I don't think this applies to forced movement, but I'm not sure.

2019-01-22, 10:30 PM
Take two upcast conjure animals, but only bring 4 creatures - all CR1s so each one lasts longer. 4 grappling giant octopi, for example, can be pretty amusing. Polymorph two people into T-rexes at once. On the combo side, combing entangle or other trapping spells with moonbeam will leave people stuck in the beam and getting disadvantage on saves. Use healing spirit right on whoever takes the most damage in combat along with whatever you usually do, just to see the spell used during a fight.

Side note: Not sure why people keep mentioning call lighting, moonbeam is a straight up better spell unless you're outside in a thunderstorm.

2019-01-22, 11:02 PM
Side note: Not sure why people keep mentioning call lighting, moonbeam is a straight up better spell unless you're outside in a thunderstorm.

I mentioned call lightning to be used in conjunction with restraining foes which gives disadvantage on their dex save.

Moonbeam is very strong, but it is worth noting more foes have better con saves than dex as opposed to the other way around. Though the occasional action freed up by not needing to move moonbeam probably makes it the stronger spell over all.

2019-01-23, 01:41 AM
Moonbeam is very strong, but it is worth noting more foes have better con saves than dex as opposed to the other way around. Though the occasional action freed up by not needing to move moonbeam probably makes it the stronger spell over all.

You left off a lot. You can't even cast call lighting in most indoor spaces, as you need a 60' radius room or it simply won't work. That is, almost any time you're in the 'dungeons' half of Dungeons and Dragons, it is simply a wasted known spell. You can cast moonbeam with a 2nd level slot, and if you upcast it to the same level as Call Lightning it does the same damage, so you've got more slots you can use to cast it. Good DEX saves are more common, but some enemies have evasion for DEX while none have it for CON, so I'd say that's a wash. Call lightning is limited to the original 60' radius (unless you're in a thunderstorm), while moonbeam can keep moving 60' per round, so on the rare occasions that a fight moves much moonbeam wins again. Call lightning ties up your action every round if you want it to do damage, while moonbeam sits in place and keeps doing damage, only requiring an action if you want to move it.

For this specific case, the 'restrain and call lightning' does give them disadvantage on dex saves, but also ties up your action for the rest of the combat, while 'restrain and moonbeam' leaves you free to cast other spells, dodge, or make attacks. I would say that is generally a much better option, but it could go either way... as long as you're in a location where call lightning functions in the first place.

Call lightning is a cool concept, but (again, unless you're outdoors in a thunderstorm) moonbeam is simply a better spell overall. I wouldn't even prepare it unless I'm expecting to fight in a thunderstorm.

2019-01-23, 08:26 AM
Conjure X to bring in something that can effectively grapple (giant constrictor snake maybe) then have it attack and drag the creatures over spike growth areas.
Conjure Animals to bring in two different type of creatures and see who would actually in in a fight between a Lion and a Tiger.
Flaming Sphere and Watery Sphere, ram them together and see what happens to someone in the middle.
At a lower level, hold person and any spell that hurts people is they don't move (flaming sphere).
Even Spike growth and flaming sphere would work really well together. They don't move, they get burned, they do move, they get poked.

2019-01-23, 08:53 AM
Take two upcast conjure animals, but only bring 4 creatures - all CR1s so each one lasts longer. 4 grappling giant octopi, for example, can be pretty amusing.

i wonder why no one else suggested that... oh yeah.

Now, for the sake of not bogging down gameplay my answer is not/cannot be double Conjure Animals

2019-01-23, 09:14 AM
i wonder why no one else suggested that... oh yeah.

I wonder why I suggested it... oh yeah, because it's usually having a large quantity of summons that slows things down, not a few, and it appeared that the OP was thinking about doubling the usual casting. Doubling conjure animals to get 16 1/4 CR creatures will badly crowd the battlefield and suddenly has a player controlling more creatures than are typically in an encounter, but using it to get 4 CR1 or 2 CR2 will require managing fewer creatures than a single 'standard' casting that brings 8 wolves. It's easy to forget that you can get higher CR summons with the spell (I had forgotten that you can get a CR2 until I looked back at the spell), so I thought I'd mention it since it's easy enough for the OP to just not do it in the first place if he doesn't want to conjure at all.

2019-01-23, 10:10 AM
Thanks so much for the suggestions team! Keep em coming!

I love the stacking terrain/condition ideas. As the only full caster in the party (our cleric is a rogue multiclass) it's nice to be able to focus on facilitating our party members doing their thing rather than piling on damage or making a party of my own with summons.

I do think I will be trying these combos out :3. Now I wish I was a moon druid so I could drop two spells and then go elemental T____T

Guy Lombard-O
2019-01-23, 12:55 PM
Thanks so much for the suggestions team! Keep em coming!

I love the stacking terrain/condition ideas. As the only full caster in the party (our cleric is a rogue multiclass) it's nice to be able to focus on facilitating our party members doing their thing rather than piling on damage or making a party of my own with summons.

I do think I will be trying these combos out :3. Now I wish I was a moon druid so I could drop two spells and then go elemental T____T

Polymorph and Barkskin (finally, Barkskin can be a GOOD choice!)

2019-01-23, 12:58 PM
Polymorph and Barkskin (finally, Barkskin can be a GOOD choice!)

How about Polymorph and Guardian of Nature? Be a faster, stronger Trex that has advantage to hit and does extra force damage.

2019-01-24, 02:39 PM
Reverse gravity while shapechanged into a dragon. Just fly around, using breath attacks and taking pot shots at the poor souls who are floating 100 ft in the air.